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Streptomyces erythreus produces erythromycin presumably from methylmalonyl-coenzyme A, (CoA) which might be generated by carboxylation of propionyl-CoA. A biotin-containing enzyme which carboxylates acetyl-CoA, propionyl-CoA, and butyryl-CoA was purified to near homogeneity from S. erythreus using DEAE-cellulose, affinity chromatography on monomeric avidin-Sepharose, and blue Sepharose. The enzyme carboxylates propionyl-CoA (100%) with a Km of 0.09 mm and V of 0.86μmol/mg/min, acetyl-CoA (16%) with a Km of 0.17 mm and V of 0.08μmol/mg/min, and butyryl-CoA (7.7%) with a Km of 0.67 mm and V of 0.044 μmol/mg/min. The native enzyme has a molecular weight of 537,000 and consists of two types of subunits with molecular weights of 67,000 and 61,000, respectively, indicating an octameric α4β4 type of structure. Biotin is associated with the large subunit (α). The enzyme has a pH optimum between 7.5 and 7.8. It is stimulated (three- to fourfold) by K+, Rb+ and Cs+ but not by Na+ or Li+ and is inhibited by high concentrations of NH4+ and C1?. Neither citrate nor free CoA stimulated the enzyme. The enzyme was shown to be stereospecific and generated onlyS-methylmalonyl-CoA from the carboxylation of propionyl-CoA. The present case appears to be the first enzyme possibly involved in erythromycin production to be isolated in homogeneous form.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism and spin-label studies of carp hemoglobin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Circular dichroism (c.d.) spectra were obtained for deoxy, oxy, carboxy, nitrosyl, aquomet and azidomet derivatives of carp hemoglobin. The spectra of the hemolysate and its two major components are virtually identical. Binding of diatomic ligands induces large changes in the 287 nm ellipticity. In the case of oxygen binding this change appears to be proportional to the free energy of co-operation. The changes of L-band ellipticity and Soret rotational strength with ligation reflect tertiary structural alterations and bear no relationship to quaternary transitions. The c.d. results indicate that carp deoxyhemoglobin has very similar tertiary and quaternary structures between pH 6·4 and 8·0, whereas the oxyhemoglobin undergoes continuous conformational adjustment in response to pH changes. The effect of inositol hexaphosphate on c.d. spectra is much smaller than it is on the functional properties. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of iodoacetamide nitroxide label are sensitive to ligation, the label is probably attached to Cys142β.  相似文献   

Crystals of calotropin DI (Mr 23,400), have been prepared by microdialysis against 5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol 20,000 in water, pH 7.0. They have orthorhombic space group P212121 with cell parameters a = 57.5 A?, b = 86.2 A?, c = 40.3 A?. Crystals of calotropin DII (Mr 24,000), prepared by the same technique against 5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol 20,000 in phosphate buffer of low ionic strength, pH 7.0, display monoclinic space group C2 with cell parameters a = 135.8 A?, b = 32.0 A?, c = 47.7 A?, β = 103.80 °. In both cases, there is only one molecule in the asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

Novikoff hepatocellular carcinoma cells possess cell-surface glycoproteins that bind the lectin, concanavalin A. A subset of Con A-binding plasma membrane glycoproteins was solubilized by addition of n-butanol to a suspension of Novikoff cells. Glycoproteins solubilized into the n-butanol-saturated aqueous phase of the two-phase mixture were purified by sequential chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sepharose-conjugated concanavalin A. Glycoproteins specifically bound to the Sepharose-conjugated Con A exhibited apparent Mr = 72,000 to 125,000. The plasma membrane localization of these components was inferred by their isolation from cells surface labeled with NaIO4/ NaB3H4. A xenoantiserum, raised against glycoproteins specifically bound to Sepharose-conjugated concanavalin A was employed to identify reactive components in nonionic detergent extracts of Novikoff tumor cells or rat hepatocytes surface labeled using lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination (125I). Major reactive peptides in extracts of Novikoff cells exhibited apparent Mr = 74,000, 82, 000, 110,000, and 135,000, while those in extracts of hepatocytes possessed apparent Mr = 98,000 and 105,000. The reactivity of the antiserum with extracts of 125I-labeled Novikoff cells was abolished by absorption of the antiserum with hepatocytes, indicating that the qualitative differences observed may result from structural modification of one or more cell-surface glycoproteins, rather than the expression of new or inappropriate glycoproteins. This antiserum will provide a useful probe to investigate alterations in the expression or structure of glycoproteins that occur as a consequence of malignant transformation or adaptation of malignant cells to growth in the ascitic form.  相似文献   

A fluorometric method for the automated determination of the imino acids proline and hydroxyproline has been developed. The assay is based on the postcolumn reaction of the imino acids with alkaline sodium hypochlorite, which yields oxidation products amenable to detection with fluorogenic amine reagents. The method is simple and can be adapted readily to high-sensitivity amino acid analyzers which use o-phthalaldehyde for detection. As little as 10 pmol proline and 20 pmol hydroxyproline can be determined accurately. Thus the full array of natural imino and amino acids can now be determined on a high-sensitivity amino acid analyzer using o-phthalaldehyde.  相似文献   

The stability of glutathione peroxidase was assessed in vitro via oxidative inactivation by peroxides and a peroxidizing fatty acid and by renaturation and proteolysis. The stability of glutathione peroxidase to methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, H2O2, linoleic acid hydroperoxide, and peroxidizing methyl linolenate was compared with the stability of several other enzymes. Sulfhydryl enzymes were the most labile to all four treatments. Some of the enzymes tested were very stable to methyl ethyl ketone peroxide but very labile to linoleic acid hydroperoxide treatment. Glutathione peroxidase in the absence of glutathione was relatively slowly inactivated by each treatment. Linoleic acid hydroperoxide damage to glutathione peroxidase was characterized by release of a nonstoichiometric amount of selenite from the protein. Glutathione peroxidase samples lost all of their activity when (i) acidified to pH 2, (ii) heated 5 min at 100 degrees C, and (iii) treated with 6 M guanidinium hydrochloride or 8.5 M urea and heated 5 min at 100 degrees C. When the pH 2 sample was neutralized or the guanidinium hydrochloride-treated sample was diluted 101-fold, about 80% of the original activity was recovered in 30 min. The samples treated with urea and heat recovered no activity when diluted 101-fold. No loss of glutathione peroxidase occurred during treatment for 24 h within trypsin or thermolysin. Based on these results, glutathione peroxidase appears to be a relatively stable enzyme, and thus is is well-suited to perform its role in peroxide detoxification and prevention of oxidative deterioration of cells.  相似文献   

Oxygen saturation curves of blood were measured by the mixing method at several concentrations of protons and bis(phospho)glycerate. Various theoretical models for the co-operativity of oxygen binding by haemoglobin were then tested for their ability to fit the experimental curves. The effects of pH on oxygen binding could be described by both the Monod, Wyman & Changeux, and the Herzfeld & Stanley models, with most success when protons were assumed to affect oxygen affinity directly rather than through effects on the quaternary-state equilibrium. When the combined effects of pH and bis(phospho)glycerate were considered, however, all the versions of the Monod model that were used, including the three-state version, were unsuccessful. The best fit to the saturation curves was obtained with the Herzfeld & Stanley model, with protons acting as a direct effector of oxygen affinity, and bis(phospho)glycerate acting to lower oxygen affinity as well as influencing the quaternary-state equilibrium.  相似文献   

We present evidence that repair of DNA damage induced by decay of incorporated 125I after replication of the labeled duplex of Escherichia coli requires the recA+ gene function. Furthermore, only about half of the cells survive after label segregation even when that repair function is present. Our results support the possibility that repair of 125I decay-induced lesions is asymmetric, being limited to damage initiated in only one of the two strands of the DNA duplex.  相似文献   

The longitudinal relaxation rate (1T1p) of water protons was studied in solutions of Mn(II)-concanavalin A at a number of frequencies. These relaxation rates were lowered in the presence of a variety of saccharides which have affinities for concanavalin A which range over two orders of magnitude. A good correlation was found in which saccharides which bind tightly have the greatest effect and saccharides which bind weakly or not at all have little effect on the 1T1p values. The temperature dependence of the proton relaxation rates showed that the lowering of these rates in the presence of saccharides was most likely due to a change in the exchange rate of solvent interacting with protein-bound Mn(II), 1Tm.An analysis of the temperature and frequency dependence of the 1T1p and 1T2p (transverse) solvent proton relaxation rates resulted in evaluation of a number of parameters for solvent water molecules interacting in the first coordination sphere of Mn(II) bound to concanavalin A. The ratio of the number of water molecules (q) to the Mn(II)-proton distance (r) obtained from a computer fit of the data over a limited temperature range is in accord with the findings of Koenig et al. ((1973) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.70, 475) and Meirovitch and Kalb ((1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta303, 258). However, our studies of 1T1p and 1T2p of water over a more extensive temperature range are best fit with the following conclusions: at low temperatures (<20 °C), the data are consistent with an outer-sphere relaxation process. At higher temperatures (> 30 °C), the water molecule in the inner coordination sphere of the bound Mn(II) begins exchanging more rapidly and contributes to the relaxation processes (1T1p and 1T2p). The relaxation time of protons in the inner coordination shell, T1M, contributes over the entire temperature range and produces a frequency dependence in the relaxivity data from 6 to 100 MHz since the contributions to the correlation times are in the range 10?9-10?8 sec.  相似文献   

The synthesis of complexes of Li(I), K(I), Mg(II), Ca(II) and Ba(II) with guanosine in basic non aqueous solutions is described. The complexes were of two types: (1) complexes having the general formula, M(Guo)nXm·YH2O·ZC2H5OH, where M = Mg(II), Ca(II), Ba(II) and Li(I), n = 1,2,4, X = Cl?, Br?, NO3?, ClO4? and OH?, m = 1,2, Y = 0?6 and X = 0?2, and (2) complexes with the general formula, M(GuoH-1)(OH)n?1·YH2O, where M = K(I), Ca(Il) and Ba(II), GuoH-1 =Ionized guanosine at N1, n = 1,2 and Y = 1?3. The complexes are characterized by their proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra. The FT-IR and 1H NMR data of the non ionized nucleoside complexes suggest that the metal binding is through the N7-site of guanine and that the anion (X) is hydrogen bonded to N1H and NH2 groups. In the N1-ionized guanosine complexes the metal binding is via the O6? of guanine. All the complexes formed exhibited a transition of the sugar conformation from C2-endo/anti in the free nucleoside to C3-endo/anti in the metal complexes.  相似文献   

The structure of the biliprotein C-phycocyanin from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Mastigocladus laminosus has been determined at 3 A resolution by X-ray diffraction methods. Phases have been obtained by the multiple isomorphous replacement method. The electron density map could be improved by solvent flattening and has been interpreted in terms of the amino acid sequence. The protein consists of three identical (alpha-beta)-units which are arranged around a threefold symmetry axis to form a disc of approximate dimensions 110 A X 30 A with a central channel of 35 A in diameter. This aggregation form is supposed to be the same as that found in the rods of native phycobilisomes. Both subunits, alpha and beta, exhibit a similar structure and are related by a local twofold rotational axis. Each subunit is folded into eight helices and irregular loops. Six helices are arranged to form a globular part, whereas two helices stick out and mediate extensive contact between the subunits. The arrangement of the helices of the globular part resembles the globin fold: 59 equivalent C alpha-atoms have a root-mean-square deviation of 2 X 9 A. The chromophores attached to cystein 84 of the alpha- and beta-subunits are topologically equivalent to the haem. All three chromophores of C-phycocyanin, open-chain tetrapyrroles, are in an extended conformation. alpha 84 and beta 84 are attached to helix E (globin nomenclature), beta 155 is linked to the G--H loop. The shortest centre-to-centre distance between chromophores in trimer is 22 A.  相似文献   

Binding of Cu2+ and Ni2+ to glucosamine, N-acetyl- glucosamine and other derivatives of glucose was investigated in acidic, neutral and alkaline aqueous media using H+ and Cu2+ potentiometry and ligand- field and ESR spectroscopy. In neutral medium, site binding with copper(II) and nickel(II) occurs when the monosaccharide possesses a potentially coordinating amine or charged group not attached to C-1. At high pH, a coordination entity is only formed if the C-1 hydroxyl group can be deprotonated and other stabilizing groups are present. The role of groups attached to C-1 reflects the different behaviour of monosaccharides compared with polysaccharides.  相似文献   

The behavior of complexing agents for the copper removal reaction was studied by the equilibrium dialysis method. In the copper removal reaction, complexing agents are divided into two types: those that are reducing agents and those that are not. Sodium cyanide and sodium thiosulfate are of the first type, and 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid, 2,2′-bipyridyl, and picolinic acid are of the second type. From equilibrium dialysis with the first type of complexing agent, the apparent binding constant (pH 6.0) between cuprous ions and apotyrosinase was calculated to be 1015m?1. Similarly, the apparent binding constant (pH 6.0) between cupric ions and apo-tyrosinase was about 1013m?1, which was calculated from equilibrium dialysis with the second type of complexing agent. The apparent binding constant between cuprous ions and apo-tyrosinase was larger than that between cupric ions and apo-tyrosinase.  相似文献   

A membrane-rich preparation was isolated from adult rat skeletal muscle in low salt media and further fractionated in sucrose gradients. Fraction F2, with a relative density of 1.092-1.119, consisted of sealed membrane vesicles which were enriched in plasma membrane markers. These vesicles were capable of stereospecific D-glucose uptake which was sensitive to cytochalasin B (CB). The membranes were also enriched in high affinity [3H]CB binding activity (Kd of 0.28 microM). [3H]CB binding to the glucose carrier of these plasma membranes, estimated as the fraction of binding protectable by D-glucose, ranged between 2.5 and 7.4 pmol/mg protein in several membrane preparations. The amount of [3H]CB binding to muscle membranes from newborn and adult rats was not markedly different. Trypsin, at low concentrations, altered the molecular weight of several membrane components, without affecting [3H]CB binding. Higher concentrations of trypsin abolished [3H]CB binding. Both 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (0.1 mM) and N-ethylmaleimide (15 mM) inhibited [3H]CB binding; inhibition by these reagents was prevented by inclusion of micromolar concentrations of CB in the reaction mixture. Several procedures that extracted specific proteins enriched the D-glucose-sensitive [3H]CB binding to the protein-depleted membranes. Antibody raised against the glucose carrier of human red cell membranes cross-reacted with a polypeptide of Mr about 45K of muscle membranes which might represent the glucose carrier.  相似文献   

When reaction velocity measurements of enzyme reactions are carried out with single beam, single monochromator spectrophotometers, stray light in the spectrophotometer can produce systematic errors in the apparent velocities when highly absorbing solutions (optical density >2.0) are used. These errors can give rise to spurious “inhibition” patterns of the steady state kinetics. Because of a suspected error of this kind, this laboratory has recently reinvestigated the kinetics of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli and found that the reported noncompetitive inhibition of the enzyme by DPNH is explained more readily by an unnoticed effect of stray light on the apparent reaction velocity than by a true enzyme inhibition. Methods for estimating and correcting such errors in spectrophotometers are presented in detail.  相似文献   

We have determined the relative magnitudes of the intra- and intermolecular contributions to the nuclear magnetic relaxation rates of the methylene protons of the hydrocarbon chains in phosphatidylcholine bilayer vesicles over a range of temperatures and at two NMR frequencies (100 and 220 MHz). These measurements have been made by the isotopic dilution method using deuterated phosphatidylcholines containing fully deuterated hydrocarbon chains. The results showed that both the methylene linewidths and the spin-lattice relaxation rates are dominated by intramolecular dipolar interactions. Both the intra- and intermolecular contributions to the spin-lattice relaxation rate were found to decrease with increasing temperature and to exhibit a frequency dependence, the rates being higher at the lower NMR frequency in both cases. These observations indicate that both intra- and intermolecular dipolar interactions are modulated by anisotropic motions. In the case of the intermolecular dipolar fields, it is proposed that they are modulated both by the rapid rotational isomerization of the hydrocarbon chains as well as by lateral diffusion of the lipid molecules. That the hydrocarbon chain motion must be fairly effective in effecting efficient spin-lattice relaxation is evident from the negligible intramolecular interchain contribution to the relaxation found in the present work.  相似文献   

The synthesis and crystal structure of the adenine N(1)-oxide complex with mercury(II) chloride, (C5H5N5O)HgCl2 are reported. Crystals of the coordination compound belong to the monoclinic system, space group P21/n with the following primary crystallographic data: a = 6.685(1) Å, b = 11.798(2) Å, c = 10.155(1) Å, β = 100.22(1)°, V = 906.04 Å3, Z = 4. The structure was elucidated by conventional Patterson and Fourier methods and refined by the full matrix least-squares technique on the basis of 1977 observed reflections to an R value of 0.074. The basic unit of the structure is a dimer, with a centre of symmetry, consisting of two HgCl2 moieties and two adenine N(1)-oxide ligands. A polymeric structure results from the bridging interactions of chloride ions. Adenine N(1)-oxide acts as a bidentate bridging ligand, coordinating through N(7) and O(1). The coordination geometry around the mercury ion is a distorted square pyramid with N(7) and three chlorines (two of which are centro-symmetrically related) forming the square plane and O(1) occupying the axial position. Hg also interacts indirectly with N(6) through a Cl
HN hydrogen bond. Principal intracomplex geometrical parameters are as follows: HgN(7) = 2.61(1) Å, HgO(1) = 2.55(1) Å, HgCl(1) = 2.330(3) Å, HgCl(2) = 2.318(3) Å, HgCl(2′) = 3.347(3) Å. The cis angles range from 77.5° to 107.9° and the two trans angles are 155.5° and 163.1°. The centro-symmetrically related bases overlap partially and pack at a distance of 3.2 Å. The glide-related bases are linked by a hydrogen bond, N(9)H
O(1) and are inclined to one another by 109.7°. The results are compared with those derived from spectroscopic and other physicochemical studies on metal interaction with adenine N(1)-oxide. Based on the present structural observations and earlier experimental results a possible mechanism is proposed for mercury interaction with DNA.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 NMR lines corresponding to inner and outer surfaces of sonicated phosphatidylserine vesicles can be distinguished by the effects of added Ca2+ or Mg2+ at low bulk concentrations (millimolar or less). The changes in chemical shift and relaxation times indicate that Ca2+ binds directly to the PS phosphate, neutralizing at least a portion of the negative charge and restricting the motion of this group. Mg2+ ion also binds to the head group, but apparently not as strongly as Ca2+, nor is the mobility of the headgroup affected as much.  相似文献   

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