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The crystal structure of the ternary complex of (alphabeta)(2) heterotetrameric phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (PheRS) from Thermus thermophilus with cognate tRNA(Phe) and a nonhydrolyzable phenylalanyl-adenylate analogue (PheOH-AMP) has been determined at 3.1 A resolution. It reveals conformational changes in tRNA(Phe) induced by the PheOH-AMP binding. The single-stranded 3' end exhibits a hairpin conformation in contrast to the partial unwinding observed previously in the binary PheRS.tRNA(Phe) complex. The CCA end orientation is stabilized by extensive base-specific interactions of A76 and C75 with the protein and by intra-RNA interactions of A73 with adjacent nucleotides. The 4-amino group of the "bulged out" C75 is trapped by two negatively charged residues of the beta subunit (Glubeta31 and Aspbeta33), highly conserved in eubacterial PheRSs. The position of the A76 base is stabilized by interactions with Hisalpha212 of motif 2 (universally conserved in PheRSs) and class II-invariant Argalpha321 of motif 3. Important conformational changes induced by the binding of tRNA(Phe) and PheOH-AMP are observed in the catalytic domain: the motif 2 loop and a "helical" loop (residues 139-152 of the alpha subunit) undergo coordinated displacement; Metalpha148 of the helical loop adopts a conformation preventing the 2'-OH group of A76 from approaching the alpha-carbonyl carbon of PheOH-AMP. The unfavorable position of the terminal ribose stems from the absence of the alpha-carbonyl oxygen in the analogue. Our data suggest that the idiosyncratic feature of PheRS, which aminoacylates the 2'-OH group of the terminal ribose, is dictated by the system-specific topology of the CCA end-binding site.  相似文献   

Two distinct complexes between seryl-tRNA synthetase and tRNA(Ser) from Thermus thermophilus have been crystallized using ammonium sulphate as a precipitant. Form III crystals grow from solutions containing a 1:2.5 stoichiometry of synthetase dimer to tRNA. They are of monoclinic space group C2 with unit cell dimensions a = 211.6 A, b = 126.8 A, c = 197.1 A, beta = 132.4 degrees and diffract to about 3.5 A. Preliminary crystallographic results show that the crystallographic asymmetric unit contains two synthetase dimers. Form IV crystals grow from solutions containing a 1:1.5 stoichiometry of synthetase dimer to tRNA. They are of orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell dimensions a = 124.5 A, b = 128.9 A, c = 121.2 A and diffract to 2.8 A resolution. Preliminary crystallographic results show that these crystals contain only one tRNA molecule bound to a synthetase dimer.  相似文献   

The seryl-tRNA synthetase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae interacts with the peroxisome biogenesis-related factor Pex21p. Several deletion mutants of seryl-tRNA synthetase were constructed and inspected for their ability to interact with Pex21p in a yeast two-hybrid assay, allowing mapping of the synthetase domain required for complex assembly. Deletion of the 13 C-terminal amino acids abolished Pex21p binding to seryl-tRNA synthetase. The catalytic parameters of purified truncated seryl-tRNA synthetase, determined in the serylation reaction, were found to be almost identical to those of the native enzyme. In vivo loss of interaction with Pex21p was confirmed in vitro by coaffinity purification. These data indicate that the C-terminally appended domain of yeast seryl-tRNA synthetase does not participate in substrate binding, but instead is required for association with Pex21p. We further determined that Pex21p does not directly bind tRNA, and nor does it possess a tRNA-binding motif, but it instead participates in the formation of a specific ternary complex with seryl-tRNA synthetase and tRNA(Ser), strengthening the interaction of seryl-tRNA synthetase with its cognate tRNA(Ser).  相似文献   

Yeast tRNA(Ser) is a member of the class II tRNAs, whose characteristic is the presence of an extended variable loop. This additional structural feature raises questions about the recognition of these class II tRNAs by their cognate synthetase and the possibility of the involvement of the extra arm in the recognition process. A footprinting study of yeast tRNA(Ser) complexed with its cognate synthetase, yeast seryl-tRNA synthetase (an alpha 2 dimer), was undertaken. Chemical (ethylnitrosourea) and enzymatic (nucleases S1 and V1) probes were used in the experiments. A map of the contact points between the tRNA and the synthetase was established and results were analyzed with respect to a three-dimensional model of yeast tRNA(Ser). Regions in close vicinity with the synthetase are clustered on one face of tRNA. The extra arm, which is strongly protected from chemical modifications, appears as an essential part of the contact area. The anticodon triplet and a large part of the anticodon arm are, in contrast, still accessible to the probes when the complex is formed. These results are discussed in the context of the recognition of tRNAs in the aminoacylation reaction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:. The translation elongation factor EF-Tu in its GTP-bound state forms a ternary complex with any aminoacylated tRNA (aa-tRNA), except initiator tRNA and selenocysteinyl-tRNA. This complex delivers aa-tRNA to the ribosomal A site during the elongation cycle of translation. The crystal structure of the yeast Phe-tRNAPhe ternary complex with Thermus aquaticus EF-Tu-GDPNP (Phe-TC) has previously been determined as one representative of this general yet highly discriminating complex formation. RESULTS: The ternary complex of Escherichia coli Cys-tRNACys and T. aquaticus EF-Tu-GDPNP (Cys-TC) has been solved and refined at 2.6 degrees resolution. Conserved and variable features of the aa-tRNA recognition and binding by EF-Tu-GTP have been revealed by comparison with the Phe-TC structure. New tertiary interactions are observed in the tRNACys structure. A 'kissing complex' is observed in the very close crystal packing arrangement. CONCLUSIONS: The recognition of Cys-tRNACys by EF-Tu-GDPNP is restricted to the aa-tRNA motif previously identified in Phe-TC and consists of the aminoacylated 3' end, the phosphorylated 5' end and one side of the acceptor stem and T stem. The aminoacyl bond is recognized somewhat differently, yet by the same primary motif in EF-Tu, which suggests that EF-Tu adapts to subtle variations in this moiety among all aa-tRNAs. New tertiary interactions revealed by the Cys-tRNACys structure, such as a protonated C16:C59 pyrimidine pair, a G15:G48 'Levitt pair' and an s4U8:A14:A46 base triple add to the generic understanding of tRNA structure from sequence. The structure of the 'kissing complex' shows a quasicontinuous helix with a distinct shape determined by the number of base pairs.  相似文献   

Higher eukaryote tRNA synthetases have expanded functions that come from enlarged, more differentiated structures that were adapted to fit aminoacylation function. How those adaptations affect catalytic mechanisms is not known. Presented here is the structure of a catalytically active natural splice variant of human tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (TrpRS) that is a potent angiostatic factor. This and related structures suggest that a eukaryote-specific N-terminal extension of the core enzyme changed substrate recognition by forming an active site cap. At the junction of the extension and core catalytic unit, an arginine is recruited to replace a missing landmark lysine almost 200 residues away. Mutagenesis, rapid kinetic, and substrate binding studies support the functional significance of the cap and arginine recruitment. Thus, the enzyme function of human TrpRS has switched more to the N terminus of the sequence. This switch has the effect of creating selective pressure to retain the N-terminal extension for functional expansion.  相似文献   

Yeast aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, a dimer of molecular weight 125,000, and two molecules of its cognate tRNA (Mr = 24160) cocrystallize in the cubic space group I432 (a = 354 A). The crystal structure was solved to low resolution using neutron and X-ray diffraction data. Neutron single crystal diffraction data were collected in five solvents differing by their D2O content in order to use the contrast variation method to distinguish between the protein and tRNA. The synthetase was first located at 40 A resolution using the 65% D2O neutron data (tRNA matched) tRNA molecules were found at 20 A resolution using both neutron and X-ray data. The resulting model was refined against 10 A resolution X-ray data, using density modification and least-squares refinement of the tRNA positions. The crystal structure solved without a priori phase knowledge, was confirmed later by isomorphous replacement. The molecular model of the complex is in good agreement with results obtained in solution by probing the protected part of the tRNA by chemical reagents.  相似文献   

M E Saks  J R Sampson 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(11):2843-2849
Aminoacylation rate determinations for a series of variant RNA minihelix substrates revealed that Escherichia coli seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS) recognizes the 1--72 through 5--68 base pairs of the E.coli tRNA(Ser) acceptor stem with the major recognition elements clustered between positions 2--71 and 4--69. The rank order of effects of canonical base pair substitutions at each position on kcat/Km was used to assess the involvement of major groove functional groups in recognition. Conclusions based on the biochemical data are largely consistent with the interactions revealed by the refined structure of the homologous Thermus thermophilus tRNA(Ser)-SerRS complex that Cusack and colleagues report in the accompanying paper. Disruption of an end-on hydrophobic interaction between the major groove C5(H) of pyrimidine 69 and an aromatic side chain of SerRS is shown to significantly decrease kcat/Km of a minihelix substrate. This type of interaction provides a means by which proteins can recognize the binary information of 'degenerate' sequences, such as the purine-pyrimidine base pairs of tRNA(Ser). The 3--70 base pair is shown to contribute to recognition by SerRS even though it is not contacted specifically by the protein. The latter effect derives from the organization of the specific contacts that SerRS makes with the neighboring 2--71 and 4--69 acceptor stem base pairs.  相似文献   

Leucyl-, isoleucyl- and valyl-tRNA synthetases are closely related large monomeric class I synthetases. Each contains a homologous insertion domain of approximately 200 residues, which is thought to permit them to hydrolyse ('edit') cognate tRNA that has been mischarged with a chemically similar but non-cognate amino acid. We describe the first crystal structure of a leucyl-tRNA synthetase, from the hyperthermophile Thermus thermophilus, at 2.0 A resolution. The overall architecture is similar to that of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase, except that the putative editing domain is inserted at a different position in the primary structure. This feature is unique to prokaryote-like leucyl-tRNA synthetases, as is the presence of a novel additional flexibly inserted domain. Comparison of native enzyme and complexes with leucine and a leucyl- adenylate analogue shows that binding of the adenosine moiety of leucyl-adenylate causes significant conformational changes in the active site required for amino acid activation and tight binding of the adenylate. These changes are propagated to more distant regions of the enzyme, leading to a significantly more ordered structure ready for the subsequent aminoacylation and/or editing steps.  相似文献   

Background: The 20 aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are divided into two classes, I and II. The 10 class I synthetases are considered to have in common the catalytic domain structure based on the Rossmann fold, which is totally different from the class II catalytic domain structure. The class I synthetases are further divided into three subclasses, a, b and c, according to sequence homology. No conserved structural features for tRNA recognition by class I synthetases have been established. Results: We determined the crystal structure of the class Ia methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) at 2.0 A resolution, using MetRS from an extreme thermophile, Thermus thermophilus HB8. The T. thermophilus MetRS structure is in full agreement with the biochemical and genetic data from Escherichia coli MetRS. The conserved 'anticodon-binding' residues are spatially clustered on an alpha-helix-bundle domain. The Rossmann-fold and anticodon-binding domains are connected by a beta-alpha-alpha-beta-alpha topology ('SC fold') domain that contains the class I specific KMSKS motif. Conclusions: The alpha-helix-bundle domain identified in the MetRS structure is the signature of the class Ia enzymes, as it was also identified in the class Ia structures of the isoleucyl- and arginyl-tRNA synthetases. The beta-alpha-alpha-beta-alpha topology domain, which can now be identified in all known structures of the class Ia and Ib synthetases, is likely to dock with the inner side of the L-shaped tRNA, thereby positioning the anticodon stem.  相似文献   

The secondary structures of metazoan mitochondrial (mt) tRNAs(Ser) deviate markedly from the paradigm of the canonical cloverleaf structure; particularly, tRNA(Ser)(GCU) corresponding to the AGY codon (Y=U and C) is highly truncated and intrinsically missing the entire dihydrouridine arm. None of the mt serine isoacceptors possesses the elongated variable arm, which is the universal landmark for recognition by seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS). Here, we report the crystal structure of mammalian mt SerRS from Bos taurus in complex with seryl adenylate at an atomic resolution of 1.65 A. Coupling structural information with a tRNA-docking model and the mutagenesis studies, we have unraveled the key elements that establish tRNA binding specificity, differ from all other known bacterial and eukaryotic systems, are the characteristic extensions in both extremities, as well as a few basic residues residing in the amino-terminal helical arm of mt SerRS. Our data further uncover an unprecedented mechanism of a dual-mode recognition employed to discriminate two distinct 'bizarre' mt tRNAs(Ser) by alternative combination of interaction sites.  相似文献   

The structure of the recombinant (-) gamma-lactamase from an Aureobacterium species has been solved at 1.73A resolution in the cubic space group F23 with unit cell parameters a=b=c=240.6A. The trimeric enzyme has an alpha/beta hydrolase fold and closely resembles the cofactor free haloperoxidases. The structure has been solved in complex with a covalently bound ligand originating from the host cell and also in the unligated form. The associated density in the former structure has been interpreted as the two-ring ligand (3aR,7aS)-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-benzo [1,3] dioxol-2-one which forms a tetrahedral complex with OG of the catalytic Ser98. Soaks of these crystals with the industrial substrate gamma-lactam or its structural analogue, norcamphor, result in the displacement of the ligand from the enzyme active site, thereby allowing determination of the unligated structure. The presence of the ligand in the active site protects the enzyme from serine hydrolase inhibitors. Cyclic ethylene carbonate, the first ring of the ligand, was shown to be a substrate of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the extracellular bacterial serine protease α-lytic protease (αLP) has been solved at 0.83 Å resolution at pH 8. This ultra-high resolution structure allows accurate analysis of structural elements not possible with previous structures. Hydrogen atoms are visible, and confirm active-site hydrogen-bonding interactions expected for the apo enzyme. In particular, His57 Nδ1 participates in a normal hydrogen bond with Asp102 in the catalytic triad, with a hydrogen atom visible 0.83(±0.06) Å from the His Nδ1. The catalytic Ser195 occupies two conformations, one corresponding to a population of His57 that is doubly protonated, the other to the singly protonated His57. Based on the occupancy of these conformations, the pKa of His57 is calculated to be ∼8.8 when a sulfate ion occupies the active site. This 0.83 Å structure has allowed critical analysis of geometric distortions within the structure. Interestingly, Phe228 is significantly distorted from planarity. The distortion of Phe228, buried in the core of the C-terminal domain, occurs at an estimated energetic cost of 4.1 kcal/mol. The conformational space for Phe228 is severely limited by the presence of Trp199, which prevents Phe228 from adopting the rotamer observed in many other chymotrypsin family members. In αLP, the only allowed rotamer leads to the deformation of Phe228 due to steric interactions with Thr181. We hypothesize that tight packing of co-evolved residues in this region, and the subsequent deformation of Phe228, contributes to the high cooperativity and large energetic barriers for folding and unfolding of αLP. The kinetic stability imparted by the large, cooperative unfolding barrier plays a critical role in extending the lifetime of the protease in its harsh environment.  相似文献   

Maspin is a serpin that acts as a tumor suppressor in a range of human cancers, including tumors of the breast and lung. Maspin is crucial for development, because homozygous loss of the gene is lethal; however, the precise physiological role of the molecule is unclear. To gain insight into the function of human maspin, we have determined its crystal structure in two similar, but non-isomorphous crystal forms, to 2.1- and 2.8-A resolution, respectively. The structure reveals that maspin adopts the native serpin fold in which the reactive center loop is expelled fully from the A beta-sheet, makes minimal contacts with the core of the molecule, and exhibits a high degree of flexibility. A buried salt bridge unique to maspin orthologues causes an unusual bulge in the region around the D and E alpha-helices, an area of the molecule demonstrated in other serpins to be important for cofactor recognition. Strikingly, the structural data reveal that maspin is able to undergo conformational change in and around the G alpha-helix, switching between an open and a closed form. This change dictates the electrostatic character of a putative cofactor binding surface and highlights this region as a likely determinant of maspin function. The high resolution crystal structure of maspin provides a detailed molecular framework to elucidate the mechanism of function of this important tumor suppressor.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are multidomain enzymes that often possess two activities to ensure translational accuracy. A synthetic active site catalyzes tRNA aminoacylation, while an editing active site hydrolyzes mischarged tRNAs. Prolyl-tRNA synthetases (ProRS) have been shown to misacylate Cys onto tRNA(Pro), but lack a Cys-specific editing function. The synthetase-like Haemophilus influenzae YbaK protein was recently shown to hydrolyze misacylated Cys-tRNA(Pro) in trans. However, the mechanism of specific substrate selection by this single domain hydrolase is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that YbaK alone appears to lack specific tRNA recognition capabilities. Moreover, YbaK cannot compete for aminoacyl-tRNAs in the presence of elongation factor Tu, suggesting that YbaK acts before release of the aminoacyl-tRNA from the synthetase. In support of this idea, cross-linking studies reveal the formation of binary (ProRS.YbaK) and ternary (ProRS.YbaK.tRNA) complexes. The binding constants for the interaction between ProRS and YbaK are 550 nM and 45 nM in the absence and presence of tRNA(Pro), respectively. These results suggest that the specificity of trans-editing by YbaK is ensured through formation of a novel ProRS.YbaK.tRNA complex.  相似文献   

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