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Cytokines are a complex family of mediators that play a wide role in development, immunity, inflammation and tissue repair. Their use in therapy is still in its infancy and animal models have a key role to play in optimizing doses and schedules. Whilst xenogeneic and syngeneic transplantable systems have traditionally been used to look at the effects of cytokines in tumour models, oncogene transgenic mice prone to develop cancer, may now have a role to play. Moreover, gene therapy has allowed the investigation of ectopically expressed high and continous levels of cytokines. We will attempt to review the literature on the effect of cytokines and their combinations in these models of cancer.Abbreviations CML chronic myeloid leukemia - 5-FU 5-fluoruracil - FLC Friend leukemia cells - i.p. intraperitoneal - IFN interferon - IL interleukins - LAK lymphokine activated killer - s.c subcutaneous - SCCHN human squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck - TNF tumour necrosis factor - PEG polyethylene-glycol  相似文献   

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) has been shown to effectively stimulate granulopoiesis, in both neutropenic and in non-neutropenic patients. Recently, other effects of G-CSF on the immune system have attracted interest in treating non-neutropenic patients with a high risk of severe infection. In this phase II trial, we measured the effects of G-CSF on the serum cytokine levels in patients with esophageal cancer undergoing esophagectomy. Twenty subsequent patients (study group, 19 evaluable) received G-CSF (rhG-CSF, Filgrastim) at standard doses (300 microg or 480 microg) subcutaneously 2 days before and up to 7 days after surgery. G-CSF was well tolerated. Leukocytes increased from 7600/microl at study entry (day -2) to a maximum of 45 100/microl (day 6). In the study patients, we found a highly significant (P<0.001) postoperative increase of G-CSF, IL-1ra, sTNFRp55 and sTNFRp75 as compared with the baseline level. In contrast, IL-8 levels were decreased by a factor of 6.8; there were no changes in the very low TNF-alpha levels. The comparison of the study group with a control group of 21 cancer patients undergoing major surgery who were not treated with G-CSF showed significant differences in the serum levels of G-CSF, sTNFRp55, sTNFRp75, and IL-1ra, respectively. There was no infection in the study group up to 10 days after surgery as compared with 29.9% in a historical control group (P=0.008). Thus, the induction of anti-inflammatory cytokines and the downregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines by G-CSF might be a promising adjuvant treatment of infectious complications in patients undergoing esophagectomy.  相似文献   

E-cadherin protein (CDH1 gene) integrity is fundamental to the process of epithelial polarization and differentiation. Deregulation of the E-cadherin function plays a crucial role in breast cancer metastases, with worse prognosis and shorter overall survival. In this narrative review, we describe the inactivating mechanisms underlying CDH1 gene activity and its possible translation to clinical practice as a prognostic biomarker and as a potential targeted therapy.  相似文献   

In this study we have examined biopsies from women with localized primary breast cancer to investigate the prognostic performance of estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) for estimating the metastatic probability of the patients, and to explore whether discrimination gets better by combining clinicopathological and other molecular parameters into a score. This prospective study involved 205 patients with a median follow-up of 5 y. Among the evaluated clinicopathological data were: patient's age; tumor size; axillary lymph node involvement; and tumor grade. The most representative tumor samples were derived to a single laboratory for immunohistochemical evaluation of the following molecular markers: ER, PR, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), p53 protein product, erbB-2 (HER-2/neu) oncoprotein, and P170 glycoprotein (mdr1 gen product). Distant metastases (study endpoint) appeared in 19.5% (40/205) of the patients, most of these patients presented a mixture of poor, regular and good prognostic factors. Disease-free survival analysis procedures (Kaplan–Meier method) identified tumor size, axillary lymph node involvement, tumor grade, receptor status, PCNA, p53, erbB-2 and P170 as useful prognostic factors. Proportional hazard regression analysis (Cox) identified in order of importance erbB-2, tumor size, receptors status, tumor grade and PCNA as useful prognostic factors. To facilitate the evaluation of the prognostic factors, a practical and simple score system was derived. A high pathological score identified 65% of the patients that developed distant metastases, while a high molecular score was obtained in 57% of patients with metastatic disease. There was a significant improvement in the diagnosis of probability of being with distant metastases when the pathological score was combined with the molecular score, 82% of the patients with distant metastases showed an elevated combined score. Validation of this scoring system will need further larger studies (validation set as opposed to the training set used in the present study). Due to the complexity of events in cancer, the evaluation of a combination of prognostic factors should be of value to clinicians to make a more objective estimate of the prognosis of individual breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence for changes in fucosylation in cancer. Previously, we showed that the fucose-specific lectin,Lotus tetragonolobus, extracts an abnormal form of haptoglobin (Hp) from cancer sera. This study investigates the monosaccharide content of Hp obtained from women with ovarian and breast cancer at different stages of their disease. In both cancers, Hp fucose was low when the disease was benign or in remission and much higher when the disease was progressive. This occurred whether the data was expressed per mole of protein or per three mannose residues. Changes in other monosaccharides were minor compared with fucose. There were small increases in theN-acetylglucosamine and galactose content (per three mannoses) in ovarian cancer, suggesting that some glycan chains have increased branching. The latter was independent of disease activity which may be due to some indirect cause such as cytotoxic therapy or an inflammatory response. When ovarian cancer patients were in remission, the number of glycosylation sites on Hp was reduced. Hp isolated from patients with early, but not advanced breast cancer also appeared to have increased glycan branching. The increased fucosylated Hp may interfere with fucose-mediated adhesion reactions of cancer cells.Part of this work was published in abstract form,Glycoconjugate J 1993;10; 318.  相似文献   

Breast cancer (BC) is one of the most widespread malignancies in women worldwide. Breast cancer is mainly classified into a few key molecular subtypes in accordance with hormone and growth factor receptor expression, etc. In spite of numerous advances in the remedy of breast cancer, the development of metastatic disease remains an untreatable and repeated basis of cancer death for women. Preclinical and clinical studies of immunotherapy in cancer remedy have been in progress for the past quite a few decades by an effort to accelerate, augment, and modulate the immune system to spot and devastate cancer cells. Advancement of cancer immunotherapy is rapidly increasing with eminent and most interesting therapy compared to other therapy like targeted therapy, cytotoxic chemotherapy, radiation as well as surgery. Cancer immunotherapy, also known as biological therapy, which denotes the controlling and by means of the patient's own immune system to goal the cancer cells rather than using an extrinsic therapy. In that way, focusing of cancer immunotherapy developing mediators that stimulates or enhances the immune system's recognition and destroying the cancer cells. This review describes a holistic outlook and deeper understanding of the biology of immunotherapy within the system of tumor microenvironment of breast cancer that improve clinical research and constructive impact on the study conclusion.  相似文献   

Glutathione plays an important role in the antioxidant system that is required for the maintenance of the redox status of the cell, defence against free radicals and detoxification of toxic compounds. Reduced glutathione (redGSH) can be converted to oxidized glutathione (GSSG) during oxidative stress. The ratio of redGSH/total glutathione can be regarded as an index of the redox status and a useful indicator of disease risks. We conducted experiments by the capillary zone electrophoresis method to investigate the alterations of the glutathione status in the blood and tissue samples from patients with breast cancer. The results showed that the levels of redGSH, GSSG, total glutathione and the ratio of redGSH/total glutathione were significantly decreased in the blood of the patients with breast cancer compared to those of the control subjects. The levels of various forms of glutathione were lower and more pronounced in stage III. In contrast, the levels of redGSH, GSSG, total glutathione and the redGSH/total glutathione ratio in breast cancer tissues were significantly increased relative to those of the adjacent cancer-free tissues, especially in stage II. We suggest that the high redGSH levels are associated with the enhancement of cell proliferation and resistance to apoptosis in the cancer cells, and the loss of the large amount of erythrocyte redGSH may be due to increased detoxification capacities and defence against oxidative stress. We propose that redGSH should be regarded as an important biochemical parameter for detecting breast malignancy.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to evaluate if specific cytokine expression in the NK/Ly lymphoma cells might be involved in development of intoxication in the tumor-bearing animals. RT-PCR analysis was used to study an expression of mRNA coding for IL-1α, IL-6, TNF-α, TNF-β and VEGF. ELISA was used to evaluate IL-6 and IFN-γ concentration in the ascitic fluid. Cytomorphological investigation of tumor cells was done after standard Romanovsky-Giemsa staining, and chromatin staining was performed with hematoxyline and neutral red. Lactate dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase release from tumor cells was estimated. It was revealed that the level of mRNA coding for VEGF and IL-6 was significant in the lymphoma cells. The level of VEGF mRNA was initially high and did not change during tumor progression, while the level of expression of IL6 mRNA was low at the initial stages of tumor growth and markedly increased (up to 5-fold) at the terminal stages. The obtained data on IL-6 mRNA expression were confirmed by ELISA, which showed more than 6-fold increase (from 90 to 570 pg/ml) in the IL-6 concentration in the ascitic fluid at late stages of NK/Ly tumor development. On the contrary to IL-6, concentration of IFN-γ in the ascitic fluid was very high at early stages of tumor development (1,000 pg/ml) and it markedly decreased (up to 30-fold, 30 pg/ml) at the terminal stages of tumor development. The high levels of IL-6 mRNA in tumor cells and IL-6 content in extracellular medium correlated with cell deterioration, as revealed by cytomorphologic study and the release of intracellular enzymes into extracellular medium. We suggest that an enhanced production and release of IL-6 by lymphoma cells can cause intoxication and exhaustion of the organism observed at terminal stages of tumor growth.  相似文献   

Cancer‐related fatigue (CRF) is subjective and has wide inter‐individual variability. Given that leptin is commonly associated with fatigue syndrome, its use as a potential biomarker for CRF is being investigated. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the association between leptin and CRF in early‐stage breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. In a prospective cohort study, patients completed assessments at baseline (T1), during chemotherapy (T2) and after chemotherapy (T3). Levels of plasma leptin and adipokines were measured using a Luminex bead‐immunoassay and CRF was measured using the Multi‐Dimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory‐Short Form (MFSI‐SF). Data were analysed longitudinally using a generalised estimating equation incorporating clinically relevant parameters and pro‐inflammatory adipokines. The analysis included 136 patients (mean age ± SD = 51.5 ± 8.8 years; 69.1% receiving anthracycline‐based chemotherapy). More patients experienced CRF at T3 (23.8%) than at T2 (13.8%) compared to baseline. An increase was observed in the median plasma leptin level at T2, followed by a decrease at T3 (T1: 4.07 ng/mL, T2: 4.95 ng/mL and T3: 3.96 ng/mL). In the multivariate model, the change in leptin levels over time was significantly associated with the total MFSI‐SF score (β = ?0.15, P = 0.003) after adjusting for the tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) level, anxiety, depression, insomnia, age, menopausal status and type of chemotherapy. This is the first study to report leptin as a biomarker that predicts the onset of CRF over time. Future studies are required to validate the findings.  相似文献   

Breast cancer (BC) is the most common tumour in women and one of the most important causes of cancer death worldwide. Radiation therapy (RT) is widely used for BC treatment. Some proteins have been identified as prognostic factors for BC (Ki67, p53, E‐cadherin, HER2). In the last years, it has been shown that variations in the expression of MMPs and TIMPs may contribute to the development of BC. The aim of this pilot work was to study the effects of RT on different MMPs (‐1, ‐2, ‐3, ‐7, ‐8, ‐9, ‐10, ‐12 and ‐13) and TIMPs (‐1 to ‐4), as well as their relationship with other variables related to patient characteristics and tumour biology. A group of 20 BC patients treated with RT were recruited. MMP and TIMP serum levels were analysed by immunoassay before, during and after RT. Our pilot study showed a slight increase in the levels of most MMP and TIMP with RT. However, RT produced a significantly decrease in TIMP‐1 and TIMP‐3 levels. Significant correlations were found between MMP‐3 and TIMP‐4 levels, and some of the variables studied related to patient characteristics and tumour biology. Moreover, MMP‐9 and TIMP‐3 levels could be predictive of RT toxicity. For this reason, MMP‐3, MMP‐9, TIMP‐3 and TIMP‐4 could be used as potential prognostic and predictive biomarkers for BC patients treated with RT.  相似文献   

The malignant potential of solid tumors is related to the ability to invade adjacent tissue and to metastasize. These properties of cancer cells depend on the synthesis of proteolytic enzymes which are able to digest adjacent connective tissue and basement membranes. We hypothesized that all elements of the plasminogen activation system might be overexpressed in malignant human breast tumors, functioning as an essential element in tumor invasion and metastasis. As determined by histopathological methods, the malignant tumors showed statistically significantly higher expression of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA), type-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1), and especially urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) than benign tissues. All those elements were present in higher amounts in the cancer cells than in the cells of benign or normal breast tissues. High exhibition of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) found in cancer seems to be random and not related to the malignant or benign state, since benign and malignant tumors show overexpression of tissue plasminogen activator with similar frequency. When the tumors express high amounts of uPA, they express a high amount of uPAR in 50% of cases and PAI-1 in 57.3% of cases. When urokinase is expressed in low amount, the receptor is low in 28.6% and inhibitor in 21.4% of malignant breast tumors. This statistically significant consensus, 78.6% in the case of urokinase and its receptor and 78.6% in case of urokinase and its inhibitor, suggests that these activities may be the result of a unique mechanism of control, activated in the last steps of malignant transformation.  相似文献   

The clinical prognosis of breast cancer (BC) patients remains poor. Studies on BC microarrays GSE37751, GSE7390, and GSE21653 were reanalyzed to characterize the expressions of annexin A7 (ANXA7) in BC patients and the corresponding normal breast tissues and the correlation between ANXA7 expression and clinical characteristics and survivals of BC patients. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was applied to investigate the exact mechanisms as for the expression of ANXA7 and the proliferation of BC cells. The level of ANXA7 expression was significantly decreased in BC patients than that in normal controls (P < .0001). BC patients in the ANXA7 high‐expression group were associated with better clinical features such as tumor size; histopathological grading; estrogen receptors; and clinical risk groups according to St Gallen criteria, Nottingham prognostic index criteria, and Veridex signature compared with those in the ANXA7 low‐expression group. Higher expression of ANXA7 predicted better prognosis of BC patients. The result of GSEA indicated that ANXA7 might inhibit the proliferation of BC cells through biological processes involved in androgen response, heme metabolism, and oxidative phosphorylation. The messenger RNA and protein levels of ANXA7 were decreased in BC tissues compared with those in normal breast tissues. Our results proved that ANXA7 was downregulated in BC cells and that a higher expression of ANXA7 was associated with better prognosis of BC patients.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is recognized as the most common type of cancer among women with a high rate of mortality all over the world. Over the past years, growing attention has been regarded to realize more about the mechanisms underlying the disease process. It is revealed that the progression of breast cancer may be strongly linked to chronic inflammation owing to the role of inflammatory factors in genetic instability and subsequent cancer predisposition. Although the association between breast cancer and inflammatory pathways has been well-defined now, only recent evidence pointed towards the inflammation-related microRNAs (miRNAs) as potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets involved in the crosstalk of multiple pathways during breast cancer development. Moreover, the practical interactions between these miRNAs and inflammatory factors are also a little characterized. In this review, we intended to describe the effects of predominant inflammatory pathways such as cytokines, phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B, and nuclear factor kappa B in association with tumor promoting and tumor suppressing miRNAs on breast cancer progression. Providing new studies in the field of combining biomarkers for early diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring breast cancer are very important. Notably, understanding the underlying mechanisms of miRNAs as a possible link between inflammation and tumorigenesis may offer a novel insight for combating this epidemic.  相似文献   

Our previous study has suggested suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) is associated with clinical progression and functions as an oncogenic role to regulate cell proliferation and apoptosis in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Several microRNA-messenger RNA (miRNA-mRNA) relationship databases show SOCS1 is identified as a direct target gene of miRNA-4458 (miR-4458). The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between miR-4458 and SOCS1 in TNBC. In our results, miR-4458 expression was decreased in TNBC tissues and cells compared with adjacent normal tissues and normal mammary epithelial cell line, respectively. Moreover, miR-4458 directly bound to SOCS1, and negatively regulated SOCS1 mRNA and protein expression. Furthermore, miR-4458 suppressed cell proliferation and promote cell apoptosis through regulating SOCS1 in TNBC. Besides, levels of miR-4458 expression in patients with advanced clinical stage were obviously lower than in patients with early clinical stage. In conclusion, miR-4458 mediates SOCS1 to play a tumor-suppressive role in TNBC.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women worldwide. Kynureninase (KYNU) located in 2q22.2, which was associated with tryptophan utilization and metabolic diseases including cardiac, renal and limb defects syndrome 2. However, the role of KYNU in breast cancer (BC) development remains unclear. The expression of KYNU was examined by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in 137 primary BC tissues, and the correlation of KYNU expression with clinical pathological characteristics and the biomarkers (ER, PR, HER2, E‐cad and Ki‐67) was analysed. The role of KYNU in cancer cell proliferation, tumour growth and development was evaluated by MTT assay, soft agar colony formation assay and xenograft mouse models. Among 137 primary BC tissues, 46.7% (64/137) had high KYNU expression (IHC scores >4) while 53.3% (73/137) had low KYNU expression (IHC scores ≤4). The expression of KYNU was positively correlated with the expressions of ER (P = .002), PR (P = .007) and E‐cad (P = .03), while negatively associated with tumour grade (P = .008), tumour stage (P < .001) and the expressions of HER2 (P = .04) and Ki‐67 (P = .019). Overexpression of KYNU significantly inhibited cell proliferation in cell culture, colony formation in soft agar and xenograft BC development in NOD/SCID mice. Kynureninase suppresses BC cell proliferation, tumour growth and development. Kynureninase may function as a tumour suppressor in BC.  相似文献   

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