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Tunicamycin (0.5 micrograms/ml) inhibited differentiation of F9 cells treated either with retinoic acid or with retinoic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP, as monitored by the activity of alkaline phosphatase and expression of cytokeratins. On the other hand, the pattern of the polysaccharide chain synthesis changed drastically with the treatment irrespective of the presence of tunicamycin. Therefore, phenotypes induced with retinoic acid are dissociated into two categories, one that is directly induced by the drug and the other that is induced indirectly by a mechanism in which glycoproteins play a role.  相似文献   

Cultures of F9 embryonal carcinoma cells treated with retinoic acid showed partial differentiation to endoderm cells as previously reported [Strickland, S., and Mahdavi, V. (1978).Cell15, 393–403]. Addition of dibutyryl cAMP to cultures pretreated with retinoic acid led to a second distinctive change in the cell population, with the formation of many neural-like cells. The appearance of these cells coincided with large increases in specific acetylcholinesterase activity of the cultures. Provided the cultures had been exposed to retinoic acid for at least 48 hr beforehand, the morphological and enzymatic changes became apparent between 24 and 48 hr after the addition of dibutyryl cAMP. The changes proceeded more abruptly and extensively when cells were grown in nongelatinized culture dishes. On gelatin-coated surfaces, the differentiated cells occasionally showed local areas of ordered arrangements. It is suggested that this system may be useful in analyzing early events in neural differentiation.  相似文献   

The synthesis of laminin A and B chains, and of entactin, has been measured in murine F9 embryonal carcinoma cells differentiating in response to retinoic acid and cyclic AMP. Undifferentiated cells synthesis low levels of laminin, amounting to approximately 0.02% of the [35S]methionine incorporated into cytoplasmic protein during a 15-min pulse. After 6 days induction, laminin synthesis has increased 15- to 20-fold. Undifferentiated F9 cells synthesise more intracellular laminin B2 chains (Mr 225,000) than B1 chains (Mr 225,000), but the excess B2 chains are apparently not assembled into the secreted laminin molecule. Indirect immunofluorescence shows faint cytoplasmic staining and short fibrils of laminin between the undifferentiated F9 cells.  相似文献   

Binding domain for laminin on type IV collagen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding of type IV collagen to laminin was studied by attaching one member of the ligand pair to a solid phase. When laminin was bound to a solid phase, type IV collagen exhibited saturable binding. Digestion of type IV collagen with high concentrations of pepsin destroyed the laminin binding activity. Type IV collagen was also found to bind to fibronectin but the binding activity was not destroyed by pepsin treatment. Rotary shadowing electron microscopy of the pepsin digested type IV collagen indicated that the carboxy terminal end region of about 100 nm is cleaved. Rotary shadowing electron microscopy studies demonstrate that the carboxy terminal end of type IV collagen has a major laminin binding site.  相似文献   

Teratocarcinoma cells in culture offer an in vitro system for studying certain aspects of embryonic differentiation. To gain some insight into regulatory systems that might be operative during early development, we have characterized the alterations that occur in the hormonal responsiveness of the F9 embryonal carcinoma cell membrane adenylate cyclase with differentiation. Adenylate cyclase of F9 cells is stimulated in the presence of 10 μM GTP by calcitonin, prostaglandin E1, (?) isoproterenol, and epinephrine, while parathyroid hormone is only slightly effective. Of these active hormones, calcitonin is the most potent stimulator of cyclic AMP production. Exposure of F9 cells to retinoic acid induces differentiation to parietal endodermal cells. Basal, GTP-, and fluoride-stimulated adenylate cyclase activities show a progressive increase with the retinoic acid-induced change to the endodermal phenotype. Differentiation to the endodermal cell type markedly alters the adenylate cyclase response to calcitonin and parathyroid hormone; the cyclase of endodermal cells exhibits a low response to calcitonin while parathyroid hormone dramatically enhances cyclic AMP formation. Treatment of the retinoic acid-generated endodermal cells with dibutyryl cyclic AMP converts these cells to a type exhibiting neural-like morphology. The adenylate cyclase system of these cells is only stimulated by parathyroid hormone, prostaglandin E1, isoproterenol, and epinephrine. Calcitonin responsiveness has been lost in these cells. These variations in calcitonin and parathyroid hormone responsiveness suggest a possible regulatory role for these hormones during embryonic development. Further more, the results indicate that changes in adenylate cyclase hormonal responsiveness might serve as useful markers during early stages of differentiation.  相似文献   

Laminin and type IV collagen were compared for the ability to promote aortic endothelial cell adhesion and directed migration in vitro. Substratum-adsorbed IV promoted aortic endothelial cell adhesion in a concentration dependent fashion attaining a maximum level 141-fold greater than controls within 30 min. Aortic endothelial cell adhesion to type IV collagen was not inhibited by high levels (10(-3) M) of arginyl-glycyl-aspartyl-serine. In contrast, adhesion of aortic endothelial cells on laminin was slower, attaining only 53% of the adhesion observed on type IV collagen by 90 min. Type IV collagen when added to the lower well of a Boyden chamber stimulated the directional migration of aortic endothelial cells in a concentration dependent manner with a maximal response 6.9-fold over control levels, whereas aortic endothelial cells did not migrate in response to laminin at any concentration (.01-2.0 X 10(-7) M). Triple helix-rich fragments of type IV collagen were nearly as active as intact type IV collagen in stimulating both adhesion and migration whereas the carboxy terminal globular domain was less active at promoting adhesion (36% of the adhesion promoted by intact type IV collagen) or migration. Importantly, aortic endothelial cells also migrate to substratum adsorbed gradients of type IV collagen suggesting that the mechanism of migration is haptotactic in nature. These results demonstrate that the aortic endothelial cell adhesion and migration is preferentially promoted by type IV collagen compared with laminin, and has a complex molecular basis which may be important in angiogenesis and large vessel repair.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of monensin on post-translational modification and intracellular transport of precursors of laminin subunits in parietal endoderm-like F9 cells. At concentrations higher than 0.1 microM, monensin inhibited the processing of high-mannose type precursors for all three subunits and caused their cytoplasmic accumulation. Furthermore, the secretion of mature subunits of laminin was inhibited. Instead, polypeptides with similar molecular weights to those of intracellular precursors were secreted. These polypeptides were immunologically related to laminin subunits and were sensitive to digestion with beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H (Endo H). This indicated that Golgi complexes of the cells can transport the precursors of laminin subunits even with their terminal glycosylation inactivated by monensin. Tunicamycin induced the accumulation of unglycosylated precursors and strongly reduced their secretion into the medium.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone related to mouse Type IV collagen has been prepared from F9 teratocarcinoma cells induced to differentiate with retinoic acid and dibutyryl-cAMP. This cDNA clone has been used to investigate the regulation of Type IV collagen mRNA during differentiation. The level of this mRNA is very low in untreated F9 cells, increases substantially after treatment of the cells with retinoic acid, and is further increased by addition of dibutyryl-cAMP. In contrast, dibutyryl-cAMP has no effect on the mRNA level in cells that have not been previously exposed to retinoic acid. These results demonstrate that these two compounds regulate in a sequential manner the steady-state level of Type IV collagen mRNA. This cDNA clone should allow a detailed examination of the mechanism of the two-stage regulation of collagen expression by retinoids and cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

The effect of sphingosine (SPH) on the adhesive properties of Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) cells was investigated using plastic precoated with the extracellular matrix proteins, laminin, fibronectin, or type IV collagen. Treatment of 3LL cells with SPH (0.5-10 microM) resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in the ability to bind to laminin and type IV collagen but had little or no effect on attachment to fibronectin. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) selectively enhanced attachment of 3LL cells to laminin and collagen. The inhibitory effect of SPH on attachment to both proteins was competitively antagonized by PMA. These results suggest that SPH acts as a negative effector for cell attachment to laminin and collagen, and that the cell attachment process to both proteins might be regulated in part by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

S Strickland  K K Smith  K R Marotti 《Cell》1980,21(2):347-355
It has previously been shown that retinoic acid induces multiple phenotypic changes in cultures of F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells. In this paper we demonstrate that these retinoid-generated cells can be converted to yet another cell type by compounds that elevate cAMP concentrations. The phenotype of the new cell type is characterized by the synthesis of plasminogen activator, laminin and type IV collagen, and by very low levels of alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase. The secretion of plasminogen activator and type IV collagen, and low levels of alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase, have been previously shown to be properties of parietal endoderm, an extraembryonic cell which is generated early in mouse embryonesis. We show here that parietal endoderm also synthesizes laminin. The cell type generated by retinoic acid and dibutyryl cAMP treatment is therefore indistinguishable from definitive parietal endoderm. Analysis of the final phenotype indicates that it is not dependent upon the continued presence of either compound, and that cAMP agents are active only on cells that have been treated with retinoic acid.  相似文献   

Modulation of protein biosynthesis by retinoic acid during induction of differentiation of F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells was investigated by using computerized analysis of double label autoradiography of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. As early as 6 h after induction increased synthesis of 5 and decreased synthesis of 2 proteins occur. By 12 h after induction, synthesis of 13 proteins is elevated and by 24 h that of 17. At 24 h the range of stimulation is from two- to fourfold, as demonstrated by a 3H:14C ratio divided by the mode ratio. Examination of the Gaussian distributions of frequency of ratio indicates that many subtle changes in protein synthesis accompany the development of the new phenotype.  相似文献   

The effects on mouse liver cells of laminin, fibronectin and type IV collagen, all of which are the main matrix of the basement membrane, were studied. Laminin, a glycoprotein isolated from cultures of rat yolk sac carcinoma cells, promoted the attachment of mouse fetal liver cells to laminin-coated dishes, but did not have a strong influence upon the attachment of normal adult liver cells. On the other hand, fibronectin which was purified from mouse plasma promoted the attachment of adult liver cells but not that of fetal liver cells. The number of neonatal liver cells attached to the surfaces coated was intermediate between those of fetal and adult liver cells in each matrix. DNA synthesis and cell proliferation during the culture of full-term fetal liver cells in laminin-coated dishes were higher than those in fibronectin- or type IV collagen-coated dishes. The amount of alpha-fetoprotein secreted in the laminin-coated dishes was more than in other groups. No differences in secretion of albumin into media, however, were observed in either group. These results suggest that laminin may be necessary for cell growth, tissue organization and cell differentiation during the normal development of liver in vivo.  相似文献   

Laminin and type IV collagen are two major basement membrane glycoproteins. In previous studies it has been shown that nonenzymatic glucosylation induces structural alterations of these macromolecules and also reduces their ability to self-associate. In the present study, endothelial cells were tested for their ability to adhere and spread on nonenzymatically glucosylated laminin and type IV collagen. Adhesion and spreading were reduced when glucosylated macromolecules were used as substrates. Glucosylation-induced changes in adhesion and spreading may be an important initial event signaling other phenotypic modifications of cells in the microvasculature and may be a crucial factor in order to understand the pathogenesis of diabetic microangiopathy at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Binding of laminin to type IV collagen: a morphological study   总被引:18,自引:14,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A mixture of laminin and type IV collagen was analyzed by rotary shadowing using carbon/platinum and electron microscopy. Laminin was found to form distinct complexes with type IV collagen: one site of interaction is located 140 nm from the COOH-terminal, noncollagenous (NC1) domain and the other is located within the NH2-terminal region. The isolated NC1 fragment of type IV collagen does not appear to interact with laminin, while pepsin-treated type IV collagen, which lacks the NC1 domain, retains its ability to form complexes with laminin. Analysis of the laminin-type IV complexes indicates that laminin binds to type IV collagen via the globular regions of either of its four arms. This finding is supported by experiments using fragment P1 of laminin which lacks the globular regions and which does not bind to type IV collagen in a specific way. In addition, after heat-denaturation of laminin no specific binding is observed.  相似文献   

We previously reported that Kirsten sarcoma virus transformed BALB 3T3 (Ki-3T3) cell cultures contained mainly type I collagen and about 30% of another type designated by us as Y and which appears to be type III collagen, [α1 (III)]3. Clones of BALB 3T3 which exhibited contact-inhibition were found to contain mainly type I collagen [α1(I)]2α2, and about 25% of another type (X) which was composed of three α1 chains differing from those of type III (Hata, R. and B. Peterkofsky, 1977 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (U.S.A.), 74: 2933—2937). Since dibutyryl 3′:5′ cyclic adenosine monophosphate (dbcAMP) increases collagen synthesis and alters other transformation specific properties of Ki-3T3 cells, we determined whether treatment of Ki-3T3 cells with this compound restored the normal collagen phenotype. We also analyzed the collagen of a revertant of Ki-3T3 which exhibits properties similar to those of the dbcAMP treated transformant. Procollagen labeled with radioactive proline was isolated from the medium or cells of cultures and was converted to collagen with pepsin; the collagen was analyzed by carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) chromatography or gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. Ki-3T3 cells treated with 0.5 mM dbcAMP continued to accumulate type III collagen but there was an increase in the number of α1 chains eluting from CMC columns in the same position as α1 (I) suggesting increased accumulation of type X collagen. Although the revertant was similar to dbcAMP treated cells in that it exhibited a flattened morphology and a high relative rate of collagen synthesis, the collagen profile was similar to that of the transformant, consisting mainly of types I and III. These results indicate that accumulation of type III collagen is unaffected by dbcAMP but suggest that cAMP may be involved in the regulation of type X collagen. The failure of dbcAMP or reversion to affect the occurrence of type III collagen supports the mechanism of cell selection as a means of explaining the specific occurrence of type III collagen in sarcoma virus transformed 3T3 cells.  相似文献   

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