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Shahabadi sheep represent an important but uninvestigated source of genetic diversity. Eighteen microsatellite markers were employed to analyze the genetic diversity of Shahabadi sheep population found in Bihar, India within fifty samples. Microsatellites were highly polymorphic with a mean allelic number 5.56 ± 1.79. The observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity and observed and effective number of alleles were used to estimate the genetic variation of this breed. The observed heterozygosity in the population varied from 0.279–0.739 with the mean of 0.501 ± 0.151, reflecting substantial genetic variation in this population. Population was observed to be heterozygote deficient (21.5%). The results of this study indicated that conservation of genetic variation in Shahabadi population should be considered by breeders, in the interest of long term future of the breed in its native tract.  相似文献   

Two types of triplicated alpha-globin loci in humans.   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
DNA from healthy Malaysian newborns was studied on gene maps after digestion with different restriction endonucleases. Of 65 newborns, two were found to be carriers of two different variants of triplicated alpha-globin loci. In variant no. 1, found in an Malay, the three alpha-globin genes are in an elongated DNA fragment on digestion with Eco RI and Bam HI. The third alpha-globin gene was found in a additional 3.7-kb fragment on digestion with Hpa I, Bgl II and Hind III. In variant no. 2, a new type of triplicated alpha-globin loci, found in a Chinese, the three alpha-globin genes reside in an elongated DNA fragment longer than that of variant no. 1 on digestion with Eco RI and Bam HI. The third alpha-globin gene was found in an additional 4.2-kb fragment on digestion with Hpa I and Hind III. Digestion of this variant DNA with Bg1 II produced an abnormal 16.7-kb fragment in addition to the normal 7.0-kb Bgl-II fragment. The locations of the restriction sites in the two types of triplicated alpha-globin loci are compatible with a mechanism of unequal crossing over following two different modes of misalignment.  相似文献   

By using seven endonucleases and four bovine cDNA probes specific for alpha S1-, alpha S2-, beta-, and kappa-casein genes, nine restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) have been found in the sheep orthologous DNA regions. In contrast to the low level of variation observed at the protein level, these DNA polymorphisms determine a high level of heterozygosity and, therefore, represent useful tools for genetic analyses since they can also be obtained without the need for gene expression. In fact, informative matings suggest that in sheep, as in cattle, the four loci are linked.  相似文献   

A sheep kappa cDNA probe was isolated, characterized by sequence analysis and shown to have significant sequence identity to other kappa light chains. This probe and a sheep lambda light chain probe were used to estimate the extent of various sheep immunoglobulin light chain gene loci by Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA. The results showed that the sheep has a single hybridizing kappa constant gene and three to five kappa V segment bands. Segregation of three polymorphic bands at the lambda C locus indicated that they were products of separate C segments. Restriction fragment pattern variations were obtained using light chain probes on various sheep breeds, but no pattern or individual band was characteristic for a particular breed.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic comparison of variation at 16 presumptive isozyme gene loci was performed for 17 species from the tribeTriticeae. Included in the analysis were annuals and perennials, and self- and cross-pollinating species, representing the H, I, P, N, R, V, S, E, J, J1J2, A, B, and D genomes. Perennial species were found to contain a significantly (marginally, at the 5% level) higher proportion of polymorphic loci and level of heterozygosity, than annual species. There were no significant differences between self- and crosspollinating species. Across all species, mean heterozygosity levels ranged from 0–0.225 and the % polymorphic loci from 6.3–56.3%. Genetic distance estimates varied from 0.08–0.39 for congeneric species. Relationships were deduced between the 17 species using phenetic and cladistic analyses and compared with relationships inferred from other parameters such as morphology and nucleotide sequence data. In general, the trees derived from the various relationships were concordant; the evolutionary basis for minor discrepancies between trees is also discussed.  相似文献   

The response of (DA×BN.B2)F2 rats to small skin grafts from each of the inbred parental strains indicated that at least 15 histocompatibility loci were segregating. The results are discussed with respect to other F2 analyses.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 18 microsatellite loci was analysed in six indigenous Spanish sheep: Churra; Latxa; Manchega; Rasa-Aragonesa; Castellana and Merino. Merinos had frequently the highest number of alleles per locus, whereas Latxas showed the lowest one at many loci. Markers ordered decreasingly according to the number of variants differentiated in the whole population were: MAF70; TGLA13; CSSM66; BM143, BM6444; MAF36; MAF64; CSSM6; TGLA53; OarFCB11; MAF33; BM4621; MAF48; MAF65; BM1258; ILSTS002; ADCYC and OarCP34. Parameters of variability such as effective number of alleles and gene diversities corroborated the high level of variation frequently displayed by microsatellite markers. Comparison of allele distributions among populations and loci did not reveal consistent shapes. Distributions were centralised in some cases, whereas in others some kind of skewness was evident. Breed-specific alleles were detected at most loci, being frequent in Merinos and rare in Churras.  相似文献   

Selection on MHC-linked microsatellite loci in sheep populations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Microsatellites within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region have received increasing attention as proxy measures of the level of polymorphism at the Mhc genes themselves. We assessed the diversity of microsatellite loci within or in close proximity of the Mhc genes in several breeds of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) and the wild Mouflon (Ovis orientalis musimon). This was compared to variation at other microsatellite loci scattered throughout the sheep genome. Significantly higher number of alleles were observed at the MHC microsatellites. The sheep breeds studied fell into high- and low-diversity group. This grouping is not related to the agricultural use of the breeds, whether for milk, meat or wool. It is, however, correlated with the geographic origins of the breeds. Southern breeds are genetically more diverse than northern breeds. The observed heterozygosity was in most cases lower than Hardy-Weinberg expectations. The potential impact of selective breeding by man on this is discussed. Neutrality tests indicated that for most of the breeds, the distribution of alleles at the MHC-linked microsatellites are more even than would be expected if the genes were neutral and sampled from populations under drift-mutation equilibrium. Hitchhiking due to tight linkage with alleles at the MHC loci that are under balancing selection is proposed as a possible explanation for this pattern.  相似文献   

Considerable variability has been recorded in the radiocaesium activity concentration of muscle between individual sheep in the same flocks in upland areas that received fallout from the Chernobyl accident. In a previous paper we demonstrated that there is a propensity for certain sheep within a flock to be always amongst the most contaminated and others to be consistently the least contaminated. Here we report a study to determine the extent to which variation in the metabolism of radiocaesium by individual sheep may contribute to the observed variability within sheep flocks. The transfer coefficient and biological half-life of orally administered ionic radiocaesium in muscle were determined under controlled conditions in 22 ewes from an upland farm in an area of the UK which received comparatively high levels of Chernobyl fallout. There was considerable variation between individuals in both the transfer coefficient (0.19–0.56 day⋅kg–1; mean 0.34 day⋅kg–1) and biological half-life in muscle (5.2– 18.7 days; mean 9.8 days). Changes in liveweight during the study and feed intake together accounted for 72% of the variation in the derived transfer coefficients; liveweight change also accounted for 56% of the observed variation in biological half-life. In a subsequent study, the true absorption coefficient of radiocaesium was determined in 12 of the ewes. There was a positive correlation between transfer and true absorption coefficients (R=0.57). We conclude that differences in the metabolism of radiocaesium will contribute to the observed variability in radiocaesium activity concentrations within sheep flocks in areas which were contaminated by Chernobyl fallout. We also suggest that for growing animals, the influence of liveweight change and feed intake on radiocaesium transfer may be greater than observed here. Similarly, in dairy cattle, for which feed intake changes considerably during the course of a lactation, large temporal variation in radiocaesium transfer to milk could be expected. Received: 10 August 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 20 October 1998  相似文献   

Kit  O. I.  Vodolazhsky  D. I.  Kutilin  D. S.  Gudueva  E. N. 《Molecular Biology》2015,49(4):589-597
Molecular Biology - It is assumed that changes in the number of copies that belong to the basic mechanisms that control the expression of genes are important for malignization. Therefore, the...  相似文献   

The number of trait loci in late-onset Alzheimer disease   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Although it is clear that apoE plays an important role in the genetics of late-onset Alzheimer disease (AD), evidence exists that additional genes may play a role in AD, and estimates of the total contribution of apoE to the variance in onset of AD vary widely. Unfortunately, little information is available on the number and contribution of additional genes. We estimated the number of additional quantitative-trait loci and their contribution to the variance in age at onset of AD, as well as the contribution of apoE and sex, in an oligogenic segregation analysis of 75 families (742 individuals) ascertained for members with late-onset AD. We found evidence that four additional loci make a contribution to the variance in age at onset of late-onset AD that is similar to or greater in magnitude than that made by apoE, with one locus making a contribution several times greater than that of apoE. Additionally, we confirmed previous findings of a dose effect for the apoE varepsilon4 allele, a protective effect for the varepsilon2 allele, evidence for allelic interactions at the apoE locus, and a small protective effect for males. Furthermore, although we estimate that the apoE genotype can make a difference of 相似文献   

湖羊结构基因座遗传共适应性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据多座位电泳法检测的结构基因座上等位基因频率分析湖羊群体的遗传共适应性。结果发现, 在显隐性-显隐性模式中未发现座位间的遗传共适应现象, 显隐性-共显性模式中X-p-Cat组合座位以及共显性-共显性模式中Po-CA、Po-Cat组合座位均存在遗传共适应, 表明在湖羊群体中性结构基因座间存在遗传共适应, 而且起主要的作用, 维持着座位间的遗传平衡或者使座位间处于遗传不平衡状态。  相似文献   

The allele frequencies of 15 autosomal STR loci (D3S1358, vWA, FGA, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, D2S1338, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, and D19S433) used in forensic medicine were determined for the Russian population of European Russia (N = 176). The power of discrimination (PD) and power of exclusion (PE) of the system of the 15 STR loci were 0.999 999 999 999 999 986 and 0.999 999 331 310 171 000, respectively. The allele and genotype frequency distributions in the Russian population corresponded to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The D2S1338, D18S51, D21S11, and FGA loci were identified as the most informative markers for the Russian population and proposed as a reference for forensic studies in the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

Improvement of milk production traits in dairy sheep is required to increase the competitiveness of the industry and to maintain the production of high quality cheese in regions of Mediterranean countries with less favourable conditions. Additional improvement over classical selection could be reached if genes with significant effects on the relevant traits were specifically targeted by selection. However, so far, few studies have been undertaken to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) in dairy sheep. In this study, we present a complete genome scan performed in a commercial population of Spanish Churra sheep to identify chromosomal regions associated with phenotypic variation observed in milk production traits. Eleven half-sib families, including a total of 1213 ewes, were analysed following a daughter design. Genome-wise multi-marker regression analysis revealed a genome-wise significant QTL for milk protein percentage on chromosome 3. Eight other regions, localized on chromosomes 1, 2, 20, 23 and 25, showed suggestive significant linkage associations with some of the analysed traits. To our knowledge, this study represents the first complete genome scan for milk production traits reported in dairy sheep. The experiment described here shows that analysis of commercial dairy sheep populations has the potential to increase our understanding of the genetic determinants of complex production-related traits.  相似文献   

Summary Plants derived from tissue cultures of six triticale genotypes were the subject of an analysis for changes in the rRNA genes located at the site of nucleolar organizer regions (the Nor loci) on chromosomes 1B, 6B and 1R. In addition whole plant phenotypes and the chromosomal constitutions of their progenies were examined for alterations. Following treatment of DNA with the restriction endonuclease Taq1, it was possible to assign electrophoretic bands representing rDNA spacer sequences to each of the chromosomes known to carry a major Nor locus. In general, the rRNA genes were found to be stable except in one family where a marked reduction in the number of rDNA units was observed. This reduction in 1R rDNA spacer sequences was heritable and correlated with reduced C-banding at the position of Nor-R1 on chromosome 1R. The change was clearly a consequence of tissue culture since six other plants regenerated from the same culture, and the original parent, did not carry the alteration.  相似文献   

The outstandingly rich and highly endemic fauna of Lake Baikal includes more than 200 species of gammarids (Crustacea, Amphipoda), most of which occur only in Baikal. Allelic variation at 23 enzyme loci has been studied for the first time in four species of Baikalian gammarids. The levels of polymorphism are similar to those observed in other invertebrates, including gammarids: c. 20–25% of the loci are polymorphic with 2.53 to 3.3 alleles and mean heterozygosity of 0.048 to 0.105 per polymorphic locus. The genotype frequences in local populations in most cases markedly deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with a deficiency of heterozygotes. Populations were shown to be strongly subdivided even over a range of less than 100 m. On the larger scale genetic differences among the populations do not show any strong correlation with geographical separation. Genetic distances among species were found to be rather low: from 0.159 between closely related, but morphologically clearly distinct species of the genus Spinacanthus to 0.546 between the representatives of different genera. We discuss these patterns of population structure with respect to the problem of the origin of endemic faunas in ancient lakes. Our results suggest that speciation occurred rapidly and relatively recently. Genetic distances within and among species support models of speciation based on the founder effect or differentiation of a peripheral population rather than on divergence of large subpopulations. The rate of morphological evolution in Baikalian gammarids is very high compared with their biochemical evolution.  相似文献   

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