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Soils and ground water in nature are dominated by chloride and sulphate salts. There have been several studies concerning NaCl salinity, however, little is known about the Na2SO4 one. The effects on antioxidative activities of chloride or sodium sulphate in terms of the same Na+ equivalents (25 mM Na2SO4 and 50 mM NaCl) were studied on 30 day-old plants of Ocimum basilicum L., variety Genovese subjected to 15 and 30 days of treatment. Growth, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), relative ion leakage ratio (RLR), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ascorbate and glutathione contents as well as the activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC; glutathione reductase (GR, EC and peroxidases (POD, EC were determined. In leaves, growth was more depressed by 25 mM Na2SO4 than 50 mM NaCl. The higher sensitivity of basil to Na2SO4 was associated with an enhanced accumulation of H2O2, an inhibition of APX, GR and POD activities (with the exception of POD under the 30-day-treatment) and a lower regeneration of reduced ascorbate (AsA) and reduced glutathione (GSH). However, the changes in the antioxidant metabolism were enough to limit oxidative damage, explaining the fact that RLR and TBARS levels were unchanged under both Na2SO4 and NaCl treatment. Moreover, for both salts the 30-day-treatment reduced H2O2 accumulation, unchanged RLR and TBARS levels, and enhanced the levels of antioxidants and antioxidative enzymes, thus achieving an adaptation mechanism against reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of sodium chloride on sulphur oxidation in Terra Rossa and Rendzina soils was studied by incubation and perfusion techniques. Sulphur oxidation was observed at concentrations up to 8 per cent NaCl, but was completely arrested at 10 per cent sodium chloride. Sodium chloride caused a delay in the onset of sulphur oxidation, its rate being only slightly affected. A relationship between sulphate appearance and decrease in pH was observed only in sulphur-amended Terra Rossa soil. Under optimal conditions, 53 and 54 per cent of added sulphur (5000 ppm) was recovered as SO4-S from the Terra Rossa and Rendzina soils, respectively. This maximal level of sulphate production was only slightly affected by the addition of sulphate up to 3000 ppm S.It was concluded that inhibition in further sulphur oxidation was not caused by sulphate accumulation.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of the present study was that diabetes mellitus might affect brain metabolism. Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats, treated with vanadyl sulphate (V) and sodium tungstate (T) were employed to observe the aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and creatine kinase (CK) activities in brain homogenates. Significant increases in AST, ALT and CK activities were found in diabetic brain homogenates against controls, suggesting increments of transamination in brain and/or increases in cell membrane permeability to these enzymes. The increase in brain CK possibly expresses alterations in energy production. The decrease in CK activity caused by V and T treatment in diabetic rats suggests that both agents tend to normalize energy consumption. It is also possible that V and T-induced hypoglycemic effects cause metabolic alterations in brain.  相似文献   

Development of the Tapetum in Pinus banksiana Preceding Sporogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Early in sporangial ontogeny, the cells destined to become thesporogenous and tapetal tissue differentiate in a strikinglysimilar manner. The first conspicuous step in development isa contraction of the protoplasts, beginning at the centre ofthe microsporangium and moving radially to its periphery. Similardevelopment of the two groups of cells ceases as the callosewall is formed around the meiocytes. At this point the originalwalls investing the tapetal cells become gelatinous, and lipidsynthesis commences within the contracted protoplasts. The bulkof this lipid is secreted from the cells, and becomes lodgedin the loculus, either as globules in the expanded radial andinner cell walls, or as a continuous layer on the inside ofthe middle lamella separating the loculus from the wall of themicrosporangium. This lipoidal layer forms the basement of aperitapetal membrane, believed to serve as a container for thefluid in which the young sporogenous cells are immersed. Examination of protein levels and ribosome numbers in the tapetalcells reveals that protein synthesis proceeds at an increasingrate throughout the development preceding meiosis, but apparentlyceases as the pollen mother cells become enveloped in callose.  相似文献   

Water use and sodium chloride uptake by apple trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D. W. West 《Plant and Soil》1978,50(1-3):37-49
Summary Apple trees grown with their root systems split into halves were used to study the effects of non-uniform salinity stress within a root system upon salt and water uptake. Water uptake declined rapidly when sodium chloride solution (90 meq l−1) was added to any root zone but uptake increased correspondingly in the non-saline root zone of each tree. This changed pattern of water uptake with partial salinization did not change the total water use by the trees compared with their water use when neither root zone was salt stressed. After a‘steady-state’ condition of water uptake had been reached 80 to 85% of the water was taken up in the non-saline root zone. Irrigation at three soil matric potential intervals of −6.6, −33 and −66 kPa allowed to develop in the non-saline root zone of each tree did not affect water use responses. Leaf concentrations of Ca, Mg and K were unaffected by treatments. Chloride and Na concentrations increased in leaves with exposure to salinity stress in half root zones and with increasing soil matric potential stress. Some evidence was obtained using tritium enriched water that water was transferred from a non-saline root zone into a saline root zone but the volume involved was unmeasurable.  相似文献   

Tests were conducted to identify possible relations between carbohydrates and callusing-rooting of Pinus banksiana Lamb, cuttings. Terminals, upper stems, and basal (1 cm) stems of 90-day-old untreated seedlings and seedling cuttings were analyzed for sucrose, total soluble reducing sugar, starch and total non-structural carbohydrate during propagation. Seedlings were evaluated in order to determine whether data for cuttings alone properly described carbohydrate-callusing-rooting relations under conditions where stock plants and cuttings were propagated in different environments. Results indicated that seedling terminals and upper stems, but not basal stems, accumulated the measured carbohydrates much like cuttings, though to lesser concentrations. Thus, carbohydrate accumulation by cutting terminals and upper stems would have been overestimated, based on cutting data alone. In terms of rooting, results indicated that: 1) Total carbohydrate accumulation in cutting basal stems was related to callusing-rooting, but a cause-effect relation was not established; 2) The positive relation between callusing-rooting and total carbohydrate accumulation was primarily due to accumulation of reducing sugar and starch, with reducing sugar predominant. 3) Reducing sugar/starch concentration ratios were the most sensitive and convenient indicators of specific carbohydrate differences within and between seedlings and cuttings.  相似文献   

The metabolic fates of the synthetic surfactants, sodium [1-14C]undecyltriethoxy sulphate and sodium [1-14C]dodecyltriethoxy sulphate were studied in the rat. Both compounds were extensively metabolized regardless of the route of administration, oral, intraperitoneal or intravenous. Short-chain radioactive products were eliminated in the urine: the major metabolite of the dodecyl homologue in the urine was identified as O2C14CH2- (OC2H4)3OSO3 by n.m.r. and g.l.c.–mass spectrometry, whereas the major metabolite of the undecyl homologue in the urine was tentatively identified as O2CCH214CH2- (OC2H4)3OSO3. In contrast with experiments with the dodecyl derivative, when [1-14C]undecyltriethoxy sulphate was administered to rats, appreciable amounts of radioactivity were recovered as 14CO2 in expired air. Whole-body radioautography implicated the liver as the major site of metabolism of both surfactants. The nature of the metabolic products establishes that both compounds are degraded by ω,β-oxidation. Cleavage of the ether linkage proximal to the sulphate moiety may account for the small amounts of 14CO2 recovered in expired air after the administration of [1-14C]dodecyltriethoxy sulphate. It is suggested the substantial amounts of 14CO2 recovered after [1-14C]-undecyltriethoxy sulphate administration originate from O214C(OC2H4)3 OSO3, an unstable product of ω,β-oxidation. An n.m.r. spectrum of the metabolite identified as 2-(triethoxy sulphate)acetic acid and a mass spectrum of the trimethylsilyl derivative of the parent alcohol of that metabolite have been deposited as Supplementary Publication SUP50086 (5 pages) at the British Library Lending Division, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ, U.K., from whom copies can be obtained on the terms indicated in Biochem. J. (1978) 169, 5.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) from Cu-deficient pea plants ( Pisum sativum L., cv. Lincoln) has been investigated for electron transport activity, Cu content, and changes in some lipid components. Total fatty acid content was lower that in control plants, with an additional shift in the C18 fatty acid patterns. Less α-linolenic and more linoleic and oleic acids were found. PSII preparations from Cu-depleted plants showed a decreased carotenoid content in light harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex of photosystem II (LHCII) and additional variations in pigment composition of pigment-protein complexes. In the green alga Dunaliella the effect of Cu deficiency on fatty acid composition was similar to that in pea plants, but the influence on the carotenoid pattern was much less pronounced.  相似文献   

Pinus banksiana seedlings were grown for 9 months in enclosures in greenhouses at CO2 concentrations of 350 or 750 μmol mol−1 with either low (0.005 to 0. 3 W m−2) or high (0.25 to 0. 90 W m−2) ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiances. Total seedling dry weight decreased with high UV treatment but was unaffected by CO2 enrichment. High UV treatment also shifted biomass partitioning in favor of leaf production. Both CO2 and UV treatments decreased the dark respiration rate and light compensation point. High UV light inhibited photosynthesis at 350 but not at 750 μmol mol−1 CO2 due to a UV induced increase in ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase efficiency and ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate regeneration. Stomatal density was increased by high UV irradiance but was unchanged by CO2 enrichment.  相似文献   

A method is described for the purification of glutamine synthetase (GS; EC. from the leaves and roots of Pinus banksiana Lamb., a conifer which utilizes ammonium as its primary nitrogen source. The enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity by a procedure involving salt fractionation as well as ion-exchange, size exclusion, and affinity chromatography. Since the final preparation produced two bands on SDS polyacryamide gels but only one band on a nondenaturating gel, it is concluded that the two subunits (44 and 40 kilodaltons, respectively) are part of a single enzymatic protein which shows GS activity. The pH optimum for leaf GS ranged between 6.2 and 6.5, one pH unit lower than the values reported for higher plants which utilize primarily nitrate nitrogen. Magnesium requirements for GS in P. banksiana were different for leaves and roots, showing Vmax/2 values of 2.5 and 8 millimolar, respectively at 5 millimolar ATP. Furthermore, Km values for ammonium were higher for the enzyme in leaves (33.1 micromolar) than in roots (19.2 micromolar). Km values for ATP and for glutamate, on the other hand, were similar for the two tissues. A polyclonal antibody was produced against the purified leaf GS. Western blots of leaf homogenates produced two bands, the lighter one being more abundant. The same pattern was found when immunodetection was performed using an anti GS IgG produced against purified GS from Phaseolus nodules thus indicating common antigenic determinants. At least 30% of total GS was recovered in a plastid-fraction of dark-grown calli produced from the basal part of P. banksiana hypocotyls.  相似文献   

Temperature acclimation of respiration may contribute to climatic adaptation and thus differ among populations from contrasting climates. Short-term temperature responses of foliar dark respiration were measured in 33-yr-old trees of jack pine (Pinus banksiana) in eight populations of wide-ranging origin (44-55 degrees N) grown in a common garden at 46.7 degrees N. It was tested whether seasonal adjustments in respiration and population differences in this regard resulted from changes in base respiration rate at 5 degrees C (R(5)) or Q(10) (temperature sensitivity) and covaried with nitrogen and soluble sugars. In all populations, acclimation was manifest primarily through shifts in R(5) rather than altered Q(10). R(5) was higher in cooler periods in late autumn and winter and lower in spring and summer, inversely tracking variation in ambient air temperature. Overall, R(5) covaried with sugars and not with nitrogen. Although acclimation was comparable among all populations, the observed seasonal ranges in R(5) and Q(10) were greater in populations originating from warmer than from colder sites. Population differences in respiratory traits appeared associated with autumnal cold hardening. Common patterns of respiratory temperature acclimation among biogeographically diverse populations provide a basis for predicting respiratory carbon fluxes in a wide-ranging species.  相似文献   

I Iliev  R Savidge 《Phytochemistry》1999,50(6):953-960
Proteolytic activity in the cambial zone and developing xylem of Pinus banksiana Lamb. was investigated over an annual cycle of growth and dormancy. Highest proteolytic activity was associated with the most active period of primary-wall radial expansion of cambial derivatives, in early spring, before protoplasmic autolysis was initiated in developing earlywood. Three pH maxima of proteolytic activity, near pH 3.0, 6.5 and 9.5, were observed at that time. In general, activities measured at pH values below 7.0 were greater than those determined above pH 7.0 at all stages in the annual cycle, in both cambial zone and developing xylem, although elevated activity at alkaline pH was also observed during springtime growth. Polyvinylpolypyrollidone (PVP) treatment markedly enhanced pH 7.5 but not pH 4.0 proteolytic activity in the cambial zone, but not in developing xylem, indicating the presence of PVP-binding proteinase regulators in the cambium. By fractionation and effector studies total proteolysis was determined to comprise interactions between serine, cystine, aspartate and metallo-proteases having MWs, by gel chromatography, between 10 and 100 kDa. The observations point to a complex regulatory mechanism controlling the presence and catalytic rates of the distinct types of proteases in the cambial region throughout an annual cycle of growth and dormancy.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) induction in UVB-exposed plants leads to an increased synthesis of UV-absorbing phenols. As phenols, including anthocycanins, are linked to many protective mechanisms in plants, we tested the hypothesis that UVB-induced phenol accumulation, mediated by PAL, may confer freezing tolerance in jack pine ( Pinus banksiana Lamb) seedlings. The hypothesis was tested by applying UVB in the presence and absence of the PAL-inhibitor, 2-aminoindan-2-phosphonic acid (AIP). Jack pine seedlings were grown for 3 weeks with and without 10 µ M aqueous AIP. Each treatment was then divided into two groups. One group received near-ambient UVB (5.5 kJ m−2 day−1of biologically effective radiation) for up to 30 h. A second, control group of seedlings received no UVB. Anthocyanin concentration declined by > 99% in PAL-inhibited seedlings and other methanol-extractable UV-absorbing phenols declined by > 48%, relative to the controls. A 20-h exposure to UVB increased seedling freezing (−15°C) tolerance in the absence of the PAL-inhibitor, as shown by a 30% reduction in membrane injury, determined by electrolyte leakage measurements. In PAL-inhibited seedlings, by contrast, the same UVB pre-treatment increased freezing injury by 48%. A longer (30 h) UVB exposure was damaging to both AIP-treated and untreated seedlings. Root feeding with 10 µ M AIP during a 3-week exposure of older (6-month-old) seedlings similarly reduced phenol accumulation in UVB-exposed seedlings. The decline in phenol production in PAL-inhibited seedlings correlated with increased freezing injury. These results suggest a role for ambient UVB in seedling frost hardiness, mediated by a PAL-induced production of phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

Rogers  M.E.  Grieve  C.M.  Shannon  M.C. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(2):271-280
Sodium and sulphate-dominated salinity is a serious environmental problem occurring in soils and groundwater in many parts of the world. The effect of Na2SO4 and NaCl, at electrical conductivity levels ranging from 2 to 17 dS m-1, on the growth and tissue ion concentrations of 16 lines of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) was examined in the greenhouse over a 2 month period. Averaged across all lines, plants grown at 17 dS m-1 produced 66% of the dry matter of plants grown at 2 dS m-1. However there were significant differences among lines in relative salt tolerance (as defined by the slope of the reduction in dry matter) versus electrical conductivity. Dry matter production was negatively correlated with shoot concentrations of Na+, Cl- and S2- and generally lines that were more tolerant to salinity had lower concentrations of those ions in the shoots. We conclude that lucerne is moderately tolerant to Na2SO4 -predominated salinity, and that the degree of intraspecific variation that exists within this species will allow more tolerant lines to be selected for establishment in conditions where sulphate salinity is a problem.Collaborator  相似文献   

A large body of literature suggests that asymmetric competition, where large individuals suppress the growth of smaller individuals by intercepting a disproportionate share of incoming light, is a dominant process in tree population development. This has not been examined extensively for long-lived tree species that accumulate growth over many years under varying growing conditions. Using dendrochronological techniques, we reconstructed annual growth and mortality rates at ten stands of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) in Western Canada. We used these data to calculate an annual index of the size asymmetry of growth for each stand for the last 50 years. Jack pine is a shade-intolerant species found in even-aged monoculture stands, so the simple hypothesis is that large trees should consistently perform relatively better than small trees. Inter-annual variation in the index of size-asymmetric growth was positively associated with interannual variation in stand productivity at eight of ten sites. The size asymmetry of growth also showed a positive trend with age at eight of ten sites, even though all sites were in a period of declining leaf area. This should have reduced the intensity of asymmetric competition for light and reduced the size asymmetry of growth over time. Alternate hypotheses for this trend are (1) that physical collisions between crowns result in asymmetric competition for growing space because they are more damaging to small trees, or (2) that a differential build up of diseases in susceptible trees suppresses their growth, even in the absence of competition.  相似文献   

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