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Interspecific hybridization may result in asexual hybrid lineages that reproduce via parthenogenesis. Contrary to true parthenogens, sperm-dependent asexuals (gynogens and hybridogens) are restricted to the range of bisexual species, generally the parental taxa, by their need for a sperm donor. It has been documented that asexual lineages may rarely use sperm from a non-parental species or even switch a host. The available literature reports do not allow distinguishing, between whether such host switches arise by the expansion of asexuals out of their parental's range (and into that of another's) or by the local extinction of a parental population followed by a host switch. The present study combines new and previously collected data on the distribution and history of gynogenetic spined loaches (Cobitis) of hybrid origin. We identified at least three clonal lineages that have independently switched their sperm dependency to different non-parental Cobitis species, and in cases incorporated their genomes. Our current knowledge of European Cobitis species and their hybrids suggests that this pattern most probably results from the expansion of gynogenetic lineages into new areas. Such expansion was independent of the original parental species. This suggests that sperm dependence is not as restrictive to geographical expansion when compared with true parthenogenesis as previously thought.  相似文献   

植物群落物种共存机制:负密度制约假说   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
负密度制约假说主要描述由于资源竞争、有害生物侵害(比如病原微生物、食草动物捕食)等, 同种个体之间发生的相互损害行为; 它主要强调同种个体之间的相互作用, 解释自然群落物种共存的机理; 负密度制约机制主要在小尺度上降低群落内同种个体生长率, 同时提高个体死亡率, 从而为其他物种的生存提供空间和资源, 促进物种共存。目前负密度制约假说的检验研究主要侧重密度制约、距离制约、群落补偿效应等三个方面。最近, 研究者又探讨了近缘物种之间由于对相似资源的竞争所产生的负效应, 扩展了负密度制约假说, 进而提出异群保护假说和谱系多样性制约假说。负密度制约假说引起生态学家长久的探讨和关注, 世界范围内大尺度森林动态样地的建立, 又为探索不同尺度上密度制约效应的研究提供了条件。然而目前的研究仍然存在不足, 比如负密度制约假说的检验受到其他因素的干扰、区域研究不平衡等。因此, 生态学家们仍然怀疑负密度制约效应调节群落物种共存的重要性, 但是目前的研究还没有发现否定负密度制约假说的充分证据。  相似文献   

The gynogenetic population of Prussian carp Carassius gibelio in Lake Pamvotis (north‐west Greece) included a small percentage of males (2–3%). Cytogenetic analysis revealed heterogeneity of the population at the ploidy level: all females were triploid (modal chromosome number 156–162 chromosomes) while the males were either triploid (modal number 156–158 chromosomes) or tetraploid (modal number 200–214 chromosomes). Morphometric analysis revealed significant differences in body shape among these three groups. The males were more slender than females, while the triploid males could be discriminated from the tetraploid by the morphology of their caudal peduncle. The males attained a significantly lower asymptotic standard length (LS) (25·04 cm) than females (29·75 cm) and had lower exponent b of the LS and mass relationship. Under laboratory conditions, intraspecific crossings of C. gibelio males with females could give viable all‐female offspring; in comparison with goldfish Carassius auratus males, the fertility of the C. gibelio males was generally reduced but remained highly variable among individuals.  相似文献   

Sperm‐dependent asexual species must coexist with a sexual species (i.e. a sperm source) to reproduce. The maintenance of this coexistence, and hence the persistence of sperm‐dependent asexual species, may depend on ecological niche separation or preference by males for conspecific (i.e. sexual) mates. We first modified an analytical model to consider both of these mechanisms acting simultaneously on the coexistence of the two species. Our model indicates that a small amount of niche separation between parental species and hybrids can facilitate coexistence by weakening the requirement for male mate preference. We also estimated niche separation empirically in the Chrosomus (formerly Phoxinus) sexual‐asexual system based on diet overlap between sperm‐dependent asexuals and their two sexual host species. Diet overlap between the sexual species was not significant in either lake, whereas the sperm‐dependent asexual had an intermediate niche that overlapped significantly, but somewhat asymmetrically, with both sexual species. These empirical results were then used to parameterize our analytical model to predict the minimum strength of male mate preference required to maintain coexistence in each lake. Some male mate preference is likely required to maintain coexistence in the Chrosomus system, but the minimum required preference depends on the severity of density dependence. Future empirical work on understanding coexistence in sperm‐dependent asexual systems would benefit from taking both niche separation and mate choice into account, and from simultaneous empirical estimates of male mate choice, niche separation, and density dependence.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analyses were performed on a triploid hybrid individual produced in the laboratory by mating Poecilia formosa , an all-female gynogenetic diploid species, with a normal male of melanistic ornamental Poecilia sphenops (black molly). Direct chromosome preparations revealed 69 (3n) chromosomes in the somatic complement. This cytogenetic observation in conjunction with the pigmentation phenotype leads us to conclude that occasional failure of sperm exclusion may result in the presence of triploid hybrids even in the natural habitats.  相似文献   

Density dependence in vital rates is a key feature affecting temporal fluctuations of natural populations. This has important implications for the rate of random genetic drift. Mating systems also greatly affect effective population sizes, but knowledge of how mating system and density regulation interact to affect random genetic drift is poor. Using theoretical models and simulations, we compare Ne in short‐lived, density‐dependent animal populations with different mating systems. We study the impact of a fluctuating, density‐dependent sex ratio and consider both a stable and a fluctuating environment. We find a negative relationship between annual Ne/N and adult population size N due to density dependence, suggesting that loss of genetic variation is reduced at small densities. The magnitude of this decrease was affected by mating system and life history. A male‐biased, density‐dependent sex ratio reduces the rate of genetic drift compared to an equal, density‐independent sex ratio, but a stochastic change towards male bias reduces the Ne/N ratio. Environmental stochasticity amplifies temporal fluctuations in population size and is thus vital to consider in estimation of effective population sizes over longer time periods. Our results on the reduced loss of genetic variation at small densities, particularly in polygamous populations, indicate that density regulation may facilitate adaptive evolution at small population sizes.  相似文献   

1. Trade-offs between reproduction and growth are central assumptions of life-history theory, but their implications for sexual size dimorphism (SSD) are poorly understood. 2. Adult male Yarrow's spiny lizards Sceloporus jarrovii average 10% larger than adult females. In a low-altitude (1700 m) population, this SSD develops because males grow more quickly than females during the first year of life, particularly during the first female reproductive season. This study tests the hypothesis that SSD develops because female growth is constrained by energetic costs of reproduction. 3. To test for a growth cost of reproduction, I compared growth rates of free-living females that differed, either naturally or experimentally, in reproductive status. Females that naturally delayed reproduction until their second year grew more quickly than females that reproduced as yearlings, and ovariectomized yearlings grew more quickly and to larger sizes than reproductive controls. 4. To determine whether SSD develops in the absence of this inferred reproductive cost, I also studied a high-altitude (2500 m) population in which all females delay reproduction until their second year. Sex differences in growth trajectories were similar to those observed at low altitude, such that males averaged 10% larger than females even prior to female reproduction. 5. Although female growth may be constrained by reproduction, multiple lines of evidence indicate that this cost is insufficient to explain the full magnitude of SSD in S. jarrovii. First, differences in growth of reproductive and nonreproductive females are not observed until the final month of gestation, by which time SSD is already well developed. Second, the growth benefit accruing from experimental inhibition of reproduction accounts for only 32% of the natural sex difference in body size. Finally, SSD develops well in advance of female reproduction in a high-altitude population with delayed maturation.  相似文献   

1. The coexistence of multiple species sharing similar but spatially fragmented resources (e.g. parasitoids sharing a host species) may depend on their relative competitive and dispersal abilities, or on fine‐scale resource partitioning. Four generalist and one specialist parasitoid species associated with the holly leaf miner, Phytomyza ilicis, in a woodland network of 127 holly trees were investigated. 2. To understand coexistence and persistence of these potential competitors, patterns of occurrence in relation to patch size and isolation, vertical stratum within patches, and incidence and abundance of potential competitors were documented. Field experiments creating empty habitat patches suggested that dispersal rather than local demographic processes determines abundance and incidence. 3. Parasitoids showed species‐specific responses to patch properties, with the incidence of species determined mostly by patch size. Parasitism rates were less clearly related to patch characteristics, but parasitism rates for most species were lower in patches where the numerically dominant parasitoid species, Chrysocharis gemma, was present. No evidence of vertical stratification was found in species composition or abundance within patches, making it unlikely that coexistence is enhanced by fine‐scale resource division. 4. Overall, the patterns detected may be attributed to the distribution of C. gemma and differences in species' ecology other than dispersal ability. The life history of C. gemma may allow it to pre‐emptively exploit a large fraction of the available hosts, avoiding direct competition with other parasitoids. In contrast, direct competition is more likely among the pupal parasitoids Cyrtogaster vulgaris, Chrysocharis pubicornis, and Sphegigaster flavicornis which have a similar biology and phenology. For these species, coexistence may be facilitated by contrasting incidence in relation to patch size and isolation.  相似文献   

In isogamous brown algae, the sexuality of populations needs to be tested by laboratory crossing experiments, as the sexes of gametophytes are morphologically indistinguishable. In some cases, gamete fusion is not observed and the precise reproductive mode of the populations is unknown. In the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria in Japan, both asexual (gamete fusion is unobservable) and sexual populations (gamete fusion is observable) have been reported. In order to elucidate the reproductive mode of asexual populations in this species, we used PCR‐based sex markers to investigate the sex ratio of three asexual and two sexual field populations. The markers indicated that the asexual populations consisted only of female individuals, whereas sexual populations are composed of both males and females. In culture, female gametes of most strains from asexual populations were able to fuse with male gametes; however, they had little to no detectable sexual pheromones, significantly larger cell sizes, and more rapid parthenogenetic development compared to female/male gametes from sexual populations. Investigations of sporophytic stages in the field indicated that alternation of gametophytic and parthenosporophytic stages occur in an asexual population. These results indicate that the S. lomentaria asexual populations are female populations that lack sexual reproduction and reproduce parthenogenetically. It is likely that females in the asexual populations have reduced a sexual trait (pheromone production) and have acquired asexual traits (larger gamete sizes and rapid parthenogenetic development).  相似文献   

Behavioural responses to reduce predation risk might cause demographic ‘costs of fear’. Costs differ among species, but a conceptual framework to understand this variation is lacking. We use a life‐history framework to tie together diverse traits and life stages to better understand interspecific variation in responses and costs. We used natural and experimental variation in predation risk to test phenotypic responses and associated demographic costs for 10 songbird species. Responses such as increased parental attentiveness yielded reduced development time and created benefits such as reduced predation probability. Yet, responses to increased risk also created demographic costs by reducing offspring production in the absence of direct predation. This cost of fear varied widely across species, but predictably with the probability of repeat breeding. Use of a life‐history framework can aid our understanding of potential demographic costs from predation, both from responses to perceived risk and from direct predation mortality.  相似文献   

genodive version 3.0 is a user‐friendly program for the analysis of population genetic data. This version presents a major update from the previous version and now offers a wide spectrum of different types of analyses. genodive has an intuitive graphical user interface that allows direct manipulation of the data through transformation, imputation of missing data, and exclusion and inclusion of individuals, population and/or loci. Furthermore, genodive seamlessly supports 15 different file formats for importing or exporting data from or to other programs. One major feature of genodive is that it supports both diploid and polyploid data, up to octaploidy (2n = 8x) for some analyses, but up to hexadecaploidy (2n = 16x) for other analyses. The different types of analyses offered by genodive include multiple statistics for estimating population differentiation (φST, FST, F?ST, GST, G?ST, G??ST, Dest, RST, ρ), analysis of molecular variance‐based K‐means clustering, Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, hybrid index, population assignment, clone assignment, Mantel test, Spatial Autocorrelation, 23 ways of calculating genetic distances, and both principal components and principal coordinates analyses. A unique feature of genodive is that it can also open data sets with nongenetic variables, for example environmental data or geographical coordinates that can be included in the analysis. In addition, genodive makes it possible to run several external programs (lfmm , structure , instruct and vegan ) directly from its own user interface, avoiding the need for data reformatting and use of the command line. genodive is available for computers running Mac OS X 10.7 or higher and can be downloaded freely from: http://www.patrickmeirmans.com/software .  相似文献   

Although it is often expected that adverse environmental conditions depress the expression of condition‐dependent sexually selected traits, the full consequences of environmental change for the action of sexual selection, in terms of the opportunity for total sexual selection and patterns of phenotypic selection, are unknown. Here we show that dietary stress in guppies, Poecilia reticulata, reduces the expression of several sexually selected traits and increases the opportunity for total sexual selection (standardized variance in reproductive success) in males. Furthermore, our results show that dietary stress modulates the relative importance of precopulatory (mating success) and postcopulatory (relative fertilization success) sexual selection, and that the form of multivariate sexual selection (linear vs. nonlinear) depends on dietary regime. Overall, our results are consistent with a pattern of heightened directional selection on condition‐dependent sexually selected traits under environmental stress, and underscore the importance of sexual selection in shaping adaptation in a changing world.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis in animals is often associated with polyploidy and restriction to extreme habitats or recently deglaciated areas. It has been hypothesized that benefits conferred by asexual reproduction and polyploidy are essential for colonizing these habitats. However, while evolutionary routes to parthenogenesis are manifold, study systems including polyploids are scarce in arthropods. The jumping‐bristletail genus Machilis (Insecta: Archaeognatha) includes both sexual and parthenogenetic species, and recently, the occurrence of polyploidy has been postulated. Here, we applied flow cytometry, karyotyping, and mitochondrial DNA sequencing to three sexual and five putatively parthenogenetic Eastern‐Alpine Machilis species to investigate whether (1) parthenogenesis originated once or multiply and (2) whether parthenogenesis is strictly associated with polyploidy. The mitochondrial phylogeny revealed that parthenogenesis evolved at least five times independently among Eastern‐Alpine representatives of this genus. One parthenogenetic species was exclusively triploid, while a second consisted of both diploid and triploid populations. The three other parthenogenetic species and all sexual species were diploid. Our results thus indicate that polyploidy can co‐occur with parthenogenesis, but that it was not mandatory for the emergence of parthenogenesis in Machilis. Overall, we found a weak negative correlation of monoploid genome size (Cx) and chromosome base number (x), and this connection is stronger among parthenogenetic species alone. Likewise, monoploid genome size decreased with elevation, and we therefore hypothesize that genome downsizing could have been crucial for the persistence of alpine Machilis species. Finally, we discuss the evolutionary consequences of intraspecific chromosomal rearrangements and the presence of B chromosomes. In doing so, we highlight the potential of Alpine Machilis species for research on chromosomal and genome‐size alterations during speciation.  相似文献   

In previous studies we found that sperm binding activity in the vitelline coat of the freshwater bivalve Unio elongatulus is located on the O‐linked oligosaccharide chains of gp273, one of the two major components of the extracellular coat, and that fucose plays a key role in this interaction. In this paper we report the partial characterization of a large glycopeptide (about 140 kDa) obtained by cyanogen bromide fragmentation of gp273, that maintains sperm binding activity. Lectin blotting revealed that the glycopeptide reacted with lectins from Arachis hypogaea (PNA) and Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA) but not Canavalia ensiformis (ConA). No other PNA‐positive fragments could be detected in the electrophoretic pattern of fragmented gp273 but several ConA‐positive fragments of lower molecular weight were present indicating that all the O‐linked chains are clustered together in this fragment. Two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis of the fragment revealed it to be acidic in nature in contrast with the neutral character of the whole gp273 molecule. Competition binding assay showed that this fragment is a strong inhibitor of the interaction, whereas no effect was detected using the ConA‐positive peptides. This confirms that the sperm receptor activity of gp273 is related to its O‐linked chains. The immunodominance of this fragment is also discussed. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 54:203–207, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Small competitive advantages may suffice to compensate for a large disadvantage in intrinsic growth capacity. This well‐known principle from ecology has recently been applied to the enduring question of how sexual reproduction can persist in the face of invasion by female‐only parthenogens. Small competitive advantages resulting directly from sexual reproduction are predicted to cancel a two‐fold disadvantage in intrinsic growth capacity caused by males (which do not themselves produce offspring) comprising half the sexual population. In this paper we test the principal assumption of this theory, that the genetic variation produced by sexual reproduction confers a competitive advantage over self‐identical asexual invaders. We set up competition between a diverse clonal assembly of Daphnia pulex and genetically uniform populations from single clones. At young ages, the population comprising genetically varied Daphnia had significantly higher birth rates in competition with populations of genetically uniform Daphnia than in competition with itself, indicating competitive release and a Lotka–Volterra competition coefficient α12 < 1. No such difference was apparent under conditions of greater food stress, possibly due to individuals channelling more energy into survival, or for old‐aged populations, possibly as a result of reduced selective pressures for high reproduction in old females. Mean birth rates differed between the clones at all ages in the presence of competition, providing evidence of variation in life history traits between clones. A Lotka–Volterra model predicted empirical estimates of α12 = 0.896 (genetically uniform on varied) and α21 = 1.010 (varied on uniform), which permits immediate coexistence of a sexual population of D. pulex even with an asexual lineage having twice the intrinsic growth capacity. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85 , 111–123.  相似文献   

Disentangling the relationship between age and reproduction is central to understand life‐history evolution, and recent evidence shows that considering condition‐dependent mortality is a crucial piece of this puzzle. For example, nonrandom mortality of ‘low‐condition’ individuals can lead to an increase in average lifespan. However, selective disappearance of such low‐condition individuals may also affect reproductive senescence at the population level due to trade‐offs between physiological functions related to survival/lifespan and the maintenance of reproductive functions. Here, we address the idea that condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality (i.e. simulated predation) may increase the age‐related decline in male reproductive success and with it the potential for sexual conflict, by comparing reproductive ageing in Drosophila melanogaster male/female cohorts exposed (or not) to condition‐dependent simulated predation across time. Although female reproductive senescence was not affected by predation, male reproductive senescence was considerably higher under predation, due mainly to an accelerated decline in offspring viability of ‘surviving’ males with age. This sex‐specific effect suggests that condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality can exacerbate survival‐reproduction trade‐offs in males, which are typically under stronger condition‐dependent selection than females. Interestingly, condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality did not affect mating success, hinting that accelerated reproductive senescence is due to a decrease in male post‐copulatory fitness components. Our results support the recent proposal that male ageing can be an important source of sexual conflict, further suggesting this effect could be exacerbated under more natural conditions.  相似文献   

Inferring the demographic history of species and their populations is crucial to understand their contemporary distribution, abundance and adaptations. The high computational overhead of likelihood‐based inference approaches severely restricts their applicability to large data sets or complex models. In response to these restrictions, approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) methods have been developed to infer the demographic past of populations and species. Here, we present the results of an evaluation of the ABC‐based approach implemented in the popular software package diyabc using simulated data sets (mitochondrial DNA sequences, microsatellite genotypes and single nucleotide polymorphisms). We simulated population genetic data under five different simple, single‐population models to assess the model recovery rates as well as the bias and error of the parameter estimates. The ability of diyabc to recover the correct model was relatively low (0.49): 0.6 for the simplest models and 0.3 for the more complex models. The recovery rate improved significantly when reducing the number of candidate models from five to three (from 0.57 to 0.71). Among the parameters of interest, the effective population size was estimated at a higher accuracy compared to the timing of events. Increased amounts of genetic data did not significantly improve the accuracy of the parameter estimates. Some gains in accuracy and decreases in error were observed for scaled parameters (e.g., Neμ) compared to unscaled parameters (e.g., Ne and μ). We concluded that diyabc ‐based assessments are not suited to capture a detailed demographic history, but might be efficient at capturing simple, major demographic changes.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that interspecific hybridisation promotes invasiveness has received much recent attention, but tests of the hypothesis can suffer from important limitations. Here, we provide the first systematic review of studies experimentally testing the hybridisation‐invasion (H‐I) hypothesis in plants, animals and fungi. We identified 72 hybrid systems for which hybridisation has been putatively associated with invasiveness, weediness or range expansion. Within this group, 15 systems (comprising 34 studies) experimentally tested performance of hybrids vs. their parental species and met our other criteria. Both phylogenetic and non‐phylogenetic meta‐analyses demonstrated that wild hybrids were significantly more fecund and larger than their parental taxa, but did not differ in survival. Resynthesised hybrids (which typically represent earlier generations than do wild hybrids) did not consistently differ from parental species in fecundity, survival or size. Using meta‐regression, we found that fecundity increased (but survival decreased) with generation in resynthesised hybrids, suggesting that natural selection can play an important role in shaping hybrid performance – and thus invasiveness – over time. We conclude that the available evidence supports the H‐I hypothesis, with the caveat that our results are clearly driven by tests in plants, which are more numerous than tests in animals and fungi.  相似文献   

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