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Summary The authors have made an study and an specific classification of 156 yeast-like forms of fungus beloning to the genusCandida isolated in their majority from differents products of the human body.They verify also the high percentage of parasitism with is found theCandida albicans and the roll this specimen has as an aetiological agent in certain vulvo-vaginitis, bronchomycosis, onychomycosis and perionychomycosis, moist mycosis of interdigital spaces, inguinocrural, perianal, axillary and others cutaneous folds.With the name of Candidomycosis are designed the pathological process produced by fungus beloning to the GenusCandida.

Trabajo presentado a la 4a. Jornada Clínica de Verano en el Hospital Viña del Mar los días 25-26-27-28 de Enero de 1950. (Viña del Mar;Chile).

Profesor Adjunto de Parasitología de la Facultad de Medicina de Buenos Aires. — Jéfe del Laboratorio del Instituto de Clínica Quirürgica.

Médico Jefe del Laboratorio de Micología y Tuberculosis del Instituto de Microbiología e Inmunología del ProfesorHugo Vaccaro de la Universidad do Chile.-Becado durante el año 1949 en Argentina por la Comisión Nacional de Cultura, para realizer estudios de Micología con el Prof. Dr. Flavio L. Niño.

Ayudante del Laboratorio del Instituto de Clínica Quirúrgica.  相似文献   

Riassunto Viene riferito su esperimenti condotti in Germania allo scopo di studiare se esiste una eventuale azione competitrice in fatto di nutrimento fra uccelli del bosco e Formiche del gruppoF. rufa e.F. polyctena usate entrambe separatamente come misure di protezione contro gli insetti dannosi alla foresta. Viene documentato che la presenza di colonie delle Formiche determina un aumento degli uccelli del bosco ma sono necessarie ulteriori ricerche per chiarirne le cause.

Herrn Universit?ts-Professor Dr.A. Reichensperger zu seinem 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Riassunto Tre ifali rinvenuti su legno morto diPopulus alba L., raccolto nel Lazio, sono identificati come nuove specie, una del nuovo genereDephilippia e due del genereAcrotheca Fuckel, I caratteri tassonomici riguardano gli organi vegetativi e riproduttivi sviluppati sul substrato naturale.
Summary Three Hyphomycetes found on dead wood ofPopulus alba L., collected in Lazio, have been identified as new species, one belonging to the new genusDephilippia and two to the genusAcrotheca Fuckel. The taxonomic characters have been represented based on the vegetative and reproductive organs developed on natural substratum.

Il lavoro è stato eseguito presso la Sezione di Protezione Fitosanitaria, sotto la guida del Consulente Prof.C. Sibilia.  相似文献   

Riassunto Viene descritto un metodo spettrofotometrico per la determinazione della idrolisi-lattamica di antibiotici del gruppo delle penicilline. All'uopo sono utilizzate le proprietà cromatiche dei Cu++ complessoni dei prodotti dell'idrolisi.
A method for spectrophotometric determinations of the hydrolytic cleavage of the-lactam ring in penicillins and penicillin-like antibiotics is proposed.Derivatives of penicilloic acid give Cu++-complexes with a strong absorbance in the 255–280 mµ region. If the conditions are carefully controlled, the maxima of absorbance are proportional to the amount of hydrolyzed compounds.

Il presente lavoro é stato eseguito nell'ambito dell'attività del Centro di Studio per la Microbiologia del Suolo del C.N.R.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli Autori studiano 98 ceppi di isolamento da suolo agrario diA griseus e effettuano un esame critico delle specie precisandone le caratteristiche diagnostiche e morfoculturali anche in relazione ad una non esatta corrispondenza fra la nomenclatura di questa specie e il colore del micelio aereo. La percentuale di ceppi attivi su batteri gram-positivi è del 77,4% e quello dei ceppi attivi su batteri gram-negativi è del 19,35%.
Zusammenfassung Die Verfasser studieren 98 Stämme vonA. griseus isoliert aus bebautem Boden und unterziehen die Art einer kritischen Untersuchung. Sie stellen die diagnostischen und morphologisch-kulturellen Merkmale fest, auch im Bezug auf eine nicht exakte Uebereinstimmung der Benennung dieser Art mit der Farbe des Luftmycels. Der Prozentsatz der Gram-positiven Bakterien, aktiven Stämme ist 77,4%, und derjenige der Gram-negativen Bakterien, aktiven Stämme ist 19,35%.

I precedenti Contributi sono stati integralmente pubblicati sugli atti dell'Istituto Botanico di Pavia e, in riassunto, su questa Rivista.  相似文献   

Summary The author presents the list of the fungus species gathered in Scioa country, in Amara and chiefly in the countries of Galles and Sidamo (East-Africa).

Il presente lavoro, già pronto nella seconda metà del 1940, non potè essere portato a conoscenza degli studiosi per le condizioni di isolamento nelle quali venne a trovarsi l'Africa Orientale dopo l'inizio delle ostilità con i territori limitrofi.Esso viene ora reso noto nella forma originaria, che, meno trascurabili varianti, e rimasta intatta.  相似文献   

Summary In a population sample of 728 unrelated individuals from Marburg one variant PGI 5-1 was found.

Direktor: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Ritter

Direktor: Prof. Dr. G. G. Wendt

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary About two dozen specimens of Cyclops magnus were taken from a tundra seepage pool on the island of Amchitka, Alaska. Measurements from these specimens are presented. These measurements contribute further evidence of the reliability of certain spine and setal ratios as a means for differentiating some members of the viridis-vernalis group.
Riassunto Circa due dozzine di esemplari di Cyclops magnus furono raccolte da uno stagno (tundra seepage pool) sulla isola di Amchitka, Alaska. Misure di questi esemplari sono presentati. Queste misure contribuiscono evidenza addizionale che certe proporzioni spinose e setoli sono degne di fiducia per differenziare qualche membro del gruppo viridis-vernalis.

The collection of specimens studied here was made possible through funds provided by the Office of Naval Research.  相似文献   

Summary One hundred thirty-one cultures of anascosporogenous yeasts isolated from the human body late in 1947 were all typical members of the genusCryptococcus when examined in 1947 and early in 1948. No mycelium was produced in repeated tests in corn meal agar scratch plates or in beef peptone gelatin stabs. By 1950, 17 of the 131 cultures had definitely become morphologically identical with members of the genusCandida, showing typical pseudomycelial growth with blastospores sprouting from the mycelium on the above mentioned media. It is concluded that some species ofCandida can be morphological dissociates ofCryptococcus. The status and the varied phylogeny of the genusCandida is discussed.
Sumario Todos los 131 cultivos de una colección de levaduras imperfectas recientemente aisladas de la piel de seres humanos eran miembras típicas del géneroCryptococcus en 1947. No producían ningún micelio, aunque lo buscabamos repeditas veces en gelosa de harina de maíz y en gelatina de carne y peptona. Ahora en 1950, 17 de los 131 cultivos se han convertido en formas identicas morfológicamente con miembras del generoCandida. En estas medias las 17 levaduras ya poseen un seudomicelio conspicuo de que muchas blastoesporas brotan. Se deduce que unas especies deCandida pueden ser formas deCryptococcus producidas por disociación microbiana. Se trata del estado y de la filogenia multiple del géneroCandida.

El origen de unas especies del géneroCandida en levaduras imperfectas que no formaban seudomicelio

This investigation was supported in part by funds provided for biological and medical research by the State of Washington Initiative Measure No. 171.  相似文献   

Summary It is argued that Podon polyphemoides does not belong in the genus Podon, since the only similarity with the other species in this genus is the body outline, a characteristic of minor importance in generic distinction in the Polyphemoidea. The new name Pleopis polyphemoides is proposed.
Resumen Se argumenta que Podon polyphemoides no debe colocarse más en el genero Podon, ya que solamente tiene similitud con las otras especies de este género en la configuración del cuerpo, una caracteristica de menor importancia en la distinción del Orden Polyphemoidea. Se propone el nombre nuevo Pleopis polyphemoides.

Based on part of a dissertation, titled The Cladocera of the North Atlantic and the North Sea: Biological and Ecological Studies, and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of heterozygotes for the glutathione-reductase in a sample of 215 young healthy Germans is 1,9%. Suggesting a 2-allele-model we can calculate the frequency of the three phenotypes in the population: GR(A)=98,1%, GR(AB)=1,9%, GR(B)=0,009%. No correlation between blood-and serum-groups and the enzyme activity could be found.

Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. G. W. Löhr

Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. G. G. Wendt

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Volkswagen-Stiftung. Herrn Professor Dr. H. E. Bock, Tübingen, zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet. Wesentliche Teile dieser Arbeit werden von Andreas v. Lingen der Medizinischen Fakultät Marburg als Dissertation vorgelegt.  相似文献   

Riassunto Le ricerche condotte sui tentacoli di Vaginulus borellianus hanno permesso di stabilire: a) l'esistenza nella porzione distale dei tentacoli (superiori ed inferiori) di un epitelio sensoriale di tipo olfattivo costituito da neuroni bipolari, cellule di sostegno e cellule basali. I prolungamenti distali dei primi due tipi di cellule si presentano particolarmente interessanti: nei recettori olfattivi si rinvengono ciglia e microvilli, numerosi e lunghi; nelle cellule di sostegno robuste digitazioni apicali percorse da uno spesso filamento assile, b) l'assenza, sia nel tentacolo superiore che in quello inferiore, di un complesso neuroendocrino del tipo di quello riscontrato in Helix, Arion ed altri Stilommatofori, c) la presenza nel tentacolo inferiore di una ghiandola unica, tubulare, in comunicazione con l'esterno e con una secrezione di tipo mucoso, simile a quella dei mucociti di altre superfici del corpo, o della ghiandola del piede di questa o di altre specie di molluschi.
Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural observations on the tentacles of Vaginulus borellianus (Colosi)
Summary The tentacle structure of Vaginulus borellianus (Colosi) has been examined with the ligth and electron microscope; the following conclusions have been reached: a) The olfactory sensory epithelium in the distal portion of both tentacles (superior and inferior) is composed of sensory neurons, supporting cells, and basal cells. The dendrites of the neurons bear cilia and a great number of microvilli apically, whereas the apical portion of the supporting cells is formed by cylindrical plasmatic processes. These are long and thick and have an axial filament. b) The cytochemistry and ultrastructure of the unicellular glands enclosed within the dermo-muscular layer of the tentacles indicate that a neuroendocrine complex of the kind described in Helix, Arion and other Stylommatophores does not occur in this species. c) The gland located in the lower tentacles (belonging to Semper's organ) is a tubular formation, with its opening at the outer surface. Its secretion, mostly mucous, is very similar to that of mucocytes and foot glands of this species and other molluscs.

Lavoro eseguito con un Contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.  相似文献   

Resumen En este trabajo se estudia en la Parte I todo el material procedente de especímenes clínicos.En primer lugar se estudian las cepas aisladas de Micosis Superficiales o Dermatomicosis.En segundo lugar, los hongos levuriformes del género Candida procedentes de materiales clínicos varios.En tercer lugar los agentes de Micosis Profundas, y finalmente los hongos del aire de Caracas que tienen interes alergológico.Los resultados de todo aparecen en los cuadros sinópticos adjuntos.
Summary In this part of our work we deal with fungi of clinical interest.Firstly, we study specimens isolated from dermatomycoses.Secondly, yeast-like fungi of the genusCandida of clinical origin.Thirdly, fungi producing systemic mycoses and lastly, air-borne fungi of allergic interest from Caracas and its surroundings.

Résumé Dans la première partie de ce travail, on étudie tout le matériel d'intérêt médical.En premier lieu, les souches isolées de matériel clinique de Mycoses Superficielles ou Dermatomycoses.En deuxième lieu, les champignons lévuriformes du genre Candida provenant de matériaux cliniques variés.En troisième lieu, les Agents de Mycoses Profondes et, finalement, les champignons contenus dans l'air de Caracas intéressant la Mycologie Allergique.

(Trabajo de la Sección de Micología del Instituto Nacional de Higiene)

Trabajo presentado al IV Congreso Venezolano de Tisiología y Neumonología, Valencia, Diciembre 1959.

Jefe de Sección Micología. — Instituto Nacional de Higiene. Jefe de Sección Micología.-Hospital Universitario. Profesor de la Catedra de Micología.-Escuela de Bioanálisis Fac. de Medicina U C V.

Directora de la Micoteca Nacional.-Seccion de Micología, Instituto Nacional de Higiene.  相似文献   

Summary Within an population sample of 300 individuals of Southwestern Germany the red cell acid phosphatase polymorphism is investigated. Gene frequency estimates are: Pa=0.31, Pb=0.643, Pc=0.047.

Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. H. Baitsch

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary In 214 healthy young Germans the activity of Pyruvatekinase from red blood cells has been determined. Three persons had values in the heterozygote range between 10.0 and 20.0 U. Suggesting a 2-allele-model the frequency of the three phenotypes in the German population can be calculated as followed: PK(A)=98.6%, PK(AB)=1.4%, PK(B)=0.005%.No correlation could be found between the distribution of blood-and serum-groups and the enzyme-activity.

Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. G. W. Löhr

Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. G. G. Wendt

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Volkswagen-Stiftung.

Herrn Professor Dr.H. E. Bock, Tübingen, zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet. Wesentliche Teile dieser Arbeit werden von Olaf Praetsch der Medizinischen Fakultät als Dissertation vorgelegt.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli autori descrivono gli aspetti ultrastrutturali delle cellule di Leydig di Lacerta s. sicula Raf`. in esemplari in letargo del mese di Gennaio (I gruppo) e in altri in periodo degli amori del mese di Maggio (II gruppo).Negli animali del primo gruppo le cellule di Leydig sono poco numerose, piccole, con scarso sviluppo del reticolo endoplasmatico, e mitocondri di dimensioni ridotte e prevalentemente con creste lamellari.Gli esemplari del secondo gruppo presentano cellule di Leydig numerose ed ipertrofiche con un R.E. liscio sviluppatissimo in forma di tubuli e di vescicole; i mitocondri sono numerosi, ipertrofici, con creste prevalentemente tubulari e con la parete spesso interrotta; sono presenti gocce lipidiche e vari lisosomi.La presenza dei caratteri ultrastrutturali propri delle cellule steroidogenetiche nelle cellule di Leydig degli esemplari di Lacerta s. sicula Raf`. in periodo degli amori, tende a confermare la loro partecipazione al metabolismo degli steroidi sessuali.
On the fine structure of leydig cells in january and may specimens of Lacerta s. sicula Raf.
Summary In order to study the ultrastructure of the Leydig cells in the lizard Lacerta s. sicula Raf., the AA. examined two groups of animals, namely: January specimens in hibernation and May specimens in the mating period.In the animals of the first group, the Leydig cells were scarce, small and possessed a poorly developed E.R. and small mitochondria usually presenting laminar cristae.In the specimens of the second group the interstitial cells were large and possessed a very well developed smooth E.R. arranged in a system of anastomosing tubules and vesicles; the mitochondria were numerous and large, with prevailingly tubular cristae and often with a discontinuous wall. Lipid droplets and lysosomes were also present.The observation on the ultrastructure of the Leydig cells in May specimens of Lacerta s. sicula Raf`. seems to confirm the opinion that these elements participate in the metabolism of the sexual steroids; in fact they possess ultrastructural features that are typical of steroidogenetic cells.

Lavoro eseguito con il contributo n.115.1121.1245. della Impresa di Endocrinologia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, e svolto, per le osservazioni al M.E., presso il Centro di Studio di Microscopia Elettronica della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di Napoli.  相似文献   

Resumen Han sido motivo de estudio, tres casos de queratomicosis que cursaron con grave compromiso de córnea, hipopion y severos signos inflamatorios que obligaron en un caso a la enucleación del ojo y en dos, determinaron serias perturbaciones de la capacidad visual, de carácter permanente. En los tres casos el hongo aislado se identificó comoFusarium sp.
Summary Three cases of Mycotic Keratitis with important corneal involvement, hypopyon and other inflammatory signs are presented. In one patient the enucleation of the eye was necessary. In all of them,Fusarium sp. was isolated.

Docentes de la Fac. de Med. de Trujillo-Perú.  相似文献   

Summary Serial cytogenetic studies of bone marrow in a 59-year-old male with a 14-month history of acute myeloid leukemia revealed a Ph1 disomic diploid clone (46, XY, 2Ph1). This clone responded to a cytostatic drug regimen of prednisone, vincristine and daunomycine. A dual population of normal and leukemic cells was observed during the course the disease.
Zusammenfassung Bei einem 59 Jahre alten Mann mit akuter Myeloblastenleukämie, von 14monatigem Verlauf, fand sich im Knochenmark ein Doppel-Ph1 diploider Clone (46, XY, 2Ph1). Dieser Clone war empfindlich gegenüber einer Prednison-, Vincristin- und Daunomycin-Kombination. Eine Dualpopulation normaler und leukämischer Zellen wurde während des Verlaufes beobachtet.

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bad Godesberg.

Presented in part at the thirteenth International Congress of Hematology Munich 1970.

Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Sajiro Makino, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Routine plankton tow collections were made at established sampling stations in two lakes and species lists were prepared for each sample. A method of numerical analysis was applied to this presence and absence data and Jaccard's Coefficient of Community was used to compare all samples on the basis of their biotic similarities. The resultant study was essentially an exploration of the method with a view to the possibilities of its application in future limnological investigations. The results of the analysis indicate the utility of the method and suggest areas of research requiring further investigation.
Summario Se hicieron rutinarias clasificaiones de plankton en puestos establecidos en dos lagos, para sacar muestras de cada grupo y se prepararon listas de especies por cada muestra. Se aplicó un método de análisis numérico a esta data para averiguar la presencia o la ausencia de especies y se usó el coeficiente de colectividad de Jaccard para comparar todas las muestras en la base fundamental de su similaridad biótica. El estudio resultante fué esencialmente una exploración del método con miras a las posibilidades de su aplicación en futuras investigaciones limnológicas. Las conclusiones del análisis indican la utilidad del método sugiriendo puestos de investigaciones que necesitarán adicional exploración.

This work will be submitted as partial fulfillment of an M. Sc. program at the University of Victoria.  相似文献   

Summary The association pattern of the acrocentric chromosomes shows no significant difference between a population of mothers of mongoloid children and male and female controls of the same age-group. It could only be demonstrated that the associations of the mothers were interconnected by thread-like structures in a higher percentage. However, no significance could be deduced from for this phenomenon (P 0.1).

Mit Unterstützung durch die Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung und die Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft

Mit technischer Assistenz von Regine Heiland  相似文献   

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