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The somatomedins presumably initiate their growth promoting effects by first binding to specific cell surface receptors in responsive tissues. The specific and high affinity binding of [125I]-rat somatomedin to human placental membranes was saturable and reversible with a dissociation constant of 4.5 × 10?9 M calculated from Scatchard analysis of competitive binding experiments. Competition for [125I]-rat somatomedin binding to placental receptors by other somatomedins and growth factors suggest a close structural relationship between rat somatomedin and the human somatomedin, insulin-like growth factor I.  相似文献   

Human platelet plasma membranes incubated in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP and 15 mM MgCl2 incorporated radioactivity mostly into phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP), which represented together over 90% of the total lipid radioactivity. After washing, reincubation of prelabelled membranes revealed some hydrolysis of the two compounds by phosphomonoesterase(s), as detected by the release of radioactive inorganic phosphate (Pi) from the two phospholipids. This degradation attained 40%/30 min for PIP in the presence of 2 mM calcium and cytosol. The effect of calcium was observed at concentrations equal to or greater than 10(-4) M. In no case did calcium alone facilitate the formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and inositol 1,4-bisphosphate (IP2). In contrast, simultaneous addition of 2 mM calcium and 2 mg/ml sodium deoxycholate promoted the formation of IP3 and IP2, indicating phosphodiesteratic cleavage of PIP2 and PIP. Phospholipase C activity was detected at calcium concentrations as low as 10(-7) M, in which case PIP2 hydrolysis was slightly more pronounced compared to PIP. Addition of cytosol increased to some extent the phospholipase C activity, suggesting that the low amount of enzyme remaining in the membrane is sufficient to promote submaximal degradation of PIP2 and PIP. We conclude that platelet polyphosphoinositides are present in the plasma membrane in a state where they remain inaccessible to phospholipase C, which is still fully active even at basal calcium concentrations, i.e., 10(-7) M. These results support the view that phosphodiesteratic cleavage of PIP2 promotes and thus precedes calcium mobilization brought about by IP3. The in vitro model presented here may prove very useful in future studies dealing with the mechanism rendering polyphosphoinositides accessible to phospholipase C attack upon agonist-receptor binding.  相似文献   

Ferritin was purified from normal full-term placenta, and the native structure and subunit composition were characterized. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of the placental ferritin subunits suggested the presence of three subunit types. Using acid urea gel electrophoresis and amino acid analysis, these subunits were tentatively identified as two H-type and one L-type. The relative proportions of the subunit types were approx. 23% H-1, 33% H-2 and 44% L. The native structure of placental ferritin as judged by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy was quite similar to that of ferritin isolated from horse spleen, a source that is composed predominantly of L subunits. These results are consistent with a ferritin tetracosameric structure whose H and L subunits fit into 24 equivalent sites interchangeably because the secondary and tertiary structures of the two subunit types are very similar.  相似文献   

The dopamine receptor antagonist pimozide, at concentrations up to 10 nM, competitively antagonized the inhibitory action of a pomorphine on prolactin (PRL) secretion by cultured rat pituitary cells. At higher concentrations pimozide as well as the analogues clopimozide and penfluridol suppressed PRL secretion. The latter effect could not be reversed by dopamine antagonists devoid of intrinsic effects on PRL release. Suppression of PRL release was also observed with compounds which were devoid of dopamine receptor agonistic or antagonistic properties such as R 6694 and R 5052, structurally related to pimozide, and also with loperamide. The inhibitory action of pimozide on PRL release resembled that of the calcium antagonist flunarizine. Concentration effect curves showed parallel slopes and the effect of both compounds could be reversed by increasing the concentration of calcium ions (Ca2+). Both flunarizine and pimozide were also capable of inhibiting releasing factor-stimulated luteinizing hormone secretion, an effect not shared by apomorphine. Pimozide and the various structurally related compounds used, also antagonized Ca2+-induced smooth muscle contractions of the isolated caudal artery of the rat.The present findings indicate that pimozide is a competitive antagonist without partial agonistic activity on apomorphine-sensitive dopamine receptors in the pituitary and that its inhibitory effect on PRL release as well as on vascular smooth muscle contractions is due to interference with a Ca2+-dependent mechanism of the stimulus-effect coupling process.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity in salt extracts of rat liver plasma membranes was progressively inactivated by treatment with the metal chelators 8-hydroxyquinoline and o-phenanthroline, but not the non-chelating m-phenanthroline isomer. Activity at 20 microM-cyclic AMP was lost more slowly than activity at 0.4 microM-cyclic AMP. The activity of treated preparations was partially restored by incubation with Zn2+ or Mn2+ ions (in the presence of 1 mM-MgCl2) but not with Ca2+, Cd2+, Co2+, Cu2+ or Fe2+ ions, nor by MgCl2 alone. The results suggest the presence in the membrane extracts of a cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase containing tightly bound metal, possibly Zn or Mn, that affects the enzyme's affinity for cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Binding of labeled SM-A, SM-C, NSILA-S and insulin to human placental cell membranes was studied in trying to answer the question how many receptor populations were involved using one single organ system. The data suggest that all labeled SM-like substances bind to closely related if not identical receptor populations. The binding is reduced by very low concentrations of SM-like material and only by very high concentrations of insulin. In contrast, as already known from the literature, 125I-insulin binds mostly to a different receptor population, which is sensitive both to insulin and SM-like substances. Furthermore, the data indicate that 125I-SM-A and 125I-SM-C, in addition to binding to similar or identical receptors, also bind to separate receptor populations, suggesting that the labels are composed of more than one component.  相似文献   

High-affinity membrane-associated and soluble folate binding proteins (FBPs) from human placenta, milk, and KB cells appear to share antigenic determinants [A. C. Antony et al. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 9684-9692 and (1985) 260, 14911-14917]. Iodination of a highly purified preparation of placental folate receptor (PFR) by various techniques resulted in significant denaturation of the PFR as evidenced by additional peaks of radioactivity on Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration in 1% Triton X-100. These denatured species had similar molecular weights on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) as radioiodinated and native PFR, and were also recognized, albeit with less efficiency, by specific rabbit antiserum raised against purified PFR. Since these denatured species failed to bind folate, they were specifically excluded from 125I-PFR by their inability to bind pteroylglutamate-Sepharose. This ws accomplished in a single step by iodination of PFR bound to the affinity column and elution of 125I-PFR under identical conditions that the native PFR was purified. The purified 125I-PFR comigrated with unlabeled PFR on SDS-PAGE and its elution profile on Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration was identical to radioligand bound PFR. The resulting radioimmunoassay standard curve using this affinity chromatography purified 125I-PFR, unlabeled PFR, and anti-human PFR serum had a range for measurement between 5 and 500 ng of PFR and was not affected by the concentration of folate in the sample. The practical utility of this radioimmunoassay for measuring cross-reacting material to the PFR was validated by its ability to quantitate the 40,000 and 160,000 Mr FBPs which are the two major forms of high-affinity FBPs in human tissues.  相似文献   

Ligand-immunoblotting was used to detect distinct receptors for native low-density lipoprotein and for acetylated low-density lipoprotein on microvillous membranes from human term placentas. Antisera directed against native and modified low-density lipoproteins were prepared in rabbits and their specificities were assessed by immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis. The receptor for low-density lipoprotein was detected as a 160 kDa protein and that for acetylated low-density lipoprotein as a 200 kDa protein. These receptors were compared with their counterparts in cultured human skin fibroblasts, bovine adrenal cortex and J774 macrophage-like cells. This is the first investigation that visualizes the presence of receptors for both native and modified low-density lipoproteins in a steroidogenic tissue.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which constitute the largest and structurally best conserved family of signaling molecules, are involved in virtually all physiological processes. Crystal structures are available only for the detergent-solubilized light receptor rhodopsin. In addition, this receptor is the only GPCR for which the presumed higher order oligomeric state in native membranes has been demonstrated (Fotiadis, D., Liang, Y., Filipek, S., Saperstein, D. A., Engel, A., and Palczewski, K. (2003) Nature 421, 127-128). Here, we have determined by atomic force microscopy the organization of rhodopsin in native membranes obtained from wild-type mouse photoreceptors and opsin isolated from photoreceptors of Rpe65-/- mutant mice, which do not produce the chromophore 11-cis-retinal. The higher order organization of rhodopsin was present irrespective of the support on which the membranes were adsorbed for imaging. Rhodopsin and opsin form structural dimers that are organized in paracrystalline arrays. The intradimeric contact is likely to involve helices IV and V, whereas contacts mainly between helices I and II and the cytoplasmic loop connecting helices V and VI facilitate the formation of rhodopsin dimer rows. Contacts between rows are on the extracellular side and involve helix I. This is the first semi-empirical model of a higher order structure of a GPCR in native membranes, and it has profound implications for the understanding of how this receptor interacts with partner proteins.  相似文献   

G Weskamp  L F Reichardt 《Neuron》1991,6(4):649-663
Trophic factors, such as NGF, regulate survival and differentiation of many classes of neurons by binding specific receptors. Two types of NGF receptors have been identified, which bind NGF with low and high affinity. The latter mediates the major biological actions of NGF. To determine the relationship between these two receptor types, polyclonal antibodies to the low affinity receptor have been prepared and used in ligand-binding, ligand-cross-linking, and biological assays. These antibodies eliminated binding of NGF to low affinity receptors and to one class of high affinity receptors, but did not prevent binding to a second class of high affinity receptors. The same antibodies did not inhibit NGF-stimulated neuronal survival or neurite outgrowth. Thus, a biologically important class of high affinity NGF receptors is antigenically distinct from the low affinity receptor and may be encoded by a novel gene.  相似文献   

C J Hawley 《Prostaglandins》1982,23(3):397-409
The effect of prednisolone on prostaglandin (PG) synthesis by rectal biopsies in organ culture was investigated using laminary flow bioassay and radioimmunoassay (RIA) or PGE2. Prednisolone was consistently found to inhibit basal synthesis in cultures whose duration ranged from 2-40 hours. This appeared to be both time and dose dependent. The ability of biopsies homogenised at the end of culture to transform exogenous arachidonic acid into PGE2 under defined conditions was also investigated and operationally designated cyclooxygenase activity. Prior treatment with prednisolone resulted in a reduction in cyclooxygenase activity. This inhibition occurred with a longer latency and to a lesser extent than inhibition of overall basal synthesis. These results suggest that corticosteroids, in addition to their know (indirect) inhibitory action on phospholipase activity, also affect cycloooxygenase activity. The most likely mechanism are either a repression of synthesis of fresh cyclooxygenase enzyme of induction of an endogenous inhibitor of cyclooxygenase activity.  相似文献   

The effect of prednisolone on prostaglandin (PG) synthesis by rectal biopsies in organ culture was investigated using laminary flow bioassay and radioimmunoassay (RIA) of PGE2. Prednisolone was consistently found to inhibit basal synthesis in cultures whose duration ranged from 2–40 hours. This appeared to be both time and dose dependent.The ability of biopsies homogenised at the end of culture to transform exogenous arachidonic acid into PGE2 under defined conditions was also investigated and operationally designated cyclooxygenase activity. Prior treatment with prednisolone resulted in a reduction in cycloxygenase activity. This inhibition occurred with a longer latency and to a lesser extent than inhibition of overall basal synthesis.These results suggest that corticosteroids, in addition to their known (indirect) inhibitory action on phospholipase activity, also affect cyclooxygenase activity. The most likely mechanisms are either a repression of synthesis of fresh cyclooxygenase enzyme or induction of an endogenous inhibitor of cyclooxygenase activity.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, two features of small interfering RNA (siRNA) structure--5' phosphates and 3' hydroxyls--are reported to be essential for RNA interference (RNAi). Here, we show that as in Drosophila, a 5' phosphate is required for siRNA function in human HeLa cells. In contrast, we find no evidence in flies or humans for a role in RNAi for the siRNA 3' hydroxyl group. Our in vitro data suggest that in both flies and mammals, each siRNA guides endonucleolytic cleavage of the target RNA at a single site. We conclude that the underlying mechanism of RNAi is conserved between flies and mammals and that RNA-dependent RNA polymerases are not required for RNAi in these organisms.  相似文献   

Receptors for the chemotactic peptide fMet-Leu-Phe (fMet, N-formylmethionine) are present in membranes of myeloid differentiated human leukemia (HL-60) cells and stimulate phospholipase C via a pertussis-toxin-sensitive guanine-nucleotide-binding regulatory protein(s) [G-protein(s)]. We have developed methods for the assessment of formyl-peptide-receptor-stimulated binding of radiolabeled guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate ([35S]GTP[S]) to native HL-60 membranes. Agonist stimulation of [35S]GTP[S] association with the membrane was minimal (less than or equal to 20%) when GTP[S] was the sole nucleotide present in the incubation medium. In contrast, receptor activation led to a marked (up to sixfold) stimulation of [35S]GTP[S] binding when GDP or GTP were present in high (greater than 100-fold) excess of [35S]GTP[S]. The increase in [35S]GTP[S] binding caused by the chemotactic agonist was strictly dependent on the presence of Mg2+ and was significantly increased by Na+. Agonist-independent binding of [35S]GTP[S] and the increase due to the chemotactic agonist were markedly attenuated by both pertussis and cholera toxin. Comparison of the number of chemotactic-peptide-sensitive [35S]GTP[S]-binding sites to the number of chemotactic peptide receptors present in HL-60 membranes provided direct evidence that a single formyl-peptide receptor is capable of catalyzing the binding of [35S]GTP[S] to, and thus the activation of, multiple (up to 20) G-proteins in native plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Using immunochemical techniques, we identified forms of erythrocyte membrane proteins in apical and basal plasma membranes of human placental trophoblast. A wheat germ agglutinin-binding intrinsic protein was present in the microvillous (maternal facing) but not the basal (fetal facing) membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast epithelium. Conversely, erythrocyte-related proteins of the basal membrane included two intrinsic membrane proteins, a 95,000 Mr band 3 isoform and a form of spectrin. These four proteins were all absent from the microvillous membrane. The basal membrane spectrin isoform was also present in basal membrane skeletons. A 70,000 Mr polypeptide which reacted with antibodies to band 3 was present in both microvillous and basal plasma membranes. Therefore, certain isoforms of red cell membrane proteins are polarized between the two surfaces of the human placental syncytiotrophoblast. We propose that the localization of spectrin to the basal membrane is related to the less bundled organization of microfilaments at this membrane compared with that of the microvillous membrane. The band 3 isoforms are candidates for participation in maternofetal anion transport.  相似文献   

Preeclampsia (PE) is the major pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorder responsible for maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality that can be associated with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). PE and IUGR are thought to be due to a placental defect, occurring early during pregnancy. Several placental microRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to be deregulated in the context of placental diseases and could thus play a role in the pathophysiology of PE. Here, we show that pri-miR-34a is overexpressed in preeclamptic placentas and that its placental expression is much higher during the first trimester of pregnancy than at term, suggesting a possible developmental role. We explored pri-miR-34a regulation and showed that P53, a known activator of miR-34a, is reduced in all pathological placentas and that hypoxia can induce pri-miR-34a expression in JEG-3 cells. We also studied the methylation status of the miR-34a promoter and revealed hypomethylation in all preeclamptic placentas (associated or not with IUGR), whereas hypoxia induced a hypermethylation in JEG-3 cells at 72 h. Despite the overexpression of pri-miR-34a in preeclampsia, there was a striking decrease of the mature miR-34a in this condition, suggesting preeclampsia-driven alteration of pri-miR-34a maturation. SERPINA3, a protease inhibitor involved in placental diseases, is elevated in IUGR and PE. We show here that miR-34a overexpression in JEG-3 downregulates SERPINA3. The low level of mature miR-34a could thus be an important mechanism contributing to SERPINA3 upregulation in placental diseases. Overall, our results support a role for miR-34a in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia, through deregulation of the pri-miRNA expression and its altered maturation.  相似文献   

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