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Observations of nesting Adélie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) were made at Ardley Island during spring 1990 when snow cover was unusually thick at some subcolony sites. Adélie Penguins at these sites had to delay egg laying until the snow melted. Maximum length of fasting periods comprising pre-breeding and incubation was 50 days. Long fasting seemed to have no detrimental effect on breeding. Furthermore, there was no relationship between penguin arrival mass and duration of fast. Even birds with small mass had sufficient reserves to undergo long fasting periods.In spring 1990, when we started with a monitoring study for CEMP (CCAMLR 1990) at Ardley Island, there were still high quantities of snow at the subcolony sites. Adélie Penguins at Ardley Island inhabit both small rocky outcrops and flat, stony hillocks (storm bars). The latter had a distinctly thicker snow cover at this time so that the pebbles necessary for nest building were unattainable. Consequently, we observed the behaviour of the penguins in this situation, recorded the laying dates and lengths of fasting periods.  相似文献   

During four breeding seasons, 2003–2006, we studied the relationship between snow cover and nesting performance in pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) in a key breeding site on Svalbard. Snow cover in late May, i.e., at the time of egg laying of geese, was derived from MODIS satellite images. Snow cover had a profound cascading effect on reproductive output via the number of nesting pairs and timing of nesting, which affected nest success, while there was only a tendency for a negative effect on clutch size. Hence, we estimated a five-fold difference in the number of young produced (to post-hatching) between years with little snow and years with high snow cover. The results from the study area correlated with whole-population productivity estimates recorded in autumn. Thus, snow cover derived from MODIS satellite images appears to provide a useful indicator of the breeding conditions in the Arctic.  相似文献   

H. D. Jackson 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):263-276
Jackson H. D. 1985. Aspects of the breeding biology of the Fierynecked Nightjar. Ostrich 56: 263–276.

A marked population of nightjars in Zimbabwe was studied intensively for four breeding seasons. This paper covers certain aspects of the breeding biology of the Fierynecked Nightjar Caprimulgus pectoralis. The male shows strong site fidelity during the breeding season (September to December), singing, feeding and breeding within an area of about 5,8 ha. There is some evidence of site defence by the male. The female shows strong mate fidelity, resulting in a pair bond for life. Egg laying starts with full moon in September and is further stimulated by the next two full moon periods. The eggs are laid directly on dense leaf litter at a site overhung by foliage. The normal clutch is two eggs (12S % are one egg) laid on successive days during the afternoon. Incubation starts with the first egg and is by the male at night and the female by day. The incubation period is 18 days. The birds respond to undue disturbance by deserting the eggs and laying a replacement clutch. The chicks usually hatch on successive afternoons; they are mobile on the first day and will move to a parent if called. Both parents feed and brood the young during twilight and moonlight; the male broods them on dark nights and the female does so by day. The species is double-brooded when time permits, the female laying again once the first brood has reached independence; she may even lay a third clutch if the second one comes to grief. There is no evidence of adults transporting eggs or young.  相似文献   

C. J. Vernon 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):206-210
Oatley, T. B. 1982. The Starred Robin in Natal, Part 3: Breeding, populations and plumages. Ostrich 53: 206–221 The female Starred Robin Pogonocichla stellata constructs a domed nest of moss and dead leaves usually on sloping ground and well concealed in the herb layer. The normal clutch is three eggs laid on consecutive days. Incubation usually starts with the laying of the third egg. The mean size of 138 eggs was 22 x 16 mm. The female incubates the eggs for 16 to 18 days and intermittently broods the young for the fist five of the average 14-day nestling period. Both sexes feed the young from the time of hatching and parental care lasts for some 42 days after leaving the nest. Eggs are laid from October to December with 63% of clutches started in November. Data on sex ratios indicate a surplus of adult males in the population and annual survival rates are estimated at 0,84 for males and 0,76 for females. 51% of eggs laid in 60 nests give rise to fledged young. About 21.3% of eggs laid produce adults. The level of brood parasitism by cuckoos is relatively low. Most adult mortality occurs outside of the breeding seasons. Chilling and overnight starvation from January to March when incidence of late afternoon thunderstorms is highMaycause significant mortality. The subadult plumage appears to confer crypsis and enable the immature bird to reside in adult territories without harassment. AdultsMaybenefit through an effective reduction in competitive stress.  相似文献   

Austin Roberts 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):26-36
Hockey, P. A. R. 1983. Aspects of the breeding biology of the African Black Oystercatcher. Ostrich 54:26-35. Fifty-five pairs of African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini bred at Marcus Island in 1979–1980. Sixteen pairs laid replacement clutches: the mean interval between loss of the fist clutch and laying of a replacement clutch was 22,2 days. Mean inter-nest distance was 19,4 m. The modal clutch size was 2, with a mean of 1.74. Mean dimensions of 105 eggs were 60,7 × 40,l mm and mean fresh egg mass was 55,s g. There were differences in egg mass and dimensions between eggs in one- and two-egg clutches. Rate of egg loss was high, due mainly to depredation by Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus promoted by human disturbance. Fledging success was lower at a disturbed site than at undisturbed sites, with highest chick mortality occurring in the first week of life. Mortality of first-year birds of eight days and older was estimated at 48% and 69% in two successive seasons. All juvenile birds dispersed from the natal sites, and were resighted up to 168 km away. Dispersed juveniles were concentrated at the edge of an area of high oystercatcher density.  相似文献   

C. J. Brown 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):24-32
Brown, C. J. 1990. Breeding biolo of the Bearded Vulture in southern Africa, Part I: The pre-laying and incubation periods. Ostrich 61: 24–32.

In southern Africa the Bearded Vulture Gpaetus barbatus lays its eggs in mid-winter. between the second half of May and the first week of July. Pairs became more active in their nesting areas about six weeks before laying and usually roosted there at night. Courtship flights were less frequent and demonstrative than in Eurasian birds and took place mainly in the late afternoons. During the pre-laying period most nest visits (77%) were to bring nesting material, 92% by the male. All nesting material was arranged by the female. Copulation was always preceded by allopreening, and occurred most frequently in the mornings. No copulation or courtship display took place after the first egg had been laid. Of 18 clutches, 16 (89%) contained two eggs and the remainder one egg. The laying interval was usually 3–5 days (range 2–9 days). Incubation started with the first egg and was evenly shared by both parents during the day, but only the female incubated at night, individual pairs maintained distinctive nest attendance and foraging period timetables, which allowed sufficient time for self-foraging by both parentes. No food was brought into the nest during the pre-laying and incubation periods, but in some pairs food was cached in nearby potholes in cliffs. The incubation period was 56–57 days.  相似文献   

We collated the literature available on the breeding activity of the Swainson's Spurfowl Pternistis swainsonii and made use of reliable unpublished reports, nest record cards and field observations within the Springbok Flats, Limpopo Province, South Africa to establish breeding seasons and pairing behaviour. The onset of breeding (egg laying) is closely associated with rainfall, with male gonad development, population density and covey size (pairing behaviour), all correlated with rainfall. Peak breeding activity is from January–April in South Africa, February–May in Zimbabwe and March–June in Botswana. Egg laying has been recorded in all months and sporadic egg laying in the winter months is most likely the result of isolated rainfall. Mean clutch size is 5.2 eggs/hen (n = 140) with an incubation period of 23 days and brood hatching success and chick survival of 69.4% over the southern African sub-region. Current hunting seasons within Limpopo Province are in line with the recommended hunting season for this region and should remain unchanged: 15 June–30 September. The success of this phasianid can be attributed to its extended breeding season, high survival rate of hatchlings and the potential of birds to breed within their first year.  相似文献   

M. G. BROOKER  L. C. BROOKER 《Ibis》1989,131(4):528-547
The breeding behaviour of two similarly sized sympatric cuckoos, Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalts and the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo C. lucidus, was studied over four breeding seasons at Gooseberry Hill, Western Australia. Both cuckoos usually began laying in late August; Shining Bronze-Cuckoos laid for up to 13 weeks and Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoos for up to 15 weeks. Four host species were parasitized and major hosts were parasitized throughout most of their laying periods. The frequency of parasitism varied between hosts and between years, but Splendid Fairy-wrens Malurus splendens and Yellow-rumped Thornbills Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (major hosts) were always parasitized more heavily than Western Thornbills A. inornata and Scarlet Robins Petroica multicolor. Western Thornbills were parasitized by both cuckoos. Horsfield's and Shining Bronze-Cuckoos laid monomorphic eggs; those of Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoos were highly mimetic whereas those of Shining Bronze-Cuckoos were non-mimetic and dark in colour. Both cuckoos laid one egg per host nest, deposited eggs directly into the nest, laid very quickly in the early morning, removed at least one host egg at laying, laid eggs small for the size of the birds, hatched after 12 days and evicted nest companions shortly after hatching. Laying was well synchronized with the start of incubation by hosts. Field observations and experiments with egg models indicated that neither of the major hosts, nor the secondary host in common, discriminate against foreign eggs. The nestling period for Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo was 17 days, and for the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo 20 days. There was a corresponding difference in nestling growth rate between the cuckoo species. About 50% of cuckoo eggs produced fledglings. Reproductive success for both cuckoos was highest in nests of the secondary host in common, the Western Thornbill. Young cuckoos reached independence 5–6 weeks after hatching. The adaptive significance of competition between cuckoos as a selective agent for cuckoo egg morphology and host specificity is discussed.  相似文献   

The breeding biology of the Namaqua Sandgrouse, Pterocles namaqua, was studied and its nesting success determined through the observation of 278 nests over four consecutive breeding seasons at Droëgrond, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. The normal clutch of three eggs is laid over five days (±48-hour laying interval). The incomplete clutch is left unattended overnight, but is attended during the heat of the day by the female on days when an egg is laid and by the male on alternate days. After clutch completion, the pair share incubation, with the female relieving the male 151 min (±21 S.D.) after sunrise and the male relieving the female 105 min (±21 S.D.) before sunset. The incubation period is 21 days from clutch completion, and the three chicks normally hatch within 18 hours of one another. Nesting success ranged from 5.7% to 13.5% between seasons and averaged 8.2%. Predation, primarily by small mammals, was responsible for 96% of nest losses. Estimates of annual recruitment at Droëgrond ranged from minima of 3–10% to maxima of 6–20%, and are believed to be representative of a core area of the distribution of the Namaqua Sandgrouse in South Africa. These low estimates suggest that annual juvenile recruitment may be too low to maintain Namaqua Sandgrouse populations locally. Possible reasons for the sustained low level of breeding success are discussed.  相似文献   

P. A. Zino 《Ibis》1971,113(2):212-217
The breeding of Cory's Shearwater on Selvagem Grande was studied during the seasons of 1968 and 1969, on a number of specially timed visits. After a pre-laying exodus (duration not determined) the birds returned in a mass to the island on 26 May 1969 and laying began immediately reaching its peak on 31 May. Egg dimensions and weights are tabulated. In most cases the female handed over to the male immediately after laying, and the two sexes incubated in alternating spells averaging about six days. The incubation period averaged 53-8 days. The chicks reached their maximum weight at about 53 days, but the fledging period was not determined. In 1968 young birds were leaving the nest on 22–25 October, about 90 days after the 1969 mean hatching date. Herring Gulls were important egg predators, but losses of chicks were few, 29 out of a sample of 30 being alive at the age of about 60 days.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Red‐faced Cormorants (Phalacrocorax urile) are North Pacific endemics recognized as a vulnerable species, but little is known about their breeding ecology. We studied Red‐faced Cormorants on St. Paul Island, Alaska, from 1975 to 2009, with more detailed data collected in 2004 and 2005. Mean clutch sizes in 2004 (3.2 ± 0.8 [SD] eggs) and 2005 (3.1 ± 0.8 eggs) were similar to the long‐term average (2.9 ± 0.3 eggs from 1976 to 2009). The mean laying interval in 2004 and 2005 was 2.15 ± 0.80 d (N= 407), and the mean egg period (number of days between laying of an egg and hatching) was 31.1 ± 1.4 d (N= 158). Approximately 64 ± 17% of eggs hatched during the period from 1975 to 2009. The mean number of chicks per nest in 2004 and 2005 was 2.8 ± 0.8 (N= 232), and the mean number of fledglings per initiated nest in all years was 1.22 ± 0.52. Chicks fledged 46 to 66 d posthatching. In 2004 and 2005, the primary causes of egg loss were predation by Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) and destruction of eggs and abandonment of nests due to storms. Starvation was the primary cause of nestling mortality in both years. Because chicks are dependent on parents to provide food for over 45 d, consistent near‐shore foraging opportunities must be available. From 1975 to 2009, Red‐faced Cormorants experienced only 1 yr of complete reproductive failure (1984). The consistent reproductive success of Red‐faced Cormorants suggests that conditions may be relatively stable for this species on St. Paul Island, or that the variability in their breeding ecology (e.g., phenology, clutch sizes, and incubation strategies) provides the flexibility needed to successfully fledge some chicks nearly every year.  相似文献   

Intraspecific nest parasitism in two colonies of Spotless Starling Sturnus unicolor breeding in nestboxes was studied in central Spain from 1991 to 1994. Nests were monitored regularly and three criteria were used to detect nest parasitism: the appearance of more than one egg per day during the laying period of the host; the appearance of an egg after the start of incubation; eggs with unusual shape or pigmentation. The proportion of parasitized nests in first clutches (37%) was twice that of intermediate (19%) or second (20%) clutches in colony B, whereas parasitism occurred in first (35%) and intermediate (12%) but not in second clutches in colony A. Most clutches (52–70%) were parasitized during the host's laying period and received one parasitic egg. In 10% of the parasitized clutches in colony B, one of the host's eggs disappeared on the day the parasitic egg was added, suggesting that the parasitic female removed this egg. Although parasitism increased clutch size significantly, it led to a decrease in host breeding success, mainly through the removal of eggs and the loss of host nestlings and the survival of parasitic chicks. Observations suggested that parasitic females were young individuals without their own nests and/or those whose breeding attempt had been disrupted while laying in their own nest.  相似文献   

M. P. Harris 《Ibis》1973,115(4):483-510
As a nesting species, the Waved Albatross Diomedea irrorata is restricted to Hood Island in the Galapagos archipelago where 12,000 pairs bred in 1971. Outside the islands the species occurs over the northern parts of the Humboldt Current. Two colonies were studied in detail (1970–1971). At the start of a season, males returned first to the colonies and defended a small territory. Copulation occurred without any elaborate ceremony and the female spent little time on land before laying. There was no fixed nest-site, even within a season, and birds moved their eggs considerable distances. This resulted in heavy egg losses. Younger birds bred later than older birds and laid longer but narrower eggs. The average incubation spell varied from four to five days at the extremes of the incubation period to 19 days in the middle. The average incubation and fledging periods were 60 and 167 days respectively. Pairs which lost an egg sometimes adopted the abandoned egg of another bird and successfully reared the chick. Most pairs nested in both seasons. Nesting success was extremely variable, both between years and between colonies. Between 1961 and 1971 at Punta Suarez, virtually no young were reared in four seasons. Even in 1970–71, where nesting success was good, some groups of birds deserted their eggs en masse whereas in neighbouring areas up to 80% of the pairs reared young. The main foods of the young were squid and fish. Birds did not moult wing and tail feathers at the breeding colonies, and about 50% retained some primaries for more than one season, suggesting that successful pairs had difficulty in fitting in a complete moult between breeding attempts. Old feathers were normally found among the inner primaries and at the next moult were preferentially replaced, though adjacent newer feathers were sometimes retained for another season. Some birds bred in their fourth years, but most not until a year or two older. Immatures were present at the colonies late in the breeding cycle, the youngest returning latest and remaining until the last young fledged. Survival of adults and young averaged at least 95% and 93% per annum over many years. Adults and young ringed in 1961 survived equally well. The significance of the timing of the return of immatures and of the large-scale desertion of eggs, apparently not due to food shortage or disturbance, is discussed.  相似文献   

The number of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella hauled out at Signy Island in the South Orkneys was monitored annually between 1977 and 2008. Over the study period seal abundance showed a tenfold increase, from a minimum of 1,643 seals in 1978 to a maximum of 21,303 in 1994. The majority of individuals observed were young adult males, likely to be migrants from South Georgia, with small numbers of female seals and only 65 pups recorded during the survey period. Variability in counts showed a similar pattern to Laurie Island, also in the South Orkneys archipelago, suggesting a similar annual immigration of seals to these two islands. The date of first seal arrival was correlated with the date of fast-ice breakout at Factory Cove, Signy Island, and years in which break out was exceptionally late (>21 December) corresponded with years of reduced seal abundance. While the presence of fast-ice during the early breeding season may currently inhibit the establishment of a major breeding population of fur seals at Signy Island, it is important that routine monitoring should continue, particularly in the light of current patterns of climate warming in the Antarctic.  相似文献   


A study of the nesting habits and breeding biology of blue penguin Eudyptula minor was undertaken over the 1995–96 and 1996–97 breeding seasons on Matiu‐Somes Island, Wellington, New Zealand. Male and female blue penguins tended to be faithful to both mates and nest sites, although there was insufficient evidence to detect any association between a bird's breeding success in 1995 and a subsequent change of mate or nest in 1996. Over the 1995 and 1996 seasons the recorded hatching success (0.51 ±0.11 and 0.63 ± 0.10 respectively), fledging success (0.81 ±0.12 and 0.85 ±0.10 respectively) and reproductive success (0.41 + 0.11 and 0.54 ± 0.11 respectively) were similar each season. There was no significant difference between the proportion of eggs laid, or eggs hatched and chicks fledged, between the two seasons. The mean number of chicks raised over the two seasons was 0.94 ± 0.05 per nest. Replacement clutches were laid by 11 per cent of failed breeders in each season, but only in 1996 were they successful in fledging chicks.

No significant difference was found between the breeding success of the Matiu‐Somes Island blue penguin colony recorded during this study and a previous study undertaken on the island 40 years ago.  相似文献   

A. J. Williams 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):226-229
Williams, A. J. 1981. The laying interval and incubation period of Rockhopper and Macaroni Penguins. Ostrich 52: 226–229.

The laying interval and incubation period of Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome and Macaroni Penguins E. chrysolophus were studied at Marion Island in 1974–75 and 1976–77. On average, the laying interval was 4,4 and 4,5 days, the incubation period of second-laid eggs was 34,2 and 35,9 days and that of first-laid eggs was 39,1 and 38,0 days in Rock-hopper and Macaroni Penguins respectively. The laying interval in this genus is longer than that in other penguins. The incubation period is similar to that of most other penguins but the second-laid egg normally hatches before the first-laid egg. The long laying interval and the hatching sequence of the eggs both have important affects upon the mortality of eggs in the genus Eudyptes.  相似文献   

H. H. HAMLING 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):30-43
Boyer, H. J. 1988. Breeding biology of the Dune Lark. Ostrich 59:30-37.

The peak of the breeding season of the Dune Lark Mirafra erythrochlamys occurred in January and February and was not dependent on rainfall. Most nests were domed, although one undomed nest was recorded. Ninety-one percent of clutches were of two eggs (mean = 1,9; range 1–2; n = 11). The eggs are described and measurements given. Incubation, by the female only, began with the laying of the second egg, and hatching occurred after 13–14 days. Growth and development of nestlings are described. The young left the nest after 12–14 days, and post-nestling parental care lasted for approximately one month. Sixty-one percent of eggs hatched. and 28% produced young which successfully left the nest. Most losses of eggs and young were the result of predation.  相似文献   

Tarboton, W. R. 1978. Breeding of the Little Banded Goshawk. Ostrich 49:132-143.

The behaviour and vocalizations of a pair of Little Banded Goshawks Accipiter badius during part of their breeding cycle is described. Both sexes built the nest. Two eggs were laid three days apart. The first egg was incubated for 52% of the day, but this increased to 90% when the clutch was complete, of which the female's share was 86% and the male's 4%. The second egg hatched after 29 days, 18 h. The female did not hunt during the incubation or early nestling period and was fed by the male who brought her, on average, 7,0 food objects per day. Lizards formed 73% of the 91 identified prey objects, and small birds, 24%. The female and chick, when 16 days old, were killed by a predator on the nest at night.  相似文献   

Rhys  Green 《Ibis》1976,118(4):475-490
Ospreys Pandion haliaetus nested at a site near Loch Garten, Inverness-shire continuously from 1959 to 1973. Each year the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has organized a continuous watch on the eyrie in the breeding season. The detailed records kept of the activities of Ospreys at the nest by those participating in the watch were analysed and the results presented here. Ospreys are migratory and arrived in the breeding area in early April. Nesting material was usually added to an existing eyrie platform. The male collected more material than the female. The female lined the nest cup. The extent of nest building activity and the frequencies of mating and other activities prior to laying varied markedly from year to year. These differences may have been related to changes in the identity of the nesting female, but the birds were not individually marked. Both sexes incubated but the female took the greater share and normally incubated at night. When the young hatched they were brooded by the female. The female stayed in the vicinity of the nest for most of the time until the young fledged at about 53 days old. The male Osprey caught almost all the fish eaten by his mate and young during the breeding season. The number of fish caught per day increased markedly after the young hatched. Pike Esox lucius and Trout Salmo trutta were the main species taken, and some Rainbow Trout Salmo gairdnerii were identified. There were seasonal and diurnal changes in the size and the species composition of the catch. The effects of weather conditions on hunting are examined. The occurrence of Ospreys other than the resident birds at the nest site is described. The behaviour of another pair of Ospreys which repeatedly failed to hatch eggs is described. There was an instance of egg eating in this pair, and some differences in behaviour were found between these birds and those at Loch Garten whose breeding success was good. The breeding biology of Ospreys is compared with that of other British diurnal birds of prey. In other species the female leaves the young unguarded at some stage in the nestling period and hunts food for them, whereas female Ospreys do not usually hunt in the nesting period.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The physiological condition of female birds during the egg‐laying and incubation periods is of considerable interest and yet is relatively understudied in wild birds, primarily due to the difficulty of catching birds during this period without causing nest desertion. We therefore developed a box‐net to capture cavity‐nesting birds using sections of a mist‐net placed around a metal cubic frame. We captured female Great Tits (Parus major) as they left nest boxes during the egg‐laying and incubation periods and measured desertion rates. Using box‐nets, we captured 108 of 119 (90%) females during egg laying and 10 of 12 (83%) during incubation. Our recapture rate over two consecutive days during incubation was 50% (5 of 10). Females not captured left nest boxes before we attempted to capture them, escaped through a hole in the mist‐net, or remained in nest boxes for more than 2 h, after which we ended capture attempts. Overall, 22% of egg‐laying females deserted, with desertion rates highest early in the egg‐laying period. Desertion rates of females captured using box‐nets did not differ from those of undisturbed females. One of 10 females captured in a box‐net deserted during the incubation period. Box‐nets are portable, can be set up and taken down quickly and easily, and could potentially be used with nest boxes or natural cavities at any height. Box‐nets are easy to construct and adaptable for use with an array of cavity‐nesting birds, and can be an important tool for studying female physiology during egg laying and incubation.  相似文献   

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