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The biosynthesis of methylamine dehydrogenase (MADH) requires formation of six intrasubunit disulfide bonds, incorporation of two oxygens into residue betaTrp57 and covalent cross-linking of betaTrp57 to betaTrp108 to form the protein-derived cofactor tryptophan tryptophylquinone (TTQ). Residues betaAsp76 and betaAsp32 are located in close proximity to the quinone oxygens of TTQ in the enzyme active site. These residues are structurally conserved in quinohemoprotein amine dehydrogenase, which possesses a cysteine tryptophylquinone cofactor. Relatively conservative betaD76N and betaD32N mutations resulted in very low levels of MADH expression. Analysis of the isolated proteins by mass spectrometry revealed that each mutation affected TTQ biogenesis. betaD76N MADH possessed the six disulfides but had no oxygen incorporated into betaTrp57 and was completely inactive. The betaD32N MADH preparation contained a major species with six disulfides but no oxygen incorporated into betaTrp57 and a minor species with both oxygens incorporated, which was active. The steady-state kinetic parameters for the betaD32N mutant were significantly altered by the mutation and exhibited a 1000-fold increase in the Km value for methylamine. These results have allowed us to more clearly define the sequence of events that lead to TTQ biogenesis and to define novel roles for aspartate residues in the biogenesis of a protein-derived cofactor.  相似文献   

A dilution/quench technique was used to monitor the time course of chemical modification on the heparin-cofactor (a) and progressive thrombin-inhibitory (b) activities of human antithrombin III. Treatment of antithrombin III (AT III) with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonate at pH 8.3 and 25 degrees C leads to the loss of (a) at 60-fold more rapid rate than the loss of (b). This is consistent with previous reports [Rosenberg & Damus (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 6490-6505; Pecon & Blackburn (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 935-938] that lysine residues are involved in the binding of heparin to AT III, but not in thrombin binding. Treatment of AT III with phenylglyoxal at pH 8.3 and 25 degrees C again leads to a more rapid loss of (a) than of (b), with the loss of the former proceeding at a 4-fold faster rate. The presence of heparin during modification with phenylglyoxal significantly decreases the rate of loss of (a). Full loss of (a) correlates with the modification of seven arginine residues per inhibitor molecule, whereas loss of (b) does not commence until approximately four arginine residues are modified and is complete upon the modification of approximately eleven arginine residues per inhibitor molecule. This suggests that (the) arginine residue(s) in AT III are involved in the binding of heparin in addition to the known role of Arg-393 at the thrombin-recognition site [Rosenberg & Damus (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 6490-6505; Jörnvall, Fish & Björk (1979) FEBS Lett. 106, 358-362].  相似文献   

Substitution of trans-proline at three positions in ubiquitin (residues 19, 37 and 38) produces significant context-dependent effects on protein stability (both stabilizing and destabilizing) that reflect changes to a combination of parameters including backbone flexibility, hydrophobic interactions, solvent accessibility to polar groups and intrinsic backbone conformational preferences. Kinetic analysis of the wild-type yeast protein reveals a predominant fast-folding phase which conforms to an apparent two-state folding model. Temperature-dependent studies of the refolding rate reveal thermodynamic details of the nature of the transition state for folding consistent with hydrophobic collapse providing the overall driving force. Br?nsted analysis of the refolding and unfolding rates of a family of mutants with a variety of side chain substitutions for P37 and P38 reveals that the two prolines, which are located in a surface loop adjacent to the C terminus of the main alpha-helix (residues 24-33), are not significantly structured in the transition state for folding and appear to be consolidated into the native structure only late in the folding process. We draw a similar conclusion regarding position 19 in the loop connecting the N-terminal beta-hairpin to the main alpha-helix. The proline residues of ubiquitin are passive spectators in the folding process, but influence protein stability in a variety of ways.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) incorporates the cellular peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase cyclophilin A (CyPA), the cytosolic receptor for the immunosuppressant cyclosporin A (CsA). CsA inhibits the incorporation of CyPA and reduces HIV-1 virion infectivity but is inactive against closely related primate lentiviruses that do not interact with CyPA. The incorporation of CyPA into HIV-1 virions is mediated by a specific interaction with a proline-containing, solvent-exposed loop in the capsid (CA) domain of the Gag polyprotein. CsA, which disrupts the interaction with CA, binds at the active site of CyPA. To test whether active-site residues are also involved in the interaction with HIV-1 CA, we used a panel of previously characterized active-site mutants of human CyPA. Expression vectors for epitope-tagged wild-type and mutant CyPA were transfected into COS-gamma cells along with HIV-1 proviral DNA, and the virions produced were analyzed for the presence of tagged proteins. Cotransfection of the wild-type expression vector led to the incorporation of readily detectable amounts of epitope-tagged CyPA into HIV-1 virions. One CyPA mutant with a substantially decreased sensitivity to CsA was incorporated with wild-type efficiency, demonstrating that the requirements for binding to CsA and to HIV-1 CA are not identical. The remaining six CyPA mutants were incorporated with markedly reduced efficiency, providing in vivo evidence that HIV-1 CA interacts with the active site of CyPA.  相似文献   

Subtilisin propeptide functions as an intramolecular chaperone that guides precursor folding. Nattokinase, a member of subtilisin family, is synthesized as a precursor consisting of a signal peptide, a propeptide, and a subtilisin domain, and the mechanism of its folding remains to be understood. In this study, the essential residues of nattoki- nase propeptide which contribute to precursor folding were determined. Deletion analysis showed that the con- served regions in propeptide were important for precursor folding. Single-site and multi-site mutagenesis studies con- firmed the role of Tyr10, Gly13, Gly34, and Gly35. During stage (i) and (ii) of precursor folding, Tyr10 and Gly13 would form the part of interface with subfilisin domain. While Gly34 and Gly35 connected with an α-helix that would stabil- ize the structure of propeptide. The quadruple Ala mutation, Y10A/G13A/G34A/G35A, resulted in a loss of the chaperone function for the propeptide. This work showed the essential residues of propeptide for precursor folding via secondary structure and kinetic parameter analyses.  相似文献   

Rat ovarian 20 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase plays a pivotal role in leuteolysis and parturition by catalysing the reduction of progesterone to give the progestationally inactive steroid 20 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone. Putative mechanism based inhibitors of this enzyme were synthesized as potential progestational maintaining agents, including the epimeric allylic alcohol pair 3 beta-hydroxy-alpha-vinyl-5 alpha-androstane-17 beta-methanol and the related vinyl ketone 1-(3 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-17 beta-yl)-2-propen-1-one. The vinyl ketone inactivates rat ovarian 20 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, semi-purified by poly(L-lysine)-agarose column chromatography, in a rapid time-dependent manner. Analysis of the pseudo-first-order inactivation plots gave a Ki of 2.0 microM for the inhibitor and a t1/2 for the enzyme of 20 s at saturation. These data indicate that the vinyl ketone is a potent and efficient inactivator of the ovarian dehydrogenase. Neither dialysis in the presence or absence of a competing nucleophile nor gel filtration reserves the inactivation, suggesting that a stable covalent bond is formed between the enzyme and steroid ligand. Both substrates (20 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and NADP+) protect the enzyme from inactivation; moreover, initial velocity measurements in the presence of saturating concentrations of both substrates indicate that the vinyl ketone can behave as a competitive inhibitor, yielding a Ki value identical with that obtained in the inactivation experiments. Our results imply that the vinyl ketone is an active-site directed alkylating agent. By contrast the allylic alcohol pair 3 beta-hydroxy-alpha-vinyl-5 alpha-androstane-17 beta-methanol are neither substrates nor inhibitors of the ovarian enzyme and appear to be excluded from the catalytic site. The rapid inactivation observed with the vinyl ketone suggests that this compound may be useful as a progestational maintaining agent.  相似文献   

Methylamine dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans was purified to homogeneity in two steps from the periplasmic fraction of methylamine-grown cells. The enzyme exhibited a pI value of 4.3 and was composed of two 46,700-dalton subunits and two 15,500-dalton subunits. Each small subunit possessed a covalently bound pyrrolo-quinoline quinone prosthetic group. The amino acid compositions of the large and small subunits are very similar to those of other methylamine dehydrogenases which have been isolated from taxonomically different sources. The enzyme was able to catalyze the oxidation of a wide variety of primary aliphatic amines and diamines, but it did not react with secondary, tertiary, or aromatic amines. The enzyme exhibited optimal activity at pH 7.5, with Km values of 12.5 microM for methylamine and 156 microM for phenazine ethosulfate and a Vmax of 16.9 mumol/min per mg of protein. No loss of enzyme activity was observed after incubation for 48 h at pH values ranging from 3.0 to 10.5, and the enzyme was very stable to thermal denaturation. Enzyme activity and immunological detection of each subunit were only observed with cells which had been grown on methylamine as a carbon source.  相似文献   

In bacteria, coenzyme A is synthesized in five steps from d-pantothenate. The Dfp flavoprotein catalyzes the synthesis of the coenzyme A precursor 4'-phosphopantetheine from 4'-phosphopantothenate and cysteine using the cofactors CTP and flavine mononucleotide via the phosphopeptide-like compound 4'-phosphopantothenoylcysteine. The synthesis of 4'-phosphopantothenoylcysteine is catalyzed by the C-terminal CoaB domain of Dfp and occurs via the acyl-cytidylate intermediate 4'-phosphopantothenoyl-CMP in two half reactions. In this new study, the molecular characterization of the CoaB domain is continued. In addition to the recently described residue Asn210, two more active-site residues, Arg206 and Ala276, were identified and shown to be involved in the second half reaction of the (R)-4'-phospho-N-pantothenoylcysteine synthetase. The proposed intermediate of the (R)-4'-phospho-N-pantothenoylcysteine synthetase reaction, 4'-phosphopantothenoyl-CMP, was characterized by MALDI-TOF MS and it was shown that the intermediate is copurified with the mutant His-CoaB N210H/K proteins. Therefore, His-CoaB N210H and His-CoaB N210K will be of interest to elucidate the crystal structure of CoaB complexed with the reaction intermediate. Wild-type His-CoaB is not absolutely specific for cysteine and can couple derivatives of cysteine to 4'-phosphopantothenate. However, no phosphopeptide-like structure is formed with serine. Molecular characterization of the temperature-sensitive Escherichia coli dfp-1 mutant revealed that the residue adjacent to Ala276, Ala275 of the strictly conserved AAVAD(275-279) motif, is exchanged for Thr.  相似文献   

The final 23 residues in the C-terminal region of Escherichia coli GroEL are invisible in crystallographic analyses due to high flexibility. To probe the functional role of these residues in the chaperonin mechanism, we generated and characterized C-terminal truncated, double ring, and single ring mutants of GroEL. The ability to assist the refolding of substrate proteins rhodanese and malate dehydrogenase decreased suddenly when 23 amino acids were truncated, indicating that a sudden change in the environment within the central cavity had occurred. From further experiments and analyses of the hydropathy of the C-terminal region, we focused on the hydrophilicity of the sequence region (26 KNDAAD 531 and generated two GroEL mutants where these residues were changed to a neutral hydropathy sequence (526 GGGAAG 531) and a hydrophobic sequence (526 IGIAAI 531), respectively. Very interestingly, the two mutants were found to be defective in function both in vitro and in vivo. Deterioration of function was not observed in mutants where this region was replaced by a scrambled (526 NKADDA 531) or homologous (526 RQEGGE 531) sequence, indicating that the hydrophilicity of this sequence was important. These results highlight the importance of the hydrophilic nature of 526 KNDAAD 531 residues in the flexible C-terminal region for proper protein folding within the central cavity of GroEL.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of C-peptide in the folding of insulin precursor, a series of C-peptide mutant proinsulin genes were constructed, overexpressed in Escherichia coli and the proteins purified. Correct disulfide linkages of these proteins were confirmed by both tryptic peptide mapping and insulin receptor binding analyses. In vitro refolding experiments were performed with the purified proteins and showed that mutations on the glycine-rich middle segment of C-peptide, GGGPGAG, and deletion of the C-terminal pentapeptide, EGSLQ, as well as mutations on the two pairs of dibasic residues at the two ends of C-peptide did not significantly affect the refolding yields. However, both alanine replacement mutation and deletion of three highly conserved acidic residues (EAED) at the N-terminus of the C-peptide resulted in serious aggregation during refolding. The results indicate that the highly conserved acidic N-terminal part of C-peptide is very important for insulin precursor folding, and that C-peptide may have some intramolecular chaperone-like function in the folding of insulin precursor.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of quinoprotein methylamine dehydrogenase from Thiobacillus versutus has been determined at 2.25 A resolution by a combination of multiple isomorphous replacement, phase extension by solvent flattening and partial structure phasing using molecular dynamics refinement. In the resulting map, the polypeptide chain for both subunits could be followed and an X-ray sequence was established. The tetrameric enzyme, made up of two heavy (H) and two light (L) subunits, is a flat parallellepiped with overall dimensions of approximately 76 x 61 x 45 A. The H subunit, comprising 370 residues, is made up of two distinct segments: the first 31 residues form an extension which embraces one of the L subunits; the remaining residues are found in a disc-shaped domain. This domain is formed by a circular arrangement of seven topologically identical four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheets, with approximately 7-fold symmetry. In spite of distinct differences, this arrangement is reminiscent of the structure found in influenza virus neuraminidase. The L subunit consists of 121 residues, out of which 53 form a beta-sheet scaffold of a central three-stranded antiparallel sheet flanked by two shorter two-stranded antiparallel sheets. The remaining residues are found in segments of irregular structure. This subunit is stabilized by six disulphide bridges, plus two covalent bridges involving the quinone co-factor and residues 57 and 107 of this subunit. The active site is located in a channel at the interface region between the H and L subunits, and the electron density in this part of the molecule suggests that the co-factor of this enzyme is not pyrrolo quinoline quinone (PQQ) itself, but might be instead a precursor of PQQ.  相似文献   

Stitham J  Stojanovic A  Ross LA  Blount AC  Hwa J 《Biochemistry》2004,43(28):8974-8986
Relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and prevention of blood coagulation are mediated by ligand-induced activation of the human prostacyclin (hIP) receptor, a seven-transmembrane-domain G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). In this study, we elucidate the molecular requirements for receptor activation within the region of the ligand-binding pocket, identifying transmembrane residues affecting potency. Eleven of 30 mutated residues in the region of the ligand-binding domain exhibited defective activation (decreased potency). These critical residues localized to four distinct clusters (analysis via a rhodopsin-based human prostacyclin receptor homology model). Residues Y75(2.65) (TMII), F95(3.28) (TMIII), and R279(7.40) (TMVII) comprised the immediate binding-pocket cluster and were shown to be essential for proper receptor activation, compared to equivalent expression levels of the wild-type hIP (WT EC(50) = 1.2 +/- 0.1 nM; Y75(2.65)A EC(50) = 347.3 +/- 62.8 nM, p < 0.001; F95(3.28)A EC(50) = 8.0 +/- 0.6 nM, p < 0.001; R279(7.40)A EC(50) = 130 +/- 63.0 nM, p < 0.001). Residues S20(1.39) (TMI), F24(1.43) (TMI), and F72(2.62) (TMII) were localized to a cluster involving P17(1.36), a critical residue thought to facilitate transmembrane movement during changes in activation conformation. A third cluster formed around amino acid D60(2.50) (TMII), containing the highly conserved (100% of prostanoid receptors) D288(7.49)/P289(7.50) motif located in TMVII. Last, a large hydrophobic cluster composed of aromatic residues F146(4.52) (TMIV), F150(4.56) (TMIV), F184(5.40) (TMV), and Y188(5.44) (TMV) was observed away from the ligand-binding pocket, but still necessary for hIP activation. These results assist in delineating the potential molecular requirements for agonist-induced signaling through the transmembrane domain. Such observations may be generally applicable, as many of these clusters are highly conserved among the prostanoid receptors as well as other class A GPCRs.  相似文献   

A steady-state kinetic analysis was performed of the reaction of methylamine and phenazine ethosulphate (PES) with the quinoprotein methylamine dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans. Experiments with methylamine and PES as varied-concentration substrates produced a series of parallel reciprocal plots, and when the concentrations of these substrates were varied in a constant ratio a linear reciprocal plot of initial velocity against PES concentration was obtained. Nearly identical values of V/Km of PES were obtained with four different n-alkylamines. These data suggest that this reaction proceeds by a ping-pong type of mechanism. The enzyme reacted with a variety of n-alkylamines but not with secondary, tertiary or aromatic amines or amino acids. The substrate specificity was dictated primarily by the Km value exhibited by the particular amine. A deuterium kinetic isotope effect was observed with deuterated methylamine as a substrate. The enzyme exhibited a pH optimum for V at pH 7.5. The absorbance spectrum of the pyrroloquinoline quinone prosthetic group of this enzyme was also effected by pH at values greater than 7.5. The enzyme was relatively insensitive to changes in ionic strength, and exhibited a linear Arrhenius plot over a range of temperatures from 10 degrees C to 50 degrees C with an energy of activation 46 kJ/mol (11 kcal/mol).  相似文献   

The oxidation of protein-bound methionines to form methionine sulfoxides has a broad range of biological ramifications, making it important to delineate factors that influence methionine oxidation rates within a given protein. This is especially important for biopharmaceuticals, where oxidation can lead to deactivation and degradation. Previously, neighboring residue effects and solvent accessibility have been shown to impact the susceptibility of methionine residues to oxidation. In this study, we provide proteome-wide evidence that oxidation rates of buried methionine residues are also strongly influenced by the thermodynamic folding stability of proteins. We surveyed the Escherichia coli proteome using several proteomic methodologies and globally measured oxidation rates of methionine residues in the presence and absence of tertiary structure, as well as the folding stabilities of methionine-containing domains. These data indicated that buried methionines have a wide range of protection factors against oxidation that correlate strongly with folding stabilities. Consistent with this, we show that in comparison to E. coli, the proteome of the thermophile Thermus thermophilus is significantly more stable and thus more resistant to methionine oxidation. To demonstrate the utility of this correlation, we used native methionine oxidation rates to survey the folding stabilities of E. coli and T. thermophilus proteomes at various temperatures and propose a model that relates the temperature dependence of the folding stabilities of these two species to their optimal growth temperatures. Overall, these results indicate that oxidation rates of buried methionines from the native state of proteins can be used as a metric of folding stability.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the complex between the quinoprotein methylamine dehydrogenase (MADH) and the type I blue copper protein amicyanin, both from Paracoccus denitrificans, has been determined at 2.5-A resolution using molecular replacement. The search model was MADH from Thiobacillus versutus. The amicyanin could be located in an averaged electron density difference map and the model improved by refinement and model building procedures. Nine beta-strands are observed within the amicyanin molecule. The copper atom is located between three antiparallel strands and is about 2.5 A below the protein surface. The major intermolecular interactions occur between amicyanin and the light subunit of MADH where the interface is largely hydrophobic. The copper atom of amicyanin and the redox cofactor of MADH are about 9.4 A apart. One of the copper ligands, His 95, lies between the two redox centers and may facilitate electron transfer between them.  相似文献   

We examined the role of cysteine (Cys) residues present in chemokine receptor CXCR2 for proper surface expression, dimerization, signaling, and chemotaxis. To address this issue, serine or leucine residues were substituted for Cys, generating nine CXCR2 mutants transiently expressed in HEK cells. Single substitution of Cys residues present in the three extracellular loops (C119L, C196L, C286S) or in the seventh-transmembrane (TM) domain (C308L) abolished CXCL8 agonist binding, while no Cys substitution abolished surface receptor expression. We have previously demonstrated that CXCR2 dimerizes under reducing conditions, due to hydrophobic interactions that involve TM3 regions, and here we show that the dimer/monomer CXCR2 ratio drastically increases when analyzed under non-reducing conditions. We report that none of the Cys-deficient CXCR2 mutants abolishes receptor dimerization, demonstrating that Cys-Cys bonds are not the exclusive determinant of CXCR2 dimerization. Furthermore, both wt- and Cys-mutated CXCR2 dimers are expressed at the cell surface, indicating that receptor dimers are efficiently transferred at the plasma membrane. We also show that every Cys substitution in CXCR2, including those that still bind CXCL8, results in an impairment of receptor activity, analyzed as cell chemotaxis and intracellular signaling, suggesting that some structural requirement is likely fulfilled by Cys presence.  相似文献   

Perfringolysin O (theta-toxin) is a pore-forming cytolysin whose activity is triggered by binding to cholesterol in the plasma membrane. The cholesterol binding activity is predominantly localized in the beta-sheet-rich C-terminal half. In order to determine the roles of the C-terminal amino acids in theta-toxin conformation and activity, mutants were constructed by truncation of the C terminus. While the mutant with a two-amino acid C-terminal truncation retains full activity and has similar structural features to native theta-toxin, truncation of three amino acids causes a 40% decrease in hemolytic activity due to the reduction in cholesterol binding activity with a slight change in its higher order structure. Furthermore, both mutants were found to be poor at in vitro refolding after denaturation in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, resulting in a dramatic reduction in cholesterol binding and hemolytic activities. These activity losses were accompanied by a slight decrease in beta-sheet content. A mutant toxin with a five-amino acid truncation expressed in Escherichia coli is recovered as a further truncated form lacking the C-terminal 21 amino residues. The product retains neither cholesterol binding nor hemolytic activities and shows a highly disordered structure as detected by alterations in the circular dichroism and tryptophan fluorescence spectra. These results show that the C-terminal region of theta-toxin has two distinct roles; the last 21 amino acids are involved to maintain an ordered overall structure, and in addition, the last two amino acids at the C-terminal end are needed for protein folding in vitro, in order to produce the necessary conformation for optimal cholesterol binding and hemolytic activities.  相似文献   

We describe an experimental approach to the problem of protein folding and stability which measures interaction energies and maps structures of intermediates and transition states during the folding pathway. The strategy is based on two steps. First, protein engineering is used to remove interactions that stabilize defined positions in barnase, the RNAse from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. The consequent changes in stability are measured from the changes in free energy of unfolding of the protein. Second, each mutation is used as a probe of the structure around the wild-type side chain during the folding process. Kinetic measurements are made on the folding and unfolding of wild-type and mutant proteins. The kinetic and thermodynamic data are combined and analysed to show the role of individual side chains in the stabilization of the folded, transition and intermediate states of the protein. The protein engineering experiments are corroborated by nuclear magnetic resonance studies of hydrogen exchange during the folding process. Folding is a multiphasic process in which alpha-helices and beta-sheet are formed relatively early. Formation of the hydrophobic core by docking helix and sheet is (partly) rate determining. The final steps involve the forming of loops and the capping of the N-termini of helices.  相似文献   

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