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The histology of developing toothplates of Neoceratodusforsteri from the time of first appearance of the tooth primordia to the adult condition has been investigated. The dentition develops by the formation of a shell of primary epithelial and mesenchymal matrices. Within the shell, secondary mesenchymal matrix and central material, both containing columns of tertiary matrix, are laid down. Primary epidielial matrix appears to contain collagen and is closely associated with the epithelium of the mouth. All other tooth tissues as well as the supporting bone develop in association with mesenchyme. Primary, secondary and tertiary mesenchymal matrices appear to contain collagen. Central dentine contains some fibres, possibly of reticulin or collagen, within a matrix of unknown composition.
The tooth is attached to the underlying bone by a pedestal of bone and this grows with the tooth material.
New tooth tissues are formed in the pulp cavity in layers below the older material, causing the toothplate to grow in every dimension as the animal grows.
An evolutionary pathway is suggested for lungfish with a dentition of cusps arranged in radiating ridges.  相似文献   

Processing of large numbers smaples of plant tissue samples for molecular mapping and gene tagging requires methods that are quick, simple, and cheap, and that eventually can be automated. Organic solvents used for DNA extraction can represent a significant proportion of the overall cost. In this study we examined dichloromethane as a replacement for chloroform to be used in combination with phenol.  相似文献   

We introduce a generic, simple, and inexpensive method for performing microbiological, enzymatic, or inorganic catalysis with solids using standard histology and microbiology laboratory equipment. Histology cassettes were used to standardize hydrodynamic conditions and to protect the catalysts and their solid supports. Histology cassettes have the following advantages: they are readily available, inexpensive, solvent and acid resistant, automatable, and the slots in the cassette walls allow liquid to circulate freely. Standard Erlenmeyer flasks were used as reaction vessels. We developed a new camera to observe the movement and position of the histology cassettes as well as the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flasks. The camera produces a stable image of the rotating liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask. This visualization method revealed that in a 250?ml Erlenmeyer flask, stable operating conditions are achieved at a shaking frequency of 300?rpm and a fill volume of 30?ml. In vessels with vertical walls, such as beakers or laboratory bottles, the movement of the histology cassette is not reproducible. Mass transfer characterization using a biological model system and the chemical sulfite-oxidation method revealed that the histology cassette does not influence gas-liquid mass transfer.  相似文献   

We introduce a generic, simple, and inexpensive method for performing microbiological, enzymatic, or inorganic catalysis with solids using standard histology and microbiology laboratory equipment. Histology cassettes were used to standardize hydrodynamic conditions and to protect the catalysts and their solid supports. Histology cassettes have the following advantages: they are readily available, inexpensive, solvent and acid resistant, automatable, and the slots in the cassette walls allow liquid to circulate freely. Standard Erlenmeyer flasks were used as reaction vessels. We developed a new camera to observe the movement and position of the histology cassettes as well as the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flasks. The camera produces a stable image of the rotating liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask. This visualization method revealed that in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask, stable operating conditions are achieved at a shaking frequency of 300 rpm and a fill volume of 30 ml. In vessels with vertical walls, such as beakers or laboratory bottles, the movement of the histology cassette is not reproducible. Mass transfer characterization using a biological model system and the chemical sulfite-oxidation method revealed that the histology cassette does not influence gas-liquid mass transfer.  相似文献   

The predominantly non-Antarctic family Bovichtidae is phyletically basal within the perciform suborder Notothenioidei, the dominant component of the Antarctic fish fauna. In this article we focus on the South Atlantic bovichtids Bovichtus diacanthus, the klipfish from tide pools at Tristan da Cunha, and Cottoperca gobio, the frogmouth from the Patagonian shelf and Falkland Islands. We document the anatomy and histology of the brains, olfactory apparatus, retina, and cephalic lateral line system. We also use the microvascular casting agent Microfil to examine ocular vascular structures. We provide detailed drawings of the brains and cranial nerves of both species. Typical of perciforms, the brains of both species have a well-developed tectum and telencephalon and robust thalamic nuclei. The telencephalon of C. gobio is prominently lobed, with the dorsomedial nucleus more conspicuous than in any other notothenioid. The corpus cerebelli is relatively small and upright and, unlike other notothenioids, has prominent transverse sulci on the dorsal and caudal surfaces. Areas for lateral line mechanoreception (eminentia granularis and crista cerebellaris) are also conspicuous but olfactory, gustatory, and somatosensory areas are less prominent. The anterior lateral line nerve complex is larger than the posterior lateral line nerve in B. diacanthus, and in their cephalic lateral line systems both species possess branched membranous tubules (which do not contain neuromasts) with small pores. These are especially complex in B. diacanthus where they become increasingly branched and more highly pored in progressively larger specimens. Superficial neuromasts are sparse. Both species have duplex (cone and rod) retinae that are 1.25-fold thicker and have nearly 5-fold more photoreceptors and than those of most Antarctic notothenioids. Convergence ratios are also high for bovichtids. Bovichtus diacanthus has a yellow intraocular filter in the dorsal aspect of the cornea. Both species are unique among notothenioids in possessing all three vascular structures present in the generalized teleostean eye: the choroid rete mirabile, the lentiform body (also a rete), and the falciform process. When comparing the phyletically derived Antarctic clade exemplified by the families Artedidraconidae, Bathydraconidae, and Channichthyidae to the phyletically basal bovichtids, we observe phyletic regression and reduction in some regions of the brain and in some sensory modalities that are well displayed in bovichtids. In the phyletically derived families the brain is less cellular and nuclei are smaller and less prominent. In some species reduction in the size of the telencephalon, tectum, and corpus cerebelli imparts a "stalked" appearance to the brain with the neural axis visible between the reduced lobes. There is also a phyletic reduction in the number of ocular vascular structures from three in bovichtids to one or none in artedidraconids, bathydraconids, and channichthyids. There are no morphological features of bovichtid brains and sense organs that presage the divergence of the phyletically derived members of the clade in the Antarctic marine environment with its cold and deep continental shelves. We conclude that this environment does not require sensory or neural morphology or capabilities beyond those provided by the basic perciform body plan.  相似文献   

In the high-latitude shelf waters of Antarctica, fishes in the perciform suborder Notothenioidei dominate the fish fauna and constitute an adaptive radiation and a species flock. The 25 species of notothenioid plunderfishes, comprising four genera of the family Artedidraconidae, contribute substantially to fish species diversity on the high Antarctic shelf. A mental barbel is an autapomorphy for the family. Dolloidraco longedorsalis is the most abundant artedidraconid at depths over 400 m in these waters. In this article we present the anatomy and histology of the brain and special sense organs of Dolloidraco and compare it to the brains of other artedidraconids, closely related harpagiferids, and more generally to other notothenioids. We provide a detailed drawing of the brain and cranial nerves. The brain of Dolloidraco is simple, without external hypertrophy of sensory or motor regions, but contains several unusual features associated with the ventricular system and CSF, including well-developed circumventricular organs, subependymal expansions, and subarachnoid cisterns; and a ventricle in the corpus cerebellum. The brain of Dolloidraco also contains a lobed chief sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve that is correlated across species with barbel length. The eyes are large and contain a small choroid rete, a structure previously thought to be absent from members of this family. We document the histology of the duplex retina, olfactory apparatus, cutaneous taste buds, and barbel musculature and innervation. We discuss the role of pedomorphy in producing simplified brain morphologies. We consider the possibility that Dolloidraco is a somatosensory specialist-an unusual feature among vertebrates-and decide that this is unlikely.  相似文献   

太白蝎蛉消化道形态学与组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘书宇  花保祯 《昆虫学报》2009,52(7):808-813
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜, 在形态学和组织学水平上研究了太白蝎蛉Panorpa obtusa Cheng成虫消化道的结构。结果表明: 蝎蛉消化道由前肠、中肠、和后肠组成。前肠包括咽喉、食道、和前胃, 但没有嗉囊,其中咽喉可分为骨化的前咽和附着扩肌的后咽(咽喉唧筒); 前胃壁很厚,内膜上长有许多排列整齐、紧密的棕色胃刺,司过滤、暂时储存和磨碎食物的功能; 前肠末端有6个贲门瓣伸入中肠。中肠较长且膨大,其肠壁细胞由柱状细胞和再生细胞组成; 肠壁细胞外分别为环肌和纵肌,无胃盲囊,也未观察到围食膜。6根棕红色的马氏管位于中、 后肠分界处。后肠分为不对称的“V”字型回肠、环状结肠、以及膨大透明的直肠, 直肠内壁上有6个交替排列的直肠垫。最后简要讨论了蝎蛉消化道的结构与功能,及其在蝎蛉科昆虫分类中的意义。  相似文献   


A modified dichromatic iron-eriocyanine R (Fe-ECR) staining method is described. Staining obtained with this new technique generally was similar to that of hematoxylin and eosin (H & E). Cell nuclei were stained blue. Cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscle, and red blood cells, were stained different shades of red. Collagen fibers were stained different shades of orange, usually faintly. Decalcified bony tissue was stained pinkish violet. Epithelial cells were strongly stained deep shades of red, magenta and violet. Cartilage matrix, and goblet and mast cells were unstained. Although Fe-ECR staining differed too much from standard H & E staining to be a substitute for diagnostic purposes, the dichromatic method described might usefully replace van Gieson or trichrome stains, especially if muscle is of interest. A pH 0.95 staining solution was used to differentiate initially over-stained sections followed by washing in distilled water. This dichromatic technique is easier to perform and more precisely controllable than other ECR dichromatic methods. The entire procedure can be completed in less than 5 min. The technique has the advantages of greater technical simplicity and speed, a larger range of polychromasia, and a longer shelf-life than H & E. ECR also is more reliably available than hematoxylin and usually is less expensive.  相似文献   

Histology of plastic embedded undecalcified bone represents a challenging problem to the histotechnologist. We outline here an exploration of LR White resin as a suitable medium for histologic study of undecalcified rat tibia. A procedure was developed for light microscopy of rat tibia embedded in LR White and sectioned by sawing-grinding technics. The specimens were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin or alcohol-acetic acid-formol, dehydrated in ethanol, defatted in chloroform followed by resin infiltration and heat-curing of embedded blocks. The procedure of dehydration, defatting, infiltration, and polymerization can be completed within 10 days. Cold curing with accelerator provided by the manufacturer did not yield superior results compared to blocks cured with heat. Thick sections were obtained using a diamond wire saw, attached to plexiform slides, then ground and polished. Surface staining with Von Kossa silver reagent or toluidine blue revealed satisfactory morphological preservation of the mineralized bone sections. Artifacts like small bubbles appeared occasionally and could not be avoided despite prolonged infiltration or cold curing of blocks. Our method is relatively simple for base-line histologic study of rat tibia. The method offers advantages such as easy adaptability, reliable stainability, contrast, and resolution of bone architecture and marrow cells. Two other embedding media, Micro-Bed resin and Unicryl, were also tested, but produced inferior results.  相似文献   

Summary A new insoluble chromogenic substrate for the determination of proteolytic activity was developed. This substrate was prepared by incorporating black drawing ink into casein and heating this complex at 200°C for 4 h. It is especially suitable for determining the activity of alkaline bacterial proteinases.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the conducting transmembrane channels formed by the linear gramicidins A, B and C may be head-to-head (formyl end-to-formyl end) dimers of double-stranded parallel β-helices. This possibility is not in conflict with any of the various experimental findings bearing on the molecular organization of the channels and represents a plausible alternative to Urry's model of a head-to-head dimer of single-stranded β6.3-helices.  相似文献   

We present the first histological analysis of forelimb bones in a troodontid dinosaur, Daliansaurus liaoningensis, from the Early Cretaceous of China using osteohistological thin-sectioning and high-resolution synchrotron-based imaging. The thin wall compacta consists of primary bone, and three lines of arrested growth (LAG) in the radius (R) and two in the ulna (U) divide these into successive zones. Results show that the new fossil has four distinct bone depositional rates: (1) fastest deposition in inner zones R1 and U1 (fibro-lamellar bone with a plexiform-like vasculature); (2) slowed deposition in outer zones R1 and U1 + U2 (loss of vascular density and plexiform component); (3) fluctuating rates of deposition in zones R2 + R3 and in the inner zone U3 (alternating bands of circumferentially organised primary osteons and avascular bone); and (4) slowest deposition in zone R4 and the outer zone U3 (lamellar bone constituting the external fundamental system). Collectively, these growth characteristics suggest that the fossil is an individual that passed the exponential growth phase by the first year, and perished three years later. We conclude that the histology is consistent with an interpretation of this specimen as a late maturing individual that had not yet attained maximum somatic size.  相似文献   

The development of the microscope in 1590 by Zacharias Janssenby and Hans Lippershey gave the world a new way of visualizing details of morphogenesis and development. More recent improvements in this technology including confocal microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical projection tomography (OPT) have enhanced the quality of the resultant image. These technologies also allow a representation to be made of a developing tissue's three-dimensional (3-D) form. With all these techniques however, the image is delivered on a flat two-dimensional (2-D) screen. 3-D printing represents an exciting potential to reproduce the image not simply on a flat screen, but in a physical, palpable three-dimensional structure. Here we explore the scope that this holds for exploring and interacting with the structure of a developing organ in an entirely novel way. As well as being useful for visualization, 3-D printers are capable of rapidly and cost-effectively producing custom-made structures for use within the laboratory. We here describe the advantages of producing hardware for a tissue culture system using an inexpensive in-lab printer.  相似文献   

All the methods that have been applied to assessing local volume occupation or packing in proteins have particular defects. For example, the Voronoi method used by Richards (method A) and by Finney misallocates both non-bonded and covalent contacts in a geometrically rigorous, though chemically inconsistent, manner. Richards' method B, in which covalent and non-bonded contacts are partitioned in chemically sensible ways, is unfortunately not completely rigorous, in that every polyhedron vertex has associated with it a small vertex-error polyhedron, which is not allocated to any atom.We present here a generalization of the Voronoi method that is particularly suited to multicomponent assemblies such as proteins. This radical plane partitioning of volume is completely rigorous; it gives rise to no vertex error, and handles the more numerous non-bonded contacts realistically. Its application to RNAase-S is described and the results compared with both Voronoi's method and Richards' method B. A particular advantage of both the radical plane and Richards' methods is a relative insensitivity to the treatment of the surface, a problem that has plagued other approaches to describing packing in proteins. Although the radical plane is seen to misallocate volume chemically between covalently-bonded neighbours, this problem vanishes when groups of atoms in side-chain residues are considered.  相似文献   

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