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Nursing and mother-infant distance were observed in three orangutans, two gorillas, one chimpanzee and four humans. All four species showed periods of a recurrence of greater time spent nursing and in contact with the mother. The initial regressive or reattachment period occurred similarly in all four species at between 6–12 months of age. An orangutan observed for two years showed a second period at 19–21 months. Other studies of weight gain in the three ape species coincidently peaked at the same time. When estimated peaks of individuals of each species were summed, the resulting graphs showed a differentiation of species rates of development. Gorillas developed most rapidly, orangutans developed most slowly, while chimpanzees and humans developed within the middle range.  相似文献   

A number of researchers have suggested a functional relationship between dietary variation and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) morphology, yet few studies have evaluated TMJ form in the African apes. In this study, I compare TMJ morphology in adults and during ontogeny in Gorilla (G.g. beringei, G.g. graueri, and G.g. gorilla) and Pan (P. paniscus, P. troglodytes troglodytes, P.t. schweinfurthii, and P.t. verus). I test two hypotheses: first, compared to all other African apes, G.g. beringei exhibits TMJ morphologies that would be predicted for a primate that consumes a diet comprised primarily of moderately to very tough, leafy vegetation; and second, all gorillas exhibit the same predicted morphologies compared to Pan. Compared to all adult African apes, G.g. beringei has higher rami and condyles positioned further above the occlusal plane of the mandible, relative to jaw length. Thus, mountain gorillas have the potential to generate relatively more muscle force, more evenly distribute occlusal forces along the postcanine teeth, and generate relatively greater jaw adductor moment. G.g. beringei also exhibits relatively wider mandibular condyles, suggesting these folivorous apes are able to resist relatively greater compressive loads along the lateral and/or medial aspect of the condyle. All gorillas likewise exhibit these same shape differences compared to Pan. These morphological responses are the predicted consequences of intensification of folivory and, as such, provide support for functional hypotheses linking these TMJ morphologies to degree of folivory. The African apes to not, however, demonstrate a systematic pattern of divergence in relative condylar area as a function of intensification of folivory. The ontogenetic trajectories for gorillas are significantly elevated above those of Pan, and to a lesser but still significant degree, mountain gorillas similarly deviate from lowland gorillas (G.g. gorilla and G.g. graueri). Thus, adult shape differences in ramal and condylar heights do not result from the simple extrapolation of common growth allometries relative to jaw length. As such, they are suggestive of an adaptive shift towards a tougher, more folivorous diet. However, the allometric patterning for condylar area and condylar width does not systematically conform to predictions based on dietary specialization. Thus, while differences in condylar shapes may confer functional advantages both during growth and as adults, there is no evidence to suggest selection for altered condylar proportions, independent of the effects of changes in jaw size.  相似文献   

We examine how African apes’ postcranial skeletal dimensions and their combinations are related to body size, as represented by trunk volume, within sex-specific samples of a total of 39 central chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and 34 western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). We examine this relationship by determining the strength of the correlation between selected skeletal dimensions and trunk volume. The findings indicate that sex should be taken into account when possible. Most two-predictor models perform better than most single-predictor models. Interspecific regressions based on log-transformed variables and sex/species-specific regression based on raw variables perform about equally well.  相似文献   

A bias favoring tree-dominated habitats and ripe-fruit frugivory has persisted in great ape evolution since the early Miocene. This bias is indicated by fossil ape paleoenvironments, molar morphology, dental microwear, the geographic pattern of extinctions, and extant apes' reliance on wooded settings. The ephemeral aspect of high-quality fruit has placed a premium on cognitive and social means of finding and defending food sources, and appears related to great apes' affinity since the Miocene for wooded, fruit-rich environments. These habitats have, however, undergone a severe withdrawal toward the low latitudes of Africa and Southeast Asia since the late Miocene, corresponding to a decline in the diversity of great apes beginning 9.5 million years ago. Plio-Pleistocene records imply that wooded settings of Africa and SE Asia were prone to substantial fragmentation and coalescence. Once apes were confined to equatorial settings, therefore, habitat instability heightened the spatial/temporal uncertainty of ripe-fruit sources. Prolonged learning, the assignment of attributes to distant places, mental representation, and reliance on fallback foods were all favored in this dynamic environmental context. These abilities helped sustain forest frugivory in most lineages. Fluid social grouping afforded the animals opportunities to locate ephemeral foods in continuous and fragmented forests. Fission-fusion grouping also magnified the problems of object impermanence (of individuals) and dispersion manifested by food sources in the ecological realm. Thus the spatial and temporal dynamics of fruit and wooded habitats since the Miocene are reflected in important components of great ape cognition, foraging, and sociality. In contrast to great apes, cercopithecoid monkeys have increased their plant dietary options and diversified in seasonal environments since the late Miocene. Early hominins eventually severed the habitat bias that characterized the evolution of great apes, and later expanded into diverse environments.  相似文献   

One mother-infant dyad of each species of great ape, orang-utan, chimpanzee and gorilla, with an additional conspecific cagemate, were studied for the effects of maternal separation and reunion. High levels of agitation were observed in all infants immediately upon separation, followed by a longer period of behavioral depression with continuing, intermittent agitation. A compatible cagemate seemed to attenuate, to some degree, the behavioral depression reaction. Initial detachment following reunion with the mother occurred for all the great ape infants studied. Subsequent intensification of mother-infant attachment occurred during reunion for all three species. The findings of intermittent agitation during separation and the initial detachment upon reunion with the mother are not generally reported for monkeys, but are reported for human children. These data suggest that certain responses to maternal separation and reunion occur, to some degree, among all primates that have been studied, whereas other responses seen among apes and humans are not generally reported for monkeys.  相似文献   

During the period of December 2004 to January 2005, Bacillus anthracis killed three wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and one gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in a tropical forest in Cameroon. While this is the second anthrax outbreak in wild chimpanzees, this is the first case of anthrax in gorillas ever reported. The number of great apes in Central Africa is dramatically declining and the populations are seriously threatened by diseases, mainly Ebola. Nevertheless, a considerable number of deaths cannot be attributed to Ebola virus and remained unexplained. Our results show that diseases other than Ebola may also threaten wild great apes, and indicate that the role of anthrax in great ape mortality may have been underestimated. These results suggest that risk identification, assessment, and management for the survival of the last great apes should be performed with an open mind, since various pathogens with distinct characteristics in epidemiology and pathogenicity may impact the populations. An animal mortality monitoring network covering the entire African tropical forest, with the dual aims of preventing both great ape extinction and human disease outbreaks, will create necessary baseline data for such risk assessments and management plans.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to determine whether geometric morphometric (GM) techniques can provide insights into how the shape of the mandibular corpus differs between bonobos and chimpanzees and to explore the potential implications of those results for our understanding of hominin evolution. We focused on this region of the mandible because of the relative frequency with which it has been recovered in the hominin fossil record. In addition, no previous study had explored in-depth three-dimensional (3D) mandibular corpus shape differences between adults of the two Pan species using geometric morphometrics. GM methods enable researchers to quantitatively analyze and visualize 3D shape changes in skeletal elements and provide an important compliment to traditional two-dimensional analyses.Eighteen mandibular landmarks were collected using a Microscribe 3DX portable digitizer. Specimen configurations were superimposed using Generalized Procrustes analysis and the projections of the fitted coordinates to tangent space were analyzed using multivariate statistics. The size-adjusted corpus shapes of Pan paniscus and Pan troglodytes could be assigned to species with approximately 93% accuracy and the Procrustes distance between the two species was significant. Analyses of the residuals from a multivariate linear regression of the data on centroid size suggested that much of the shape difference between the species is size-related. Chimpanzee subspecies and a small sample of Australopithecus specimens could be correctly identified to taxon, at best, only 75% of the time, although the Procrustes distances between these taxa were significant. The shape of the mandibular symphysis was identified as especially useful in differentiating Pan species from one another. This suggests that this region of the mandible has the potential to be informative for taxonomic analyses of fossil hominoids, including hominins. The results also have implications for phylogenetic hypotheses of hominoid evolution.  相似文献   

There have been numerous attempts to sex fossil specimens using the canine dentition. Whether focused on canine size or canine shape, most of these efforts share two deficiencies: lack of quantification of male-female differences in the adopted criteria and a failure to adequately explore among extant species the discriminatory power of these criteria. Here, canine shape indices relating to relative canine height, upper canine root/crown proportionality, and relative length of the lower canine mesial ridge were calculated for males and females of all species and subspecies of extant great apes and two species of gibbons. The accuracy of these indices for identifying the sex of the extant ape specimens was investigated through discriminant analysis and the use of bivariate plots of the two upper and two lower canine indices. The indices were found to be highly accurate in identifying the sex of great ape individuals, not only in single-species and subspecies samples but in mixed-species samples as well; assignment error rates were mostly between 0 and 4%. Accuracy was lowest in Pan (error rates as high as 15%) and highest in Pongo (one error). In most cases, error rates were lower in the upper canines. The effectiveness of these shape indices for sexing might be related to the degree of absolute canine size dimorphism; the indices did not effectively segregate males and females among minimally canine-dimorphic gibbons. The mixed-species results reveal that same-sex index values are remarkably concordant across great ape species, as are the patterns of spatial segregation of males and females in the bivariate plots. Results suggest that, while the indices can be used with some confidence to sex individual fossil specimens, their greatest utility will be for identifying the sex of groups of canines united by size and morphology. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The genomes of four primate species, belonging to the families Pongidae (chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan) and Hylobatidae (gibbons), have been analyzed for the presence and organization of two human GC-rich heterochromatic repetitive sequences: Satellite (Sat) and LongSau (LSau) repeats. By Southern blot hybridization and PCR, both families of repeats were detected in all the analyzed species, thus indicating their origin in an ape ancestor. In the chimpanzee and gorilla, as in man, Sat sequences showed a 68-bp Sau3A periodicity and were preferentially organized in large clusters, whereas in the orangutan, they were organized in DNA fragments of 550 bp, which did not seem to be characterized by a tandem organization. On the contrary, in each of the analyzed species, the bulk of LSau sequences showed a longer Sau3A periodicity than that observed in man (450–550 bp). Furthermore, only in the chimpanzee genome some of LSau repeats seemed to be interspersed within blocks of Sat sequences. This sequence organization, which also characterizes the human genome, is probably absent in the gorilla. In fact, the analysis of a gorilla genomic library suggested that LSau repeats are not preferentially in linkage with Sat sequences. Moreover, LSau sequences were found in a genomic sector characterized by the simultaneous presence of L1 and (CA) repeats, as well as of anonymous sequences and known genes. In spite of the different sequence organization, the nucleotide differences between complete human and gorilla LSau repeats were very few, whereas one gorilla LSau repeat, interrupted by a probably-truncated L1 transposon, showed a higher degree of divergence. Besides the gorilla, this unusual sequence organization was detected in man, and, to a lesser extent, in the chimpanzee. Correspondence to: R. Meneveri  相似文献   

Artificial insemination in the great apes has not achieved its potential as a tool in maintenance of the endangered captive population. Three factors can influence the success rate of artificial insemination: sperm preparation, site of insemination, and timing of insemination. We have tried to optimize methods regarding these three steps. A modified method for insemination is described which has resulted in a 21% success rate (six term pregnancies from 29 inseminations) in the chimpanzee and which has successfully initiated a pregnancy in a gorilla.  相似文献   

Olfaction is important across the animal kingdom for transferring information on, for example, species, sex, group membership, or reproductive parameters. Its relevance has been established in primates including humans, yet research on great apes still is fragmentary. Observational evidence indicates that great apes use their sense of smell in various contexts, but the information content of their body odor has not been analyzed. Our aim was therefore to compare the chemical composition of body odor in great ape species, namely Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii (Lesson, 1827), one adult male, five adult females, four nonadults), Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla (Savage, 1847), one adult male, two adult females, one nonadult), common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes (Blumenbach, 1775), four adult males, nine adult females, four nonadults), and bonobos (Pan paniscus (Schwarz, 1929), two adult males, four adult females, two nonadults). We collected 195 samples (five per individual) of 39 captive individuals using cotton swabs and analyzed them using gas chromatography mass spectrometry. We compared the sample richness and intensity, similarity of chemical composition, and relative abundance of compounds. Results show that species, age, and potentially sex have an impact on the variance between odor profiles. Richness and intensity varied significantly between species (gorillas having the highest, bonobos the lowest richness and intensity), and with age (both increasing with age). Richness and intensity did not vary between sexes. Odor samples of the same species were more similar to each other than samples of different species. Among all compounds identified some were associated with age (N = 7), sex (N = 6), and species‐related (N = 37) variance. Our study contributes to the basic understanding of olfactory communication in hominids by showing that the chemical composition of body odor varies across species and individuals, containing potentially important information for social communication.  相似文献   

We present data on hand preference in great apes and discuss them in the context of theoretical models of hand preference in nonhuman primates presented by MacNeilageet al. (1987) and by Fagot and Vauclair (1991). We also discuss several methodological and statistical issues as they pertain to the assessment of hand preference in great apes and other primate species. Finally, we present a comparative framework for the study of hand preference, emphasizing the importance of studies with great apes in developing evolutionary models of hemispheric specialization.  相似文献   

We obtained electromyographic recordings from the supinator, biceps brachii, pronator quadratus, and pronator teres muscles of a chimpanzee and a gorilla and from the supinator, pronator quadratus, and biceps brachii muscles of an orangutan as they stood and walked quadrupedally on horizontal and inclined surfaces, engaged in suspensory behavior, reached overhead, and manipulated a variety of foods and artifacts. In Pan troglodytes and Pan gorilla, as in Homo sapiens, the supinator muscle is the prime supinator, with the biceps brachii muscle serving to augment speed or force of supination. Primary of the pronator quadratus muscle over the pronator teres muscle during pronation is less clear in the African apes than in humans. Possibly, pongid radial curvature or forelimb elongation or both factors are related to the somewhat different patterns of activity that we observed in the pronator muscles of Pan versus those reported for Homo sapiens. In Pongo pygmaeus, as in P. troglodytes and P. gorilla, the pronator quadratus muscle acts as a pronator and the supinator muscle acts to supinate the hand at the radioulnar joints. The biceps brachii muscle is active at low levels as the orangutan supinates its hand with the elbow flexed.  相似文献   

Sweet potato washing and wheat placer mining in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) are among the most well known examples of local traditions in non-human animals. The functions of these behaviors and the mechanisms of acquisition and spread of these behaviors have been debated frequently. Prompted by animal caretaker reports that great apes [chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), bonobos (Pan paniscus), gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), and orangutans (Pongo abelii)] at Leipzig Zoo occasionally wash their food, we conducted a study of food washing behaviors that consisted of two parts. In the first part we assessed the current distribution of the behavior on the basis of caretaker reports. In the second (experimental) part, we provided subjects individually with a water basin and two types of food (apples and cereal) that was either clean or covered/mixed with sand. We found that subjects of all species (except gorillas) placed apples in the water before consumption, and that they did so more often when the apples were dirty than when they were clean. Several chimpanzees and orangutans also engaged in behaviors resembling wheat placer mining.  相似文献   

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