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X‐ray microtomography has been applied successfully to obtain reliable microstructural information of many insect species. Nonetheless, the technique has not been widely applied to ambrosia beetles. The ambrosia beetle Euwallacea interjectus (Blandford) was first recorded as a vector of plant pathogenic fungus Ceratocystis ficicola Kajitani & Masuya, which has caused serious wilt disease in many fig orchards in Japan since 1999. Previous studies of E. interjectus have not described the mycangia (fungus‐storing organ) in detail. In this study, we non‐destructively examined the internal structure of an adult female of E. interjectus through computed microtomography scans. Paired mycangia were observed on typical computed tomography cross‐sections of the head. Each mycangium, ovoid in shape, was located in tissues just posterior to emarginated notch of eyes, adjacent to pharynx. Three dimensions (length × width × depth) of the mycangia were measured on stereography. We confirmed the absence of mycangia in the other body parts, such as elytra, prothorax and coxa of legs.  相似文献   

The rice class I chitinase OsChia1b, also referred to as RCC2 or Cht‐2, is composed of an N‐terminal chitin‐binding domain (ChBD) and a C‐terminal catalytic domain (CatD), which are connected by a proline‐ and threonine‐rich linker peptide. Because of the ability to inhibit fungal growth, the OsChia1b gene has been used to produce transgenic plants with enhanced disease resistance. As an initial step toward elucidating the mechanism of hydrolytic action and antifungal activity, the full‐length structure of OsChia1b was analyzed by X‐ray crystallography and small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS). We determined the crystal structure of full‐length OsChia1b at 2.00‐Å resolution, but there are two possibilities for a biological molecule with and without interdomain contacts. The SAXS data showed an extended structure of OsChia1b in solution compared to that in the crystal form. This extension could be caused by the conformational flexibility of the linker. A docking simulation of ChBD with tri‐N‐acetylchitotriose exhibited a similar binding mode to the one observed in the crystal structure of a two‐domain plant lectin complexed with a chitooligosaccharide. A hypothetical model based on the binding mode suggested that ChBD is unsuitable for binding to crystalline α‐chitin, which is a major component of fungal cell walls because of its collisions with the chitin chains on the flat surface of α‐chitin. This model also indicates the difference in the binding specificity of plant and bacterial ChBDs of GH19 chitinases, which contribute to antifungal activity. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss,Inc.  相似文献   

External and internal head structures of larvae of Nevrorthidae were described in detail. The results were compared to conditions found in other representatives of Neuroptera and the other two neuropterid orders. The cladistic analysis supported the monophyly of Neuroptera, Neuroptera exclusive of Nevrorthidae, Hemerobiiformia, and Myrmeleontiformia. Neuroptera exclusive of Nevrorthidae are supported by the formation of an undivided postmentum and the presence of cryptonephric Malpighian tubules. The highly specialized articulation of the neck (Rollengelenk) and the absence of a salivary duct are autapomorphies of Nevrorthidae. Ithonidae and Polystoechotidae form a clade and are the sister group of the remaining Hemerobiiformia, which are characterized by the complete lack of a gula and a terminal filament of the antenna. Within this lineage, a clade comprising Mantispidae, Dilaridae, Berothidae, and Rhachiberothidae is well supported. Larvae of Myrmeleontiformia are characterized by a complex transformation of head structures, with a hypostomal bridge, a small triangular gula, largely reduced maxillary grooves, and anteriorly shifted posterior tentorial grooves. The slender finger‐like mid‐dorsal apodeme is another autapomorphy of the group. Psychopsidae are placed as the sister group of the remaining Myrmeleontiformia, which are characterized by a conspicuous, protruding ocular region (often less distinct or even absent in Nemopteridae). Ascalaphidae are the sister group of Myrmeleontidae. Larvae of both families share the fusion of the tibia and tarsus in the hind leg. The larval characters analysed were not sufficient for full resolution of the myrmeleontiform and hemerobiiform lineages. The position of several families such as Osmylidae, Sisyridae, and Coniopterygidae remains uncertain. The results are in agreement with an aquatic ancestor of Neuroptera and secondarily acquired terrestrial habits within the lineage (Neuroptera exclusive of Nevrorthidae), and another invasion of the aquatic environment by Sisyridae. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 533–562.  相似文献   

Glutamic acid–rich peptides are crucial to a variety of biological processes, including glutamatergic neurotransmission and immunological defense. Glutamic acid sequences often exhibit unusual organization into β2‐type sheets, where bifurcated H bonds formed between glutamic acid side chains and NH in amide bonds on adjacent βstrands play a paramount role for stabilizing the molecular assembly. Herein, we investigate the self‐assembly and supramolecular structure of simplified models consisting of alternating glutamic acid/phenylalanine residues. Small‐angle X‐ray scattering and atomic force microscopy show that the aggregation pathway is characterized by the formation of small oligomers, followed by coalescence into nanofibrils and nanotapes. Amyloidogenic features are further demonstrated through fiber X‐ray diffraction, which reveal molecular packing according to cross‐β patterns, where βstrands appear perpendicularly oriented to the long axis of nanofibrils and nanotapes. Nanoscale infrared spectroscopy from individual nanoparticles on dried samples shows a remarkable decrease of β2‐sheet content, accompanied by growth of standard β‐sheet fractions, indicating a β2‐to‐β1 transition as a consequence of the release of solvent from the interstices of peptide assemblies. Our findings highlight the key role played by water molecules in mediating H‐bond formation in β2‐sheets commonly found in amyloidogenic glutamic acid–rich aggregates.  相似文献   

Alpha‐synuclein (α‐syn) forms the amyloid‐containing Lewy bodies found in the brain in Parkinson's disease. The neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) reacts with α‐syn to form SDS‐resistant soluble, non‐amyloid, and melanin‐containing oligomers. Their toxicity is debated, as is the nature of their structure and their relation to amyloid‐forming conformers of α‐syn. The small‐angle X‐ray scattering technique in combination with modeling by the ensemble optimization method showed that the un‐reacted native protein populated three broad classes of conformer, while reaction with DA gave a restricted ensemble range suggesting that the rigid melanin molecule played an important part in their structure. We found that 6 M guanidine hydrochloride did not dissociate α‐syn DA‐reacted dimers and trimers, suggesting covalent linkages. The pathological significance of covalent association is that if they are non‐toxic, the oligomers would act as a sink for toxic excess DA and α‐syn; if toxic, their stability could enhance their toxicity. We argue it is essential, therefore, to resolve the question of whether they are toxic or not. Proteins 2014; 82:10–21. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Spatially averaged models of root–soil interactions are often used to calculate plant water uptake. Using a combination of X‐ray computed tomography (CT) and image‐based modelling, we tested the accuracy of this spatial averaging by directly calculating plant water uptake for young wheat plants in two soil types. The root system was imaged using X‐ray CT at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 d after transplanting. The roots were segmented using semi‐automated root tracking for speed and reproducibility. The segmented geometries were converted to a mesh suitable for the numerical solution of Richards' equation. Richards' equation was parameterized using existing pore scale studies of soil hydraulic properties in the rhizosphere of wheat plants. Image‐based modelling allows the spatial distribution of water around the root to be visualized and the fluxes into the root to be calculated. By comparing the results obtained through image‐based modelling to spatially averaged models, the impact of root architecture and geometry in water uptake was quantified. We observed that the spatially averaged models performed well in comparison to the image‐based models with <2% difference in uptake. However, the spatial averaging loses important information regarding the spatial distribution of water near the root system.  相似文献   

Photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) is a non‐invasive imaging technique offering high contrast, high resolution, and deep penetration in biological tissues. We report a PACT system equipped with a high frequency linear transducer array for mapping the microvascular network of a whole mouse brain with the skull intact and studying its hemodynamic activities. The linear array was scanned in the coronal plane to collect data from different angles, and full‐view images were synthesized from the limited‐view images in which vessels were only partially revealed. We investigated spontaneous neural activities in the deep brain by monitoring the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood vessels and observed strong interhemispherical correlations between several chosen functional regions, both in the cortical layer and in the deep regions. We also studied neural activities during an epileptic seizure and observed the epileptic wave spreading around the injection site and the wave propagating in the opposite hemisphere.


This article describes the reproductive biology and developing young of Amphiura capensis, a small brooding brittle star found in the intertidal zones of Namibia and South Africa. Each month from October 2014 to September 2015, 20 specimens were collected from Mouille Point, Cape Town, South Africa, and dissected for internal examination of brooding characteristics. Disc diameters of 238 analyzed adults ranged 2.5–8.7 mm, with a mean of 6.15 mm (SD = 1.10 mm). Brooding was exhibited in 60.5% of all sampled individuals, of which 30.6% contained young of only one of six subjectively chosen size classes, 31.9% contained two size classes, and the rest (37.5%) contained more than two size classes at the same time. Young within the same bursa were commonly of the same size class, which suggests sequential brooding. However, multiple size classes of young were often present within different bursae of the same parent, which thus exhibited characteristics of both sequential and simultaneous brooding. Of 584 brooded young retrieved from dissections, an average of 2.5 (SD = 3.2) and a maximum of 14 young were recorded within a single parent. As no larval stages were observed, development was assumed to be direct. Three‐dimensional visualizations of μCT scans revealed the positions of the brooded young to be quite different from those in other species, facing with their mouths downwards instead of upwards, and not all pressed against the adult's bursal wall. Brooding occurred throughout the year, but numbers of young peaked in austral winter, coinciding with warmer water temperatures at this site. The duration of brooded development was estimated to be ~6 months, comparable with other species with similar reproductive biology.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight, caused primarily by Fusarium graminearum (Fg), is one of the most devastating diseases of wheat. Host resistance in wheat is classified into five types (Type‐I to Type‐V), and a majority of moderately resistant genotypes carry Type‐II resistance (resistance to pathogen spread in the rachis) alleles, mainly from the Chinese cultivar Sumai 3. Histopathological studies in the past failed to identify the key tissue in the spike conferring resistance to pathogen spread, and most of the studies used destructive techniques, potentially damaging the tissue(s) under study. In the present study, nondestructive synchrotron‐based phase contrast X‐ray imaging and computed tomography techniques were used to confirm the part of the wheat spike conferring Type‐II resistance to Fg spread, thus showcasing the application of synchrotron‐based techniques to image host–pathogen interactions. Seven wheat genotypes of moderate resistance to Fusarium head blight were studied for changes in the void space volume fraction and grayscale/voxel intensity following Fg inoculation. Cell‐wall biopolymeric compounds were quantified using Fourier‐transform midinfrared spectroscopy for all genotype‐treatment combinations. The study revealed that the rachilla and rachis nodes together are structurally important in conferring Type‐II resistance. The structural reinforcement was not necessarily observed from lignin deposition but rather from an unknown mechanism.  相似文献   

Accurate detection of early tumor margin is of great preclinical and clinical implications for predicting the survival rate of subjects and assessing the response of tumor microenvironment to chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Here, we report a multimodality optical imaging study on in vivo detection of tumor boundary by analyzing neoangiogenesis of tumor microenvironment (microangiography), microcirculatory blood flow (optical Doppler tomography) and tumor proliferation (green fluorescent protein [GFP] fluorescence). Microangiography demonstrates superior sensitivity (77.7 ± 6.4%) and specificity (98.2 ± 1.7%) over other imaging technologies (eg, optical coherence tomography) for tumor margin detection. Additionally, we report longitudinal in vivo imaging of tumor progression and show that the abrupt tumor cell proliferation did not occur until local capillary density and cerebral blood flow reached their peak approximately 2 weeks after tumor implantation. The unique capability of longitudinal multimodality imaging of tumor angiogenesis may provide new insights in tumor biology and in vivo assessment of the treatment effects on anti‐angiogenesis therapy for brain cancer.  相似文献   

BAMLET (Bovine Alpha‐lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumors) is a member of the family of the HAMLET‐like complexes, a novel class of protein‐based anti‐cancer complexes that incorporate oleic acid and deliver it to cancer cells. Small angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) was performed on the complex at pH 12, examining the high pH structure as a function of oleic acid added. The SAXS data for BAMLET species prepared with a range of oleic acid concentrations indicate extended, irregular, partially unfolded protein conformations that vary with the oleic acid concentration. Increases in oleic acid concentration correlate with increasing radius of gyration without an increase in maximum particle dimension, indicating decreasing protein density. The models for the highest oleic acid content BAMLET indicate an unusual coiled elongated structure that contrasts with apo‐α‐lactalbumin at pH 12, which is an elongated globular molecule, suggesting that oleic acid inhibits the folding or collapse of the protein component of BAMLET to the globular form. Circular dichroism of BAMLET and apo‐α‐lactalbumin was performed and the results suggest that α‐lactalbumin and BAMLET unfold in a continuum of increasing degree of unfolded states. Taken together, these results support a model in which BAMLET retains oleic acid by non‐specific association in the core of partially unfolded protein, and represent a new type of lipoprotein structure. Proteins 2014; 82:1400–1408. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Symmelia is a rare birth defect, often combined with severe malformations of the urogenital system and the lower gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, a deformed pelvis and various degrees of separation of the lower limbs are present. CASES: We report the examination findings of 3 autopsy specimens of symmelia using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) with 3-dimensional (3D) reconstructions, and conventional X-ray. CONCLUSIONS: MRI and CT with the addition of 3D visualization can be used additionally with autopsy and conventional X-ray images in the investigation of such complex anatomical abnormalities.  相似文献   

Fluorescence‐mediated tomography (FMT) enables noninvasive assessment of the three‐dimensional distribution of near‐infrared fluorescence in mice. The combination with micro‐computed tomography (µCT) provides anatomical data, enabling improved fluorescence reconstruction and image analysis. The aim of our study was to assess sensitivity and accuracy of µCT‐FMT under realistic in vivo conditions in deeply‐seated regions. Accordingly, we acquired fluorescence reflectance images (FRI) and µCT‐FMT scans of mice which were prepared with rectal insertions with different amounts of fluorescent dye. Default and high‐sensitivity scans were acquired and background signal was analyzed for three FMT channels (670 nm, 745 nm, and 790 nm). Analysis was performed for the original and an improved FMT reconstruction using the µCT data. While FRI and the original FMT reconstruction could detect 100 pmol, the improved FMT reconstruction could detect 10 pmol and significantly improved signal localization. By using a finer sampling grid and increasing the exposure time, the sensitivity could be further improved to detect 0.5 pmol. Background signal was highest in the 670 nm channel and most prominent in the gastro‐intestinal tract and in organs with high relative amounts of blood. In conclusion, we show that µCT‐FMT allows sensitive and accurate assessment of fluorescence in deep tissue regions.


Oestrid flies (Diptera: Oestridae) do not feed during the adult stage as they acquire all necessary nutrients during the parasitic larval stage. The adult mouthparts and digestive tract are therefore frequently vestigial; however, morphological data on the alimentary canal in adult oestrid flies are scarce and a proper visualization of this organ system within the adult body is lacking. The present work visualizes the morphology of the alimentary canal in adults of two oestrid species, Oestrus ovis L. and Hypoderma lineatum (de Villiers), with the use of non‐invasive micro‐computed tomography (micro‐CT) and compares it with the highly developed alimentary canal of the blow fly Calliphora vicina Robineau‐Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Both O. ovis and H. lineatum adults showed significant reductions of the cardia and the diameter of the digestive tract, an absence of the helicoidal portion of the midgut typical of other cyclorrhaphous flies, and a lack of crop and salivary glands. Given the current interest in the alimentary canal in adult dipterans in biomedical and developmental biology studies, further understanding of the morphology and development of this organ system in adult oestrids may provide valuable new insights in several areas of research.  相似文献   

β‐Amino acids containing α,β‐hybrid peptides show great potential as peptidomimetics. In this paper, we describe the synthesis and affinity to μ‐opioid and δ‐opioid receptors of α,β‐hybrids, analogs of the tetrapeptide Tyr‐ d ‐Ala‐Phe‐Phe‐NH2 (TAPP). Each amino acid was replaced with an l ‐ or d ‐β3h‐amino acid. All α,β‐hybrids of TAPP analogs were synthesized in solution and tested for affinity to μ‐opioid and δ‐opioid receptors. The analog Tyr‐β3h‐ d ‐Ala‐Phe‐PheNH2 was found to be as active as the native tetrapeptide. Copyright © 2012 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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