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1. The relationships between three habitat scales and lotic invertebrate species composition were investigated for the 15 540 km2 Yakima River basin in south-central Washington, U.S.A.
2. The three spatial scales were sample (the sampled riffle), reach (a length of ten–twenty stream widths) and segment (a length of stream of nearly uniform slope and valley form having no change in stream order).
3. Physical variables were highly correlated between scales and expressed a relationship between altitude, basin form and small-scale physical structure.
4. Multiple discriminant function analyses indicated that segment- and reach-scale variables discriminated among species-defined groups better than sample-scale variables.
5. Species composition varied along a complex altitudinal gradient of changing basin form and resultant land use.
6. There was no clear relationship between species richness and altitude on a site basis. However, when viewed at the basin scale, maximum richness was observed at the transition between montane and valley sites.  相似文献   

1. The relationships between three habitat scales and lotic invertebrate species composition were investigated for the 15 540 km2 Yakima River basin in south-central Washington, U.S.A.
2. The three spatial scales were sample (the sampled riffle), reach (a length of ten–twenty stream widths) and segment (a length of stream of nearly uniform slope and valley form having no change in stream order).
3. Physical variables were highly correlated between scales and expressed a relationship between altitude, basin form and small-scale physical structure.
4. Multiple discriminant function analyses indicated that segment- and reach-scale variables discriminated among species-defined groups better than sample-scale variables.
5. Species composition varied along a complex altitudinal gradient of changing basin form and resultant land use.
6. There was no clear relationship between species richness and altitude on a site basis. However, when viewed at the basin scale, maximum richness was observed at the transition between montane and valley sites.  相似文献   

1. River restoration has received considerable attention, with much recent focus on restoring river hydromorphology to improve impoverished aquatic communities. However, we still lack a clear understanding of the response of aquatic biota to river restoration. 2. We studied the effects of hydromorphological restoration on benthic invertebrate assemblages in 25 river sites in Germany using standardised methods. Restoration efforts were primarily aimed to restore habitat heterogeneity; correspondingly, habitat diversity increased at most sites. 3. Similarity of benthic invertebrate assemblages between restored and unrestored river sections was low (mean similarity was 0.32 for Jaccard and 0.46 for Sørensen). Community‐based metrics, such as the percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera taxa, also differed between restored and unrestored sections. 4. Only three of the 25 restored sections were classified as having ‘good ecological quality’ class according to the European Water Framework Directive criteria; hence, poor water quality is probably one factor impeding recolonisation. 5. Our results show that isolated restoration measures do not necessarily result in positive effects on aquatic biota and that better understanding of the interconnectedness within a catchment is required before we can adequately predict biotic responses to structural river restoration.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to address some of the problems that are faced in the endeavour to minimise the time and financial costs of environmental monitoring. At the same time, it aims to assess the usefulness to freshwater studies of some of the advances being made in the marine sciences. The paper examines the results obtained and the conclusions drawn using several recognised techniques for measuring aquatic macroinvertebrate communities. The physical, chemical and macroinvertebrate data used were collected upstream and downstream of a land-based trout farm situated on a tributary of the Elands River in the Molenaars River catchment, south-western Cape, South Africa. Five measures of community stress were examined to determine the extent to which they summarised community changes in response to the trout farm effluent. They ranged from those requiring quantitative sampling and species-level identification to those requiring only qualitative sampling and an ability to distinguish between taxa. The results obtained suggest that: the incorporation of an abundance measurement can greatly enhance the sensitivity of an index; combining the results from different microhabitats can artificially inflate the scores obtained at a site; change in community structure following a perturbation may be more marked at higher taxonomic levels, because the community response is more evident above the natural environmental noise; identification to resolution lower than family (e.g. order) may result in important information being missed, and increase the chances of the effects of a perturbation going unnoticed. It is concluded that quantitative or semi-quantitative family-level data probably represent the best compromise between the costs of collecting and processing the samples, and the information content of the resultant data, but that the use of several different techniques would enhance the reliability of the conclusions drawn. In addition, it is recommended that some of the advances being made in the marine sciences, such as the 'marine' ranked Abundance Biomass Curves (ABCs) should be developed and implemented, since they can provide a much needed functional underpinning for results obtained.  相似文献   

We compared benthic invertebrate assemblages among headwater streams in several forest types in Japan. Forests were divided into three clusters based on vegetation composition: old-growth broad-leaved forest, planted coniferous forest, and mixed forest. The numbers of individuals and families and the diversity (Shannon-Wiener) of benthic invertebrate assemblages did not differ significantly among the three forest clusters. However, principal components analysis of family abundance showed differences in the benthic invertebrate assemblages among the three forest clusters. No environmental factors were correlated with these differences. Benthic invertebrate assemblages differed depending on forest composition. The abundances of Taeniopterygidae and Athericidae in old-growth broad-leaved forest were significantly greater than in planted coniferous forest. The abundances of Heptageniidae, Baetiidae, Stenopsychidae, Uenoidae, Chironomidae, and Potamidae in planted coniferous forest were significantly greater than in old-growth broad-leaved forest. If the remaining old-growth broad-leaved forest were to be converted to coniferous plantation, species that inhabit old-growth forest may become extinct.  相似文献   

1. Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were compared among a diverse array of first‐order alpine tundra streams of the Swiss Alps. 2. A principal components analysis separated sites into three main groups: rhithral streams, rhithral lake outlets, and kryal sites including outlets and streams. Rhithral streams contained the most diverse and taxon rich assemblages, being colonised by both non‐insect taxa and Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Diptera. 3. Rhithral lake outlets supported high densities of non‐insect taxa such as Oligochaeta, Nemathelminthes and crustaceans. Despite low taxon richness, kryal sites had high Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera abundances. Chironomidae were most common at all sites. 4. Collector‐gatherers were dominant at all sites, whereas filter‐feeders were rare. Scrapers and shredders were more common in streams than lake outlets. 5. Water temperature and algal standing crops were higher at rhithral lake outlets than rhithral streams, perhaps providing more favourable habitat for non‐insect taxa. Glacial runoff was the dominant factor influencing macroinvertebrate assemblages of kryal streams and kryal lake outlets. Alpine lakes influenced the environmental conditions of their outlets and, consequently, their macroinvertebrate assemblages unless being constrained by a glacial influence.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled at regular intervals from rural and urban sections of the River Roding, Essex, England, in 1975 and 1976. During the latter year a severe drought led to a marked decline in flows and to desiccation of parts of the river bed. In general, drought conditions resulted in an increase in invertebrate populations and possible reasons for this are presented. A considerable number of individuals of certain groups such as cased caddisfly larvae and prosobranch molluscs were, however, eliminated from the river at this time, mainly as a result of stranding and chemical changes in the environment. The effect of reduced flows on river faunas is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

1. Levels of ash-free dry matter (AFDM) and chlorophyll a in epilithon, benthic participate organic matter (BPOM), invertebrate assemblage composition, and biomass of functional feeding groups were compared in winter and summer at forest and pasture sites in three Victorian streams. 2. Chlorophyll a concentrations of epilithon were significantly higher at pasture than forest sites in winter but not in summer while BPOM was not significantly greater at forest sites in either season. Epilithic biomass as AFDM did not show consistent differences between land uses or seasons. 3. Total biomass of invertebrates did not differ between forest and pasture sites but the biomass of shredders was significantly higher, and that of grazers significantly lower, at forest than pasture sites. A site shaded with an artificial canopy behaved as a forest site for grazers but as a pasture site for shredders. 4. Cluster analyses of invertebrate assemblages grouped pasture sites with forest sites on the same stream at the same season, indicating that assemblage composition was less influenced by land-use differences than by between-stream and seasonal differences. 5. Biomass of functional feeding groups appeared to be a more sensitive indicator of invertebrate assemblage response to land-use alteration than either species diversity/ richness measures, or multivariate assemblage composition measures.  相似文献   

Abstract Allochtonous leaf litter is an important source of energy and nutrients for invertebrates in cave ecosystems. A change to the quality or quantity of litter entering caves has the potential to disrupt the structure and function of cave communities. In this study, we adopted an experimental approach to examine rates of leaf litter decomposition and the invertebrate assemblages colonizing native and exotic leaf litter in limestone caves in the Jenolan Caves Karst Conservation Reserve, New South Wales, Australia. We deployed traps containing leaf litter from exotic sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and radiata pine (Pinus radiata) trees and native eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp.) in twilight zones (near the cave entrance) and areas deep within the caves for 3 months. Thirty‐two invertebrate morphospecies were recorded from the litter traps, with greater richness and abundance evident in the samples from the twilight zone compared with areas deep within the cave. Sycamore litter had significantly greater richness and abundance of invertebrates compared with eucalypt and pine litter in samples from the twilight zone, but there was no difference in richness or abundance among litter samples placed deep within the cave. Relative rates of decay of the three litters were sycamore > eucalypt > pine. We discuss the potential for the higher decomposition rates and specific leaf area in sycamores to explain their higher invertebrate diversity and abundance. Our findings have important implications for the management of exotic plants and the contribution of their leaf litter to subterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

Studying human impacts on riverine systems is challenging due to the natural diversity and multiple stressors that are co-occurring. The term stressor(s) refers to variable(s) of anthropogenic landscape changes and local abiotic stream conditions that reflect human activities. We compared the effects of different stressors and natural (typology) factors on benthic invertebrate assemblages in Slovenian rivers. A total of 270 river sites located in four European ecoregions were sampled, covering the gradient of human perturbation ranging from (near)natural to highly degraded/polluted. Stressors commonly affecting running waters were grouped into management-relevant stressor-groups: land use (percentage of urban, intensive and non-intensive agricultural, and natural land use in the catchment and sub-catchment), eutrophication (in-stream concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen compounds) and other stressors (e.g., organic pollution, hydromorphological alteration). We compared the effects of the stressor-groups on invertebrate assemblages using partial Canonical Correspondence Analysis and tested the explanatory power of each stressor-group using typology variables as covariates. Stressors and typology variables showed high independent effects (40–65%) on invertebrate assemblages despite considerable joint effects from land use and typology. Stressors’ pure effects accounted for 70%, and interactions among the stressor-groups made up the remaining 30% of the total explained variability. Altogether, this study gives a good perspective on the ability to separate the effects of anthropogenic stressors from natural causes, as well as to separate effects among groups of stressors. Against this background, we advocate stressor-specific analyses to provide or improve guidelines for selecting appropriate measures to enhance the river status.  相似文献   

Relationships between environmental variables, ecosystem metabolism, and benthos are not well understood in sub-arctic ecosystems. The goal of this study was to investigate environmental drivers of river ecosystem metabolism and macroinvertebrate density in a sub-arctic river. We estimated primary production and respiration rates, sampled benthic macroinvertebrates, and monitored light intensity, discharge rate, and nutrient concentrations in the Chena River, interior Alaska, over two summers. We employed Random Forests models to identify predictor variables for metabolism rates and benthic macroinvertebrate density and biomass, and calculated Spearman correlations between in-stream nutrient levels and metabolism rates. Models indicated that discharge and length of time between high water events were the most important factors measured for predicting metabolism rates. Discharge was the most important variable for predicting benthic macroinvertebrate density and biomass. Primary production rate peaked at intermediate discharge, respiration rate was lowest at the greatest time since last high water event, and benthic macroinvertebrate density was lowest at high discharge rates. The ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to soluble reactive phosphorus ranged from 27:1 to 172:1. We found that discharge plays a key role in regulating stream ecosystem metabolism, but that low phosphorous levels also likely limit primary production in this sub-arctic stream.  相似文献   

Large-scale comparisons might reveal matching between fruit traits and frugivore assemblages that might be cryptic on a local scale. Therefore, we compared morphological (colour, size, husk thickness) and chemical fruit traits (protein, nitrogen, sugar, lipid, tannin and fibre content) between Malagasy and South African tree communities with different frugivore communities. In Madagascar, where lemurs are important seed dispersers, we found more tree species with fruit colour classified as primate fruits. In contrast, in South Africa we found more tree species with fruits classified as bird coloured. This correlated with the greater importance of frugivorous birds in South Africa vs. Madagascar. Additionally, we found higher sugar concentrations in fruits from the South African tree community and higher fibre content in fruits from the Malagasy tree community. However, fibre content could be related to differences in abiotic conditions between the two study sites. This suggests that fruit colour more than other morphological and chemical fruit traits, reflects food selection by the different frugivore assemblages of those two sites.  相似文献   

Morphological disparity has increasingly been used as an alternative measure of biological diversity based on the shape features of organisms. In this study, we investigated the species diversity and morphological disparity of benthic Desmidiales in Central European peatland pools. The shape features of cells were determined using the 3-D elliptical Fourier analysis of their frontal and lateral views. The resulting morphospace was used to calculate the contributions of localities and species to the morphological variation. In addition, the disparity of samples and their average cell complexity (indicating intricacy of cell shapes) was evaluated. These data were related to species diversity data and to the abiotic factors. Species diversity was positively correlated with pH and conductivity. The low-pH localities generally supported a more variable species composition than did slightly acidic to neutral localities. Conversely, the total nitrogen concentrations of these areas negatively correlated with species diversity. Interestingly, partial morphological disparity (measuring the contribution of a sample to the overall morphological variation) did not correlate with species diversity. On the contrary, several mountain peat bog localities had high disparity values, irrespective of their rather low species diversity. In addition, several samples from minerotrophic fens with high diversity had average or low values of partial morphological disparity. These results indicate the relative importance of mountain peat bogs for the total morphological diversity of Desmidiales within the region that could not be ascertained solely from species diversity data. The inner morphological disparity of samples was highly correlated with their species diversity. Species of the genus Micrasterias, Hyalotheca dissiliens and Desmidium species had the highest partial morphological disparity, thus indicating their marginal position within the morphospace. Micrasterias and Euastrum species had the highest complexity values. The average cell complexity of individual samples did not correlate with their diversity or disparity; however, it was positively correlated with the levels of total nitrogen and phosphorus, and illustrates a pattern different from that arrived at by species diversity data. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

The Lippe is a lowland river located in the Western part of Germany and has been heavily impacted by coal mining activities ever since. Although mining activities significantly decreased during the last decades, the associated discharge of salt-enriched mine water into the river still poses a persistent threat to the local benthic invertebrate and diatom communities. To analyze the effect of salt pollution on invertebrate and diatom species, biological and chemical data were compiled for this study from a publicly available database. Changes in the community composition due to increased salt concentrations were explored by Non-Metrical-Multidimensional Scaling. Indicator species and salinity thresholds for single species and communities were identified using the method TITAN (Threshold Indicator Taxa Analysis). The method is an analytical approach to detect changes in frequency and abundance of species along an environmental gradient by combining the methods of change point analysis (nCPA) and indicator species analysis. The obtained salinity preferences and individual and community thresholds were compared to the literature and existing salinity classifications. For both diatoms and benthic invertebrates, Non-Metrical-Multidimensional Scaling showed a clear split between samples of high and low salinities. Significant salinity thresholds were determined for 50 invertebrate and 58 diatom species of which 23 respectively 18 species were described as ‘reliable’ indicators according to the specifications given by Baker and King (2010). A majority of salt-tolerant indicator organisms were invasive species. For both organism groups, major changes in community composition were detected at a conductivity value exceeding 900 μS/cm. A reduction of the average salinity to below this threshold may have positive effects on the overall species richness and the persistence of sensitive taxa in the river Lippe. Individual and community thresholds may however be data-dependent to a certain degree and subjected to fluctuations considering the potential interdependencies between salinity and additional physico-chemical and environmental parameters (e.g. water temperature, lime content).  相似文献   

Aim Variation in the structure of shallow subtidal invertebrate assemblages was examined over three spatial scales; within reef, between reef and between continents. We sought to provide a context from which to examine and interpret ecological processes between continents. In addition, we predicted that variation in pattern would increase as the scale of examination increased. Location Reefs near Wollongong and within Jervis Bay in south‐eastern Australia and Mediterranean reefs on the Costa Brava (Catalonia), north‐eastern Spain. Methods We compared assemblages on vertical rock walls of two heights – short (< 2 m) and tall (> 3 m) in two temperate regions over the same depth range. Specifically we examined the diversity and cover of invertebrates, the cover and biomass of foliose and crustose algae, the size of invertebrate colonies and the biomass of urchins on short and tall walls (n = 3) at each of two locations in each country. Results Foliose algae dominated rock walls in Spain and although invertebrate cover was high, colonies were generally very small. Two urchin species were commonly encountered on rock walls in Spain, Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus; their biomass was relatively low and did not differ significantly between short and tall walls. These findings contrasted strongly with south‐eastern Australia, where foliose algae were almost completely absent. A single urchin species, Centrostephanus rodgersii occurred with extremely high biomass on short walls, which were dominated by grazer‐resistant crustose calcareous algae. In contrast, the biomass of this urchin was low on tall walls, which were dominated by invertebrates, usually exceeding 95% in cover. Invertebrate colonies were significantly larger on both short and tall walls in south‐eastern Australia relative to the Mediterranean. Findings within a country were consistent between the replicate rock walls and between locations. In contrast to our prediction, however, there was significant variation among walls within a location, but not among locations within a continent. Temporal variation in the structure of these assemblages was not examined, but appears limited. Main conclusions We conclude that submarine topography, i.e. the presence of short or tall rock walls, as a function of rock type and structure, has a marked impact on community structure in south‐eastern Australia, but made little difference to the structure of the assemblage in Mediterranean Spain. The differences in structure we observed between walls of different heights in Australia were correlated with differences in the biomass of urchins and they appear to be major determinants of assemblage structure. Interactions among species are often reported from disparate parts of the globe with little or no reference to the structure of the assemblage of which they are a part; we contend that this will hinder interpretation. Our data are consistent with the organisms in these two regions experiencing distinct selection pressures; for example high levels of urchin grazing activity in south‐eastern Australia, and shading and whiplash associated with an algal canopy in the Mediterranean. It may not be appropriate to contrast processes operating at very large (intercontinental) scales unless context can be established with a clear understanding of ecological pattern.  相似文献   

1. During recent decades, Gonyostomum semen populations have spread in northern temperate regions forming dense blooms that may dominate the phytoplankton assemblage for extended periods. In this study, we investigate the effects of G. semen blooms in boreal brown water lakes with special emphasis on phytoplankton, fish and benthic invertebrate assemblages using data from 10 boreal lakes sampled annually over a 10‐year period. 2. Significant differences in phytoplankton and benthic invertebrate assemblages were found between lakes with high (3.01 mm3 L?1; >80% phytoplankton biomass) and lakes with low G. semen biomass (0.03 mm3 L?1; <5% phytoplankton biomass). In particular, high G. semen lakes had lower biomass of smaller, edible phytoplankton and a higher abundance and biomass of benthic invertebrates, especially Chaoborus flavicans, and perch than low G. semen lakes. 3. The length distribution of fish also suggested a tendency towards large and older fish and a lower recruitment success in high G. semen lakes, as denoted by lower abundances of fish shorter than 10 cm and higher biomass and abundance of fish longer than 15 cm in high G. semen lakes. 4. This study shows that high G. semen lakes are characterised by less edible phytoplankton, dominance by a few species and enhanced benthic secondary and fish production. Hence, the conjecture that high biomasses of G. semen create a bottleneck in the energy transfer to higher trophic levels seems less likely in boreal lakes.  相似文献   

1. Stream and riparian ecosystems in arid montane areas, like the interior western United States, are often just narrow mesic strands, but support diverse and productive habitats. Meadows along many such streams have long been used for rangeland grazing, and, while impacts to riparian areas are relatively well known, the effect of livestock grazing on aquatic life in streams has received less attention. 2. Attempts to link grazing impacts to disturbance have been hindered by the lack of spatial and temporal replication. In this study, we compared channel features and benthic macroinvertebrate communities (i) between 16 stream reaches on two grazed allotments and between 22 reaches on two allotments where livestock had been completely removed for 4 years, (ii) before and after the 4‐year grazing respite at a subset of eight sites and (iii) inside and outside of small‐scale fenced grazing exclosures (eight pairings; 10+ year exclosures) in the meadows of the Golden Trout Wilderness, California (U.S.A.). 3. We evaluated grazing disturbance at the reach scale in terms of the effects of livestock trampling on per cent bank erosion and found that macroinvertebrate richness metrics were negatively correlated with bank erosion, while the percentage of tolerant taxa increased. 4. All macroinvertebrate richness metrics were significantly lower in grazed areas. Bank angle, temperature, fine sediment cover and erosion were higher in grazed areas, while riparian cover was lower. Regression models identified riparian cover, in‐stream substratum, bank conditions and bankfull width‐to‐depth ratios as the most important for explaining variability in macroinvertebrate richness metrics. 5. Small‐scale grazing exclosures showed no improvements for in‐stream communities and only moderate positive effects on riparian vegetation. In contrast, metrics of macroinvertebrate richness increased significantly after a 4‐year period of no grazing. 6. The success of grazing removal reported here suggests that short‐term removal of livestock at the larger, allotment meadow spatial scale is more effective than long‐term, but small‐scale, local riparian area fencing, and yields promising results in achieving stream channel, riparian and aquatic biological recovery.  相似文献   

The Arctic system is one of the regions most influenced by ongoing global climate change, but there are still critical gaps in our knowledge regarding a substantial number of biological processes. This is especially true for processes taking place during the Arctic winter but also for seasonal processes, such as the dynamics of intra-annual meroplankton occurrence. Here, we report on a 1-year study of meroplankton seasonal variability from a fjordic system in the Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard. The study combines an examination of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and hard bottom benthic settlement with measurements of environmental parameters (e.g., water temperature, particulate organic matter, and dissolved organic carbon). Samples were taken on a bi-weekly or monthly basis, and a total of 11 taxa representing six phyla of meroplankton were recorded over a 1-year period from January to December 2007. The occurrence of benthic larvae varied between the seasons, reaching a maximum in both abundance and taxon richness in late spring through early summer. Meroplanktonic larvae were absent in winter. However, settlement of benthic organisms was also recorded during the winter months (February and March), which indicates individual trade-offs related to timing of reproduction and competition. In addition, it suggests that these larvae are not relying on higher summer nutrient concentrations, but instead are dependent on alternative food sources. In parallel with meroplankton abundance, all other measured parameters, both biological (e.g., phyto- and zooplankton abundance and diversity) and physical (e.g., particulate organic matter), exhibited seasonal variability with peaks in the warmer months of the year.  相似文献   

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