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A Gruhler  H Ono  B Guiard  W Neupert    R A Stuart 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(7):1349-1359
Cytochrome b2 is sorted into the intermembrane space of mitochondria by a bipartite N-terminal targeting and sorting presequence. In an attempt to define the sorting pathway we have identified an as yet unknown import intermediate. Cytochrome b2-dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) fusion proteins were arrested in the presence of methotrexate (MTX) so that the DHFR domain was at the surface of the outer membrane while the N-terminus reached into the intermembrane space where the sorting signal was removed. This membrane-spanning, mature-sized species was efficiently chased into the mitochondria upon removal of MTX. Thus, an intermediate was generated which was exposed to the intermembrane space but was still associated with the inner membrane. This intermediate was also found upon direct import of cytochrome b2 and derived fusion proteins. These membrane-bound mature-sized cytochrome b2 species loop through the matrix and could be recovered in a complex with mt-Hsp70 and the inner membrane MIM44/ISP45, a component of the inner membrane import apparatus. This novel sorting intermediate can only be explained by a pathway in which cytochrome b2 passes through the matrix. The existence of such an intermediate is inconsistent with a pathway by which entrance of the mature part of cytochrome b2 into the matrix is stopped by the sorting sequence; however, its presence is fully consistent with the conservative sorting pathway.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial biogenesis utilizes a complex proteinaceous machinery for the import of cytosolically synthesized preproteins. At least three large multisubunit protein complexes, one in the outer membrane and two in the inner membrane, have been identified. These translocase complexes cooperate with soluble proteins from the cytosol, the intermembrane space and the matrix. The translocation of presequence-containing preproteins through the outer membrane channel includes successive electrostatic interactions of the charged mitochondrial targeting sequence with a chain of import components. Translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane utilizes the energy of the proton motive force of the inner membrane and the hydrolysis of ATP. The matrix chaperone system of the mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 forms an ATP-dependent import motor by interaction with the polypeptide chain in transit and components of the inner membrane translocase. The precursors of integral inner membrane proteins of the metabolite carrier family interact with newly identified import components of the intermembrane space and are inserted into the inner membrane by a second translocase complex. A comparison of the full set of import components between the yeast Sacccharomyces cerevisiae and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans demonstrates an evolutionary conservation of most components of the mitochondrial import machinery with a possible greater divergence for the import pathway of the inner membrane carrier proteins.  相似文献   

Herein, we report cloning and subcellular localization of two alanine aminotransferase (ALT) isozymes, cALT and mALT, from liver of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). CHO cells transfected with constructs expressing cALT or mALT as C- or N-terminal fusion with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) showed that cALT is cytosolic, whereas mALT localized to mitochondria. Fusion of EGFP to mALT N-terminus or removal of amino acids 1-83 of mALT avoided import into mitochondria, supporting evidence that the mALT N-terminus contains a mitochondrial targeting signal. The amino acid sequence of mALT is the first reported for a mitochondrial ALT in animals.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of mitochondria depends on the coordinated action of at least six protein translocases present in both mitochondrial membranes. They use different energy sources to drive unidirectional transport of proteins across and into mitochondrial membranes. Here we present an overview on the energetic requirements of different mitochondrial import pathways.  相似文献   

DNA sequence studies of cytochrome b(5) (Cyt-b) genes from Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila virilis predict that the Drosophila Cyt-b proteins are extremely hydrophobic and have at least eight potential transmembrane spanning domains. Primary protein sequence analysis also predicts that the Cyt-b proteins have mitochondrial targeting sequences and they contain sites for potential post-translational modification similar to other cytochrome proteins. We report the characterization of the cytochrome b(5) proteins from Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila virilis. We have used a Drosophila cytochrome b(5) specific antibody to demonstrate that cytochrome b(5) proteins are expressed in muscle-containing tissues in the fly. We also provide evidence that the nuclear encoded cytochrome b(5) protein that contains a mitochondrial targeting sequence is translocated to mitochondria.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial intermembrane space assembly (MIA) pathway is generally considered to be dedicated to the redox-dependent import and biogenesis of proteins localized to the intermembrane space of mitochondria. The oxidoreductase Mia40 is a central component of the pathway responsible for the transfer of disulfide bonds to intermembrane space precursor proteins, causing their oxidative folding. Here we present the first evidence that the function of Mia40 is not restricted to the transport and oxidative folding of intermembrane space proteins. We identify Tim22, a multispanning membrane protein and core component of the TIM22 translocase of inner membrane, as a protein with cysteine residues undergoing oxidation during Tim22 biogenesis. We show that Mia40 is involved in the biogenesis and complex assembly of Tim22. Tim22 forms a disulfide-bonded intermediate with Mia40 upon import into mitochondria. Of interest, Mia40 binds the Tim22 precursor also via noncovalent interactions. We propose that Mia40 not only is responsible for disulfide bond formation, but also assists the Tim22 protein in its integration into the inner membrane of mitochondria.  相似文献   

The import of cytochrome c into Neurospora crassa mitochondria was examined at distinct stages in vitro. The precursor protein, apocytochrome c, binds to mitochondria with high affinity and specificity but is not transported completely across the outer membrane in the absence of conversion to holocytochrome c. The bound apocytochrome c is accessible to externally added proteases but at the same time penetrates far enough through the outer membrane to interact with cytochrome c heme lyase. Formation of a complex in which apocytochrome c and cytochrome c heme lyase participate represents the rate-limiting step of cytochrome c import. Conversion from the bound state to holocytochrome c, on the other hand, occurs 10-30-fold faster. Association of apocytochrome c with cytochrome c heme lyase also takes place after solubilizing mitochondria with detergent. We conclude that the bound apocytochrome c, spanning the outer membrane, forms a complex with cytochrome c heme lyase from which it can react further to be converted to holocytochrome c and be translocated completely into the intermembrane space.  相似文献   

Proteins that are destined for the matrix of mitochondria are transported into this organelle by two translocases: the TOM complex, which transports proteins across the outer mitochondrial membrane; and the TIM23 complex, which gets them through the inner mitochondrial membrane. Two models have been proposed to explain how this protein-import machinery works -- a targeted Brownian ratchet, in which random motion is translated into vectorial motion, or a 'power stroke', which is exerted by a component of the import machinery. Here, we review the data for and against each model.  相似文献   

In order to establish the role of the extension peptide of the precursor of P-450(SCC), a mitochondrial inner membrane protein, in the import into the organella, three deletion mutants of the precursor, in which the deletions were in the mature portion, were constructed. These mutant precursors were imported into mitochondria in vitro as efficiently as the original precursor, indicating that the extension peptide contains sufficient information for the import of the precursor into mitochondria. To investigate which portion of the extension peptide contains the mitochondrial targeting signal, various lengths of the amino-terminal portion of the extension peptide of P-450(SCC) precursor were fused to the mature portion of adrenodoxin. The fusion proteins consisting of 44 and 19 amino-terminal amino acids and mature adrenodoxin were imported into mitochondria, whereas those containing 14, 7, and 2 amino-terminal amino acid residues were not. The importance of the amino-terminal portion of the extension peptide was confirmed by the deletion from the amino-terminal end of a fusion protein consisting of the amino-terminal 44 amino acid residues of P-450(SCC) precursor and mature adrenodoxin, SCC44RAd. The amino-terminal deletions abolished the import of the fusion proteins into mitochondria. Substitution of all of the three basic amino acids, Arg(4), Arg(9), and Lys(14) in the extension peptide of SCC44RAd to Ser or Thr inhibited the binding of the fusion protein to mitochondria as well as its import.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Convergent evolution of receptors for protein import into mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Mitochondria evolved from intracellular bacterial symbionts. Establishing mitochondria as organelles required a molecular machine to import proteins across the mitochondrial outer membrane. This machinery, the TOM complex, is composed of at least seven component parts, and its creation and evolution represented a sizeable challenge. Although there is good evidence that a core TOM complex, composed of three subunits, was established in the protomitochondria, we suggest that the receptor component of the TOM complex arose later in the evolution of this machine. RESULTS: We have solved by nuclear magnetic resonance the structure of the presequence binding receptor from the TOM complex of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The protein fold suggests that this protein, AtTom20, belongs to the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) superfamily, but it is unusual in that it contains insertions lengthening the helices of each TPR motif. Peptide titrations map the presequence binding site to a groove of the concave surface of the receptor. In vitro functional assays and peptide titrations suggest that the plant Tom20 is functionally equivalent to fungal and animal Tom20s. CONCLUSIONS: Comparison of the sequence and structure of Tom20 from plants and animals suggests that these two presequence binding receptors evolved from two distinct ancestral genes following the split of the animal and plant lineages. The need to bind equivalent mitochondrial targeting sequences and to make similar interactions within an equivalent protein translocation machine has driven the convergent evolution of two distinct proteins to a common structure and function.  相似文献   

E Schwarz  T Seytter  B Guiard    W Neupert 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(6):2295-2302
Cytochrome b2 contains 2-fold targeting information: an amino-terminal signal for targeting to the mitochondrial matrix, followed by a second cleavable sorting signal that functions in directing the precursor into the mitochondrial intermembrane space. The role of the second sorting sequence was analyzed by replacing one, two or all of the three positively charged amino acid residues which are present at the amino-terminal side of the hydrophobic core by uncharged residues or an acidic residue. With a number of these mutant precursor proteins, processing to the mature form was reduced or completely abolished and at the same time targeting to the matrix space occurred. The accumulation in the matrix depended on a high level of intramitochondrial ATP. At low levels of matrix ATP, the mutant proteins were sorted into the intermembrane space like the wild-type precursors. The results: (i) suggest the existence of one or more matrix components that specifically recognize the second sorting signal and thereby trigger the translocation into the intermembrane space; (ii) indicate that the mutant signals have reduced ability to interact with the recognition component(s) and then embark on the default pathway into the matrix by interacting with mitochondrial hsp70 in conjunction with matrix ATP; (iii) strongly argue against a mechanism by which the hydrophobic segment of the sorting sequence stops translocation in the hydrophobic phase of the inner membrane.  相似文献   

In order to study the individual steps involved in the import of phosphatidylcholine (PC) into rat liver mitochondria, a number of PC analogues were introduced into the outer membrane of isolated mitochondria. Two fluorescent PC species, i.e. 1-palmitoyl-2-(16-bimanylthio)hexadecanoyl-PC (bimane-PC) and 1-palmitoyl-2-(10-pyrene)decanoyl-PC (pyrene-PC), and one radiolabeled PC species, i.e. 1-palmitoyl-2-[1-14C]oleoyl-PC (14C-POPC), were studied. The PC analogues were introduced from small unilamellar vesicles with the use of PC-specific transfer protein. The amount of PC imported was quantified by reisolation of the mitochondria. Import of the fluorescent PC species was monitored by on-line fluorescence spectroscopy. The distribution of the newly inserted PC between the outer and the inner membrane was assessed by separation of the two membranes using digitonin treatment. All analogues tested remained exclusively localized in the outer membrane thereby suggesting that additional (extramitochondrial) factors are required to initiate transfer of PC to the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Unfolding and import of preproteins into mitochondria are facilitated by a molecular motor in which heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) in the matrix plays an essential role. Here we present two different experimental approaches to analyze mechanisms underlying this function of Hsp70. First, preproteins containing stretches of glutamic acid (polyE) or glycine (polyG) repeats in front of folded domains were imported into mitochondria. This occurred although Hsp70 cannot pull on these stretches to unfold the folded domains, since it does not bind to polyE and polyG. Secondly, preproteins containing titin immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains were imported into mitochondria, despite the fact that forces of >200 pN are required to mechanically unfold these domains. Since molecular motors generate forces of approximately 5 pN, Hsp70 could not promote unfolding of the Ig-like domains by mechanical pulling. Our observations suggest that Hsp70 acts as an element of a Brownian ratchet, which mediates unfolding and translocation of preproteins across the mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   

Plant mitochondrial genomes lack a number of tRNA genes and the corresponding tRNAs, which are nuclear-encoded, are imported from the cytosol. We show that specific import of tRNA(Gly) isoacceptors occurs in tobacco mitochondria: tRNA(Gly)(UCC) and tRNA(Gly)(CCC) are cytosolic and mitochondrial, while tRNA(Gly)(GCC) is found only in the cytosol. Exchange of sequences between tRNA(Gly)(UCC) and tRNA(Gly)(GCC) shows that the anticodon and D-domain are essential for tRNA(Gly)(UCC) import. However the reverse mutations in tRNA(Gly)(GCC) are not sufficient to promote its import into tobacco mitochondria.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b2 is imported into mitochondria and sorted to the intermembrane space by a bipartite N-terminal presequence, which is a matrix targeting sequenced followed by an intermembrane space sorting signal. The N-terminus of the mature protein forms a folded heme binding domain that depends on the unfoldase function of matrix (mt) Hsp70 for import. We report that the distance between the presequence and the heme binding domain is critical for the ability of mt-Hsp70 to promote import of the domain. Hybrid proteins with 40 or more amino acids between the presequence and the heme binding domain are arrested in the import machinery. The translocation arrest can be overcome by unfolding of the preprotein or by inactivation of the intermembrane space sorting signal. Moreover, the sorting signal prevents backsliding of the precursor polypeptide in the import site in the initial import step, when the signal has not made contact with the matrix. The results indicate that the sorting signal interacts with component(s) of the inner membrane/intermembrane space during the initial import step and promotes an early divergence of b2 preproteins from the general matrix import pathway, precluding an unfolding role for mt-Hsp70 in the translocation of most of the mature portions of a preprotein. We propose a sorting model of cytochrome b2 which explains the apparently divergent previous results by a unifying hypothesis.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial chaperone mhsp70 mediates protein transport across the inner membrane and protein folding in the matrix. These two reactions are effected by two different mhsp70 complexes. The ADP conformation of mhsp70 favors formation of a complex on the inner membrane; this 'import complex' contains mhsp70, its membrane anchor Tim44 and the nucleotide exchange factor mGrpE. The ATP conformation of mhsp70 favors formation of a complex in the matrix; this 'folding complex' contains mhsp70, the mitochondrial DnaJ homolog Mdj1 and mGrpE. A precursor protein entering the matrix interacts first with the import complex and then with the folding complex. A chaperone can thus function as part of two different complexes within the same organelle.  相似文献   

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