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A total of 166 crossbred gilts weighing approximately 87 +/- 1 kg was limit-fed (2.5 kg/d) a corn-soybean meal gestation diet containing either 0 or 220 ppm of chlortetracycline (CTC) from 157 +/- 1 d of age until 15 d after breeding. These gilts were slaughtered at 31 +/- 1 or 71 d +/- 1 d of gestation for evaluation of reproductive performance. Age (190 +/- 3 d vs 195 +/- 3 d) and body weights (106 +/- 2 kg vs 106 +/- 2 kg) at puberty were similar for control and CTC-fed gilts, respectively. Although not significant (P > 0.05), ovulation rate was higher in CTC-fed than in control gilts as assessed at both 31 d (14.2 +/- 0.7 vs 12.9 +/- 0.9, P = 0.31) and 71 d (13.9 +/- 0.6 vs 12.4 +/- 0.5, P = 0.10) of gestation. There was an increase (P = 0.04) in the number of live embryos for CTC-fed gilts at 31 d (12.1 +/- 0.7 vs 9.7 +/- 0.7) but not at 71 d (10.0 +/- 1.1 vs 9.6 +/- 1.0) of gestation. The mean uterine length, placental length, placental weight, fetal length, fetal weight, and allantoic fluid volumes were similar between the control and CTC-fed gilts. Results indicated that feeding CTC during prebreeding and early gestation did not influence the proportion or age of gilts at puberty. However, CTC feeding may have influenced a trend to-ward an increased ovulation rate and increased number of live embryos in gilts.  相似文献   

Norwegian Landrace gilts were inseminated on the second day of their second oestrus and slaughtered 28 to 34 days after insemination. The number of corpora lutea (ovulation rate) and normal embryos was counted and the embryonic survival rate was calculated for the 306 pregnant gilts. Mean (+/-S.D.) ovulation rate, number of normal embryos and embryonic survival rate were 14.17+/-2.48, 10.55+/-3.30 and 74.8%+/-20.7%, respectively. The significant (P<0.001) curvilinear regression of embryonic survival rate on ovulation rate gives a maximum embryonic survival rate at 13.2 ovulations. Increased ovulation rate gives increased number of normal embryos up to 18.1 ovulations. Ovulation rate should be considered when assessing factors affecting embryonic survival in pigs.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that use of altrenogest resulted in a high rate of fertility and increased litter size compared with controls under conditions of practical pig production. The present study was designed to evaluate whether ovulation rate and/or foetal survival were increased by altrenogest using crossbred gilts derived from one herd (n = 227) and introduced in the same piggery over 12 months. Each gilt was allocated to a treated group (n = 103) receiving an individual daily dose of 20 mg of altrenogest for 18 days in its feed or a control group (n = 124) after puberty had been diagnosed, (197 ± 1 day; mean ± SEM). They were inseminated (double AI) at the second induced or natural oestrus. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography at Days 22 and 42 post-insemination in the absence of return to oestrus. Pregnant gilts were slaughtered at 48 ± 3 days of pregnancy following the second examination. The number of living and dead foetuses were recorded before uterine contents (foetuses and placentae) were weighed and the number of corpora lutea (CL) per ovary counted.Precise synchronization of oestrus was observed after the end of the progestogen administration, with 93% of the gilts in oestrus by Days 5 to 7. For the controls, the interval from first to second oestrus ranged from 17 to 25 days in 93% of the control gilts. The pregnancy rate was 89.3% for treated gilts and 77.4% for controls (P < 0.05). The ovulation rate was increased by the treatment (15.4 ± 0.3 vs 14.6 ± 0.3; mean ± SEM, P < 0.02). Although the altrenogest group had more foetuses (11.1 vs 10.6), this difference was not significant (P > 0.14). The percent of foetal survival was similar in both groups (64.9%; P > 0.27). The foetal and placental weights differed only between dams and increased with stage of gestation. The increase in litter size through feeding altrenogest was associated with an increased ovulation rate.  相似文献   

Studies on the ovulation rate, prenatal survival and litter size of Chinese Meishan pigs have given widely divergent results depending on the extent of inbreeding of the animals, their original genetic diversity, the age and parity, and the conditions of management. To obtain meaningful results, it is necessary to characterize the population under study. The following report characterizes populations of Meishan and Yorkshire of a widely diverse background. First farrowing data were collected on 21 Meishan and 20 Yorkshire gilts. Meishan gilts had 12.4 fully formed piglets and Yorkshire gilts had 7.4 fully formed piglets (P < 0.01). Meishan gilts averaged 1.86 mummified fetuses per litter vs 0.05 per Yorkshire litter (P < 0.01). Yorkshire piglets averaged 1.3 kg body weight at birth vs 0.9 kg for Meishan piglets (P < 0.01). At 47 days of second gestation, 19 Meishan and 12 Yorkshire sows averaged 22.7 and 16.3 corpora lutea (CL), respectively (P < 0.01). Uterine length and number of fetuses were not different (P > 0.40) in the two breeds. Daily estrous detection of 50 Meishan and 34 Yorkshire gilts began at 60 and 120 days of age, respectively. Meishan gilts reached sexual maturity at 95 days of age, which was 105 days earlier than Yorkshire gilts (P < 0.01). Meishan gilts were in estrus nearly 1 day longer than Yorkshire gilts at first, second and third estrus (P < 0.05). No differences in cycle length between breeds were detected for the first or second estrous cycle (P > 0.60). Nineteen Meishan gilts were slaughtered at 51 days of gestation and their reproductive tracts were recovered. The mean number of dissected CL (17.0), number of fetuses (13.1), total uterine length (396 cm), spacing per fetus (29.9 cm), allantoic (124.9 ml) and amniotic (32.2 ml) volumes, crown-rump length (82.8 mm), weight (35.4 g), sex, and direction of each fetus were determined. Chinese Meishan gilts reached puberty much earlier and were in estrus longer than Yorkshire gilts and Meishan sows had more CL than Yorkshire sows.  相似文献   

Fertility records (n = 1 802) were collected from 615 Charolais primiparous and multiparous cows managed in an experimental herd over an 11-year period. The objectives of the study were to describe the genetic variability of the re-establishment of postpartum reproductive activity and the relationship with body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) at calving and age at puberty. The length of postpartum anoestrus was estimated based on weekly blood progesterone assays and on twice daily detection of oestrus behaviour. The first oestrus behaviour was observed 69 days (± 25 days s.d.) post-calving and the first positive progesterone measurement (≥ 1 ng mL-1) was observed at 66 days (± 22 days s.d.) for the group of easy-calving multiparous suckling cows. Estimates of heritability and repeatability were h2 = 0.12 and r = 0.38 respectively, for the interval from calving to first oestrus (ICO). Corresponding values were h2 = 0.35 and r = 0.60 for the interval from calving to the first positive progesterone test (ICP). The genetic correlation between both criteria was high (rg = 0.98). The genetic relationships between postpartum intervals and BW and BCS of the female at calving were negative: the genetic aptitude to be heavier at calving and to have high body reserves was related to shorter postpartum intervals. A favourable genetic correlation between age at puberty and postpartum intervals was found (rg between 0.45 and 0.70). The heifers which were genetically younger at puberty also had shorter postpartum intervals.  相似文献   

Body weight, growth rate, chronological age and puberty in female and male rats from litters of 8 and 12 offsprings/mother have been studied. Age and body weight at the moment of vaginal opening (VO) and balanopreputial separation (BPS) were analyzed. Results show that animals reared in smaller groups grew faster than others. After weaning there was an increase in growth rate. VO and BPS occurred at the same age in groups with different growth rates and different body weights. In conclusion this work evidences that external signs of sexual maturation are not linked to a "critical weight" or to a "growth rate".  相似文献   

In Phase I of this study to enhance ovulation rate and hence litter size, gilts received 0 (sham control), 0.625, 1.25, 2.5 or 5.0 mg epostane/kg body weight on Days 10, 11 and 12 of the oestrous cycle (5 gilts/group). After epostane treatment, plasma progesterone concentrations were reduced (P less than 0.01) in a dose-related manner, % progesterone decline = 21.30 x square root of (dose) + 10.45, R2 = 0.70, but recovered to pretreatment levels by 24 h. In Phase II the effects of epostane on ovulation rate and litter size were tested at two study centres. At each centre 108 gilts were treated with the same doses of epostane as used in Phase I and the doses were given for 7 days (Days 15-21) or 12 days (Days 10-21) during the first oestrous cycle. Gilts were inseminated twice during the oestrus after treatment and were slaughtered 30 days later. Mean (+/- s.d.) ovulation rate was 16 +/- 2.7 (N = 8) and 21 +/- 4.0 (N = 61) for control and epostane-treated gilts in Centre A and 12 +/- 2.4 (N = 5) and 17 +/- 3.8 (N = 55) respectively in Centre B (P less than 0.01 for both) and was dose related (ovulation rate = 3.38 x square root of (dose) + 16.17, R2 = 0.31). The effects of 7- or 12-day epostane treatment on ovulation rate were not different (P greater than 0.05), indicating that effects of treatment after Day 14 of the oestrous cycle are most important to subsequent ovulation frequency.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study aims to investigate the association between growth rate (GR), body weight (BW), backfat thickness (BF) and age at first observed oestrus in crossbred Landrace x Yorkshire (LY) replacement gilts in the tropics. The study was carried out on five commercial swine herds in Thailand between 2004 and 2006. A total of 6946 LY gilts were included. The gilts entered the herd at about 163 days of age. The BW (kg) and BF (mm) of the gilts were measured when the gilts entered the gilt pools and again when the gilts were sent to the breeding house. The GR from birth to entry into the gilt pools (birth to 90 kg BW) (GRe), the GR from entry into to exit from the gilt pools (91-134 kg BW) (GRi) and the GR from birth until the gilts were sent to the breeding house (birth to 134 kg BW) (GRs) were calculated. The relationship between age at first observed oestrus and GRe, GRs, GRi, BW and BF were analyzed. Pearson's correlation and four general linear models (GLMs) were conducted. On average, the gilts showed first observed oestrus at 200+/-28 days of age. The means of age at first observed oestrus varied from 188 to 251 days (P<0.001) among the herds. The GRs of the gilts significantly correlated with the BW (r=0.55, P<0.001) of the gilts when they were sent to the breeding house and the age at first observed oestrus (r=-0.40, P<0.001). Gilts with a high GRe and GRs were younger at first observed oestrus compared to gilts with a low GRe and GRs. On average, the gilts with GRs of over 604 g/day showed first observed oestrus before 5 months of age. GRi was not correlated with the age at first observed oestrus (P>0.05). Neither the BF of the gilts at entry nor the BF that the gilts gained within the gilt pools significantly correlated with age at first observed oestrus (P=0.29 and P=0.69, respectively). But the gilts with a higher BF at entry tended to have a higher BW when they were sent to the breeding house (r=0.44, P<0.001). The present study indicates that replacement gilts with a high GR (both GRe and GRs) tend to show sign of oestrus earlier than gilts with a low GR (both GRe and GRs).  相似文献   

Prepuberal gilts were treated with 750 IU pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) followed 72 h later by 500 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to induce follicular growth and ovulation. In this model, ovulation occurred at 42 +/- 2 h post hCG treatment. When 500 mug of cloprostenol was injected at 34 and of 36 h after hCG injection, 78% of the preovulatory follicles ovulated by 38 h compared with 0% in the control gilts. In addition, plasma progesterone concentrations were significantly higher in the cloprostenol-treated group than in the control group (P<0.01) at 38 h, indicating luteinization along with premature ovulation. These results suggest that prostaglandin F(2)alpha (PGF(2)alpha) or an analog can be used to advance, synchronize or induce ovulation in gilts.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone (P4) and 17β-estradiol (E2) in sows from a line selected on an index which emphasized ovulation rate (Select) and from a control line. A further classification of the sows in each line was made according to the estimated number of ovulations during an estrous cycle. Sows in the Select line were ranked into a high (HI) or low group (LI) when their estimated number of ovulations were 25 or more and 14 to 15, respectively. Sows of the control line were classified into groups as high (HC) or low (LC) when the estimated values for ovulation rate were 14–15 and 8–9 ovulations, respectively. Blood samples were collected every 12 h during a complete estrous cycle and samples were analyzed for concentrations of FSH and LH. Samples collected every 24 h were assayed for P4 and E2. Mean concentrations of FSH, LH, P4 and E2 did not differ (P>0.10) between lines or between HI and LI or HC and LC groups. Selection of pigs for ovulation rate and embryonal survival did not affect concentrations of FSH, LH, P4 and E2 in sows during the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of Holstein donor category (cows vs. heifers) and climate variation (hot vs. cooler season) on the efficiency of in vivo embryo production programs as well as embryo survival after transferred to Holstein recipient cows. A total of 1562 multiple ovulation (MO) procedures (cows: n = 609, and heifers: n = 953) and 4076 embryo transfers (ETs) performed in two dairy herds were evaluated. Donor cows had greater number of CLs (10.6 ± 0.6 vs. 7.5 ± 0.4; P < 0.0001) and ova/embryos recovered (7.6 ± 0.6 vs. 4.6 ± 0.4; P < 0.0001) compared with donor heifers. However, fertilization rate (47.9 vs. 82.4%; P < 0.0001) and proportion of transferable embryos (31.5 vs. 67.4%; P < 0.0001) were lower in donor cows than heifers, respectively. Regardless of donor category, the proportion of freezable embryos was less (P < 0.001) during hot season than in cooler season (21.4 vs. 32.8%). However, greater decline in the proportion of freezable embryos during the hot season was observed in cows (21.7 vs. 10.7%) compared with heifers (46.2 vs. 38.1%; P = 0.01). In contrast, the season on which the embryo was produced (hot or cool) did not affect pregnancy rate on Day 31 (30.5 vs. 31.7%; P = 0.45) and 45 (25.3 vs. 25.1%; P = 0.64) of pregnancy. Regardless of the season in which the embryos were produced, embryonic survival after transferring embryos retrieved from donor cows was greater on Days 31 (36.0 vs. 30.7%; P = 0.001) and 45 (28.3 vs. 23.1%; P = 0.001) of pregnancy when compared with embryos from donor heifers. In conclusion, MO embryo production efficiency decreased during the hot seasons both in cows and heifers; however, the decline was more pronounced in donor cows. Regardless of the embryo source, similar pregnancy rate was observed in the recipient that received embryos produced during the hot and cooler seasons. Curiously, embryos originating from donor cows had higher embryonic survival when transferred to recipient cows than embryos originating from heifers.  相似文献   

The response to superovulatory (SOV) and estrus synchronization (ES) treatments and the fertility of donor (n=68) and recipient (n=118) Saloia ewes was evaluated in the fall and spring breeding seasons. The proportion of acyclic ewes at treatment time was significantly higher in the spring than in the fall (42.6% versus 4.0%, P<0.00001). Donors treated with eCG had a significantly higher mean number of follicles over 5mm in diameter in the ovaries at embryo recovery and a significantly lower mean efficiency of recovery than FSH-treated ewes. These negative effects were more pronounced in the fall than in the spring, which resulted in a significantly lower mean number of total and fertilized ova recovered from eCG-treated ewes, compared to FSH donors in the fall, but not in the spring. Season had no significant effect on the ovulation rate and plasma P4 concentrations of recipients treated with a progestagen plus eCG combination. Although the recipient lambing and embryo survival rates were higher in the fall than in the spring the differences were not significant. No significant differences were observed in the ovulation rate or P4 concentrations of recipients that lambed compared to those that did not lamb. These preliminary results show that, in Portugal, response of Saloia ewes to SOV or ES treatments and donor fertility following the SOV treatment were similar in the spring and the fall, which suggests that in the spring acyclic ewes are in moderate anestrus. The effect of season on fertility following embryo transfer should be confirmed in further studies involving a larger number of animals. The semilaparoscopic transfer method reported here allowed lambing and embryo survival rates higher (although not significantly) than a standard surgical approach.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine if gilts, which have a high growth rate (GR) could be mated earlier without reducing the reproductive performance or increasing the culling rate up to the third parity. Gilts of Camborough 22 (C22, n=568) breeding were mated and allocated into three groups according to weight and age on the insemination day. G1 (n=164)-gilts with a GR>or=700 g/d and inseminated at <210 d. G2 (n=165)-gilts with a GR>or=700 g/d and inseminated at >or=210 d. G3 (n=239)-gilts with a GR<700 g/d and inseminated at >or=210 d. All females were fed ad libitum from 150 d on and were inseminated at their second estrus or later. The minimum weight at mating was 127 kg. Three parities were studied, with farrowing rate, litter size and culling rate being compared. At the first parity, G2 gilts produced, on average, one more piglet than the other groups (P<0.05). However, when analyzing three parities, there were no differences in total born (11.6 x 12.3 x 11.7), farrowing rate (87.1% x 88.7% x 89.8%) and culling rate (30.2% x 25.3% x 28.2%) among G1-G3 groups, respectively (P>0.05). In conclusion, gilts, which had a minimum weight of 127 kg can be inseminated at their second or greater estrus, between 185 and <210 d of age, without impairing their productive performance over three parities.  相似文献   

Farmer profit depends on the number of slaughter rabbits. The improvement of litter size (LS) at birth by two-stage selection for ovulation rate (OR) and LS could modify survival rate from birth to slaughter. This study was aiming to estimate direct and correlated response on LS traits and peri- and postnatal survival traits in the OR_LS rabbit line selected first only for OR (first period) and then for OR and LS using independent culling levels (second period). The studied traits were OR, LS measured as number of total born, number of kits born alive (NBA) and dead (NBD), and number of kits at weaning (NW) and young rabbits at slaughter (NS). Prenatal survival (LS/OR) and survival at birth (NBA/LS), at weaning (NW/NBA) and at slaughter (NS/NW) were also studied. Data were analysed using Bayesian inference methods. Heritability for LS traits were low, 0.07 for NBA, NW and NS. Survival traits had low values of heritability 0.07, 0.03 and 0.03 for NBA/LS, NW/NBA and NS/NW, respectively. After six generations of selection by OR (first period), a small increase in NBD and a slight decrease in NBA/LS were found. However, no correlated responses on NW/NBA and NS/NW were observed. After 11 generations of two-stage selection for OR and LS (second period), correlated responses on NBA, NW and NS were 0.12, 0.12 and 0.11 kits per generation, respectively, whereas no substantial modifications on NBA/LS, NW/NBA and NS/NW were found. In conclusion, two-stage selection improves the number of young rabbits at slaughter without modifying survival from birth to slaughter.  相似文献   

In normal production practices, sows and gilts are inseminated at least twice during estrus because the timing of ovulation is variable relative to the onset of estrus. The objective of this study was to determine if a normal fertilization rate could be achieved with a single insemination of low sperm number given at a precise interval relative to ovulation. Gilts (n=59) were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: low dose (LD; one insemination, 0.5 x 10(9) spermatozoa), high dose (HD; one insemination, 3 x 10(9) spermatozoa) or multiple dose (MD; two inseminations, 3 x 10(9) spermatozoa per insemination). Twice daily estrus detection (06:00 and 18:00 h) was performed using fenceline boar contact and backpressure testing. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed every 6 h beginning at the detection of the onset of standing estrus and continuing until ovulation. Gilts in the LD and HD groups were inseminated 22 h after detection of estrus; MD gilts received inseminations at 10 and 22 h after detection of estrus. Inseminations were administered by using an insemination catheter and semen was deposited into the cervix. The uterus was flushed on Day 5 after the onset of estrus and the number of corpora lutea, oocytes, and embryos were counted. Time of insemination relative to ovulation was designated as 40 to >24 h, 24 to >12 h, and 12 to 0 h before ovulation and >0 h after ovulation. The LD gilts had fewer embryos (P<0.04), more unfertilized oocytes (P<0.05) and a lower fertilization rate (P<0.07) compared to MD gilts. The effects of time of insemination relative to ovulation and the treatment by time interaction were not significant. We conclude that a cervical insemination with low spermatozoa concentration may not result in acceptable fertility even when precisely timed relative to ovulation.  相似文献   

Thirty-two Border Leicester x Scottish Blackface ewes that lambed in March were individually penned with their lambs from April 16th and given daily an oral dose of 3 mg melatonin at 1500 h (Group M). A further 32 acted as controls (Group C). Within each group half were used as embryo donors (Group D) following superovulation and half received embryos (Group R) following an induced estrus. Prior to weaning on 21 May ewes received ad libitum a complete diet providing 9 megajoules (MJ) of metabolizable energy and 125 g/kg crude protein. Thereafter each received 1.6 kg of the diet daily. In early June each ewe received an intravaginal device (300 mg progesterone) inserted for 12 d. Donors were superovulated with 4 i.m. injections of porcine FSH 12 h apart, commencing 24 h before progesterone withdrawal. Ovulation in recipients was induced with 800 IU PMSG injected i.m. at progesterone removal. Donor ewes were inseminated 52 h after progesterone withdrawal. Embryos were collected 4 d later and transferred to recipients. Melatonin suppressed plasma prolactin (P < 0.001) and advanced estrus (P < 0.05) and timing of the LH peak (P < 0.05). These events also occurred earlier in donors than in recipients (P < 0.01). Mean (+/- SEM) ovulation rates for melatonin-treated and control donors were 5.5 +/- 0.71 and 4.7 +/- 0.66, respectively (NS). Corresponding recipient values were 3.3 +/- 0.40 and 3.4 +/- 0.39 (NS). Mean (+/- SEM) embryo yields were 2.9 +/- 0.64 and 2.6 +/- 0.73 for melatonin-treated (n = 15) and control (n = 16) donors, respectively, and for the 12 ewes per treatment that supplied embryos, corresponding numbers classified as viable were 2.7 +/- 0.47 and 2.3 +/- 0.61 (NS). Following transfer, 57% of embryos developed to lambs when both donor and recipient received melatonin, 86% when only the donor received melatonin, 91% when only the recipient received melatonin, and 67% when neither received melatonin (NS). Thus, embryo survival following transfer was not improved by treating recipients with melatonin. Gestation length and lamb birthweights were unaffected by melatonin. Unlike nonpregnant control ewes, melatonin-treated recipients that failed to remain pregnant sustained estrous cyclicity following embryo transfer.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the ovulation rate and its relationship to number of total piglets born in purebred gilts under tropical climatic conditions. This study was conducted in two swine breeding herds (A and B) in the northeastern part of Thailand. The sources of swine genetic material originate from West Europe. Gilts were mated (AI) on the second or later observed estrus at a body weight of at least 130 kg. In most cases, they were mated at third estrus. One hundred and twenty-seven gilts, 24 Landrace and 24 Yorkshire from herd A, and 42 Landrace and 37 Yorkshire from herd B were used. Gilts were examined once by laparoscopy under general anesthesia between days 8 and 15 after mating. The ovaries were examined and the pathological findings were recorded. The number of corpora lutea was counted, and was assumed to equal the ovulation rate. Subsequent mating results and farrowing data were recorded. The data were analyzed with analysis of variance. Single or double unilateral cysts and par-ovarian cysts did not affect mating results. Landrace gilts were significantly younger at first mating than Yorkshire gilts (244 versus 249 days, P < 0.05). At first mating, Yorkshire gilts had a significantly higher ovulation rate compared to Landrace gilts (15.3 versus 13.8, P < 0.001). There was no difference in the number of total piglets born per litter between the two breeds, but the total prenatal loss from ovulation to farrowing was significantly higher in Yorkshire than in Landrace gilts. Both the low ovulation rate and the high prenatal loss contribute to the low litter size in gilts raised under tropical climatic conditions.  相似文献   

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