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The CD45RA and CD45RO isoforms have been reported to define complementary subsets among CD4+ T cells: CD45RA CD4+ T cells are considered "virgin T cells" and CD45RO "primed T cells." We investigated the secretion of lymphokines by human CD4+ CD45RO and CD4+ CD45RA T helper cells after mitogen stimulation. CD45RA and CD45RO CD4+ T cells were isolated by negative immunoselection using magnetic beads. CD45RO cells, but not CD45RA cells, proliferate well in response to pokeweed mitogen (PWM) or insoluble anti-CD3. Both subpopulations produced interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, and interferon (IFN)-gamma when stimulated with PWM for 1-4 days. Only Day 1 supernatants from CD45RO cells contained moderate amounts of IL-4. After 14 days of continuous culture and stimulation with PWM, the CD45RA subset had lost the expression of CD45RA and gained that of CD45RO. When long-term cultured CD45RA or CD45RO cells were treated with insoluble anti-CD3, they incorporated [3H]thymidine at similar levels, but only CD45RO cells secreted IL-4 and significantly increased their secretion of IFN-gamma. These data indicate that despite phenotype conversion, the two subpopulations maintain functional differences in the secretion of lymphokines, thus suggesting that circulating CD45RA and CD45RO cells may represent different lines of differentiation.  相似文献   

The functional distinction between CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ cells within the human CD4+ T cell subset is well established. This study was undertaken to investigate whether a similar division can be made within the CD8+ T cell population. A quantitative comparison was made of the requirements for activation and differentiation of CD8+CD45RA+ and CD8+CD45RO+ cells. Stimulation of T lymphocytes with anti-CD3 mAb immobilized at high-density induced strong proliferation and CTL activity in both CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ cells. Suboptimal TCR/CD3 triggering, in contrast, induced substantially higher levels of proliferation and CTL activity in CD8+CD45RO+ cells compared with their CD45RA+ counterparts. Lymphokine secretion (i.e., Il-2 and TNF-alpha) was under any condition more readily induced in CD8+CD45RO+ cells. Markedly, proliferation of both CD8+CD45RA+ and CD8+CD45RO+ T cells initiated by anti-CD3 mAb immobilized at high densities was not inhibited by addition of anti-CD25 mAb, in contrast to proliferation induced by suboptimal anti-CD3 mAb concentrations. These findings show that a functional division between CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ T cells with distinct requirements for activation and differentiation may also be made in the CD8+ subset.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that Con A-induced suppressor T cells belong to the CD45RA+ subset. After unseparated T cells are activated with Con A, CD45RA expression increases to a maximum (Day 2), and then decreases significantly, but does not disappear entirely (Day 9), while CD29 expression increases steadily. In the present study, we examined the fate of these cell surface molecules on isolated CD4+CD45RA+ and CD4+CD45RA- cells following activation with Con A, and their relationship to the regulatory functions of these subsets. After activation of CD4+CD45RA+ cells with Con A, CD45RO and CD29 antigen expression rapidly increases (greater than 90%). While CD45RA expression is downregulated, approximately 40% of the cells continue to express low-density CD45RA in a stable fashion through Day 21. Despite these phenotypic changes, cells originally CD45RA+ continue to suppress IgG synthesis and provide only minimal B cell help. Furthermore, when cells originally CD45RA+ were sorted on the basis of continued presence, or loss of CD45RA antigen 14 days after activation, both populations demonstrated potent suppression and minimal help. In contrast, after activation with Con A, CD4+CD45A- cells maintain stable phenotype and provide significant help and minimal suppression. Immunoprecipitation of the CD45RA antigen from Day 14 activated CD4+CD45RA+ cells confirms the continued presence of the 205-kDa isoform, but reveals a significant decrease in the 220-kDa isoform. These results suggest that after activation with Con A, cells originally CD45RA+ remain functionally distinct from cells originally CD45RA-, and that CD45RA antigen persists on a subpopulation of CD45RA+ cells after activation with Con A.  相似文献   

We propose a classification of human CD4(+)CD45RO(+) memory T cells into three new subsets based on cell surface expression levels of CD43. The first subset consists of cells whose CD43 expression is relatively high; this subset also contains the highest proportion of recall Ag-reactive precursors, and its constituent cells respond far more strongly than cells in either of the other subsets to immobilized CD3 Ab in addition to secreting substantially more IFN-gamma and IL-4. Cells of the second subset express similar levels of CD43 to naive cells, and they also respond weakly to TCR-mediated stimuli as judged by either their ability to proliferate or capacity for cytokine production. The third subsets consists of cells whose CD43 expression levels are clearly down-regulated; its cells appear to be anergic to TCR-mediated stimuli, and when examined ex vivo many of them appear to be undergoing either spontaneous apoptosis via a caspase-independent pathway or Fas-mediated apoptosis via a caspase-dependent pathway, even in the resting state. An analysis of telomere lengths revealed that the typical telomere of a cell in the second subset was significantly longer than the typical telomere in the first or third subset. Taken together, these results appear to indicate that CD4(+)CD45RO(+) T cells fall into three functionally differing subsets, one being a subset of cells with fully matured memory phenotype, a second being a less mature subset of cells that retain longer telomeres and whose memory functionality is marginal, and a third consisting of anergic cells that give every appearance of being death-prone and/or in the process of dying.  相似文献   

In the present study, the authors compared the interleukin 17 (IL-17 expression of human naive and phenotypically defined memory T cells as well as its regulation by cAMP pathway. Our data showed that IL-17 mRNA was highly expressed in memory human peripheral CD8(+)45RO+T cells and CD4(+)45RO+T cells when peripheral blood mononuclear cells were first stimulated with ionomycin/PMA. IL-17 expression in memory CD8(+)T cells required accessory signals since culture of ionomycin/PMA-activated CD8(+)45RO+T cells alone did not result to IL-17 expression. In contrast, memory CD4(+)T cell population seems to be more independent. IL-17 and interferon gamma(IFN-gamma) mRNA were both inhibited in the presence of PGE2 or the cAMP analogue (dibutyryl-cAMP), while the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 was highly increased. In contrast, naive CD45RA+T cells were unable to express IL-17 whatever the culture conditions. Naive CD4(+)and CD8(+)T cells were sensitive to the PKA regulatory pathway since they represent a significant source of IL-10 when PBMC were first cultured with ionomycin/PMA in the presence of either PGE2 or db-cAMP. The authors showed that naive cells are highly dependent to their microenvironment, since culture of ionomycin/PMA-activated CD45RA+T cells alone did not result in detectable levels of cytokines even in the presence of PGE2. Results also showed that PGE2 induced quite the same levels of intracellular cAMP in naive and memory cells suggesting that these cell populations are equally sensitive to PGE2. However, we suggest that PGE2 may be more efficient in blocking both IL-17 and IFN-gamma expression in already primed memory T cells, rather than in suppressing naive T cells that could represent a significant source of IL-10. Data suggest that PKA activation pathway plays a critical role in the regulation of cytokine profiles and consequently the functional properties of both human naive and memory CD4(+) and CD8(+)T cells during the immune and inflammatory processes.  相似文献   

The tyrosine phosphatase CD45 is alternatively spliced to generate isoforms of different molecular weights (180-220 kDa) which are differentially expressed on hematopoietic cells. Monoclonal antibodies reacting with either the 180-kDa (UCHL-1, CD45RO) or the 200- to 220-kDa (2H4, CD45RA) isoform have been used to subdivide T cell populations based on their expression of one or the other of these two epitopes. CD45RA T cells have "naive" characteristics of unresponsiveness to recall antigens and prominence in cord blood, while CD45RO T cells are considered "memory" T cells because they proliferate to recall antigens and increase following PHA activation of cord blood. However, we have recently demonstrated the expression of the CD45RA isoform on a subpopulation of CD45RO+ T cell clones, suggesting that CD45RA is not a universal marker for naive T cells. Using propidium iodide staining of the DNA to determine cell cycle stage, we now show that CD45RA expression is significantly higher on T cell clones during the S, G2, and M stages of cell cycle when compared to CD45RA expression on cells in Go and G1. Furthermore, CD45RA expression on cells undergoing mitosis is not limited to long-term activated T cell clones, as uncultured peripheral blood T cells in the S/G2/M phase express significantly more CD45RA. The percentage of T cells coexpressing CD45RA and CD45RO also increases following PHA activation, indicating that T cells in the process of division express both isoforms. These results suggest a potential role of the CD45RA isoform during the stages of cell cycle leading to mitosis.  相似文献   

The majority of peripheral CD4+ T lymphocytes proliferate in vitro in response to anti-CD3 in presence of autologous APC. The present study describes a subpopulation of CD4+ T cells that cannot be activated and progress into cell cycle by stimulation with anti-CD3 plus APC or with mitogenic combinations of anti-CD2. The in vitro responses of these anti-CD3-unresponsive CD4+ T cells were investigated with a panel of mAb to CD2, CD3, and CD28, and found to be similar to those previously observed for mature thymocytes: only the combination of anti-CD2 plus anti-CD28 produced cell proliferation. Anti-CD3-unresponsive T cells were CD45RA+, but represented only 14 to 22% of the CD4+, CD45RA+ T cell population. Activation with anti-CD2 plus anti-CD28 mAb resulted in major changes in the cell surface phenotype and functional properties: a loss of CD45RA+ occurred and an increased expression of CD45RO, CD29, and CD58 (LFA3), as well as a gain in responsiveness to anti-CD3 and anti-CD2. This change in CD45 phenotype from CD45RA to CD45RO occurs in both the anti-CD3-responsive and in the anti-CD3-unresponsive subsets of the CD45RA+, CD4+ cells after cell proliferation. The anti-CD3-unresponsive subset may represent a pool of not yet fully differentiated peripheral T cells. The acquisition of anti-CD3 responsiveness could occur as a consequence of Ag priming or by an Ag-independent mechanism. Involvement of the CD28 Ag in this process is suggested from the present study.  相似文献   

To study the distribution profile of CD45RO+ and CD45RA+ T cells in the peripheral blood of peripheral T cell lymphoma (PTCL) patients and its clinical significance. 27 patients with PTCL were enrolled in this study, together with 30 healthy individuals as the control group. Flow cytometry analysis was employed to examinate the differences in the distribution of CD45RO+ and CD45RA+ T cells in peripheral blood between two groups. In PTCL patient’s lymphnode tissues, the T cell population displayed diverse antigenic expression, with CD4+ T cells as the major subset. No B cell-related antigen was expressed. The percentage of CD4+/CD8+ and CD4+CD45RO+ T cells in patients’ peripheral blood were significantly lower than that in the control samples, while the percentage of CD4+CD45RA+, CD8+CD45RA+, and CD8+CD45RO+ T cells in patients’ peripheral blood were significantly higher than that in the control samples. The percentage of CD4+/CD8+, CD4+CD45RO+ cells in stage I/II PTCL patients’ peripheral blood were significantly higher than that in the samples from patients with stage III/IV PTCL. The percentage of CD4+CD45RA+, CD8+CD45RA+, and CD8+CD45RO+ T cells were notably lower than that in the samples from III/IV period PTCL patients. Both CD45RO+ and CD45RA+ T cells play important roles in the process of PTCL. The immunophenotypic profile from this study will help to develop the differential diagnosis and treatment of PTCL patients in the future, and improve the accuracy rate of diagnosis and to ameliorate the prognosis.  相似文献   

The integrin beta 1 (CD29) is a marker for total very late activation Ag integrins on cells, and exhibits considerable fluctuation in cell surface density at various stages of T cell development. We have analyzed beta 1 integrin expression on subsets of human thymus, and on T cells from healthy babies and children, in comparison to healthy adults aged 26 to 75. T cells from adult peripheral blood include a CD29-, a CD29lo, and a CD29hi set. Compared with adults, PBMC T cells from children have reduced numbers of both CD29lo and CD29hi subsets but equivalent numbers of CD29- T cells. The number of CD29hi T cells increases gradually with age, achieving adult levels only at about 26 yr of age; in aged adults (69 to 75 yr), nearly all T cells have a CD29hi phenotype. Most thymocytes and cord blood T cells, in contrast, have a single peak of CD29 staining that is intermediate to the two peaks seen in adults. Multi-negative progenitor and CD45RO- thymocytes (presumptive thymic generative line-age) are 98% CD29hi. Progenitor thymocytes and adult PBMC T cells express equivalent amounts of beta 1 and alpha 4, but progenitors are alpha 5hi, whereas PBMC T cells are alpha 5lo. T cells from children have reduced beta 1hi and alpha 5lo, but nearly comparable numbers of alpha 4hi. This suggests that the major very late activation Ag integrins during childhood may be alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha 4 complexed with an alternate beta chain. In children, the majority of CD29hi cells are also CD45RAhi, in contrast to the pattern in adults, in whom the majority of CD29hi T cells are CD45RA-. This suggests that in children, the main defense against infection may reside in the CD29hi45RAhi T cells, which have not yet made the transition to CD45RO and to bona fide memory status. The proliferative response to tetanus toxoid of 4- to 6-mo-old babies correlates with the number of CD29hi45RAhi T cells, suggesting that it derives at least in part from cells that do not express a "memory" phenotype. These observations show a pattern of alternating high and low density CD29 during T cell development, which is consistent with the idea that CD29 is a marker for functionally defined T cell sets. Analysis of the CD29 expression of CD29hi thymocytes developing in vitro supports this view. We suggest that the intensity of CD29 expression on a T cell varies, dependent upon the microenvironmental interactions required by a differentiating T cell.  相似文献   

The age-related decline in immune system functions is responsible for the increased prevalence of infectious diseases and the low efficacy of vaccination in elderly individuals. In particular, the number of peripheral naive T-cells declines throughout life and they exhibit severe functional defects at advanced age. However, we have recently identified a non-regulatory CD8+CD45RO+ CD25+ T-cell subset that occurs in a subgroup of healthy elderly individuals, who still exhibit an intact humoral immune response following influenza vaccination. Here, we demonstrate that CD8+CD45RO+CD25+ T-cells share phenotypic and functional characteristics with naive CD8+CD45RA+CD28+ T-cells from young individuals, despite their expression of CD45RO. CD8+CD45RO+ CD25+ T-cells also have long telomeres and upon antigenic challenge, they efficiently expand in vitro and differentiate into functional effector cells. The expanded population also maintains a diverse T-cell receptor repertoire. In conclusion, CD8+CD45RO+CD25+ T-cells from elderly individuals compensate for the loss of functional naive T-cells and may therefore be used as a marker of immunological competence in old age.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism and functional significance of infection of CD8+ lymphocytes by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in vivo, we determined frequencies of infection, proviral conformation, and genetic relationships between HIV-1 variants infecting naive (CD45RA+) and memory (CD45RO+) peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes. Infection of CD3+ CD8+ CD45RA+ cells was detected in 9 of 16 study subjects at frequencies ranging from 30 to 1,400 proviral copies/10(6) cells, more frequently than CD3+ CD8+ lymphocytes expressing the RO isoform of CD45 (n = 2, 70 and 260 copies /10(6) cells). In agreement with previous studies, there was no evidence for a similar preferential infection of CD4+ naive lymphocytes. Proviral sequences in both CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocyte subsets were complete, as assessed by quantitation using primers from the long terminal repeat region spanning the tRNA primer binding site. In six of the seven study subjects investigated, variants infecting CD8+ lymphocytes were partially or completely genetically distinct in the V3 region from those recovered from CD4+ lymphocytes and showed a greater degree of compartmentalization than observed between naive and memory subsets of CD4+ lymphocytes. In two study subjects, arginine substitutions at position 306, associated with use of the chemokine coreceptor CXCR4, were preferentially found in CD4 lymphocytes. These population differences may have originated through different times of infection rather than necessarily indicating a difference in their biological properties. The preferential distribution of HIV-1 in naive CD8+ lymphocytes indeed suggests that infection occurred early in T-lymphocyte ontogeny, such as during maturation in the thymus. Destruction of cells destined to become CD8+ lymphocytes may be a major factor in the decline in CD8+ lymphocyte frequencies and function on disease progression and may contribute directly to the observed immunodeficiency in AIDS.  相似文献   

Circulating CD8+ T cells with a CD45RA+CD27- phenotype resemble cytolytic effector cells because they express various cytolytic mediators and are able to execute cytotoxicity without prior stimulation in vitro. We here demonstrate that CD8+CD45RA+CD27- T cells can use both granule exocytosis and Fas/Fas ligand pathways to induce apoptosis in target cells. The availability of these cytolytic mechanisms in circulating T cells suggests that the activity of these cells must be carefully controlled to prevent unwanted tissue damage. For this reason, we analyzed the expression of surface receptors that either enhance or inhibit T cell function. Compared with memory-type cells, effector cells were found to express normal levels of CD3epsilon and TCRzeta and relatively high levels of CD8. CTLA-4 was absent from freshly isolated effector cells, whereas a limited number of unstimulated memory cells expressed this molecule. In line with recent findings on CD8+CD28- T cells, CD45RA+CD27- T cells were unique in the abundant expression of NK cell-inhibitory receptors, both of Ig superfamily and C-type lectin classes. Binding of NK cell-inhibitory receptors to classical and nonclassical MHC class I molecules may inhibit the activation of the cytolytic machinery induced by either Ag receptor-specific or nonspecific signals in CD8+CD45RA+CD27- T cells.  相似文献   

CD45, the leukocyte common Ag, has been shown to characterize T cell development both within the thymus and among peripheral T cells. The work reported here demonstrates that human multinegative (MN) thymocytes, depleted of cells bearing CD3, CD4, CD8, and CD19, express predominantly the high molecular mass CD45RA isoform, and lack low molecular mass CD45RB isoforms and CD45R0 as detected by immunofluorescence. By immunoprecipitation of surface-labeled CD45 molecules from MN thymocytes, a proportion of the CD45 is in fact of low molecular mass but does not include epitopes recognized by CD45R0, nor by CD45RB mAb specific for the p190. This suggests either glycosylation variants of CD45RB/CD45R0 undetectable by our mAb, or underglycosylated CD45RA. MN thymocytes lack TCR-alpha beta mRNA confirming their early developmental stage. Upon culture with IL-2 or with mitogenic combinations of anti-CD2/CD28 mAb, MN thymocytes differentiate to acquire CD3, TCR-alpha beta, and in some cases CD4 and/or CD8. We have predicted that maintenance of CD45RA and lack of CD45R0 expression is fundamental to generative thymic development. If correct, this demands that unlike peripheral T cells, differentiation of MN thymocytes should be accompanied by prolonged expression of high molecular mass CD45 isoforms. Analysis of CD45 isoform expression during MN thymocyte development confirms this prediction and indicates that expression of CD45RA is maintained, at increasing density, for at least 8 to 12 days of culture. Unlike peripheral blood T cells, this is accompanied by the gradual acquisition of firstly the p190 isoforms of CD45RB and later by CD45R0, resulting in a population of CD3+TCR-alpha beta cells coexpressing CD45RA/RBp190/R0. Dot blot analysis of mRNA from differentiating MN thymocytes indicates prolonged expression of mRNA encoding CD45 exons a, b, and c, again in contrast to peripheral T cells which lose all mRNA for alternatively spliced CD45 exons within the first 24 h poststimulation. This is discussed in the context of negative selection during thymic development and interconversion of T cell subsets.  相似文献   

T cells with specificity for self-Ags are normally present in the peripheral blood, and, upon activation, may target tissue Ags and become involved in the pathogenesis of autoimmune processes. In multiple sclerosis, a demyelinating disease of the CNS, it is postulated that inflammatory damage is initiated by CD4+ T cells reactive to myelin Ags. To investigate the potential naive vs memory origin of circulating myelin-reactive cells, we have generated myelin basic protein (MBP)- and tetanus toxoid-specific T cell clones from CD45RA+/RO- and CD45RO+/RA- CD4+ T cell subsets from the peripheral blood of multiple sclerosis patients and controls. Our results show that 1) the response to MBP, different from that to TT, predominantly emerges from the CD45RA+ subset; 2) the reactivity to immunodominant MBP epitopes mostly resides in the CD45RA+ subset; 3) in each individual, the recognition of single MBP epitopes is skewed to either subset, with no overlap in the Ag fine specificity; and 4) in spite of a lower expression of costimulatory and adhesion molecules, CD45RA+ subset-derived clones recognize epitopes with higher functional Ag avidity. These findings point to a central role of the naive CD45RA+ T cell subset as the source for immunodominant, potentially pathogenic effector CD4+ T cell responses in humans.  相似文献   

D Brohée  N Higuet 《Cytobios》1992,71(285):105-111
Following phytohaemagglutinin A stimulation, CD45RA positive monocytes increased from 12.2 +/- 8.9% to 63.5 +/- 8.8% (p < 0.001), without a significant change in cell surface antigen density. In contrast, HLA-DQ antigen, also expressed in 76.8 +/- 10.5% of the monocytes after PHA stimulation for 48 h, revealed a marked enhancement in fluorescence intensity (p < 0.001). This up-regulation is already evident in unstimulated cultures. The percentages of CD45RA and HLA-DQ positive monocytes were correlated (r = 0.80, p < 0.001), substantiating a previous clinical observation. CD45RA expression may probe activated mono/macrophages.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cell subsets are unequally distributed in rat secondary lymphoid organs. Those with the memory phenotype CD45RClow Thy-1- L-selectin- are present at a higher frequency in Peyer's patches (PP) than in lymph nodes and spleen, and increase in numbers with age in all three tissues, particularly in the PP. Homing experiments revealed that CD4+ T cells that recirculate through secondary lymphoid organs are mainly CD45RChigh. It was also apparent that the ability of recirculating cells to enter different lymphoid organs varies; less cells enter PP than the spleen or lymph nodes. Our results also reveal the existence of a nonrecirculating population of CD4+ T cells in secondary lymphoid organs, which are predominantly, if not exclusively, CD45RClow. Our results show that secondary lymphoid organs differ in their CD4+ T cell subset composition as a consequence of having different ratios of recirculatory:nonrecirculatory CD4+ T cells, and these cells display a different CD45RC phenotype.  相似文献   

Differential cytokine production by T cells plays an important role in the outcome of the immune response. We show that the level of CD45RC expression differentiates rat CD8 T cells in two subpopulations, CD45RC(high) and CD45RC(low), that have different cytokine profiles and functions. Upon in vitro stimulation, in an Ag-presenting cell-independent system, CD45RC(high) CD8 T cells produce IL-2 and IFN-gamma while CD45RC(low) CD8 T cells produce IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13. In vitro, these subsets also exhibit different cytotoxic and suppressive functions. The CD45RC(high)/CD45RC(low) CD8 T cell ratio was determined in Lewis (LEW) and Brown-Norway (BN) rats. These two rat strains differ with respect to the Th1/Th2 polarization of their immune responses and to their susceptibility to develop distinct immune diseases. The CD45RC(high)/CD45RC(low) CD8 T cell ratio is higher in LEW than in BN rats, and this difference is dependent on hemopoietic cells. Linkage analysis in a F(2)(LEW x BN) intercross identified two quantitative trait loci on chromosomes 9 and 20 controlling the CD45RC(high)/CD45RC(low) CD8 T cell ratio. This genetic control was confirmed in congenic rats. The region on chromosome 9 was narrowed down to a 1.2-cM interval that was found to also control the IgE response in a model of Th2-mediated disorder. Identification of genes that control the CD45RC(high)/CD45RC(low) CD8 T cell subsets in these regions could be of great interest for the understanding of the pathophysiology of immune-mediated diseases.  相似文献   

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