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Virulence and development of the insect-parasitic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Mexican strain), were evaluated for the immature stages of the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte. Third instar rootworm larvae were five times more susceptible to nematode infection than second instar larvae and 75 times more susceptible than first instar larvae and pupae, based on laboratory bioassays. Rootworm eggs were not susceptible. Nematode development was observed in all susceptible rootworm stages, but a complete life cycle was observed only in second and third instar larvae and pupae. Nematode size was affected by rootworm stage; the smallest infective-stage nematodes were recovered from second instar rootworm larvae. Results of this study suggest that S. carpocapsae should be applied when second and third instar rootworm larvae are predominant in the field.  相似文献   

the efficacy of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus, SeNPV, for controlling larval populations of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Noctuidae) was studied in chrysanthemum, gerbera, kalanchoë and tomato crops in glasshouses. Applications of 1×108 PIBs/m2 on the various crops resulted in 95–100% larval mortality. Virus applications caused comparable levels of mortality in populations of early and late instar larvae. Reduction in feeding damage to the crops, however, was more pronounced when the larvae were early instars at the time of virus application. Single applications with the virus resulted in higher levels of larval mortality as double applications with 0.1% methomyl and diflubenzuron.The virus appears to be a potential control agent for the beet armyworm in Dutch glasshouses.
Résumé Les résultats d'applications d'un virus de la polyédrose nucléaire contre des populations de chenilles de Spodoptera exigua sont examinés dans des chrysanthèmes, gerberas, kalanchoës et tomates. Une dose de 1×108 PIBs/m2 résulte à 95–100% mortalité larvale dans tous les végétaux. L'effet sur chemilles de première et seconde stade larvale et sur chenilles de troisième et quatrième stade larvale était pareille. Malgré le niveau élevé du mortalité larvale les végéteaux étaient damagés sérieusement, particulièrement quand le virus était appliqué contre des chenilles de troisième et quatrième stade larvale.Comparée avec des pesticides chimiques, méthomyl et diflubenzuron, applications de virus résultent à un mortalité larvale plus haute. Le conclusion était que le virus est un candidat sérieus pour l'utilisation dans le lutte biologique contre les chenilles de S. exigua dans des serres en Pays Bas.

A method for the cryopreservation of third-stage infective juveniles (IJ) of Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabiditis bacteriophora was developed. Cryoprotection was achieved by incubating the nematodes in 22% glycerol (S. carpocapsae) or 14% glycerol (H. bacteriophora) for 24 hours, followed by 70% methanol at 0 C for 10 minutes. The viability of S. carpocapsae frozen in liquid nitrogen as 20 μl volumes spread over cover slip glass was > 80%. Survival of H. bacteriophora frozen on glass varied from 10 to 60% but was improved to > 80% by replacing the glass with filter paper. Cryopreservation and storage of 1-ml aliqots of S. carpocapsae IJ resulted in > 50% survival after 8 months; pathogenicity was retained and normal in vitro development took place. Trehalose and glycerol levels increased and glycogen levels decreased during incubation of S. carpocapsae IJ in glycerol. Normal levels of trehalose, glycerol and glycogen were restored during post freezing rehydration.  相似文献   

We determined the effects of crop residue on the persistence of an entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae. During 2 consecutive years, nematodes were applied at rates of 2.5 × 10₄ and 1.0 × 10⁵ infective juveniles/m² to small field plots planted with corn. Nematode persistence was monitored by exposing Galleria mellonella larvae to soil samples from plots with and without crop residue (approximately 75% coverage of soybean stubble). Persistence of S. carpocapsae was significantly greater in crop residue plots than in plots without residue. In crop residue plots that received the higher rate of nematode application, larval mortality did not significantly decrease during the study period (3 to 5 days) and remained above 85%. In nematode-treated plots without crop residue, however, larval mortality fell from over 96% to below 11% and 35% in the first and second trials, respectively. The increased crop residue may have benefited nematode persistence through protection from desiccation or ultraviolet light. We conclude that increased ground cover in cropping systems (e.g., due to reduced tillage) may lead to increased insect pest suppression with entomopathogenic nematodes.  相似文献   

Survival of infective juveniles of Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema glaseri gradually declined during 16 weeks of observation as the tested soil pH decreased from pH 8 to pH 4. Survival of both species of Steinernema dropped sharply after 1 week at pH 10. Survival or S. carpocapsae and S. glaseri was similar at pH 4, 6, and 8 during the first 4 weeks, but S. carpocapsae survival was significantly greater than S. glaseri at pH 10 through 16 weeks. Steinernema carpocapsae and S. glaseri that had been stored at pH 4, 6, and 8 for 16 weeks, and at pH 10 for 1 or more weeks were not infective to Galleria mellonella larvae. Steinernema carpocapsae survival was significantly greater than that of S. glaseri at oxygen:nitrogen ratios of 1:99, 5:95, and 10:90 during the first 2 weeks, and survival of both nematode species declined sharply to less than 20% after 4 weeks. Survival of both nematode species significantly decreased after 8 weeks as the tested oxygen concentrations decreased from 20 to 1%, and no nematode survival was recorded after 16 weeks. Steinernema carpocapsae pathogenicity was significantly greater than that of S. glaseri during the first 2 weeks. No nematode pathogenicity was recorded at oxygen concentrations of 1, 5, and 10% after 2 weeks and at 20% after 16 weeks.  相似文献   

Pesta-pelletized Steinernema carpocapsae (All) nematodes were used in soil treatments in the greenhouse against larvae of Western corn rootworm and prepupae of Colorado potato beetle. The pesta-pellets delivered 100,000 living nematodes/g. Infective-stage nematodes and their associated bacteria survived the pesta-pellet process, emerged from the pellets in large numbers in the soil, and reduced adult emergence of both pest insects by more than 90%.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the infection of larvae of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella, by Heterorhabditis megidis H90 and Steinernema carpocapsae strain All, was determined. For both species, infection, reproduction, and development were fastest at 20 to 24 °C. Infection by both H. megidis and S. carpocapsae occurred between 8 and 16 °C; however, neither species reproduced at 8 °C. Among the nematodes used in experiments at 8 °C, no H. megidis and very few S. carpocapsae developed beyond the infective juvenile stage. Compared with H. megidis, S. carpocapsae invaded and killed G. mellonella larvae faster at 8 to 16 °C. By comparing invasion rates, differences in infectivity between the two nematode species were detected that could not be detected in conventional petri dish bioassays where mortality was measured after a specified period. Invasion of G. mellonella larvae by H. megidis was faster at 24 than at 16 °C.  相似文献   

"Pesta," a new granular product for use with entrapped biocontrol agents, is based on a cohesive dough made of wheat flour, fillers, and other additives. Infective juveniles of the entomopathogen Steinernema carpocapsae strain All incorporated in Pesta granules emerged when the granules were softened by immersion in water. These granules may be useful for the biocontrol of insect pests in the soil. Storage temperature had the greatest effect on recovery of nematodes, followed by the moisture content of the granules. Recovery of nematodes was the same among the formulations tested and was unaffected by storage in nitrogen. Nematode recovery after storage at 21 C decreased to zero after 3-6 weeks. Storage of samples at 4 C and with a high moisture content (19.9-23.1%) greatly improved nematode viability.  相似文献   

A stilbene fluorescent brightener, Tinopal LPW, was used as an ultraviolet (UV) protectant for the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae (All strain). Irradiation of an aqueous suspension of nematodes produced a LC₅₀ in 15.7 minutes under a sunlamp and in 31.7 minutes in direct sunlight. Irradiation by both sunlamp and sunlight of a suspension of nematodes in Tinopal LPW did not reduce their biological activity as measured by their ability to parasitize wax moth larvae after exposure of 8 hours and 4 hours, respectively. Tinopal LPW appeared promising as a radiation protectant.  相似文献   

Dispersal of the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae (All strain), applied on the top or the bottom of soil columns, was tested in the presence or absence of two earthworm species, Lumbricus terrestris or Aporrectodea trapezoides. Nematode dispersal was estimated after a 2-week period with a bioassay against the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella. Vertical dispersal of nematodes was increased in the presence of earthworms. When nematodes were placed on the surface of soil columns, significantly more nematodes dispersed to the lower half of the columns when either earthworm species was present than when earthworms were not present. When nematodes were placed on the bottom of soil columns, significantly more nematodes dispersed to the upper half of the columns when L. terrestris was present than when A. trapezoides was present or in the absence of earthworms. Because nematodes were found on the exterior and in the interior of earthworms, nematode dispersal may be enhanced by direct contact with the earthworms.  相似文献   

The infection behavior of Steinernema carpocapsae infective juveniles (IJ) was investigated in the presence and absence of S. glaseri. Mixed inoculation of S. carpocapsae with S. glaseri IJ significantly raised the nictation rates of S. carpocapsae IJ. Significantly more S. carpocapsae IJ migrated to the host insect in the mixed inoculation with S. glaseri IJ on agar plates. More S. carpocapsae IJ penetrated into the host insect placed 2 cm below the surface in the mixed inoculation with S. glaseri IJ. More S. glaseri than S. carpocapsae IJ penetrated into hosts placed 7 cm deep. Irrespective of host location, the male ratio of S. carpocapsae IJ established in the host body was always higher in the mixed inoculation with S. glaseri IJ.  相似文献   

We investigated the existing susceptibility differences of the hazelnut weevil, Curculio nucum L. (Coleoptera:, Curculionidae) to entomopathogenic nematodes by assessing the main route of entry of the nematodes, Steinernema carpocapsae strain B14 and S. feltiae strain D114, into larvae and adult insects, as well as host immune response. Our results suggested that S. carpocapsae B14 and S. feltiae D114 primarily entered adult insects and larvae through the anus. Larvae were more susceptible to S. feltiae D114 than S. carpocapsae B14 and adults were highly susceptible to S. carpocapsae B14 but displayed low susceptibility to S. feltiae D114. Penetration rate correlated with nematode virulence. We observed little evidence that hazelnut weevils mounted any cellular immune response toward S. carpocapsae B14 or S. feltiae D114. We conclude the differential susceptibility of hazelnut weevil larvae and adults to S. carpocapsae B14 and S. feltiae D114 primarily reflected differences in the ability of these two nematodes to penetrate the host.  相似文献   

Movement, nictation, and infectivity of Steinernema carpocapsae strain All were compared for ensheathed (EnJ) and desheathed (DeJ) infective juveniles exposed to the insecticides acephate, dichlorvos, methomyl, oxamyl, or permethrin. Nematode response to various solutions included normal sinusoidal movement, uncoordinated motion, twitching, convulsion or formation of a pretzel shape, an inactive "S" posture with fine twitching, or a quiescent straight posture. The DeJ displayed these movements at lower concentrations of each insecticide than did EnJ. In petri dish bioassays, insecticide-treated EnJ caused generally lower mortality in the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura, than did EnJ alone but caused greater insect mortality than did insecticides alone. Nematode response to chemicals was more clearly demonstrated by nictating behavior than by the movement bioassay. Nictation of DeJ was suppressed by the test chemicals at low concentrations, except for acephate and permethrin. Nictating EnJ or DeJ, regardless of chemical treatment, killed host insects faster than did non-nictating juveniles. Insecticides that enhance nictating behavior at certain concentrations may be used for mixed applications with nematodes.  相似文献   

On chrysanthemum crops the larvae of the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lep.: Noctuidae) moved upwards to the top of plants after hatching and predominantly fed on the upper foliage layers. On tomato, however, the larvae did not move upwards and mainly fed on the lower leaves. On chrysanthemums up to the fourth instar most feeding occurred at the underside of foliage while the upper-epidermis remained intact. Larvae dispersing from a single egg batch of 35 eggs damaged about 90 small and 50 tall chrysanthemum plants during their development. The successive larval stages contributed respectively 0.1, 0.4, 4, 20 and 75 percent to the total foliage consumption.The results indicated that the virus preferably should be applied to the lower leaves of tomatoes and chrysanthemums when young instars are present, but to the upper-middle and top leaves of chrysanthemums when the larvae are older than second instars.
Résumé La consommation et la dispersion des chenilles de Spodoptera exigua sont examinées sur chrysanthèmes et tomates de serre. Les adults déposent les oeufs généralement au feuilles près du sol. Apres l'éclosion les chenilles graduellement se mouvent en haute dans les chrysanthèmes et consomment principalement les feuilles les plus hautes. Dans tomate, cependant, les chenilles s'alimentent principalement au feuilles près du sol.Pendant leur dévelopment les chenilles originaires d'une seule pond de 35 oeufs peuvent endommager environ go petits ou so hautes crysanthè mes. Jusqu'à la quatrième stade larvale les chenilles s'alimentent principalement avec le surface inférieure des feuilles, sans consommer l'épiderme supérieure.Les cinq stades larvales contribuent respectivement 0,1, 0,4, 4, 20 et 75% a la consommation totale des feuilles de chrysanthème.Les resultats des expériments sur la conduite larvale suggestent que les viruses de la polyédrose nucléaire doivent être appliqués préférablement sur la face inférieure des feuilles bas de chrysanthème et de tomate avant que les chenilles se développent a la troisième stade larvale. Quand les larves sur chrysanthèmes sont déja dans le troisième stade larvale, application du virus sur les feuilles plus haute probablement donnait des resultats optimal.

Exsheathed infective juveniles of Steinernema carpocapsae All strain were attracted to the plasma of three species of insects in agar plate bioassays. Plasma of Pieris rapae crucivora, Spodoptera litura, and Agrotis segetum attracted 88.6%, 80.4%, and 64.4%, respectively, of Steinernema carpocapsae juveniles added to plates. Autoclaved plasma of S. litura larvae attracted more juveniles than saline controls, but less than nonautoclaved plasma. The active agent passed through a 14,000 MW dialysis membrane.  相似文献   

The nematode, Neoaplectana carpocapsae, infected >90% of the prepupae of Spodoptera exigua in soil even at concentrations as low as five nematodes/cm2 of soil surface. Pupae were less susceptible to nematode infection in soil than prepupae, with mortality ranging from 10 to 24% and 10 to 83% for pupae exposed 3–5 days and 6–8 days to the nematode, respectively. Longer exposure (6–8 days) of the pupae to the nematode resulted in higher mortality with a positive relationship with increasing concentrations. Adults of S. exigua were susceptible to nematode infections as they emerged from the soil. The higher nematode concentrations (25 and 50 nematodes/cm2) resulted in higher adult mortality. The majority of nematode-induced mortality occurred within 24 hr after emergence. The susceptibility of emerging S. exigua adults to N. carpocapsae offers a new dimension for insect control.  相似文献   

Steinernema carpocapsae (Breton strain), S. glaseri, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora were evaluated for their potential to control immature stages of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, on Terceira Island (the Azores). In bioassays carried out at temperatures higher than 15 C, S. glaseri and H. bacteriophora caused 100% mortality of larvae, whereas S. carpocapsae caused 56% larval mortality. At temperatures slightly below 15 C, only S. glaseri remained effective. In field plots, in September, S. glaseri and S. carpocapsae reduced larval populations by 91% and 44%, respectively, when applied at the rate of 10⁶ nematodes/m². In April, S. glaseri caused 31% reduction in numbers of larvae, but S. carpocapsae was ineffective. In colder months (November-February) neither steinernematids nor H. bacteriophora reduced larval populations. Increasing the application rate from 10⁶ to 5 x 10⁶ infective stage S. glaseri per m² increased efficacy from 63% to 79% mortality.  相似文献   

Steinernema scapterisci was more pathogenic to insects tested in the order Orthoptera than to those in the orders Lepidoptera or Hymenoptera; it was not pathogenic to earthworms. The nematode also infected and killed the mole crickets Scapteriscus acletus and S. vicinus when released four successive times at 10-day intervals in containers of soil infested with the nematode.  相似文献   

The phospholipid composition of Steinernema carpocapsae was studied in relation to diet and culture temperature. When reared at 18 and 27.5 C on Galleria mellonella or on an artificial diet supplemented with lard, linseed oil, or fish oil as lipid sources, nematode phospholipids contained an abundance of 20-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids, with eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5(n - 3)) predominant, regardless of the fatty acid composition of the diet. Because the level of linolenic acid (18:3(n - 3)) in nematode phospholipids was very low and because eicosapentaenoic acid was present even when its precursor (linolenic acid) was undetectable in the diet, S. carpocapsae likely produces n - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids by de novo biosynthesis, a pathway seldom reported in eukaryotic animals. Reduction of growth temperature from 25 to 18 C increased the proportion of 20:5(n - 3) but not other polyunsaturated fatty acids. A fluorescence polarization technique revealed that vesicles produced from phospholipids of nematodes reared at 18 C were less ordered than those from nematodes reared at 27.5 C, especially in the outermost region of the bilayer. Dietary fish oil increased fluidity in the outermost region but increased rigidity in deeper regions. Therefore, S. carpocapsae appears to modify its membrane physical state in response to temperature, and eicosapentaenoic acid may be involved in this response. The results also indicate that nematode membrane physical state can be modified dietarily, possibly to the benefit of host-finding or survival of S. carpocapsae at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Studies with last instar larvae of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), and the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (L.) were used to quantify the invasive ability of two strains (All and Mexican) of Steinernema carpocapsae and to determine how factors in the bioassay procedure affect both nematode invasion and host mortality. Nematode invasive ability was variable, with 10-50% of nematodes successfully infecting the host. The percentage of infectives invading the host (invasion efficiency) was positively related to increases in length of host exposure time and number of hosts per arena, negatively related to increases in substrate surface area per host, and not affected by nematode concentration. There was a direct relationship between concentration applied and the number of nematodes invading the host. Mortality was less affected than invasion efficiency by bioassay conditions and appears to be a much less sensitive index of nematode activity than invasive ability.  相似文献   

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