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Colleters are secretory structure present on many families including Rubiaceae. Particular characteristics have been described about colleters secretory cells, however senescence process are still under debate. Tocoyena bullata (Vell.) Mart. (Rubiaceae) shoot apex were collected at Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, RJ/Brazil. Stipules were separated and fragments were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and 4.0% formaldehyde in 0.05 m sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 7.2, post fixed in 1.0% osmium tetroxide in the same buffer, dehydrated in acetone, critical‐point‐drying, sputtered coated and observed. For light microscopy fragments were fixed and dehydrated, infiltrated with historesin and stained with 1% toluidine blue. For transmission electron microscopy, the samples were infiltrated with Epoxi resin. Colleters are present on stipule adaxial surface. On the beginning of development, these structures are recognized as small projections. Later on, colleters differentiated and secrete by cuticle rupture. The colleters senescence occurs in a concomitant and indissoluble way of programmed cell death. Ultrastructural analyses during the process strongly suggest the senescence is based on a non‐autolitic programmed cell death. T. bullata colleters, present at stipule abaxial surface are cylindrical secretory structures. Colleters secretory cells originated as stipule projections; differentiate; secrete and senesce by programmed cell death. The secretion and the cell dead occurs in a concomitantly and indissoluble way.  相似文献   

  • Secretory structures are common in Asteraceae, where they exhibit a high degree of morphological diversity. The species Verbesina macrophylla, popularly known as assa‐peixe, is native to Brazil where it is widely used for medicinal purposes. Despite its potential medical importance, there have been no studies of the anatomy of this species, especially its secretory structures and secreted compounds. This study examined leaves of V. macrophylla with emphasis on secretory structures and secreted secondary metabolites.
  • Development of secretory ducts and the mechanism of secretion production are described for V. macrophylla using ultrastructure, yield and chemical composition of its essential oils.
  • Verbesina macrophylla has a hypostomatic leaf blade with dorsiventral mesophyll and secretory ducts associated with vascular bundles of schizogenous origin. Histochemistry identified the presence of lipids, terpenes, alkaloids and mucopolysaccharides. Ultrastructure suggests that the secretion released into the duct lumen is produced in plastids of transfer cells, parenchymal sheath cells and stored in vacuoles in these cells and duct epithelial cells. The essential oil content was 0.8%, and its major components were germacrene D, germacrene D‐4‐ol, β‐caryophyllene, bicyclogermacrene and α‐cadinol.
  • Secretory ducts of V. macrophylla are squizogenous. Substances identified in tissues suggest that both secretions stored in the ducts and in adjacent parenchyma cells are involved in chemical defence. The essential oil is rich in sesquiterpenes, with germacrene D and its derivatives being notable components.

  • Reynoutria × bohemica is an invasive species causing significant damage to native ecosystems in North America and Europe.
  • In this work, we performed an in‐depth micromorphological characterisation of the extrafloral nectaries (EFN), during their secretory and post‐secretory phases, in combination with field monitoring of nectary activity over time and the qualitative pool of insect visitors.
  • EFN consist of secretory trichomes and vascularised parenchyma. Polysaccharides, lipids and proteins were histochemically detected in all trichome cells; phenolic substances were detected in parenchyma cells. Our data indicate that all nectary regions are involved in nectar production and release, constituting a functional unit. Moreover, the main compound classes of nectar and their transfer change over time: first, granulocrine secretion for sugars prevails, then eccrine secretion of the lipophilic fraction takes place. Active nectaries are mainly located in the apical portion of the stem during the growth phase (April–May), when we detected the highest number of individuals visited by ants; from mid‐August onwards, during flowering, the number of active nectaries declined then ceased production (September), with a concomitant decrease in visits by the ants. The spectrum of nectar‐foraging ants mainly included representatives of the genera Formica, Lasius and Camponotus.
  • Reynoutria × bohemica produces an attractive secretion able to recruit local ants that may potentially act as ‘bodyguards’ for protecting young shoots, reducing secretions during the blooming stage. This defence mechanism against herbivores is the same as that displayed by the parental species in its native areas.

Utilization of the extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and fruits of Canavalia lineata and C. cathartica by ants was investigated at 30 sites in Japan. The fruits of C. lineata and C. cathartica were inhabited by five and eight ant species, respectively. Ant nesting periods and their utilization of EFNs differed between C. lineata and C. cathartica. Canavalia lineata flowers once a year, and periods of EFN-utilization and fruit-nesting by ants do not overlap. The fruit-nesting ants on C. lineata seem to invade the plant from the holes made by moth larvae or breaches made by decay. The ants nesting on the fruits of C. lineata may defend the plant against seed herbivores because they feed on moth larvae. Canavalia cathartica flowers several times over a year, and fruits are found throughout the year; therefore, periods of EFN-utilization and fruit-nesting by ants are overlapped. Canavalia cathartica offers year-round nesting sites and food for ants, and therefore may receive a higher defensive effect from ants than C. lineata. Handling editor: Graham Stone.  相似文献   

Extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) are involved in animal–plant interactions that lead to protection against herbivory. The presence of EFNs in Araceae is rare, besides Philodendron, there is report for only two other genera. With the aim to investigate the occurrence of EFNs in Philodendron and to describe the distribution patterns and structural organization of these glands, 75 Philodendron spp. were examined, 16 of which were selected for study by light microscopy. Three Homalomena spp. were also examined for EFNs, but these were not found. Philodendron martianum was employed as a model for additional study using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The studied EFNs showed a high degree of structural similarity. They were present in the prophyll, leaf and spathe, becoming functional in young organs. In surface view, EFNs consisted of small areas and showed one or more stomata through which secretions were released. The secretory cells formed a globular region surrounded by ground parenchyma. In P. martianum, nectariferous parenchyma cells exhibited typical features of cells with high metabolism related to nectar secretion. These results allow us to infer that EFNs have a widespread occurrence in Philodendron, and they remain an exclusive character for this group. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 180 , 229–240.  相似文献   

Morphology, anatomy and physiology of sun and shade leaves of Abies alba were investigated and major differences were identified, such as sun leaves being larger, containing a hypodermis and palisade parenchyma as well as possessing more stomata, while shade leaves exhibit a distinct leaf dimorphism. The large size of sun leaves and their arrangement crowded on the upper side of a plagiotropic shoot leads to self‐shading which is explainable as protection from high solar radiation and to reduce the transpiration via the lamina. Sun leaves furthermore contain a higher xanthophyll cycle pigment amount and Non‐Photochemical Quenching (NPQ) capacity, a lower amount of chlorophyll b and a total lower chlorophyll amount per leaf, as well as an increased electron transport rate and an increased photosynthesis light saturation intensity. However, sun leaves switch on their NPQ capacity at rather low light intensities, as exemplified by several parameters newly measured for conifers. Our holistic approach extends previous findings about sun and shade leaves in conifers and demonstrates that both leaf types of A. alba show structural and physiological remarkable similarities to their respective counterparts in angiosperms, but also possess unique characteristics allowing them to cope efficiently with their environmental constraints.  相似文献   

对萍蓬草〔Nupharpumilum(Thimm.)DC.〕根、茎、叶的形态结构和腺毛的发育进行形态解剖观察分析。茎中维管束散生、无形成层。茎端周围及幼叶、叶柄部位着生能分泌粘液的腺毛。不定根为多元型,有髓;侧根对着原生木质部脊着生,根表面具短缩的根毛;根顶端原始细胞具有分层特征,属封闭型。  相似文献   

Pod morphology and anatomy have been studied in 28 species and four varieties of Indian Indigofera. Pods of Indigofera spp. differ with respect to size, the relative thickness of the fruit wall, the number of sclerenchymatous layers in the endocarp, the presence/absence of hypodermis and trichomes, and the presence of separation tissue. Anatomically, the pericarp is broadly characterized into three types: type I (thin pericarp and three to five sclerenchymatous layers in the endocarp), type II (intermediary pericarp thickness and six to eight sclerenchymatous layers), and type III (thick pericarp and more than eight sclerenchymatous layers). The distribution of these types across the tribe is not congruent with the current phylogenetic analyses. Type III pericarp (present in the early diverging lineages of the tribe) represents the most primitive state, whereas type I and type II pericarps are derived. Fruits of Indigofera generally show normal explosive dehiscence as a means of dispersal of seeds, although some species show adaptations for dispersal by wind. In Indigofera, dehiscence is caused by a separation layer present at the dorsal and ventral sutures except in some species (Indigofera hochstetteri, Indigofera karnatakana, Indigofera glandulosa var. sykesii, and Indigofera trita var. scabra) in which no separation tissue is present; these species show delayed dehiscence or an indehiscent condition. The indehiscent pod type is considered to be apomorphic. The taxonomic, functional, and evolutionary significance of morphological and anatomical features in fruits of the genus Indigofera has been evaluated. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 260–276.  相似文献   

Cavitated secretory trichomes are characterized by a short or absent stalk that is connected to a secretory hollow head. They are rare structures in angiosperms; in Fabaceae, they have been recorded in only seven genera, including Bauhinia s.s. Because B. curvula and B. rufa exhibit glands that are responsible for attracting pollinators to flowers, this study aimed to test whether the cavitated secretory trichomes present in the flowers of these species have an attraction function. As leaf trichomes are commonly related to plant defence, comparative analyses of the morphology, ontogeny, ultrastructure and chemical profile of the secretory trichomes present in flowers and leaves were conducted. It was found that cavitated secretory trichomes are similar in their external morphology and development, regardless of the organ or species analysed. However, interspecific differences were found in the secretion process and chemical profile of the exudate. The differences found in the cavitated secretory trichomes between species indicate that they secrete distinct compounds, whereas the similarities found in these structures between vegetative and reproductive organs indicate that the cavitated trichomes have equivalent ecological functions within a species, probably in plant defence during organ development. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 180 , 104–122.  相似文献   

J. Kuo  J. S. Pate 《Planta》1985,166(1):15-27
The cowpea bears two distinctive types of extrafloral nectaries. One, on the stipels of trifoliolate leaves, consists of a loosely demarcated abaxial area (1–2 mm diameter) of widely-spaced trichomes (papillae) borne on a stomata-free epidermis, and lacking a specific vascular supply. Each trichome has up to eight apical (head) cells, two to four intermediate cells, and a single large stalk cell. The secretory faces of the apical cells bear wall ingrowths and an easily detached cuticle. The wall separating the stalk cell and the underlying epidermal cell(s) has a mean plamodesmatal frequency of 25/m2. The second type of nectary consists of a large elliptical mound of tissue (short and long axes about 2 mm and 4 mm) formed between a pair of flowers on an inflorescence stalk. It comprises four to eight cone-shaped subnits of secretory tissue, each with a circular secretory orifice and an individual supply of phloem, but not of xylem. Cells of the secretory tissue of the nectary subunits separate as they mature, and nectar flows to the orifice through the resulting intercellular spaces. Intact secretory cells and cellular debris are extruded into the nectar. Some of the sieve elements terminating in the inner secretory tissue exhibit open sieve pores. Each mature secretory cell contains many small (2 m diameter) spherical protein bodies and one to three large (up to 2–3 m diameter 15 m long), paracrystalline bodies. These inclusions are absent or not fully developed in inner, less mature regions of the secretory tissue. Mechanisms of secretion are proposed for the two classes of nectary, including estimates of flux of sugar into the trichomes of the stipel nectary.  相似文献   

Orchidaceae is one of the largest angiosperm families. Although extensively studied, reports of anatomy of secretory structures of orchids are relatively scarce. Rodriguezia venusta is an epiphytic orchid occurring in Brazil and Peru that has floral and extrafloral nectaries. This study describes the structure and the histochemistry of these secretory structures. Floral and extrafloral nectary samples were obtained from R. venusta plants that were collected in a gallery forest in the State of Bahia, Brazil, and grown in a greenhouse. Theses samples were fixed and processed according to routine procedures in plant anatomy and histochemistry or for scanning electron microscopy. The extrafloral nectaries occur on the edge and sub-edge of young leaves and at the basal portion of bracts that subtend the floral buds. They are structurally very similar, being formed by a nectary parenchyma and a simple epidermis with stomata (“non-structured nectaries”). The floral nectary is inserted at the floral receptacle fused with the labellum base, between this structure and the two inferior connate sepals. This nectary consists of an epidermis with numerous specific nectar secreting trichomes, a subnectary and a nectary parenchyma abundantly supplied by vascular terminations. Its structure is complex and distinct from other floral nectaries described for Orchidaceae.  相似文献   

Karyotype morphology of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus and P. scandens is described and the behaviour of chromosomes at meiosis discussed. Both species have a chromosome number of 2n = 18 and similar karyotypes of a sort unusual within the Phaseolinae. Differences between the species in detailed morphology of the chromosomes agree with data from external morphology, palynology and crossability in indicating that P. scandens cannot be the immediate wild ancestor of domesticated P. tetragonolobus . Study of meiotic chromosomes and analysis of qualitative and quantitative variation in Papua New Guinean P. tetragonolobus suggest that there are few restrictions to recombination other than those imposed by predominant self-pollination, The bearing of these data on the taxonomic relationships of Psophocarpus and on chromosomal evolution within the Phaseolinae is discussed.  相似文献   

In dichogamous plants, nectar characteristics (i.e. nectar amount and its composition) can differ between sexual phases. In the present study, we investigated the structural organization of the floral nectary, nectar production and carbohydrate composition in the protandrous Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. (Onagraceae). The receptacular nectary consisted of an epidermis with numerous nectarostomata, several layers of photosynthetic secretory parenchyma, and subsecretory parenchyma. Nectariferous tissue was not directly vascularized and starch grains were rarely observed in the secretory cells, occurring exclusively in the guard cells of modified stomata. The nectar was released via nectarostomata. The floral nectar was hexose rich (32.8/39.1/28.1% glucose/fructose/sucrose) and the total concentration was constant throughout the anthesis (47% on average). However, contrasting patterns in nectar amount and carbohydrate composition between the floral sexual phases were observed. On average, female‐phased flowers produced 1.4‐fold more nectar than male‐phased flowers, and although the nectar was sucrose rich during the male phase, it was hexose rich during the female phase, suggesting sucrose hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Nectar was collected from the extrafloral nectaries of leaf stipels and inflorescence stalks, and phloem sap from cryopunctured fruits of cowpea plants. Daily sugar losses as nectar were equivalent to only 0.1–2% of the plant's current net photosynthate, and were maximal in the fourth week after anthesis. Sucrose:glucose:fructose weight ratios of nectar varied from 1.5:1:1 to 0.5:1:1, whereas over 95% of phloem-sap sugar was sucrose. [14C]Sucrose fed to leaves was translocated as such to nectaries, where it was partly inverted to [14C]glucose and [14C]fructose prior to or during nectar secretion. Invertase (EC activity was demonstrated for inflorescence-stalk nectar but not stipel nectar. The nectar invertase was largely associated with secretory cells that are extruded into the nectar during nectary functioning, and was active only after osmotic disruption of these cells upon dilution of the nectar. The nectar invertase functioned optimally (phloem-sap sucrose as substrate) at pH 5.5, with a starting sucrose concentration of 15% (w/v). Stipel nectar was much lower in amino compounds relative to sugars (0.08–0.17 mg g-1 total sugar) than inflorescence nectar (22–30 mg g-1) or phloem sap (81–162 mg g-1). The two classes of nectar and phloem sap also differed noticeably in their complements of organic acids. Xylem feeding to leaves of a range of 14C-labelled nitrogenous solutes resulted in these substrates and their metabolic products appearing in fruit-phloem sap and adjacent inflorescence-stalk nectar. 14C-labelled asparagine, valine and histidine transferred freely into phloem and appeared still largely as such in nectar. 14C-labelled glycine, serine, arginine and aspartic acid showed limited direct access to phloem and nectar, although labelled metabolic products were transferred and secreted. The ureide allantoin was present in phloem, but absent from both types of nectar. Models of nectary functioning are proposed.  相似文献   

A survey of morphological, anatomical, karyological and chemical characters has been carried out, centred on the Vicieae but extending to the neighbouring tribes Trifolieae and Ononideae. The results show that Cicer , traditionally a member of the Vicieae, has more in common with genera of the Trifolieae and Ononideae than with the rest of the Vicieae. It is proposed that Cicer should be removed from the Vicieae and recognized as the monogeneric tribe Cicereae Alef. The tribe Vicieae sensu stricto, a well-defined natural group, is delimited and described. Phylogenetic relationships of the Cicereae are discussed.  相似文献   

Calophyllum (Calophyllaceae), previously placed in Clusiaceae, is easily recognizable by its opposite entire leaves with close parallel venation alternating with resin canals. However, distinction between species has been difficult, because of infraspecific variation in tepal and stamen number and resemblance among species that share similar habitats. Here, I report the results of multivariate analyses of morphological and anatomical characters for Calophyllum in South America, and provide a taxonomic treatment for the genus in South America, the first since that of Vesque in 1893. Thirteen preliminary morphogroups were identified. Thirty‐two morphological characters of the leaf, flower and fruit from 401 specimens, and 17 anatomical leaf characters from 45 specimens were measured and analysed using principal component analyses (PCAs) and discriminant analyses (DAs). PCAs were used to find groups and DAs were used to validate those PCAs that were potential groups. Two main subgroups were identified in the general analysis. Subgroup M1 has terete stems and smaller leaves and flowers than subgroup M2, which, instead, has quadrangular stems. Only subgroup M2 showed distinctive clusters in regional and local analyses. Distinctive clusters and morphological and anatomical characters helped us to recognize four species in South America, including a new species, Calophyllum pubescens sp. nov. . In addition, a new species, Calophyllum mesoamericanum sp. nov. , is described from Central America. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London,  相似文献   

Tribe Fabeae consists of five genera, Lathyrus (160 spp.), Lens (4–6 spp.), Pisum (2–3 spp.), Vavilovia (monotypic), and Vicia (160 spp.), and shows a diversity in stylar features. At least six different stylar types are known in the tribe. In order to reclassify the tribe at the rank of genus, we tried to discover apomorphies in stylar features using a molecular phylogenetic study. We surveyed internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA of representative species, selected from each group having different types of styles in the tribe. We paid particular attention in sampling to members of Vicia section Vicilla, as stylar features are heterogeneous within this section. Consequently, our sample set included 15 species of section Vicilla, 23 species of other Fabeae, and two species of Trifolieae, which were used as a sister group of Fabeae. Based on our analysis, we found that a laterally compressed style and an abaxially tufted hairy style would be advanced against a dorsiventrally compressed style and an evenly hairy style, respectively, in genus Vicia. The species group, which shares the latter apomorphy, is composed of 56 species and was dispersed into 11 sections of two subgenera in the recent system of genus Vicia. We consider future revision of Fabeae should treat this species group as a single higher taxon.  相似文献   

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