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Private nonhuman animal sanctuaries are often financially limited in their ability to implement traditional environmental enrichment strategies. One possible solution may be to provide socialized animals with human interaction sessions. However, the merit of human interaction as enrichment has received little empirical attention to date. The present study aimed to evaluate whether human interaction could be enriching for socialized, pair-housed wolves and wolf–dog crosses at a private sanctuary. Observations of each subject were conducted in a reversal design to measure species-typical affiliation, activity levels, and aberrant behaviors when caretakers were both present and absent. The results demonstrate significantly higher levels of conspecific-directed affiliation and activity levels and reduced aberrant behavior when human interaction was available. Social play also increased when caregivers were present, supporting the hypothesis that play among conspecifics may be maintained by positive changes in an animal's environment. The potential for human interaction to be established as a scientifically validated, cost-effective enrichment strategy is supported by these findings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop the Human–Animal Interaction Scale (HAIS) and evaluate its reliability and validity. The HAIS is a 24-item self-report instrument designed to describe and quantify behaviors performed by humans and nonhuman animals during an episode of interaction (e.g., engaging with a pet, participating in an animal-assisted intervention). Participants were 295 adult volunteers who completed the HAIS in one of several different contexts, including both laboratory and applied settings. The scale was tested across several different species, including companion animals (i.e., dogs and cats), small caged animals (i.e., rats, rabbit, hedgehog), and horses. Analyses indicate good reliability, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.82 overall and alphas of 0.72 and higher across the different species and settings. Test-retest analyses indicate ratings remain consistent up to one week following an interaction. Evidence of construct validity was gathered by comparing HAIS ratings with other well-established measures of related constructs, as well as comparing participant reports with researcher observations. Potential uses in basic and applied research are discussed.  相似文献   


The nature of the human–animal bond in contemporary Australian Indigenous communities is little researched, but it is essential to understand this bond in order to develop much needed appropriate animal health and management practices. A semi-structured interview format was used to elicit information on attitudes to dogs in seven Australian Indigenous communities. This explored the importance of dogs to the community and to the individual, and the balance between the positives and negatives of having dogs in the communities, with particular reference to improving dog and community health and welfare. Theme analysis of the semi-structured interview responses (n = 137) revealed a variety of attitudes to dogs within the communities. A strong theme was the importance of dogs at a community level. Many of the reasons given for the importance of dogs in the community were based on traditional cultural values or beliefs. These included dogs being necessary to guard people at night from spirits, and as part of the kin system. Further, the cultural practice of “pay-back” for wrong-doing included wrong-doing directed at dogs in all communities, even the most westernized. Occurring simultaneously with these positive attitudes, the poor health and overpopulation of dogs in the community was acknowledged and the negative effects on people's lives recognized. However, the value of the dogs to the community meant that shooting dogs without consent or poisoning them were not seen as appropriate solutions to overpopulation. Many people were prepared to euthanize some of their dogs (via an overdose of barbiturate) or have them undergo sterilization surgery. Thus, contrary to appearances from a Western perspective, the traditional Indigenous human–dog bond was found to be strong, and thus must be taken into account in developing appropriate and sustainable animal health and management practices.  相似文献   


In 2016, the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) developed a research focus on the benefits and potential risks associated with pets among older adults. With the goal of developing a roadmap for human–animal interaction (HAI) research in older people residing in both the community and institutions, GSA convened a workshop of international experts and policy-makers in the fields of aging and HAI. The status of current knowledge was shared on the success factors for healthy aging and the potential challenges (GSA, 2016). Participants considered what roles pets might play in the lives of older adults and their potential to mitigate loneliness, social isolation, and depression, and to enhance mobility and cognitive function. Existing research was shared to provide insights into the ways in which pets can impact older adults and their caregivers and to identify where further research is needed. This paper introduces a series of papers from that meeting, with some additional papers from meeting attendees to expand on the topics covered and provide key perspectives and gaps in information needed, as a foundation for those considering research into this topic. Although HAI/Animal-Assistant Intervention (AAI) research is in its infancy, there is some evidence that pet ownership or animal interaction can have major benefits for many older adults. At the same time, there are some risks to both the pet and the older adult that need to be addressed. Innovative approaches to both AAIs and the ways to overcome challenges are presented in this themed issue of Anthrozoös. Our hope is that the findings from these reviews and reports will stimulate additional work in this area.  相似文献   


Older adults in most developed countries can now expect to live nearly 80 years without significant disability. To maximize the quality of the years after retirement, societies, governments, and organizations are seeking strategies to help older adults maintain their mental and physical health, and retain their independence. Increasingly, the impact of pet ownership and other forms of human–animal interaction in healthy aging are discussed and investigated. In the Western world, more than 50% of households own one or more pets. The popularity of pets means they are well positioned to provide opportunities for companionship and nurturance. Since social networks tend to decrease as people age, pets may fill some gaps. While it is common to read about the benefits of pets and human–animal interactions, pet ownership in older age is also related to challenges and animal welfare concerns. This paper aims to briefly review the benefits and then explore risks and challenges related to pet ownership in older adulthood. In addition, we present strategies for maintaining beneficial pet ownership and human–animal interaction for older adults.  相似文献   

Given that human laughter has been posited to signal playfulness to dogs, nonserious social incongruity, and positive affect, laughter should occur during incongruous contexts in an affectively positive, nonserious social activity such as dog–human play. A total of 116 laughs in relation to dogs were discerned on videotapes of 46 dog–human play interactions in the US, 23 with familiar and 23 with unfamiliar pairs. Laughter occurred during 61% of interactions, and always expressed positive affect. Contexts in which laughter occurred (in decreasing frequency) were failure of the dog during play, or to play at all or as the person wanted; exaggerated or unexpected engagement by the dog; excretion; unexpected success by the dog in obtaining an object; and, once, threat from the dog. Laughter never induced play, and usually occurred when a dog was not playing. Women laughed more than men, especially for a male audience when playing with their own dog. In all contexts, participants experienced incongruous events; contexts were nonserious, except for the dog's threat, where laughter signaled friendliness. These data are largely consistent with laughter signaling positive affect and awareness of (usually nonserious) social incongruity, and inconsistent with laughter signaling playfulness to dogs.  相似文献   

Surveys and questionnaires are regularly used in studies of human–animal relationships. However, little attention has been given to understanding how survey participants are provided with instructions for the selection of a single animal within a multi-pet household, let alone the implications for reporting and interpreting data. We reviewed the instructions for the selection of an individual animal in studies addressing emotional or psychological attachment between people and dogs. By searching multidisciplinary journals from the year 2000 onwards, we identified a total of 128 papers, of which 63 met the inclusion criteria. Where selection criteria/instructions were not clear, authors were contacted. One in five studies (21%, or n = 13) did not report their instructions. When provided, instructions varied considerably. The most commonly provided direction was “favorite/closest relationship” (n = 12, or 19%). The remainder (n = 38, or 60%) were spread across eight different categories. Around half of the studies used a validated questionnaire that already contained an instruction, though a similar proportion of studies implemented author-designed instruments. Overall, the common absence and inconsistency of instructions for individual dog selection is taken to imply that there is no standard expectation or approach for instructions to be reported in studies of human relationships with dogs, or human–animal relationships more generally. We recommend further research on the implication of selection methods to ensure that instructions can be matched with specific research aims.  相似文献   

Increasing human–wildlife contact can manifest in a variety of clinical conditions that may be overlooked by both human health and veterinary professionals. We report on an outbreak of scabies infection in a community, affecting both animals and humans, and representing the effects of an emerging infectious disease in a wildlife population. These cases underscore the potential importance of animal sentinel events for human, animal, and ecosystem health. The treatment given to the human cases of infection ranged from aggressive therapy to watchful waiting, with similar outcomes. There is a need for further collaborative, evidence-based research by human and veterinary health professionals into the optimal treatment and prevention of infections resulting from cross-species transmission.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the plant-pollinator-robber interaction is studied to understand the factors leading to the widespread occurrence and stability of such interactions. In the interaction, a flowering plant provides resource for its pollinator and the pollinator has both positive and negative effects on the plant. A nectar robber acts as a plant predator, consuming a common resource with the pollinator, but with a different functional response. Using dynamical systems theory, mechanisms of species coexistence are investigated to show how a robber could invade the plant-pollinator system and persist stably with the pollinator. In addition, circumstances are demonstrated in which the pollinator's positive and negative effects on the plant could determine the robber's invasibility and the three-species coexistence.  相似文献   

Existing theory and research suggests that understanding the nuances of particular instantiations of human–animal relationships is important in promoting positive, mutually beneficial relationships between people and animals. One such aspect of human–animal interaction (HAI) involves species of animal involved in the relationship, and how various types of HAI may impact individuals' attitudes about animals. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore if species and/or types of animal ownership were associated with feelings of emotional attachment, commitment, and moral orientation toward animals. A sample of young adults (n = 567) from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development completed a survey which included questions about animal ownership and attitudes about animals. Regression analyses demonstrated that the species of animal(s) a person owned significantly predicted all three dimensions of attitudes about animals. In addition, latent class analyses identified three prevalent types of animal interaction (no/few animals, small animals only, large and small animals), and multinomial logistic regression within the mixture model indicated that individuals in these subgroups significantly differed in moral orientation scores. Overall, the analyses strengthen support for the notion that species of animal involved in the interaction matters, and that relationships with various species of animals may differ qualitatively. These findings have implications for understanding the role of the relationship between types of animal ownership and attitudes about animals. Exploring the multifaceted nature of human–animal relationships is important in understanding how to optimize the person and animal characteristics that are associated with adaptive, mutually beneficial human–animal relationships.  相似文献   


This final paper in the thematic issue, “Human–Animal Interaction and Healthy Human Aging,” highlights and distills key points from the series of papers and provides recommendations for improving and expanding Human–Animal Interaction (HAI) research into healthy human aging. This paper also focuses on translating research to practice and discussing important practical issues related to pet ownership or interaction with companion animals among older adults, and makes specific recommendations for researchers, caregivers, and professionals working with older adults. In addition to issues related to the human side of the equation, we make recommendations for protecting and insuring the health and wellbeing of the animals involved.  相似文献   

This paper describes the interaction observed between human keratinocytes and xenogenic collagen in vitro modified by HCl. Human keratinocytes were cultivated for 3–10 days, on modified and control support. Their growth, morphology and interaction with support were analyzed. It was found that on both control and experimental (modified) collagen cells proliferated in a similar way. Within 3–10 days, the culture became multilayered and mature and differentiation of cells was visible. Using electron microscope elements of basal membrane interacting with support were seen. On modified support processes of cells penetrating the support are occasionally seen. By use of the immunofluorescent, cytochemical techniques was found the presence of: BP-180 (antigen), β4 integrin, laminin 5 and collagen IV, VII, VIIc. On the modified support the above listed elements appeared between 3 and 7 days of culture, whereas on the control between 7th and 10th days. On 10th day of culture, the presence of elements of basal membranes became less evident. Results give some hope for using xenogenic, modified collagen as support of keratinocytes culture in process of human skin engineering.  相似文献   


The modern domestic dog's primary function is as a human companion. A strong human–dog relationship may be beneficial to both parties but not all relationships are successful. There is currently no consensus on why some dog–owner relationships flourish and others fail, but relationship quality may be partly influenced by canine characteristics. The extent to which canine cuteness and canine personality factors predict human–dog relationship quality was examined. In study 1, 668 dog owners completed two relationship-quality surveys, rated their dog's personality and physical cuteness, and were invited to submit a photograph of their dog. Personality measures and cuteness ratings predicted each measure of relationship quality, with cuteness being the strongest unique predictor in three of seven standard multiple regression models (all p<0.001). In study 2, 873 independent participants were presented with one of 42 images selected from those provided in study 1. Participants rated the dog's cuteness and its likely personality attributes. Strangers (M=6.69, SD=0.83) typically rated each dog as being less cute than did the owner (M=8.93, SD=1.80; t(41)=7.39, p<0.001, two tailed), and how cute they perceived the dog to be influenced their ratings of some aspects of its likely personality. Measures of relationship quality provided by owners were not significantly associated with stranger cuteness ratings or with the degree of difference between owner and stranger cuteness ratings. These results suggest a bi-directional relationship between perceived cuteness and other attributes: cute dogs are perceived to have more desirable personality traits, but having a strong relationship with a dog may also inflate its perceived cuteness. These findings have implications for those involved in dog breeding, selection, and training, as well as shelter management.  相似文献   

The interaction of bovine and human whey proteins with retinol and palmitic acid has been studied. Using gel filtration it was found that bovine β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin and serum albumin from both species bind retinol in vitro while the ability to bind palmitic acid is restricted to bovine β-lactoglobulin and bovine and human serum albumin. Using equilibrium dialysis, β-lactoglobulin was found to display two binding sites for retinol per dimeric molecule with an association constant of 1.5 × 104m-1. Competition experiments showed that when the concentration ratio between total fatty acids and retinol is similar to that found in milk, palmitic acid competes with the binding of retinol to β-lactoglobulin.  相似文献   

Interactions between auxin–binding protein–I (ABP–I), purified from etiolated mung bean seedlings, and nuclear components from mung bean tissues were investigated. When NaCI–solubilized components of chromatin were put on an affinity column of ABP–I–Iinked Sepharose 4B, a small amount of the material was retained on the affinity column and was eluted with 1 M NaCl. RNA polymerase II activity was detected in the eluted fraction. Partially purified RNA polymerase II from mung bean nuclei and purified RNA polymerase II from wheat germ also bound to ABP–I. Indole–3–acetic acid was not necessary for the binding of RNA polymerase II to ABP–I. Acid–denatured ABP–I did not bind to RNA polymerase II from wheat germ. The addition of ABP–I to the reaction mixture for RNA synthesis in vitro caused a stimulation of the activity of wheat germ RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Ultracentrifugal studies of mixtures of aldolase and the troponin-tropomyosin complex from bovine muscle showed the existence of a labile interaction between these two myofibrillar constituents in imidazole buffers, pH6.8, I 0.02-0.10 (mol/l), and the suppression of the reaction by fructose 1,6-diphosphate. Analysis of the sedimentation-velocity patterns suggests the binding of more than 2 molecules of troponin-tropomyosin/molecule of aldolase. The results illustrate the necessity of considering additional or alternative sites to F-actin to account for the observed binding of aldolase to the thin filaments of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   


Vultures and humans have been sympatric for millions of years and evidence from the archaeological and historical records suggests interdependence over long periods. Like other species, early hominins probably used these birds to locate carcasses in the landscape. With the evolution of large-bodied and more encephalized hominins, the quest for high-quality food would have intensified. Vultures used as beacons for meat may have been particularly important to hominins dispersing out of Africa, facilitating the occupation of new landscapes. Neanderthals and prehistoric modern humans incorporated vulture parts into their culture, and while the symbolic and ritualistic significance of the birds may have varied through time and across cultures, their link with positive life forces is apparent. More recently, the intensification of farming and modern sanitary restrictions, as well as the spread of human populations, has led to the radical decline in vulture populations throughout the world. Without commitments by governments to fund vulture conservation programs, the ability to preserve many species may be limited over the long term. In this review paper we discuss the ability of vultures to act as beacons signaling meat in the landscape and our changing relationships with these enigmatic birds through a shared history. Within this narrative, we outline why vultures are fundamental to maintaining our ecosystem and should therefore be protected.  相似文献   

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