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狼蛛科蜘蛛的繁殖行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈军  宋大祥 《蛛形学报》1999,8(1):55-62
根据国内外研究进展,对狼蛛科蜘蛛的繁殖行为进行了简要综述,内容涉及狼蛛科蜘蛛的求偶、交配、产卵和携卵、携幼等4方面的行为研究。  相似文献   

圈养小熊猫繁殖行为变化及繁殖行为对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
In order to investigate the change of reproductive behaviors and understand reproductive strategies of both male and female red pandas, one-year behavioral observation was conducted through the focal sampling method in the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding from December 1999 to November 2000. Our results indicated that reproductive behaviors showed significant differences between the estrous and non-estrous seasons. Frequencies of the rubbing anogenital, sniffing and licking marking were much higher in estrus than in non-estrus. Bleating only appeared in the estrus and can be regarded as an estrous indicator.The result also demonstrated that both male and females applied different reproductive behavioral strategies. Frequencies of activity, rubbing anogenital, licking and sniffing marking, and bleat were much higher in the male than in the female. However, those of resting and investigating were much lower in the male than in the female. This indicated that the male was more active than the female during the estrus and might imply that the male acts mainly as an estrous message sender, and the female as a message receiver in the estrous season.  相似文献   

笼养褐马鸡繁殖行为的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘如笋 《动物学研究》1986,7(3):243-249
1984年我们对褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)的繁殖行为作了观察。了解到它们的一些行为特征,通过这一工作希望有助于促进褐马鸡和其它珍禽的饲养管理和繁殖。 材料与方法 观察的三对褐马鸡,其中两对于1982年获自河北省西部的小五台山,都是当年的幼体;另一对于1983年初取自北京动物园,是1982年该园繁殖的后代。观察期间,褐马鸡圈养在笼舍内,舍内面积约3×2米,舍外架设网以防外逸并作为活动场所,面积约7×2.5米。观察是在距活动场10—15米的室内隐蔽处进行。录相是在活动场的护网外用  相似文献   

2014年6月至2015年8月期间,对分布在内蒙古自治区包头市达尔罕茂明安联合旗中蒙边境地区(41°14′~42°40′N,109°16′~110°26′E)和内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔市乌拉特梭梭林-蒙古野驴国家级自然保护区(41°50′~42°27′N,106°15′~108°00′E)的两个野驴群(1♂3♀和2♂3♀)的繁殖行为进行研究。采用目标取样法以及目标取样法与扫描取样法相结合的方法对蒙古野驴的发情交配、产前反应、生产过程及产后行为进行观察。共记录到4类35种繁殖行为,分别为争斗行为、性行为、分娩行为和母幼联系行为。结果表明,雄驴平均日爬跨(4.2±1.7)次(n=14),射精(3.7±1.3)次(n=13),平均邀配持续时间(从雌雄驴靠近调情始到爬跨或其中一个走开止)为(26.6±22.0)s(n=13),平均抽动持续时间为(10.6±1.9)s(n=14),平均阴茎置入持续时间为(18.3±8.8)s(n=13),平均爬跨间隔为(685.7±569.6)s(n=14),平均射精间隔为(924.0±790.0)s(n=10)。蒙古野驴的交配模式属于Dewsbury分类系统中的第11种(无锁结、有抽动、单次插入、多次射精)类型和Dixon分类系统中的第12种(无锁结、有抽动、单次插入、无单次长时间插入)类型。本研究较完整地建立了蒙古野驴繁殖行为谱,提供了繁殖行为方面的基础资料。  相似文献   

笼养丹顶鹤的繁殖行为观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)俗称“仙鹤”,其繁殖行为释放是一系列反射活动,笼养能引起丹顶鹤某些繁殖行为成分量的变化,但不能引起质的变化即并不会出现新的繁殖行为,在丹顶鹤的性行为程序中,行为成分常以固定动作方式有节律地反复演示,显示仪式化特征。  相似文献   

稻田蜘蛛研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
稻田蜘蛛研究是稻虫生态管理的基础工作之一,从生态学的观点出发,介绍中国近年稻田蜘蛛研究的主要内容及进展,阐明蜘蛛的保护利用在可持续农业发展中的地位和作用,分析稻田蜘蛛生态研究的可行性,探讨蜘蛛群落研究方向,主要任务和应用前景。  相似文献   

扎龙保护区丹顶鹤繁殖行为观察   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
采用瞬时扫描取样法、焦点动物取样法和所有事件取样法对扎龙国家级自然保护区内野生状态下丹顶鹤繁殖行为进行了观察。结果显示 ,野生丹顶鹤的繁殖行为占观察时间的 38 1 4% ,是其繁殖期耗时最多的行为。在整个繁殖期 ,依次出现的繁殖行为是求偶 ( 1 0 3% )、交配 ( 0 41 % )、筑巢 ( 3 85 % )、产卵 ( 0 2 3% )、孵化 ( 72 32 % )、育雏 ( 2 2 1 5 % ) ,孵化和育雏不呈现明显的节律性。在孵化过程中有明显的换孵规律。方差分析表明 ,降水因素对丹顶鹤的筑巢 (F =1 0 84,P <0 0 1 )和孵化 (F =1 0 7 46,P <0 0 1 )有极显著影响 ;温度因素对求偶 (F =8 76,P <0 0 1 )、交配 (F =9 5 3,P <0 0 1 )、筑巢 (F =1 3 80 ,P <0 0 1 )、孵化 (F =2 2 3 70 ,P <0 0 1 )和育雏 (F =2 5 80 ,P <0 0 1 )有极显著影响  相似文献   

2006~2009年在黑龙江省牡丹江地区对凤头麦鸡Vanellus vanellus繁殖生态习性进行了观察.凤头麦鸡在牡丹江属夏侯鸟,每年3月末4月初迁来,9月下旬迁走,居留期约6个月;4月底开始筑巢,繁殖期间的配偶关系为一雄一雌,营巢于沼泽草甸,也有个体将巢筑于田边或荒地中,个别将巢直接筑在农田的垄上.巢比较简单,在1~2 d内完成.巢筑成后的7~10 d开始产卵.每窝4枚,平均卵重25.2 g,最后一枚卵产出后即开始孵卵,孵化期为24~29 d, 孵化率50%~100%;幼鸟为早成鸟,育雏期30 d左右.  相似文献   

蜘蛛抗菌肽研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐兴  陈连水  李江 《生命科学》2014,(10):1090-1095
蜘蛛活性多肽研究主要集中于蜘蛛毒液中作用于离子通道的神经毒素多肽。但近年来,一些蜘蛛抗菌肽不断被分离纯化,其结构和抗菌活性也被广泛深入研究,这将成为蜘蛛活性多肽研究领域的一个新热点。在蜘蛛毒液和血液中,存在不同种类的抗菌肽,其多肽长度、结构、抗菌作用各不相同。而且,有些抗菌肽甚至具有抗肿瘤作用。概述了蜘蛛抗菌肽在结构和功能方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

鳄类的取食和繁殖行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张峰 《生物学通报》2001,36(8):9-11
鳄类是现代爬行动物中身体结构最高级的动物,就其捕食,求偶与交配,营巢与产卵,护巢,挖巢和护幼等行为进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Field observations and laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the relation between male size and reproductive success in the funnel-web spider, Agelena limbata Thorell (Agelenidae), in 2 years. In this species, the body size of males is similar to that of females. In the field, size assortative mating occurred in both years. In 1 year, partial correlation coefficient analysis indicates that male cephalothorax width is a beter predictor of the copulated female cephalothorax width than of the date of pairing. In laboratory experiments, females tended to reject courting males that were smaller in relative body size, and males that were larger in relative body size had greater copulation success. Consequently female rejection of smaller courting males has some contribution to size assortative mating. Since larger females deposited more numerous eggs in the field, larger males are expected to have a higher reproductive success.  相似文献   


The reproductive behavior of the honeydew moth, Cryptoblabes gnidiella (Millière) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), was studied in the laboratory. The sex ratio was 1.1:1, males to females, in both laboratory and field stocks. Most of the females that mated did so during the first night after emergence; males began mating on the following night. Mating occurred 1–2 h before dawn and averaged 100 min. Both sexes mated only once in one night. Most females mated only once in their lifetime, a few mated 2–4 times, whereas males mated up to six times per lifetime. Insects that lived longer also mated more times. When the sex ratio was altered from 3:1 to 1:3, males to females, the percentage of females that mated in one night dropped from 90 to 65, whereas the number of matings per male rose from 0.32 to 2.25. When fresh one-day-old females were provided daily at a ratio of three per male, the males averaged 1.4 matings per lifetime vs. 2.6 with 2- to 3-day-old females. A delay in mating did not affect the percentages of males and females that mated; highest percentages were obtained with 2- to 4-day-old males and females, but a delay in mating resulted in egg fertility dropping from 91 % to 73 %. The preoviposition period lasted a full day after mating, and then most of the eggs were laid during the first night. Average fecundity was 105 eggs per female (maximum: 230).  相似文献   

Chromosomal sex determination and male heterogamety have been thought to seriously impede direct sex ratio control. However, in Pityohyphantes phrygianus, a solitary sheetweb spider with a skewed sex ratio, earlier experimental studies suggested that there are options for female control of offspring sex ratio, if females change their position during the normal mating sequence. Here we show that under natural conditions there is considerable between-female variation in positions, especially after termination of mating. Computer simulations of the orientation of female inner genitalia suggest that sperm are placed in different storage sites depending on the positions adopted. This means that a specific position after mating might potentially influence offspring sex ratio. The variance in offspring sex ratio among females in earlier experiments was binomially distributed, which leads us to conclude that females control the mean sex ratio but do not exercise direct control of the sex of individual offspring.  相似文献   

Within social groups of primates, males commonly compete over reproduction, but they may also rely on cooperation with other males. Theory suggests that it may be adaptive for male primates to tolerate some reproduction by other males if reproductive tolerance fosters cooperation, particularly that dominant males yield so‐called reproductive concessions to subordinates to entice their cooperation. We review four recent studies that claimed to have found evidence for reproductive concessions or similar forms of reproductive tolerance. However, upon critical reevaluation of their results, no study provides conclusive support for reproductive concessions as predicted by theoretical models. Yet two studies demonstrated a form of reproductive tolerance that cannot be explained by any of the existing models, and that seems to have evolved only in multi‐male, multi‐female societies with diverse strategic options for males. Our article provides guidance how to study this form of reproductive tolerance in the absence of a unifying model.  相似文献   

Mate choice may have important consequences for offspring sex ratio and fitness of haplodiploid insects. Mate preference of females of the solitary larval parasitoid Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) for virgin and mated males, and vice versa, and the reproductive consequences (i.e., the sex ratio expressed as the proportion of male offspring) were examined in choice and non‐choice experiments. In addition, the effect of repeated rapid and daily copulation of an individual male on the sex ratio of offspring of the female mates was assessed. Males preferred virgins over mated females, whereas females copulated with a male irrespective of his mating status. In both the rapid and daily copulation assay, females copulating with a male that had copulated five times or more produced a higher sex ratio than females that had copulated with a virgin male. Females that copulated with virgin males once or twice produced a significantly and considerably lower sex ratio than females that first copulated with a sperm‐depleted male followed by a virgin male. This indicates that copulating with a sperm‐depleted male has costs and limits acquisition by the female of sperm from virgin males.  相似文献   

动物生殖策略是多种多样的.对一个种群交配体系的调查有助于了解生殖模式的进化情况,并为一些濒危物种的保护计划提供理论依据,同时也为经济养殖动物的人工繁育提供理论支持.多父性( multiple paternity)现象是一种重要的生殖策略,在爬行类动物中普遍存在,并且在主要类群中多父性的水平也比较高,特别是多数有鳞类动物存在多父性现象的窝数可占到总检测窝数的50%以上,这种现象强烈地支持雌性存在混交的进化过程.本文对多父性产生的组织结构、可能机制和多父性的检测手段等进行综述,并对未来的研究方向提出了建议.  相似文献   

火把花(Colquhounia coccinea?)表现出典型的鸟媒综合征,因此具有作为引鸟景观植物的开发潜力。以自然、人工生境的火把花居群为研究对象,通过观察和试验对其开花物候、花部综合特征、访花动物及其行为、繁育系统、种子萌发特性进行研究,以明确火把花的繁殖特性及对不同访花动物的吸引潜力。结果显示,火把花的整体花期持续约3个月,单花花期为9.6±0.6 d;花蜜较丰富且稀薄,具有较短的花冠管和己糖为主的花蜜糖组成;访花动物主要是中华蜜蜂和多种食蜜鸟类,尤其是短喙的泛化鸟类,且在非自然生境中仍然能吸引鸟类访花;完全自交亲和但需要传粉者才能完成授粉,不存在花粉限制;不同授粉处理种子的发芽能力无显著差异;中华蜜蜂能有效传粉,鸟类的传粉作用需进一步验证。综上所述,火把花可供观赏的时间很长,具有明显的吸引鸟类访花的能力,容易通过有性繁殖途径快速获得大量幼苗。  相似文献   

理论和实验表明体形大小是许多动物择偶的重要信号。体形大小与产卵大小、最终产卵数量、后代适合度等都有着密切的关系,因此动物利用体形大小为信号来择偶可以获得高的生殖利益。目前研究交配行为和体形大小的关系的文献较少,特别在微蛛亚科。本文以浅斑近微蛛为实验材料,在室内研究了体形大小对交配行为的影响。测量了体重,体长,头胸甲与腹部的长和宽,以头胸甲的面积(头胸甲的长与宽的乘积)为变量来表示体形大小。以雄蛛的行为为依据,将其交配行为划分为4个时期:潜伏期、求偶期、插入期和纳精期,并记录了各个时期的持续时间。通过分析,发现了一种微蛛新的交配模式,即可将浅斑近微蛛的插入期分为三个阶段:首先是大约25min长插入期,接着是一个大约15min的中度插入期,最后是一个大约5min的短插入期。结果表明,在本试验条件下,浅斑近微蛛的体形大小对其交配行为的潜伏期、求偶期、插入期和纳精期的持续时间都没有影响,对插入期的3个阶段的长短也没有影响。  相似文献   

桓仁滑蜥(Scincella huanrensis)系卵胎生,1年生殖1次,生殖季节为7月下旬到8月上旬。平均每只雌蜥产仔4.556(2~6)只。雌蜥的分娩在洞穴中进行,分娩时间可持续60-90min,仔蜥在产出时卵膜已破裂。雌性采取的是高投入的生殖策略,平均生殖投入率0.436(0.212~0.526)。相关性回归分析表明:窝仔数与雌蜥体重、体长和生殖投入呈正相关关系;生殖投入与雌蜥的体重和体长不相关;幼蜥的体长、体重与窝仔数呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

1 Many apple growers in Washington State, U.S.A. use mating disruption (MD) for control of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus). Fewer applications of synthetic, broad‐spectrum insecticides are made in MD orchards than in orchards under conventional (C) management. Spider abundance and diversity in MD, C and certified organic (O) orchards were compared. Spiders inhabiting the trees (arboreal), the understory vegetation, and the ground surface were studied. 2 Total arboreal spider density and total understory spider density were significantly higher in O orchards than in MD and C orchards. Many species occurred in both the trees and the understory. 3 Arboreal, visually orientated, hunting spiders and arboreal ambushers/runners were significantly more abundant in O orchards compared to C and MD orchards. Visual hunters were significantly more abundant in MD compared to C orchards. Numbers of spiders in two other guilds (web‐makers and nocturnal hunters) showed no statistical differences with respect to orchard management type. 4 The highest density of ground surface‐dwelling spiders occurred in one of the O orchards. Two C orchards had higher densities than any MD orchard. Ground surface species were distinct from those in the understory and the trees. 5 With one exception, an orchard's arboreal fauna was most similar to that of another orchard under the same type of pest management. Three exceptions were noted among comparisons of the understory faunas. The ground surface‐dwelling fauna of one O orchard was distinctive, whereas that in the second O orchard was similar to the C and MD orchards. 6 Reduced use of synthetic, broad‐spectrum insecticides in MD orchards did not result in arboreal spider densities comparable to those found in O orchards. A contributing factor may be that all species were univoltine. Spider populations may thus be severely reduced by even a small number of synthetic, broad‐spectrum insecticide applications and the time required for recovery may be lengthy.  相似文献   

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