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Genetic variation for fitness‐relevant traits may be maintained in natural populations by fitness differences that depend on environmental conditions. For herbivores, plant quality and variation in chemical plant defences can maintain genetic variation in performance. Apart from plant secondary compounds, symbiosis between plants and endosymbiotic fungi (endophytes) can produce herbivore‐toxic compounds. We show that there is significant variation among aphid genotypes in response to endophytes by comparing life‐history traits of 37 clones of the bird cherry‐oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi feeding on endophyte‐free and endophyte‐infected tall fescue Lolium arundinaceum. Clonal variation for life‐history traits was large, and most clones performed better on endophyte‐free plants. However, the clones differed in the relative performance across the two environments, resulting in significant genotype × environment interactions for all reproductive traits. These findings suggest that natural variation in prevalence of endophyte infection can contribute to the maintenance of genetic diversity in aphid populations.  相似文献   

Preserving species diversity is critical to ensure ecosystem functioning; however, different components of diversity might respond to human disturbance in different ways. Similarly, trophic levels might have uncoupled responses to the same disturbance, thus ameliorating or aggravating the persistence of ecological communities. In this study, we analysed how the density, richness and evenness of flowers and pollinators respond to four levels of woodland thinning intensity (0, 30, 50 and 70% of woodland basal area removed) over 2 years in three contrasting sites. We found a mismatch in the response of flowers and pollinators to thinning. Flower density and richness had disparate responses, depending on the site and year, while evenness did not change with thinning. In contrast, pollinator density and richness, but not evenness, consistently increased with thinning among years and sites. These results suggest that thinning has a great influence on pollinators through changes in abiotic conditions and, perhaps, flower attractiveness rather than through small‐scale changes in flower density and richness. At the site where tree flowers were absent, bee pollinator community composition was impoverished, suggesting that trees provide important floral resources to pollinators. Our findings indicate that disturbance may diminish local plant abundance and richness, but pollinator abundance and richness are enhanced after intense thinning at small scales.  相似文献   

Host plant specialization is a major force driving ecological niche partitioning and diversification in insect herbivores. The cyanogenic defences of Passiflora plants keep most herbivores at bay, but not the larvae of Heliconius butterflies, which can both sequester and biosynthesize cyanogenic compounds. Here, we demonstrate that both Heliconius cydno chioneus and H. melpomene rosina have remarkable plasticity in their chemical defences. When feeding on Passiflora species with cyanogenic compounds that they can readily sequester, both species downregulate the biosynthesis of these compounds. By contrast, when fed on Passiflora plants that do not contain cyanogenic glucosides that can be sequestered, both species increase biosynthesis. This biochemical plasticity comes at a fitness cost for the more specialist H. m. rosina, as adult size and weight for this species negatively correlate with biosynthesis levels, but not for the more generalist H. c. chioneus. By contrast, H. m rosina has increased performance when sequestration is possible on its specialized host plant. In summary, phenotypic plasticity in biochemical responses to different host plants offers these butterflies the ability to widen their range of potential hosts within the Passiflora genus, while maintaining their chemical defences.  相似文献   

Summary Plant proteins, when used as dietary protein, are generally incomplete in nutrition due to their deficiency in several essential amino acids, for example, lysine and tryptophan in cereals and methionine and cysteine in legumes. Attempts to breed crops with increased levels of lysine and methionine have been less than satisfactory. Modern biotechnology offers alternative approaches for rectifying this nutrition deficiency. In the past decade, several transgenic strategies aimed at modifying the amino acid composition of plant proteins and enhancing the content of specific essential amino acid(s) for nutrition improvement have been developed and tested. These include synthetic proteins, modification of protein sequences, over-expression of heterologous or homologous proteins, and metabolic engineering of the free essential amino acid pool and protein sink. The progress and potential of these approaches and studies are reviewed. As plant proteins are the primary source of all dietary protein consumed by humans and animals and are inexpensive to produce in comparison with meat, improving their quality will make a significant contribution to our future food needs. The research and development in this area of interest is making promising progress towards this endeavor.  相似文献   

In decomposer systems, fungi show diverse phenotypic responses to volatile organic compounds of microbial origin (volatiles). The mechanisms underlying such responses and their consequences for the performance and ecological success of fungi in a multitrophic community context have rarely been tested explicitly. We used a laboratory‐based approach in which we investigated a tripartite yeast–mold–insect model decomposer system to understand the possible influence of yeast‐borne volatiles on the ability of a chemically defended mold fungus to resist insect damage. The volatile‐exposed mold phenotype (1) did not exhibit protein kinase A‐dependent morphological differentiation, (2) was more susceptible to insect foraging activity, and (3) had reduced insecticidal properties. Additionally, the volatile‐exposed phenotype was strongly impaired in secondary metabolite formation and unable to activate “chemical defense” genes upon insect damage. These results suggest that volatiles can be ecologically important factors that affect the chemical‐based combative abilities of fungi against insect antagonists and, consequently, the structure and dynamics of decomposer communities.  相似文献   

Host plants are used by herbivorous insects as feeding or nesting resources. In wood‐boring insects, host plants features may impose selective forces leading to phenotypic differentiation on traits related to nest construction. Carpenter bees build their nests in dead stems or dry twigs of shrubs and trees; thus, mandibles are essential for the nesting process, and the nest is required for egg laying and offspring survival. We explored the shape and intensity of natural selection on phenotypic variation on three size measures of the bees (intertegular width, wing length, and mandible area) and two nest architecture measures (tunnel length and diameter) on bees using the native species Chusquea quila (Poaceae), and the alloctonous species Rubus ulmifolius (Rosaceae), in central Chile. Our results showed significant and positive linear selection gradients for tunnel length on both hosts, indicating that bees building long nests have more offspring. Bees with broader mandibles show greater fitness on C. quila but not on R. ulmifolius. Considering that C. quila represents a selective force on mandible area, we hypothesized a high adaptive value of this trait, resulting in higher fitness values when nesting on this host, despite its wood is denser and hence more difficult to be bored.  相似文献   

Although changes in phenology and species associations are relatively well‐documented responses to global warming, the potential interactions between these phenomena are less well understood. In this study, we investigate the interactions between temperature, phenology (in terms of seasonal timing of larval growth) and host plant use in the polyphagous butterfly Polygonia c‐album. We found that the hierarchy of larval performance on three natural host plants was not modified by a temperature increase as such. However, larval performance on each host plant and temperature treatment was affected by rearing season. Even though larvae performed better at the higher temperature regardless of the time of the rearing, relative differences between host plants changed with the season. For larvae reared late in the season, performance was always better on the herbaceous plant than on the woody plants. In this species, it is likely that a prolonged warming will lead to a shift from univoltinism to bivoltinism. The demonstrated interaction between host plant suitability and season means that such a shift is likely to lead to a shift in selective regime, favoring specialization on the herbaceous host. Based on our result, we suggest that host range evolution in response to temperature increase would in this species be highly contingent on whether the population undergoes a predicted shift from one to two generations. We discuss the effect of global warming on species associations and the outcome of asynchrony in rates of phenological change.  相似文献   

芥子油苷在甘蓝蚜寄主部位选择行为中的作用   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
阎凤鸣 《昆虫学报》2000,43(3):297-304
利用刺吸电位技术(EPG)记录甘蓝蚜Brevicoryne brassicae在芥菜Sinapis alba 不同部位上的取食行为,同时用高压液相色谱(HPLC)分析芥菜相应部位的芥子油苷(glucosinolates)含量,据此分析芥子油苷在甘蓝蚜对寄主部位偏好行为中的作用。选择芥菜三个部位进行取食行为记录和化学分析,即新出完全叶(第7片)的叶片、叶柄,以及花茎。相对于其它两个部位,甘蓝蚜的口针在花茎上用较少的刺探次数和较短的时间到达韧皮部;一旦口针进入韧皮部持续吸食阶段,蚜虫在三个部位的取食行为没有太大的差异。只在花茎的表皮和皮层中测定到较高含量的白芥子苷(glucosinalbin)。因此,本实验的结果证明,白芥子苷是甘蓝蚜寄主部位选择的关键信号化学物质或取食促进剂。  相似文献   

A defining feature of the nutritional ecology of plant sap‐feeding insects is that the dietary deficit of essential amino acids (EAAs) in plant sap is supplemented by EAA‐provisioning microbial symbionts in the insect. Here, we demonstrated substantial variation in the nutritional phenotype of 208 genotypes of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum collected from a natural population. Specifically, the genotypes varied in performance (larval growth rates) on four test diets lacking the EAAs arginine, histidine and methionine or aromatic EAAs (phenylalanine and tryptophan), relative to the diet containing all EAAs. These data indicate that EAA supply from the symbiotic bacteria Buchnera can meet total aphid nutritional demand for only a subset of the EAA/aphid genotype combinations. We then correlated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified in the aphid and Buchnera genomes by reduced genome sequencing against aphid performance for each EAA deletion diet. This yielded significant associations between performance on the histidine‐free diet and Buchnera SNPs, including metabolism genes predicted to influence histidine biosynthesis. Aphid genetic correlates of performance were obtained for all four deletion diets, with associations on the arginine‐free diet and aromatic‐free diets dominated by genes functioning in the regulation of metabolic and cellular processes. The specific aphid genes associated with performance on different EAA deletion diets are largely nonoverlapping, indicating some independence in the regulatory circuits determining aphid phenotype for the different EAAs. This study demonstrates how variation in the phenotype of associations collected from natural populations can be applied to elucidate the genetic basis of ecologically important traits in systems intractable to traditional forward/reverse genetic techniques.  相似文献   

A major goal in evolutionary biology is to uncover the genetic basis of adaptation. Divergent selection exerted on ecological traits may result in adaptive population differentiation and reproductive isolation and affect differentially the level of genetic divergence along the genome. Genome‐wide scan of large sets of individuals from multiple populations is a powerful approach to identify loci or genomic regions under ecologically divergent selection. Here, we focused on the pea aphid, a species complex of divergent host races, to explore the organization of the genomic divergence associated with host plant adaptation and ecological speciation. We analysed 390 microsatellite markers located at variable distances from predicted genes in replicate samples of sympatric populations of the pea aphid collected on alfalfa, red clover and pea, which correspond to three common host‐adapted races reported in this species complex. Using a method that accounts for the hierarchical structure of our data set, we found a set of 11 outlier loci that show higher genetic differentiation between host races than expected under the null hypothesis of neutral evolution. Two of the outliers are close to olfactory receptor genes and three other nearby genes encoding salivary proteins. The remaining outliers are located in regions with genes of unknown functions, or which functions are unlikely to be involved in interactions with the host plant. This study reveals genetic signatures of divergent selection across the genome and provides an inventory of candidate genes responsible for plant specialization in the pea aphid, thereby setting the stage for future functional studies.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) is an important pest of cultivated brassicaceous crops worldwide. The host plant preferences, developmental biology and survival and longevity of P. xylostella are relatively well understood on commercial crop species; however, its relationship with brassicaceous weeds is poorly known. Sinapis arvensis L., Erysimum cheiranthoides L. and Capsella bursa‐pastoris (L.) Medicus are among the most common brassicaceous weeds worldwide and can serve as important bridge hosts of P. xylostella. In this study, preference and performance of P. xylostella were compared on these weed species. In free‐choice situations, females deposited 5.5 and 18.8 times more eggs on S. arvensis than on E. cheiranthoides and C. bursa‐pastoris, respectively. Survival from neonate to pupa and from pupa to adult was highest on S. arvensis and E. cheiranthoides and lowest on C. bursa‐pastoris. Development was fastest, foliage consumption was greatest, pupae and silk cocoons were heaviest, adult body masses and longevities were highest and forewings were largest for both females and males when reared as larvae on S. arvensis. Realized fecundity of new generation adults was highest for individuals reared on S. arvensis compared to those reared on E. cheiranthoides or C. bursa‐pastoris. Relative growth rates of pupae and adults were highest on S. arvensis, suggesting that this plant species is a high‐quality host for P. xylostella compared with other species tested. Potential impacts of these wild brassicaceous species on P. xylostella populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Acquisition and allocation of resources are central to life‐history theory. However, empirical work typically focuses only on allocation despite the fact that relationships between fitness components may be governed by differences in the ability of individuals to acquire resources across environments. Here, we outline a statistical framework to partition the genetic basis of multivariate plasticity into independent axes of genetic variation, and quantify for the first time, the extent to which specific traits drive multitrait genotype–environment interactions. Our framework generalises to analyses of plasticity, growth and ageing. We apply this approach to a unique, large‐scale, multivariate study of acquisition, allocation and plasticity in the life history of the cricket, Gryllus firmus. We demonstrate that resource acquisition and allocation are genetically correlated, and that plasticity in trade‐offs between allocation to components of fitness is 90% dependent on genetic variance for total resource acquisition. These results suggest that genotype–environment effects for resource acquisition can maintain variation in life‐history components that are typically observed in the wild.  相似文献   

Abstract The enemy release hypothesis predicts that native herbivores will either prefer or cause more damage to native than introduced plant species. We tested this using preference and performance experiments in the laboratory and surveys of leaf damage caused by the magpie moth Nyctemera amica on a co‐occuring native and introduced species of fireweed (Senecio) in eastern Australia. In the laboratory, ovipositing females and feeding larvae preferred the native S. pinnatifolius over the introduced S. madagascariensis. Larvae performed equally well on foliage of S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis: pupal weights did not differ between insects reared on the two species, but growth rates were significantly faster on S. pinnatifolius. In the field, foliage damage was significantly greater on native S. pinnatifolius than introduced S. madagascariensis. These results support the enemy release hypothesis, and suggest that the failure of native consumers to switch to introduced species contributes to their invasive success. Both plant species experienced reduced, rather than increased, levels of herbivory when growing in mixed populations, as opposed to pure stands in the field; thus, there was no evidence that apparent competition occurred.  相似文献   

研究了下列害虫和寄生天敌种类对大豆植株中提取的某些挥发性次生化合物及其不同组合混合相的触角电位反应: 1)豆蚜Aphis craccivora Koch和麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae (Fabricius);2)为害大豆植株的大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura和不为害大豆植株的豆蚜二者所共有的寄生天敌豆柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebus fabarum Marshall; 3)不为害大豆植株的麦长管蚜的寄生天敌燕麦蚜茧蜂Aphidius picipes Nees。结果表明,与大豆植株相关联的大豆蚜和不相关联的豆蚜所共有的天敌——豆柄瘤蚜茧蜂,对大豆植株的挥发性次生化合物及其混合相反应敏感,而与大豆植株不相关联的豆蚜、麦长管蚜及其寄生天敌——燕麦蚜茧蜂,对大豆植株的挥发性次生化合物及其混合相反应不敏感。再次证明,植物挥发性次生化合物在害虫及其寄生天敌搜寻寄主的过程中起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

1. Plants can induce a response when they are attacked by herbivores. Although the induction of responses by herbivory in both flowers and leaves is relatively well studied, whether florivory (feeding of flowers) can also induce responses in flowers and leaves is less well explored and there are still unanswered questions. These include whether plants exhibit different levels of induced responses depending on the length of exposure to the florivores. 2. To address this knowledge gap, this study used a tropical floriphilic katydid, Phaneroptera brevis, and its non‐native food plant, Lantana camara. Nursery experiments were performed in which dry matter content and anthocyanin concentration of the flower (corolla and stamens), leaf dry matter content, and leaf blade punch resistance were measured at three time phases before and after exposing the plant to the katydid individuals for 0–7 days. 3. It was demonstrated that increasing the length (days) of exposure to the katydid individual leads to higher levels of induced plant response (leaf blade punch resistance), but only in the leaves. It was also shown that higher levels of induced plant response owing to the increase in the length of exposure to the katydid individual was not observed beyond the first set of leaves developed after the exposure. 4. These results address the knowledge gap and show that plants can exhibit different levels of induced responses depending on the length of exposure to florivores. This study thus highlights the far‐reaching importance of florivory on plants.  相似文献   

Plant diversity surely determines arthropod diversity, but only moderate correlations between arthropod and plant species richness had been observed until Basset et al. (Science, 338, 2012 and 1481) finally undertook an unprecedentedly comprehensive sampling of a tropical forest and demonstrated that plant species richness could indeed accurately predict arthropod species richness. We now require a high‐throughput pipeline to operationalize this result so that we can (i) test competing explanations for tropical arthropod megadiversity, (ii) improve estimates of global eukaryotic species diversity, and (iii) use plant and arthropod communities as efficient proxies for each other, thus improving the efficiency of conservation planning and of detecting forest degradation and recovery. We therefore applied metabarcoding to Malaise‐trap samples across two tropical landscapes in China. We demonstrate that plant species richness can accurately predict arthropod (mostly insect) species richness and that plant and insect community compositions are highly correlated, even in landscapes that are large, heterogeneous and anthropogenically modified. Finally, we review how metabarcoding makes feasible highly replicated tests of the major competing explanations for tropical megadiversity.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation appears to contribute to the diversification of insect herbivores and other parasites, which together comprise a major component of Earth's biodiversity. Host shifts are likely an important step in ecological speciation, and understanding how such shifts occur is critical to forming and testing hypotheses explaining parasite diversity. In this article, I argue that phenotypic variation in hosts arising from environmental variation (phenotypic plasticity) can promote shifts in parasites by bridging both spatiotemporal and phenotypic gaps between ancestral and novel hosts. This hypothesis, which I call the ‘plastic‐bridge hypothesis’, is conceptually distinct from those invoking genetic variation in bridging these gaps. I describe the mechanistic basis of plastic bridges, review circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis and suggest strategies for testing it. I use herbivorous insects and their host plants as a model, but the proposed ideas apply to any system fitting a broad definition of a host‐parasite relationship. The plastic‐bridge perspective suggests that parasite diversity is not only due to divergent selection provided by hosts, but also to the intraspecific variation that facilitates shifts between them. This view is timely, as biological invasion and range shifts associated with climate change foster novel interactions between parasites and hosts.  相似文献   

Abstract Plants protect themselves against aphid attacks by species‐specific defense mechanisms. Previously, we have shown that Solanum stoloniferum Schlechtd has resistance factors to Myzus persicae Sulzer (Homoptera: Aphididae) at the epidermal/mesophyll level that are not effective against Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas (Homoptera: Aphididae). Here, we compare the nymphal mortality, the pre‐reproductive development time, and the probing behavior of M. persicae and M. euphorbiae on S. stoloniferum and Solanum tuberosum L. Furthermore, we analyze the changes in gene expression in S. stoloniferum 96 hours post infestation by either aphid species. Although the M. euphorbiae probing behavior shows that aphids encounter more probing constrains on phloem activities–longer probing and salivation time– on S. stoloniferum than on S. tuberosum, the aphids succeeded in reaching a sustained ingestion of phloem sap on both plants. Probing by M. persicae on S. stoloniferum plants resulted in limited feeding only. Survival of M. euphorbiae and M. persicae was affected on young leaves, but not on senescent leaves of S. stoloniferum. Infestation by M. euphorbiae changed the expression of more genes than M. persicae did. At the systemic level both aphids elicited a weak response. Infestation of S. stoloniferum plants with a large number of M. persicae induced morphological changes in the leaves, leading to the development of pustules that were caused by disrupted vascular parenchyma and surrounding tissue. In contrast, an infestation by M. euphorbiae had no morphological effects. Both plant species can be regarded as good host for M. euphorbiae, whereas only S. tuberosum is a good host for M. persicae and S. stoloniferum is not. Infestation of S. stoloniferum by M. persicae or M. euphorbiae changed the expression of a set of plant genes specific for each of the aphids as well as a set of common genes.  相似文献   

Quantitative nutritional indices were measured in 3rd instar gypsy moths, Lymantria dispar L. Analyses of the main and interactive effects of host plant consumed (oak or pine), foliar phenology (early or late season) and larval dietary history (whether fed artificial diet or foliage as second instars) indicate that larval performance was significantly affected by all three variables tested. Relative Growth Rate (RGR) was higher on oak than pine early in the season, but the reverse occurred one month later, owing largely to the slower Relative Consumption Rate (RCR) of late season oak feeders. Efficiency of Conversion of Digested food (ECD) was depressed in larvae fed pine foliage for two instars compared with those fed oak. The interaction between larval dietary history and foliar phenology produced significant effects on all indices measured. Foliar analyses showed that, as the season progressed, oak had a higher percent dry weight than did pine. On a dry weight basis, pine foliage had significantly less total and protein nitrogen than did oak collected at the same time.
Résumé Les indices nutritionnels larvaires ont été évalués sur des chenilles de L. dispar L. du troisième stade. L'analyse des effets et des interactions de la nature de la plante consommée (Quercus microcarpa) ou Pinus strobus, de la phénologie foliaire (en début de saison, c'est-à-dire seconde quinzaine de mai, ou en fin de saison, c'est-à-dire à la mi-juin), de l'alimentation antérieure (régime artificiel de germes de blé ou feuillage pendant le second stade) montre que les performances larvaires sont fortement modifiées par ces 3 variables. Le taux de croissance relative (RGR) est plus élevé sur chêne que sur pin en début de saison, mais s'inverse un mois plus tard avec une forte diminution sur chêne. L'efficacité de conversion de l'aliment (ECD) est diminuée sur pin pendant les second et troisième stades. L'interaction entre l'alimentation antérieure et le phénologie foliaire a des effets significatifs sur la digestibilité approchée (AD), sur l'efficacité de la conversion de l'aliment ingéré (ECI), et sur ECD, RCR et RGR.Les analyses foliaires ont montré que, lorsque la saison avance, le poids sec du chêne devient supérieur à celui du pin. En considérant le poids sec, le feuillage de pin contient moins d'aliments et de protéines que le chêne récolté au même moment. La teneur en azote tend à diminuer chez les deux espèces, de 17% pour le pin et 26% pour le chêne.Nous pensons que certains de ces facteurs déterminent la valeur de ces plantes pour L. dispar. Les chenilles âgées peuvent compenser plus ou moins la faible assimilation sur pin par des RCR plus élevés. Le même comportement ne semble pas possible sur chêne, une plus grande quantité de chêne avancé en saison que de feuilles jeunes ne pouvant être consommée pour compenser la diminution de la digestibilité.

1. Hypersensitive reaction is an important type of induced defence by which the plant elicits a defence response to pathogens and insects. Hypersensitive reaction has been argued to be the most common plant resistance mechanism against insect herbivores that have intimate associations with their host plants. 2. The work reported here attempted to establish how important and widespread hypersensitive reaction might be against gall‐forming species across host taxa. 3. Hypersensitive reaction was the most important mortality factor against gall formation across host plant taxa in seven out of eight cases. 4. The number of insect galls correlated with the size of the leaves but module (leaf) size was a weak factor influencing the incidence of plant hypersensitive reaction to galling. 5. Insect galls and hypersensitive reactions occurred in genetically distant as well as geographically widespread host plant taxa.  相似文献   

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