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Kant’s analysis of the concept of natural purpose in the Critique of judgment captured several features of organisms that he argued warranted making them the objects of a special field of study, in need of a special regulative teleological principle. By showing that organisms have to be conceived as self-organizing wholes, epigenetically built according to the idea of a whole that we must presuppose, Kant accounted for three features of organisms conflated in the biological sciences of the period: adaptation, functionality and conservation of forms. Kant’s unitary concept of natural purpose was subsequently split in two directions: first by Cuvier’s comparative anatomy, that would draw on the idea of adaptative functions as a regulative principle for understanding in reconstituting and classifying organisms; and then by Goethe’s and Geoffroy’s morphology, a science of the general transformations of living forms. However, such general transformations in nature, objects of an alleged ‘archaeology of nature’, were thought impossible by Kant in §80 of the Critique of judgment. Goethe made this ‘adventure of reason’ possible by changing the sense of ‘explanation’: scientific explanation was shifted from the investigation of the mechanical processes of generation of individual organisms to the unveiling of some ideal transformations of types instantiated by those organisms.  相似文献   

Zoological parks offer varied benefits and opportunities to comparative vertebrate anatomy (CVA) as it is taught at the college/university level. First, exotic species enrich and clarify the major principles of anatomy—form and function, adaptive behavior, and evolutionary process—in ways that traditional laboratory species (dogfish, frog, cat) cannot achieve. Second, students aged 18–22 are sophisticated enough to integrate gross anatomy with the functions of behavior, behavior with exhibit design, design with animal management, and management with the politics of conservation. Third, direct contacts between students and zoo person-nel (keepers, clinical and research staff) suggest career options beyond the pre-med/prevet orientations of most biology concentrators. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Drosophila memory gene amnesiac is expressed in neurons that project to mushroom body axons. Blockade of synaptic transmission in the amnesiac-expressing cells disrupts memory, but not learning, suggesting presynaptic and postsynaptic sites for memory formation.  相似文献   

多花黄精五个居群叶片的比较解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用石蜡切片技术、叶表皮离析法和电镜扫描技术,对多花黄精五个居群的叶片进行了比较解剖学研究。观察发现:多花黄精五个居群的叶肉细胞中均具有内含针晶束的异细胞,叶表皮细胞为长方形、不规则形或椭圆形,垂周壁一般为平直和弧形;有的居群下表皮有单细胞表皮毛分布。在扫描电镜下,角质层纹饰多为鳞片状。结果表明叶表皮特征,如:气孔器大小、气孔器指数、气孔器密度、气孔器分布特征、角质层纹饰及表皮毛的分布等受环境因子影响较大,同种不同居群间有一定差异,而叶肉的构成、内含物(如针晶束)、气孔器类型、表皮细胞形状等具有种间稳定性,可以作为分类的依据。  相似文献   

The morphology of Dioscorea sylvatica from Natal and the hills in the Lydenburg district of the Transvaal is described, as well as the anatomy of the leaf and stem. Differences were noticed between the Natal and Lydenberg types which are inconsistent with Burkill's classification of the species. From the differences it is suggested that the Lydenberg type be designated as D. sylvatica subspecies lydenbergensis subsp. nov.  相似文献   

The best-known attribute of the prion protein (PrP) is its tendency to misfold into a rogue isoform. Much less understood is how this misfolded isoform causes deadly brain illnesses. Neurodegeneration in prion disease is often seen as a consequence of abnormal PrP function yet, amazingly little is known about the normal, physiological role of PrP. In particular, the absence of obvious phenotypes in PrP knockout mice has prevented scientists from answering this important question. Using knockdown approaches, we previously produced clear PrP loss-of-function phenotypes in zebrafish embryos. Analysis of these phenotypes revealed that PrP can modulate E-cadherin-based cell-cell adhesion, thereby controlling essential morphogenetic cell movements in the early gastrula. Our data also showed that PrP itself can elicit homophilic cell-cell adhesion and trigger intracellular signaling via Src-related kinases. Importantly, these molecular functions of PrP are conserved from fish to mammals. Here we discuss the use of the zebrafish in prion biology and how it may advance our understanding of the roles of PrP in health and disease.Key words: PrP, zebrafish, development, cell adhesion, signaling  相似文献   

Avicularia are polymorphic zooids characteristic of cheilostome bryozoans. Avicularia are assumed to have a defensive role yet ascertaining the presence of sensory structures to support this theory has been overlooked. We examine palatal morphology of the avicularia from five species of cheilostome bryozoans and compare the ultrastructural anatomy of the avicularia from two bugulid species from different habitats. SEM analysis revealed an array of palatal morphologies. Small tufts of cilia emerge from the orifice in the palate of the avicularia of Tricellaria catalinensis, Arachnopusia unicornis and Catenicella pseudoelegans. A ciliated vestigial polypide emerges from the orifice in the palate of Rhynchozoon zealandicum and comprises eleven papillae, or vestigial tentacles, seven of which are covered in microvilli. The vestigial polypide of the bird’s head avicularium of the cosmopolitan Bugula flabellata consists of a mass of ciliated and unciliated cells containing numerous granular vesicles. The avicularium of B. flabellata is capable of detecting tactile stimulation by virtue of the tuft of sensory cilia and is proactive in the capture of invertebrate epibionts. In contrast, in the deep-sea Nordgaardia cornucopioides, the vestigial polypide consists of a ciliated vestigial tentacle encased by glandular secretory cells. Avicularia possess structures derived from a feeding autozooid, and we show how the homologous structures have evolved and suggest that avicularia have been modified to carry out a variety of specific functions.  相似文献   

Craniometric studies on the hylobatids using external metrics (Creel and Preuschoft, 1976 , 1984 ) sorted hylobatid populations into primary species groupings which are in accordance with the four currently recognized generic‐level groupings. The goal of the current study was to assess the relative orientations of the orbits, palate, and basioccipital clivus among the hylobatid genera in an effort to further clarify whether the lesser apes differ significantly in these internal cranial features and how that variation patterns across the groups. Nine angular variables quantifying orbital, palatal, and basioccipital clivus orientations were measured on lateral view radiographs of adults representing three of the four hylobatid genera: Hylobates; Nomascus; and, Symphalangus. The interspecific adult hylobatid means for the angular variables were analyzed using t‐test contrasts. The total sample was further subjected to discriminant function analysis (DFA) to test for the ability of craniofacial angular variables to distinguish the hylobatid genera from one another. The three hylobatid genera displayed significant morphological differentiation in orbital, palatal, and posterior skull base orientations. Normal, jackknifed, and cross‐validation DFA procedures correctly identified the hylobatids 50–100% of the time. The observed morphological patterns generally mapped onto the findings of earlier external craniometric hylobatid studies and suggest concordance between specific internal and external cranial features. This article is the first comprehensive study of variation in internal cranial anatomy of the Hylobatidae and includes the first published craniofacial angular data for Nomascus. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:250–265, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Branchial food traps are regions of specialized secretory tissue in the tadpole pharynx, where suspended food particles are trapped in mucus. Light and scanning electron microscopy were used to study branchial food traps from larvae of ten anuran families (36 species). Most anuran larvae from “advanced” (suborder Neobatrachia) families (e.g., Hylidae, Ranidae, Bufonidae) have distinct secretory pits at the posterior margins of the branchial food traps and secretory ridges elsewhere on these surfaces. The apices of columnar PAS-positive, secretory cells are exposed on the floors of the secretory pits or in rows at the tops of the secretory ridges (secretory zone). Tadpoles from most “archaic” (suborder Archaeobatrachia) families (Ascaphidae, Discoglossidae and Pelobatidae) either lack secretory pits, or have them poorly defined. They also lack secretory ridges but have columnar, mucus-secreting cells whose apices are exposed in a seemingly random fashion in the branchial food traps. Rhinophrynus (Archaeobatrachia: Rhinophrynidae) has secretory ridges, but the apices of secretory cells are not arranged in rows at the tops of the ridges; instead they erupt singly or in small clusters on the epithelial surface, in a pattern similar to that in Ascaphus, the discoglossids and the pelobatids. It is proposed that the generalized condition for the branchial food trap mucosa is one where the apices of secretory cells are exposed haphazardly on a flat epithelium and the derived condition is one where the surface is organized into ridges. The morphology of the branchial food traps in Rhinophrynus suggests that, phylogenetically, ridges preceded the coalescing of secretory cell apices into distinct rows. Pipidae and Microhylidae have unique patterns in the gross and microanatomy of their branchial food traps specific to their families. Branchial food trap morphology relates to diets of tadpoles as well as to taxonomy. Obligate macrophagous (e.g., carnivorous) tadpoles, irrespective of family, tend to have reduced branchial food traps, regularly lack secretory ridges and, in extreme cases, lack columnar mucus-secreting cells. Obligate microphagous forms (midwater suspension feeding of Xenopus, microhylids and Agalychnis), have straight parallel secretory ridges with narrow secretory zones and shallow troughs between the ridges. Secretory ridges may help to form mucus strands in which food particles are trapped, but they are not essential for planktonic entrapment. The hydrodynamic implications of the various topographic patterns remain unclear.  相似文献   

Humans stand alone from other primates in that we propel our bodies forward on a relatively stiff and arched foot and do so by employing an anatomical arrangement of bones and ligaments in the foot that can operate like a “windlass.” This is a significant evolutionary innovation, but it is currently unknown when during hominin evolution this mechanism developed and within what genera or species it originated. The presence of recently discovered fossils along with novel research in the past two decades have improved our understanding of foot mechanics in humans and other apes, making it possible to consider this question more fully. Here we review the main elements thought to be involved in the production of an effective, modern human‐like windlass mechanism. These elements are the triceps surae, plantar aponeurosis, medial longitudinal arch, and metatarsophalangeal joints. We discuss what is presently known about the evolution of these features and the challenges associated with identifying each of these specific components and/or their function in living and extinct primates for the purpose of predicting the presence of the windlass mechanism in our ancestors. In some cases we recommend alternative pathways for inferring foot mechanics and for testing the hypothesis that the windlass mechanism evolved to increase the speed and energetic efficiency of bipedal gait in hominins. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:1–10, 2015 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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