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 The ontogenetic expression of chromogranin A (CgA) and its derived peptides, WE-14 and pancreastatin (PST), was studied in the rat neuroendocrine system employing immunohistochemical analysis of fetal and neonatal specimens from 12.5-day embryos (E12.5), to 42-day postnatal (P42) rats. CgA immunostaining was first detected in endocrine cells of the pancreas, stomach, intestine, adrenal gland and thyroid at E13.5, E14.5, E15.5, E15.5 and E18.5, respectively. PST-like immunoreactivity was detected in endocrine cells of the pancreas at E13.5, stomach, intestine at E15.5, adrenal gland at E17.5 and thyroid at E18.5. WE-14 immunoreactivity was first observed in the immature pancreas at E15.5, mucosal cells of the stomach at E15.5, scattered chromaffin cells in the immature adrenal gland and mucosal cells of the intestine at E17.5 and thyroid parafollicular cells at E18.5. These data confirm that the translation of the CgA gene is regulated differentially in various neuroendocrine tissues and, moreover, suggests that the posttranslational processing of the molecule is developmentally controlled. Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

Histamine in the rat stomach resides in enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells and mast cells. The ECL cells are peptide-hormone-producing endocrine cells known to release histamine and chromogranin-A-derived peptides (such as pancreastatin) in response to gastrin. Ischemia (induced by clamping of the celiac artery or by gastric submucosal microinfusion of the vasoconstrictor endothelin) mobilizes large amounts of ECL-cell histamine in a burst-like manner. This report examines the ECL-cell response to ischemia and compares it with that induced by gastrin in rats. Arterial clamping (30 min) and gastric submucosal microinfusion (3 h) of endothelin, vasopressin, or adrenaline caused ischemia, manifested as a raised lactate/pyruvate ratio and mucosal damage. Whereas microinfusion of gastrin released both histamine and pancreastatin, ischemia mobilized histamine only. The mucosal concentrations of histamine and pancreastatin, the number and immunostaining intensity of the ECL cells, and the ultrastructure of the ECL cells were unchanged following ischemia. The long-term effects of ischemia and reperfusion (60-90 min) on gastric mucosa were examined in rats treated with the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole for 4 days. The activity of the ECL cells was suppressed (reflected in low histamine-forming capacity) but returned to normal within 1 week, illustrating the ability of the ECL cells to recover. We suggest that ischemia mobilizes cytosolic ECL-cell histamine without affecting the storage of histamine (and pancreastatin) in the secretory organelles and without causing lasting ECL-cell impairment.  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CgA) is a neuroendocrine protein that undergoes proteolytic cleavage in secretory granules. The aim of the present study was to characterize the peptides WE14 and EL35 that are derived from evolutionarily conserved regions of CgA in rat and human endocrine tissues. In the rat pituitary, HPLC analysis revealed that WE14 is present as a single immunoreactive peak, whereas EL35 elutes in two molecular forms. Authentic WE14 is also produced in both rat and human adrenal glands, while EL35 displays a variable elution profile depending on the tissue extract, indicating the existence of different forms of EL35 in these tissues. Immunohistochemical labeling of the rat pituitary showed that WE14 and EL35 occur in gonadotropes and melanotropes, but not in corticotropes. A strong immunoreaction for both peptides was also observed in rat adrenochromaffin cells. In the human adrenal gland, the WE14 and EL35 antisera revealed intense labeling of adrenomedullary cells in adult and nests of chromaffin progenitor cells in fetal adrenal. Finally, WE14 and EL35 immunoreactivity was detected in pheochromocytoma tissue where WE14 occurred as a single immunoreactive form, while EL35 displayed different forms. The observations that WE14 and EL35: (1). have been preserved during vertebrate evolution, (2). are processed in a cell-specific manner, and (3). occur during ontogenesis of the adrenal gland strongly suggest that these peptides play a role in endocrine tissues. In addition, the existence of differentially processed CgA-derived peptides in normal and tumorous tissues may provide new tools for the diagnosis and prognosis of neuroendocrine tumors.  相似文献   

WE-14, a post-translational product of the neuroendocrine protein chromogranin A (CgA), is generated in distinct subpopulations of endocrine cells. The objective of this study was to investigate the generation of WE-14 in the endocrine cell types of the oxyntic mucosa of the stomach, after treatment with reserpine, an irreversible inhibitor of vesicular monoamine uptake 2 (VMAT2). Reserpine (10 mg/kg) was administered subcutaneously and tissue analysed 1, 3, 5 and 18 h following treatment. The oxyntic mucosa was analysed immunohistochemically employing a site-specific WE-14 antiserum, a region-specific CgA antiserum and an antiserum against histidine decarboxylase (HDC), a marker of the histamine-producing ECL cells in the oxyntic mucosa. The number of oxyntic endocrine cells exhibiting WE-14 immunostaining increased more than 100-fold 18 h after reserpine administration relative to vehicle treated controls. Double immunostaining with HDC revealed that most, but not all, of the WE-14 positive cells were ECL cells. These results suggest that reserpine has the ability to influence the post-translational processing of CgA to generate WE-14 in rat stomach ECL cells, presumably as a consequence of reduced VMAT2-driven accumulation of histamine.  相似文献   

The ECL cells are histamine- and peptide hormone-producing endocrine cells in the rat oxyntic mucosa. They are rich in secretory vesicles and also contain microvesicles and electron-dense granules. They operate under the control of circulating gastrin. In the present study, we examined the ECL-cell ultrastructure after long term treatment with omeprazole, which is known to induce hypergastrinemia, and after withdrawal of the drug. Rats received omeprazole (400 µmol/kg per day, orally) for 16 days and were killed 1, 5, 20, or 40 days after the last dose of the drug. Oxyntic mucosal specimens were processed for electron microscopy. Electron micrographs of ECL-cell profiles were analyzed planimetrically. The ECL-cell profile area increased promptly in response to omeprazole, the secretory vesicles and granules were reduced in number and volume density, the microvesicles were unchanged in number but reduced in volume density, and vacuoles appeared. Within a week after stopping the omeprazole treatment, the numbers and volume densities of secretory vesicles and microvesicles returned to pre-stimulation values. Also, the vacuoles disappeared promptly. The ECL-cell profile area decreased below the pre-stimulation level within five days after stopping treatment, while, in contrast, the granules increased in number and volume density. Somewhat surprisingly, the cell size and the granule compartment did not return to normal until 40 days after stopping treatment.  相似文献   

Prohormone convertases (PCs) 1 and 2 are the primary endoproteases involved in the post-translational processing of proThyrotropin Releasing Hormone (proTRH) to give rise to TRH and other proposed biologically active non-TRH peptides. Previous evidence suggests that PC1 is responsible for most proTRH cleavage events. Here, we used the PC1 and PC2 knockout (KO) mouse models to examine the effects of PC1 or PC2 loss on proTRH processing. The PC1KO mouse presented a decrease in five proTRH-derived peptides, whereas the PC2KO mouse showed only lesser reduction in three TRH (Gln-His-Pro), TRH-Gly (Gln-His-Pro-Gly), and the short forms preproTRH(178-184) (pFQ(7)) and preproTRH(186-199) (pSE(14)) of pFE(22) (preproTRH(178-199)). Also, PC1KO and not PC2KO showed a decrease in pEH(24) indicating that PC1 is more important in generating this peptide in the mouse, which differs from previous studies using rat proTRH. Furthermore, downstream effects on thyroid hormone levels were evident in PC1KO mice, but not PC2KO mice suggesting that PC1 plays the more critical role in producing bioactive hypophysiotropic TRH. Yet loss of PC1 did not abolish TRH entirely indicating a complementary action for both enzymes in the normal processing of proTRH. We also show that PC2 alone is responsible for catalyzing the conversion of pFE(22) to pFQ(7) and pSE(14), all peptides implicated in regulation of suckling-induced prolactin release. Collectively, results characterize the specific roles of PC1 and PC2 in proTRH processing in vivo.  相似文献   

We have used immunochemical, chromatographic, and bioassay techniques to characterize peptides related to gastrin and CCK, from the stomach of the reptile Crocodylus niloticus. By immunocytochemistry gastrin/CCK-like peptides were localized in specific mucosal cells of the pylorus and in the duodenum. Boiling water extracts of pyloric antrum cross reacted with four antisera specific for the C-terminal region of gastrin or CCK, but estimates of concentration varied between antisera. Antisera specific for the N-terminus of heptadecapeptide gastrin (G17), intact G17, or the amphibian CCK-like peptide caerulein did not cross react with the crocodile extracts. Gel filtration of the extracts on Sephadex G50 resolved one major peak eluting significantly before G17 or CCK8, suggesting larger molecular size, whereas ion exchange on DE52 cellulose resolved two major immunoreactive peaks, both eluting before G17, indicating that they are less acidic. The more acidic of the two peptides stimulated gastric acid secretion in the rat, but had no CCK-like actions on the rat pancreas. Thus crocodile antrum contains gastrin-like peptides, which are however clearly distinguishable from any of the known mammalian forms of gastrin and CCK.  相似文献   

The rat stomach is rich in endocrine cells. The acid-producing (oxyntic) mucosa contains ECL cells, A-like cells, and somatostatin (D) cells, and the antrum harbours gastrin (G) cells, enterochromaffin (EC) cells and D cells. Although chromogranin A (CgA) occurs in all these cells, its processing appears to differ from one cell type to another. Eleven antisera generated to different regions of rat CgA, two antisera generated to a human (h) CgA sequences, and one to a bovine (b) CgA sequence, respectively, were employed together with antisera directed towards cell-specific markers such as gastrin (G cells), serotonin (EC cells), histidine decarboxylase (ECL cells) and somatostatin (D cells) to characterize the expression of CgA and CgA-derived peptides in the various endocrine cell populations of the rat stomach. In the oxyntic mucosa, antisera raised against CgA(291-319) and CGA(316-321) immunostained D cells exclusively, whereas antisera raised against bCgA(82-91) and CgA(121-128) immunostained A-like cells and D cells. Antisera raised against CgA(318-349) and CgA(437-448) immunostained ECL cells and A-like cells, but not D cells. In the antrum, antisera against CgA(291-319) immunostained D cells, and antisera against CgA(351-356) immunostained G cells. Our observations suggest that each individual endocrine cell type in the rat stomach generates a unique mixture of CgA-derived peptides, probably reflecting cell-specific differences in the post-translational processing of CgA and its peptide products. A panel of antisera that recognize specific domains of CgA may help to identify individual endocrine cell populations.  相似文献   

Pancreastatin (PST), a chromogranin A-derived peptide, has an anti-insulin metabolic effect and inhibits growth and proliferation by producing nitric oxide (NO) in HTC rat hepatoma cells. When NO production is blocked, a proliferative effect prevails due to the activation a Galphaq/11-phospholipase C-beta (PLC-beta) pathway, which leads to an increase in [Ca2+]i, protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the NO synthase (NOS) isoform that mediates these effects of PST on HTC hepatoma cells and the possible roles of cyclic GMP (cGMP) and cGMP-dependent protein kinase. DNA and protein synthesis in response to PST were measured as [3H]-thymidine and [3H]-leucine incorporation in the presence of various pharmacological inhibitors: N-monomethyl-L-arginine (NMLA, nonspecific NOS inhibitor), L-NIO (endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) inhibitor), espermidine (neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibitor), LY83583 (guanylyl cyclase inhibitor), and KT5823 (protein kinase G inhibitor, (PKG)). L-NIO, similarly to NMLA, reverted the inhibitory effect of PST on hepatoma cell into a stimulatory effect on growth and proliferation. Nevertheless, espermidine also prevented the inhibitory effect of PST, but there was no stimulation of growth and proliferation. When guanylyl cyclase activity was blocked, there was again a reversion of the inhibitory effect into a stimulatory action, suggesting that the effect of NO was mediated by the production of cGMP. PKG inhibition prevented the inhibitory effect of PST, but there was no stimulatory effect. Therefore, the inhibitory effect of PST on growth and proliferation of hepatoma cells may be mainly mediated by eNOS activation. In turn, the effect of NO may be mediated by cGMP, whereas other pathways in addition to PKG activation seem to mediate the inhibition of DNA and protein synthesis by PST in HTC hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

ECL cells are numerous in the rat stomach. They produce and store histamine and chromogranin-A (CGA)-derived peptides such as pancreastatin and respond to gastrin with secretion of these products. Numerous electron-lucent vesicles of varying size and a few small, dense-cored granules are found in the cytoplasm. Using confocal and electron microscopy, we examined these organelles and their metamorphosis as they underwent intracellular transport from the Golgi area to the cell periphery. ECL-cell histamine was found to occur in both cytosol and secretory vesicles. Histidine decarboxylase, the histamine-forming enzyme, was in the cytosol, while pancreastatin (and possibly other peptide products) was confined to the dense cores of granules and secretory vesicles. Dense-cored granules and small, clear microvesicles were more numerous in the Golgi area than in the docking zone, i.e. close to the plasma membrane. Secretory vesicles were numerous in both Golgi area and docking zone, where they were sometimes seen to be attached to the plasma membrane. Upon acute gastrin stimulation, histamine was mobilized and the compartment size (volume density) of secretory vesicles in the docking zone was decreased, while the compartment size of microvesicles was increased. Based on these findings, we propose the following life cycle of secretory organelles in ECL cells: small, electron-lucent microvesicles (pro-granules) bud off the trans Golgi network, carrying proteins and secretory peptide precursors (such as CGA and an anticipated prohormone). They are transformed into dense-cored granules (approximate profile diameter 100 nm) while still in the trans Golgi area. Pro-granules and granules accumulate histamine, which leads to their metamorphosis into dense-cored secretory vesicles. In the Golgi area the secretory vesicles have an approximate profile diameter of 150 nm. By the time they reach their destination in the docking zone, their profile diameter is between 200 and 500 nm. Exocytosis is coupled with endocytosis (membrane retrieval), and microvesicles in the docking zone are likely to represent membrane retrieval vesicles (endocytotic vesicles).  相似文献   

Abstract: The simple, freshwater polyp Hydra is often used as a model to study development in cnidarians. Recently, a neuropeptide, 2, has been isolated from sea anemones that induces metamorphosis in a hydroid planula larva to become a polyp. Here, we have cloned a preprohormone from Hydra magnipapillata containing 11 (eight different) immature neuropeptide sequences that are structurally related to the metamorphosis-inducing neuropeptide from sea anemones. During the final phase of our cloning experiments, another research team independently isolated and sequenced five of the neuropeptides originally found on the preprohormone. Comparison of these mature neuropeptide structures with the immature neuropeptide sequences on the preprohormone shows that most immature neuropeptide sequences are preceded by Ser or Asn residues, indicating that these residues must be novel processing sites. Thus, the structure of the Hydra prepro-hormone confirms our earlier findings that cnidarian pre-prohormones contain unusual or novel processing sites. Nearly all neuropeptide copies located on the Hydra preprohormone will give rise to mature neuropeptides with a C-terminal Gly-Leu-Trp-NH2 sequence (the most frequent one being Gly-Pro-Pro-Pro-Gly-Leu-Trp-NH2; Hydra-LWamide I; three copies). Based on their structural similarities with the metamorphosis-inducing neuropeptide from sea anemones, the mature peptides derived from the Hydra-LWamide preprohormone are potential candidates for being developmentally active neurohormones in Hydra .  相似文献   

We have used an antiserum to a synthetic peptide fragment of bovine chromogranin A (ChrgA)[Tyr0] bovine ChrgA (306-313): YLSKEWEDA, together with antibodies to proenkephalin-derived peptides, to measure the release of immunoreactive peptides from nicotine-stimulated cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Over a period of 6 hr the accumulation of YLSKEWEDA immunoreactivity and Met-enkephalin Arg6Gly7Leu8 (MERGL) immunoreactivity in the medium of 10 microM nicotine-stimulated cells was shown to be biphasic; the initial phase occurred in the first 15-30 min and the second phase reached a peak after 4 hr. In contrast, catecholamine release occurred monophasically over the initial 15-30 min. Investigation of the second phase of peptide accumulation revealed that it was due in part to nicotine-evoked exocytosis and in part to extracellular processing of high molecular weight precursor proteins.  相似文献   

Vasostatins (VSs), i.e. the main biologically active peptides generated by the proteolytic processing of chromogranin A (CGA) N-terminus, exert negative inotropism in vertebrate hearts. Here, using isolated working eel (Anguilla anguilla) and frog (Rana esculenta) heart preparations, we have studied the role of the cytoskeleton in the VSs-mediated inotropic response. In both eel and frog hearts, VSs-mediated-negative inotropy was abolished by treatment with inhibitors of cytoskeleton reorganization, such as cytochalasin-D (eel: 10 nM; frog: 1 nM), an inhibitor of actin polymerisation, wortmannin (0.01 nM), an inhibitor of PI3-kinase (PI3-K)/protein kinase B (Akt) signal-transduction cascade, butanedione 2-monoxime (BDM) (eel: 100 nM; frog: 10 nM), an antagonist of myosin ATPase, and N-(6-aminohexil)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide (W7) (eel: 100 nM; frog: 1 nM), a calcium-calmodulin antagonist. These results demonstrate that changes in cytoskeletal dynamics play a crucial role in the negative inotropic influence of VSs on eel and frog hearts.  相似文献   

The oxyntic mucosa of the rat stomach is rich in ECL cells which produce and secrete histamine in response to gastrin. Histamine and the histamine-forming enzyme histidine decarboxylase (HDC) have been claimed to occur also in the gastrin-secreting G cells in the antrum. In the present study, we used a panel of five HDC antisera and one histamine antiserum to investigate whether histamine and HDC are exclusive to the ECL cells. By immunocytochemistry, we could show that the ECL cells were stained with the histamine antiserum and all five HDC antisera. The G cells, however, were not stained with the histamine antiserum, but with three of the five HDC antisera. Thus, histamine and HDC coexist in the ECL cells (oxyntic mucosa) but not in G cells (antral mucosa). Western blot analysis revealed a typical pattern of HDC-immunoreactive bands (74, 63 and 54 kDa) in oxyntic mucosa extracts with all five antisera. In antral extracts, immunoreactive bands were detected with three of the five HDC antisera (same as above); the pattern of immunoreactivity differed from that in oxyntic mucosa. Food intake of fasted rats or treatment with the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole raised the HDC activity and the HDC protein content of the oxyntic mucosa but not of the antral mucosa; the HDC activity in the antrum was barely detectable. We suggest that the HDC-like immunoreactivity in the antrum represents a cross-reaction with non-HDC proteins and conclude that histamine and HDC are hallmark features of ECL cells but not of G cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: The molecular forms and membrane association of SPC2, SPC3, and furin were investigated in neuroendocrine secretory vesicles from the anterior, intermediate, and neural lobes of bovine pituitary and bovine adrenal medulla. The major immunoreactive form of SPC2 was the full-length enzyme with a molecular mass of 64 kDa. The major immunoreactive form of SPC3 was truncated at the carboxyl terminus and had a molecular mass of 64 kDa. Full-length 86-kDa SPC3 with an intact carboxyl terminus was found only in bovine chromaffin granules. Immunoreactive furin was also detected in secretory vesicles. The molecular masses of 80 and 76 kDa were consistent with carboxyl-terminal truncation of furin to remove the transmembrane domain. All three enzymes were distributed between the soluble and membrane fractions of secretory vesicles although the degree of membrane association was tissue specific and, in the case of SPC3, dependent on the molecular form of the enzyme. Significant amounts of membrane-associated and soluble forms of SPC2, SPC3, and furin were found in pituitary secretory vesicles, whereas the majority of the immunoreactivity in chromaffin granules was membrane associated. More detailed analyses of chromaffin granule membranes revealed that 86-kDa SPC3 was more tightly associated with the membrane fraction than the carboxyl terminus-truncated 64-kDa form.  相似文献   

Hepatectomy significantly altered the metabolism of [1-14C]glyoxylate and [1-14C]glycollate in the rat. The production of 14CO2 was reduced by 47% and 77%–86%, respectively, indicating the involvement of the liver in the oxidation of both substrates. Unidentified intermediates, assumed to be primary glycine, serine and ethanolamine, were also reduced by over 50%, was would be expected from the removal of the aminotransferase enzymes through the hepatectomy. The biosynthesis of [14C]oxalate from [1-14C]glycollate was reduced by more than 80% in the hepatectomized rat. This suggests that this oxidation is primarily catalyzed by the liver enzymes, glycolic acid oxidase and glycolic acid dehydrogenase, in the intact rat. The limited formation of [14C]oxalate from [141]glycollate observed in the hepatectomized rat is probably catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase or extrahepatic glycolic acid oxidase. Hepatectomy did not significantly alter the rate of formation of [14C]oxalate from [141]glyoxylate. However, since saturating concentrations of glyoxylate could not be used because of the toxicity of this substrate, the involvement of glycollic acid oxidase in this oxidation reaction in the intact rat can not be ruled out. In the hepatectomized rat, lactate dehydrogenase appears to be the enzyme making the major contribution, although other as yet not identified enzymes may be contributing. The increased deposition of oxalate in the tissues, oxalosis, may result from the shift in oxalate synthesis from the liver to the extrahepatic tissues.  相似文献   

Ageing cells, especially post-mitotic cells, are known to accumulate pigments, i.e. highly electron-dense material, referred to as ceroid or lipofuscin. This material is formed as a consequence of autophagocytosis and peroxidation of the products undergoing degradation. The present study describes the development of lipofuscin in the ECL cells of the rat stomach. These cells produce and secrete histamine in response to gastrin. They are rich in secretory vesicles, which fuse to form vacuoles in hypergastrinaemic rats. Hypergastrinaemia was induced by continuous infusion of human Leu15-gastrin-17 for 6 days or by daily treatment with omeprazole for 10 weeks. Either treatment caused both vacuoles and lipofuscin bodies to appear in large numbers; the vacuoles disappeared promptly after interruption of the hypergastrinaemia, whereas the lipofuscin bodies remained. Antrectomy-evoked hypogastrinaemia was associated with a reduced number and volume density of lipofuscin bodies. Treatment with α-fluoromethylhistidine, an irreversible inhibitor of the histamine-forming enzyme, resulted in depletion of ECL-cell histamine and was found to prevent the omeprazole-evoked formation of vacuoles and lipofuscin. The numbers of both vacuoles and lipofuscin bodies were well-correlated with the serum gastrin concentration, suggesting that gastrin stimulates the development not only of vacuoles but also of lipofuscin, perhaps through enhanced autophagocytosis and/or oxidative stress. Thus, lipofuscin bodies may develop from vacuoles, and both vacuoles and lipofuscin bodies may reflect the efforts of overstimulated ECL cells to cope with the excessive formation of secretory products.  相似文献   

The prohormone convertases, PC1/3 and PC2 are thought to be responsible for the activation of many prohormones through processing including the endogenous opioid peptides. We propose that maintenance of hormonal homeostasis can be achieved, in part, via alterations in levels of these enzymes that control the ratio of active hormone to prohormone. In order to test the hypothesis that exogenous opioids regulate the endogenous opioid system and the enzymes responsible for their biosynthesis, we studied the effect of short-term morphine or naltrexone treatment on pituitary PC1/3 and PC2 as well as on the level of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), the precursor gene for the biosynthesis of the endogenous opioid peptide, β-endorphin. Using ribonuclease protection assays, we observed that morphine down-regulated and naltrexone up-regulated rat pituitary PC1/3 and PC2 mRNA. Immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis confirmed that the protein levels changed in parallel with the changes in mRNA levels and were accompanied by changes in the levels of phosphorylated cyclic-AMP response element binding protein. We propose that the alterations of the prohormone processing system may be a compensatory mechanism in response to an exogenous opioid ligand whereby the organism tries to restore its homeostatic hormonal milieu following exposure to the opioid, possibly by regulating the levels of multiple endogenous opioid peptides and other neuropeptides in concert.  相似文献   

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