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NIMA-related kinases (Neks) play divergent roles in mammalian cells. While several Neks regulate mitosis, Nek1 was reported to regulate DNA damage response, centrosome duplication and primary cilium formation. Whether Nek1 participates in cell cycle regulation is not known. Here we report that loss of Nek1 results in severe proliferation defect due to a delay in S-phase of the cell cycle. Nek1-deficient cells show replication stress and checkpoint activation under normal growth conditions. Nek1 accumulates on the chromatin during normal DNA replication. In response to replication stress, Nek1 is further activated for chromatin localization. Nek1 interacts with Ku80 and, in Nek1-deficient cells chromatin localization of Ku80 and several other DNA replication factors is significantly reduced. Thus, Nek1 may facilitate S-phase progression by interacting with Ku80 and regulating chromatin loading of replication factors.  相似文献   

Cdc7 expression repressor (CR)/periphilin has been originally cloned as an interactor with periplakin, a precursor of the cornified cell envelope, and suggested to constitute a new type of nuclear matrix. We here show that CR/periphilin is a ubiquitously expressed nuclear protein with speckled distribution. Overexpression of CR/periphilin induces S-phase arrest. Analysis of expression of regulators involved in DNA replication has revealed that both mRNA and protein expression of Cdc7, a regulator of the initiation and continuation of DNA replication, are markedly downregulated by overexpression of CR/periphilin. However, co-expression of Cdc7 only marginally rescues S-phase arrest induced by CR, indicating that CR retards S-phase progression by modifying expression of some genes including Cdc7, which are involved in progression of DNA replication or coordination of DNA replication and S-phase progression.  相似文献   

Centrosomes are required for efficient cell cycle progression mainly by orchestrating microtubule dynamics and facilitating G1/S and G2/M transitions. However, the role of centrosomes in S-phase progression is largely unknown. Here, we report that depletion of FOR20 (FOP-related protein of 20 kDa), a conserved centrosomal protein, inhibits S-phase progression and prevents targeting of Plk1 (polo-like kinase 1) to centrosomes, where FOR20 interacts with Plk1. Ablation of Plk1 also significantly induces S-phase defects, which are reversed by ectopic expression of Plk1, even a kinase-dead mutant, but not a mutant that fails to localize to centrosomes. Exogenous expression of centrosome-tethered Plk1, but not wild-type Plk1, overrides FOR20 depletion-induced S-phase defects independently of its kinase activity. Thus, these data indicate that recruitment of Plk1 to centrosomes by FOR20 may act as a signal to license efficient progression of S-phase. This represents a hitherto uncharacterized role of centrosomes in cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

Heat-sensitive (arrested at 39.5°C, multiplying at 33°C) and cold-sensitive (arrested at 33°C, multiplying at 39.5°C) cell-cycle mutants of the P-815-X2 murine mastocytoma line were used for the preparation of cell extracts. These were tested for their effects on DNA synthesis in ‘gently lysed cells’ (obtained by treatment with 0.01% Brij-58) or ‘highly lysed cells’ (obtained by treatment with 0.1% Brij-58). Gently lysed cells prepared from proliferating P-815-X2 or mutant cells incorporated [3H]dTTP efficiently, while highly lysed cells exhibited a low level of [3H]dTTP incorporation which was markedly increased by the addition of extracts from proliferating cells. Extracts prepared from arrested mutant cells, however, were found to inhibit DNA synthesis by gently and highly lysed cells prepared from proliferating cells. After return of arrested mutant cells to the permissive temperature, stimulating activity in cell extracts reappeared at the time of reentry of cells into S phase. Both stimulatory and inhibitory activities were associated with material(s) of molecular weight above 25 000, but differed in heat sensitivity and in sensitivity to immobilized proteinase and ribonuclease. Extracts from arrested cells counteracted the stimulating effects of extracts from proliferating cells with kinetics suggesting competitive interaction between stimulating and inhibitory factors.  相似文献   

Checkpoints were originally identified as signalling pathways that delay mitosis in response to DNA damage or defects in chromosome replication, allowing time for DNA repair to occur. The ATR (ataxia- and rad-related) and ATM (ataxia-mutated) protein kinases are recruited to defective replication forks or to sites of DNA damage, and are thought to initiate the DNA damage response in all eukaryotes. In addition to delaying cell cycle progression, however, the S-phase checkpoint pathway also controls chromosome replication and DNA repair pathways in a highly complex fashion, in order to preserve genome integrity. Much of our understanding of this regulation has come from studies of yeasts, in which the best-characterized targets are the stimulation of ribonucleotide reductase activity by multiple mechanisms, and the inhibition of new initiation events at later origins of DNA replication. In addition, however, the S-phase checkpoint also plays a more enigmatic and apparently critical role in preserving the functional integrity of defective replication forks, by mechanisms that are still understood poorly. This review considers some of the key experiments that have led to our current understanding of this highly complex pathway.  相似文献   

Microinjection into bovine zygotes was performed to evaluate the effects of the timing of injection during the phase of DNA replication on the subsequent in vitro development of embryos and expression of injected chicken β-actin promoter-lac Z gene construct. The period of DNA replication of bovine zygotes, determined by 3H-thymidine incorporation, begins between 12 hr and 13 hr postinsemination (hpi) of in vitro matured oocytes, reaches a maximum from 17 hpi to 19 hpi, and is complete by 21–22 hpi. Aphidicolin, an inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha, was used to synchronize the pronuclei and the zygote population. Treatment with aphidicolin at 9–18 hpi arrested DNA replication without affecting formation of the pronuclei or embryo development. Cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, was used for nucleocytoplasmic resynchronization of the aphidicolin-treated zygotes. Microinjection was performed at 15 (early), 18 (mid), and 21 (late S phase) hpi. Embryonic development was affected following each of the three microinjection times. The development of zygotes injected at 18 hpi was significantly higher (P<0.01) after 5 days of culture than those injected at 15 hpi or 21 hpi. Expression of the marker gene was observed in the higher stage of development (>16 cells) only in the zygotes injected at 18 hpi. At the earlier stages of development, the proportions of embryos showing expression of the foreign gene were the same for all microinjection times. In aphidicolin- and cycloheximide-treated zygotes, expression of the marker gene followed the same curve as development, i.e., expression was low when injected early or late and higher (P<0.005) when injected in the middle of zygotic S phase. The ability of the embryos to survive microinjection and to express the marker gene as a function of hpi seems to be influenced mostly in the cytoplasm processing stage rather than the pronuclei processing stage. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dna2 is an essential helicase/nuclease that is postulated to cleave long DNA flaps that escape FEN1 activity during Okazaki fragment (OF) maturation in yeast. We previously demonstrated that the human Dna2 orthologue (hDna2) localizes to the nucleus and contributes to genomic stability. Here we investigated the role hDna2 plays in DNA replication. We show that Dna2 associates with the replisome protein And-1 in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Depletion of hDna2 resulted in S/G(2) phase-specific DNA damage as evidenced by increased γ-H2AX, replication protein A foci, and Chk1 kinase phosphorylation, a readout for activation of the ATR-mediated S phase checkpoint. In addition, we observed reduced origin firing in hDna2-depleted cells consistent with Chk1 activation. We next examined the impact of hDna2 on OF maturation and replication fork progression in human cells. As expected, FEN1 depletion led to a significant reduction in OF maturation. Strikingly, the reduction in OF maturation had no impact on replication fork progression, indicating that fork movement is not tightly coupled to lagging strand maturation. Analysis of hDna2-depleted cells failed to reveal a defect in OF maturation or replication fork progression. Prior work in yeast demonstrated that ectopic expression of FEN1 rescues Dna2 defects. In contrast, we found that FEN1 expression in hDna2-depleted cells failed to rescue genomic instability. These findings suggest that the genomic instability observed in hDna2-depleted cells does not arise from defective OF maturation and that hDna2 plays a role in DNA replication that is distinct from FEN1 and OF maturation.  相似文献   

The microarchitecture of DNA replication domains   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Most DNA synthesis in HeLa cell nucleus is concentrated in discrete foci. These synthetic sites can be identified by electron microscopy after allowing permeabilized cells to elongate nascent DNA in the presence of biotin-dUTP. Biotin incorporated into nascent DNA can be then immunolabeled with gold particles. Two types of DNA synthetic sites/replication factories can be distinguished at ultrastructural level: (1) electron-dense structures—replication bodies (RB), and (2) focal replication sites with no distinct underlying structure—replication foci (RF). The protein composition of these synthetic sites was studied using double immunogold labeling. We have found that both structures contain (a) proteins involved in DNA replication (DNA polymerase α, PCNA), (b) regulators of the cell cycle (cyclin A, cdk2), and (c) RNA processing components like Sm and SS-B/La auto antigens, p80-coilin, hnRNPs A1 and C1/C2. However, at least four regulatory and structural proteins (Cdk1, cyclin B1, PML and lamin B1) differ in their presence in RB and RF. Moreover, in contrast to RF, RB have structural organization. For example, while DNA polymerase α, PCNA and hnRNP A1 were diffusely spread throughout RB, hnRNP C1/C2 was found only at the very outside. Surprisingly, RB contained only small amounts of DNA. In conclusion, synthetic sites of both types contain similar but not the same sets of proteins. RB, however, have more developed microarchitecture, apparently with specific functional zones. This data suggest possible differences in genome regions replicated by these two types of replication factories.  相似文献   

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