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L. Beerhues  H. Robenek  R. Wiermann 《Planta》1988,173(4):532-543
The two chalcone-synthase forms from leaves ofSpinacia oleracea L. were purified to apparent homogeneity. Antibodies were raised against both proteins in rabbits. The specificity of the antibodies was tested using immunotitration, immunoblotting, and immunoelectrophoresis techniques. The antibodies exhibited exclusive specificity for chalcone synthase and did not discriminate between the two antigens. The homodimeric chalcone synthases had the same subunit molecular weight but differed in their apparent native molecular weights. The peptide maps indicated extensive homology between the proteins. Chalcone-synthase activity was not detected in isolated spinach chloroplasts. Both enzyme forms were present in spinach cell-suspension cultures in which they were induced by light.Abbreviations DEAE diethylaminoethyl - DTE 1,4-dithioerythritol - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - IgG immunoglobulin G - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Parts of the results were presented at the 14th International Botanical Congress at Berlin in July 1987  相似文献   

Rates of CO2 fixation during the light period and the rates of CO2 release during the night period were measured using mature leaves from 39- to 49-d-old spinach (Spinacia oleracea L., US Hybrid 424; grown in 9 h light, 15 h darkness, daily) and mature leaves from 21-d-old barley (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Apex; grown in 14 h light, 10 h darkness, daily). At certain times during the light and dark periods leaves were harvested for assay of their contents of soluble carbohydrates, starch, malate and the various amino acids. Evaluation of the results of these measurements shows that in spinach and barley leaves 46% and 26%, respectively, of the carbon assimilated during the light period is deposited in the leaves for export during the night period. Taking into account the carbon consumption in the source leaves by dark respiration, it is evaluated that rates of assimilate export during the light period from spinach and barley leaves [38 and 42 atom C · (mg Chl)–1 · h–1] are reduced in the dark period to 16 atom C · (mg Chl)–1 · h–1 in both species. The calculated C/N ratios of the photoassimilates exported during the dark period were 0.029 and 0.015 for spinach and barley leaves, respectively.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. We thank Dr. Dieter Heineke for stimulating discussions and Mrs. Petra Hoferichter and Mrs. Marita Feldkämper for their technical assistance.  相似文献   

A system for somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of spinach from hypocotyl segments has been established. Callus was induced on solid media supplemented with 8.5–15.0 mg.l−1 of indole-3-acetic acid and 3.46–34.64 mg.l−1 gibberellic acid. Callus was then subcultured on different media (solid or liquid) with or without IAA, or continuously maintained on the initiating media. Somatic embryos were obtained in subcultures on IAA-containing media as well as in long-term cultures on initiating media. The best results were achieved in liquid subcultures. About 60% of plantlets survived after transplanting in pots.  相似文献   

Phosphon-D (tributyl-2, 4-dichlorobenzylphosphonium chloride), known as an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, enhances photosynthetic electron transport by up to 200%, with Fe(CN) 6 3- and NADP+ being the electron acceptors. Maximum stimulation is reached at phosphon-D concentrations around 2–5 M. At the same time photosynthetic ATP formation is gradually inhibited. Phosphon-D concentrations over 0.1 mM inhibit electron transport. The uncoupling activity of phosphon-D is manifested by inhibition of noncyclic ATP synthesis and by stimulation of light-induced electron flow. The inhibition of ATP synthesis drastically decreases photosynthetic carbon assimilation in a reconstituted spinach chloroplast system. The two ATP-dependent kinase reactions of the reductive pentose phosphate cycle become the rate-limiting steps. On the other hand a stimulated photoelectron transport increases the NADPH/NADP+ ratio, resulting in a drastic inhibition of chloroplast glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, the key enzyme of the oxidative pentose phosphate cycle. When light-induced electron flow is inhibited by high phosphon-D concentrations and the NADPH/NADP+ ratio is low, the light-dependent inhibition of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is gradually abolished.Abbreviations AMO-1618 2-isopropyl-4-dimethylamino-5-methylphenyl-1-piperidinecarboxylate methyl chloride - B-Nine N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid - CCC (2-chloroethyl)-trimethylammonium chloride - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethyl urea - DCPIP dichlorophenolindophenol - G-6-PDH glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - FBP fructose bisphosphate - F-6-P fructose-6-phosphate - 3-PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid - Posphon-D tributyl-2,4-dichlorobenzylphosphonium chloride - PMP pentose monophosphates - PPC pentose phosphate cycle - RuBP ribulose bisphosphate - Ru-5-P ribulose-5-phosphate Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Drs.h.c. Adolf Butenandt on the occasion of his 75. birthday  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase of spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) leaves which had been inactivated in vitro by treatment with NADH and cyanide, was reactivated by incubation with oxidant systems and measured as FMNH2-dependent activity. Ferricyanide, a purely chemical oxidant, produced rapid maximal reactivation (100%) which was 90% complete in less than 3 min. Reactivation occurred slowly and less completely (30–75% in 30 or 60 min) when the enzyme was incubated with pure horseradish peroxidase alone, depending on using one or 20 units and time. Addition of glucose and glucose oxidase to generate hydrogen peroxide increased reactivation slightly (10–15%) with 20 units of peroxidase but more (30–50%) with one unit and to 75–90% of ferricyanide values. Adding catalase decreased reactivation by more than half either with or without glucose oxidase. Glucose and glucose oxidase alone did not cause reactivation. Addition of superoxide dismutase increased reactivation from 50–75% of ferricyanide values with one unit of peroxidase alone but had no effect on greater reactivation obtained in the presence of glucose oxidase. The addition of p-cresol and manganese together increased reactivation with one unit of peroxidase and in the presence of glucose oxidase by about double, but omission of manganese had no effect. However, as shown previously, although trivalent manganese was formed, the residual presence of manganous ions inhibited reactivation. Nevertheless, peroxidase systems either alone or with additionally generated hydrogen peroxide can induce substantial reactivation of nitrate reductase in physiologically relevant conditions.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - FMN flavine mononucleotide  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves which had been inactivated in vitro by treatment with NADH and cyanide, was reactivated by incubation with oxidant systems and measured as FMNH2-dependent activity. Reactivation was produced with trivalent manganese compounds represented either by manganipyrophosphate or produced by oxidation of Mn2+ ions in the presence of illuminated chloroplasts and compared with reactivation obtained with ferricyanide. Reactivation in the chloroplast system was equivalent to that with ferricyanide when orthophosphate was used but was variable and weak in the presence of pyrophosphate, although manganipyrophosphate was formed, freely. Reactivation by manganipyrophosphate in dark reaction conditions was less effective than with ferricyanide but was not inhibited by the addition of pyrophosphate. Reactivation with illuminated unheated chloroplasts was dependent on added manganese and oxidation of manganese in the presence of pyrophosphate was abolished by boiling the chloroplasts. In the presence of orthophosphate however, boiled, illuminated chloroplasts reactivated the enzyme in the absence of added manganese. Reactivation occurred spontaneously in air, more slowly than with the other oxidants, but to a similar extent to that produced by manganipyrophosphate. The results provide a possible model for physiological reactivation mechanisms.  相似文献   

T. Hayakawa  S. Kanematsu  K. Asada 《Planta》1985,166(1):111-116
Thylakoid-bound superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC was solubilized by Triton X-100 from spinach and purified to a homogeneous state. The molecular weight of thylakoid-bound SOD was 52000; the enzyme was composed of two equal subunits. Its activity was not sensitive to cyanide and hydrogen peroxide, and the isolated SOD contained Mn, but neither Fe nor Cu. Thus, the thylakoid-bound SOD is a Mn-containing enzyme. The subunit molecular weight of thylakoid Mn-SOD is the highest among Mn-SODs isolated so far, a fact which might reflect its binding to the membranes.  相似文献   

Glutaraldehyde fixation in 0.33 M sorbitol without any buffer reveals changes in the staining properties of the envelopes of chloroplasts of pea plants kept in the light or in the dark prior to fixation. After dark pretreatment the outer double membrane of the chloroplast does not adsorb heavy metals, resulting in a white unstained rim instead of the usual membrane. All other membranes of the cell, including chloroplast grana, are not affected and stain normally. Light pretreatment of the plants allows the usual staining of the outer membrane of the chloroplats. Fixation carried out in the medium usually used to isolate intact CO2 fixing chloroplasts (sorbitol+buffer+ions) reverses the above process and results in unstained envelopes of chloroplasts from preilluminated leaves, while the envelopes of chloroplasts from leaves kept in the dark stain normally. Glutaraldehyde-fixed chloroplats isolated from preilluminated leaves show a very basic isoelectric point during electrofocusing, while fixed chloroplasts from predarkened tissue exhibit an isoelectric point at about pH 7.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of the phosphate translocator from maize (Zea mays L.) mesophyll chloroplasts have been determined. We have used a double silicone-oil-layer centrifugation system in order to obtain true initial uptake rates in forward-reaction experiments. In addition, it was possible to perform back-exchange experiments and to study the effects of illumination and of preloading the chloroplasts with different substrates on transport. It is shown that the phosphate translocator from mesophyll chloroplasts of maize, a C4 plant, transports inorganic phosphate and phosphorylated C3 compounds in which the phosphate group is linked to the C3 atom (e.g. 3-phosphoglycerate and triose phosphate). The affinities of the transported metabolites towards the translocator protein are about one order of magnitude higher than in mesophyll chloroplasts from the C3 plant, spinach. In contrast to the phosphate translocator from C3-mesophyll chloroplasts, that of C4-mesophyll chloroplasts catalyzes in addition the transport of C3 compounds where the phosphate group is attached to the C2 atom (e.g. 2-phosphoglycerate, phosphoenolpyruvate). The phosphate translocator from both chloroplast types is strongly inhibited by pyridoxal-5-phosphate (PLP), 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid and 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (DIDS). In the case of the spinach translocator protein these inhibitors were shown to react with the same amino-acid residue at the substrate binding site, and one molecule of either DIDS or PLP is obviously required per substrate binding site for the inactivation of the translocation process. In the functionally active dimeric translocator protein only one substrate-binding site appears to be accessible at a particular time, indicating that the site might be exposed to each side of the membrane in turn. Using [3H]-H2DIDS for the labelling of maize mesophyll envelopes the radioactivity was found to be associated with two polypeptides of about 29 and 30 kDa. Since Western-blot analysis showed that only the 30 kDa polypeptide reacted with an antiserum directed against the spinach phosphate translocator protein it is suggested that this polypeptide presumably represents the phosphate translocator from maize mesophyll chloroplasts.Abbreviations DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - 2-,3-PGA 2-,3-phosphoglycerate - PLP pyridoxal-5-phosphate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TNBS 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid - triose P triose phosphate This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

P. -A. Siegenthaler  L. Bovet 《Planta》1993,190(2):231-240
Protein-phosphorylation activity has been reported in chloroplast envelope membranes of several species. In spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), we found three major phosphoproteins after incubation in vitro of envelope membranes in the presence of [-32P]ATP. A 67-kDa phosphoprotein was associated with both inner and outer envelope membranes whereas 26- and 14-kDa proteins were observed in the inner membrane. Although the phosphorylation of the 67-kDa protein is likely to take place via its phosphoglucomutase activity (Salvucci et al., 1990, Plant Physiol. 93, 105–109), the mechanism by which 32P is incorporated into the 26- and 14-kDa proteins remains to be elucidated. To this aim, we have compared the conditions under which phosphorylation occurs in these three proteins. The effects of Mg2+, Ca2+, pH, ATP and H7 [1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine], a specific inhibitor of protein-kinase C, as well as pulse-chase experiments with cold ATP, showed that the phosphorylation mechanism was identical for the 26- and 14-kDa proteins but quite different for the 67-kDa one. The protein kinase involved in the phosphorylation of the 26- and 14-kDa proteins was Ca2+-dependent, which was not the case of the 67-kDa protein. In addition, the use of a Triton X-114 phase-separation treatment indicated that both the 26- and 14-kDa proteins exhibited strong hydrophobic properties, in contrast to the hydrophilic character of the 67-kDa phosphoprotein. As indicated by analyses of phosphoamino acids, the three proteins were exclusively phosphorylated on serine residues. Furthermore, a treatment of envelopes by phospholipase C prior to the phosphorylation process inhibited 32P incorporation into the three phospho-proteins to different extents (61%, 50% and 29% inhibition for the 67-, 14- and 26-kDa proteins, respectively). These results show that phosphatidylcholine and — or phosphatidylglycerol but not phosphatidylinositol were involved in this phosphorylation process.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - H7 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine - Mr relative molecular mass - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate The authors are grateful to Mrs. Delphine Herrmann and Mr. Daniel Leemann for their skillful technical assistance. This study was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant No. 31.26386.89). This work is part of a doctoral program which is carried out by L.B. in the Laboratoire de Physiologie végétale, Université de Neuchâtel.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural organization and the photosynthesis reactions of chloroplast membranes were studied in three lethal mutants of Pisum sativum, Chl-1, Chl-19 and Chl-5, all lacking the capacity to evolve oxygen. The rates of 2,6-dichloroindophenol reduction, delayed fluorescence and electron-spin-resonance signal 1 indicate that Chl-1 and Chl-19 have an impaired activity in photosystem II (PS II), while in Chl-5 the electron transport is blocked between PS I and the reactions of CO2 fixation. Ultrathin sectioning demonstrates the presence of giant grana in the chloroplasts of Chl-1 and Chl-19, while the chloroplast structure of the Chl-5 is very similar to that of the wild-type. The grana of the Chl-19 mutant contain large multilamellar regions of tightly packed membranes. When the chloroplast membranes were studied by freeze-fracture, the exoplasmic and protoplasmic fracture faces (EF and PF, respectively) in both stacked and unstacked membranes were found to show large differences in particle concentrations and relative population area (per m2), and also in particle size distribution, between all mutant chloroplast membranes and the wild-type. A close correlation between increasing kmt (ratio of particle concentrations on PF/EF) and PS II activity was observed. The differences in particle concentrations on both fracture faces in different regions of the intact chloroplast membranes of the wild-type are the consequence of a rearrangement of existing membrane components by lateral particle movements since quantitative measurements demonstrate almost complete conservation of intramembrane particles in number and size during the stacking of stroma thylakoid membranes. The results indicating particle movements strongly support the concept that the chloroplast membranes have a highly dynamic structure.Abbreviations DPIP 2,6-dichloroindophenol - EF and PF exoplasmic and protoplasmic fracture faces, respectively - PS I and PS II photosystems I and II, respectively  相似文献   

Isolated chloroplasts from spinach leaf cells, chloroplast subfractions, and a cell-free system of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus CCAP 6312 incorporated [1-14C]isopentenyl pyrophosphate in high yields into prenyl lipids. Products were polyprenols (C20, C45) chlorophylls, quinoid compounds, and fatty acid prenyl esters; prenyl pyrophosphates occurred in trace amounts, and carotenes were only formed to a limited extent in the Synechococcus system. The formation of fatty acid prenyl esters, which is described here for the first time, was found to occur in two different ways in the chloroplast system; by an acyl-CoA: polyprenol acyltransferase reaction associated with the envelope membranes and by a transesterification reaction from chlorophyll associated with the thylakoids. Endogenous fatty acid prenyl esters made up about 3% by weight of total lipids in spinach chloroplasts and were also found to be natural constituents of the cyanobacterial cells.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - ChlGG chlorophyll a containing a geranylgeranyl side chain - IPP isopentenyl pyrophosphate  相似文献   

C. Brunold  M. Suter 《Planta》1982,155(4):321-327
Intact chloroplasts isolated from spinach leaves by a combination of differential and Percoll density gradient centrifugation and free of mitochondrial and peroxisomal contamination contained about 35% of the total leaf serine acetyltransferase (EC activity. No appreciable activity of the enzyme could be detected in the gradient fractions containing broken chloroplasts, mitochondria, and peroxisomes. L-cysteine added to the incubation mixture at 1 mM almost completely inhibited serine acetyltransferase activity, both of leaf and chloroplast extracts. D-cysteine was much less inhibitory. L-cystine up to 5 mM and O-acetyl-L-serine up to 10 mM had no effect on the enzyme activity. When measured at pH 8.4, the enzyme extracted from the leaves had a K m for L-serine of 2.4, the enzyme from the chloroplasts a K m of 2.8 mM.Abbreviations NAS N-acetyl-L-serine - NADP-GPD NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase - OAS O-acetyl-L-serine - OASSase O-acetyl-L-serine sulfhydrylase - 3-PGA D-3-phosphoglycerate - SATase serine acetyltransferase  相似文献   

An efficient transformation and regeneration system was established for the production of transgenic spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) plants. Cotyledon explants were infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 carrying the selectable marker gene, neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII), and the reporter gene smgfp, encoding soluble-modified green-fluorescent protein, driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. The infected explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium, containing 1 mg/l benzyladenine and 0.4 mg/l naphthaleneacetic acid. Shoots were regenerated on selection medium containing 50 mg/l kanamycin. Regenerated kanamycin-resistant shoots were rooted on medium containing 1 mg/l indolebutyric acid and subsequently grown in soil in the greenhouse. Southern blot analysis indicated that the smgfp gene had been integrated into the spinach genome. Northern and Western blots showed that the smgfp gene was expressed in progeny plants. Received: 31 March 1998 / Revision received: 27 September 1998 / Accepted: 10 Ocotber 1998  相似文献   

The total activity of aldolase (EC and the activities of cytosol and chloroplast aldolase were determined in seeds, cotyledons, primary leaves and secondary leaves of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L., cv. Monopa) during germination. Total aldolase activity in cotyledons increased from low levels to a low maximum in the dark after one week and to a high maximum in white light after three to four weeks and declined thereafter. The activity in primary and secondary leaves started to rise strongly from the 18th and 26th days, respectively, up to the 42nd day of germination. The levels of aldolase activity paralleled the development of leaf area, chlorophyll content and protein content per leaf except that the leaf area of cotyledons continued to increase steadily up to the 42nd day after the maximum of aldolase activity was reached. Resolution of cytosol- and chloroplast-specific isoenzymes by chromatography on diethylaminoethylcellulose indicated that in the light the cytosol enzyme represented approx. 8% of the total activity in cotyledons, primary and secondary leaves throughout germination, and the chloroplast enzyme represented the remaining 92%. Only in cotyledons of dark-grown seedlings was the cytosol aldolase between 25 and 50% of the total activity. Seeds contained almost exclusively a cytosol aldolase. In cotyledons the increase of total activity in the light was specifically the consequence of an increase in chloroplast aldolase while the cytosol aldolase was little affected by light. The light effect was mediated by phytochrome as demonstrated by classical induction and reversion experiments with red and far-red light and by continuous far-red light treatment.Abbreviation DEAE-cellulose diethylaminoethylcellulose  相似文献   

J. Sanchez  M. Mancha 《Planta》1981,153(6):519-523
The kinetics of incorporation of [2-14C] acetate into lipids and acyl-CoAs in relation to added CoA and ATP by isolated spinach chloroplasts have been examined. The effect of the concentration of these cofactors on lipid and acyl-CoA synthesis was also studied. In the absence of cofactors, or when only one was present, the incorporation was very low and went mainly into lipids. When both cofactors were present a strong stimulation of both activities occurred. After 25 min, acyl-CoAs were more strongly labeled than lipids and both activities continued linearly for at least 60 min.Abbreviations ACP acyl carrier protein - FFA free fatty acids  相似文献   

Polypeptides of spinach chloroplast envelopes were separated by electrophoresis in an SDS-polyacrylamide gradient gel. At least 37 polypeptides were resolved; nine were prominent. Two (Mr 54 000 and 16 000) were also found in the stroma fraction and identified by peptide mapping and isoelectric focusing in the second dimension as the large and small subunits of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. Proteins of the chloroplast envelope were also separated by isoelectric focusing. An adaptation of a previous method (Ames, G.F.L. and Nikaido, K. (1976) Biochemistry 15, 616ndash;623), using solubilization in SDS and isoelectric focusing in the presence of a high concentration of Nonidet P-40, gave the best separation and resolved the envelope membranes into at least 21 proteins. The major band (pI 6.85) contained both subunits of the carboxylase and at least two additional polypeptides which corresponded to the prominent bands found in SDS gel electrophoresis of chloroplast envelopes.  相似文献   

Two chloroplast envelope proteins from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) exhibiting relative molecular masses (Mrs) of 26 and 14 kDa are apparently phosphorylated by a unique Ca2+-dependent serine protein kinase. The activity of this enzyme shows the same sensitivity towards pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, H7 [1-(5-isoquinolinesulphonyl)-2-methylpiperazine] and ATP concentrations (Siegenthaler and Bovet 1993, Planta 190, 231–240). Autoradiographic analyses following two-dimensional-gel electrophoresis (isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE) associated with Western blotting experiments indicate that these two phosphoproteins appeared to be pools of the light-harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHCII) and of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) small subunit, respectively. Immunoprecipitation of envelope-phosphorylated proteins, using immunoglobulins (IgG) directed to the apoprotein of LHCII and to the holoenzyme of Rubisco confirmed that LHCII and the Rubisco small subunit effectively incorporated 32P from (-32P)ATP in isolated envelope membranes. We propose that, in agreement with the fact that protein import is driven by ATP, the phosphorylation of LHCII and the Rubisco small subunit could take place after the processing of precursor proteins and could be an obligatory step for their internalization into chloroplasts.Abbreviations 2D two dimensional - IEF isoelectric focusing - IgG immunoglobulin G - LHCII light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b proteins of PSII - LHCII A apoprotein a of LHCII - LHCIIB apoprotein b of LHCII - LS Rubisco large subunit - Mops (3-[N-morpholino]propanesulfonic acid) - Mr relative molecular mass - PI isoelectric point - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase - SS Rubisco small subunit The authors are grateful to Delphine Herrmann and Xavier Denys for their technical assistance. They also greatly thank Prof. R. J. Ellis and Dr. L. Barnett (Warwick University, UK) and Dr. P. Schürmann (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland) for providing them with antibodies directed to the pea and spinach Rubisco holoenzymes and Dr. M. Spangfort (Lund University, Sweden) for his gift of the antibody directed to the pea LHCII apoprotein. This study was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This work was part of a doctoral program carried out by L.B. in the Laboratoire de Physiologie végétale, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland.  相似文献   

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