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Characterization of mouse lymphoma cells with altered nucleoside transport   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A mutant clone (NT-1) of a T-cell lymphoma was selected for its ability to grow in HAT medium (hypoxanthine, aminopterin and thymidine) in the presence of the nucleoside transport inhibitor P-nitrobenzyl-6-mercaptoinosine (NBMI). NT-1 cells contain half the number of NBMI binding sites present on the parental S49 cells and are partially able to transport nucleosides in the presence of the transport inhibitor (NBMI). These observations suggest that the mutant cells are heterozygous for nucleoside transport proteins and contain two types of transport proteins: the first protein can both bind and is inhibited by NBMI similar to the wild type phenotype, and the second is an altered protein. The altered transport protein apparently lost its NBMI binding sites without a parallel loss of nucleoside transport ability suggesting that the nucleoside transported sites are separate from the binding sites of the transport inhibitor.  相似文献   

S49 murine lymphoma cells were examined for expression of various nucleoside transport systems using a non-metabolized nucleoside, formycin B, as substrate. Nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBTI)-sensitive, facilitated transport was the primary nucleoside transport system of the cells. The cells also expressed very low levels of NBTI-resistant, facilitated nucleoside transport as well as of Na(+)-dependent, concentrative formycin B transport. Concentrative transport was specific for uridine and purine nucleosides, just as the concentrative nucleoside transporters of other mouse and rat cells. A nucleoside transport mutant of S49 cells, AE-1, lacked both the NBTI-sensitive, facilitated and Na(+)-dependent, concentrative formycin B transport activity, but Na(+)-dependent, concentrative transport of alpha-aminoisobutyrate was not affected.  相似文献   

Cells of an adenosine-resistant clone (AE1) of S49 mouse lymphoma cells were compared with cells of the parental line with respect to (a) characteristics of nucleoside transport, (b) high affinity binding of the inhibitor of nucleoside transport, nitrobenzylthionisine (NBMPR), and (c) the antiproliferative effects of the nucleoside antibiotics, tubercidin, arabinosyladenine and showdomycin. Rates of inward transport of uridine, thymidine, adenosine, 2′-deoxyadenosine, tubercidin, showdomycin, and arabinosyladenine in AE1 cells were less than 1% of those in cells of the parental S49 line. The inhibitor of nucleoside transport, NBMPR, reduced rates of inward nucleoside transport in S49 cells to levels comparable to those seen in the transport-defective mutant. S49 cells possessed high affinity sites that bound NBMPR (6.6 · 104 sites/cell, Kd  0.2 nM), whereas site-specific binding of NBMPR to AE1 cells was not demonstrable, indicating that loss of nucleoside transport activity in AE1 cells was accompanied by loss of the high affinity NBMPR binding sites. Relative to S49 cells, AE1 cells were resistant to the antiproliferative effects of tubercidin and showdomycin, but differences between the two cell lines in sensitivity toward arabinosyladenine were minor, suggesting that nucleoside transport activity was required for cytotoxicity of tubercidin and showdomycin, but not for that of arabinosyladenine.  相似文献   

From a mutagenized population of S49 murine T lymphoma cells, a mutant cell line, JPA4, was selected that expressed an altered nucleoside transport capability. JPA4 cells transported low concentrations of purine nucleosides and uridine more rapidly than the parental S49 cell line. The transport of these nucleosides by mutant cells was insensitive to inhibition by either dipyridamole (DPA) or 4-nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR), two potent inhibitors of nucleoside transport in mammalian cells. Kinetic analyses revealed that the apparent Km values for the transport of uridine, adenosine, and inosine were 3-4-fold lower in JPA4 cells compared to wild type cells. In contrast, the transport of both thymidine and cytidine by JPA4 cells was similar to that of parental cells, and transport of these pyrimidine nucleosides remained sensitive to inhibition by both NBMPR and DPA. Furthermore, thymidine was a 10-12-fold weaker inhibitor of inosine transport in JPA4 cells than in wild type cells. Thus, JPA4 cells appeared to express two types of nucleoside transport activities; a novel (mutant) type that was insensitive to inhibition by DPA and NBMPR and transported purine nucleosides and uridine, and a parental type that retained sensitivity to inhibitors and transported cytidine and thymidine. The phenotype of the JPA4 cell line suggests that the sensitivity of mammalian nucleoside transporters to both NBMPR and DPA can be genetically uncoupled from its ability to transport certain nucleoside substrates and that the determinants on the nucleoside transporter that interact with each nucleoside are not necessarily identical.  相似文献   

Sodium-dependent nucleoside transport in mouse leukemia L1210 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nucleoside permeation in L1210/AM cells is mediated by (a) equilibrative (facilitated diffusion) transporters of two types and by (b) a concentrative Na(+)-dependent transport system of low sensitivity to nitrobenzylthioinosine and dipyridamole, classical inhibitors of equilibrative nucleoside transport. In medium containing 10 microM dipyridamole and 20 microM adenosine, the equilibrative nucleoside transport systems of L1210/AM cells were substantially inhibited and the unimpaired activity of the Na(+)-dependent nucleoside transport system resulted in the cellular accumulation of free adenosine to 86 microM in 5 min, a concentration three times greater than the steady-state levels of adenosine achieved without dipyridamole. Uphill adenosine transport was not observed when extracellular Na+ was replaced by Li+, K+, Cs+, or N-methyl-D-glucammonium ions, or after treatment of the cells with nystatin, a Na+ ionophore. These findings show that concentrative nucleoside transport activity in L1210/AM cells required an inward transmembrane Na+ gradient. Treatment of cells in sodium medium with 2 mM furosemide in the absence or presence of 2 mM ouabain inhibited Na(+)-dependent adenosine transport by 50 and 75%, respectively. However, because treatment of cells with either agent in Na(+)-free medium decreased adenosine transport by only 25%, part of this inhibition may be secondary to the effects of furosemide and ouabain on the ionic content of the cells. Substitution of extracellular Cl- by SO4(-2) or SCN- had no effect on the concentrative influx of adenosine.  相似文献   

Genetic deficiencies in the nucleoside transport function markedly altered the abilities of cultured mutant S49 T lymphoblasts to transport, incorporate, and salvage exogenous hypoxanthine. The concentrations of exogenous hypoxanthine required to reverse azaserine toxicity and replenish azaserine-depleted nucleoside triphosphate pools in AE1 cells, a nucleoside transport-deficient clone, were about 10-fold higher than those required for wild type cells. In a similar fashion, guanine could reverse mycophenolic acid toxicity in wild type but not in AE1 cells. Surprisingly, a second nucleoside transport-deficient clone, 80-5D2, which had lost 80-90% of its ability to transport nucleosides, required lower hypoxanthine concentrations than the wild type parent to reverse these azaserine-mediated effects. The addition of submicromolar concentrations of either p-nitrobenzylthioinosine or dipyridamole, two potent inhibitors of nucleoside transport, to wild type cells mimicked the phenotype of the AE1 cells with respect to hypoxanthine. AE1 cells or p-nitrobenzylthioinosine-treated wild type cells could only transport hypoxanthine at 10-25% the rate of untreated wild type cells, whereas 80-5D2 cells could transport hypoxanthine more efficiently. Adenine transport was also diminished in AE1 and FURD-80-3-6 cells, but not to sufficiently low levels to interfere with their ability to salvage adenine to overcome azaserine toxicity. These studies on S49 cells altered in their nucleoside transport capacity provide powerful genetic evidence that purine nucleobases share a common transport function with nucleosides in these mammalian T lymphoblasts.  相似文献   

Nitrobenzylthioniosine (NBMPR), a potent and specific inhibitor of nucleoside transport, is bound reversibly by high affinity sites on nucleoside transporter proteins of erythrocyte membranes and, upon photoactivation, NBMPR molecules become covalently bonded to the sites. This study showed that [3H]NBMPR molecules reversibly bound to intact S49 and L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells became covalently bound upon exposure to UV light. Electrophoretic analysis of plasma membrane fractions from the labelled cells showed that 3H was present in polypeptides which migrated as a major band with an apparent Mr of 45000–65000.  相似文献   

Cortisol-sensitive and cortisol-resistant lymphoma P1798 cells specifically bind [25I]insulin. Resistant lymphocytes bind 40% less insulin than sensitive cells. These results suggest that insulin (or insulin-like substances) may play a role in growth regulation and/or response of this tumor to glucocorticoid therapy.  相似文献   

Nucleoside transport was examined in freshly isolated mouse intestinal epithelial cells. The uptake of formycin B, the C nucleoside analog of inosine, was concentrative and required extracellular sodium. The initial rate of sodium-dependent formycin B transport was saturable with a Km of 45 +/- 3 microM. The purine nucleosides adenosine, inosine, guanosine, and deoxyadenosine were all good inhibitors of sodium-dependent formycin B transport with 50% inhibition (IC50) observed at concentrations less than 30 microM. Of the pyrimidine nucleosides examined, only uridine (IC50, 41 +/- 9 microM) was a good inhibitor. Thymidine and cytidine were poor inhibitors with IC50 values greater than 300 microM. Direct measurements of [3H]thymidine transport revealed, however, that the uptake of this nucleoside was also mediated by a sodium-dependent mechanism. Thymidine transport was inhibited by low concentrations of cytidine, uridine, adenosine, and deoxyadenosine (IC50 values less than 25 microM), but not by formycin B, inosine, or guanosine (IC50 values greater than 600 microM). These data indicate that there are two sodium-dependent mechanisms for nucleoside transport in mouse intestinal epithelial cells, and that formycin B and thymidine may serve as model substrates to distinguish between these transporters. Neither of these sodium-dependent transport mechanisms was inhibited by nitrobenzylmercaptopurine riboside (10 microM), a potent inhibitor of one of the equilibrative (facilitated diffusion) nucleoside transporters found in many cells.  相似文献   

S49 mouse lymphoma cells are deficient in hypoxanthine transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rate of uptake of hypoxanthine in S49 cells was only about 2-5% of the rate of hypoxanthine transport observed in many other types of mammalian cells, and of the rate of uridine transport in this and other cell types. Part of the slow entry of hypoxanthine seems to be due to non-mediated permeation, but the remainder is saturable, strongly inhibited by uridine, nitrobenzylthioinosine and dipyridamole and not detectable in a nucleoside-transport-deficient mutant of S49 cells (AE1). The inhibition of hypoxanthine transport in S49 cells by nitrobenzylthioinosine resembles the inhibition of nucleoside transport in these and other mammalian cells, whereas it contrasts with the resistance of hypoxanthine transport to nitrobenzylthioinosine in all types of mammalian cells that have been investigated. We conclude that S49 cells lack the hypoxanthine transport system common to other types of cells and that hypoxanthine entry into these cells is mediated, although very inefficiently, by the nucleoside transporter. In contrast, adenine transport in S49 and AE1 cells was comparable to that in other types of cells.  相似文献   

Previously, we have demonstrated the role of nucleoside transport and purine release in post-ischemic reperfusion injury (myocardial stunning) in several canine models of ischemia. Since rabbits are deficient of xanthine oxidase, it is not known whether selective blockade of purine release is beneficial in a rabbit model of coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion (stunning). Therefore, we determined the hemodynamic and metabolic correlates in response to myocardial stunning in the presence or absence of selective nucleoside transport blocker (p-nitrobenzylthioinosine, NBMPR) and adenosine deaminase inhibitor (erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine, EHNA).Sixty adult anaesthetized rabbits were surgically prepared for hemodynamic measurements. After stabilization period, the left anterior descending coronary artery was occluded for 15 min and reperfused for 30 min. Transmural myocardial biopsies were obtained from the ischemic LAD area and from the non-ischemic posterior (circumflex, CFX) segment of the myocardium.Rabbits (n = 60) were randomly assigned to either the control or the EHNA/NBMPR-treated group (n = 30 each). Each group was further divided to either functional or metabolic groups (n = 15 each subgroup). Each animal received intravenously 30 ml of either a vehicle solution or 100 M EHNA and 25 M NBMPR 10 min before ischemia.Although administration of EHNA/NBMPR did not affect the heart rate, it did cause mild hypotension (about 20-30%). Fifteen minutes of LAD occlusion resulted in significant ATP depletion and concomitant accumulation of nucleosides in both groups (p < 0.05 vs. baseline and non-ischemic CFX segment). AMP was higher in the LAD compared to the CFX segment. Significant accumulation of adenosine was observed in the treated group compared to the control group.It is concluded that EHNA/NBMPR induced site specific entrapment of adenosine of nucleoside transport in the rabbit heart, in vivo.  相似文献   

The ability of 5 independently isolated thymidine kinase-deficient clones of mouse lymphoma P388 to revert has been examined. We were unable to detect spontaneous revertants in any of the 5 clones. Treatment with the hypomethylating agent 5-azacytidine induced reversion in 4 of the clones, but the frequency of revertants was very low (less than 10(-6). The response was not dose-dependent. The mutagen EMS was capable of inducing reversion in 3 of the clones with a variable level of response. The activity of thymidine kinase in 16 revertants was determined. In half of these the level of enzyme activity was considerably greater than the original P388 cell line. The high frequency loss of thymidine kinase that occurs in these cells may represent a stable inactivation of gene activity rather than an alteration in the DNA base sequence.  相似文献   

Thymidine incorporation in nucleoside transport-deficient lymphoma cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nucleoside transport deficiency in mammalian cells is associated with an inability to transport most nucleosides, growth resistance to a spectrum of cytotoxic nucleosides, and a loss of binding sites for 4-nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR), a potent inhibitor of nucleoside transport. The nucleoside transport-deficient S49 T lymphoma cell line, AE1, however, was almost as capable of incorporating thymidine into TTP as the wild type parent provided thymidine was administered at a sufficiently high concentration. Consequently, AE1 cells were just as sensitive as wild type cells to the toxicity of high thymidine concentrations. In contrast, AE1 cells were highly resistant to almost all other cytotoxic nucleosides including the thymidine analogs, 5-bromodeoxyuridine and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate. Despite having demonstrable ability to accumulate TTP, AE1 cells were unable to grow on hypoxanthine-amethopterin-thymidine (HAT)-containing medium. This was due to their inability to accumulate sufficient TTP from the low concentrations of thymidine present in HAT medium. AE1 cells possessed an incomplete thymidine transport deficiency, the extent of which was concentration dependent. The residual capacity for thymidine transport present in AE1 cells was insensitive to inhibition by 4-nitrobenzylthioinosine and could account both for their inability to grow on HAT medium and their sensitivity to cytotoxic concentrations of thymidine. Another nucleoside transport-deficient cell line, FURD-80-3-6, was similar to the AE1 cell line in its growth phenotype and NBMPR-binding site deficiency but differed in its decreased growth sensitivity to thymidine. That nucleoside transport deficiencies may vary in their completeness for different nucleosides has significance for the mechanism by which a single transporter can recognize a wide variety of nucleosides.  相似文献   

S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) is known to be a potent inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)-mediated reactions, of which SAH itself is a product. The immediate metabolic fate of SAH involves its hydrolysis to adenosine and L-homocysteine by the enzyme SAH hydrolase, but the reversibility of this reaction and its extremely low Keq in the hydrolytic direction suggest that under certain conditions of adenosine excess, SAH might accumulate with significant cytotoxic effects. We have used a model system consisting of cultured S49 mouse lymphoma cells together with the adenosine deaminase (ADA) inhibitor, erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine (EHNA), to determine whether SAH is a mediator of adenosine cytotoxicity.Cells rendered resistant to adenosine-induced pyrimidine starvation by the addition of exogenous uridine or by the mutational loss of adenosine kinase are still sensitive to adenosine at concentrations >15 μM. We find that this effect is appreciably enhanced by the addition of L-homocysteine thiolactone to the culture medium. Cytotoxic concentrations of adenosine also cause significant elevations in intracellular levels of SAH, which are increased an additional several fold by 100μM exogenous L-homocysteine thiolactone. A fair correlation exists between a single time point determination of intracellular SAH and the degree of growth inhibition after 72 hr, but complicated time-dependent variations in SAH make it difficult to compare results obtained in the absence and presence of exogenous L-homocysteine thiolactone.In vivo DNA methylation in S49 cells is markedly inhibited by exposure of cells to concentrations of adenosine known to cause uridine-resistant cytotoxicity. This inhibition of methylation has been measured with short-term pulses of radiolabel, and correlates well with intracellular concentrations of SAH at all tested combinations of adenosine and L-homocysteine thiolactone. The results suggest that the uridine-resistant cytotoxic effects of adenosine on ADA-inhibited S49 cells are secondary to the inhibition of SAM-mediated methylation reactions by the adenosine metabolite SAH.  相似文献   

L J Gudas  B Ullman  A Cohen  D W Martin 《Cell》1978,14(3):531-538
The absence of either of the enzymes adenosine deaminase (ADA) or purine nucleoside phosphorylase is associated with an immunodeficiency disease. Because all four nucleoside substrates of the enzyme purine nucleoside phosphorylase accumulate in the urine of patients who lack this enzyme (Cohen et al., 1976), we examined the toxicity of each of the four substrates using a mouse T cell lymphoma (S49) in continuous culture. Of the four substrates (inosine, deoxyinosine, guanosine and deoxyguanosine), only deoxyguanosine is cytotoxic at concentrations lower than 100 μM; furthermore, only deoxyguanosine is directly phosphorylated in S49 cells. Mutant S49 cells lacking deoxycytidine kinase (EC are resistant to the toxic effects of deoxyguanosine, and these same mutants do not phosphorylate deoxyguanosine. Thus the cytotoxicity of exogenous deoxyguanosine correlates with the intracellular concentration of accumulated deoxyGTP.The addition of deoxyguanosine results in the depletion of deoxyCTP in S49 cells, indicating that deoxyGTP is an inhibitor of ribonucleotide reductase. Furthermore, the addition of deoxycytidine prevents the toxic effects of deoxyguanosine. Thus a therapy for purine nucleoside phosphorylase-deficient patients might include deoxycytidine to alleviate the proposed deoxyCTP starvation in those tissues capable of phosphorylating deoxyguanosine.  相似文献   

Nucleoside transport in sheep erythrocytes is under the genetic control of two allelomorphic genes (Nu I and Nu i ), where Nu I codes for the functional absence of a high-affinity nucleoside transport system and is dominant to the gene (Nu i ) coding for the presence of the transport system. Kinetic and inhibitor experiments show that the high-affinity transport system is not present in heterozygous erythrocytes, demonstrating that the Nu I gene is completely dominant over the Nu i gene. It is suggested that the Nu locus may not represent the structural gene locus of the nucleoside transport system. Instead, it may be a regulator gene locus.  相似文献   

The specificity of nucleoside uptake in germinating conidia of Neurospora crassa was investigated by examining the kinetics of [2-14C]uridine and [8-14C]-adenosine uptake in the wild-type, ad-8, and ud-1 pyr-1 strains. The results obtained strongly indicate that nucleoside transport in N. crassa is mediated solely by a general transport system which accepts both purine and pyrimidine nucleosides. Studies directed at characterizing the specificity of the transport system indicate that general structural features of the nucleoside which enhance its efficiency in binding to the transport system include: (i) a purine or pyrimidine as the heterocyclic ring, (ii) an unfunctionalized ribose or 2'-deoxyribose as the sugar unit, (iii) a beta-configuration about the anomeric carbon, (iv) the absence of substituents at C8 in the purine series and at C5 and C6 in the pyrimidine series, (v) the presence of a C5-C6 double bond in the pyrimidine series, and (vi) the absence of a charge on the heterocyclic ring.  相似文献   

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