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We have reported that the conversion ratio of tryptophan to niacin increased with increasing dietary concentration of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP); the conversion ratio was about 2.0% in the control rat, which increased by about 30% in the rat fed with 3.0% DEHP diet. In this study, we investigated whether this abnormal increase in the conversion ratio by DEHP occurred through the alteration of the enzyme activities involved in the metabolism of tryptophan to niacin. Rats were fed with a diet containing 0%, 0.1%, 0.5%, or 1.0% DEHP for 21 days. The nine kinds of enzyme activities involved in the biosynthesis and catabolism in the liver and kidney were measured. Based on previous findings that the formation of quinolinic acid and its' metabolites significantly increased with DEHP administration, we proposed that the activity of 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate-6-semialdehyde decarboxylase would be inhibited by DEHP intake. However, we found that the activities in the liver and kidney did not decrease in the rat fed with DEHP-containing diet. We discuss the discrepancy between the metabolite results and the enzyme activities.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of delta 3, delta 2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (isomerase) was investigated in rat liver. Livers of di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)-treated or untreated rats were perfusion-fixed and embedded in Epon or Lowicryl K4M. By light microscopy, reaction deposits for the enzyme were present in the cytoplasmic granules of hepatocytes and interlobular bile duct epithelium. Weak staining was noted in sinus-lining cells. After administration of DEHP, the granular staining of the hepatocytes was markedly enhanced, whereas the staining reaction of the sinus-lining cells decreased. The isomerase staining pattern was quite similar to that of long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (a mitochondrial marker), but different from that of catalase (a peroxisomal marker). Under electron microscopy, gold particles for isomerase were seen to be confined mainly to mitochondria of the hepatocytes, the bile duct epithelial cells and sinus-lining cells. Peroxisomes were weakly labeled. After DEHP administration, the peroxisomes were markedly induced, but the mitochondria were not. Quantitative analysis showed that the induction of the peroxisomal isomerase was only 2-fold whereas the mitochondrial isomerase was enhanced about 5-fold, 40 times as high as the peroxisomal enzyme. The results show that the mitochondria are the main intracellular site for isomerase and the peroxisomes a minor site. The mitochondrial isomerase of the rat liver is markedly induced by peroxisome proliferators, DEHP and clofibrate.  相似文献   

Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), a widely used plasticizer for synthetic polymers, is known to have endocrine disruptive potential, reproductive toxicity, and induces hepatic carcinogenesis in rodents. Selenium (Se) is a component of several selenoenzymes which are essential for cellular antioxidant defense and for the functions of mammalian reproductive system. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of DEHP exposure on trace element distribution in liver, testis, and kidney tissues and plasma of Se-deficient and Se-supplemented rats. Se deficiency was produced by feeding 3-week old Sprague-Dawley rats with ≤0.05 mg Se/kg diet for 5 weeks, and supplementation group were on 1 mg Se/kg diet. DEHP treated groups received 1000 mg/kg dose by gavage during the last 10 days of feeding period. Se, zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) levels were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Se supplementation caused significant increases in hepatic, renal, and testicular Se levels. With DEHP exposure, plasma Se and Zn, kidney Se, Cu and Mn levels were significantly decreased. Besides, liver Fe decreased markedly in all the DEHP-treated groups. Liver and kidney Mn levels decreased significantly in DEHP/SeD group compared to both DEHP and SeD groups. These results showed the potential of DEHP exposure and/or different Se status to modify the distribution pattern of essential trace elements in various tissues, the importance of which needs to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are prokaryotic organisms with wide morphological and metabolic diversity. By means of photosynthesis, they convert inorganic compounds into biomolecules, which may have commercial interest. In this work, we evaluated 20 cyanobacterial strains regarding their physiological aspects such as growth, photosynthesis and biochemical composition, some of which are revealed here for the first time. The organisms were cultivated in cylindrical photobioreactors (CPBR) for 144 h and the biomass was obtained. The light inside cultures was constant throughout experimental time and maintained at the saturation irradiance (Ik) of each species. Culture pH was maintained within 7.8 and 8.4 by automatic CO2 bubbling. Growth rate, dry biomass, chlorophyll a, carotenoids, phycocyanin, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) and antioxidant activity were determined. The proportionality of the biochemical composition varied among species, as well as the growth rates. Leptolyngbya sp. and Nostoc sp. (CCIBt3249) showed growth rates in the range of 0.7–0.8 d−1, followed by Rhabdorderma sp. (~ 0.6 d−1), and Phormidium sp. (~ 0.5 d−1). High carotenoid content was obtained in Rhabdoderma sp. (4.0 μg mL−1) and phycocyanin in Leptolyngbya sp. (60 μg mL−1). Higher total proteins were found in the genus Geitlerinema (75% DW), carbohydrates in Microcystis navacekii (30% DW) and lipids in Phormidium sp. (15% DW). Furthermore, Aphanocapsa holsatica showed the highest antioxidant activity (65%) and Sphaerocavum brasiliense, Microcystis aeruginosa, Nostoc sp. (CCIBt3249) and A. holsatica higher levels of PHA (~ 2% DW). This study reports on the biochemical composition of cyanobacteria that can impact the biotechnology of their production, highlighting potential strains with high productivity of specific biomolecules.  相似文献   

Concentrations of mono(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (MEHP), and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), in serum of healthy volunteers were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The serum was extracted with acetone, followed by hexane extraction under acidic conditions, and then applied to the LC/MS/MS. Recoveries of 20 ng/ml of MEHP and DEHP were 101+/-5.7 (n=6) and 102+/-6.5% (n=6), respectively. The limits of quantification (LOQ) of MEHP and DEHP in the method were 5.0 and 14.0 ng/ml, respectively. The concentration of MEHP in the serum was at or less than the LOQ. The concentration of DEHP in the serum was less than the LOQ. Contaminations of MEHP and DEHP from experimental reagents, apparatus and air during the procedure were less than the LOQ and were estimated to be <1.0 and 2.2+/-0.6 ng/ml, respectively. After subtraction of the contamination, the net concentrations of MEHP and DEHP in the serum were estimated at or <5 and <2 ng/ml, respectively. To decrease contamination by DEHP, the cleanup steps and the apparatus and solvent usage were minimized in the sample preparation procedures. The high selectivity of LC/MS/MS is the key for obtaining reliable experimental data from in the matrix-rich analytical samples and for maintaining a low level contamination of MEHP and DEHP in this experimental system. This method would be a useful tool for the detection of MEHP and DEHP in serum.  相似文献   

The effects of cotreatment with a hyperlipidemic chemical, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), and a hypolipidemic agent, di(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP), on lipid metabolism and toxicologic responses were studied in F344 rats. Treatment with TCDD alone (160 micrograms/kg) caused an increase in serum triglycerides and cholesterol while treatment with DEHP alone (2 g/kg/day) caused a decrease in triglycerides and cholesterol versus untreated controls. When administered before or after TCDD, DEHP caused a decrease in TCDD-induced hyperlipidemia. This change was attributed to enhanced hepatic peroxisomal beta-oxidation and decreased hepatic lipid synthesis resulting from treatment with DEHP. TCDD treatment produced a fatty liver, as determined by gravimetric analysis of extracted lipid and microscopic examination of liver sections which revealed extensive cytoplasmic vacuolization that stained positive with Oil Red 0, but did not induce peroxisomal beta-oxidation. Thus, an increase in hepatic or serum lipid levels is not sufficient for induction of peroxisome proliferation. Neither TCDD nor DEHP treatment affected mitochondrial beta-oxidation. Pretreatment of rats with DEHP, followed by daily exposure to this hypolipidemic agent after treatment with TCDD, had a partial protective effect against TCDD-induced fatty liver, body weight loss and mortality. Microscopic examination of liver sections confirmed the suppression of TCDD-induced fatty liver by pretreatment with DEHP. When DEHP treatment was initiated after the TCDD dose, there was less protection against the above parameters of TCDD toxicity. This study demonstrates that TCDD-induced fatty liver, hyperlipidemia and mortality can be antagonized by treatment with a hypolipidemic agent such as DEHP.  相似文献   

We have reported the effect of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) on the tryptophan (Trp)-niacin pathway in rats. To clarify the universal effect of DEHP on rodents, we studied whether DEHP also has an effect on Trp metabolism in mice. Mice were fed a niacin-free, 20% casein diet supplemented with DEHP for 21 days. Feeding with DEHP decreased the body weight gain and increased the liver weight in correlation with the dose level of DEHP. The administration of DEHP significantly increased the formation of quinolinic acid and the lower metabolites of the Trp-niacin pathway. The flux of niacin in the lower part of the Trp-niacin pathway in mice was enhanced by feeding with DEHP.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the toxicokinetics of short-term exposures to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and its effects on ovarian cyclicity and luteal function using a sheep experimental model. For establishing the model, we examined the clearance of DEHP after intravenous (i.v.) and intramuscular (i.m.) administration of a single dose of 25 mg/kg body weight (b.w.) and after i.m. administration of two different doses (25 and 50 mg/kg b.w.; DEHP25 and DEHP50, respectively) three times a week for two months. Results showed a significant, dose-dependent effect of DEHP administration, when compared to the control group (CTL; untreated ewes; n = 6), on the duration of the ewes’ estrous cycles (17.1 ± 0.5 days, CTL; 15.1 ± 0.9 days, DEHP25; 12.0 ± 0.8 days, DEHP50; p < 0.05); 94.9% of the cycles were of regular duration (15–19 days) in CTL, but only 51.1% and 25.4% in DEHP25 and DEHP50, respectively. Corpora lutea (CL) were smaller in DEHP50 than in DEHP25 (p < 0.05) and were smaller in both groups than in CTL (p < 0.005), but the maximum plasma concentrations of progesterone were greater (p < 0.05) in DEHP25 and DEHP50 than in CTL. In conclusion, the exposure of cycling ewes to DEHP causes shortening of the ovulatory cycles due mainly to a reduction in the size and lifespan of CL. However, the exposure to the phthalate is also associated with an increase in circulating concentrations of progesterone, suggesting the influence of DEHP on steroid metabolism.  相似文献   

Rats were given a diet containing 1% bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) for 3 weeks, and their hepatic lipids analyzed. Phosphatidylcholines increased by 20%, while other phospholipid classes and cholesterol remained unchanged and triglycerides fell. The composition of molecular species of phosphatidylcholines was changed. Thus, the hepatic content of the major species, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-, 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonoyl- and 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonoylphosphatidylcholines, rose by about 150%, 90% and 70%, respectively. The content of the other major species, 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl- and 1-stearoyl-2-linoleoylphosphatidylcholine fell by about 20% and 30%, respectively. The content of alkyl-acyl analogues of phosphatidylcholines increased by about 70%, but the composition of molecular species remained the same. The composition of molecular species of phosphatidylinositols was also unchanged. Thus, the analyses show that DEHP can induce selective changes in molecular species of certain phospholipids in the liver. This could be important for the functioning of membrane structures in the hepatocyte.  相似文献   

The widely used plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), its hydrolysis products mono(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (MEHP) and 2-ethylhexanol, and also phthalic acid have been tested for clastogenic activity in cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Only MEHP was found to cause chromosome damage. MEHP was without effect in the SCE and HGPRT mutation test in CHO cells. The clastogenicity of MEHP suggests a role for this compound in the observed carcinogenicity of DEHP and its positive effect in the dominant lethal assay.  相似文献   

The effects of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, a typical peroxisomal proliferator, on the activities of key enzymes in the glycerophospholipid synthetic pathway and the incorporation of lipid precursors into liver lipids in vitro were studied periodically in rats. When di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate was fed at the 1% level to rats, glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase activity increased 2-3-fold in liver homogenates and microsomes in 2-4 days. The specific activity of microsomal CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase increased by 1.5-fold, whereas the cytosolic activity was depressed. The microsomal CDPcholine:diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase specific activity decreased, whereas the activity in the homogenates increased, suggesting the proliferation of the hepatic endoplasmic reticulum in di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate-treated rats. The incorporation of [1(3)-3H]glycerol or [1-14C]acetate into liver phospholipids in vitro increased in 2 days and stayed at a high level up to 12 days. The present study confirmed that di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate induced an enhancement of phospholipid synthesis in the liver. The increase in hepatic phospholipid synthesis by this drug is presumably linked to the proliferation of peroxisomes and other intracellular membranes.  相似文献   

The plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), used for producing polyvinyl chloride (PVC), acts as an endocrine disruptor with toxic effects on reproductive and developmental processes. Exposure to DEHP in humans is mainly by environment and food. Thus, our aim was to determine plasma levels in livestock animals using the ewe (Ovis aries) as a model. In a first trial, 150 samples from ewes of different ages (2 to 7 yr) and reproductive status (pregnant and nonpregnant) were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). DEHP was detected in 34.7% of the samples, with a mean level of 0.45 ± 0.01 μg/mL (range, 0.05 to 2.81 μg/mL). The percentage of nonpregnant animals with DEHP traces was higher in animals older than 4 yr (n = 66, 37.9%) than in younger animals (n = 69, 17.4%; P < 0.05), although the mean levels in ewes with residues were similar (0.16 ± 0.01 vs. 0.16 ± 0.02 μg/mL). All the pregnant ewes (n = 15) showed presence of DEHP, with higher plasma levels than that in nonpregnant females (1.42 ± 0.18 vs. 0.16 ± 0.01 μg/mL; P < 0.0001). For confirming the effect of pregnancy on mobilization of DEHP from body fat, 101 ewes of the same age were sampled in a second trial at a different farm. The percentage of animals with DEHP traces was higher in pregnant ewes (n = 32, 71.9%; P < 0.005) than in nonpregnant ewes (n = 37, 35.1%) or in ewes that recently gave birth (n = 32, 21.9%), although mean levels were similar (0.42 ± 0.02, 0.33 ± 0.02, and 0.34 ± 0.05 μg/mL, respectively). In conclusion, current results indicate a high incidence of ewes reared in the field showing accumulation of phthalates; percentage of animals with presence of DEHP increases with age, due to an extended period of exposure, but mainly during pregnancy, due to the mobilization of body reserves.  相似文献   

The administration of di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)3 to male Sprague-Dawley rats resulted in more than a threefold increase in activity of acetyl CoA-dependent hepatic mitochondrial fatty acid elongation. Peroxisomes obtained either from control or DEHP-treated rats were not capable of elongating any of the fatty acyl CoAs tested. Furthermore, the peroxisomes possessed no trans-2-enoyl CoA reductase activity. Therefore, the elongation activity in the 7500g fraction from both control and DEHP-fed animals can be attributed totally to the mitochondria. Maximal incorporation of acetyl CoA occurred in the presence of both NADH and NADPH, and octanoyl CoA (8:0) and decanoyl CoA (10:0) were found to be optimal primers for fatty acid elongation in both control and DEHP-treated animals. The apparent Km for 8:0 CoA was 17 microM in both animal groups while the Vmax was increased from 4.5 to 12.5 nmol/min/mg following treatment. The apparent Km for 10:0 CoA was 10 microM in both control and DEHP-treated groups while the apparent Vmax increased from 2.5 to 10 nmol/min/mg; palmitoyl-CoA (16:0) was a very poor primer for chain elongation. Although the acetyl CoA-dependent fatty acid elongation was stimulated by DEHP treatment, the mitochondrial trans-2-enoyl CoA reductase activity was unaffected. The mitochondrial total elongation activity following DEHP-treatment using 8:0 CoA as primer was about two times higher than enoyl CoA reductase activity using trans-2-decenoyl CoA (10:1). This was the result of accumulation of intermediates, which were identified as trans-2-10:1 (35%), beta-hydroxy 10:0 (25%), unidentified (15%), and elongated saturated product 10:0 (24%). Elongation by one acetate unit was found in both the control and DEHP-treated animals. The results are discussed in terms of physiological significance.  相似文献   

Four metabolites of the rat liver carcinogen di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) (mono-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl)phthalate, mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl)phthalate, and mono-(5-carboxy-2-ethylpentyl)phthalate) and 3 structurally related derivatives of di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate (DEHA) (mono-(2-ethylhexyl)adipate, mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl)adipate, and mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl)adipate) were tested for mutagenicity in the Ames assay using Salmonella typhimurium strains TA97, TA98, TA100, and TA102, with and without a metabolic activation preparation. Aroclor 1254-induced rat liver S9 and DEHP-induced rat liver S9 were used. Concentrations of these compounds up to 1000 micrograms/plate were negative with all tester strains in the presence or absence of metabolic activation.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the administration of a large amount of di(n-butyl)phthalate (DBP) increased the conversion ratio of tryptophan to niacin in rats. In the present experiment, the effect of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) on the conversion ratio and how altering the conversion ratio of tryptophan to niacin depended on the concentration of DEHP were investigated to elucidate the toxic mechanism of phthalic acid esters (PhE). Rats were fed with a diet containing 0%, 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0%, or 3.0% DEHP for 21 days. To assess the conversion ratio of tryptophan to niacin, urine samples were collected at the last day of the experiment and measured for metabolites on the tryptophan-niacin pathway. The conversion ratio increased with increasing dietary concentration of DEHP above 0.05%; the conversion ratio was about 2% in the control group, whereas it was 28% in the 3.0% DEHP group. It is suggested that the inhibition of alpha-amino-beta-carboxymuconate-epsilon-semialdehyde decarboxylase (ACMSD) by DEHP or its metabolites caused this increase in the conversion ratio. We conclude that PhE such as DEHP and DBP disturbed the tryptophan-niacin metabolism.  相似文献   

Effect of in utero exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate on rat testes.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In utero exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP; 1000 mg/kg body weight) significantly decreased activities of testicular sorbitol dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase and increased gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, lactate dehydrogenase and beta-glucuronidase activities at early ages. A decrease in the sperm count of the epididymal spermatozoa was also observed in the sexually matured animals of DEHP exposed group. The data suggest that in utero exposure to DEHP may affect the normal development of testes.  相似文献   

The immediate and delayed effects of prepubertal exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) or oestradiol benzoate on the plasma concentrations of testosterone, oestradiol and LH, as well as testicular morphology were examined in prepubertal boars. In a split litter design experiment, prepubertal boars were intramuscularly exposed to DEHP, oestradiol or vehicle during five weeks, starting at six weeks of age. The dose of DEHP was 50mg/kg of bodyweight twice weekly, which is in the same range as recently used oral doses in rodents. Oestradiol-benzoate was administered at 0.25mg/kg of bodyweight twice weekly. One set of animals was examined immediately after the exposure, and the other set was examined at an age of 7.5 months. During the exposure period concentrations of LH in plasma were lower (p=0.02) in the oestradiol-treated animals than in the control group. In the group exposed to oestradiol, the relative to the body weight of the testicles tended to be lower (p=0.07) than control immediately after five weeks of exposure, and the relative to the body weight of the seminal vesicles tended to be lower (p=0.05) than control at 7.5 months of age. In the DEHP-exposed group an elevated (p=0.005) concentration of testosterone and increased (p=0.04) area of the Leydig cells in the testicles compared to the control group were seen at 7.5 months of age. These data suggest that DEHP early in life causes delayed effects on the reproductive system in the adult.  相似文献   

Phthalates, used in medical devices (MDs), have been identified as reproductive and developmental toxicants. Their toxicity varies somewhat depending on the specific phthalate and is in part linked to the activation of Peroxisome Proliferating-Activated Receptors (PPARs). So, the use of MDs containing targeted phthalates such as di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) has been challenged by European directive 2007/47/EC. Therefore, MDs manufacturers were forced to quickly find replacement plasticizers. However, very little toxicological and epidemiological studies are available on human health. So, we proceeded to dock these chemicals in order to identify compounds that are likely to interact with PPARs binding sites. The results obtained are generally very mixed on the harmlessness of these alternatives. Moreover, no data exist on the biological effects of their possible metabolites. As DEHP toxicity resulted mainly from its major metabolites, generalizing the use of these plasticizers without conducting extensive studies on the possible effects on human health of their metabolites seems inconceivable.  相似文献   

The effect of the plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate on the intracellular membranes of hepatocytes was investigated. Supplementation of the diet with 2% plasticizer resulted in the appearance of a large number of peroxisomes, and the number of mitochondria was also greatly increased. No significant change in the amount or appearance of the endoplasmic reticulum was detected. The oxidation of palmitoyl-CoA in peroxisomes and the activities of carnitine-acyltransferases are increased to a great extent in both mitochondria and peroxisomes. Intact respiratory control and oxidative phosphorylation indicated that mitochondrial integrity was maintained during the induction. In microsomes, cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase are elevated. The increased incorporation of glycerol into phospholipids indicated an increased rate of synthesis. The induction of peroxisomal and mitochondrial membranes and enzymes, but not of the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, by phthalate esters is an unusual and valuable induction pattern not seen with other inducers.  相似文献   

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