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The transition from the growth to the maturation phase in developing seeds of Agrostemma githago L. was found to coincide with major changes in the rate of protein synthesis, the kinds of proteins synthesized, and the composition of the non-proteinbound amino acid pool. Coincident changes were observed in viability and the ability to withstand desiccation. Desiccated mature Agrostemma seeds are dormant and need at least three months of after-ripening. In imbibed dormant and after-ripened seeds no synthesis of storage proteins was observed with the exception of one particular set of storage proteins. Dormant and after-ripened seeds synthesized the same kinds of proteins during early imbibition, indicating an almost identical metabolic state which differs considerably from that of developing seeds.  相似文献   

Imbibed non-dormant seeds do not germinate immediately after completion of water uptake and reactivation of their metabolism. During the lag-period the seeds apparently undergo processes which are essential for germination. The extent to which these pregerminative processes occur in dormant seeds (freshly harvested seeds) and thermodormant seeds (afterripened seeds imbibed at a supra-optimal temperature) of Agrostemma githago was determined. The pregerminative processes were inhibited almost completely in dormant seeds, but only to 50% or less in thermodormant seeds. When seeds were progressing through the pregerminative processes, the axes showed a higher rate of protein synthesis than axes of blocked seeds. However, this increased rate of protein synthesis was a late event and neither necessary nor sufficient for germination.  相似文献   

Polyribosomes have been isolated from pear seeds which show a capacity for in vitro protein synthesis. Translational capacity increased during stratification with a peak after 13 days of stratification. This increase was greatly diminished in seeds which were incubated at 25°C (“warm stratification”). The peak in protein synthetic activity coincides with the period of stratification required for normal development of excised embryos.  相似文献   

The perisperm of seeds of Agrostemma githago contains starch reserves which constitute 40% of the dry weight of the mature seed. These starch reserves were mostly broken down between 48 and 96 h after initiation of imbibition. (Germination occurred after 24 h.) The mode of starch degradation showed close parallels with the breakdown of the starchy endosperm in cereals. Thus, between 24 and 96 h the cotyledons secreted -amylase (EC whereas other degradative enzymes in the perisperm, -amylase (EC and maltase (EC, appeared to originate in the perisperm itself. Cotyledons secreted similar levels of -amylase in the presence and absence of exogenous starch, indicating that secretion is an internal developmental event of the embryo. By isoelectric focussing the secreted -amylase was separated into two isoenzymes. In the cotyledons, several other starch-degrading isoenzymes were present but were not secreted.Abbreviations CHA cycloheptaamylose - IEF isoelectric focussing Dedicated to Professor H.F. Linskens on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

三药槟榔种子休眠与萌发的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对三药槟榔种子休眠和萌发的基本特性进行研究,结果表明种子的休眠属于综合休眠;种壳对种子 萌发的抑制作用不是由于其对水分透过的限制,而是种皮的机械束缚和透气性差;种子还需要一段低温的生 理后熟过程才能解除休眠。种子经0.2%的高锰酸钾溶液浸泡15 min,0.3%亚硝酸钠和0.2%的硝酸钾溶液 浸种24℃后,发芽速度均显著加快,以0.3%亚硝酸钠处理效果为最佳。种子在15、4℃和室温(昼24~32 ℃/夜18~24℃)三种不同温度下贮藏60 d后,在4℃贮藏的种子发芽情况最好。种子不耐脱水,采用硅胶脱 水,含水量降低至22%以下,种子活力显著降低。  相似文献   

We present a new seed dormancy classification scheme for the non‐deep level of the class physiological dormancy (PD), which contains six types. Non‐deep PD is divided into two sublevels: one for seeds that exhibit a dormancy continuum (types 1, 2 and 3) and the other for those that do not exhibit a dormancy continuum (types 4, 5 and 6). Analysis of previous studies showed that different types of non‐deep PD also can be identified using a graphical method. Seeds with a dormancy (D) ? conditional dormancy (CD) ? non‐dormancy (ND) cycle have a low germination percentage in the early stages of CD, and during dormancy loss the germination capacity increases. However, seeds with a CD/ND (i.e. D→CD?ND) cycle germinate to a high percentage at a narrow range of temperatures in the early stages of CD. Cardinal temperatures for seeds with either a D/ND or a CD/ND cycle change during dormancy loss: the ceiling temperature increases in seeds with Type 1, the base temperature decreases in seeds with Type 2 and the base and ceiling temperatures decrease and increase, respectively, in seeds with Type 3. Criteria for distinguishing the six types of non‐deep PD and models of the temperature functions of seeds with types 1, 2 and 3 with both types of dormancy cycles are presented. The relevancy of our results to modelling the timing of weed seedling emergence is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Hydrogen cyanide and embryonal dormancy in apple seeds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Embryos of apple ( Malus domestica Borh. cv. Antonówka) were treated with 1 m M gaseous HCN for 6 h and cultured under a 12 h photoperiod. HCN pretreatment stimulated germination, increased the length of hypocotyls, shortened the main root and decreased the percentages of seedlings with asymmetrically grown as well as with asymmetrically greened cotyledons. High activity of β-cyanoalanine synthase (EC and a sharp increase in cyanogen content during embryo culture suggested very low levels of endogenous HCN. despite the activity of HCN releasing enzymes. The obtained data allow us to postulate an important role for cyanide in the regulatory complex controlling dormancy in apple seeds. Experiments with respiratory inhibitors indicated, however, that HCN pretreatment affected neither the alternative electron transport pathway nor residual respiration.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) and cyanide (HCN) are small gaseous molecules that have been intensively studied to explain their role in plant development, metabolism and reaction to stresses. Cyanide and NO are known to be produced endogenously during early phase of seed germination or are present in the environment. Both molecules regulate breakage of seed dormancy and accelerate seed germination. Regulatory role of cyanide in breaking of dormancy seems to be understood to some extend, while the NO mode of action is much less explained. However, some similarities could be suggested. The mechanisms involved in HCN-dependent dormancy breakage in apple embryos are summarized in relation to NO-donor mediated stimulation of germination.  相似文献   

结缕草(Zoysia japonica Steud.)种子打破休眠方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结缕草 (ZoysiajaponicaSteud .)为禾本科多年生草本植物 ,广泛分布于我国东部沿海地区 ,集中分布在我国的辽宁和山东境内 ,在胶东和辽东半岛有大面积的野生种群 ,是我国结缕草种子的主要产地。结缕草具有极其发达的根茎和匍匐茎 ,是适于放牧的优良牧草 ,也是抗逆性强、低矮密集型的优质草坪植物。然而 ,结缕草种子具有深休眠特性 ,在自然条件下发芽率低、发芽速度慢 ,从而给它的开发和利用带来了阻碍。近年来国内外已有一些学者对其深休眠的原因进行了研究。韩建国等认为该种子休眠为综合型休眠 ,颖苞对水分和空气的进…  相似文献   

快速打破结缕草种子休眠方法的比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
用水和30%NaOH对结缕草(Zoysia japonica Steud.)种子进行浸种处理,筛选能快速打破结缕草种子休眠的方法.结果表明:用水浸种6d,8d内发芽率仅为14.70%;用30%NaOH浸种120min,8d内发芽率也仅达28.00%;而用水浸泡2d后再用30%NaOH处理40min,8d内结缕草种子的发芽率达到了82.00%.说明用水和30%NaOH综合处理的方法可以快速有效打破结缕草种子休眠,缩短发芽周期,达到快速出苗的目的.  相似文献   

We determined the kind of seed dormancy in Schisandra arisanensis, an ANA grade ([A]mborellales [N]ymphaeales [A]ustrobaileyales) angiosperm with medicinal value. Seeds have small underdeveloped embryos, and following seed maturity their length increased approximately 360% before radicle emergence. Germination was delayed 6–8 weeks, and the percentage and rate were much higher at 15/6, 20/10 and 25/15°C than at 30/20°C. For seeds incubated at 5/5°C (8 weeks) → 15/6°C (4 weeks) → 20/10°C (8 weeks) → 25/15°C (12 weeks) → 20/10°C (5 weeks), embryos grew at 15/6°C → 20/10°C, and almost all seeds that germinated (89%) did so at 20/10°C → 25/15°C. When seeds were incubated in a complementary temperature sequence, 25/15°C (12 weeks) → 20/10°C (8 weeks) → 15/6°C (4 weeks) → 5/5°C (9 weeks) → 15/6°C (4 weeks), embryos grew at 25/15°C → 20/10°C. Nearly all seeds that germinated (93%) did so at 25/15°C → 20/10°C and at 15/6°C following 9 weeks at 5/5°C. Based on the temperature requirements for embryo growth and seed germination, seeds of this species have non‐deep simple morphophysiological dormancy (C1bB).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of this paper was to verify the variation in the loss of seed dormancy during after-ripening and the interspecific and interpopulation variability in the degree of dormancy of seven wild and two cultivated rice species comprising 21 populations and two cultivars. METHODS: Four wild rice species from South America, Oryza glumaepatula, O. latifolia, O. grandiglumis and O. alta, and two O. sativa cultivars were tested in one experiment. In a second experiment, five wild species, O. punctata, O. eichingeri, O.rufipogon, O. latifolia and O. glumaepatula, and one cultivated species (O. glaberrima) were evaluated. Initial germination tests were performed soon after the seeds were harvested and subsequently at 2-month intervals, for a total of six storage periods in the first experiment and three in the second. All tests were conducted in the dark at a temperature of 27 degrees C. KEY RESULTS: Different patterns of after-ripening among populations within and between species were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The cultivated species (O. sativa and O. glaberrima) and, amongst the wild species, the tetraploids O. latifolia, O. grandiglumis and the diploids O. eichingeri and O. punctata, had weak dormancy, losing it completely 2 months after harvest, while O. rufipogon and O. glumaepatula exhibited pronounced dormancy. The latter showed different patterns of after-ripening between populations indigenous to the Amazon region and those originating in the Paraguay River system. Seeds of Solimoes (Amazon) and Japura origin showed weak dormancy whereas those of Paraguay origin showed deep dormancy. Ecological differences among natural habitats may be involved in such differentiation.  相似文献   

The time course of protein synthesis in embryos of dormant and afterripened Agrostemma githago seeds was studied. In embryos of afterripened geminating seeds, protein synthesis increased in three successive stages: (a) concurrent with swelling; (b) during the lag phase between the completion of water uptake and the onset of growth; and (c) immediately after protrusion through the seed coat. Embryos of dormant seeds showed the first increase but not the second unless dormancy was broken by imbibition at 4°C. This indicates that dormancy affects processes prior to the onset of growth. The third increase was largely due to higher oxygen availability after the rupture of the seed coat and not to actual growth. It could also be elicited in dormant embryos by isolating them from the seeds.

Electrophoretic analysis of the newly synthesized proteins demonstrated that the patterns of dormant and afterripened embryos became significantly different in both axes and cotyledons only just prior to the onset of axis elongation. Thereafter, the differences became larger.

When afterripened or dormant seeds were transferred from a low, germination-permitting to a high, germination-inhibiting temperature, the seeds germinated at the high temperature if they had completed the lag phase to a sufficient extent at the low temperature. This shows that the processes during the lag phase were inhibited by the high temperature while the onset of growth was not affected.


Protein synthesis in dormant embryos of sugar maple ( Acer saccharum ) was investigated in seeds stratified at 4°C or incubated at 15°C. Seeds stratified at 4°C germinated after 27 days; seeds incubated at 15°C failed to germinate. Stratification increased the embryo's capacity for protein synthesis by day 11 as measured by in vivo incorporation of [35S]-methionine into purified protein. At 4°C protein synthesis in the embryonic axis rose in a linear fashion prior to germination, whereas in cotyledons it increased until day 20 and then declined. Analysis of radiolabelled proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that the levels of specific proteins were altered by temperature, primarily in the cotyledons. Several proteins were expressed in the cotyledons at 15°C but were absent in unstratified embryos and in embryos stratified at 4°C. That is, the expression of these proteins was repressed during stratification and release from dormancy. Levels of other proteins in the cotyledons declined at 4°C during stratification. We suggest that one or more of these proteins may be associated with the inhibition of growth of the embryonic axis imposed by the cotyledons.  相似文献   

Effects of appling exogenous jasmonic acid (JA) on the germination of Dioscorea alata L. microtubers were examined on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. Microtuber germination was promoted by JA (0.1 and 1 M) supplemented to the culture medium but higher concentrations (30 and 100 M) completely inhibited germination. When these inhibited microtubers were transferred to hormone-free medium, germination resumed.After transfer to greenhouse conditions, almost all plants (95%) from tubers previously cultivated on MS medium with 100 M JA survived and all acclimatized plants had produced tubers after 8 months. It is concluded that depending on JA concentration, both the germination and dormancy processes in D. alata microtubers were affected. The release from dormancy is easily obtained by transferring dormant microtubers to hormone-free medium.  相似文献   

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