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Linaria arabiniana sp. nov. is described from coastal sand dunes of a very reduced area in Alicante Province (south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula). It is a perennial herb characterized by its 3–4-verticillate leaves, glabrous stems, large violet or rarely yellow flowers, and bicoloured usually flat seeds. Morphological characteristics and taxonomic affinities of this taxon are discussed, as are data on its ecology, phytosociology, and eventual conservation features.  相似文献   

A new species of the section Lepidoseris (Rchb.) Benth. of the genus Crepis L. (Asteraceae) is described. The new species is restricted to a single known locality on near-vertical coastal cliffs of the Ria de Cedeira in northern Galicia (northwest Iberian Peninsula). Morphometric characters permitting discrimination from the most similar taxa are detailed, and possible phylogenetic relationships with other species of the section Lepidoseris (particularly those of the C. vesicaria complex) are discussed.  相似文献   

A new basal land plant, Teruelia diezii gen. et sp. nov., is described from the shallow‐water marine deposits of the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian–Pragian) Nogueras Formation of the Iberian Peninsula (north Gondwana palaeocontinent). Teruelia is preserved as a compression fossil and consists of isotomously branched, robust stems terminated in large, fusiform, twisted sporangia. This morphology suggests that Teruelia is very probably equivalent to Aglaophyton, a permineralized early polysporangiophyte known up to now only from the Lower Devonian (early Pragian to ?earliest Emsian) Rhynie Chert in Scotland (Laurussia palaeocontinent), which represents an early terrestrial hot‐spring ecosystem. Accepted phylogenies identify Aglaophyton as sister to vascular plants. Our phylogeny‐based results identify the Aglaophyton/Teruelia biological entity (i.e. Aglaophyton anatomical characters plus Teruelia external morphology) as the most direct vascular plant precursor. It shows that at least one Rhynie Chert type plant had a much wider distribution than previously known and suggests that Aglaophyton was not restricted to hydrothermal environments, unlike other Rhynie Chert plants.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The discovery of a new species, Haplophyllum bastetanum F.B. Navarro, V.N. Suárez-Santiago & Blanca sp. nov., in the south-east of Spain has prompted the comparative study of species of the Iberian Peninsula, and others related, through morphological, cytogenetic, molecular, distributional and ecological characterization. METHODS: The morphological study involved a quantitative analysis of the species present in the Iberian Peninsula and a comparative analysis of the morphological characteristics between H. bastetanum and other related species. Mitotic analyses were made with root meristems taken from germinating seeds. Phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA were performed using neighbour-joining (NJ) and maximum-parsimony methods. KEY RESULTS: Haplophyllum bastetanum is a diploid species (2n = 18) distinguished primarily for its non-trifoliate glabrous leaves, lanceolate sepals, dark-green petals with a dorsal band of hairs, and a highly hairy ovary with round-apex locules. The other two Iberian species (H. linifolium and H. rosmarinifolium) are tetraploid (2n = 36) and have yellow petals. Both phylogenetic methods generated a well-supported clade grouping H. linifolium with H. rosmarinifolium. In the NJ tree, the H. linifolium-H. rosmarinifolium clade is a sister group to H. bastetanum, while in the parsimony analysis this occurred only when the gaps were coded as a fifth base and the characters were reweighted according to the rescaled consistency index. This latter group is supported by the sequence divergence among taxa. CONCLUSIONS: The phylogenies established from DNA sequences together with morphological and cytogenetic analyses support the separation of H. bastetanum as a new species. The results suggest that the change in the number of chromosomes may be the key mechanism of speciation of the genus Haplophyllum in the Iberian Peninsula. An evolutionary scheme for them is propounded.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review and critical analysis of the literature on Devonian floras of the Iberian Peninsula. Although the known outcrops of Devonian strata in the Iberian Peninsula are marine, in some cases, a few fragmentary remains of vascular plants are associated with faunal remains. Records include largely specimens from the Lower Devonian of Barrancos (Alentejo, Portugal) and the Upper Devonian of Sierra de Hornachos in Badajoz province, southwest Spain; the remainder consists of drifted plant fragments from scattered sites in the Iberian Peninsula ranging in age from Lochkovian to Upper Devonian-Earliest Carboniferous. The vegetation inferred for the Lower Devonian of the Iberian Peninsula is mainly based on palynological data and corresponds to herbaceous types characterised by bryophytes, rhyniophytes (Horneophyton, Cooksonia, Rhynia), trimerophytes (Psilophyton, Pertica and Hostinella), primitive lycophytes (Drepanophycus) and incertae sedis such as Nothia and Chaleuria, all flora that developed near the coast in low-lying and, at least periodically, wet areas. In the Middle Devonian, two vegetation strata can be recognised: herbaceous (Psilophyton) and semi-arboreal (Cladoxylales). Although three levels of vegetation in the Upper Devonian, have been described from outcrops worldwide, the scarce available data from the Iberian Peninsula only indicate an arborescent lycopsid vegetation and species with uncertain botanical affinity such as Sphenopteridium keilhauii Nathorst.  相似文献   

Abstract The nymphal biology of a population of Torleya major (Klapálek) in southern Iberian Peninsula was studied. An atypical life cycle pattern is described, with eggs hatching in August producing a fast‐developing cohort with adults emerging in autumn and a second slow‐developing cohort with adults emerging in spring of the following year. Nymphal growth occurred primarily in summer–autumn (in the first cohort) and in spring (in the second). The origin of such a life history is discussed. Nymphs were collector‐gatherers, consuming mainly detritus. Although ontogenetic shifts on the use of trophic resources were detected, similar food was utilized during the months when both cohorts cohabited, eliminating the possibility that the rapid growth of the first cohort could be related to the utilization of different food resources.  相似文献   

The Lower Miocene deposits of the Bardenas Reales of Navarre (NW Ebro Basin, northern Iberian Peninsula) have yielded a diverse vertebrate fauna, including remains of amphibians and reptiles. These remains occur in several localities in the Tudela Formation. The fossiliferous levels belong to the Biozones MN2b-3 (Biozones Z-A of the Ramblian, i.e., Late Aquitanian to Early Burdigalian in age). The amphibians and reptiles represent at least 13 out of 37 vertebrate species. Amphibians consist of a salamandrid urodele and two or three anurans. All the turtles are cryptodirans and consist of the chelydrid Chelydropsis apellanizi, the testudinids Ptychogaster (Temnoclemmys) bardenensis and Ptychogaster ronheimensis, and a Trionychinae indet. Squamates are represented by the anguid lizard Ophisaurus sp., a non-anguid lacertilian, an amphisbaenian, the erycine boid? Eryx sp., and indeterminate colubrids. Crocodilian remains are assigned to the basal alligatoroid Diplocynodon sp. The fossil associations of the Bardenas Reales of Navarre suggest that the vertebrates lived in the centre of an endoreic basin with stretches of water under intertropical to subtropical climatic conditions.  相似文献   

We studied the seed dispersal spectra of 46 Iberian plant communities of five types: potential woodland, forest fringe, substitutional scrubland, nitrophile communities and montane communities. There were no significant differences between the spectra of communities of the same type from Mediterranean and Eurosiberian regions. Biotic dispersal is most common at mature stages of succession, and abiotic dispersal at immature stages.  相似文献   


The relative concentration and distribution of nickel (Ni) in vegetative tissues (leaves, stems and trichomes) and reproductive organs (seeds) was studied using energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDXS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in two previously studied Ni-hyperaccumulator subspecies of Alyssum serpyllifolium Desf. growing naturally in ultramafic soils of the Iberian Peninsula: A. serpyllifolium ssp. lusitanicum Dudley & P. Silva and A. serpyllifolium ssp. malacitanum Rivas Goday ex G. López. Both taxa showed that Ni accumulates preferentially in the leaves, exhibiting a homogeneous distribution on both epidermis surfaces. The highest Ni concentrations were found inside the epidermal cells and at the base of trichome stalks. Ni accumulation in seeds was lower than in the vegetative organs. The location of Ni in these plants allows us to postulate that its accumulation is a protection mechanism against external stress.  相似文献   

Recent revision of North African specimens of Isoetes velata A. Braun and the closely related taxon I. longissimum Bory, together with Spanish material conventionally designated I. longissimum , suggests that the Spanish specimens constitute a new species, I. fluitans . This is described and illustrated. The North African taxon I. longissimum is probably not specifically distinct from I. velata .  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 231–236.  相似文献   

In this contribution, a new pubescent Trechus species for the Iberian Peninsula is described, and the use of some morphological traits in the systematic of Trechini are discussed. Micropubescence is common in endogean and troglobite species which are closely related with the “terrestrial-phreatic habitat”. It probably enhances survival in swampy environments through the retention of air bubbles in immersion conditions and promoting flotation. Neither this trait, anophthalmy nor inner sac of aedeagus without sclerotized pieces can be used to support supraspecific taxa. Thus, we propose the formal synonymy of Hydrotrechus with Trechus [Hydrotrechus syn. nov. of Trechus]. To avoid secondary homonymy, we propose the name Trechus triamicorum nom. nov. for Hydrotrechus cantabricus Carabajal, García & Rodríguez 1999 [already occupied by Trechus cantabricus Jeannel 1927, synonym of Trechus distigma Kiesenwetter 1851]. We also propose the synonymization of the subgenus Trichapoduvalius with Apoduvalius [Trichapoduvalius syn. nov. of Apoduvalius]. The new hypogean species with pubescent elytra, Trechus cifrianae sp. nov., is described. The morphology of the species suggests that it probably inhabits the Mesovoid Shallow Substratum (MSS) or the fissure network (mesocaverns and microcaverns) of the cave where the only individual was found. The structure of internal female genitalia suggests a close relationship between T. cifrianae sp. nov. and T. carrilloi Toribio & Rodríguez 1997.  相似文献   

We present and describe a new species of Enteromius, adding to the 16 species of Enteromius currently recorded from Gabon, West Africa. This new species is distinguished from all other Gabonese Enteromius by the presence of several distinct spots on the dorsal fin in combination with three or four round spots on the flanks. In Africa, it is superficially similar to Enteromius walkeri and with which it shares an unusual allometry in that the proportional length of the barbels decreases as the fish grows. Nevertheless, one can distinguish these species by vertebral number, maximum standard length, the length of the anterior barbels, the length of the caudal peduncle and in most specimens, the number of lateral-line and circumpeduncular scales. These two species also inhabit widely separated drainages, with E. walkeri occurring in coastal drainages of Ghana including the Pra and Ankobra Rivers and the new species occurring in tributaries of the Louetsi and Bibaka Rivers of Gabon, which are part of the Ogowe and Nyanga drainages, respectively. Despite extensive collections in those drainages the new species is known from only two localities, suggesting the importance of conservation of its known habitat.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the diversity and palaeontological significance of the Anisian floral record in the Triassic of the northeastern Iberian Peninsula. A summary of published information is followed by new records from macrofloral localities at Rodanas (Aragonese Branch of the Iberian Range) and at Maya del Baztán (Basque-Cantabrian Domain, Pyrenees). Both of these new localities also yielded three Anisian microfloral assemblages. These records provide new evidence of Anisian (basal Middle Triassic) floras in Spain. They are found to be somewhat similar to the classical flora of the Grès à Voltzia Formation (Upper Buntsandstein) of the northern Vosges in north-eastern France, of whose age has been shown to be early Anisian.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to provide a first approach to the evolution of Iberia's vegetation during the Cenozoic (with the exclusion of the Quaternary). The Palaeogene was floristically defined by Palaeotropical elements forming tropical/subtropical rainforests, mangrove swamps, edaphically-mediated laurophyllous forests and leguminous-sclerophyllous communities. During the Miocene, Iberian landscapes were drastically modified due to geographic and climatic changes (mainly cooling and aridification) changes. Open, steppe-like environments developed towards the interior of the peninsula and Arctotertiary elements invaded mountainous and riparian ecosystems, coexisting with or becoming part of evergreen, broadleaved forests of Palaeotropical species. From the Late Miocene onwards these forests suffered changes due to the extinction of taxa, the impact of environmental change on the survivors, and the perturbations caused by the arrival of further Arctotertiary elements. However, several Palaeotropical taxa overcame the environmental and climatic changes of the Miocene and Pliocene to form a part of the modern flora of the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

A new species, Keteleerioxylon kamtschatkiense, is described from the Cretaceous of the northwestern Kamchatka Peninsula on the basis of wood anatomy. Fossil wood showing anatomical characters of the modern genus Keteleeria is described from the Cretaceous of the Russian Far East for the first time.  相似文献   

Archaeobotanical finds in Spain show differences in the representation of the different wheats and barleys. From the beginning of agriculture (around 5000 B.C.) onwards, all wheats and barleys can be found at the sites of the eastern Peninsula. But in later periods of the early Neolithic, free-threshing wheat becomes more important in the northeast and the southeast, compared to the hulled wheats (emmer and einkorn). Nevertheless, both naked and hulled barleys can be found in similar frequencies in this period. Seed analyses in the southeast and the east of Spain show the importance of naked barley compared with hulled barley in the third millenium uncal B.C. This is not the case in the northeast, where hulled barley has a similar frequency in this period until the Iron Age, when both hulled barley and free-threshing wheat are the most important taxa. The substitution of naked barley for hulled barley in the south-east Iberian Peninsula is very significant in the period of greatest growth of the Argar culture. Free-threshing wheat can be found at a similar frequency throughout the study area, and was an important human food source together with the barleys. Hulled wheats seem to have played a secondary role as food in all periods, although they are constantly present in our samples. Nevertheless spelt wheat does not appear until the Roman period, when it is only found on the Cantabrian north coast, where it is important.  相似文献   

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