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We have previously shown the existence of two DNA-binding sites on the globular domain of H5 (termed GH5), both of which are required for nucleosome organisation, as judged by the protection of a 166 bp chromatosome intermediate during micrococcal nuclease digestion of chromatin. This supports a model in which GH5 contacts two duplexes on the nucleosome. However, studies of a nucleosome assembled on the 5 S rRNA gene have argued against the requirement for two DNA-binding sites for chromatosome protection, which has implications for the role of linker histones. We have used this proposed difference in the requirement for a second site on the globular domain in the two models as a means of investigating whether bulk and reconstituted 5 S nucleosomes are indeed fundamentally different. GH5 protects a 166 bp chromatosome in both "bulk" and 5 S systems, and in both cases protection is abolished when all four basic residues in site II are replaced by alanine. Binding to four-way DNA junctions, which present a pair of juxtaposed duplexes, is also abolished. Single mutations of the basic residues did not abolish chromatosome protection in either system, or binding to four-way junctions, suggesting that the residues function as a cluster. Both bulk and 5 S nucleosomes thus require a functional second DNA-binding site on GH5 in order to bind properly to the nucleosome. This is likely to reflect a similar mode of binding in each case, in which two DNA duplexes are contacted in the nucleosome. There is no indication from these experiments that linker histones bind fundamentally differently to 5 S and bulk nucleosomes.  相似文献   

Crystallization of the globular domain of histone H5   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The globular domain of histone H1/H5 binds to the nucleosome and is crucial for the formation of chromatin higher order structure. We have expressed in Escherichia coli a gene that codes for the globular domain of H5. The protein produced in E. coli is functional in nucleosome binding assays. We have obtained crystals of the protein that diffract to beyond 2.5 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) resolution. The crystals are orthorhombic with unit cell dimensions of a = 80.1 A, b = 67.5 A and c = 38.0 A.  相似文献   

The globular domain of histone H5 (GH5) was prepared by trypsin digestion of H5 that was extracted from chicken erythrocyte nuclei with NaCl. Electron microscopy, sucrose gradient centrifugation, native agarose gel electrophoresis and equilibrium density gradient ultracentrifugation show that GH5 binds co-operatively to double-stranded DNA. The electron microscopic images suggest that the GH5-DNA complexes are very similar in structure to co-operative complexes of intact histone H1 (or its variants) with double-stranded DNA, studied previously, which have been proposed to consist of two parallel DNA double helices sandwiching a polymer of the protein. For complexes with GH5 or with intact H1, naked DNA co-sediments with the protein-DNA complexes through sucrose gradients, and DNA also appears to protrude from the ends and sides of the complexes; measurements of the protein-DNA stoichiometry in fractionated samples may not reflect the stoichiometry in the complexes. An estimate of the stoichiometry obtained from the buoyant density of fixed GH5-DNA complexes in CsCl suggests that sufficient GH5 is present in the complexes for the GH5s to be in direct contact, as required by a simple molecular mechanism for the co-operative binding. Chemical crosslinking demonstrates that GH5s are in close proximity in the complexes. In the absence of DNA, GH5-GH5 interactions are weak or non-existent.  相似文献   

Histone H5 contains three tyrosines in the central, apolar region of the molecule. All three tyrosines can be spin labeled at low ionic strength. When the central globular domain is folded at high ionic strength, only one tyrosine becomes accessible to the imidazole spin label. Spin labeling the buried tyrosines prevents the folding of the globular structure, which, in turn, affects the proper binding of the H5 molecule to stripped chromatin. Chromatin complexes reconstituted from such an extensively modified H5 molecule show a weaker protection of the 168 base pair chromatosome during nuclease digestion. However, when only the surface tyrosine of the H5 molecule is labeled, such a molecule can still bind correctly to stripped chromatin, yielding a complex very similar to that of native chromatin. Our data supports the idea that not just the presence of the linker histone H5, but the presence of an intact H5 molecule with a folded, globular central domain in essential in the recognition of its specific binding sites on the nucleosomes. Our data also show that during the chromatin condensation process, the tumbling environment of the spin label attached to the surface tyrosine in the H5 molecule is not greatly hindered but remains partially mobile. This suggests that either the labeled domain of the H5 molecule is not directly involved in the condensation process or the formation of the higher-order chromatin structure does not result is a more viscous or tighter environment around the spin label. The folded globular domain of H5 molecule serves in stabilizing the nucleosome structure, as well as the higher-order chromatin structure.  相似文献   

The globular domain of the linker histone H5 has been expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified peptide is functional as it permits chromatosome protection during micrococcal nuclease digestion of chromatin reconstituted with the peptide, indicating that it binds correctly at the dyad axis of the nucleosomal core particle. The globular domain residue lysine 64 is highly conserved within the linker histone family, and site-directed mutagenesis has been used to assess the importance of this residue in the binding of the globular domain of linker histone H5 to the nucleosome. Recombinant peptides mutated at lysine 64 are unable to elicit chromatosome protection to the same degree as the wild-type peptide, and since they appear to be fully folded, these observations confirm a major role for this residue in determining the effective interaction between the globular domain of histone H5 and the nucleosome.  相似文献   

We describe a chemical investigation of the nucleosome binding site(s) on histone H5. Selective radiolabelling by reductive methylation has led to the identification of lysine residues in H5 that are protected by its association with chromatin. The most strongly protected lysine is Lys-85 which occurs in the globular domain, in a region that is highly conserved between H5 and H1, and in H1 variants, and which probably constitutes a strong binding site for DNA where it enters and leaves the nucleosome. Lysines in the amino-terminal and lysine-rich carboxy-terminal tails are only weakly protected against chemical modification, suggesting a different mode of interaction with DNA.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications (PTM) of histones are key regulators of chromatin function. New mass spectometrical technologies have revealed that PTMs are not restricted to the histone tails, but can also be found in the globular domains, especially at the DNA-binding surface of the nucleosomes. Recent work on this new group of epigenetic marks showed that these modifications have not only the potential to alter the physical properties of the nucleosome, but may act as signals that regulate the recruitment of effector proteins to chromatin as well.  相似文献   

Treatment of chicken erythrocyte histone H5 with trypsin in a high-ionic-strength medium results in very rapid initial digestion and the formation of a 'limiting' resistant product peptide. Under these solution conditions the H5 molecule is maximally folded by spectroscopic criteria and it is concluded that the resistant peptide, GH5, represents a globular folded region of the molecule whilst the rapidly digested parts are disordered. The peptide GH5 is shown to comprise the sequence 22-100. In support of this conclusion it is shown that whilst intact histone H5 is hydrodynamically far from being a compact globular shape, peptide GH5 is approximately spherical by hydrodynamic and scattering criteria. Further more, peptide GH5 retains all the alpha-helical structure of intact H5 (circular dichroism) and appears to also maintain all the tertiary structure (nuclear magnetic resonance). It follows that in solution at high ionic strength, histone H5 consists of three domains: an N-terminal disordered region 1-21, a compact globular central domain 22-100 and a long disordered C-terminal chain 101-185. Structural parallels are drawn with the three-domain structure of the histone H1 molecule.  相似文献   

The location of the globular domain of histone H5 relative to the axis of the 30 nm chromatin fiber was investigated by following the accessibility of this region of the molecule in chicken erythrocyte chromatin to specific antibodies as a function of chromatin structure. Antibodies to the globular domain of H5 as well as their Fab fragments were found to react with chromatin at ionic strengths ranging from 1-80 mM NaCl, the reaction gradually decreasing upon increase of salt concentration. If, however, Fab fragments were conjugated to ferritin, no reaction of the complex with chromatin was observed at salt concentrations higher than 20 mM. The accessibility of the globular part of H5 in unfolded chromatin to the Fab-ferritin complex was also demonstrated with trypsin-digested chromatin. The experiments were carried out by both solid-phase immunoassay and inhibition experiments. The data obtained are consistent with a structure in which the globular domain of H5 is internally located in the 30 nm chromatin fiber.  相似文献   

Xu F  Zhang K  Grunstein M 《Cell》2005,121(3):375-385

We have attacked H1-containing soluble chromatin by α-chymotrypsin under conditions where chromatin adopts different structures.Soluble rat liver chromatin fragments depleted of non-histone components were digested with α-chymotrypsin in NaCl concentrations between 0 mm and 500 mm. at pH 7, or at pH 10, or at pH 7 in the presence of 4 m-urea. α-Chymotrypsin cleaves purified rat liver histone H1 at a specific initial site (CT) located in the globular domain and produces an N-terminal half (CT-N) which contains most of the globular domain and the N-terminal tail, and a C-terminal half (CT-C) which contains the C-terminal tail and a small part of the globular domain. Since in sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis CT-C migrates between the core histones and H1, cleavage of chromatin-bound H1 by α-chymotrypsin can be easily monitored.The CT-C fragment was detected under conditions where chromatin fibers were unfolded or distorted: (1) under conditions of H1 dissociation at 400 mm and 500 mm-NaCl (pH 7 and 10); (2) at very low ionic strength where chromatin is unfolded into a filament with well-separated nucleosomes; (3) at pH 10 independent of the ionic strength where chromatin never assumes higher order structures; (4) in the presence of 4 m-urea (pH 7), again independent of the ionic strength. However, hardly any CT-C fragment was detected under conditions where fibers are observed in the electron microscope at pH 7 between 20 mm and 300 mm-NaCl. Under these conditions H1 is degraded by α-chymotrypsin into unstable fragments with a molecular weight higher than that of CT-C. Thus, the data show that there are at least two different modes of interaction of H1 in chromatin which correlate with the physical state of the chromatin.Since the condensation of chromatin into structurally organized fibers upon raising the ionic strength starts by internucleosomal contacts in the fiber axis (zig-zag-shaped fiber), where H1 appears to be localized, it is likely that in chromatin fibers the preferential cleavage site for α-chymotrypsin is protected because of H1-H1 contacts. The data suggest that the globular part of H1 is involved in these contacts close to the fiber axis. They appear to be hydrophobic and to be essential for the structural organization of the chromatin fibers. Based on the present and earlier observations we propose a model for H1 in which the globular domains eventually together with the N-terminal tails form a backbone in the fiber axis, and the nucleosomes are mainly attached to this polymer by the C-terminal tails.  相似文献   

J H Waterborg 《Biochemistry》1992,31(27):6211-6219
Radioactive acetylation in vivo of plant histone H4 of alfalfa, Arabidopsis, tobacco, and carrot revealed five distinct forms of radioactive, acetylated histone. In histone H4 of eukaryotes ranging from fungi to man, acetylation is restricted to four lysines (residues 5, 8, 12, and 16) possibly caused by a quantitative methylation of lysine-20. Chemical and proteolytic fragmentation of the amino terminally blocked alfalfa H4 protein, dynamically acetylated by radioactive acetate in vivo, allowed protein sequencing and identification of selected peptides. Peptide identification was facilitated by analyzing fully characterized calf histone H4 in parallel. Acetylation in vivo of alfalfa histone H4 was restricted to the lysines in the amino-terminal domain of the protein, residues 1-23. Lysine-20 was shown to be free of methylation, as in pea histone H4. This apparently makes lysine-20 accessible as a novel target for histone acetylation. The in vivo pattern of lysine acetylation (16 greater than 12 greater than 8 greater than or equal to 5 = 20) revealed a preference for lysines -16 and -12 without an apparent strict sequential specificity of acetylation.  相似文献   

Trypsin digestion is used to investigate the conformation of histone H5 when bound to DNA. A central region of H5 comprising residues (22--100) is found to be resistant to digestion and it is concluded that this region is compacted whilst the remaining N- and C-terminal regions are more extended. Since this is the same result found previously for the free solution conformation of histone H5 it follows that a 3-domain structure is preserved on DNA binding. The binding of H5 and the central region (22--100) to DNA is also studied using proton magnetic resonance (270 MHz) and a precipitation approach. It is concluded that all 3 domains of H5 bind to DNA at low ionic strengths. The central domain (residues 22--100) is released at 0.3--0.4 M NaCl, but 0.7 M NaCl is required to release the N- and C-terminal regions. Comparison is made of H5 binding to DNA with that of the related histone H1.  相似文献   

The structure of the globular domain of chicken histone H1 was compared here with that of the DNA-binding homeodomain in the Drosophila Antp protein, and they were observed to display considerable similarity. Both of them consist of three or four alpha-helices separated by well-defined turns. Charged residues in the aminoterminal end of alpha 3 are therefore suggested to be responsible for sequence-specific recognition of DNA by the histone. In addition, alpha 2 of H1, with a short leucine zipper in it, may be capable of protein-protein interaction in a similar manner to the other homeodomains.  相似文献   

The polypeptide fold of the 79-residue globular domain of chicken histone H5 (GH5) in solution has been determined by the combined use of distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics calculations. The structure determination is based on 307 approximate interproton distance restraints derived from n.m.r. measurements. The structure is composed of a core made up of residues 3-18, 23-34, 37-60 and 71-79, and two loops comprising residues 19-22 and 61-70. The structure of the core is well defined with an average backbone atomic r.m.s. difference of 2.3 +/- 0.3 A between the final eight converged restrained dynamics structures and the mean structure obtained by averaging their coordinates best fitted to the core residues. The two loops are also well defined locally but their orientation with respect to the core could not be determined as no long range ([i-j[ greater than 5) proton-proton contacts could be observed between the loop and core residues in the two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectra. The structure of the core is dominated by three helices and has a similar fold to the C-terminal DNA binding domain of the cAMP receptor protein.  相似文献   

Linker histone binding to nucleosomal arrays in vitro causes linker DNA to form an apposed stem motif, stabilizes extensively folded secondary chromatin structures, and promotes self-association of individual nucleosomal arrays into oligomeric tertiary chromatin structures. To determine the involvement of the linker histone C-terminal domain (CTD) in each of these functions, and to test the hypothesis that the functions of this highly basic domain are mediated by neutralization of linker DNA negative charge, four truncation mutants were created that incrementally removed stretches of 24 amino acids beginning at the extreme C terminus of the mouse H1(0) linker histone. Native and truncated H1(0) proteins were assembled onto biochemically defined nucleosomal arrays and characterized in the absence and presence of salts to probe primary, secondary, and tertiary chromatin structure. Results indicate that the ability of H1(0) to alter linker DNA conformation and stabilize condensed chromatin structures is localized to specific C-terminal subdomains, rather than being equally distributed throughout the entire CTD. We propose that the functions of the linker histone CTD in chromatin are linked to the characteristic intrinsic disorder of this domain.  相似文献   

HMG proteins were derivatized with the photoactivatable cross-linker N-succinimidyl 3-((4-azidophenyl)dithio)propionate and then allowed to associate with nucleosome core particles. Following photolysis, peptide mapping of the principal dimeric adducts was carried out. Cross-linking occurred primarily from a central location in the HMGs to a central location in H3. The positions of these cross-links, considered along with other data from the literature, show that HMG proteins 14 and 17 make important contacts to H3 near the front face of the nucleosome. This raises the possibility that HMGs 14 and 17 participate in the reported conformational transition which exposes the H3 sulfhydryls of active nucleosomes.  相似文献   

Identification of the DNA-binding domain of the FLP recombinase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have subjected the FLP protein of the 2-micron plasmid to partial proteolysis by proteinase K and have found that FLP can be digested into two major proteinase K-resistant peptides of 21 and 13 kDa, respectively. The 21-kDa peptide contains a site-specific DNA-binding domain that binds to the FLP recognition target (FRT) site with an affinity similar to that observed for the native FLP protein. This peptide can induce DNA bending upon binding to a DNA fragment containing the FRT site, but the angle of the bend (approximately 24 degrees) is smaller in magnitude than that induced by the native FLP protein (60 degrees). The additional DNA bending induced by the interaction between two native FLP molecules bound to the FRT site is not observed with the 21-kDa DNA-binding peptide. Amino-terminal sequencing has been used to map this peptide to an internal region of FLP that begins at residue Leu-148. It is likely that the DNA-binding peptide includes the catalytic site of the FLP protein.  相似文献   

Antibodies to the globular domain of histones H1 and H5 were purified by affinity chromatography and used to study the accessibility of this region of H1 and H5 in folded and unfolded rat liver and hen erythrocyte chromatin respectively. The different conformations of the chromatin filament were induced by varying the ionic strength from 1 mM to 80 mM NaCl and maintained by fixation with glutaraldehyde. Treatment with glutaraldehyde at a given salt concentration affected neither the orientation of nucleosomes relative to the fiber axis nor the compactness of chromatin. Solid-phase immunoassay and inhibition experiments showed no binding of the antibody against the globular domain of H1 to chromatin at the entire range of salt concentrations, while the antibody to the whole H1 molecule reacted with chromatin at low salt. On the other hand, the antibody to the globular region of H5 reacted with hen erythrocyte chromatin independently of the extent of chromatin condensation. These results indicate that the antigenic determinants of the globular domain of H5 are accessible to the antibody both in folded and unfolded chromatin, while those of the same region of H1 are masked, probably by interaction with DNA or proteins.  相似文献   

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