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A novel mechanism for protein-assisted group I intron splicing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Previously it was shown that the Aspergillus nidulans (A.n.) mitochondrial COB intron maturase, I-AniI, facilitates splicing of the COB intron in vitro. In this study, we apply kinetic analysis of binding and splicing along with RNA deletion analysis to gain insight into the mechanism of I-AniI facilitated splicing. Our results are consistent with I-AniI and A.n. COB pre-RNA forming a specific but labile encounter complex that is resolved into the native, splicing-competent complex. Significantly, kinetic analysis of splicing shows that the resolution step is rate limiting for splicing. RNA deletion studies show that I-AniI requires most of the A.n. COB intron for binding suggesting that the integrity of the I-AniI-binding site depends on overall RNA tertiary structure. These results, taken together with the observation that A.n. COB intron lacks significant stable tertiary structure in the absence of protein, support a model in which I-AniI preassociates with an unfolded COB intron via a "labile" interaction that facilitates correct folding of the intron catalytic core, perhaps by resolving misfolded RNAs or narrowing the number of conformations sampled by the intron during its search for native structure. The active intron conformation is then "locked in" by specific binding of I-Anil to its intron interaction site.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of a group I intron splicing intermediate   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
A recently reported crystal structure of an intact bacterial group I self-splicing intron in complex with both its exons provided the first molecular view into the mechanism of RNA splicing. This intron structure, which was trapped in the state prior to the exon ligation reaction, also reveals the architecture of a complex RNA fold. The majority of the intron is contained within three internally stacked, but sequence discontinuous, helical domains. Here the tertiary hydrogen bonding and stacking interactions between the domains, and the single-stranded joiner segments that bridge between them, are fully described. Features of the structure include: (1) A pseudoknot belt that circumscribes the molecule at its longitudinal midpoint; (2) two tetraloop-tetraloop receptor motifs at the peripheral edges of the structure; (3) an extensive minor groove triplex between the paired and joiner segments, P6-J6/6a and P3-J3/4, which provides the major interaction interface between the intron's two primary domains (P4-P6 and P3-P9.0); (4) a six-nucleotide J8/7 single stranded element that adopts a mu-shaped structure and twists through the active site, making critical contacts to all three helical domains; and (5) an extensive base stacking architecture that realizes 90% of all possible stacking interactions. The intron structure was validated by hydroxyl radical footprinting, where strong correlation was observed between experimental and predicted solvent accessibility. Models of the pre-first and pre-second steps of intron splicing are proposed with full-sized tRNA exons. They suggest that the tRNA undergoes substantial angular motion relative to the intron between the two steps of splicing.  相似文献   

The I-AniI maturase facilitates self-splicing of a mitochondrial group I intron in Aspergillus nidulans. Binding occurs in at least two steps: first, a specific but labile encounter complex rapidly forms and then this intermediate is slowly resolved into a native, catalytically active RNA/protein complex. Here we probe the structure of the RNA throughout the assembly pathway. Although inherently unstable, the intron core, when bound by I-AniI, undergoes rapid folding to a near-native state in the encounter complex. The next transition includes the slow destabilization and docking into the core of the peripheral stacked helix that contains the 5' splice site. Mutational analyses confirm that both transitions are important for native complex formation. We propose that protein-driven destabilization and docking of the peripheral stacked helix lead to subtle changes in the I-AniI binding site that facilitate native complex formation. These results support an allosteric-feedback mechanism of RNA-protein recognition in which proteins engaged in an intermediate complex can influence RNA structure far from their binding sites. The linkage of these changes to stable binding ensures that the protein and RNA do not get sequestered in nonfunctional complexes.  相似文献   

Reverse splicing of group I introns is proposed to be a mechanism by which intron sequences are transferred to new genes. Integration of the Tetrahymena intron into the Escherichia coli 23S rRNA via reverse splicing depends on base pairing between the guide sequence of the intron and the target site. To investigate the substrate specificity of reverse splicing, the wild-type and 18 mutant introns with different guide sequences were expressed in E. coli. Amplification of intron-rRNA junctions by RT-PCR revealed partial reverse splicing at 69 sites and complete integration at one novel site in the 23S rRNA. Reverse splicing was not observed at some potential target sites, whereas other regions of the 23S rRNA were more reactive than expected. The results indicate that the frequency of reverse splicing is modulated by the structure of the rRNA. The intron is spliced 10-fold less efficiently in E. coli from a novel integration site (U2074) in domain V of the 23S rRNA than from a site homologous to the natural splice junction of the Tetrahymena 26S rRNA, suggesting that the forward reaction is less favored at this site.  相似文献   

The observation that the large ribosomal RNA intron of Tetrahymena is spliced 20-50-fold more rapidly in vivo than in vitro (Brehm SL, Cech TR, 1983, Biochemistry 22:2390-2397; Bass BL, Cech TR, 1984, Nature 308:820-826) suggests facilitation of RNA folding in vivo. To determine whether a specific group I splicing factor is required in Tetrahymena, the intron was inserted into the analogous position of the Escherichia coli 23S rRNA. We report that the intron is rapidly excised from pre-rRNA in bacteria and that the magnitude of the in vivo rate enhancement is similar to that in Tetrahymena. These results demonstrate that a species-specific protein is not required. Instead, a common mechanism of assisting RNA folding is sufficient to accelerate the removal of self-splicing introns from ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

Bidirectional effectors of a group I intron ribozyme.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The group I self-splicing introns found in many organisms are competitively inhibited by L-arginine. We have found that L-arginine acts stereoselectively on the Pc1. LSU nuclear group I intron of Pneumocystis carinii, competitively inhibiting the first (cleavage) step of the splicing reaction and stimulating the second (ligation) step. Stimulation of the second step is most clearly demonstrated in reactions whose first step is blocked after 15 min by addition of pentamidine. The guanidine moiety of arginine is required for both effects. L-Canavanine is a more potent inhibitor than L-arginine yet it fails to stimulate. L-Arginine derivatized on its carboxyl group as an amide, ester or peptide is more potent than L-arginine as a stimulator and inhibitor, with di-arginine amide and tri-arginine being the most potent effectors tested. The most potent peptides tested are 10,000 times as effective as L-arginine in inhibiting ribozyme activity, and nearly 400 times as effective as stimulators. Arginine and some of its derivatives apparently bind to site(s) on the ribozyme to alter its conformation to one more active in the second step of splicing while competing with guanosine substrate in the first step. This phenomenon indicates that ribozymes, like protein enzymes, can be inhibited or stimulated by non-substrate low molecular weight compounds, which suggests that such compounds may be developed as pharmacological agents acting on RNA targets.  相似文献   

Yeast mitochondrial leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) binds to the bI4 intron and collaborates with the bI4 maturase to aid excision of the group I intron. Deletion analysis isolated the inserted LeuRS CP1 domain as a critical factor in the protein's splicing activity. Protein fragments comprised of just the LeuRS CP1 region rescued complementation of a yeast strain that expressed a splicing-defective LeuRS. Three-hybrid analysis determined that these CP1-containing LeuRS fragments, ranging from 214 to 375 amino acids, bound to the bI4 intron. In each case, interactions with only the LeuRS protein fragment specifically stimulated bI4 intron splicing activity. Substitution of a homologous CP1 domain from isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase or mutation within the LeuRS CP1 region of the smallest protein fragment abolished RNA binding and splicing activity. The CP1 domain is best known for its amino acid editing activity. However, these results suggest that elements within the LeuRS CP1 domain also play a novel role, independent of the full-length tRNA synthetase, in binding the bI4 group I intron and facilitating its self-splicing activity.  相似文献   

DiGIR2 is the group I splicing-ribozyme of the mobile twin-ribozyme intron Dir.S956-1, present in Didymium nuclear ribosomal DNA. DiGIR2 is responsible for intron excision, exon ligation, 3'-splice site hydrolysis, and full-length intron RNA circle formation. We recently reported that DiGIR2 splicing (intron excision and exon ligation) competes with hydrolysis and subsequent full-length intron circularization. Here we present experimental evidence that hydrolysis at the 3'-splice site in DiGIR2 is dependent on structural elements within the P9 subdomain not involved in splicing. Whereas the GCGA tetra-loop in P9b was found to be important in hydrolytic cleavage, probably due to tertiary RNA-RNA interactions, the P9.2 hairpin structure was found to be essential for hydrolysis. The most important positions in P9.2 include three adenosines in the terminal loop (L9.2) and a consensus kink-turn motif in the proximal stem. We suggest that the L9.2 adenosines and the kink-motif represent key regulatory elements in the splicing and hydrolytic reaction pathways.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells lacking Mne1 are deficient in intron splicing in the gene encoding the Cox1 subunit of cytochrome oxidase but contain wild-type levels of the bc(1) complex. Thus, Mne1 has no role in splicing of COB introns or expression of the COB gene. Northern experiments suggest that splicing of the COX1 aI5β intron is dependent on Mne1 in addition to the previously known Mrs1, Mss116, Pet54, and Suv3 factors. Processing of the aI5β intron is similarly impaired in mne1Δ and mrs1Δ cells and overexpression of Mrs1 partially restores the respiratory function of mne1Δ cells. Mrs1 is known to function in the initial transesterification reaction of splicing. Mne1 is a mitochondrial matrix protein loosely associated with the inner membrane and is found in a high mass ribonucleoprotein complex specifically associated with the COX1 mRNA even within an intronless strain. Mne1 does not appear to have a secondary function in COX1 processing or translation, because disruption of MNE1 in cells containing intronless mtDNA does not lead to a respiratory growth defect. Thus, the primary defect in mne1Δ cells is splicing of the aI5β intron in COX1.  相似文献   

Proteins of the DExH/D family are ATPases that can unwind duplex RNA in vitro. Individual members of this family coordinate many steps in ribonucleoprotein enzyme assembly and catalysis in vivo, but it is largely unknown how the action of these co-factors is specified and precisely timed. As a first step to address this question biochemically, we describe the development of a new protein-dependent group I intron splicing system that requires such an ATPase for coordinating successive steps in splicing. While genetic analysis in yeast has shown that at least five nuclear-encoded proteins are required for splicing of the mitochondrial aI5β group I intron, we show that efficient in vitro splicing of aI5β occurs with only two of these co-factors and, furthermore, they fulfill distinct functions in vitro. The Mrs1p protein stabilizes RNA structure and promotes the first step in splicing. In contrast, a DExH/D protein, Mss116p, acts after the first step and, utilizing ATP hydrolysis, specifically enhances the efficiency of exon ligation. An analysis of Mss116p variants with mutations that impair its RNA-stimulated ATP hydrolysis activity or reduce its ability to unwind duplexes show that the efficiency of ATP hydrolysis is a major determinant in promoting exon ligation. These observations suggest that Mss116p acts in aI5β splicing by catalyzing changes in the structure of the RNA/protein splicing intermediate that promote the second step. More broadly, these observations are consistent with a model in which the “functional-timing” of DExH/D-box protein action can be specified by a specific conformation of its substrate due to the “upstream” activity of other co-factors.  相似文献   

Group II introns are autocatalytic RNAs which self-splice in vitro. However, in vivo additional protein factors might be involved in the splicing process. We used an affinity chromatography method called 'StreptoTag' to identify group II intron binding proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This method uses a hybrid RNA consisting of a streptomycin-binding affinity tag and the RNA of interest, which is bound to a streptomycin column and incubated with yeast protein extract. After several washing steps the bound RNPs are eluted by addition of streptomycin. The eluted RNPs are separated and the proteins identified by mass-spectrometric analysis. Using crude extract from yeast in combination with a substructure of the bl1 group II intron (domains IV-VI) we were able to identify four glycolytic enzymes; glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI), 3-phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and triosephosphate isomerase (TPI). From these proteins GAPDH increases in vitro splicing of the bl1 group II intron by up to three times. However, in vivo GAPDH is not a group II intron-splicing factor, since it is not localised in yeast mitochondria. Therefore, the observed activity reflects an unexpected property of GAPDH. Band shift experiments and UV cross linking demonstrated the interaction of GAPDH with the group II intron RNA. This novel activity expands the reaction repertoire of GAPDH to a new RNA species.  相似文献   

We have previously shown, using phosphorothioate substitutions at splice site, that both transesterification steps of group II intron self-splicing proceed, by stereochemical inversion, with an Sp but not an Rp phosphorothioate. Under alternative reaction conditions or with various intron fragments, group II introns can splice following hydrolysis at the 5' splice site and can also hydrolyze the bond between spliced exons (the spliced-exon reopening reaction). In this study, we have determined the stereochemical specificities of all of the major model hydrolytic reactions carried out by the aI5 gamma intron from Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria. For all substrates containing exon 1 and most of the intron, the stereospecificity of hydrolysis is the same as for the step 1 transesterification reaction. In contrast, the spliced-exon reopening reaction proceeds with an Rp but not an Sp phosphorothioate at the scissile bond, as does true reverse splicing. Thus, by stereochemistry, this reaction appears to be related to the reverse of step 2 of self-splicing. Finally, a substrate RNA that contains the first exon and nine nucleotides of the intron, when reacted with the intron ribozyme, releases the first exon regardless of the configuration of the phosphorothioate at the 5' splice site, suggesting that this substrate can be cleaved by either the step 1 or the step 2 reaction site. Our findings clarify the relationships of these model reactions to the transesterification reactions of the intact self-splicing system and permit new studies to be interpreted more rigorously.  相似文献   

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