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Zingiber pauciflorum L.Bai, ?korni?k., D.Z.Li & N.H.Xia (Zingibereae, Zingiberaceae), a new species from southern Yunnan, China, is described and colour plates are provided. It belongs to Z . sect. Cryptanthium Horan. and is compared with three similar species, namely Z. tenuifolium L.Bai, ?korni?k. & N.H.Xia, Z. smilesianum Craib and Z. yunnanense S.Q.Tong & X.Z.Liu. A colour plate of the most similar species, Z. smilesianum is also provided for comparison.  相似文献   

Amomum cristatissimum N.S. Lý & ?korni?k., a new species from Qu?ng Ngãi Province in central Vietnam with echinate fruits and large yellow flowers is described and illustrated. Its affinities to other species with similar fruits are discussed, and details on distribution, ecology, phenology and preliminary conservation assessment are provided.  相似文献   

Curcuma pygmaea?korni?k. & ?ída f. (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Vietnam, is described and illustrated. Notes on its closest allies in Curcuma subgenus Hitcheniopsis, C. parviflora Wall. and C. thorelii Gagnep., are provided and a lectotype of C. thorelii is designated.  相似文献   

Curcuma pygmaea?korni?k. & ?ída f. (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Vietnam, is described and illustrated. Notes on its closest allies in Curcuma subgenus Hitcheniopsis, C. parviflora Wall. and C. thorelii Gagnep., are provided and a lectotype of C. thorelii is designated.  相似文献   

Boesenbergia fallax Loes., previously known as a synonym of B. longiflora (Wall.) Kuntze, is recognized as belonging to the genus Zingiber Mill. Furthermore, it is conspecific with Z. liangshanense Z. Y. Zhu, which was incorrectly treated as a synonym of Z. striolatum in ‘Flora of China’. A new combination, Z. fallax (Loes.) L. Bai, Juan Chen & N. H. Xia is proposed here, and Z. liangshanense is treated as its synonym. Lectotypes are designated for B. fallax and Z. liangshanense. Zingiber fallax is now known to occur in southern Sichuan Province and northwestern to central Yunnan Province, China.  相似文献   

A new species Dendrocalamus menglongensis Hsueh & K. L. Wang ex N. H. Xia, R. S. Lin &Y. B. Guo is described and illustrated from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. It differs from D. giganteus by e.g. shorter internodes, 4–5 florets, a perfect terminal floret and persistent culm sheaths. A key to the new species and the other 7 species of Dendrocalamus known from Xishuangbanna is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Dendrocalamus, D. longiligulatus N. H. Xia & V. T. Nguyen, is described and illustrated. This species is distinguished from D. pachystachys Hsueh & D. Z. Li and D. jianshuiensis Hsueh & D. Z. Li by its inconspicuous culm sheath auricles, margins with 8–10 mm long fimbriations, fimbriate ligules of culm sheath 11–14 mm long, palea with 3 veins between and 1 vein on either side of the keels, and blunt paleaceous apex.  相似文献   

广东竹亚科新组合及新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了广东竹亚科13新组合,1新名称和3新异名,其中筋竹属3新组合1新名称,牡竹属4新组合,青篱竹属5组合1新异名,箬竹属2新异名及方竹属1新组合.  相似文献   

描述了产自广西木兰科一新种:靖西长喙木兰(Lirianthe jingxiensis Y. H. Tong&N. H. Xia)。本种形态上与绢毛木兰[L. albosericea(Chun&C. H. Tsoong)N. H. Xia&C. Y. Wu]接近,但区别在于该种植株较矮,幼枝、叶柄和幼叶被黄棕色绢毛,叶柄较宽,叶片较宽,倒卵形或倒卵状椭圆形,先端钝或短渐尖,花被片较大,心皮数目较多,被黄棕色绢毛。  相似文献   

本文报道第一作者1990年采自河北小五台山的腔孢菌10属46种。其中有一个新种:杠柳生壳针孢(Septoria periplocicola Y.L. Guo, G.Z. Lu&J.K. Bai, sp. nov.),一个新组合:蒙栋盘柱长孢[Cylindrogloeum quercum (Miura) Y.L. Guo, G.Z. Lu & J.K. Bai, comb.nov.]和11个中国新记录种:蓟壳二孢(Ascochyta cirsii Dide.),唐松草壳二孢(Ascochytaclematidina Thum.),小孢星壳孢[Asteroma microspermum (PK) Sutton],卵孢小星壳孢(Asteromella ovata Thum.),胡枝子茎点霉(Phoma lespedezicola P. Henn.),糙苏茎点霉[Phoma phlomidis (Lev.) Cooke],绣线菊叶点霉[Phyllosticta filipendulae Sace.],六道木壳针孢(Septoria abeliae Byzova),糙苏壳针孢(Septoria phlomidis Moesz.),山箩卜壳针孢(Septoria scabiocola Desm.),黎芦壳针孢(Septoria veratri Saw.)。新种提供了拉丁文简介、描述并附图。新记录种进行了简要描述。研究的标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。  相似文献   

A new species of Dendrocalamus Nees from Vietnam, D. parvigemma N. H. Xia, V. T. Nguyen et V. L. Le, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to D. latiflorus Munro and D. yunnanicus Hsueh & Li, from which it differs by having a very small and nearly circular culm bud, dense, 1.4–1.6 cm long, palea with bristles and apex split in 2, narrowly lanceolate ovary, and sheath ligule 5 mm heigh and irregularly serrulate.  相似文献   

报道了香港6种本土维管植物新记录以及2个归化物种新记录,其中包含两个新记录属。6个新记录本土种分别是山楝Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. Parker、求米草Oplismenus undulatifolius (Ard.) Roemer & Schuit.、椭果雀梅藤Sageretia ellipsoidea Yi Yang, H. Sun & H. Peng、钩刺雀梅藤Sageretia hamosa (Wall.) Brongn.、短柱络石Trachelospermum brevistylum Hand.-Mazz.、海南姜Zingiber hainanense Y. S. Ye, L. Bai & N. H. Xia;两个归化种是卵叶链荚豆Alysicarpus ovalifolius (Schum.) J. Léonard和美洲马瓟儿Melothria pendula L.;两个新记录属是山楝属Aphanamixis Blume和番马瓟属Melothria L.。本文描述了每个种的分布、生境、物候、主要识别特征以及与相似种的区别。  相似文献   

Haplodontium zangii X.R.Wang &; J.C.Zhao, a new moss species from Xizang, China, is described and illustrated. Previously, specimens of H. zangii have been identified as Mielichhoferia himalayana Mitt. However, H. zangii is distinctly different from M. himalayana in having excurrent costae with short awns (vs long denticulate awns), short-pyriform capsules, 0.8–1?mm (vs long-pyriform capsules, 2.5–3?mm), and densely papillose exostome teeth (vs smooth or vertically striped exostome teeth). Haplodontium zangii is similar to H. macrocarpum (Hook.) J.R.Spence, which was traditionally placed in Mielichhoferia Nees &; Hornsch. as M. macrocarpa (Hook.) Bruch &; Schimp. The main differences between H. zangii and H. macrocarpum are in the morphology of the leaves, capsules, guide cells, and stomata. Mielichhoferia himalayana and another Chinese species of Mielichhoferia, M. sinensis Dix., are also transferred to Haplodontium Hampe, a new genus in the bryoflora of China, as H. himalayanum (Mitt.) X.R.Wang &; J.C.Zhao and H. sinensis (Dix.) X.R.Wang &; J.C.Zhao. A morphological comparison and a key to the three species of Haplodontium in China as well as to H. macrocarpum, a species that is likely to be found in China, are provided.  相似文献   

Lagerstroemia menglaensis C. H. Gu, M. C. Ji & D. D. Ma, a new species of Lythraceae from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China is described and illustrated. The morphological characteristics of the new species and two morphologically similar species (L. guilinensis and L. venusta) are compared, and a key to distinguish between them is provided.  相似文献   

Three new species of the Brazilian genus Luetzelburgia Harms (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Sophoreae sensu lato (Vataireoid clade)) are described and illustrated under the names Luetzelburgia harleyi D. Cardoso, L. P. Queiroz &; H. C. Lima, L. neurocarpa D. Cardoso, L. P. Queiroz &; H. C. Lima and L. purpurea D. Cardoso, L. P. Queiroz &; H. C. Lima. All three occur in the caatinga vegetation of the State of Bahia, Eastern Brazil. A discussion of the morphological characters distinguishing the new species from their close relatives, as well as an identification key to all known species of Luetzelburgia, are presented.  相似文献   

Recent integrative systematic studies of Vitaceae support the recognition of a new genus Pseudocayratia J.Wen, L.M.Lu & Z.D.Chen. The genus consists of five species from China and Japan. We herein describe the following two new species: Pseudocayratia speciosa J.Wen & L.M.Lu, and P. pengiana Hsu & J.Wen, and make three new combinations: Pseudocayratia dichromocarpa (H.Lév.) J.Wen & Z.D.Chen, P. oligocarpa (H.Lév. & Van.) J.Wen & L.M.Lu, and P. yoshimurae (Makino) J.Wen & V.C.Dang. Phylogenetic analyses based on five chloroplast loci strongly support Pseudocayratia as sister to Tetrastigma. Morphologically, species of the genus have stigmas enlarged (but not 4‐lobed), pedicels at fruiting stage enlarged and fleshy, seeds with a crustaceous thin testa, circular cup‐like ventral infolds, linear chalaza extending ca. 2/3 to 3/4 of the seed length (from apex to base), lateral margin with thin edges, and T‐shaped endosperm in cross‐section. The genus is distributed in eastern Asia (China and Japan). The taxonomic novelties we report in this study at both the generic and species levels highlight the importance of collections‐based research in today's integrative systematics.  相似文献   


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