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Bonomi F  Iametti S  Morleo A  Ta D  Vickery LE 《Biochemistry》2008,47(48):12795-12801
The HscA/HscB chaperone/cochaperone system accelerates transfer of iron-sulfur clusters from the FeS-scaffold protein IscU (IscU(2)[2Fe2S], holo-IscU) to acceptor proteins in an ATP-dependent manner. We have employed visible region circular dichroism (CD) measurements to monitor chaperone-catalyzed cluster transfer from holo-IscU to apoferredoxin and to investigate chaperone-induced changes in properties of the IscU(2)[2Fe2S] cluster. HscA-mediated acceleration of [2Fe2S] cluster transfer exhibited an absolute requirement for both HscB and ATP. A mutant form of HscA lacking ATPase activity, HscA(T212V), was unable to accelerate cluster transfer, suggesting that ATP hydrolysis and conformational changes accompanying the ATP (T-state) to ADP (R-state) transition in the HscA chaperone are required for catalysis. Addition of HscA and HscB to IscU(2)[2Fe2S] did not affect the properties of the [2Fe2S] cluster, but subsequent addition of ATP was found to cause a transient change of the visible region CD spectrum, indicating distortion of the IscU-bound cluster. The dependence of the rate of decay of the observed CD change on ATP concentration and the lack of an effect of the HscA(T212V) mutant were consistent with conformational changes in the cluster coupled to ATP hydrolysis by HscA. Experiments carried out under conditions with limiting concentrations of HscA, HscB, and ATP further showed that formation of a 1:1:1 HscA-HscB-IscU(2)[2Fe2S] complex and a single ATP hydrolysis step are sufficient to elicit the full effect of the chaperones on the [2Fe2S] cluster. These results suggest that acceleration of iron-sulfur cluster transfer involves a structural change in the IscU(2)[2Fe2S] complex during the T --> R transition of HscA accompanying ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Agar JN  Krebs C  Frazzon J  Huynh BH  Dean DR  Johnson MK 《Biochemistry》2000,39(27):7856-7862
Iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is known to be mediated by two highly conserved proteins, termed IscS and IscU in prokaryotes. The homodimeric IscS protein has been shown to be a cysteine desulfurase that catalyzes the reductive conversion of cysteine to alanine and sulfide. In this work, the time course of IscS-mediated Fe-S cluster assembly in IscU was monitored via anaerobic anion exchange chromatography. The nature and properties of the clusters assembled in discrete fractions were assessed via analytical studies together with absorption, resonance Raman, and M?ssbauer investigations. The results show sequential cluster assembly with the initial IscU product containing one [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster per dimer converting first to a form containing two [2Fe-2S](2+) clusters per dimer and finally to a form that contains one [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster per dimer. Both the [2Fe-2S](2+) and [4Fe-4S](2+) clusters in IscU are reductively labile and are degraded within minutes upon being exposed to air. On the basis of sequence considerations and spectroscopic studies, the [2Fe-2S](2+) clusters in IscU are shown to have incomplete cysteinyl ligation. In addition, the resonance Raman spectrum of the [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster in IscU is best interpreted in terms of noncysteinyl ligation at a unique Fe site. The ability to assemble both [2Fe-2S](2+) and [4Fe-4S](2+) clusters in IscU supports the proposal that this ubiquitous protein provides a scaffold for IscS-mediated assembly of clusters that are subsequently used for maturation of apo Fe-S proteins.  相似文献   

The ATPase activity of HscA, a specialized hsp70 molecular chaperone from Escherichia coli, is regulated by the iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein IscU and the J-type co-chaperone HscB. IscU behaves as a substrate for HscA, and HscB enhances the binding of IscU to HscA. To better understand the mechanism by which HscB and IscU regulate HscA, we examined binding of HscB to the different conformational states of HscA and the effects of HscB and IscU on the kinetics of the individual steps of the HscA ATPase reaction cycle. Affinity sensor studies revealed that whereas IscU binds both ADP (R-state) and ATP (T-state) HscA complexes, HscB interacts only with an ATP-bound state. Studies of ATPase activity under single-turnover and rapid mixing conditions showed that both IscU and HscB interact with the low peptide affinity T-state of HscA (HscA++.ATP) and that both modestly accelerate (3-10-fold) the rate-determining steps in the HscA reaction cycle, k(hyd) and k(T-->R). When present together, IscU and HscB synergistically stimulate both k(hyd) (approximately = 500-fold) and k(T-->R) (approximately = 60-fold), leading to enhanced formation of the HscA.ADP-IscU complex (substrate capture). Following ADP/ATP exchange, IscU also stimulates k(R-->T) (approximately = 50-fold) and thereby accelerates the rate at which the low peptide affinity HscA++.ATP T-state is regenerated. Because HscA nucleotide exchange is fast, the overall rate of the chaperone cycle in vivo will be determined by the availability of the IscU-HscB substrate-co-chaperone complex.  相似文献   

Wu SP  Cowan JA 《Biochemistry》2003,42(19):5784-5791
ISA type proteins mediate cluster transfer to apoprotein targets. Rate constants have been determined for cluster transfer from Schizosaccharomyces pombe ISA to apo Fd. Substitution of the cysteine residues of ISA produced derivative proteins (C72A, C136A, and C138A) that were found to be at least as active in cluster transfer reactions as the native form at 25 degrees C (k(2) approximately 170 M(-1) min(-1) for native, k(2) approximately 169 M(-1) min(-1) for C72A, k(2) approximately 206 M(-1) min(-1) for C136A, and k(2) approximately 242 M(-1) min(-1) for C138A), although the yield of cluster transfer was found to be lower as a consequence of the enhanced lability of clusters in the derivative proteins. Minor variations in rate constant for the ISA Cys derivatives do not reflect any change in the affinity of binding to the apo Fd since k(2) was found to be independent of the concentration of apo Fd over the range of 1-25 microM. The pH dependence of cluster transfer rates was found to be similar for native and C136A ISA, with an observed pK(a) of 7.8 determined from the pH profiles for cluster transfer activity of each protein. The temperature dependence of the rate constant defining the cluster transfer reaction for the wild type versus this C136A ISA derivative is distinct (DeltaH* approximately 6.3 kcal mol(-1) and DeltaS* approximately -27.3 cal K(-1) mol(-1) for native and DeltaH* approximately 2.7 kcal mol(-1) and DeltaS* approximately -38.9 cal K(-1) mol(-1) for C136A ISA). Instability of the protein-bound cluster precluded a comparison with data from pH and temperature dependencies for the two other Cys derivatives. Experiments to determine the dependence of reaction rate constants on viscosity indicate cluster transfer is rate-limiting. A comparison of cross-species rate constants for cluster transfer to apo Fd targets from Homo sapiens and S. pombe demonstrated that the identity of the Fd is less critical for promoting cluster transfer from Sp ISA (at 25 degrees C, k(2) approximately 170 M(-1) min(-1) for Sp Fd and k(2) approximately 169 M(-1) min(-1) for Hs Fd). This contrasts with an earlier observation for ISU-mediated cluster assembly [Wu, S., et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 8876-8885], where the rates differed for Hs and Sp target Fd's, suggesting distinct binding sites for binding of holo ISA and ISU to apo Fd.  相似文献   

MitoNEET (mNT) is the founding member of the recently discovered CDGSH family of [2Fe-2S] proteins capable of [2Fe-2S] cluster transfer to apo-acceptor proteins. It is a target of the thiazolidinedione (TZD) class of anti-diabetes drugs whose binding modulate both electron transfer and cluster transfer properties. The [2Fe-2S] cluster in mNT is destabilized upon binding of NADPH, which leads to loss of the [2Fe-2S] cluster to the solution environment. Because mNT is capable of transferring [2Fe-2S] clusters to apo-acceptor proteins, we sought to determine whether NADPH binding also affects cluster transfer. We show that NADPH inhibits transfer of the [2Fe-2S] cluster to an apo-acceptor protein with an inhibition constant (K(i)) of 200 μm, which reflects that of NADPH concentrations expected under physiological conditions. In addition, we determined that the strictly conserved cluster interacting residue Asp-84 in the CDGSH domain is necessary for the NADPH-dependent inhibition of [2Fe-2S] cluster transfer. The most critical cellular function of NADPH is in the maintenance of a pool of reducing equivalents, which is essential to counteract oxidative damage. Taken together, our findings suggest that NADPH can regulate both mNT [2Fe-2S] cluster levels in the cell as well as the ability of the protein to transfer [2Fe-2S] clusters to cytosolic or mitochondrial acceptors.  相似文献   

IscU is a key component of the ISC machinery and is involved in the biogenesis of iron-sulfur (Fe-S) proteins. IscU serves as a scaffold for assembly of a nascent Fe-S cluster prior to its delivery to an apo protein. Here, we report the first crystal structure of IscU with a bound [2Fe-2S] cluster from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus, determined at a resolution of 2.3 Å, using multiwavelength anomalous diffraction of the cluster. The holo IscU formed a novel asymmetric trimer that harbored only one [2Fe-2S] cluster. One iron atom of the cluster was coordinated by the Sγ atom of Cys36 and the Nε atom of His106, and the other was coordinated by the Sγ atoms of Cys63 and Cys107 on the surface of just one of the protomers. However, the cluster was buried inside the trimer between the neighboring protomers. The three protomers were conformationally distinct from one another and associated around a noncrystallographic pseudo-3-fold axis. The three flexible loop regions carrying the ligand-binding residues (Cys36, Cys63, His106 and Cys107) and the N-terminal α1 helices were positioned at the interfaces and underwent substantial conformational rearrangement, which stabilized the association of the asymmetric trimer. This unique trimeric A. aeolicus holo-IscU architecture was clearly distinct from other known monomeric apo-IscU/SufU structures, indicating that asymmetric trimer organization, as well as its association/dissociation, would be involved in the scaffolding function of IscU.  相似文献   

Dihydroxy acid dehydratase from spinach contains a [2Fe-2S] cluster   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dihydroxy acid dehydratase, the third enzyme in the branched-chain amino acid biosynthetic pathway, has been purified to homogeneity (5000-fold) from spinach leaves. The molecular weights of dihydroxy acid dehydratase as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate and native gel electrophoresis are 63,000 and 110,000, respectively, suggesting the native enzyme is a dimer. 2 moles of iron were found per mol of protein monomer. Chemical analyses of iron and labile sulfide gave an Fe/S2- ratio of 0.95. The EPR spectrum of dithionite-reduced enzyme (gavg = 1.91) is similar to spectra characteristic of Rieske Fe-S proteins and has a spin concentration of 1 spin/1.9 irons. These results strongly suggest that dihydroxy acid dehydratase contains a [2Fe-2S] cluster, a novel finding for enzymes of the hydrolyase class. In contrast to the Rieske Fe-S proteins, the redox potential of the Fe-S cluster is quite low (-470 mV). Upon addition of substrate, the EPR signal of the reduced enzyme changes to one typical of 2Fe ferredoxins (gavg = 1.95), and the visible absorption spectrum of the native enzyme shows substantial changes between 400 and 600 nm. Reduction of the Fe-S cluster decreases the enzyme activity by 6-fold under Vmax conditions. These results suggest the direct involvement of the [2Fe-2S] cluster of dihydroxy acid dehydratase in catalysis. Similar conclusions have been reached for the catalytic involvement of the [4Fe-4S] cluster of the hydrolyase aconitase (Emptage, M. H., Kent, T. A., Kennedy, M. C., Beinert, H., and Münck, E. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 80, 4674-4678).  相似文献   

Wu SP  Mansy SS  Cowan JA 《Biochemistry》2005,44(11):4284-4293
IscU functions as a scaffold for Fe-S cluster assembly and transfer, and is known to be a substrate protein for molecular chaperones. Kinetic studies of Fe-S cluster transfer from holo IscU to apo Fd in the presence of chaperone DnaK demonstrate an inhibitory effect on the rate of Fe-S cluster transfer from IscU. Binding of DnaK reduces the rate of formation of the IscU-Fd complex (greater than 8-fold), but has little influence on the intrinsic rate of iron-sulfur cluster transfer to apo Fd. Apparently the molecular chaperone DnaK does not facilitate the process of Fe-S cluster transfer from IscU. Rather, DnaK has a modest influence on the stability of the IscU-bound Fe-S cluster that may reflect a more important role in promoting cluster assembly. In accord with prior observations the cochaperone DnaJ stimulates the ATPase activity of DnaK, but has a minimal influence on IscU cluster transfer activity, either alone or in concert with DnaK.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the Fe-S stretching modes of the [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster in the oxidized iron protein of Clostridium pasteurianum nitrogenase. The results are consistent with a cubane [4Fe-4S] cluster having effective Td symmetry with cysteinyl coordination for each iron. In accord with previous optical and EPR studies [(1984) Biochemistry 23, 2118-2122], treatment with the iron chelator alpha, alpha'-dipyridyl in the presence of MgATP is shown to effect cluster conversion to a [2Fe-2S]2+ cluster. Resonance Raman data also indicate that partial conversion to a [2Fe-2S]2+ cluster is induced by thionine-oxidation in the presence of MgATP in the absence of an iron chelator. This result suggests new explanations for the dramatic change in the CD spectrum that accompanies MgATP-binding to the oxidized Fe protein and the anomalous resonance Raman spectra of thionine-oxidized Clostridium pasteurianum bidirectional hydrogenase.  相似文献   

IscU/Isu and IscA/Isa (and related NifU and SufA proteins) have been proposed to serve as molecular scaffolds for preassembly of [FeS] clusters to be used in the biogenesis of iron-sulfur proteins. In vitro studies demonstrating transfer of preformed scaffold-[FeS] complexes to apoprotein acceptors have provided experimental support for this hypothesis, but investigations to date have yielded only single-cluster transfer events. We describe an in vitro assay system that allows for real-time monitoring of [FeS] cluster formation using circular dichroism spectroscopy and use this to investigate de novo [FeS] cluster formation and transfer from Escherichia coli IscU and IscA to apo-ferredoxin. Both IscU and IscA were found to be capable of multiple cycles of [2Fe2S] cluster formation and transfer suggesting that these scaffold proteins are capable of acting "catalytically." Kinetic studies further showed that cluster transfer exhibits Michaelis-Menten behavior indicative of complex formation of holo-IscU and holo-IscA with apoferredoxin and consistent with a direct [FeS] cluster transfer mechanism. Analysis of the dependence of the rate of cluster transfer, however, revealed enhanced efficiency at low ratios of scaffold to acceptor protein suggesting participation of a transient, labile scaffold-[FeS] species in the transfer process.  相似文献   

Biotin synthase (BioB) catalyses the final step in the biosynthesis of biotin. Aerobically purified biotin synthase contains one [2Fe-2S]2+ cluster per monomer. However, active BioB contains in addition a [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster which can be formed either by reconstitution with iron and sulfide, or on reduction with sodium dithionite. Here, we use EPR spectroscopy to show that mutations in the conserved YNHNLD sequence of Escherichia coli BioB affect the formation and stability of the [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster on reduction with dithionite and report the observation of a new [2Fe-2S]1+ cluster. These results serve to illustrate the dynamic nature of iron-sulfur clusters in biotin synthase and the role played by the protein in cluster interconversion.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of iron-sulfur [Fe-S] clusters requires the coordinated delivery of both iron and sulfide. Sulfide is provided by cysteine desulfurases that use L-cysteine as sulfur source. So far, the physiological iron donor has not been clearly identified. CyaY, the bacterial ortholog of frataxin, an iron binding protein thought to be involved in iron-sulfur cluster formation in eukaryotes, is a good candidate because it was shown to bind iron. Nevertheless, no functional in vitro studies showing an involvement of CyaY in [Fe-S] cluster biosynthesis have been reported so far. In this paper we demonstrate for the first time a specific interaction between CyaY and IscS, a cysteine desulfurase participating in iron-sulfur cluster assembly. Analysis of the iron-loaded CyaY protein demonstrated a strong binding of Fe(3+) and a weak binding of Fe(2+) by CyaY. Biochemical analysis showed that the CyaY-Fe(3+) protein corresponds to a mixture of monomer, intermediate forms (dimer-pentamers), and oligomers with the intermediate one corresponding to the only stable and soluble iron-containing form of CyaY. Using spectroscopic methods, this form was further demonstrated to be functional in vitro as an iron donor during [Fe-S] cluster assembly on the scaffold protein IscU in the presence of IscS and cysteine. All of these results point toward a link between CyaY and [Fe-S] cluster biosynthesis, and a possible mechanism for the process is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic experiments have established that IscU is involved in maturation of [Fe-S] proteins that require either [2Fe-2S] or [4Fe-4S] clusters for their biological activities. Biochemical studies have also shown that one [2Fe-2S] cluster can be assembled in vitro within each subunit of the IscU homodimer and that these clusters can be reductively coupled to form a single [4Fe-4S] cluster. In the present work, it is shown that the [4Fe-4S] cluster-loaded form of A. vinelandii IscU, but not the [2Fe-2S] cluster-loaded form, can be used for intact cluster transfer to an apo form of A. vinelandii aconitase A, a member of the monomeric dehydratase family of proteins that requires a [4Fe-4S] cluster for enzymatic activity. The rate of [4Fe-4S] cluster transfer from IscU to apo-aconitase A was not affected by the presence of the HscA/HscB co-chaperone system and MgATP. However, an altered form of a [4Fe-4S] cluster-containing IscU, having the highly conserved aspartate-39 residue substituted with alanine, is an effective inhibitor of wild-type [4Fe-4S] cluster-loaded IscU-directed activation of apo-aconitase A. In contrast, neither the clusterless form of IscU nor the [2Fe-2S] cluster-loaded form of IscU is an effective inhibitor of IscU-directed apo-aconitase A activation. These results are interpreted to indicate that the [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] cluster-loaded forms of IscU adopt different conformations that provide specificity with respect to the maturation of [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] centers in proteins.  相似文献   

Ugulava NB  Gibney BR  Jarrett JT 《Biochemistry》2000,39(17):5206-5214
Biotin synthase catalyzes the insertion of a sulfur atom into the saturated C6 and C9 carbons of dethiobiotin. This reaction has long been presumed to occur through radical chemistry, and recent experimental results suggest that biotin synthase belongs to a family of enzymes that contain an iron-sulfur cluster and reductively cleave S-adenosylmethionine, forming an enzyme or substrate radical, 5'-deoxyadenosine, and methionine. Biotin synthase (BioB) is aerobically purified as a dimer of 38 kDa monomers that contains two [2Fe-2S](2+) clusters per dimer. Maximal in vitro biotin synthesis requires incubation of BioB with dethiobiotin, AdoMet, reductants, exogenous iron, and crude bacterial protein extracts. It has previously been shown that reduction of BioB with dithionite in 60% ethylene glycol produces one [4Fe-4S](2+/1+) cluster per dimer. In the present work, we use UV/visible and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to show that [2Fe-2S] to [4Fe-4S] cluster conversion occurs through rapid dissociation of iron from the protein followed by rate-limiting reassociation. While in 60% ethylene glycol the product of dithionite reduction is one [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster per dimer, the product in water is one [4Fe-4S](1+) cluster per dimer. Further, incubation with excess iron, sulfide, and dithiothreitol produces protein that contains two [4Fe-4S](2+) clusters per dimer; subsequent reduction with dithionite produces two [4Fe-4S](1+) clusters per BioB dimer. BioB that contains two [4Fe-4S](2+/1+) clusters per dimer is rapidly and reversibly reduced and oxidized, suggesting that this is the redox-active form of the iron-sulfur cluster in the anaerobic enzyme.  相似文献   

Rapid and quantitative reductive coupling of two [2Fe-2S]2+ clusters to form a single [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster on the homodimeric IscU Fe-S cluster scaffold protein has been demonstrated by UV-visible absorption, M?ssbauer, and resonance Raman spectroscopies, using dithionite as the electron donor. Partial reductive coupling was also observed using reduced Isc ferredoxin, which raises the possibility that Isc ferredoxin is the physiological reductant. The results suggest that reductive coupling of adjacent [2Fe-2S]2+ clusters assembled on IscU provides a general mechanism for the final step in the biosynthesis of [4Fe-4S]2+ clusters. The [4Fe-4S]2+ center on IscU can be reduced to a S = 1/2[4Fe-4S]+ cluster (g parallel = 2.06 and g perpendicular = 1.92), but the low midpoint potential (< -570 mV) and instability of the reduced cluster argue against any physiological relevance for the reduced cluster. On exposure to O2, the [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster on IscU degrades via a semistable [2Fe-2S]2+ cluster with properties analogous to those of the [2Fe-2S]2+ center in [2Fe-2S]2+ IscU. It is suggested that the ability of IscU to accommodate either [2Fe-2S]2+ or [4Fe-4S]2+ clusters in response to cellular redox status and/or oxygen levels may provide an effective way to populate appropriately cluster-loaded forms of IscU for maturation of different types of [Fe-S] proteins.  相似文献   

Wu SP  Wu G  Surerus KK  Cowan JA 《Biochemistry》2002,41(28):8876-8885
ISU-type proteins mediate cluster transfer to apo protein targets. Rate constants have been determined for cluster transfer from ISU to apo Fd for both Homo sapiens and Schizosaccharomyces pombe proteins, and cross reactions have also been examined. Substitution of a key aspartate residue of ISU is found to decrease the rate of cluster transfer by at least an order of magnitude (for wild-type Hs ISU cluster transfer to Hs apo Fd, k(2) approximately 540 M(-1) min(-1), relative 56 M(-1) min(-1) for D37A ISU). This change in rate constant does not reflect any change in binding affinity of the ISU and Fd proteins. The pH dependencies of cluster transfer rates are similar for WT and D37A ISU, arguing against a role for Asp37 as a catalytic base, although evidence for general base catalysis mediating deprotonation of Cys from the apo target is supported by an observed pK(a) of 6.9 determined from the pH profiles for both WT and D37A ISU. Such a pK(a) value is at the lower limit for Cys and is common for solvent-accessible Cys thiols. The temperature dependence of the rate constant defining the cluster transfer reaction for wild type versus the aspartate derivative is distinct. Thermal activation parameters (DeltaH and DeltaS) are consistent with a solvent-accessible ISU-bound cluster, with desolvation as a principle barrier to cluster transfer. Experiments to determine the dependence of reaction rate constants on viscosity indicate cluster transfer to be rate-limiting. Fully oxidized cluster appears to be the natural state for transfer to target proteins. Reduced Fd does not readily reduce ISU-bound [2Fe-2S](2+) and does not promote cluster transfer to an apo Fd target.  相似文献   

Biotin synthase (BioB) converts dethiobiotin into biotin by inserting a sulfur atom between C6 and C9 of dethiobiotin in an S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)-dependent reaction. The as-purified recombinant BioB from Escherichia coli is a homodimeric molecule containing one [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster per monomer. It is inactive in vitro without the addition of exogenous Fe. Anaerobic reconstitution of the as-purified [2Fe-2S]-containing BioB with Fe(2+) and S(2)(-) produces a form of BioB that contains approximately one [2Fe-2S](2+) and one [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster per monomer ([2Fe-2S]/[4Fe-4S] BioB). In the absence of added Fe, the [2Fe-2S]/[4Fe-4S] BioB is active and can produce up to approximately 0.7 equiv of biotin per monomer. To better define the roles of the Fe-S clusters in the BioB reaction, M?ssbauer and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy have been used to monitor the states of the Fe-S clusters during the conversion of dethiobiotin to biotin. The results show that the [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster is stable during the reaction and present in the SAM-bound form, supporting the current consensus that the functional role of the [4Fe-4S] cluster is to bind SAM and facilitate the reductive cleavage of SAM to generate the catalytically essential 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical. The results also demonstrate that approximately (2)/(3) of the [2Fe-2S] clusters are degraded by the end of the turnover experiment (24 h at 25 degrees C). A transient species with spectroscopic properties consistent with a [2Fe-2S](+) cluster is observed during turnover, suggesting that the degradation of the [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster is initiated by reduction of the cluster. This observed degradation of the [2Fe-2S] cluster during biotin formation is consistent with the proposed sacrificial S-donating function of the [2Fe-2S] cluster put forth by Jarrett and co-workers (Ugulava et al. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 8352-8358). Interestingly, degradation of the [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster was found not to parallel biotin formation. The initial decay rate of the [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster is about 1 order of magnitude faster than the initial formation rate of biotin, indicating that if the [2Fe-2S] cluster is the immediate S donor for biotin synthesis, insertion of S into dethiobiotin would not be the rate-limiting step. Alternatively, the [2Fe-2S] cluster may not be the immediate S donor. Instead, degradation of the [2Fe-2S] cluster may generate a protein-bound polysulfide or persulfide that serves as the immediate S donor for biotin production.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutants of Escherichia coli fumarate reductase in which FrdB Cys204, Cys210, and Cys214 were individually replaced by Ser and in which Val207 was replaced by Cys were constructed and overexpressed in a strain of E. coli lacking a wild-type copy of fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase. The consequences of these mutations on bacterial growth, enzymatic activity, and the EPR properties of the constituent iron-sulfur clusters were investigated. The FrdB Cys204Ser, Cys210Ser, and Cys214Ser mutations result in enzymes with negligible activity that have dissociated from the membrane and consequently are incapable of supporting cell growth under conditions requiring a functional fumarate reductase. EPR studies indicate that these effects are associated with loss of both the [3Fe-4S] and [4Fe-4S] clusters, centers 3 and 2, respectively. In contrast, the FrdB Val207Cys mutation results in a functional membrane-bound enzyme that is able to support growth under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. However, EPR studies indicate that the indigenous [3Fe-4S]+,0 cluster (Em = -70 mV), center 3, has been replaced by a much lower potential [4Fe-4S]2+,+ cluster (Em = -350 mV), indicating that the primary sequence of the polypeptide determines the type of clusters assembled. The results of these studies afford new insights into the role of centers 2 and 3 in mediating electron transfer from menaquinol, the residues that ligate these clusters, and the intercluster magnetic interactions in the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

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