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影响有尾类离体胚胎表皮细胞兴奋性的实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been reported that in Cynops orientalis the cells in the atypical epidermis resulted from isolation of the ectoderm from the early gastrula and cultured in vitro possesses very low excitability. The great majority of the explants didn't display action potential (AP) with electric stimulus up to 6 V duration 1 ms). If, however, the epidermis was taken from the flank region of a neurula with the underlying mesoderm, in such explant the epidermis cells became excitable at a lower threshold of stimulus. The mesoderm seemed to exert some influence upon the epidermis. In order to study whether tissues other than mesoderm possess similar effect on the excitability of epidermis cells, different combinations of explants were made with the experimental embryological technique and their excitability was examined electrophysiologically. In all experiments the explants were stimulated extracellularly and the action potential was recorded intracellularly. The specimens were stimulated with electric stimulus at 6 V at first, and, if they displayed AP the strength was lowered to determine the threshold of stimulus to evoke AP. The duration of stimulus was fixed at 1 ms. For the control of all series, the ectoderm or epidermis was isolated at the same stage and cultured for the same length of period as the experimental explants but without any treatment. 1). The effect of calf serum. In this group the effect of calf serum was examined and following series were carried out: a) Gastrula ectoderm cultured in Holtfreter solution containing 10% calf serum; b) calf serum + agar as implant: calf serum was mixed with agar (1:1) and cut into small pieces when cooled, and the serum + agar pieces were wrapped with ectoderm; c) heated serum + agar, heated serum was mixed 1:1 with agar and the small pieces were wrapped with ectoderm. In all the experiments the excitability of the epidermis cells was raised more or less but the agar pieces containing fresh serum seemed to be more effective, perhaps due to the higher concentration of the serum and the intimate contact with the epidermis cells (Tab. 1) In the series with serum + agar as implant and in the series with heated serum + agar as implant, it occurred frequently that during cultivation the implants will be extruded and after the extrusion of the implant the remaining epidermis became less sensitive to stimulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

It has been reported that the cells in atypical epidermis, which developed from the in vitro cultured ectoderm isolated at early gastrula, showed very low excitability or were even non-excitable at 6 V when examined electro-physiologically. If non-excitable explants were treated with energy supplying substances, such as glucose, the action potential (AP) appeared quickly. It indicates that, the excitability of epidermis cells is related to their energy metabolism. In order to verify the above proposition the effects of metabolic inhibitors on the excitability of the epidermis cells were examined using electrophysiological technique. Two kinds of explants were used: explants which developed from the epidermis underlaid with mesoderm isolated at early neurula (epidermis vesicle) and explant which developed from the ectoderm isolated at early gastrula (atypical epidermis). In all experiments explants were stimulated extracellularly and APs were recorded intracellularly. The specimens were stimulated with electric stimulus at 6 V first, and, if they displayed AP, the strength was lowered to determine the stimulus threshold to evoke AP. The duration of stimulus was fixed at 1 ms. The ratio of the resting potential value during treatment to the original value was taken as index of change level of the resting potential (RP). During treatment of epidermis vesicle with 1 mM NaN3 or 1 mM NaCN or 0.1 mM 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), the excitability of the epidermis cells was reduced: the stimulus threshold gradually increased and the cells in most explants lost the excitability. The cells became excitable after the drugs were washed out.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

离体培养的蝾螈胚胎的非典型表皮,其中的大部分在较高强度的电刺激下细胞不显示兴奋性,少量显示兴奋性的外植块所需的刺激强度也高于正常胚胎表皮。用含有能量物质(碳水化合物、氨基酸、代谢中间产物和ATP)的  相似文献   

武玮Lin 《动物学报》1995,41(2):173-180
用微电极细胞内记录技术研究了东方蝾螈胚胎表皮细胞膜的静电位、输入电阻与其兴奋性的关系,在兴奋性形成期间正常胚胎表皮细胞的静息膜电位逐渐增大,膜的输入电阻逐渐减小。与不显示兴奋性的离体非典型胚胎表皮细胞相比,显示兴奋性的膜电位较高,膜电阻较低。用葡萄糖处理非典型表皮,在兴奋性出现同时,细胞膜超极化,膜电阻减小。用哇巴因处理表皮囊泡,在兴奋性消失同时,细胞膜去极化。结果表明,细胞能量供应不足所造成的膜  相似文献   

在胚胎发育的一定时期,表皮细胞呈现较强的β-内啡肽阳性免疫反应,而这时期正是表皮传导最活跃的时期。为了探索胚胎表皮传导和β-内啡肽-类阿片样多肽之间是否有关系,本实验采用纳络酮处理,发现表皮传导消失,待纳络酮作用消除后,表皮传导现象又再出现,说明纳络酮在胚胎表皮细胞传导中起了阻断的作用。  相似文献   

The immunocytological work revealed that in amphibia beta-endorphin is distributed in embryonic epidermis during development with prominent expression at late tail bud stage which coincides with the stage of epidermal conductivity of full strength. To see whether any relationship exists between the presence of beta-endorphin and the epidermal conductivity of amphibian embryos, naloxone of 1 and 2 mumol/L was used. It has been demonstrated that after 45-60 minutes in the naloxone solution the embryonic epidermal conductivity disappeared and 90-120 minutes after the beginning of naloxone treatment the epidermal conductivity was again recovered. It was suggested that the opiate peptides, such as beta-endorphin, play some role in the epidermal conductivity of amphibian embryos.  相似文献   

蝾螈胚胎表皮的兴奋性及传导能力在分期26出现,到分期37末结束,某些部位甚至更晚些消失。为了查明表皮细胞兴奋性的产生是否受到来自其它组织的影响,还是仅依赖于表皮细胞自身的分化状态,我们曾用非典型表皮进行过研究。当时曾报道,离体培养的表皮细胞,即使达到了产生兴奋性的分化状态,用电生理技术在刺激强度为1—2伏时,测试不到动作电位。然而,如果这样的非典型表皮被  相似文献   

两栖类胚胎表皮细胞的传导能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾弥白 《生命科学》1997,9(5):193-196,199
两栖类胚胎表皮细胞在胚胎发育的一定时期具有传导能力。叙述了胚胎表皮细胞传导的性质、胚胎表皮细胞间兴奋传导的结构基础以及胚胎早期兴奋传导的通路,并提出了有待进一步探索的问题。  相似文献   

1.蝾螈胚胎表皮在分期26动作电位刚出现时,同一胚胎不同部位表皮细胞的兴奋性不同,存在一个沿头—尾轴的梯度变化。头部细胞引起动作电位所需的阈值??最低,即细胞兴奋性最强。尾部所需阈值最高,中部在两者之间。这一梯度在分期26末消失。2.胚胎在整个传导期间(分期26至分期37),表皮细胞兴奋性也不是恒定的,呈低一高一低的变化过程。在分期32,阈值线达最低值,即此时表皮细胞最容易兴奋。3.在胚胎表皮动作电位消失过程中表皮细胞兴奋性存在一个与动作电位出现时相反的梯度。不仅头一尾、而且背、腹也存在这种兴奋性梯度。背面头部动作电位最早消失,腹面尾部可维持到分期38中期。4.表皮细胞兴奋性出现时,动作电位有一个发生、发展的过程。离体实验表明,含有头部中胚层的表皮,动作电位的出现早于含有尾部中胚层的表皮,平均早出现2.4小时。这说明表皮兴奋性按时空顺序出现可能受到其下不同部位中胚层的某些影响。5.离体实验还提出了神经嵴对表皮兴奋性的出现也有一定影响,虽然作用似乎比中胚层要弱一些。  相似文献   

以100只东方蝾螈早期胚胎为材料,用SEM和TEM对瓶状细胞形态结构和除去瓶状细胞的胚胎进行观察,去除瓶状细胞后,胚胎的原肠形成不会中断,外包和内卷仍能正常进行,并可以发育成幼螈,但有部分胚胎原肠前端缺失,长期培养的蝾螈胚对针刺激有反应,幼虫阶段中自由活动,我们的结论是:1)东方蝾螈原肠胚的瓶状细胞除了原肠前端存在外,还有部分瓶状细胞与原肠长轴垂直,从力学角度推断瓶状细胞在原肠形成过程中不起主要作  相似文献   

东方蝾螈胚胎发育过程中,从原肠早期到原肠末期无论外胚层或中胚层细胞核内都含有大量的异染色质团块,而到神经板形成后所有细胞核内染色质均呈分散状态。异染色质向常染色质的转变过程发生在原肠末期到神经板形成这段时间里,在原口闭合后4.5小时之前完成,此时期似乎是形态发生的转折点。到发育的后期,细胞核内有一些染色质又会由分散状态转变为凝聚的异染色质团块。预定神经上皮向神经组织分化的决定是个逐渐的过程,这一过程在原肠口闭合时已经开始,到神经板期完成。染色质的分散似乎发生在细胞有了初步决定之后。本文就染色质超微结构变化的意义以及染色质超微结构变化与细胞分化的关系等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

自Gall(1954)采用直接从卵母细胞胚泡取得灯刷染色体进行活体观察方法以来,对许多动物,特别是两栖类动物的灯刷染色体作了详细的研究和比较,并作出了一些工作图谱(working map)。为了在东方蝾螈(Cynops orientalis)开展工作,我们研究了它们的灯刷染色体的形态,并据此绘出了工作图谱。  相似文献   

有尾两栖类(蝾螈和美西螈)是脊椎功物中仅有的具备再生出失去肢体能力的动物。维生素A 酸(Retinoic Acid,简称RA)存在于鸡的发育中的肢芽,局部使用可模拟极化区的作用,因而被认为可能是形态发生素。作为  相似文献   

用免疫组化方法研究在蝾螈胚胎发育中神经肽Y(NPY)在神经系统中的定位.结果表明NPY最早分布在周边神经系统(尾芽晚期),之后才在中枢神经系统出现(幼虫期),而且是随着胶质细胞的出现而出现的.我们认为NPY是随着神经嵴细胞的迁移而进入周边神经系统,再分布到中枢神经系统的.  相似文献   

我们采用抗5-甲基胞嘧啶间接免疫过氧化物酶染色法,研究东方蝾螈原肠胚外胚层经诱导后,以及诱导后继续培养到相当于尾芽期细胞的染色体DNA的甲基化程度。148个早期原肠胚外胚层(对照组)、125个经中胚层诱导——豚鼠骨髓抽提液(3000微克/毫升)——处理过的外胚层,以及86个剥离的神经板细胞的染色体上,5-甲基胞嘧啶含量很低,染色体的着色情况如图版I,图1、2、3所示,主要在染色体周围着色。然而将未处理过的136个原肠胚外胚层,74个经诱导分化为中胚层构造的外植块以及104个分化为神经组织的外植块,继续在Holtfreter液中培养到相当于尾芽期,染色体上5-甲基胞嘧啶含量显著增加。抗5-甲基胞嘧啶间接免疫过氧化物酶染色明显加深(图版I,图4、5、6),且着色有一定的区域性分布,在着丝粒两侧和端粒处出现深着色,其分布特征与成体细胞——肠上皮细胞颇为相似;但与早期胚胎细胞的着色显然不同。对于酶染色不同的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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