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The endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia pipientis infects a wide range of arthropods and induces a variety of reproductive anomalies, including cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Three populations of the two‐spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, were investigated in the present study. Based on gene sequencing, they had different host genetic backgrounds but were infected with the same Wolbachia strain. We also examined the CI level relative to host background, male age, Wolbachia density, and Ankyrin (ANK) gene expression in T. urticae. The results of the present study suggest that: (1) CI differences between populations appear to be a result of host genetic background; (2) male age is not a factor determining intensity of CI; (3) Wolbachia density in males may serve as threshold factor necessary for the CI to occur in T. urticae, after which other factors become important in determining the strength of CI; and (4) hosts may modulate CI intensity through modulation of ANK gene expression in males. Our results describe a new type of interaction between Wolbachia and its hosts, and the effect of the interactions on CI. Further investigations on the functions of Wolbachia ankyrin gene products and their host targets, particularly with respect to host reproductive manipulation, are also imperative.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are the most abundant bacterial endosymbionts among arthropods. Although maternally inherited, they do not conform to the widespread view that vertical transmission inevitably selects for beneficial symbionts. Instead, Wolbachia are notorious for their reproductive parasitism which, although lowering host fitness, ensures their spread. However, even for reproductive parasites it can pay to enhance host fitness. Indeed, there is a recent upsurge of reports on Wolbachia‐associated fitness benefits. Therefore, the question arises how such instances of mutualism are related to the phenotypes of reproductive parasitism. Here, we review the evidence of Wolbachia mutualisms in arthropods, including both facultative and obligate relationships, and critically assess their biological relevance. Although many studies report anti‐pathogenic effects of Wolbachia, few actually prove these effects to be relevant to field conditions. We further show that Wolbachia frequently have beneficial and detrimental effects at the same time, and that reproductive manipulations and obligate mutualisms may share common mechanisms. These findings undermine the idea of a clear‐cut distinction between Wolbachia mutualism and parasitism. In general, both facultative and obligate mutualisms can have a strong, and sometimes unforeseen, impact on the ecology and evolution of Wolbachia and their arthropod hosts. Acknowledging this mutualistic potential might be the key to a better understanding of some unresolved issues in the study of Wolbachia–host interactions.  相似文献   

Wolbachia (Alphaproteobacteria) is an inherited endosymbiont of arthropods and filarial nematodes and was reported to be widespread across insect taxa. While Wolbachia's effects on host biology are not understood from most of these hosts, known Wolbachia‐induced phenotypes cover a spectrum from obligate beneficial mutualism to reproductive manipulations and pathogenicity. Interestingly, data on Wolbachia within the most species‐rich order of arthropods, the Coleoptera (beetles), are scarce. Therefore, we screened 128 species from seven beetle families (Buprestidae, Hydraenidae, Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, and Noteridae) for the presence of Wolbachia. Our data show that, contrary to previous estimations, Wolbachia frequencies in beetles (31% overall) are comparable to the ones in other insects. In addition, we used Wolbachia MLST data and host phylogeny to explore the evolutionary history of Wolbachia strains from Hydraenidae, an aquatic lineage of beetles. Our data suggest that Wolbachia from Hydraenidae might be largely host genus specific and that Wolbachia strain phylogeny is not independent to that of its hosts. As this contrasts with most terrestrial Wolbachia–arthropod systems, one potential conclusion is that aquatic lifestyle of hosts may result in Wolbachia distribution patterns distinct from those of terrestrial hosts. Our data thus provide both insights into Wolbachia distribution among beetles in general and a first glimpse of Wolbachia distribution patterns among aquatic host lineages.  相似文献   

In many arthropods, maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria can increase infection frequency by manipulating host reproduction. Multiple infections of different bacteria in a single host population are common, yet few studies have documented concurrent endosymbiont phenotypes or explored their potential interactions. We hypothesized that spiders might be a particularly useful taxon for investigating endosymbiont interactions, because they are host to a plethora of endosymbiotic bacteria and frequently exhibit multiple infections. We established two matrilines from the same population of the linyphiid spider Mermessus fradeorum and then used antibiotic curing and controlled mating assays to demonstrate that each matriline was subject to a distinct endosymbiotic reproductive manipulation. One matriline was co-infected with Rickettsia and Wolbachia and produced offspring with a radical female bias. Antibiotic treatment eliminated both endosymbionts and restored an even sex ratio to subsequent generations. Chromosomal and fecundity observations suggest a feminization mechanism. In the other matriline, a separate factorial mating assay of cured and infected spiders demonstrated strong cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) induced by a different strain of Wolbachia. However, males with this Wolbachia induced only mild CI when mated with the RickettsiaWolbachia females. In a subsequent survey of a field population of M. fradeorum, we detected these same three endosymbionts infecting 55% of the spiders in almost all possible combinations, with nearly half of the infected spiders exhibiting multiple infection. Our results suggest that a dynamic network of endosymbionts may interact both within multiply infected hosts and within a population subject to multiple strong reproductive manipulations.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are bacterial endosymbionts that manipulate the reproduction of their arthropod hosts. Although theory suggests that infections are frequently lost within host species due to the evolution of resistance, Wolbachia infect a huge number of species worldwide. This apparent paradox suggests that horizontal transmission between host species has been a key factor in shaping the global Wolbachia pandemic. Because Wolbachia infections are thus acquired and lost like any other infection, we use a standard epidemiological model to analyse Wolbachia horizontal transmission dynamics over evolutionary time. Conceptually modifying the model, we apply it not to transmission between individuals but between species. Because, on evolutionary timescales, infections spread frequently between closely related species and occasionally over large phylogenetic distances, we represent the set of host species as a small‐world network that satisfies both requirements. Our model reproduces the effect of basic epidemiological parameters, which demonstrates the validity of our approach. We find that the ratio between transmission rate and recovery rate is crucial for determining the proportion of infected species (incidence) and that, in a given host network, the incidence may still be increasing over evolutionary time. Our results also point to the importance of occasional transmission over long phylogenetic distances for the observed high incidence levels of Wolbachia. In conclusion, we are able to explain why Wolbachia are so abundant among arthropods, although selection for resistance within hosts often leads to infection loss. Furthermore, our unorthodox approach of using epidemiology in evolutionary time can be applied to all symbionts that use horizontal transmission to infect new hosts.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is one of the most successful endosymbiotic bacteria of arthropods. Known as the ‘master of manipulation’, Wolbachia can induce a wide range of phenotypes in its host that can have far-reaching ecological and evolutionary consequences and may be exploited for disease and pest control. However, our knowledge of Wolbachia's distribution and the infection rate is unevenly distributed across arthropod groups such as scale insects. We fitted a distribution of within-species prevalence of Wolbachia to our data and compared it to distributions fitted to an up-to-date dataset compiled from surveys across all arthropods. The estimated distribution parameters indicate a Wolbachia infection frequency of 43.6% (at a 10% prevalence threshold) in scale insects. Prevalence of Wolbachia in scale insects follows a distribution similar to exponential decline (most species are predicted to have low prevalence infections), in contrast to the U-shaped distribution estimated for other taxa (most species have a very low or very high prevalence). We observed no significant associations between Wolbachia infection and scale insect traits. Finally, we screened for Wolbachia in scale insect's ecological associates. We found a positive correlation between Wolbachia infection in scale insects and their ant associates, pointing to a possible route of horizontal transfer of Wolbachia.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic incompatibility is a selfish reproductive manipulation induced by the endosymbiont Wolbachia in arthropods. In males Wolbachia modifies sperm, leading to embryonic mortality in crosses with Wolbachia-free females. In females, Wolbachia rescues the cross and allows development to proceed normally. This provides a reproductive advantage to infected females, allowing the maternally transmitted symbiont to spread rapidly through host populations. We identified homologs of the genes underlying this phenotype, cifA and cifB, in 52 of 71 new and published Wolbachia genome sequences. They are strongly associated with cytoplasmic incompatibility. There are up to seven copies of the genes in each genome, and phylogenetic analysis shows that Wolbachia frequently acquires new copies due to pervasive horizontal transfer between strains. In many cases, the genes have subsequently acquired loss-of-function mutations to become pseudogenes. As predicted by theory, this tends to occur first in cifB, whose sole function is to modify sperm, and then in cifA, which is required to rescue the cross in females. Although cif genes recombine, recombination is largely restricted to closely related homologs. This is predicted under a model of coevolution between sperm modification and embryonic rescue, where recombination between distantly related pairs of genes would create a self-incompatible strain. Together, these patterns of gene gain, loss, and recombination support evolutionary models of cytoplasmic incompatibility.  相似文献   

Wolbachia (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) infects a wide range of arthropods, including several mosquito species. The bacterium is known to induce a plethora of phenotypes in its host, examples being the reproductive phenotype cytoplasmic incompatibility or resistance against infection with arboviruses. The latter is especially relevant when assessing the vector competence of mosquito species for emerging arboviruses. Thus, knowledge of Wolbachia infection status is important for the assessment of vector competence. To facilitate Wolbachia screening in mosquito populations, a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay was developed to enable high‐throughput analysis of mosquito samples. Using this assay, the Wolbachia infection status of the two most common Culex mosquito species in Germany, Culex pipiens biotype pipiens Linnaeus (Diptera: Culicidae) and Culex torrentium Martini (Diptera: Culicidae), was assessed. About 93% of all tested C. pipiens biotype pipiens individuals were positive for Wolbachia, whereas none of the C. torrentium samples was found to be infected. Furthermore, other applications of the qPCR assay were explored by assessing a potential link between the levels of Wolbachia and West Nile virus (WNV) infections in German C. pipiens biotype pipiens mosquitoes. No relationship was found between the two variables, indicating that a Wolbachia‐induced antiviral phenotype in this mosquito population is not exclusively attributable to the general level of bacterial infection.  相似文献   

The endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia enhances its spread via vertical transmission by generating reproductive effects in its hosts, most notably cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Additionally, frequent interspecific horizontal transfer is evident from a lack of phylogenetic congruence between Wolbachia and its hosts. The mechanisms of this lateral transfer are largely unclear. To identify potential pathways of Wolbachia movements, we performed multilocus sequence typing of Wolbachia strains from bees (Anthophila). Using a host phylogeny and ecological data, we tested various models of horizontal endosymbiont transmission. In general, Wolbachia strains seem to be randomly distributed among bee hosts. Kleptoparasite‐host associations among bees as well as other ecological links could not be supported as sole basis for the spread of Wolbachia. However, cophylogenetic analyses and divergence time estimations suggest that Wolbachia may persist within a host lineage over considerable timescales and that strictly vertical transmission and subsequent random loss of infections across lineages may have had a greater impact on Wolbachia strain distribution than previously estimated. Although general conclusions about Wolbachia movements among arthropod hosts cannot be made, we present a framework by which precise assumptions about shared evolutionary histories of Wolbachia and a host taxon can be modelled and tested.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) is a reproductive phenotype induced by bacterial endosymbionts in arthropods. Measured as a reduction in egg hatchability resulting from the crossing of uninfected females with bacteria-infected males, CI increases the frequency of bacteria-infected hosts by restricting the fertilization opportunities of uninfected hosts in populations. Wolbachia, a type of alpha-proteobacteria, is well known as a CI inducer in a wide range of arthropod species, while Cardinium, a member of the phylum Bacteroidetes, is known to cause CI in one wasp and three spider mite species. In this study, dual infection with Cardinium and Wolbachia induced strong CI in a single host, Sogatella furcifera (Horváth), a planthopper species that is naturally infected with both bacteria. Specifically, infection with Cardinium alone was found to cause a 76 % reduction in egg development, and dual infection with Cardinium and Wolbachia a 96 % reduction, indicating that Cardinium induces CI and the dual infection raises the CI level. This study was the first to document reproductive alteration by Cardinium in a diploid host species.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is one of the most abundant endosymbionts on earth, with a wide distribution especially in arthropods. Effective maternal transmission and the induction of various phenotypes in their hosts are two key features of this bacterium. Here, we review our current understanding of another central aspect of Wolbachia's success: their ability to switch from one host species to another. We build on the proposal that Wolbachia host shifts occur in four main steps: (i) physical transfer to a new species; (ii) proliferation within that host; (iii) successful maternal transmission; and (iv) spread within the host species. Host shift can fail at each of these steps, and the likelihood of ultimate success is influenced by many factors. Some stem from traits of Wolbachia (different strains have different abilities for host switching), others on host features such as genetic resemblance (e.g. host shifting is likely to be easier between closely related species), ecological connections (the donor and recipient host need to interact), or the resident microbiota. Host shifts have enabled Wolbachia to reach its enormous current incidence and global distribution among arthropods in an epidemiological process shaped by loss and acquisition events across host species. The ability of Wolbachia to transfer between species also forms the basis of ongoing endeavours to control pests and disease vectors, following artificial introduction into uninfected hosts such as mosquitoes. Throughout, we emphasise the many knowledge gaps in our understanding of Wolbachia host shifts, and question the effectiveness of current methodology to detect these events. We conclude by discussing an apparent paradox: how can Wolbachia maintain its ability to undergo host shifts given that its biology seems dominated by vertical transmission?  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a widespread endosymbiont that induces dramatic manipulations of its host's reproduction. Although there has been substantial progress in the developing theory for Wolbachia–host interactions and in measuring the effects of Wolbachia on host fitness in the laboratory, there is a widely recognized need to quantify the effects of Wolbachia on the host fitness in the field. The wasp Anagrus sophiae, an egg parasitoid of planthoppers, carries a Wolbachia strain that induces parthenogenesis, but its effects on the fitness of its Anagrus host are unknown. We developed a method to estimate the realized lifetime reproductive success of female wasps by collecting them soon after they die naturally in the field, counting the number of eggs remaining in their ovaries and quantifying Wolbachia density in their body. We sampled from a highly infected A. sophiae population and found no evidence for Wolbachia virulence and possible evidence for positive effects of Wolbachia on realized reproductive success.  相似文献   

Maternally inherited endosymbionts that manipulate the reproduction of their insect host are very common. Aside from the reproductive manipulation they produce, the fitness of these symbionts depends in part on the direct impact they have on the female host. Although this parameter has commonly been investigated for single infections, it has much more rarely been established in dual infections. We here establish the direct effect of infection with two different symbionts exhibiting different reproductive manipulation phenotypes, both alone and in combination, in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. This species carries a cytoplasmic incompatibility inducing Wolbachia and a male-killing Spiroplasma, occurring as single or double (co-) infections in natural populations. We assessed direct fitness effects of these bacteria on their host, by comparing larval competitiveness and adult fecundity of uninfected, Wolbachia, Spiroplasma and Wolbachia–Spiroplasma co-infected females. We found no effect of infection status on the fitness of females for both estimates, that is, no evidence of any benefits or costs to either single or co-infection. This leads to the conclusion that both bacteria probably have other sources of benefits to persist in D. melanogaster populations, either by means of their reproductive manipulations (fitness compensation from male death in Spiroplasma infection and cytoplasmic incompatibility in Wolbachia infection) or by positive fitness interactions on other fitness components.  相似文献   

Wolbachia pipientis, the most common intracellular infection on the planet, infects 40% of insects as well as nematodes, isopods and arachnids. Wolbachia are obligately intracellular and challenging to study; there are no genetic tools for manipulating Wolbachia nor can they be cultured outside of host cells. Despite these roadblocks, the research community has defined a set of Wolbachia loci involved in host interaction: Wolbachia effectors. Through the use of Drosophila genetics, surrogate systems and biochemistry, the field has begun to define the toolkit Wolbachia use for host manipulation. Below we review recent findings identifying these Wolbachia effectors and point to potential, as yet uncharacterized, links between known phenotypes induced by Wolbachia infection and predicted effectors.  相似文献   

The evolution of symbioses along the continuum between parasitism and mutualism can be influenced by the oxidative homeostasis, that is the balance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant molecules. Indeed, ROS can contribute to the host immune defence to regulate symbiont populations, but are also toxic. This interplay between ROS and symbiosis is notably exemplified by recent results in arthropod–Wolbachia interactions. Wolbachia are symbiotic bacteria involved in a wide range of interactions with their arthropods hosts, from facultative, parasitic associations to obligatory, mutualistic ones. In this study, we used DrosophilaWolbachia associations to determine whether the oxidative homeostasis plays a role in explaining the differences between phenotypically distinct arthropod–Wolbachia symbioses. We used Drosophila lines with different Wolbachia infections and measured the effects of pro‐oxidant (paraquat) and antioxidant (glutathione) treatments on the Wolbachia density and the host survival. We show that experimental manipulations of the oxidative homeostasis can reduce the cost of the infection through its effect on Wolbachia density. We discuss the implication of this result from an evolutionary perspective and argue that the oxidative homeostasis could underlie the evolution of tolerance and dependence on Wolbachia.  相似文献   

沃尔巴克氏体(Wolbachia)作为节肢动物的胞内共生菌,可以引起宿主产生雌性化、孤雌生殖、杀雄和胞质不相容性(cytoplasmic incompatibility, CI) 4种生殖表型。其中CI是最常见的现象,表现为受感染的雄性昆虫与未感染或感染不兼容Wolbachia的雌性昆虫交配时引起胚胎死亡;而雌性感染同种Wolbachia时胚胎能够正常发育。CI是由被称为CI因子(cifA和cifB)的Wolbachia基因对调控的。其中,CifB作为毒剂在雄性中表达诱导产生CI,而CifA作为解毒剂在雌性中表达拯救CI。本文综述了CI因子结构、功能和作用机制的研究,以期为未来利用Wolbachia和CI进行蚊媒疾病和农业虫害的防控奠定基础。  相似文献   

Endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria are, to date, considered the most widespread symbionts in arthropods and are the cornerstone of major biological control strategies. Such a high prevalence is based on the ability of Wolbachia to manipulate their hosts' reproduction. One manipulation called cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) is based on the death of the embryos generated by crosses between infected males and uninfected females or between individuals infected with incompatible Wolbachia strains. CI can be seen as a modification‐rescue system (or modresc) in which paternal Wolbachia produce mod factors, inducing embryonic defects, unless the maternal Wolbachia produce compatible resc factors. Transgenic experiments in Drosophila melanogaster and Saccharomyces cerevisiae converged towards a model where the cidB Wolbachia gene is involved in the mod function while cidA is involved in the resc function. However, as cidA expression in Drosophila males was required to observe CI, it has been proposed that cidA could be involved in both resc and mod functions. A recent correlative study in natural Culex pipiens mosquito populations has revealed an association between specific cidA and cidB variations and changes in mod phenotype, also suggesting a role for both these genes in mod diversity. Here, by studying cidA and cidB genomic repertoires of individuals from newly sampled natural C. pipiens populations harbouring wPipIV strains from North Italy, we reinforce the link between cidB variation and mod phenotype variation fostering the involvement of cidB in the mod phenotype diversity. However, no association between any cidA variants or combination of cidA variants and mod phenotype variation was observed. Taken together our results in natural C. pipiens populations do not support the involvement of cidA in mod phenotype variation.  相似文献   

Animal–bacterial symbioses are highly dynamic in terms of multipartite interactions, both between the host and its symbionts as well as between the different bacteria constituting the symbiotic community. These interactions will be reflected by the titres of the individual bacterial taxa, for example via host regulation of bacterial loads or competition for resources between symbionts. Moreover, different host tissues represent heterogeneous microhabitats for bacteria, meaning that host‐associated bacteria might establish tissue‐specific bacterial communities. Wolbachia are widespread endosymbiotic bacteria, infecting a large number of arthropods and filarial nematodes. However, relatively little is known regarding direct interactions between Wolbachia and other bacteria. This study represents the first quantitative investigation of tissue‐specific Wolbachia–microbiota interactions in the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare. To this end, we obtained a more complete picture of the Wolbachia distribution patterns across all major host tissues, integrating all three feminizing Wolbachia strains (wVulM, wVulC, wVulP) identified to date in this host. Interestingly, the different Wolbachia strains exhibited strain‐specific tissue distribution patterns, with wVulM reaching lower titres in most tissues. These patterns were consistent across different host genetic backgrounds and might reflect different co‐evolutionary histories between the Wolbachia strains and A. vulgare. Moreover, Wolbachia‐infected females carried higher total bacterial loads in several, but not all, tissues, irrespective of the Wolbachia strain. Taken together, this quantitative approach indicates that Wolbachia is part of a potentially more diverse bacterial community, as exemplified by the presence of highly abundant bacterial taxa in the midgut caeca of several A. vulgare populations.  相似文献   

The spread of maternally inherited microorganisms, such as Wolbachia bacteria, can induce indirect selective sweeps on host mitochondria, to which they are linked within the cytoplasm. The resulting reduction in effective population size might lead to smaller mitochondrial diversity and reduced efficiency of natural selection. While documented in several host species, it is currently unclear if such a scenario is common enough to globally impact the diversity and evolution of mitochondria in Wolbachia‐infected lineages. Here, we address this question using a mapping of Wolbachia acquisition/extinction events on a large mitochondrial DNA tree, including over 1000 species. Our analyses indicate that on a large phylogenetic scale, other sources of variation, such as mutation rates, tend to hide the effects of Wolbachia. However, paired comparisons between closely related infected and uninfected taxa reveal that Wolbachia is associated with a twofold reduction in silent mitochondrial polymorphism, and a 13% increase in nonsynonymous substitution rates. These findings validate the conjecture that the widespread distribution of Wolbachia infections throughout arthropods impacts the effective population size of mitochondria. These effects might in part explain the disconnection between genetic diversity and demographic population size in mitochondria, and also fuel red‐queen‐like cytonuclear co‐evolution through the fixation of deleterious mitochondrial alleles.  相似文献   

The Wolbachia bacterium is currently one of most prevalent endosymbionts of arthropods. The bacterium has drawn much attention because of its ability to induce reproductive anomalies, such as cytoplasmic incompatibility, feminization, male killing, and parthenogenesis, in various invertebrates. This review focuses on the basic biology of Wolbachia, its infection phenotypes, and its potential future applications.  相似文献   

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