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A study over six consecutive years of the pollination dynamics of the Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae in Badajoz, and a comparative study over three years with stations in Mérida and Cáceres showed that there were different factors affecting this process. Thus, the proximity of croplands was found to be important in determining the magnitude of the concentrations, and this was also confirmed with a study of the concentrations measured directly in the croplands. Autumn and summer rainfall was found to affect, and also to have a certain influence on the length of the flowering period. The daily variations in pollen levels were studied in relation to meteorological parameters, finding a correlation that was positive with respect to temperature and negative with respect to atmospheric humidity and the distance travelled by the wind, i.e. airflow measured in hm with a revolving-cup anemometer. These correlations were the same in all three of the localities studied. The direction of the wind, however, was found to have different effects according to the locality studied. This is explained by their positions relative to the irrigation zones in the region. The pattern of diurnal pollen release from these taxa shows the greatest levels to be reached between 10:00 and 12:00 hours in Mérida as well as in Badajoz. In Cáceres, however, the distribution throughout the day was very even, with few hourly variations. This may be due to the sparse representation of these species in the neighbourhood of the Cáceres trap, with the pollen having been transported from sources that were farther away.  相似文献   

The concentration of pollen grains in the air was studied using two aerobiological volumetric Hirst-type spore traps, one at ground level and the other at a height of 16 m on a terrace. The study was carried out between 2009 and 2011, from March to June in Badajoz (SW Spain). Intradiurnal and daily pollen counts were compared with both, different meteorological parameters and the distribution of local pollen sources. Forty-six pollen types were identified and 89 % of the total grains corresponded to Quercus, Poaceae, Olea, Pinaceae and Plantago pollen types, in descending order. The mean height ratio of the daily pollen count was 1.02. Significant correlations were observed when comparing daily pollen counts for predominant pollen types at both levels. The comparisons have shown significant differences in the daily pollen count between the two samplers in the case of Olea and Pinaceae, but not for Quercus, Poaceae and Plantago. Similar results were obtained using the intradiurnal airborne pollen database. No significant correlation has been found between pollen count and the different meteorological parameters, showing no dependence on height. These differences of Olea and Pinaceae may be explained in part by the uneven distribution of the pollen sources and the disturbance by nearby buildings. The temporal variation patterns between the two sites were similar; however, taking into account the average of the data, the higher values were obtained first at the ground level and later at 16 m.  相似文献   

The interaction between different meteorological conditions recorded in Badajoz (SW Spain) over a 13-year period has been studied. The results were used for analysis of the effect of these conditions on atmospheric concentrations of Plantago and Brassicaceae pollen grain. For both types of pollen there was a positive effect of NE winds and a negative effect of SW winds which could not be explained by the location of the sources, because these species are very abundant all around the sampling station. The two effects were interpreted on the basis of the action of these winds on temperatures and relative humidity, because these conditions physically and biologically directly determine the concentrations of these types of pollen. Wind from the west is associated with an increase of wind speed and a decline in calm periods; wind from the south is associated with increased rainfall and humidity; wind from the opposite directions is associated with a decrease in these meteorological conditions. These main associations can explain the variation in pollen concentration, although there are also variations in seasons and years. These types of pollen also behave differently, so wind speed reduces the concentration of pollen from Plantago but increases it from Brassicaceae. Beyond the immediate application of the analysis to this specific case, there is a clear interest in observing the interaction between meteorological factors to gain a broader perspective for interpretation of the results of aerobiological studies aimed at determining the effect of these factors on the release and transport of particles into the air.  相似文献   

Resumen En 156 muestras de suelo del Edo. Médira/Venezuela y de zonas vecinas se encontróHistoplasma capsulatum en 13(8,3%) mediante la técnica deEmmons modificada porGeorg, Ajello &Papageorge ySilberg &Hinton.Dos muestras positivas provenian de cuevas, una en el Edo. Mérida, otra en el Edo. Zulia, al sur de Machiques.Las 11 muestras restantes eran preferentemente del piso de gallineros descubiertos de 4 poblaciones en la vertiente occidental de Los Andes venezolanos, al sur del Lago de Maracaibo.Mientras que se pudo determinar de ésta manera el habitat del hongo en la zona cerca de la carretera Panamericana, resultaron negativas todas las muestras de las zonas más altas del Edo. Mérida provenientes preferentemente de lugares a lo largo de la carretera Transandina.Se hacen algunos comentarios acerca de la epidemiología de la histoplasmosis comparando los resultados obtenidos en ésta encuesta con la procedencia de los sujetos con histoplasmosis en el material autópsico y biópsico y los resultados de las pruebas de histoplasmina en la población de nuestra región.Además de los cultivos del hígado y bazo de los ratones se realizaron concomitantemente exámenes histológicos.En otro lugar se dará a conocer los resultados de éstos estudios comparandolos con los hallazgos micológicos.
Summary Histoplasma capsulatum was found in 13 (8,3%) out of 156 samples of soil from the State of Mérida (Venezuela) and adjacent zones by means of theEmmons technique modified byGeorg, Ajello &Papageorge andSilberg &Hinton.Two positive samples had been taken from caves located in the States of Mérida and Zulia (south of Machiques), respectively.The remaining eleven (positive) samples came predominantly from the soil of chicken yards found in four villages situated on the western slopes of the Venezuelan Andes south of Lake Maracaibo.Whilst it was possible in this way to determine the habitat of the fungus in the zone near the Pan-American Highway, all the samples from the higher zones of the State of Mérida — coming predominantly from sites along the Trans-Andian Highway — proved to be negative.Some comments are made on the epidemiology of histoplasmosis, comparing the results obtained in this investigation with the origin of the subjects showing signs of histoplasmosis in the autopsic and biopsic material and the results of the histoplasmine tests carried out amongst the population of our region.Apart from the cultivation of rat livers and spleens, histological examinations were made concomitantly. The results of this research work as well as a comparison with mycological findings will be published elsewhere.

Zusammenfassung In 156 Bodenproben aus dem Staat Mérida/Venezuela und angrenzenden Gebieten fand sichHistoplasma capsulatum in 13 (8,3%). Die Proben wurden nach den Angaben vonEmmons, die später vonGeorg, Ajello &Papageorge undSilberg &Hinton modifiziert wurden, untersucht.2 positive Proben stammten aus je einer Höhle in den Staaten Mérida und Zulia.Die restlichen positiven Bodenproben stammten hauptsächlich aus unbedeckten Hühnerställen von 4 Dörfern am Westabhang der venezolanischen Anden, im Süden des Maracaibosees.Während der Habitat der Pilze auf diese Weise in der Gegend der panamerikanischen Autostrasse festgestellt werden konnte, waren alle Proben aus den hochgelegenen Gebrigszonen negativ.Es wird die Frage aufgeworfen, wo und wie sich unsere Patienten mit nachgewiesener Histoplasmose infiziert haben und wie die Histoplasminsensibilität der Bevölkerung in den Gebirgsgegenden zu erklären ist.Ausser den Kulturen von Mäuselebern und -Milzen wurden histologische Untersuchungen durchgeführt, über die an anderer Stelle berichtet werden soll.

El doctorCapretti, Profesor de Micología de la Universidad de Los Andes, falleció en el mes de diciembre de 1960 a consecuencia de una infección pulmonar porHistoplasma capsulatum contraida durante la ejecución de éste trabajo.Publicamos los resultados obtenidos de éstos estudios en homenaje póstumo a nuestro querido amigo, colaborador y maestro.  相似文献   

The daily pollen concentration in the atmosphere of Badajoz (SW Spain) was analysed over a 6-year period (1993–1998) using a volumetric aerobiological trap. The results for the main pollination period are compared with the number of hours of wind each day in the four quadrants: 1 (NE), 2 (SE), 3 (SW) and 4 (NW). The pollen source distribution allowed 16 pollen types to be analysed as a function of their distribution in the four quadrants with respect to the location of the trap. Four of them correspond to species growing in an irrigated farmland environment (Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae, Plantago, Scirpus, and Typha), five to riparian and woodland species (Salix, Fraxinus, Alnus, Populus, and Eucalyptus), four to urban ornamentals (Ulmus, Arecaceae, Cupressaceae, and Casuarina), and three which include the most frequent pollen grains of widely distributed species (Poaceae, Quercus, and Olea). The results show that the distribution of the sources and the wind direction play a very major role in determining the pollen concentration in the atmosphere when these sources are located in certain quadrants, and that the widely distributed pollen sources show no relationship with wind direction. In some years the values of the correlations were not maintained, which leads one to presume that, in order to draw significant conclusions and establish clear patterns of the influence of wind direction, a continuous and more prolonged study will be required. Received: 6 May 1999 / Revised: 30 March 2000 / Accepted: 31 March 2000  相似文献   

The present study seeks to compare daily and hourly airborne pollen concentrations at eight different stations in Castilla-La Mancha (central Spain) and Extremadura (south-western Spain) and assess pollen distribution sources. Sampling stations were located 69–440 km apart in a straight line in Albacete, Toledo, Talavera de la Reina and Ciudad Real in Castilla-La Mancha, and in Badajoz, Plasencia, Santa Amalia and Zafra in Extremadura. Airborne pollen was collected using Hirst-type volumetric spore traps. Quercus was the most abundant pollen type at all stations except for Ciudad Real, where Olea pollen predominated. Comparisons of daily data between pairs of stations revealed statistically significant positive correlations in all cases for Poaceae and Olea. Comparisons of hourly data between stations indicated greater differences than daily data. Analysis of correlation coefficients and straight-line distances between stations revealed a strong negative correlation. Analysis of total airborne pollen data for the eight sampling stations suggests that airborne pollen concentrations decrease from west to east and from south to north, partly reflecting dominant wind patterns. A clear correlation was observed between airborne pollen concentrations and the surface area covered by olive crops in a 50 km radius around the sampling stations.  相似文献   

A pollen analysis was carried out on six herbaceous pollen types whose annual concentration represents a percentage higher than 0.3% in the atmosphere of the city of La Plata, Argentina, from July 1998 to June 2001. They are: Ambrosia, Cyperaceae, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Plantago, Poaceae and Urticaceae. Hourly patterns of the pollen types analysed with the intradiurnal daily index (IDI) could be grouped into three categories account the percentage that represent of pollen concentration registered during five hourly periods of the day. Group I includes pollen types that show a sharp peak in abundance gust one at hour of the day. Group II is formed by pollen types that show high concentrations in more than one hourly band during the daylight. Group III is characterized by the pollen types that show lower concentrations over a broad hourly band during the day.  相似文献   

Resumen Se estudiaron 336 muestras de tierra, madera y plantas provenientes de diferentes zonas del Edo. Mérida/Venezuela y Estados vecinos. Fueron inoculados cobayos y hamsters intratesticularmente y ratones por via endovenosa. Testículos y pulmones respectivamente fueron examinados por medio de cultivos e histológicamente.De 11 muestras se aislaronNocardia asteroides, de 6Phialophora pedrosoi y de unaCryptococcus neoformans.Se discuten las probables causas de porqué no se logró aislarParacoccidioides brasiliensis.
Summary 336 samples of soil, wood and plants from several aereas of the State of Mérida/Venezuela and adjacent regions were studied.The samples were injected into the testes of guinea pigs and into mice intravenously. The testes and lungs of the animals respectively were cultured and examined histologically. From eleven samples were isolatedNocardia asteroides, from sixPhialophora pedrosoi and from oneCryptococcus neoformans.It is discussed, why it was not possible to isolateParacoccidioides brasiliensis.

Zusammenfassung Es wurden 336 Erd-, Holz- und Pflanzenproben aus verschiedenen Gebieten des Staates Mérida/Venezuela und benachbarten Zonen untersucht. Das Material wurde Meerschweinchen intratestikulär und weissen Mäusen intravenös injiziert. Hoden und Lungen der Tiere wurden auf Nährböden verbracht und histologisch untersucht.Elfmal wurdeNocardia asteroides, sechsmalPhialophora pedrosoi und einmalCryptococcus neoformans isoliert und histologisch nachgewiesen. Es werden die möglichen Gründe diskutiert, warum es nicht gelangParacoccidioides brasiliensis zu isolieren.

Del Instituto de Anatomía Patológica y Laboratorio de Micología de la Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida/Venezuela y del Laboratorio de Micología, Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Cincinnati/Ohio EEUU.

Este trabajo pudo realizarse con la ayuda económica proporcionada por el Sr. Rector de la U.L.A., Dr.P. Rincón Gutiérrez a quien damos nuestras gracias más sinceras.A Wm. Bridge Cooke, Ph. D. y al Dr.G. A. de Vries agradecemos la identificación de las cepas dePhialophora pedrosoi.

A los Dres.R. Kohler yP. N. Tablante G., y al Sr.Oswaldo Juergenson nuestro agradecimiento por la ayuda prestada en la recolección de las muestras.  相似文献   

The airborne pollen concentration in the city of Badajoz was measured in two locations 2.9 km apart. The measurements were taken from January to June between 2009 and 2012 using Hirst-type volumetric aerobiological samplers. One sampler was placed at the Faculty of Science (FS) and the other at the Agricultural Engineering School (AES) of the University of Extremadura, Spain, on terraces located 16 and 6 m above ground, respectively. The two sets of hourly and daily pollen concentrations were compared regarding the meteorological parameters and the distribution of local pollen sources. A total of 46 pollen types were counted, with a mean total concentration of 43 pollen grains/m³ in the winter and 336 pollen grains/m³ in the spring. In the winter, pollen grains from (in decreasing order) Cupressaceae, FraxinusPhillyrea, Urticaceae spp., Alnus glutinosa and Urtica membranacea types represented 77 % of the total. In the spring, 89 % of the total was represented by pollen grains from (in decreasing order) Quercus, Poaceae, Olea, Pinaceae and Plantago. The FS/AES ratio was 0.57 in the winter and 1.31 in the spring. While a Wilcoxon test applied to the daily total concentration data showed statistically significant differences between the two sites, a correlation study based on the Spearman coefficient showed statistically significant correlations in both the winter and spring. The results were similar when comparing the separate pollen types, except for Urticaceae spp., which showed no statistically significant correlation. The meteorological data studied showed a statistically significant correlation with the daily concentrations. A comparison of the hourly concentration data showed no correspondence with the time of maximum concentration. The local distribution of pollen sources explained some of the differences found between the two sites. Overall, the results indicate that a single aerobiological sampler may be sufficiently representative to register the daily pollen grain data of an urban area of approximately 3 km or greater in diameter, although it underestimates the influence of heterogeneity in the distribution of the local flora.  相似文献   

Meteorological effects on variation of airborne algae in Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixteen species of algae were collected from 73.8 m3 of air. Eleven were obtained in Minatitlán and eleven in México City. The data show that similar diversity occurred between the two localities, in spite of the difference in altitude. This suggests that cosmopolitan airborne microorganisms might have been released from different sources. Three major algal divisions (Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and Chrysophyta) formed the airborne algal group. Also, a large concentration of 2220 algae m–3 was found near sea-level, while lower amounts were recorded at the high altitude of México City. The generaScenedesmus, Chlorella andChlorococcum dominated. Striking relationships were noted between the concentration of airborne green and blue-green algae, and meteorological conditions such as rain, vapour pressure, temperature and winds for different altitudes. In Minatitlán a linear relationship was established between concentration of algae and both vapour pressure (mbar) and temperature (° C), while in México City the wind (m s–1) was associated with variations in the algal count.  相似文献   

The presence of airborne Cyperaceae and Juncaceae pollen was quantified using volumetric aerobiological traps over a 10-year period at two sites in SW Spain separated by 60 km (Badajoz 10 years, Mérida 3 years). The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated between the daily and hourly concentrations. The values of the principal meteorological parameters—temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and speed and direction of the wind—were calculated during the study period, and with the accumulated values corresponding to the period prior to pollination. The beginning and ending dates and the duration of the main pollen season (MPS) were also analyzed. Even though both families are anemophilous, the presence of their pollens in the air was low. The annual accumulated daily concentrations were in the range 1.8–15.8 for Juncaceae and 111.8–473.9 for Cyperaceae—values far lower than any other anemophilous pollen type. The Cyperaceae pollen concentration peaked between 09:00 and 12:00. The meteorological factor most closely related to its daily variations was found to be the wind direction, showing that location of the sources is of great importance. The results lend support to the hypothesis of a limitation of allogamous reproduction in favour of vegetative multiplication in both families. Nevertheless, the principal source of the airborne Cyperaceae pollen was found to be Scirpus holoschoenus, whose pollen is distinguishable from the rest. Hence, because of its large production of pollen, this species can be characterized as anemophilous and allogamous. Rainfall in the preceding autumn seemed to be responsible for the amount of Cyperaceae pollen in the air, since a lack of rain was found to be associated with lower densities in the traps. For the Juncaceae, it seems that the temperatures of the preceding December constituted the most limiting meteorological parameter.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine the potential origin of Olea pollen recorded in Badajoz in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula during 2009–2011. This was achieved using a combination of daily average and diurnal (hourly) airborne Olea pollen counts recorded at Badajoz (south-western Spain) and Évora (south-eastern Portugal), an inventory of olive groves in the studied area and air mass trajectory calculations computed using the HYSPLIT model. Examining olive pollen episodes at Badajoz that had distinctly different diurnal cycles in olive pollen in relation to the mean, allowed us to identify three different scenarios where olive pollen can be transported to the city from either distant or nearby sources during conditions with slow air mass movements. Back trajectory analysis showed that olive pollen can be transported to Badajoz from the West on prevailing winds, either directly or on slow moving air masses, and from high densities of olive groves situated to the Southeast (e.g. Andalucía). Regional scale transport of olive pollen can result in increased nighttime concentrations of this important aeroallergen. This could be particularly important in Mediterranean countries where people can be outdoors during this time due to climate and lifestyle. Such studies that examine sources and the atmospheric transport of pollen are valuable for allergy sufferers and health care professionals because the information can be incorporated into forecasts, the outputs of which are used for avoiding exposure to aeroallergens and planning medication. The results of studies of this nature can also be used for examining gene flow in this important agricultural crop.  相似文献   

Detailed results from a 2-year survey of airborne pollen concentrations of Artemisia in Murcia are presented. Three consecutive pollen seasons of Artemisia occurring each year, related to three different species (A. campestris, A. herba-alba and A. barrelieri), were observed. A winter blooming of Artemisia could explain the incidence of subsequent pollinosis in the Murcia area. With regard to meteorological parameters, mathematical analyses showed relationships between daily pollen concentrations of Artemisia in summer–autumn and precipitations that occurred 6–8 weeks before. The cumulative percentage of insolation from 1 March seemed to be related to blooming onsets. Once pollination has begun, meteorological factors do not seem to influence pollen concentrations significantly. Intradiurnal patterns of pollen concentrations were similar for late summer and winter species (A. campestris and A. barrelieri). During autumn blooming (A. herba-alba), the intradiurnal pattern was particularly erratic. Theoretical values of wind run were obtained for each pollen season by the graphical sum of hourly wind vectors. When theoretical wind run was mapped onto the vegetation pattern, supposed pollen source locations were obtained for each hour. By comparing supposed hourly pollen origins with the intradiurnal patterns of pollen concentrations, it can be seen that this simple model explains variations in mean pollen concentrations throughout the day. Received: 6 May 1998 / Revised: 24 February 1999 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

Narrow-leafed ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) is a common polygamous tree growing on the banks of rivers in the western Mediterranean region. Pollination occurs during winter, and the tree’s pollen is among the most abundant during that season. This work aims to relate the phenology of pollen shedding, source tree distribution, meteorology and airborne pollen occurrence for the species. Aerobiological sampling was conducted in Badajoz (south-western Spain) using a Hirst volumetric sampler over 24 years (1993–2016). Trees were geo-localized in a circle 500 m in diameter surrounding the pollen sampler. During the last two periods, pollination phenology was studied in 10 specimens, five in the surroundings of the pollen station and five 3 km apart, at a frequency of 3–4 days on average. Moreover, a detailed analysis of pollen occurrence was conducted for these two periods. Daily data for the whole period and hourly data over the last 2 years were used, including pollen monitoring and meteorology. A comparison was made between pollen occurrence and source distribution. The main pollen season lasted on average 53 (28–75) days. Average values were less than 10 grains m?3, except for two periods of 23–24 grains m?3. Daily data and hourly data correlation with meteorology showed different signs in correlation analysis. Hourly analysis showed that the maximum concentration occurred just after noon. Most pollen was recorded at an average temperature of 9 °C. Analysis of pollen sources and pollen occurrence showed a close relationship between predominant wind directions and tree distribution. Peaks of phenology were not coincident with pollen peaks. No trends in pollination were found. Non-homogeneous distribution of pollen sources for Fraxinus angustifolia provided a suitable tool to demonstrate that wind direction plays a relevant role when aerobiological data are interpreted according to source distribution. A limitation in phenology analysis and aerobiological data was noted in the narrow-leafed ash species.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean area, Urticaceae pollen, together with the pollen of olive and grasses, are the aeroallergens with the highest incidence in the population. From October 1991 to September 1993, with the aid of a Burkard spore-trap, we carried out a study on the Urticaceae pollen content in the atmosphere of Málaga, a seaside resort situated in the Costa del Sol (southern Spain). In Málaga, the Urticaceae pollen season is very long and their pollen grains are detected throughout the year. However, peaks were recorded in March and April and the variables most influencing concentration were maximum air temperature, sunshine hours and relative humidity. Diurnal patterns show that peaks occur generally from 10:00 h to 16:00 h when the temperature reaches its highest values.  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanism of the bloom formation of Noctilucascintillans, the relationship between the variation in the abundanceof N. scintillans and environmental factors was examined inthe coastal waters of Sagami Bay, Japan. Hydrographic (temperature,salinity, water stability), biological (chlorophyll a concentration,zooplankton biomass) and meteorological (rainfall, wind velocity,wind direction) factors were investigated from 1997 to 2004.For all years, the abundance of N. scintillans started to increasefrom March and reached a maximum in spring between April andMay. The abundance in 1997 and 2000 was relatively high comparedto the other years while the abundance in 1998 and 2004 wasrelatively low. A stepwise multiple linear regression analysisshowed that the wind direction and rainfall were significantlycorrelated with the variation in the abundance of N. scintillans.Our results suggest that bloom formation can be separated intoa three-step process: (i) initial increase in the abundanceof N. scintillans attributed to an increase in optimum hydrographicand biological factors, (ii) N. scintillans is then accumulatedby convergence of seawater by the factors of low rainfall andwind and (iii) swarmer-effects suggested enhanced bloom formation.Accumulation is considered to be a key trigger in this processof the formation of large-scale blooms. This paper was presented at Plankton Symposium III, held atFiguera da Foz, Portugal between 17 and 20 March 2005, underthe auspices of the University of Coimbra and the Universityof Aveiro, and coordinated by Mário Jorge Pereira andUlisses M. Azeiteiro.  相似文献   

Intradiurnal variation of allergenic pollen in the city of Porto (Portugal)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study reports the hourly distribution of the allergenic airborne pollen types more abundant in the atmosphere of Porto (Portugal) during the studied period. This knowledge will allow an adequacy daily routine for allergic patients during the hours of higher airborne concentrations. The airborne pollen concentration was continuously performed from January 2003 to December 2007 in the city of Porto using a Hirst-type volumetric sampler. Urticaceae, Cupressaceae, Acer spp., and Plantago spp. airborne pollen presented higher concentrations in the morning, while Alnus spp. and Betula spp. pollen were mainly present during the afternoon. Olea europaea and Platanus spp. pollen were regularly distributed along the day, while Poaceae and Pinus spp. pollen presented two diurnal maxima.  相似文献   

Membrane State and Pollen Viability   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relationship between germinability and fluorochromasia (FCR)has been studied in pollen of eight genera, Secale, Iris, Carex,Eleocharis, Cytisus, Digitalis, Plantago and Lonicera. The FCRtests two properties of the pollen, (a) the integrity of theplasmalemma of the vegetative cell and (b) the presence of anesterase capable of cleaving the fluorogenic ester, fluoresceindiacetate. In general, the correlations between FCR and germinabilitywere found to be very highly significant. This is interpretedas meaning that the primary determinant of pollen viabilityin short-term storage is the state of the vegetative cell membranes.It is suggested that in the partly dehydrated grain at the timeof dispersal the membranes are largely dissociated and do notform an osmotic barrier, but that normal properties are recoveredduring controlled hydration which would normally take placeon the stigma. According to this view, the decay of apparentviability is related to the progressive loss of the capacityof the vegetative cell membranes to regain a normal structureon rehydration. The genera investigated varied in their longevityin storage in low and high humidity conditions. After low-humiditystorage, most showed some enhancement of germination with 1h exposure to a humid atmosphere before transfer to the germinationmedium. During this ‘conditioning’ period the membranesrecover their fluorescein retentivity in step with the increasein germinability. pollen testing, pollen membranes, pollen fluorochromasia, Secale cereale L., Iris pseudacorus L., Carex ovalis Good., Carex nigra (L.) Reichard, Eleocharis palustris (L.) R.Br., Cytisus battandieri Maire, Plantago lanceolata L., Digitalis purpurea L., Lonicera periclymenum L.  相似文献   

H. Ribeiro  I. Abreu 《Aerobiologia》2014,30(3):333-344
Airborne pollen calendars are useful to estimate the flowering season of the different plants as well as to indicate the allergenic potential present in the atmosphere at a given time. In this study, it is presented a 10-year survey of the atmospheric concentration of allergenic pollen types. Airborne pollen was performed, from 2003 to 2012, using a 7-day Hirst-type volumetric trap. The interannual variation of the daily mean concentration of the number of pollen grains and the main pollen season was determined as well as the hourly variations and correlation with meteorological parameters. During the study period, 18 different allergenic pollen types were considered based on its representativeness on the total annual airborne pollen concentration. The lowest annual concentrations were sampled in 2006 and the highest in 2007. The highest airborne pollen concentration was found during early spring and early summer. On the contrary, December was the month with the lowest pollen concentration. The major pollen sampled belongs to trees followed by weeds and grasses, being the most representative pollen types in the atmosphere: Urticaceae, Platanus, Poaceae, Pinaceae, Cupressaceae, Acer, Quercus, Castanea, Plantago, Alnus, Olea europaea, Betula, Myrtaceae and Populus. Intradiurnal distribution patterns of the pollen types studied presented differences with some taxa being predominantly sampled in the morning (9–11 a.m.) while others in first night hours (between 9 and 12 p.m.). Significantly correlations were found between the airborne pollen concentration and meteorological parameters.  相似文献   

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