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大豆转基因育种及产业化发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因技术是现代生物技术研究的热点之一,转基因作物种植已经成为全球普及最为迅速的生物技术.转基因大豆是目前种植区域最广、种植面积最大的转基因作物,已成为世界大豆主产国大豆产业发展的主要动力.中国的大豆产量居世界第四位,但转基因大豆育种的研究尚处于起步阶段,在转基因大豆产业化发展方面潜力巨大.我国应该充分利用现代生物技术的成果,借鉴国外转基因大豆的发展经验,立足本国实际,在农业转基因生物安全管理相关法律法规下,建立和健全我国转基因大豆育种及其产业化发展体系,大力发展转基因大豆,提升我国大豆产业的市场竞争力.本文概述了我国转基因大豆的研究现状以及国际转基因大豆的研发趋势,分析了我国转基因大豆发展所面临的挑战并提出了应对策略.  相似文献   

转基因生物技术是现代农业生物技术的重要着力点,其自研发以来不断发展,已在多种作物上成功应用,且培育品种日趋多样化。转基因作物种植面积急剧增加,种植国家也逐年增多。目前转基因生物技术水平较高的国家,其知识产权保护水平也往往较高。而我国转基因植物、动物和其他微生物材料,无法通过我国现行的《专利法》、《植物新品种保护条例》获得有效保护,阻挠了转基因生物技术创新发展,更影响到整个国家的粮食安全和农业安全。  相似文献   

转基因作物发展及应用概述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪是生物技术的世纪,加快转基因技术研发已成为世界各国增强核心竞争力的战略决策。介绍了全球转基因作物的研发、种植及应用状况。农业生物技术产业进入全球化布局的新阶段,各国纷纷规划和布局,以期在渐趋垄断的技术与市场中争得先机。经过20年的发展,我国在生物技术研发领域已取得长足进步,抗虫棉大面积推广,产生了良好的经济效益和社会效益。但受消极舆论环境等因素的影响,推动其他转基因作物产业化的进程缓慢。我国是一个人口大国,粮食供需矛盾突出,大力发展生物技术产业是我国未来的必然选择。我国一方面要在确保安全的基础上坚持走自主创新之路;另一方面政府要建立及时的信息披漏机制,营造良好的舆论环境,从国计民生出发,在科学的基础上自主决策,推动我国生物技术产业的健康、有序发展。  相似文献   

目前,我国转基因产业化种植面积较大的作物只有棉花、木瓜等。主粮作物水稻、玉米的一些转基因品种虽已获安全证书将近7年,但至今尚未进行产业化生产。另一方面,我国每年进口大量的玉米、大豆等农产品,且进口的玉米和大豆中转基因产品占比较高。这是由于一方面国内有关转基因的舆论氛围以及我国目前就转基因作物的研发现状均要求推进转基因主粮作物产业化进程时要稳重、谨慎;另一方面,转基因作物产业化的全球发展趋势、增产潜力、经济和环境效益以及我国在该技术领域的基本策略和国内供需需求,又迫使我们要加快开展转基因主粮作物产业化的进程。如何化解这对矛盾使转基因主粮作物的研发和产业化在适合国情的前提下顺利开展,是目前的主要任务之一,因此有必要就有关转基因作物产业化在我国的发展现状、前景、存在问题和对策予以讨论,以期为我国转基因作物产业化提供参考。  相似文献   

当前,全球转基因作物研发和产业化迅猛发展, 创造了巨大的经济、社会和生态效益。转基因作物产业化发展的快慢, 是关系到我国农业可持续发展和提高农产品国际竞争力的重大问题。就国内外转基因作物的产业化进行了优劣势比较, 并从影响转基因作物产业化的技术瓶颈和安全性监管两方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

国内外转基因作物产业化的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,全球转基因作物研发和产业化迅猛发展, 创造了巨大的经济、社会和生态效益。转基因作物产业化发展的快慢, 是关系到我国农业可持续发展和提高农产品国际竞争力的重大问题。就国内外转基因作物的产业化进行了优劣势比较, 并从影响转基因作物产业化的技术瓶颈和安全性监管两方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中国转基因水稻的研究进展及产业化问题分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
水稻在我国粮食生产和消费中占有重要地位,也是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一。水稻转基因研究已成为当前国内外植物分子生物学和作物育种研究的热点。目前我国转基因水稻研究处于国际领先水平,有望成为转基因抗虫棉之后又一个进入产业化的转基因粮食作物,这可能将在确保我国粮食安全中发挥重要贡献。从国内外转基因水稻研发概况、我国Bt抗虫水稻生物安全评价两方面综述了我国转基因水稻产业化的前景,并在此基础上对产业化提出相关建议与对策。  相似文献   

转基因抗虫棉后时代棉花科技问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述我国转基因抗虫棉研发的意义,分析转基因抗虫棉成功产业化以来棉花科技本身和生产上的基本问题,指出转基因抗虫棉促进了我国棉花生产高产稳产的发展,但是发展中也遇到了一系列的新问题,如抗虫资源的过度使用,遗传背景的匮乏,次生害虫的演变,农业现代化的新要求等。分析转基因抗虫棉后时代我国棉花科技取得新的重大突破的可能性。指出棉花科技要坚持生物技术为先导,在超高产的前提下,以品质改良和综合抗性为突破口,再创棉花生物技术研发的高峰,促进棉花生产再上新台阶。  相似文献   

转基因生物技术育种: 机遇还是挑战?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
储成才 《植物学报》2013,48(1):10-22
转基因生物技术是一项全新的育种技术, 也是当前国际上进展最快、竞争最激烈的研究领域之一。自20世纪90年代生物技术育种诞生以来, 转基因作物的商品化应用及由此引发的一系列问题就引起公众的广泛关注。该文就世界上转基因生物技术育种及产业化现状、几个主要转基因作物安全性案例及最终结果, 以及如何科学推进我国转基因作物的产业化等提出了自己的思考, 以期帮助公众科学地理解和面对转基因生物技术所带来的育种技术上的革命。  相似文献   

正1994年,美国Calgene公司研制的延熟保鲜转基因番茄在美国批准上市,成为世界上第一个批准商业化生产的转基因作物。之后,改良营养成分的转基因油菜、抗虫转Bt基因玉米、耐除草剂草甘膦转基因大豆等多种性状的转基因作物相继研发成功,并被批准大面积商业化种植。根据国际农业生物技术应用服务组织(ISAAA)发布的最新统计资料显示,截至2018年年底,  相似文献   

The development of marker-free transgenic plants has responded to public concerns over the safety of biotechnology crops. It seems that continued work in this area will soon remove the question of unwanted marker genes from the debate concerning the public acceptability of transgenic crop plants. Selectable marker genes are co-introduced with genes of interest to identify those cells that have integrated the DNA into their genome. Despite the large number of different selection systems, marker genes that confer resistance to the antibiotics, hygromycin (hpt) and kanamycin (nptII) or herbicide phosphinothricin (bar), have been used in most transgenic research and crop development techniques. The techniques that remove marker gene are under development and will eventually facilitate more precise and subtle engineering of the plant genome, with widespread applications in both fundamental research and biotechnology. In addition to allaying public concerns, the absence of resistance genes in transgenic plants could reduce the costs of developing biotechnology crops and lessen the need for time-consuming safety evaluations, thereby speeding up the commercial production of biotechnology crops. Many research results and various techniques have been developed to produce marker-free transgenic plants. This review describes the strategies for eliminating selectable marker genes to generate marker-free transgenic plants, focusing on the three significant marker-free technologies, co-transformation, site-specific recombinase-mediated excision, and non-selected transformation.  相似文献   

基因工程植物的安全性问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
转基因植物的研究进展很迅速,但基因工程植物是否安全一直争论不休,主要表现在转基因食品的安全性及生态安全性问题上.转基因食品的安全性涉及这些食品的过敏性、毒性以及抗生素标记基因的安全性几个方面.转基因植物的生态安全性包括基因漂流、是否能诱发昆虫产生Bt抗性和对生物多样性的影响等.本文针对这些问题,对转基因植物潜在危害以及国际上现有的评价作简要综述.  相似文献   

Summary The cucurbit family includes a number of valuable crop species (melon, cucumber, squash/pumpkin, watermelon). Much of this review is concerned with transgenic resistance to viruses, shown to be the major application of biotechnology in the cucurbit family. Progress made with the production of transgenic cucurbit crops is discussed. Published data on field tests of transgenic cucurbits are reviewed, showing that much progress has been made with multiple virus-resistant cucurbit crops which can be productive without chemical control of insect virus vectors. Modes of virus resistance in trangenic cucurbits are discussed, as is the bio-safety of such crops. For the first time a detailed analysis has been made of world-wide and US field test applications for cucurbit crops. World-wide, most field test applications were for melon (54%), followed by squash (32%). World-wide most field test applications were for virus resistance (84%), and most applications (77%) were in the USA. Two transgenic multiple virus-resistant squash crops have been deregulated (released for sale). Additionally, the analysis shows that there are transgenic multiple virus-resistant crops in all major cucurbit species already available, for which several different companies have applied for field tests. This would imply that such crops are ready to be marketed should conditions permit, which would have an impact world-wide in reduction of ecological damage due to chemical control of the insect viral vectors.  相似文献   

油料作物基因工程育种   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
日新月异的基因工程技术对现代育种学产生了深远的影响 ,特别是转基因油料作物在目前全球种植的转基因作物中占了很大比例 ,对油料作物的基因工程研究更是涉及了抗性育种、品质改良、杂种优势利用和分子农业等广泛的领域。概述了国际上油料作物基因工程研究和商品化应用的现状 ,举例介绍了我国在该领域中取得的主要进展。在综合分析我国该领域研究现状、存在问题和国际发展趋势基础上 ,提出了我国油料作物转基因研究及产业化的发展策略和取得重大进展的突破口 ,着重强调了油料作物基因工程与“生物柴油”战略的结合。  相似文献   

One of the first successes of plant biotechnology has been the creation and commercialisation of transgenic crops exhibiting resistance to major insect pests. First generation products encompassed plants with single insecticidal Bt genes with resistance against major pests of corn and cotton. Modelling studies predicted that usefulness of these resistant plants would be short-lived, as a result of the ability of insects to develop resistance against single insecticidal gene products. However, despite such dire predictions no such collapse has taken place and the acreage of transgenic insect resistance crops has been increasing at a steady rate over the 9 years since the deployment of the first transgenic insect resistant plant. However, in order to assure durability and sustainability of resistance, novel strategies have been contemplated and are being developed. This perspective addresses a number of potentially useful strategies to assure the longevity of second and third generation insect resistant plants.  相似文献   

王颖 《生物技术通讯》2000,11(4):315-322
生物技术在全世界范围取得了飞速的进展,与此同时其应用和产业化在各国政府、科研机构和生物技术公司的大力参与和激烈竞争中也逐步加快,预计它将成为许多国家经济的重要支柱产业之一。一些重大生物研究项目如人类基因组计划、克隆技术等开始引起公众的广泛注意。综述了20世纪90 来动物生物技术的发展状况,对基因组研究、转基因动物、克隆技术和细胞培养等重要研究方向作了介绍和分析。  相似文献   

Agricultural crops, engineered to express transgenic traits, have been rapidly adopted by farmers since the initial commercialization of this technology in 1996. However, despite nearly 20 years of research in agricultural biotechnology, only two product categories have achieved commercial success: plants containing transgenes conferring tolerance to herbicides and plants containing insecticidal protein genes derived from Bacillus thuringensis. A number of transgenic concepts, while exhibiting promising phenotypes in laboratory experiments, have failed to generate commercially viable crops. Many of the leads produced by modern integrative approaches to understanding plant biology will need further optimization to deliver economically viable crops. Directed molecular evolution represents a powerful technology to optimize newly discovered leads towards product objectives. In this review, we show by example how directed molecular evolution can be used to develop enabling technologies for plant biologists; how genes can be optimized to generate improved input traits such as those conferring insect tolerance, disease control and herbicide tolerance; and how plant quality can be altered to improve yield, produce novel industrial feedstocks and improve nutritional qualities.  相似文献   

We are currently in an interesting phase of plant biotechnology releases, both for the scientists responsible for these innovations who are beginning to see their ideas realized, and for the biotechnology companies that are starting to see a return on their investment. One of the most notable examples, is the introduction of transgenic crops that are engineered to express a Bacillus thuringiensis toxin that confers resistance to insect predation. However, the picture is not altogether positive - there is concern that the introduction of this technology was premature or should not have happened at all, and that the valuable insecticidal properties of Bacillus thuringiensis will be lost.  相似文献   

The potential of biotechnology to benefit production agriculture has long been speculated. Whereas many transgenic crops have been produced and commercialized, there has yet to be any implementation of genetically engineered livestock. A recent publication by Wall et al. represents one of the first reports to bring the potential of genetic engineering closer to realization by improving disease resistance in dairy cattle: a practical advantage to both the producer and animal.  相似文献   

转基因的逃逸及生态风险   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
转基因技术的发展为提高农作物产量和解决全球人口不断增长而引发的粮食问题带来了无限的机遇,但生物技术的应用和转基因作物的环境释放也带来了一系列生物安全问题.转基因产品是否会对植物、动物、人类健康、遗传资源和环境带来危害已成为公众关注的焦点.诸多生物安全问题中最引人注目的问题之一就是转基因的逃逸及其可能导致的生态风险.文中就转基因逃逸的可能性和逃逸的不同途径、转基因逃逸后可能导致的各种生态风险、转基因逃逸的不同控制方法以及转基因作物安全距离设立应该考虑的因素等问题进行了讨论,旨在了解转基因作物的环境释放和外源基因的逃逸可能导致的生物安全问题,以及如何控制和避免转基因逃逸.  相似文献   

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