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The dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and dorsal horn of the spinal cord are areas through which primary afferent information passes enroute to the brain. Previous studies have reported that, during normal neuronal activity, the regional distribution of a second messenger, diacylglycerol (DG), which is derived from phosphoinositide turnover, is diverse in these areas. However, the way that DG is regulated in these organs remains unknown. The present study was performed to investigate mRNA expression and protein localization of DG kinase (DGK) isozymes, which play a central role in DG metabolism. Gene expression for DGK isozymes was detected with variable regional distributions and intensities in the spinal cord. Among the isozymes, most intense signals were found for DGKζ and DGKι in the DRG. By immunohistochemical analysis, DGKζ immunoreactivity was detected heterogeneously in the nucleus and cytoplasm of small DRG neurons with variable levels of distribution, whereas it was detected exclusively in the cytoplasm of large neurons. On the other hand, DGKι immunoreactivity was distributed solely in the cytoplasm of most of the DRG neurons. Double-immunofluorescent imaging of these isozymes showed that they coexisted in a large population of DRG neurons at distinct subcellular sites, i.e., DGKζ in the nucleus and DGKι in the cytoplasm. Thus, DGK isozymes may have different functional roles at distinct subcellular sites. Furthermore, the heterogeneous subcellular localization of DGKζ between the nucleus and cytoplasm implies the possible translocation of this isozyme in small DRG neurons under various conditions.The work was supported by grants-in-aid from the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of Japan (M.T., K.G.) and from the Ono Medical Research Foundation, Kato Memorial Bioscience Foundation, and Janssen Pharmaceutical (K.G.) and by the 21st Century Center of Excellence Program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of chronic lesions of rat lumbar spinal or sciatic nerves on the binding of Glycine max (soybean) agglutinin to galacto-conjugates, in small-and medium-size primary sensory neurons of the L4 and L5 dorsal root ganglia, were examined over a 580-day period. Spinal nerve section resulted in a marked decrease in the population of stained neurons within 7 days. However, despite some retrograde morphological changes triggered by axonal injury, the proportion of stained nerve cells was normalized 180 days postoperatively. This temporary decrease in perikaryal lectin reactivity was initially associated with a marked accumulation of stained material in the nerve, proximal and distal to the site of section, with similar accumulations also being noticeable at each level of injury in sciatic nerves subjected to double ligature. This may reflect the presence of glycocompounds linked to the autolysis of nerve fibers during the phase of retrograde dying-back and Wallerian degeneration. At later stages, stained deposits could be seen scattered along central and peripheral axonal processes of the dorsal root ganglion neurons in the vicinity of the cell body. They may indicate a disturbance in the peripheral turnover of glycoproteins in chronically-transected nerves, with piling up of neuronal products. Sciatic nerve injury caused similar but less severe effects which, except for the L4 ganglion cells, were rapidly reversible.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are the most polymorphic in vertebrates and code for molecules playing a central role in pathogen resistance. We studied levels of MHC DRB class II diversity in a long-term study population of mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) at Caw Ridge, Alberta, and two other populations from British Columbia, Canada. Only two alleles were found among the three populations sampled. The Caw Ridge population was fixed for one of the two MHC DRB alleles, but this lack of variation did not appear to have affected it negatively because the population doubled over two decades and had no history of any apparent infectious diseases. Past population bottlenecks during Pleistocene glaciations are thought to have been the main factor contributing to the low levels of MHC diversity in mountain goats, a hypothesis supported by our previous work reporting low polymorphism at neutral loci. Additionally, the limited MHC variability in mountain goats may be related to its northern distribution as we found that allelic diversity at MHC DRB class II in wild ungulates decreases with increasing latitude, possibly as a result of low parasite diversity at high latitudes. The low MHC variation in mountain goats and other northern ungulates such as muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) may expose these species to population outbreaks that could be generated by introduced pathogens or northward shifts in the distribution of pathogens with global climate warming.  相似文献   

Summary The development of macrophage subpopulations and dendritic cells in the rat lung was studied from day 15 of gestation until day 21 after birth by means of immunohistochemical techniques combined with acid phosphatase staining. To characterize these cell populations, monoclonal antibodies raised against rat macrophage subpopulations were used (ED1, ED2, ED7, and ED8) in addition to anti-Ia antibodies. Ia-positive cells with a dendritic morphology were found on day 16 of gestation. During ontogeny, the number of these cells gradually increased. They were always found in mesenchymal lung tissue between the epithelial tubules of future alveoli, and in perivascular or peribronchial areas. ED1-positive macrophages were found on day 17 of gestation, with a distribution different from that of Ia-positive dendritic cells. The distribution of ED1-positive cells changed during ontogeny: before birth, ED1-positive cells were present in mesenchymal areas of lung tissue, whereas after the first week of postnatal life ED1 recognized all free alveolar macrophages. No Ia-expression was found on free alveolar macrophages. This developmental pattern resembles the ontogeny of Ia-positive dendritic cells and ED1-positive macrophages in gutassociated tissue. The comparable development of these cell populations in gut and lung tissue indicates a common ontogeny in the mucosal immune system.Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences  相似文献   

Summary The mutilated foot rat is a mutant with autosomal recessive sensory neuropathy and frequent mutilation of the hindlimbs. Decreased numbers of dorsal root ganglion cells and diminished sensitivity to painful stimuli are characteristics of these animals. By use of immunocytochemistry, changes in the distributions of peptides involved in sensory and/or autonomic regulation, i.e. calcitonin generelated peptide (CGRP), tachykinins, enkephalin and neuropeptide Y in spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia and skin of these animals, were studied. In comparison with normal litter-mate controls, the dorsal horn of mutilated foot rats contained substantially fewer CGRP and tachykinin-immunoreactive fibres but more fibres immunoreactive for enkephalin. Many enkephalin-immunoreactive cell bodies were also found in the dorsal horn of the mutants, by contrast none were visible in control animals. Neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity was, however, unchanged in the spinal cord of the mutants. In the dorsal root ganglia of the mutants, the number of CGRPor tachykinin-immunoreactive cells and their proportion to total neuronal numbers were significantly less in comparison with normal controls. The diameter range of CGRP- and tachykinin-immunoreactive cells shifted from small (15–25 m) to medium size (25–45 m) as revealed by frequency distribution histograms. The skin from the affected foreand hindlimbs of the mutant rats, in keeping with fewer CGRP- and tachykinin-immunoreactive cells in the dorsal root ganglia, contained substantially less fibres immunoreactive for CGRP and tachykinins; a difference that was not seen in skin of unaffected areas (whiskers and snout). By contrast, neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive fibres showed a normal distribution around blood vessels and sweat glands of mutilated foot rats. The data suggest that diminished pain perception in the mutilated foot rat is related to loss of peptide-containing sensory neurones. Furthermore, the intraspinal increase of enkephalinergic neurones in the dorsal horn, concomitant with the decreased number of primary sensory neurones, may also play a contributory rôle in reducing pain thresholds.  相似文献   

Summary To study the effect of haemodynamic stress on the morphological differentiation of pseudointima, the ultrastructure of the cells lining normally shaped and aneurysmal polyurethane vascular prostheses implanted into the abdominal aorta of rats was examined. In the normally shaped vascular prostheses the pseudointima was composed of several layers of smooth muscle cells, which varied in differentiation from normal smooth muscle cells to myofibroblasts, and which were lined by a continuous sheet of endothelial cells. In the aneurysmal vascular prostheses, a pseudointima, composed of only layers of smooth muscle cells had developed. Those smooth muscle cells which lined the lumen had a typical morphology: they were polygonal, flat cells of unequal size, with a distinct organelle-free zone, containing myofilaments, at the luminal peripheral cytoplasmic side. The other smooth muscle cells varied in differentiation from normal smooth muscle cells to myofibroblasts. Under severe haemodynamic stresses, such as occur in the aneurysmal vascular prostheses, the regeneration of endothelial cells is impaired and smooth muscle cells undergo morphological changes to form a pseudoendothelial lining.  相似文献   

We isolated major histocompatibility complex class II B (MHCIIB) genes in the Barn owl (Tyto alba). A PCR-based approach combined with primer walking on genomic and complementary DNA as well as Southern blot analyses revealed the presence of two MHCIIB genes, both being expressed in spleen, liver, and blood. Characteristic structural features of MHCIIB genes as well as their expression and high non-synonymous substitution rates in the region involved in antigen binding suggest that both genes are functional. MHC organization in the Barn owl is simple compared to passerine species that show multiple duplications, and resembles the minimal essential MHC of chicken.  相似文献   

The locus coeruleus (LC) or superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of neonatal rats were co-cultured either with the pineal organ or cerebral cortex (CX) to investigate the innervating capacity of central and peripheral catacholamine neurons under these experimental conditions. After 2 weeks of co-culturing, cultures were fixed for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemistry to examine the distribution of catecholamine neurons and their fibers. Glial fibrillary acidic protein and fibronectin immunohistochemistry was performed to determine the cell types proliferating around the explants. In LC/CX co-cultures, numerous astrocytes spread between the two explants, and TH-immunoreactive neurites were generally seen to invade CX explants. In contrast, neurite extension from LC to pineal explants occurred only when a glial cell sheet grew between the two explants, and when the pineal explants were not surrounded by a tight fibronectin-positive cell layer. Neurites of the SCG usually invaded both CX and pineal explants, regardless of the existence of glial or non-glial cell layer. These results indicate that central and peripheral catecholamine neurites have the potential of invading both the cortex and pineal, although they are distributed only in particular regions of the intact brain. The distribution of LC neurites, however, seems to be profoundly affected by the cell types spreading around the explants; glial cells appear to support LC neurite extension, whereas non-glial cells appear to inhibit it.  相似文献   

Initial responses of odontoblasts and immunocompetent cells to cavity preparation by laser ablation were investigated in rat molars. In untreated control teeth, intense heat shock protein (Hsp) 25 immunoreactivity was found in the cell bodies of odontoblasts, whereas cells immunopositive for the class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen were predominantly located beneath the odontoblast layer in the dental pulp. Cavity preparation caused the destruction of the odontoblast layer and the shift of most class-II-MHC-positive cells from the pulp-dentin border toward the pulp core at the affected site. Twelve hours after cavity preparation, numerous class-II-MHC-positive cells appeared along the pulp-dentin border and extended their processes deep into the exposed dentinal tubules, but subsequently disappeared from the pulp-dentin border together with Hsp-25-immunopositive cells by 24 h after the operation. By 3–5 days postoperation, distinct abscess formation consisting of polymorphonuclear leukocytes was found in the dental pulp. The penetration of masses of oral bacteria was recognizable in the dentinal tubules beneath the prepared cavity. These findings indicate that cavity preparation by laser ablation induces remarkable inflammation by continuous bacterial infections via dentinal tubules in this experimental model, thereby delaying pulpal regeneration.This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research to promote 2001-Multidisciplinary Research Projects in 2001–2005, and KAKENHI (C) (nos. 12671765 and 14571727 to H.O.) from MEXT  相似文献   

Summary A careful search for groups of nerve cell bodies enclosed within a common connective envelope was made in the spinal ganglia of the lizard and rat using a serial-section technique. Nerve cell bodies sharing a common connective envelope were found to be more common in the lizard (9.4%) than in the rat (5.6%). These nerve cell bodies were arranged in pairs, or, less frequently, in groups of three. At times, they appeared to be in immediate contact, with no intervening satellite cells; at other, they remained separated from one another by a satellite cell sheet. The clusters of nerve cell bodies enclosed within a common connective envelope probably result from the arrest of developmental processes in the spinal ganglion. It is possible that, as a result of the cell arrangement here described, certain neurons electrically influence other sensory neurons at the level of the ganglion.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes play a pivotal role in the adaptive immune response among vertebrates. Accordingly, in numerous mammals the genomic structure and molecular characterization of MHC class I genes have been thoroughly investigated. To date, however, little is known about these genes in tree shrews, despite the increasingly popularity of its usage as an animal model. To address this deficiency, we analyzed the structure and characteristic of the tree shrew MHC class I genes (Tube-MHC I) and performed a comparative gene analysis of the tree shrew and other mammal species. We found that the full-length cDNA sequence of the tree shrew MHC class I is 1074 bp in length. The deduced peptide is composed of 357 amino acids containing a leader peptide, an α1 and α2 domain, an α3 domain, a transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic domain. Among these peptides, the cysteines, CD8+ interaction and N-glycosylation sites are all well conserved. Furthermore, the genomic sequence of the tree shrew MHC class I gene was identified to be 3180 bp in length, containing 8 exons and 7 introns. In 21 MHC class I sequences, we conducted an extensive study of nucleotide substitutions. The results indicated that in the peptide binding region (PBR) the rate of non-synonymous substitutions (dN) to synonymous substitutions (dS) was greater than 1, suggesting balancing selection at the PBR. These findings provide valuable contributions in furthering our understanding of the structure, molecular polymorphism, and function of the MHC class I genes in tree shrews, further improving their utility as an animal model in biomedical research.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic studies using an azo compound HPAN and its Co(II) complex were carried out on non-small lung epithelium carcinoma (A549) cells and peripheral blood mononuclear (PBM) cells. The results obtained suggest that the Co(II) complex is much less toxic toward both cell lines and the decreased toxicity due to the complex was more pronounced with carcinoma A549 cells. An attempt was made to correlate the findings related to cytotoxicity with the interaction of the compounds with DNA using calf thymus DNA as the target. The study was able to conclude that the complex was a relatively weak binder to calf thymus DNA. This information was used to explain the interaction of azo compounds with DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and A549 lung carcinoma cells. It was concluded that the Co(II) complex interacts with DNA to a much lesser extent than HPAN alone. Cyclic voltammetry experiments carried out with HPAN and the Co(II) complex further showed that the presence of the metal ion in the complex prevents reduction of the azo group to such species that are responsible for inducing cytotoxicity. The overall finding was that complex formation with azo compounds might serve as a possible route to curb their toxicities.  相似文献   

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