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Eavesdropping has evolved in many predator–prey relationships. Communication signals of social species may be particularly vulnerable to eavesdropping, such as pheromones produced by ants, which are predators of termites. Termites communicate mostly by way of substrate‐borne vibrations, which suggest they may be able to eavesdrop, using two possible mechanisms: ant chemicals or ant vibrations. We observed termites foraging within millimetres of ants in the field, suggesting the evolution of specialised detection behaviours. We found the termite Coptotermes acinaciformis detected their major predator, the ant Iridomyrmex purpureus, through thin wood using only vibrational cues from walking, and not chemical signals. Comparison of 16 termite and ant species found the ants‐walking signals were up to 100 times higher than those of termites. Eavesdropping on passive walking signals explains the predator detection and foraging behaviours in this ancient relationship, which may be applicable to many other predator–prey relationships.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence on the determinants of prey vulnerability is scarce, especially for vertebrates in the field. Invasive species offer robust opportunities to explore prey vulnerability, because the intensity of predation on or by such animals has not been eroded by coevolution. Around waterbodies in tropical Australia, native meat ants (Iridomyrmex reburrus) consume many metamorph cane toads (Bufo marinus, an invasive anuran). We document the determinants of toad vulnerability, especially the roles of toad body size and ant density. Larger metamorphs were attacked sooner (because they attracted more ants), but escaped more often. Overall, smaller toads were more likely to be killed. Ant densities influenced toad responses, as well as attack rate and success. Data on the immediate outcomes of attacks underestimate mortality: more than 73% of apparent ‘escapees’ died within 24 h. Because mortality during this period was independent of toad size, predation was less size selective than suggested by immediate outcomes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 738–751.  相似文献   

Kadri Moks  Vallo Tilgar 《Ibis》2014,156(2):452-456
In birds, little is known about how the presence of predators alters parental food distribution decisions among nestlings. We found that experimentally increasing perceived predation risk changed parental care in female but not in male Great Tits Parus major. Females fed the lightest and average nestlings at similar rates under control conditions when predation risk was not manipulated but ignored the lightest nestling under increased perceived predation risk. Moreover, females reduced the duration of nest visits greatly after encountering a model predator, suggesting that the perception of predators may facilitate brood reduction mechanisms.  相似文献   

1. Maternal provisioning can reduce offspring vulnerability to predators by promoting offspring growth and eliciting of antipredator behaviours. Mothers perceiving predation risk may improve offspring survival if producing larger, higher‐quality offspring. However, empirical evidence suggests that offspring quality is often reduced, probably reflecting predator‐induced physiological costs, or a selfish maternal strategy aimed at producing more offspring by sacrificing their quality. While perception and impact of predators can vary across the prey's life stage, a majority of studies have focused on understanding how reproductive allocation decisions are influenced by the risk of predation during adulthood. 2. In this study, Leptinotarsa decemlineata beetles were used to examine if the risk of predation during the larval stage: (i) impacts the mother's physiological condition, including body mass and metabolic rate; and (ii) alters maternal allocation of reproductive resources to offspring quantity versus quality. 3. Results revealed that L. decemlineata mothers responded to perceived predation risk by producing clutches with fewer but larger eggs, thus increasing offspring provisioning. Surprisingly, while females that had faced predation risk as larva emerged with a similar body mass to control females, they exhibited lower metabolic rates. 4. Although predation risk in L. decemlineata larvae is known to impair their ability to acquire and maintain energy resources, adult females appeared to ameliorate such costs by improving their metabolic efficiency and by allocating more of their limited reproductive resources to produce fewer but better‐quality offspring.  相似文献   

Upon sensing predators in their vicinity, many prey species perform antipredator displays that are thought to provide information to the predator that deters it from attacking (predator‐deterrent signals). These displays can be complex, incorporating a variety of signaling elements as well as direct physical harassment of the predator. Although the display behaviors in these communication systems are often well characterized, evidence of the efficacy of these displays in deterring predators is limited due to the challenges associated with studying free‐ranging predators. Here, we examine how the anti‐snake signals of the desert kangaroo rat (Dipodomys deserti) influence the ambush hunting behaviors of sidewinder rattlesnakes (Crotalus cerastes). We found that, although desert kangaroo rats incorporate a number of signal elements into their antipredator display, only sand kicking behavior was a significant factor in motivating sidewinder rattlesnakes to cease hunting: high rates of sand kicking led to early abandonment of ambush coils. These results indicate that anti‐snake displays of small mammals may be especially effective at mitigating the threat posed by rattlesnakes when those displays incorporate physical harassment as well as signaling.  相似文献   

In two laboratory experiments we tested juvenile yellow perch, Perca flavescens, for behavioural responses to alarm cues of injured conspecifics and several prey guild members: adult perch, Iowa darters, Etheostoma exile and spottail shiners, Notropis hudsonius. Spottail shiners are phylogenetically distant to yellow perch whereas Iowa darters and perch are both members of the Family Percidae. Groups of juvenile yellow perch increased shoal cohesion and movement towards the substrate after detecting conspecific alarm cues when compared to cues of injured swordtails, Xiphophorus helleri, a species phylogenetically distant from perch. Individual juvenile perch increased shelter use and froze more when exposed to chemical alarm cues from both juvenile and adult perch, shiners and darters compared to exposure to injured swordtail cues or distilled water. The response to cues of darters may indicate that alarm cues are evolutionarily conserved within percid fishes or that perch had learned to recognize darter cues. The response to spot tail shiners likely represents learned recognition of the cues of a prey guild member.  相似文献   

Tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, are apex predators in a variety of nearshore ecosystems throughout the world. This study investigates the biology of tiger sharks in the shallow seagrass ecosystem of Shark Bay, Western Australia. Tiger sharks (n = 252) were the most commonly caught species (94%) compared to other large sharks. Tiger sharks ranged from 148–407cm TL. The overall sex ratio was biased towards females (1.8:1), but the sex ratio of mature animals (> 300cm TL) did not differ from 1:1. Contrary to previous accounts, tiger sharks were caught more often in all habitats during daylight hours than at night. Tiger shark catch rates were highly correlated with water temperature and were highest when water temperatures were above 19°C. The seasonal abundance of tiger sharks is correlated to both water temperature and the occurrence of their main prey: sea snakes and dugongs, Dugong dugon. Stomach contents analysis indicated that sea turtles and smaller elasmobranchs were also common prey. The importance of major seagrass grazers (dugongs and green sea turtles, Chelonia mydas) in the diet of tiger sharks suggests the possibility that these sharks are keystone predators in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Predation pressure may affect many aspects of prey behavior, including forming groups and changes in social interactions. We studied the aggregation behavior of competing gammarids Dikerogammarus villosus and Pontogammarus robustoides (Amphipoda, Crustacea) to check whether they modify their preferences for conspecifics or heterospecifics in response to predator (the racer goby Babka gymnotrachelus) kairomones in the presence or absence of stone shelters (alternative protection source). Both species exhibited preferences toward shelters occupied by conspecifics over empty shelters and conspecifics apart from shelters, suggesting that their aggregation depends not only on habitat heterogeneity, but also on their social interactions. Moreover, gammarids in the presence of shelters (safer conditions) preferred conspecifics over heterospecifics, but predator kairomones made them form aggregations irrespective of species. In the predator presence, P. robustoides increased its aggregation level only in the sheltered conditions, whereas D. villosus exhibited this response only in the absence of shelters, suggesting that this behavior can protect it against predators. Therefore, we tested the antipredator effectiveness of D. villosus aggregations by exposing them to fish predation. Gobies foraged most effectively on immobile single gammarids compared to moving and aggregated individuals. Fish also avoided aggregated prey, confirming the protective character of aggregations. We have demonstrated that the predator presence increases aggregation level of prey gammarids and affects their social behavior by reducing antagonistic interactions and avoidance between competing species. This is likely to affect their distribution and functioning in the wild, where predator pressure is a standard situation.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined defensive strategies of adult lepidopterans against bird predation. However, detailed field observations that describe how lepidopterans are hunted by wild birds are quite limited. I observed foraging behavior of wild tree sparrows on adult lepidopterans from May to June 2006 at Mt Yoshida, Kyoto, Japan. A total of 253 foraging attempts on at least 14 species of lepidopterans were observed. The tree sparrows attacked both resting and flying lepidopterans. When a tree sparrow approached a resting lepidopteran, the lepidopteran frequently flew to escape predation. The number of feeding attempts for resting and flying lepidopterans was 215 and 38, respectively. This result indicates that resting lepidopterans are the main target of predation by the tree sparrow. It is therefore considered that reducing the risk of detection is important for lepidopterans to avoid predation by the tree sparrow. Coloration as crypsis is probably effective in this respect.  相似文献   

Ambiguous empirical support for ‘landscapes of fear’ in natural systems may stem from failure to consider dynamic temporal changes in predation risk. The lunar cycle dramatically alters night‐time visibility, with low luminosity increasing hunting success of African lions. We used camera‐trap data from Serengeti National Park to examine nocturnal anti‐predator behaviours of four herbivore species. Interactions between predictable fluctuations in night‐time luminosity and the underlying risk‐resource landscape shaped herbivore distribution, herding propensity and the incidence of ‘relaxed’ behaviours. Buffalo responded least to temporal risk cues and minimised risk primarily through spatial redistribution. Gazelle and zebra made decisions based on current light levels and lunar phase, and wildebeest responded to lunar phase alone. These three species avoided areas where likelihood of encountering lions was high and changed their behaviours in risky areas to minimise predation threat. These patterns support the hypothesis that fear landscapes vary heterogeneously in both space and time.  相似文献   

Temperature dependency of consumer–resource interactions is fundamentally important for understanding and predicting the responses of food webs to climate change. Previous studies have shown temperature‐driven shifts in herbivore consumption rates and resource preference, but these effects remain poorly understood for predatory arthropods. Here, we investigate how predator killing rates, prey mass consumption, and macronutrient intake respond to increased temperatures using a laboratory and a field reciprocal transplant experiment. Ectothermic predators, wolf spiders (Pardosa sp.), in the lab experiment, were exposed to increased temperatures and different prey macronutrient content (high lipid/low protein and low lipid/high protein) to assess changes in their killing rates and nutritional demands. Additionally, we investigate prey mass and lipid consumption by spiders under contrasting temperatures, along an elevation gradient. We used a field reciprocal transplant experiment between low (420 masl; 26°C) and high (2,100 masl; 15°C) elevations in the Ecuadorian Andes, using wild populations of two common orb‐weaver spider species (Leucauge sp. and Cyclosa sp.) present along the elevation gradient. We found that killing rates of wolf spiders increased with warmer temperatures but were not significantly affected by prey macronutrient content, although spiders consumed significantly more lipids from lipid‐rich prey. The field reciprocal transplant experiment showed no consistent predator responses to changes in temperature along the elevational gradient. Transplanting Cyclosa sp. spiders to low‐ or high‐elevation sites did not affect their prey mass or lipid consumption rate, whereas Leucauge sp. individuals increased prey mass consumption when transplanted from the high to the low warm elevation. Our findings show that increases in temperature intensify predator killing rates, prey consumption, and lipid intake, but the responses to temperature vary between species, which may be a result of species‐specific differences in their hunting behavior and sensitivity to temperature.  相似文献   

Aposematism is the combination of a primary signal with a secondary defence that predators must learn to associate with one another. However, variation in the level of defence, both within and between species, is very common. As secondary defences influence individual fitness, this variation in quality and quantity requires an evolutionary explanation, particularly as it may or may not correlate with variation in primary signals. The costs of defence production are expected to play a considerable role in generating this variation, yet studies of the cost of chemical defence have focused on species that sequester their defences, while studies in species that produce them de novo are scarce. Here we examine effects of resource availability on the production of chemical defences in female wood tiger moths Arctia plantaginis. This species produces defensive fluids when attacked, and advertises this protection with bright colours on its hindwings. Furthermore, the chemicals in these fluids are produced de novo. In order to establish if the production of this chemical protection is costly, and thus resource‐limited, we manipulated resource availability (i.e. food) during larval development and measured its subsequent effects on adult chemical defence. We presented defensive fluids from female moths to wild blue tits, in the absence of any visual cues, to determine their effectiveness against avian predators. Our results demonstrate that the defensive fluids produced by female moths repel birds, and that these defences require resource investment to produce. We found that moths that were resource‐limited during development had less effective chemical defences, despite producing the same volume of defensive fluids as the control moths. As a reduction in available resources negatively influences the effectiveness of the chemical defence, resource availability may explain the variation seen among individuals.  相似文献   

Although population cycles of rodents are geographically widespread and occur in a number of rodent species, higher‐order food web interactions mediated by predator–rodent dynamics have primarily been described from boreal and arctic biomes. During periods of low rodent abundance, predators may switch to alternative prey, which may affect other predators directly or indirectly. Using a long‐term dataset, we assessed the frequency of Pine Marten Martes martes predation on the nests of Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus during periods of fluctuating rodent abundance in Central Europe. The number of nests predated by Pine Martens was positively correlated with the annual number of nests available. The probability of predation by Pine Martens on Tengmalm's Owl nests decreased with increasing spring abundance index of Apodemus mice, but was not related to the abundance index of Myodes and Microtus voles, pooled rodent abundance or age of the nestbox. Additionally, we found no relationship between the breeding frequency (i.e. the number of nesting attempts per nestboxes available) and an abundance index of Microtus and Myodes voles, Apodemus mice or overall rodent abundance. Our results demonstrate, for the first time in a temperate area, that during periods of low Apodemus mouse abundance, the switching response of an opportunistic mammalian predator can lead to indirect food web interactions through an increase in nest predation on a sympatric avian predator.  相似文献   

In the colour‐polymorphic Midas cichlid fish species complex (Amphilophus citrinellus spp.), gold morphs occur at much lower frequencies (< 10%) than dark individuals. This might be surprising because gold coloration is dominant and coded for by a single Mendelian locus. Furthermore, gold individuals are considered to be competitively advantaged over dark ones because they grow faster and win aggressive encounters more often compared to dark individuals of equal size. However, one might expect a cost of being gold in terms of natural selection as a result of predation. We tested whether the Jaguar cichlid (Parachromis managuensis), a major fish predator of Midas cichlids, preys differentially on colour variants of goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus), which were used as a proxy for Midas cichlids because of their similarity in colour. Size‐matched pairs of prey fish (gold and dark) were offered to the predator and the time until the fish were attacked was recorded. The gold morph was attacked first more often (approximately 70%) but not faster than the dark morph. This suggests that the predator perceives the gold individual first, and/or that the predator exhibits a preference or higher motivation to attack the gold prey fish. The increased risk of predation of gold prey fish suggests for the Midas cichlid system that being gold may carry significant costs in terms of natural selection as a result of its major piscivorous predator. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 350–358.  相似文献   

Interactions between natural enemies can be crucial for determining their overall control of pest species, yet the mechanisms that govern such interactions are often poorly understood. The risk of negative effects such as intraguild predation and the possibility of mitigating such risks are important components for ultimately determining the compatibility of biological control agents. We performed a group of experiments to determine whether the coccinellid Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) poses an intraguild threat to the parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and to see whether A. ervi is able to avoid predation by responding to the chemical tracks deposited by H. axyridis. We show that although H. axyridis does not readily consume A. ervi mummies, it preferentially consumes parasitized aphids over unparasitized aphids. We also show that A. ervi can defend against this threat by avoiding oviposition in the presence of H. axyridis chemical tracks. Aphidius ervi parasitized far fewer pea aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on plants [Vicia faba L. (Fabaceae)] with H. axyridis chemical tracks in a no‐choice environment at a single‐plant scale. Similarly, when parasitoids could move freely between plants with and without tracks, A. ervi parasitism was higher on plants without tracks. Behavioral observations of A. ervi foraging suggested that this might be because of reduced A. ervi attack rates and patch residence times in the presence of H. axyridis tracks. Despite a risk of intraguild predation by H. axyridis, our study suggests that A. ervi may be able to mitigate this risk by altering its behavior in response to chemical cues.  相似文献   

  1. Population responses to extrinsic mortality can yield no change in the number of survivors (compensation) or an increase in the number of survivors (overcompensation) when the population is regulated by negative density‐dependence. This intriguing response has been the subject of theoretical studies, but few experiments have explored how the source of extrinsic mortality affects the response.
  2. This study tests abilities of three functionally diverse predators, alone and combined, to induce (over)compensation of a prey population. Larval Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) were exposed to predation by Mesocyclops longisetus (Crustacea: Copepoda), Anopheles barberi (Diptera: Culicidae), Corethrella appendiculata (Diptera: Corethrellidae), all three in a substitutive design, or no predation.
  3. Predator treatment had no significant effect on the total number of adult survivors, nor on numbers of surviving males or females. The female development rate and a composite index of performance (r′) were greater with predation relative to no‐predator control. No differences were detected between diverse and single‐species predator treatments.
  4. Sensitivity analyses indicated predation effects on the number of female adults produced, despite not being affected significantly, was the largest contributing factor to significant treatment effects on the demographic index r′. While predation did not significantly increase the production of adults, it did release survivors from density‐dependent effects sufficiently to increase population performance. This study provides an empirical test of mechanisms by which predation may yield positive mortality effects on victim populations, a phenomenon predicted to occur across many taxa and food webs.

Complex coevolutionary relationships among competitors, predators, and prey have shaped taxa diversity, life history strategies, and even the avian migratory patterns we see today. Consequently, accurate documentation of prey selection is often critical for understanding these ecological and evolutionary processes. Conventional diet study methods lack the ability to document the diet of inconspicuous or difficult‐to‐study predators, such as those with large home ranges and those that move vast distances over short amounts of time, leaving gaps in our knowledge of trophic interactions in many systems. Migratory raptors represent one such group of predators where detailed diet studies have been logistically challenging. To address knowledge gaps in the foraging ecology of migrant raptors and provide a broadly applicable tool for the study of enigmatic predators, we developed a minimally invasive method to collect dietary information by swabbing beaks and talons of raptors to collect trace prey DNA. Using previously published COI primers, we were able to isolate and reference gene sequences in an open‐access barcode database to identify prey to species. This method creates a novel avenue to use trace molecular evidence to study prey selection of migrating raptors and will ultimately lead to a better understanding of raptor migration ecology. In addition, this technique has broad applicability and can be used with any wildlife species where even trace amounts of prey debris remain on the exterior of the predator after feeding.  相似文献   

1. Australian crab spiders exploit the plant–pollinator mutualism by reflecting UV light that attracts pollinators to the flowers where they sit. However, spider UV reflection seems to vary broadly within and between individuals and species, and we are still lacking any comparative studies of prey and/or predator behaviour towards spider colour variation. 2. Here we looked at the natural variation in the coloration of two species of Australian crab spiders, Thomisus spectabilis and Diaea evanida, collected from the field. Furthermore, we examined how two species of native bees responded to variation in colour contrast generated by spiders sitting in flowers compared with vacant flowers. We used data from a bee choice experiment with D. evanida spiders and Trigona carbonaria bees and also published data on T. spectabilis spiders and Austroplebeia australis bees. 3. In the field both spider species were always achromatically (from a distance) undetectable but chromatically (at closer range) detectable for bees. Experimentally, we showed species‐specific differences in bee behaviour towards particular spider colour variation: T. carbonaria bees did not show any preference for any colour contrasts generated by D. evanida spiders but A. australis bees were more likely to reject flowers with more contrasting T. spectabilis spiders. 4. Our study suggests that some of the spider colour variation that we encounter in the field may be partly explained by the spider's ability to adjust the reflectance properties of its colour relative to the behaviour of the species of prey available.  相似文献   

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