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云杉八齿小蠹是欧洲最具危害性的小蠹虫之一,嗜食衰弱木,利用雄性产生的信息素进行大面积聚集。聚集信息素不仅具有引诱聚集的作用,其种类和数量还具有调节其聚集密度的效应。在定殖过程中,云杉八齿小蠹既能利用寄主挥发物定位寄主,也能利用非寄主挥发物作为远距离的嗅觉示踪来区别寄主和非寄主。在森林生态系统内捕食性天敌和寄生性天敌很大程度上影响着云杉八齿小蠹的种群密度和行为生态。本文从云杉八齿小蠹的分布与扩散、天敌的种类及控制作用、化学信息物质对小蠹虫及其天敌的行为调控作用以及信息素防治现状等方面进行了综述,并展望了其研究前景。  相似文献   

云杉八齿小蠹信息素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在复杂的生态环境中,来自于云杉八齿小蠹和植物的信息物质在云杉八齿小蠹的整个生活史中都发挥着重要的作用。雄性云杉八齿小蠹作为先锋虫以寄主植物的挥发物作为嗅觉信号搜寻和定位寄主,然后释放信息素吸引同性或异性云杉八齿小蠹前来聚集。云杉八齿小蠹成群攻击以降低寄主树木的抗性,寄主植物在受到云杉八齿小蠹攻击后能够利用其物理结构、分泌物及挥发性物质等抵御其危害。云杉八齿小蠹自身化学信息素的合成和对寄主树木次生代谢物质的转化能力,决定和影响着入侵寄主树木的速度和种群数量。本文从信息素组成、释放速率等方面、寄主和非寄主挥发物的作用及信息素诱捕器在监测和防治中的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

小蠹虫(小蠹科)是重要的森林蛀干害虫,在蛀食坑道时导致树木水分和养分运输系统受到破坏,短时间内对整片森林造成严重的经济危害。聚集信息素在小蠹虫聚集危害过程中扮演着非常重要的角色,目前已有多种小蠹虫聚集信息素成分被鉴定并成功应用于生产防控工作中。类异戊二烯类聚集信息素是小蠹虫中极为重要的一类聚集信息素,其主要成分包括小蠹烯醇、小蠹二烯醇、马鞭草烯醇及其衍生物。本文从类异戊二烯类聚集信息素的生物合成前体物质、生物合成位点、生物合成途径、取食和JHШ调控、微生物与其生物合成关系以及展望6个方面出发,全面阐述了齿小蠹属Ips和大小蠹属Dendroctonus中小蠹虫聚集信息素的生物合成机制及调控机制。文中首先重点阐述了小蠹虫体内以甲羟戊酸途径从头合成小蠹二烯醇以及利用寄主成分α-蒎烯直接合成马鞭草烯醇的生物合成过程;其次阐述了生物合成途径中关键酶和基因对小蠹取食和JHШ处理的响应以及小蠹虫肠道微生物和伴生真菌对该类聚集信息素生物合成的影响;最后,针对小蠹虫类异戊二烯类聚集信息素生物合成研究作了探讨和展望。本文为开发和应用其聚集信息素控制小蠹虫危害提供理论基础。  相似文献   

<正> 青海云杉Picea crassifolia Kom.是构成祁连山水源涵养林乔木层唯一的建群种,以斑块状纯林分布在阴坡、半阴坡。寺大隆林区是目前祁连山保存面积最大的青海云杉原始林,1970—1974年该林区进行经营择伐,因交通不便,林地清理较差,部分木材长期存放,致使小蠹虫蔓延发展,对水源涵养林造成严重威胁。为探索用外激素防治小蠹虫的可能性,1975年起,我们进行了外激素(粗提物)引诱试验,现将结果介绍如下。  相似文献   

【背景】小蠹虫是国际贸易中重要的钻蛀害虫,也是全国口岸主要截获害虫之一。【方法】本文对2010~2014年厦门口岸进境原木中截获的小蠹科害虫的寄主、来源国家、截获次数进行了统计分析,并编制了截获小蠹种类检索表,提出了口岸检疫要点。【结果】截获的小蠹害虫种类主要有长林小蠹、赤材小蠹、十二齿小蠹和南部松齿小蠹等,主要来源于澳大利亚,新西兰和巴西等国家,寄主主要有辐射松,樟子松,湿地松和海岸松等种类。【结论与意义】本研究可为一线口岸检疫查验提供指导。  相似文献   

利用Y型嗅觉仪和四臂嗅觉仪,测定了长头谷盗Latheticus oryzae (Waterhouse)对6种寄主谷粉的行为趋性反应,采用固相微萃取和气质联用(GC-MS)分析了其中3种寄主挥发物组分和含量,并测定长头谷盗对其中7种挥发物单体标样在5个浓度下的行为学反应,以期明确谷物挥发物在长头谷盗寄主定向行为中所起的作用.结果显示,6种寄主挥发物对长头谷盗雌雄成虫均具有显著的引诱作用,且雌雄个体间差异不显著;6种寄主之间分组比较时,长头谷盗的引诱强弱均显著的表现为全麦粉>黄豆粉>玉米粉>荞麦粉>小米粉>高粱粉.选择全麦粉、黄豆粉和玉米粉进行分析时,3种寄主挥发物具有不同的化学图谱,且挥发物的相对含量差异较大,黄豆粉挥发物总量大于全麦粉和玉米粉;从组分来看,全麦粉挥发物中主要为烯醛类(37.46%),黄豆粉挥发物中主要为醇类(45.24%)和醛类(27.06%),玉米粉挥发物种主要为烷烃类(39.58%).7种寄主挥发物标样(100 ~ 1600μL/mL)中,除甲酸正己酯、二十烷和正十四烷对长头谷盗始终具有引诱作用外,正己醇、正己醛和反式-2,4-癸二烯醛分别在200~800、400 ~ 800和400 ~ 800 μL/mL时,才具有引诱作用;而反式-2-癸烯醛在高浓度(1600 μL/mL)下对长头谷盗具有趋避作用.综合分析表明,挥发性物质在长头谷盗对不同寄主谷粉的选择时具有重要的行为导向作用,且挥发性化合物的组成及浓度影响其引诱效果.  相似文献   

为筛选出适宜配制横坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus minor Hartig)引诱剂的有效化合物,测定了横坑切梢小蠹雌、雄成虫对寄主云南松主要挥发性化合物的触角电位(EAG)和行为反应。结果表明:与对照相比,在10 g·L-1浓度刺激下所测试的9种植物挥发物都能引起横坑切梢小蠹雌、雄虫触角的EAG反应,且触角对不同挥发物的EAG反应差异显著(P0.05),其中雌、雄虫对(+)-α-蒎烯、(+)-柠檬烯、(+)-3-蒈烯、β-蒎烯和异松油烯的EAG反应较强;在剂量反应试验中,雌、雄虫的EAG反应都随着(+)-α-蒎烯、(+)-柠檬烯、(+)-3-蒈烯和β-蒎烯浓度的增加而增强,当浓度增加到10 g·L-1时,EAG反应最强;而雌、雄虫对异松油烯的EAG反应在1 g·L-1最强;除(+)-柠檬烯没有明显的定向作用外,(+)-α-蒎烯、β-蒎烯、(+)-3-蒈烯和异松油烯对横坑切梢小蠹均表现出了明显的引诱作用;行为反应多重比较表明,(+)-α-蒎烯在10 g·L-1浓度下对雌雄虫的引诱作用最大。该研究结果可为开发横坑切梢小蠹林间引诱剂提供参考。  相似文献   

寄主植物挥发性化合物往往对昆虫产卵场所的选择具有重要的影响,为了明确桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis众多寄主中是否存在特定的挥发物能够引诱桔小实蝇雌成虫产卵,本研究对桔小实蝇3种寄主(番石榴、橙子和芒果)果实的挥发物进行了鉴定,并测试了相关挥发物对桔小实蝇产卵行为的影响.研究结果表明3种寄主果实均能引诱桔小实蝇产卵并且β-石竹烯是3种寄主果实中共有的挥发物;Y型嗅觉仪和四臂嗅觉仪测试均表明低浓度β-石竹烯(9 μg/mL)对桔小实蝇雌成虫具有引诱作用,但高浓度β-石竹烯对桔小实蝇没有引诱作用;增加寄主番石榴果实中β-石竹烯的含量也会显著降低果实对雌虫产卵的诱集效果.本研究证实了特定浓度的β-石竹烯在桔小实蝇产卵行为中的作用,为开发该虫防治中的推拉策略提供了一种思路.  相似文献   

几种化合物对松纵坑切梢小蠹的引诱试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李丽莎  舒凝碧 《昆虫知识》1993,30(3):159-161
<正> 云南松Pinus yunnanesis Franch是云南省的主要乡土造林及用材树种。近年来,由于气候异常和经营管理不善,使部分松林遭到破坏,林木长势极度衰弱,导致松纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicus piniperda(L.)猖獗危害。1988年全省受害面积达80万亩。使用聚集信息素来检疫、监测虫情和野外诱捕,以及同各种有引诱性的诱饵相配合使用来降低虫口密度,是目前国内外害虫综合防治的新技术。傅辉恩等用外激素粗提物对光臀八齿小蠹Ips nitidusEggers、云杉大小蠹Dendroctonus micansKug等进行了引诱试验,取得较好效果。周嘉  相似文献   

危害松树的小蠹虫与其伴生菌的相互关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
危害健康松属植物的小蠹虫经常与一些特殊的真菌相联系。在小蠹虫危害松属植物的过程中,这些真菌被小蠹虫的一些特殊结构或者体表携带到松属植物上。小蠹虫与其伴生菌的联系表明小蠹虫和其伴生菌之间是一种互惠互利的关系。伴生菌随小蠹虫扩散而被带到新的寄主树木。而伴生菌或作为小蠹虫的食物来源,但更重要的是,有些伴生菌能够通过其菌丝渗透寄主组织,释放毒素,致死寄主树木,以帮助小蠹虫降低寄主抗性。许多研究致力于探索小蠹虫/伴生菌联合体与寄主树木之间关系的特征和确定小蠹虫与其伴生菌相互关系在生态学上的意义。然而,不同小蠹虫和其伴生菌所组成的共生体系,不同小蠹虫的种群数量,和不同环境条件下同种小蠹虫与其伴生菌相互作用方式的差异使我们在研究小蠹虫和其伴生菌这个共生体系时,对它们各自在成功聚集寄主树木过程中所发挥的重要作用的概括变得非常困难。  相似文献   

Abstract The red turpentine beetle (RTB), Dendroctonus valens LeConte, as a destructive invasive pest, has become one of the most economically important forest pest in China. Effective control measures are desperately needed. Entomopathogenic fungi, such as Beauveria bassiana, have shown great potential for the management of some bark beetle species. In this study, 12 isolates of B. bassiana from bark beetle were examined for biological characteristics and virulence, to assess their potential as biocontrol agents for RTB. There were significant differences (at P= 0.05) in colony growth rate, conidial yield, conidial germination, tolerance to UV light and extracellular proteases activity among the tested B. bassiana isolates. Isolates, including Bb1801, Bb1906, Bb789 and Bb773, exhibited the best characteristics, because they have faster hyphal growth rate, higher spore production and faster spore germination, higher UV tolerance and protease (Pr1) production. The results of a pathogenicity test of B. bassiana on RTB larvae showed that most isolates of B. bassiana have demonstrated high efficacy and the highest virulent isolate was Bb1801, which killed 100% of the treated insects and had a median lethal time (LT50) of 4.60 days at a concentration of 1×107 conidia/mL. Therefore, isolate Bb1801 has a great potential for sustainable control of RTB in the forest. The correlation between biological characteristics and virulence of the fungal isolates is discussed and the possibility of combination of entomopathogenic fungi with semiochemicals, as one of the promising strategy for RTB control, is considered.  相似文献   

The bark beetle, Dendroctonus rhizophagus Thomas & Bright, is endemic to the Sierra Madre Occidental (SMOC) in México. This bark beetle is a major pest of the seedlings and young saplings of several pine species that are of prime importance to the nation's forest industry. Despite the significance of this bark beetle as a pest, its biology, ecology, and distribution are poorly known. Three predictive modeling approaches were used as a first approximation to identify bioclimatic variables related to the presence of D. rhizophagus in the SMOC and to obtain maps of its potential distribution within the SMOC, which is a morphotectonic province. Our results suggest that the bark beetle could have an almost continuous distribution throughout the major mountain ranges of the SMOC. This beetle has a relatively narrow ecological niche with respect to some temperature and precipitation variables and inhabits areas with climatic conditions that are unique from those usually prevalent in the SMOC. However, the bark beetle has a broad ecological niche with respect to the number of hosts that it attacks. At the macro-scale level, the D. rhizophagus distribution occurs within the wider distribution of its main hosts. The limit of the geographical distribution of this bark beetle coincides with the maximum temperature isotherms. Our results imply a preference for temperate habitats, which leads to the hypothesis that even minor changes in climate may have significant effects on its distribution and abundance.  相似文献   

不速之客:林业外来有害生物   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
结合与中美两国林业有关的重要外来入侵性病虫害实例,包括板栗疫病、荷兰榆树病、松材线虫、光肩星天牛、红脂大小蠹和舞毒蛾等,对外来有害生物的危害严重程度、发生途径和控制对策进行了讨论,提出了入侵种监测、评估、科学研究、国际合作和信息共享等方面的具体建议。  相似文献   

Exotic forest insects and their symbionts pose an increasing threat to forest health. This is apparently true for the red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens), which was unintentionally introduced to China, where the beetle has killed millions of healthy native pine trees. Previous population genetics studies that used cytochrome oxidase I as a marker concluded that the source of D. valens in China was western North America. In contrast, surveys of fungi associated with D. valens demonstrated that more fungal species are shared between China and eastern North America than between China and western North America, suggesting that the source population of D. valens could be eastern North America. In this study, we used microsatellite markers to determine population structure of D. valens in North America as well as the source population of the beetle in China. The analyses revealed that four genetically distinct populations (herein named the West, Central, Northeast and Mexico) represent the native range of D. valens. Clustering analyses and a simulation‐based approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) approach supported the hypothesis that western North America is the source of the invasive D. valens population. This study provides a demonstration of non‐congruence between patterns inferred by studies on population genetics and symbiont assemblages in an invasive bark beetle.  相似文献   

Liu Z  Wang B  Xu B  Sun J 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e22005
Several studies suggest that some bark beetle like to attack large trees. The invasive red turpentine beetle (RTB), Dendroctonus valens LeConte, one of the most destructive forest pests in China, is known to exhibit this behavior. Our previous study demonstrated that RTBs preferred to attack large-diameter trees (diameter at breast height, DBH ≥30 cm) over small-diameter trees (DBH ≤10 cm) in the field. In the current study, we studied the attacking behavior and the underlying mechanisms in the laboratory. Behavioral assays showed that RTBs preferred the bark of large-DBH trees and had a higher attack rate on the bolts of these trees. Y-tube assays showed that RTBs preferred the volatiles released by large-DBH trees to those released by small-DBH trees. Subsequent analysis revealed that both large- and small-DBH trees had the same composition of monoterpenes, but the concentration of each component differed; thus it appeared that the concentrations acted as cues for RTBs to locate the right-sized host which was confirmed by further behavioral assays. Moreover, large-DBH pine trees provided more spacious habitat and contained more nutrients, such as nitrogen, than did small-DBH pine trees, which benefited RTBs' fecundity and larval development. RTBs seem to have evolved mechanisms to locate those large hosts that will allow them to maximize their fitness. Monoterpene variation mediated attack preference implies the potential for the management of RTB.  相似文献   

红脂大小蠹的发生和危害规律   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用标准地调查和单株调查的方法,研究了红脂大小蠹的发生和危害规律。结果表明:红脂大小蠹主要为害油松的基部和根部,多为胸径7.5cm以上、树龄30年生以上的树木,幼龄树受害很少;海拔850m以上的树木受害重,且随海拔的增高危害加重;路边树木受害最为严重,其次是山顶,林缘树木受害较轻,林内树木受害最轻;在不同坡向分布的树木,阴坡受害大于半阴坡,半阴坡大于阳坡;此外,该害虫一般侵害树势衰弱的林木,随着树势衰弱程度的增加,其危害程度加重,树体内害虫数量与树木的衰弱程度呈线性相关,其方程为Y=13.32X-16.25,此方程可以用来推断红脂大小蠹可能发生的程度。  相似文献   

An exotic invasive pest of pines, the red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte (Scolytidae) (RTB), was first detected in Shanxi Province, northern China, in 1998 and started causing widespread tree mortality there in 1999. This outbreak continues and has spread to three adjacent provinces, causing unprecedented tree mortality. Although it is considered a minor pest of pines in North America, RTB has proven to be an aggressive and destructive pest of Pinus tabuliformis, China’s most widely planted pine species. The bionomics and occurrence, distribution, response to host volatiles, and host preference of this pine beetle in China are compared with what is known of the beetle in its native range in North America. Factors likely contributing to D. valens success in China and control of the beetle outbreak are discussed. (−)-β-pinene was shown to be the most attractive host volatile for D. valens from the Sierra Nevada of California, whereas 3-(+)-carene is the most attractive host volatile for beetles in China. Monocultures of Pinus tabuliformis, several consecutive years of drought conditions and warm winters have apparently factored D. valens invasion and establishment in China.  相似文献   

外来入侵害虫红脂大小蠹对寄主挥发物的反应   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
2002年,利用寄主挥发性物质(+)-α-蒎烯、(-)-β-蒎烯、3-蒈烯和(-)柠檬烯按不同配比制成诱芯,采用自行研制的挥发物释放装置,在山西省关帝山森林经营局西葫芦林场对危害油松Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.的重大外来入侵林业害虫红脂大小蠹Dendroctomus valens LeConte进行了引诱试验。结果表明,3蒈烯对红脂大小蠹的引诱作用最强,明显优于单独使用(+)-α-蒎烯和(-)-β-蒎烯的诱虫效果,也比北美应用的标准诱芯[(+)- α蒎烯(-)-β-蒎烯与3-蒈烯的比例为1∶1∶1]效果好;在标准诱芯中加入油松另一主要成分-(-)柠檬烯会明显降低诱虫效果。红脂大小蠹引诱剂最佳释放量为150 mg/d。该研究不仅对我国红脂大小蠹的监控具有实际应用意义,也从理论上探讨了红脂大小蠹与寄主油松协同进化的化学生态学过程。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The pine sawyer Monochamus galloprovincialis is the European vector of the recently introduced pine wood nematode. This nematode is the causal organism of pine wilt disease, a serious tree killer in East Asia. Efficacious baits and traps to monitor and control this beetle are now required. The effect of bark beetle ( Ips spp.) pheromone components, released individually (ipsenol) or in blends (ipsenol, ipsdienol, cis -verbenol and methyl-butenol), together with host volatiles (turpentine or α -pinene and ethanol) on M. galloprovincialis trap catches has been studied in Spain. A kairomonal response by male and female of M. galloprovincialis to Ips semiochemicals was found. Beetles were more attracted to host blends supplemented with bark beetle pheromones than to host volatiles alone. Ipsenol alone was attractive to pine sawyers, and was synergistic with α -pinene and ethanol. The full blend of the four Ips semiochemicals and the host compounds was highly attractive. Multiple-funnel traps were as effective as black cross-vane traps in capturing this insect when the escape of trapped beetles was prevented. Trapping of non-target bark beetle predators was also evaluated. The trogossitid Temnochila coerulea and clerid Thanasimus formicarius were kairomonally attracted to and killed in traps baited with bark beetle pheromones. These results suggest that effective monitoring of M. galloprovincialis would be possible by baiting any of these traps with host volatiles and Ips semiochemicals, but reduction of the lure components and trap modification to minimize impact on predators should be considered.  相似文献   

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