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Using selective media containing galactitol, over 130 Enterobacteriaceae have been isolated from paper mill process waters collected from different localities. These bacteria were extensively characterized and tested for acetylene-reducing (nitrogen-fixing) activity under anaerobic conditions. High activity was found in representatives of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterobacter cloacae, Erwinia herbicola, Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter intermedius, and Escherichia coli. Under argon, nitrogenase synthesis was generally not repressed by 5 mM l-glutamate, l-aspartate, l-leucine or Casamino Acids (0.5 g/liter). In many strains, both the specific activities (nanomoles of C(2)H(4) per minute per milligram of protein) and the activities (nanomoles of C(2)H(4) per minute) had considerably declined after 24 h. In three selected strains, activity in intact cells grown under nitrogen was unaffected by the presence during assay of 10 mM l-amino acids or ammonium acetate. All of the strains examined were tolerant towards inactivation of nitrogen-fixing activity by 1.8% (vol/vol) oxygen during assay, and inactivation by up to 10% oxygen was partly reversible. Representatives of the six taxa synthesized nitrogenase in stirred aerobic cultures, though the protein concentrations attained were lower than under anaerobic conditions. It seems reasonable to suggest that under natural conditions, nitrogen fixation is able to contribute significantly to the nitrogen economy of the cells.  相似文献   

Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum strain MS-1 and two nonmagnetic mutants derived from it reduced C2H2 microaerobically but not anaerobically even with NO3 ?. This organism apparently is not capable of NO3 ?-dependent nitrogen fixation. Cells ofA. magnetotacticum reduced C2H2 at rates comparable to those ofAzospirillum lipoferum grown under similar conditions, but much lower than that ofAzotobacter vinelandii grown aerobically. Cells ofA. magnetotacticum in anaerobic cultures lacking NO3 ? did not reduce C2H2 until O2 was introduced. Optimum rates of C2H2 reduction byA. magnetotacticum were obtained at 200 Pa O2. C2H2 reduction was inhibited by more than 1 kPa O2 or 0.2 mM NO3 ? or NH4 +. These results suggest thatA. magnetotacticum fixes N2 only under microaerobic, N-limited conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Acacia greggi, Cercidium floridium, and Olneya tesota seeds were inoculated with soil from beneath mature native desert trees and grown in the greenhouse on a nitrogen free media. Olneya tesota seedlings nodulated and reduced acetylene to ethylene. Nodulation or acetylene reduction was not observed in A. greggi or C. floridium. This is the first report of nodulation and nitrogen fixation in Olneya tesota.  相似文献   

Sorghum and corn breeding lines were grown in soil in field and greenhouse experiments with and without an inoculum of N2-fixing in Spirillum strains from Brazil. Estimated rates of N2 fixation associated with field-grown corn and sorghum plants were less than 4 g of N2/ha per day. The mean estimated N2-fixation rates determined on segments of roots from corn inoculated with Spirillum and grown in the greenhouse at 24 to 27 degrees C were 15 g of N2/ha per day (16 inbreds), 25 g of N2/ha per day (six hybrids), and 165 g of N2/ha per day for one hybird which was heavily inoculated. The corresponding mean rates determined from measurements of in situ cultures of the same series of corn plants (i.e., 16 inbreds, six hybrids, and one heavily inoculated hybrid) were 0.4, 2.3, and 1.1 g of N2/ha per day, respectively. Lower rates of C2H2 reduction were associated with control corn cultures which had been treated with autoclaved Spirillum than with cultures inoculated with live Spirillum. No C2H2 reduction was detected in plant cultures treated with ammonium nitrate. Numbers of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on excised roots of corn plants increased an average of about 30-fold during an overnight preincubation period, and as a result acetylene reduction assays of root samples after preincubation failed to serve as a valid basis for estimating N2 fixation by corn in pot cultures. Plants grown without added nitrogen either with or without inoculum exhibited severe symptoms of nitrogen deficiency and in most cases produced significantly less dry weight than those supplied with fixed nitrogen. Although substantial rates of C2H2 reduction by excised corn roots were observed after preincubation under limited oxygen, the yield and nitrogen content of inoculated plants and the C2H2-reduction rates by inoculated pot cultures of corn, in situ, provided no evidence of appreciable N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) on a coral reef   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Nitrogen fixation rates associated with various substrates on a fringing reef at Eilat, Red Sea, were estimated by in situ acetylene reduction. High rates of acctylene reduction were associated with bare substrates, such as sand and dead coral skeletons. Low rates of acetylene reduction were associated with substrates covered by macroalgae or living coral tissue. Estimates of nitrogen fixation in various reef zones, based on these measurements, indicate that the sand-covered lagoon is responsible for more than 70% of the fixation in the reef. Consequently, the lagoon may serve as an important source of nitrogen for the coral reef community.  相似文献   

The effect of size of structural aggregates on the intensity of nitrification and nitrogenase (nitrogen: acetylene oxidoreductase) activity was investigated in three soils. In two of them the nitrogenase activity was limited by addition of glucose. Aggregates of a larger diameter (2-4 mm) exhibited a considerably higher nitrogenase activity than those with a diameter smaller than 2 mm. This effect was even more pronounced when the soil samples were repeatedly intensively aerated. On the contrary, smaller aggregates (0.5-2 mm) exhibited more intensive nitrification.  相似文献   

Duckweed (Lemnaceae) mats in Texas and Florida were investigated, using the acetylene reduction assay, to determine whether nitrogen fixation occurred in these floating aquatic macrophyte communities. N(2)-fixing microorganisms were enumerated by plating or most-probable-number techniques, using appropriate N-free media. Results of the investigations indicated that substantial N(2)-fixation (C(2)H(2)) was associated with duckweed mats in Texas and Florida. Acetylene reduction values ranged from 1 to 18 mumol of C(2)H(4) g (dry weight) day for samples incubated aerobically in light. Dark N(2) fixation was always two- to fivefold lower. 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (7 to 10 muM) reduced acetylene reduction to levels intermediate between light and dark incubation. Acetylene reduction was generally greatest for samples incubated anaerobically in the light. It was estimated that 15 to 20% of the N requirement of the duckweed could be supplied through biological nitrogen fixation. N(2)-fixing heterotrophic bacteria (10 cells g [wet weight] and cyanobacteria (10 propagules g [wet weight] were associated with the duckweed mats. Azotobacter sp. was not detected in these investigations. One diazotrophic isolate was classified as Klebsiella.  相似文献   

The involvement of epiphytic microorganisms in nitrogen fixation was investigated in a shallow freshwater pond near Ithaca, N.Y. The acetylene reduction technique was used to follow diel and seasonal cycles of nitrogen fixation by epiphytes of Myriophyllum spicatum. Acetylene-reducing activity was maximal between noon and 6 p.m., but substantial levels of activity relative to daytime rates continued through the night. Experiments with the seasonal course of activity showed a gradual decline during the autumn months and no activity in January or February. Activity commenced in May, with an abrupt increase to levels between 0.45 and 0.95 nmol of ethylene formed per mg (dry weight) of plant per h. Through most of the summer months, mean rates of acetylene reduction remained between 0.15 and 0.60 nmol/mg (dry weight) per h. It was calculated from diel and seasonal cycles that, in the pond areas studied, epiphytes were capable of adding from 7.5 to 12.5 μg of N per mg of plant per year to the pond. This amount is significant relative to the total amount of nitrogen incorporated into the plant. Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), particularly Gloeotrichia, appeared to bear prime responsibility for nitrogen fixation, but photosynthetic bacteria of the genus Rhodopseudomonas were isolated from M. spicatum and shown to support high rates of acetylene reduction.  相似文献   

Summary Acetylene reduction to ethylene by filtrates of rumen contents has been studied. The Km values for acetylene are comparable to those reported for nitrogenase enzymes from N2 fixing bacteria. The enhancement of ethylene production from acetylene by phosphate and pyruvate suggests that the reduction was carried out by anaerobic microorganisms. Acetylene reduction occurred in the rumen only when a high nitrogen diet was fed to the sheep. Some microorganisms isolated from the rumen contents were grown anaerobically under N2 gas on agar not supplemented with combined nitrogen. Methane production by filtrates of rumen contents was found to be inhibited by acetylene.  相似文献   

InPisum sativum cultivated under standard growth conditions the extent of N2 fixation with time estimated by the acetylene reduction assay (PN2F) and rates of the actual nitrogen accumulation of plant biomass (ANA) were calculated from six independent growth experiments. In the plants inoculated with indigenous soilRhizobium populations and cultivated on 0.63 mmol/L nitrate level the percentage PN2F:ANA ratios ranged from 25.7 to 61.5%. In peas inoculated with the inoculant strain the PN2F:ANA ratios were markedly higher, ranging from 59.8 to 65.1%. The plants cultivated on N-free nutrient solutions showed both PN2F:ANA and C2H4N2 ratios to be somewhat higher compared with the 0.63 mmol/L nitrate cultivated plants.  相似文献   

The leguminous tree mesquite (Prosopis spp) exists on millions of hectares of semi-arid regions of the world. No whole plant acetylene reductions for mesquite have been reported in the literature and nodulation has only been reported for three of the forty-four species. We report greenhouse studies in which 12Prosopis species representing African and North and South American germplasm (1) became nodulated when inoculated with rhizobia strain isolated from a North American mesquite, (2) grew on a nitrogen free nutrient media, (3) reduced acetylene to ethylene, and (4) had a positive significant correlation between the acetylene reduction rates and above ground dry matter. The capability of mesquite to fix nitrogen must now be considered firmly established.  相似文献   

An apparatus was designed that permitted acetylene reduction (N2 fixation) by root nodules to be measured in situ simultaneously with net photosynthesis, dark respiration, and transpiration of the shoot in soybean plants (Glycine max [L.] Merr. var. Beeson). Tests showed that acetylene reduction was linear with time for at least 5 hours, except for the first 30 to 60 minutes. Endogenous ethylene production did not affect the measurements. Successive determinations of acetylene reduction could be made without apparent aftereffects on the plant.  相似文献   

Acetylene reduction by nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Summary Known nitrogen-fixing species of blue-green algae are capable of reducing acetylene to ethylene, but acetylene is not reduced by Anacystis nidulans, which does not fix nitrogen. Cycad root nodules which contain blue-green algae as endophytes reduce acetylene. Acetylene reduction is inhibited by carbon monoxide. Nitrate or ammonium-nitrogen has no immediate effect on algae reducing acetylene, but algae grown on nitrate-nitrogen gradually lose their capacity to reduce acetylene. Nitrate-nitrogen also inhibits heterocyst formation in these algae and there is a fairly direct correlation between the abundance of heterocysts in a particular sample and its capacity to reduce acetylene. Aphanizomenon flosaquae reduces acetylene and fixes nitrogen in unialgal culture and there is strong presumptive evidence that these reductions are carried out by the alga rather than by associated bacteria. The molar ratios of ethylene: ammonia produced vary within the range 1.4–1.8.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation has been proposed as a mechanism that allows the diazotrophic cyanobacterium, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, to bloom in nitrogen‐limited freshwater systems. However, it is unclear whether dinitrogen fixation (N2 fixation) can supplement available dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) for growth, or only provides minimum nitrogen (N) for cell maintenance under DIN deplete conditions. Additionally, the rate at which cells can switch between DIN use and N2 fixation is unknown. This study investigated N2 fixation under a range of nitrate concentrations. Cultures were grown with pretreatments of nitrate replete (single dose 941 μmol  · L?1) and N‐free conditions and then either received a single dose of 941 μmol  · L?1 (N941), 118 μmol  · L?1 (N118) or 0 N. Heterocysts appeared from days 3 to 5 when treatments of high were transferred to N free media (N941:N0), and from day 5 in N941 transferred to N118 treatments. Conversely, transferring cells from N0 to N941 resulted in heterocysts being discarded from day 3 and day 5 for N0:N118. Heterocyst appearance correlated with a detectable rate of N2 fixation and up‐regulation of nifH gene expression, the discard of heterocysts occurred after sequential reduction of nifH expression and N2 fixation. Nitrate uptake rates were not affected by pretreatment, suggesting no regulation or saturation of this uptake pathway. These data demonstrate that for C. raciborskii, N2 fixation is regulated by the production or discard of heterocysts. In conclusion, this study has shown that N2 fixation only provides enough N to support relatively low growth under N‐limited conditions, and does not supplement available nitrate to increase growth rates.  相似文献   

Summary A method for intensively sampling soil for nitrogen fixation potential using acetylene reduction assay is discussed. Acetylene was generated from calcium carbide. Soil cores were incubated in Mason jars with specially adapted lids. Air samples from the jars were stored and transported over dry KOH in 10 ml serum vials. The method overcomes many problems associated with other sampling procedures, and produces statistically reproducible data.Contribution #4 — Devon Island IBP Project and CCIBP contribution #173.Contribution #4 — Devon Island IBP Project and CCIBP contribution #173.  相似文献   

Summary Soil properties of pioneer Pinus flexilis stands with similar topography and climate were investigated. Soils supporting this tree in association with Cercocarpus ledifolius were found to have higher percentages of total nitrogen than soils beneath similar stands lacking Cercocarpus.An excavated Cercocarpus ledifolius shrub in a Pinus flexilis stand in the San Bernardino Mountains of California was found to be nodulated and these nodules were found to be capable of fixing nitrogen. Other known nitrogen-fixing shrubs are frequent associates of Pinus flexilis in extreme sites.Implications of the phylogenetic relationship of some nitrogen-fixing species are briefly discussed, as well as their frequent occurrence in pioneer or extreme habitats.  相似文献   

Clustering of nitrogen fixation (nif) genes in Rhizobium meliloti.   总被引:31,自引:18,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文

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