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In a survey of ecotypes for longidorids, primarily from the rhizosphere hardwood trees growing in sandy soil along stream banks, 828 soil samples were collected from 37 Arkansas counties in 1999-2001. Eight populations of Longidorus breviannulatus were identified from the Arkansas survey samples. A total of 19 populations from California, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, and Wisconsin were identified from the collection of the second author. A few males were found in New York and Nebraska populations and are described herein. Seven populations of L. fragilis were identified in the Arkansas survey samples, and one population was found from Indiana. Four juvenile stages of L. fragilis are present, and data are given for them herein.  相似文献   

Three new Longidorus species, L. alaskaensis n. sp., L. paralaskaensis n. sp., and L. bernardi n. sp., are described from specimens collected near Fairbanks, Alaska. Longidorus alaskaensis differs from all species of Longidorus by the presence of a caecum-like structure situated at the reflex of the oviduct. Longidorus paralaskaensis most closely resembles L. alaskaensis n. sp., L. crassus Thorne, L. picenus Roca, Lamberti &Agostinelli, and L. silvae Roca, differing from the last three of these species by having a parallel vs. a tapered lip region, and from all four by having a more narrowly rounded tail tip. Longidorus paralaskaensis differs from L. alaskaensis by having a longer odontostyle (119-128 vs. 110-118 μm) and by lacking the caecum-like structure found at the reflex of the oviduct. Longidorus bernardi n. sp. most closely resembles L. mirus Khan, Chawla &Seshadri, from which it differs by having a longer tail with a more acutely rounded tip, a longer body length (3.5-4.6 vs. 3.0-3.6 μm), and a larger c'' value (1.6-1.8 vs. 1.3-1.6). Longidorus bernardi differs from L. sylphus Thorne, L. africanus Merny, L. auratus Jacobs &Heyns, and L. conicaudatus Khan by having a slightly expanded lip region vs. a lip region with parallel body walls and a more finely rounded tail tip.  相似文献   

Longidorus paravineacola n. sp., described herein, was found in a survey of longidorids of Arkansas. It is a parthenogeneticspecies characterized by its long body (6.68-9.85 mm); slightly expanded and rounded head, head width 21-27 µm; odontostyle length 95-114 µm; guide ring 28-37 µm posterior to the head end; short rounded tail, and c'' = 0.6-1.0. Longidorus paravineacola n. sp. is similar to the amphimictic species L. vineacola Sturhan &Weischer, 1964; L. balticus Brzeski, Peneva &Brown, 2000; L. kuiperi Brinkman, Loof &Barbez, 1987; and parthenogenetic species L. crassus Thorne, 1974, which also occurred in the type locality.  相似文献   

Three new Longidorus species from Slovakia are described. Longidorus carpathicus n. sp. most closely resembles Longidorus silvae but differs by having a longer odontostyle, odontophore, and total stylet; smaller a and c ratios; and longer distance to the guide ring. This new species also resembles L. picenus, L. macrosoma, and L. major but differs by having a narrower lip width. It further differs from L. picenus by having a longer odontostyle and smaller c ratio, and by lacking males; from L. macrosoma by having a longer odontostyle, smaller c ratio, by lacking males, and a more pronounced J1 tail peg; and from L. major by having a shorter body length, longer odontostyle, longer odontophore, and longer J1 tail peg. Longidorus piceicola n. sp. most closely resembles L. eridanicus, from which it differs by having a greater lip width, longer tail, smaller c ratio, larger c'' ratio, shorter hyaline tail length, and a conically rounded vs. hemispherical tail. This new species differs from L. cylindricaudatus by having a larger lip width, longer odontostyle and odontophore, and a greater distance to the guide ring; from L. nevesi by having a shorter body length, longer odontostyle, larger c'' ratio, and shorter hyaline tail length. Longidorus juglansicola n. sp. most closely resembles L. athesinus but differs by its longer body, wider lips, and larger a and c ratios. It closely resembles L. vineacola but differs by its shorter body length, smaller c ratio, and an almost parallel lip outline vs. an expanded lip outline; from L. lusitanicus by a longer odontophore and tail, and an almost parallel lip outline vs. an expanded lip outline.  相似文献   

Two new parthenogenetic species of Longidorus were found in Arkansas. Longidorus grandis n. sp. is characterized by its body (5.80-8.24 mm), slightly offset head, head width 20-27 µm, odontostyle 86-100 µm, guide ring 26-35 µm posterior to the anterior end, short conoid to mammiliform tail. Longidorus grandis n. sp. is similar to L. vineacola Sturhan &Weischer, 1964; L. lusitanicus Macara, 1985; L. edmundsi Hunt &Siddiqi, 1977; L. kuiperi Brinkman, Loof &Barbez, 1987; L. balticus Brzeski, Peneva &Brown, 2000; L. closelongatus Stoyanov, 1964; and L. seinhorsti Peneva, Loof &Brown, 1998. Longidorus paralongicaudatus n. sp. is characterized by its body length (2.60-5.00 µm), anteriorly flattened and offset head region 13-18 µm wide, odontostyle length 92-127 µm, guide ring 21-30 µm posterior to the anterior end, tail elongate-conical, and c'' = 1.2-2.6. Longidorus paralongicaudatus n. sp. most closely resembles L. longicaudatus Siddiqi, 1962; L. socialis Singh &Khan, 1996; L. juvenilis Dalmasso, 1969; and L. curvatus Khan, 1986.  相似文献   

Two new amphimictic species of Longidorus were found in Arkansas. Longidorus biformis n. sp., found in the rhizosphere of hardwood trees along streams in sandy soil in 14 Arkansas locations, is characterized by its long body (5.42-9.50 mm), wide expanded flattened head end, head width 20.0 to 26.0 µm, odontostyle 96 to 125 µm, guide ring 29 to 38 µm posterior to the anterior end, elongate conoid tail, and c'' = 0.9-2.1. Females with 2 to 11 vetromedian supplement-like structures were found in 2 of 14 populations of this new species. Longidorus biformis n. sp. is closest to L. seinhorsti Peneva, Loof &Brown, 1998 and L. closelongatus Stoyanov, 1964. Among North American species it is closest to L. glycines n. sp. A distinguishing feature of L. biformis n. sp. is the presence of supplement-like organs in some females. Longidorus glycines n. sp., found in soybean microplots at the Main Research Station, Fayetteville, Arkansas, is characterized by its long body (6.14-8.31 mm), wide offset flattened head end, head width 20.3 to 23.3 µm, odontostyle 87.3 to 99.5 µm, guide ring 22.3 to 26.4 µm posterior to the anterior end, short conoid tail with rounded terminus, and c'' = 0.9-1.4. Longidorus glycines n. sp. is closest to L. lusitanicus Macara, 1985. Among North American species it is close to L. biformis n. sp., L. breviannulatus Norton and Hoffman, 1975, and L. crassus Thorne, 1964. Both new species are believed to have four juvenile stages; the first stage was not found for L. biformis n. sp.  相似文献   

We describe and illustrate a new needle nematode, Longidorus americanum n. sp., associated with patches of severely stunted and chlorotic loblolly pine, (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings in seedbeds at the Flint River Nursery (Byromville, GA). It is characterized by having females with a body length of 5.4-9.0 mm; lip region slightly swollen, anteriorly flattened, giving the anterior end a truncate appearance; long odontostyle (124-165 µm); vulva at 44%-52% of body length; and tail conoid, bluntly rounded to almost hemispherical. Males are rare but present, and in general shorter than females. The new species is morphologically similar to L. biformis, L. paravineacola, L. saginus, and L. tarjani but differs from these species either by the body, odontostyle and total stylet length, or by head and tail shape. Sequence data from the D2-D3 region of the 28S rDNA distinguishes this new species from other Longidorus species. Phylogenetic relationships of Longidorus americanum n. sp. with other longidorids based on analysis of this DNA fragment are presented. Additional information regarding the distribution of this species within the region is required.  相似文献   

Two new species of Actinolaimidae are described from China. Trachactinolaimus brevicaudatus n. sp. is 3.4-4.4 mm long; a = 40-60, b = 3.5-5.2, c = 20-21 in female and 34-39 in male; odontostyle length is 29-33 µm; spicules are 67-77 µm long; and the stoma has four onchia with numerous mural denticles. The female has a longitudinal vulva, and the male has 20 to 23 contiguous ventromedian supplements. Egtitus sinensis n. sp. is 1.7-2.2 mm long; a = 24-33, b = 3.1-3.9, c = 16-19 in female and 0.7-0.9 in male; odontostyle length is 25-29 µm; spicules are 55-56 µm long; and the prerectum 53-77 µm long. The cardia is short and blunt conoid, 13-19 µm long. The male has 12 to 13 ventromedian supplements at intervals of 2-3 µm.  相似文献   

Berntsenus brachycephalus is redescribed from original material collected by Thorne in Utah, and hololectotype and paralectotypes are designated. This species is characterized by an expanded lip region, offset head, heavily sclerotized stylet conus, and two rows of oogonia and spermatogonia. The hololectotype male is 720 µm long, and paralectotype males are 864 to 952 µm long. Paralectotype females are 840 µm long. Tails of both sexes are amucronate.  相似文献   

Gracilacus wuae n. sp. from soil associated with cow parsnip in Ontario, Canada is described and illustrated. Morphologically, females have a long stylet ranging from 80 to 93 µm long, the lip region not offset from the body contour, without lateral lips but with large and flat submedian lobes, the mouth opening slit-like elongated laterally and surrounded by lateral flaps, the excretory pore is anterior to the knobs of the stylet; males without stylet and the pharynx degenerated. The fourth-stage juveniles lack a stylet, the pharynx degenerated, and can be differentiated into preadult females and males based on the position of the genital primordia. The third-stage juveniles are similar to females but smaller. Phylogenetic studies using the rDNA small subunit 18S, large subunit 28S D2/D3, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences collectively provide evidence of a grouping with other Gracilacus and some species of Paratylenchus with stylet length of females longer than 41 µm deposited in GenBank.  相似文献   

Described and illustrated for the first time is a bisexual aphelenchoidid ectoparasitic nematode found on a noctuid male moth in Guadeloupe, West Indies. Sexes are polymorphic, having in common an elongated stylet of 53-69 μm with well-developed basal knobs and double set of protractors, excretory pore near head end, multiple rows of germ cells, and a mucronate tail terminus. The male is particularly distinctive in having a low, smooth head, spicules 38-49 μm long with a tubular rostrum and a ventral arm well separated from the dorsal, an external cloacal cylinder, and a pre- and postanal pair of genital papillae. Distinctive for the female are a unique, muldnucleate uterine gland complex, lack of a functional rectum and anus, and, by marked contrast to the male, a high, hemispherical head marked by six annules and a large uninucleate renette cell.  相似文献   

Three Ektaphelenchus species with unusual spicules are redescribed. Ektaphelenchus obtusus and E. riograndensis are redescribed from newly discovered material in the collection of the USDA Forest Service RMRS. Lectotype slides are designated for both species. Ektaphelenchus obtusus is characterized by a set-off head, lips of unequal size, double rows of oocytes and spermatocytes, and a hooked spicule terminus. Ektaphelenchus riograndensis is distinguished by a rounded head with six equal lips, and spicules with a large, rounded apex, and recurved terminus. A bursa and gubernaculum are absent in both species. Ektaphelenchus scolyti is redescribed from type material deposited in the collection of Rothamsted Experimental Station. It is characterized by a well set-off head, double rows of oocytes and spermatocytes, and spicules with a hooked terminus. A bursa and gubernaculum are absent.  相似文献   

A new species of Brevitobrilus Tsalolikhin, Brevitobrilus montanus n. sp., found in high mountain lakes and rivers in Granada, Spain, is described. Additional data on Brevitobrilus granatensis (Ocafia &Zullini, 1988) n. comb. are provided. Brevitobrilus raontanus n. sp. is characterized by moderate size (1.3-1.8 mm), amphid aperture width one-quarter the head width, subterminal seta distance from terminus four times the width of the terminal end of the tail, and supplements S5 and S6 separated. Tobrilus granatensis Ocafia &Zullini, 1988; Tobrilus sardus Vinciguerra &Zullini, 1991; and Tobrilus siculus Vinciguerra &Zullini, 1991 are all transferred to Brevitobrilus. Differences among the 13 species of Brevitobrilus are discussed.  相似文献   

During a 1998-to-2001 survey from Arkansas, nine distinct species of Longidorus were found including five new species. Morphometrics of these nine species were used in a stepwise and canonical discrimination to select a subset of characteristics that best identified each species. Student''s t test was applied to compare Longidorus breviannulatus Norton &Hoffman, 1975; L. crassus Thorne, 1974; L. diadecturus Eveleigh &Allen, 1982; L. fragilis Thorne, 1974; L. biformis Ye &Robbins, 2004; L. glycines Ye &Robbins, 2004; L. grandis Ye &Robbins, 2003; L. paralongicaudatus Ye &Robbins, 2003; and L. paravineacola Ye &Robbins, 2003 to examine interspecies variation and test for the most useful morphometric characters in species discrimination. Most of the morphometric characters were useful to differentiate species, but species identification could not be based on a single character because the morphometric character ranges often overlap. Stepwise discriminant analysis indicated that the guide ring position, head width, tail length, body length, odontostyle length, and anal body width were the most important variables. These were used to generate canonical variables in discriminating the species. The first three canonical variables accounted for 95% of the total variance. The scatterplots by the first three canonical variables grouped and separated the Longidorus species from Arkansas. Stepwise and canonical discriminant analyses were useful for examining the groupings and morphometric relationships of the nine Longidorus species.  相似文献   

Longidorus africanus multiplication on tomato was highest at 29 °C. Few nematodes were recovered after 6 weeks at soil temperatures of 35 °C or below 23 °C. The time to egg hatching was shortest and the percentage of eggs hatching was highest at 29 °C. The minimum temperature and the heat sum above this temperature required for egg development were calculated to be 14.3 °C and 94.08 degree-days, respectively. The thermal times required for egg development by L. africanus and L. elongatus were nearly identical. For both species the product of the base temperature and the heat sum was near constant, and at a temperature of 22.3 °C the rates of egg development were equal.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses using DNA sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS1 were conducted to determine the extent of genetic variation within and among Longidorus and Xiphinema species. DNA sequences were obtained from samples collected from Arkansas, California and Australia as well as 4 Xiphinema DNA sequences from GenBank. The sequences of the ITS1 region including the 3'' end of the 18S rDNA gene and the 5'' end of the 5.8S rDNA gene ranged from 1020 bp to 1244 bp for the 9 Longidorus species, and from 870 bp to 1354 bp for the 7 Xiphinema species. Nucleotide frequencies were: A = 25.5%, C = 21.0%, G = 26.4%, and T = 27.1%. Genetic variation between the two genera had a maximum divergence of 38.6% between X. chambersi and L. crassus. Genetic variation among Xiphinema species ranged from 3.8% between X. diversicaudatum and X. bakeri to 29.9% between X. chambersi and X. italiae. Within Longidorus, genetic variation ranged from 8.9% between L. crassus and L. grandis to 32.4% between L. fragilis and L. diadecturus. Intraspecific genetic variation in X. americanum sensu lato ranged from 0.3% to 1.9%, while genetic variation in L. diadecturus had 0.8% and L. biformis ranged from 0.6% to 10.9%. Identical sequences were obtained between the two populations of L. grandis, and between the two populations of X. bakeri. Phylogenetic analyses based on the ITS1 DNA sequence data were conducted on each genus separately using both maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analysis. Among the Longidorus taxa, 4 subgroups are supported: L. grandis, L. crassus, and L. elongatus are in one cluster; L. biformis and L. paralongicaudatus are in a second cluster; L. fragilis and L. breviannulatus are in a third cluster; and L. diadecturus is in a fourth cluster. Among the Xiphinema taxa, 3 subgroups are supported: X. americanum with X. chambersi, X. bakeri with X. diversicaudatum, and X. italiae and X. vuittenezi forming a sister group with X. index. The relationships observed in this study correspond to previous genera and species defined by morphology.  相似文献   

Two different nematodes were isolated from the bark of Albizia lebbeck trees; one from insect infested and another from noninfested, healthy tree. Based on the biological, morphological, and molecular evidences, the nematodes are described as Deladenus albizicus n. sp. and D. processus n. sp. (Nematoda: Hexatylina). Deladenus albizicus n. sp., isolated from insect-infested tree, multiplied on the fungus Nigrospora oryzae. Myceliophagous females of this nematode reproduced by parthenogenesis and spermathecae were indistinct. Infective females, readily produced in the cultures, are dorsally curved. Only one type of males containing small-sized sperms in their genital tracts were produced in the culture. Myceliophagous females: L = 0.75 to 1.71 mm, a = 32.3 to 50.8, b = 9.3 to 11.2, b’ = 5.2 to 7.3, c = 27.2 to 35.6, V = 91.0 to 93.3, c’ = 2.0 to 2.9, stylet = 11 to 12 µm, excretory pore in the region of median pharyngeal bulb, 43 to 47 µm anterior to hemizonid. Deladenus processus n. sp., isolated from bark of healthy A. lebbeck tree, was cultured on Alternaria alternata. Myceliophagous females reproduced by amphimixis and their spermathecae contained rounded sperms. Infective females were never produced, even in old cultures. Myceliophagous females: L = 0.76 to 0.99 mm, a = 34 to 49, b = 13.3 to 17.7, b’ = 3.8 to 5.8, c = 19.6 to 22.8, V = 92.2 to 93.5, c’ = 2.7 to 3.5, stylet = 6 to 7 µm, excretory pore in the proximity of hemizonid, tail conoid, tapering from both sides to a long pointed central process. It is proposed to classify Deladenus species in three groups: durus, siricidicola, and laricis groups based on female and spermatogonia dimorphism, mode of reproduction, and insect parasitism.  相似文献   

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