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大豆转基因育种及产业化发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因技术是现代生物技术研究的热点之一,转基因作物种植已经成为全球普及最为迅速的生物技术.转基因大豆是目前种植区域最广、种植面积最大的转基因作物,已成为世界大豆主产国大豆产业发展的主要动力.中国的大豆产量居世界第四位,但转基因大豆育种的研究尚处于起步阶段,在转基因大豆产业化发展方面潜力巨大.我国应该充分利用现代生物技术的成果,借鉴国外转基因大豆的发展经验,立足本国实际,在农业转基因生物安全管理相关法律法规下,建立和健全我国转基因大豆育种及其产业化发展体系,大力发展转基因大豆,提升我国大豆产业的市场竞争力.本文概述了我国转基因大豆的研究现状以及国际转基因大豆的研发趋势,分析了我国转基因大豆发展所面临的挑战并提出了应对策略.  相似文献   

随着中国转基因玉米和大豆产业化试点的推进,间接食用转基因农产品在中国大范围产业化种植到了关键时刻。为有序推进生物育种产业化进程,本文在回顾全球和中国转基因作物产业化历史的基础上,着重分析了中国生物育种产业化遇到的两大机遇: 一是中国转基因农产品的持续进口和间接食用在下游加工业和群众中积累了一定的消费基础;二是过去这些年中国转基因技术的研发和技术储备已为转基因作物产业化做出了良好准备。最后,本文从充分利用现有群众消费基础、进一步释放技术储备潜力、更加严格地做好全流程监管等方面,提出有序推进生物育种产业化的政策建议。  相似文献   

生物育种是现代农业生物技术的核心,生物育种技术被称为人类历史上应用最为迅速的重大技术之一.推进转基因技术为核心的现代生物育种技术研究与应用,是确保国家粮食安全的必然要求和重要途径.我国在2008 年启动了转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项计划,把生物育种产业列为国家"十二五"期间需要大力发展的战略性新兴产业.  相似文献   

与传统的育种方法相比,转基因动物育种具有诸多优点,利用该技术得到的转基因鼠、转基因羊、转基因牛等动物,已经显示出巨大的商业前景。本文从动物转基因技术入手,结合相关专利,分析了近几年转基因动物育种技术的发展和趋势。重点从转基因动物育种在医药和农业上的应用,分析国内外目前的产业化状况。最后根据产业化中的一些问题及国内外差异,对我国转基因动物育种产业化提出建议,并进行了展望。  相似文献   

<正>在粮食安全保障的国家战略需求、传统育种技术的发展瓶颈和激烈的跨国种业竞争面前,我国的生物育种研发和产业化面临着严峻的挑战和创新发展的战略机遇。文章拟通过对生物育种研发及产业化发展态势的分析,为我国加强农业科技及相关产业支撑提供参考。  相似文献   

农业生物育种技术的发展历程及产业化对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林敏 《生物技术进展》2021,11(4):405-417
伴随千百年来自然物种进化与人类科技进步,世界农业育种经历了原始育种、传统育种和分子育种三个时代的跨越。生物育种是生物技术育种的简称,属于从转基因育种3.0版跨入智能设计育种4.0版、集各种前沿技术大成的新一代分子育种技术,其中最具代表性的包括培育革命性和颠覆性新品种的全基因组选择、基因编辑和合成生物技术。回顾了国内外农业转基因和生物育种技术的发展历程,分析了我国生物育种面临的严峻挑战,提出了加快我国生物育种技术创新的产业化对策。  相似文献   

综述了国内外转基因作物育种及产业化发展现状,指出转基因技术发展已势不可挡,加快推进有利于抢占市场先机和技术制高点,延误时间只会坐失良机而付出更大代价。当前应以主要用作饲料、安全性确有保障的转基因植酸酶玉米和抗虫玉米为重点,尽快突破转基因认识误区和产业发展困境。为此提出了调整和修订不适应发展需要的管理规则和程序、制定转基因玉米产业化推进规划、加强转基因科普宣传和舆论引导等三项建议。  相似文献   

转基因植物环境安全评价策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构建完善的转基因植物环境安全评价技术体系是保障转基因生物产业健康发展的重要组成部分。本文综述了转基因植物环境安全评价技术发展历程与趋势,归纳了转基因植物环境安全评价的思路与内容。转基因植物环境安全评价应分为潜在风险分析、风险假设验证、风险特征描述等3个步骤,并采用逐层评价模式;安全评价应贯穿转基因植物新品种研发与产业化全程,包括应用前预测、研发中筛选、推广前评价、推广后监测。此外,基于科学性和个案分析原则,本文对复合性状、非生物胁迫抗性等新型转基因植物环境安全评价策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

植物转基因育种的分析与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1983年培育出第一株转基因植物——转基因烟草以来,转基因育种研究已取得飞速发展。应用转基因技术培育了一批抗除草剂、抗虫、抗病、抗逆和优质的转基因材料,有些已实现产业化。就近年来转基因研究在转化技术体系、转化效率和筛选鉴定方面作一概述,就热点问题,如如何培育安全型无选择标记转基因植物和提高外源基因稳定性、表达量等进行分析,并就有关问题提出建议。  相似文献   

通过研究转基因玉米育种技术的专利文献,可分析各国转基因玉米生物育种技术的发展趋势、研发领域的分布、跨国种业集团的产业布局。利用MS Excel和Innography等分析软件,采用图表分析方法对世界转基因玉米生物育种的专利文献进行定性分析和定量分析。结果发现,中国是转基因玉米生物育种的主要研发国家之一,其中基因编辑技术处于领先地位;我国创新主体仍以大专院校、科研院所为主,缺乏科研成果的转化动力,需要加大对转基因技术产业的扶植力度和知识产权服务。研究结果旨在为研究者确定研究方向、跟踪竞争对手的研究进展、分析跨国种业集团的产业布局、制定产业发展政策等提供参考建议。  相似文献   

Since two decades ago, when the first GM crops were introduced, there have increasingly been hot debates on the applications of gene manipulation. Currently, the development of GM crop varieties has raised a wide range of new legal, ethical and economic questions in agriculture. There is a growing body of literature reflecting the socio-economic and environmental impacts of GM crops which aims to criticize their value for farming systems. While organic crops are promoted as environmentally-friendly products in developed countries, they have provoked great controversy in developing countries facing food security and a low agricultural productivity. Discussion has been especially vigorous when organic farming was introduced as an alternative method. There are in fact, a few tradeoffs in developing countries. On the one hand, farmers are encouraged to accept and implement GM crops because of their higher productivity, while on the other hand, organic farming is encouraged because of socio-economic and environmental considerations. A crucial question facing such countries is therefore, whether GM crops can co-exist with organic farming. This paper aims to review the main considerations and tradeoffs.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need for the advancement of agricultural technology (e.g. crop biotechnology or genetic modification (GM) technology), particularly, to address food security problem, to fight against hunger and poverty crisis and to ensure sustainable agricultural production in developing countries. Over the past decade, the adoption of GM technology on a commercial basis has increased steadily around the world with a significant impact in terms of socio-economic, environment and human health benefits. However, GM technology is still surrounded by controversial debates with several factors hindering the adoption of GM crops. This paper reviews current literatures on commercial production of GM crops, and assesses the benefits and constraints associated with adoption of GM crops in developing countries in the last 15 years. This article provides policy implication towards advancing the development and adoption of GM technology in developing countries and concludes with summary of key points discussed.  相似文献   

In the past 6 years, the global area of commercially grown, genetically modified (GM) crops has increased more than 30-fold to over 52 million hectares. The number of countries involved has more than doubled. Especially in developing countries, the GM crop area is anticipated to increase rapidly in the coming years. Despite this high adoption rate and future promises, there is a multitude of concerns about the impact of GM crops on the environment. Regulatory approaches in Europe and North America are essentially different. In the EU, it is based on the process of making GM crops; in the US, on the characteristics of the GM product. Many other countries are in the process of establishing regulation based on either system or a mixture. Despite these differences, the information required for risk assessment tends to be similar. Each risk assessment considers the possibility, probability and consequence of harm on a case-by-case basis. For GM crops, the impact of non-use should be added to this evaluation. It is important that the regulation of risk should not turn into the risk of regulation. The best and most appropriate baseline for comparison when performing risk assessment on GM crops is the impact of plants developed by traditional breeding. The latter is an integral and accepted part of agriculture.  相似文献   

“一带一路”贯穿亚欧非大陆,联结活跃的东亚经济圈和发达的欧洲经济圈,以及中间经济发展潜力巨大的广大腹地国家与地区,“一带一路”战略将对中国未来国内外的政治、经济、文化、科技发展产生重大深远影响。本报告分析了“一带一路”沿线国家的科技发展基础条件,研究了“一带一路”沿线国家在生物技术领域取得的基础研究进展和专利技术研发进展的总体情况,综述了“一带一路”沿线国家生物技术产业发展现状和国际专利布局情况,并针对中国与“一带一路”沿线国家在生物技术领域进一步深化合作互利共赢提出了发展建议。  相似文献   

The successful introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops has created a revolutionary transformation of the agricultural industry with GM crops currently planted on some 130 million acres. Historically, agricultural companies were involved in the discovery of conventional insecticide chemistries in processes that were very similar to those in the pharmaceutical industry. With the introduction of GM technologies, the process has radically changed. The new process is best described as the pharmaceutical equivalent of a very large-scale limited clinical trial conducted at the discovery stage. For example, unlike pharmaceutical screens, GM crop discovery screens frequently involve live insects challenged with complex protein containing soups. Furthermore, the nature of the potential avenues for discovery mandates that assay models also support protein engineering, proteomics, and genomics efforts. The range in sample demand ranges from ultra-low to high throughput. Finally, regulatory and good business stewardship demands that data integrity and tractability is in place, from discovery through varietal introduction, to manage the information generated in support of a commercialized GM plant variety. The authors describe their discovery workflow and detail how they have customized a commercially available database software package to achieve an optimum configuration for entomology screening.  相似文献   



Credible empirical evidence is scanty on the social implications of genetically modified (GM) crops in Africa, especially on vegetatively propagated crops. Little is known about the future success of introducing GM technologies into staple crops such as bananas, which are widely produced and consumed in the Great Lakes Region of Africa (GLA). GM banana has a potential to control the destructive banana Xanthomonas wilt disease.


To gain a better understanding of future adoption and consumption of GM banana in the GLA countries which are yet to permit the production of GM crops; specifically, to evaluate the potential economic impacts of GM cultivars resistant to banana Xanthomonas wilt disease.

Data Sources

The paper uses data collected from farmers, traders, agricultural extension agents and key informants in the GLA.


We analyze the perceptions of the respondents about the adoption and consumption of GM crop. Economic surplus model is used to determine future economic benefits and costs of producing GM banana.


On the release of GM banana for commercialization, the expected initial adoption rate ranges from 21 to 70%, while the ceiling adoption rate is up to 100%. Investment in the development of GM banana is economically viable. However, aggregate benefits vary substantially across the target countries ranging from US$ 20 million to 953 million, highest in countries where disease incidence and production losses are high, ranging from 51 to 83% of production.


The findings support investment in the development of GM banana resistant to Xanthomonas wilt disease. The main beneficiaries of this technology development are farmers and consumers, although the latter benefit more than the former from reduced prices. Designing a participatory breeding program involving farmers and consumers signifies the successful adoption and consumption of GM banana in the target countries.  相似文献   

Calling the tunes on transgenic crops: the case for regulatory harmony   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetically modified (GM) crops are now grown commercially in 23 countries, with another 29 granting approval for import and release into the environment. Despite the socio-economic and environmental benefits of the technology, further development is being hampered by differences in national regulatory frameworks relating to research, biosafety, and to the trade and use of GM crops. The biosafety regulations in different countries are based on five main international instruments that influence the development of national biosafety systems in terms of field trial permit requirements, risk assessment criteria, labeling, traceability, transparency, public awareness, post-monitoring and import regulations. The global harmonization of data collection, testing procedures and information exchange would help to remove artificial trade barriers, expedite the adoption of GM crops, foster technology transfer and protect developing countries from exploitation, instilling confidence and bringing the benefits of GM products to the consumer.  相似文献   

Agriculture faces serious problems in feeding 9 billion people by 2050: production must be increased and ecosystem services maintained under conditions for growing crops that are predicted to worsen in many parts of the world. A proposed solution is sustainable intensification of agriculture, whereby yields are increased on land that is currently cultivated, so sparing land to deliver other ecosystem services. Genetically modified (GM) crops are already contributing to sustainable intensification through higher yields and lower environmental impacts, and have potential to deliver further significant improvements. Despite their widespread successful use elsewhere, the European Union (EU) has been slow to introduce GM crops: decisions on applications to import GM commodities are lengthy, and decision-making on applications to cultivate GM crops has virtually ceased. Delayed import approvals result in economic losses, particularly in the EU itself as a result of higher commodity prices. Failure to grant cultivation approvals costs EU farmers opportunities to reduce inputs, and results in loss of agricultural research and development from the EU to countries such as the United States and China. Delayed decision-making in the EU ostensibly results from scientific uncertainty about the effects of using GM crops; however, scientific uncertainty may be a means to justify a political decision to restrict cultivation of GM crops in the EU. The problems associated with delayed decision-making will not improve until there is clarity about the EU's agricultural policy objectives, and whether the use of GM crops will be permitted to contribute to achieving those objectives.  相似文献   

The implementation of a new technology is almost always surrounded by a debate on the moral and social implications that may arise. The debate with regard to genetically modified (GM) crops has been one of the longest and most controversial. However, one area of the debate that receives less attention is the role that intellectual property can play. The introduction of an effective and yet appropriate intellectual property system addressing society's particular needs can eliminate some of these issues. This paper looks at whether the situation in Europe is meeting our current needs and also addresses the role intellectual property can play in the debate over the introduction of GM crops in developing countries.  相似文献   

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