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王向华  刘培贵 《菌物系统》2002,21(2):156-161
所有保存于HMAS、HKAS和HMIGD的采自中国的肉棒菌属Podostroma标本被重新研究,鉴定出肉棒菌Palutaceum和粗肉棒菌P.grossum两个种,对这两个种重新进行了详细的描述。鹿角状肉棒菌P.cornu-damae由于缺乏可靠的标本仍存有疑问。滇肉棒菌P.yunnanensis被作为粗肉棒菌P.grossum的异名。  相似文献   

中国多孔菌科一新记录属—棘刚毛菌属...   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

采用Hennig 86程序,以柄菌蚊科和喙菌蚊科代表种为外群,选取48个特征,使用mhen-nig^*和bb^*指令在586微机上运算,首次对菌蚊科中5亚科28属的28种进行支序分析,探讨各分类单元系统发育关系。结果表明:菌蚊亚科与滑菌蚊亚科的亲缘关系较近,二者互为姐妹群,粘菌蚊亚科属于原始类群;菌蚊亚科为5个亚科中的进化类群;邻菌蚊亚科可能为并系群;真菌蚊亚科是介于邻菌蚊亚科与菌蚊亚科之间的类群。  相似文献   

心菌蚊属Cordyla Meigen生活于肉质真菌Russula属及地下真菌Rhizopogon属,主要取食菌柄基部,形成小而致密的白丝茧,在地下化蛹。仅分布于全北区,已知欧洲20种,新北区10种。本文报道中国心菌蚊属1新种和1新纪录种,模式标本保存于浙江林学院昆虫标本室。本属为中国新纪录属。北方心菌蚊,新种Cordyla borealisa Wu,sp.nov.(图1~3)雄翅长2.9~3.6m  相似文献   

本文报道1例继发于植入心脏起搏器所致的三角孢小囊菌(Microascus trigonosporus)心内膜炎,此菌分离自患者起搏器电极表面的赘生物.赘生物组织病理切片显示大量有隔真菌丝,间生膨大的厚壁孢子.小囊菌系帚霉菌(Scopulariopsis)的有性阶段,广泛存在于自然界.目前国外已有短帚霉菌(Scopula...  相似文献   

中国紫叶苔科研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对收集到的紫叶茎科标本进行鉴定研究,发现在我国分布有5种,其中Pleurozia caledonica为我国新记录,并发现P.subinflata在福建和浙江地区有新分布点,P.gigantea在江西九连山地区有新分布点。本文附有科的特征描述,种的检索和种的特征图。  相似文献   

中国短菌蚊属一新种记述(双翅目:菌蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
雄翅长2.4-2.7mm。本种与分布于美国的Brevicornu affinis Zaitzev ,1988近似,但后者的胫节毛序不同,生殖基节后中央的构造也明显不同,可以区别。  相似文献   

中国配菌蚊属新种记述(双翅目,菌蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述中国配菌蚊属7新种,模式标本保存在浙江林学院昆虫标本室。本届为中国新纪录属。  相似文献   

Two scopulariopsis-like fungi were isolated when surveying fungi in pig farm soils in China. Sexual structures of these fungi were not observed and their conidia had spinous walls. Phylogenetic analysis based on nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 and intervening 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene (ITS), large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU), beta-tubulin (tub2) and translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) gene showed that they were new members of the genus Microascus, and the name M. aculeatus and M. spinosporus were introduced. Genetically the two new species clustered in a well-supported clade close to M. longicollis, but differed in producing relatively long branches. Morphologically M. aculeatus could be distinguished by its conidia with sparse but long spines; M. spinosporus resembled three species of the genus Scopulariopsis, S. asperula, S. brevicaulis and S. flava, but was different in the color of colony and conidia, and the form of conidiophores.  相似文献   

Juncus Linn. is a cosmopolitan genus with about 240 species, widely distributed in both hemispheres, but most abundant in the frigid and temperate zones. In the present paper, a revision of this genus in China is made, and a key to the species is provided. This paper also presents a systematic arrangement of the genus Juncus Linn. from China, recognizing six subgenera, 14 sections (includ. ten new), four series (includ. two new), 77 species (includ. 14 new), one subspecies (new) and ten varieties (includ. four new). They are as follows: Subgen. 1. Genuini Buchen. Sect. 1. Inflexi K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 2. Effusi (V. Krecz. et Gontsch. )K. F. Wu, stat. nov. Subgen. 2. Pseudotenageia V. Krecz. et Gontsch. Sect. 1. Kangpuenses K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 2. Compressi (V. Krecz. et Gontsch. )K. F. Wu, stat. nov. Sect. 3. Tenues (V. Krecz. etGontsch.)K. F. Wu, stat. nov. Subgen. 3. Poiophylli Buchen. Sect. 1. Nigroviolacei K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 2. Bufonii (V. Krecz. et Gontsch. )K. F. Wu, stat. nov. Subgen. 4. Graminifolii Buchen. Subgen. 5. Septati Buchen. Sect. 1. Allioides K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 2. Articulati K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Ser. 1. Articulati V. Krecz. et Gontsch. Ser. 2. Dongchuanenses K. F. Wu, ser, nov. Subgen. 6. Alpini Buchen. Sect. 1. Triglumes K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Ser. 1. Triglumes K. F. Wu, ser. nov. Ser. 2. Benghalenses K. F. Wu, ser. nov. Sect. 2. Minimi K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 3. Sikkimenses K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 4. Concinni K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 5. Sphacelati K. F. Wu, sect. nov.  相似文献   

This paper presents a system of the genus Saxifraga L. from China, recognizes 2 subgenera, 8 sections, 7 subsections (including 1 new subsection), 31 series (including 23 new series), 4 subseries (new subseries) and 203 species (including 2 new species and 4 new varieties). The new taxa, statuses, combinations and names in this paper are as follows: Sect. Biro- stres (Gornall) C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, stat. nov.,; Sect. Punctatae (Engl.) J. T. Pan, stat. nov.; Ser. Rufescentes J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga lonshengensis J. T. Pan, sp. nov.; S. rufescens Balf. f. var. uninervata J. T. Pan, var. nov.; S. rufescens Balf. f. var. flabellifolia C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, nom. nov.; Ser. Stonoliferae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Stellariifoliae (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan, stat. nov.; Subser. Aristulatae J. T. Pan, subser. nov.; Subser. Montanae J. T. Pan, subser, nov.; Saxifraga ciliatopetata (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan var. ciliata J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Subser. Gonggashanenses J. T. Pan, subser, nov.; Subser. Car- diophyllae J. T. Pan, subser. nov.; Saxifraga egregia Engl. var. xiaojinensis J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Ser. Caveanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Heterocladoideae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Chumbienses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Bulleyanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Brachypodae C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Erinaceae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga substrigosa J. T. Pan var. gemmifera J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Ser. Umbellulatae J. T. Pan, ser. nov; Ser. Yu- shuenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Ungviculatae J. T. Pan, Ser. nov.; Ser. Punctu- latae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Candelabriformes J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Tanguti- cae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga tangutica Engl. var. platyphylla (H. Smith) J. T. Pan, comb. nov.; Ser. Yaluzangbuenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Jainzhuglaenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga jainzhulaensis J. T. Pan, sp. nov.; Ser. Jacquemontianae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Nanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Subsect. Microgynae J. T. Pan, subsect. nov.; Ser. Nangxi- anenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Mucronulatae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Parkaenses J.T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Deqenenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga mucronulatoides J. T. Pan, nom. nov.  相似文献   

中国沙拐枣属植物的数值分类研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陶玲 《西北植物学报》2002,22(5):1073-1085
选择了中国19种沙拐枣属(CalligonumL.)植物,共测定及引用了35个形态分类指标,应用单因素方差分析(MANOVA)和主成分分析(PCA),分别对形态因子进行了单元和多元分析。结果表明,所有的种间形态指标均差异显著,冠幅(BC),木质枝枝节长度(LKWB),果实直径(DF),雄蕊长度(SL),同化枝枝节长度(LKAS)和同化枝化枝角度(ARAS)指标在沙拐枣属植物的数值分类上,具有很强的差异性分析意义。依据平方欧氏距离,应用类平均法(UPGMA)将19种沙拐枣植物聚为5类,系统聚类结论与主成分分析的三维排序结果基本一致,与传统的形态分类结果有一定的差异。  相似文献   

The genus Indigofera Linn. is one of the largest genera of papilionatae of Leguminosae. It comprises 700 species in the world, of which 80 species and 8 varieties occur in China. It was established by C. Linnaeus in 1752 and had been studied by J. Desvaux (1813), A. P. De Candolle (1825), G. Bentham ex Harvey (1862), G. Bentham et J. D. Hooker (1865), P. Taubert. (1894), P. Ch. Tisseraut (1913), and B. Gillett (1958) etc. In the present paper, the taxonomic history is reviewed and the evolutionary trends of some important morphological characters are discussed. According to the plant habit, characteristics of leaves, shape of fruits and the number of seeds per fruit, Indigofera Linn. from China are divided into 3 subgenera: Subg. I. Indigofera, Subg. II. Sphaeridiophors Desv., Subg. III. Acanthonotus (Benth.) Benth. et Hook. f., in Subg. Indigofera, 14 subsections are reported. A systematic key to the species is given.  相似文献   

金鑫  图力古尔 《菌物学报》2012,31(5):795-799
报道田头菇属3个中国新记录种,分别是隆起田头菇Agrocybe elatella、褐色田头菇Agrocybe brunneola和平田头菇环状变种Agrocybe pediades var. cinctula,根据中国的标本材料提供了详细描述和线条图,并与相近种进行了比较和讨论。研究标本存放于吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)。  相似文献   

The Astilbe Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don was founded in 1912. There are now 18 species throughout the world. USSR, Thailand, Indonesia, Bhutan, Nepal d Kashanmir each has only 1 species; Korea, Philippines and USA each has 2; India 3; Japan 6; and China 7 (including 3 endemics and 1 new variety). And northeast China, north China and northwest China each has 2; central China and southwest China each 4; eastern China 5. Thus the distribution centre of this genus seems to be in the region covering Japan and eastern, central, and southwest China. This genus is divided into two sections: Sect. Simplicifoliae Engl. and Sect. Astilbe. Sect. Simplicifoliae may be considered as the primitive one because it has 5 ordinary petals. This section consists of about 10 species: 5 in China (east China 4; southwest China 3; central China, north China and northeast China each 2; Northwest China 1), 5 in Japan, 2 in Korea, 1 in Philippines and India each. According to the distribution of this section, the author suggests that the centre of origin of this genus be in the forested parts from Japonthrough east China to southwest China.  相似文献   

本文报道了核菌纲炭墩菌属的3个种,其中米勒炭墩菌K.milleri和夏威夷炭墩菌K.sandvicensis为中国新记录种。螺纹炭墩菌K.zonata过去仅在中国台湾省有记载,现在我国其他省份也发现该种。米勒炭墩菌采自湖南省,其主要特征是具有开放的子囊壳孔口;夏威夷炭墩菌采自云南省和湖南省,此菌牙缝长度接近孢子全长易于识别;螺纹炭墩菌K.zonata采自云南省、海南省和浙江省,其孢子较黑且较小。本文对此3个种的形态进行了描述,并提供了子座照片和显微照片。  相似文献   

我国黑痣菌属三个新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国新记载的黑痣菌属的樟黑痣菌Phyllachora cinnamomi,牡竹黑痣菌P. dendrocalami和莎草黑痣菌P. cyperina,文中提供描述和附图。提供了我国黑痣菌在樟科、禾本科牡竹族和莎草科植物上已知种的检索表。研究标本保存于云南农业大学真菌标本室。  相似文献   

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