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Population densities ofMeloidogyne konaensis were determined in March and July of 1991 and 1992 on coffee cultivars Guatemalan and 502, and on four rootstocks (Purpuree, Congensis, Deweveri, and Kaffe) with Guatemalan or 502 as a scion. Three-dimensional spatial patterns were characterized on roots of Guatemalan and Deweveri. Population densities differed among rootstocks (P < 0.05) and times (P < 0.01). The greatest number of second-stage juveniles (J2) occurred on Guatemalan and fewest J2 on Purpuree and Deweveri rootstocks. More nematodes were found in March than in July of both years. The spatial distribution varied by positions and depths on Guatemalan. The highest nematode population density occurred at 60 cm from the base of the tree and 15-45 cm deep. Numbers of nematodes were relatively low at all positions and all depths on the Guatemalan-Deweveri combination.  相似文献   

The continual detection of a slow (I1) esterase band in greenhouse cultures of Meloidogyne konaensis isolated from the field led to a hypothesis that the nematode may be polymorphic for esterase. A survey of coffee fields demonstrated at least four esterase phenotypes were present in Meloidogyne recovered. An F1 phenotype predominated (60% of the females), but an I1 phenotype was also common (30% of samples). A series of greenhouse and laboratory experiments were undertaken to understand this polymorphism. Esterase phenotype was not affected by development at 22º, 25º, or 33 ºC on tomato. Two different esterase phenotypes (I1 and F1-I1) were detected after M. konaensis was grown on tomato for several generations, even in single-egg-mass lines derived from an F1 female. Three isolates of M. konaensis differing in esterase phenotype (F1, I1, and F1-I1) did not differ morphologically but did differ in their parasitic ability. Only the F1 isolate parasitized Coffea arabica. The F1-I1 isolate had greater reproduction on Lycopersicon esculentum and Cucumis sativus than either the I1 or F1 isolate. The mechanism of the development of the polymorphism has yet to be determined. However, the F1 esterase may be useful as a marker for future research on parasitism of coffee by M. konaensis.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to assess nutrient partitioning in coffee (Coffea arabica cv. Typica land race Guatemala) infected with Meloidogyne konaensis. Nutrient levels were quantified from soil, roots, and leaves. In the first experiment, 500-cm3 aliquants of a Kealakekua Andisol were infested with four initial population densities of M. konaensis ranging from 0 to 1,500 freshly hatched second-stage juveniles. Coffee plants (~3 months old) were transplanted into the soil and grown for 25 weeks. Plants responded to nematode infection with decreases (P < 0.05) in concentrations of Ca, Mg, P, and B and increases (P < 0.05) in concentrations of Mn, Cu, Zn, and Ca/B in the roots. Mn and Cu uptake by roots was decreased (P < 0.05) by nematode infection even though concentrations of Mn and Cu increased (P < 0.05) in the roots. Concentrations of Ca and Mg also decreased (P < 0.05) in the leaves, whereas the concentration of Zn increased (P < 0.05). In the second experiment, the soil was amended with Zn at 0 or 5 mg/kg soil and infested with M. konaensis at 0, 100, 1,000 or 10,000 eggs/1,200 cm3 soil. Three-month-old coffee seedlings of similar height were weighed and transplanted into pots and then placed in a greenhouse and grown under 50% shade for 23 weeks. Concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, B, and Zn increased in roots of nematode-free plants growing in Zn-amended soil. The beneficial effects due to the Zn amendment were not apparent in nematode-infected plants. Mn, B, and Zn uptake by coffee roots and P and B concentrations in coffee leaves responded similarly. Management of M. konaensis is necessary to achieve optimal nutrient management in coffee.  相似文献   

The reproductive potential of natural and laboratory-selected Meloidogyne incognita isolates virulent against the tomato Mi resistance gene, all derived from a single egg-mass, were compared when the nematodes were inoculated on susceptible and resistant tomato. Fewer second-stage juveniles (P = 0.01) of the two virulent populations selected under laboratory conditions matured to females on the resistant tomato compared to the susceptible cultivar. In contrast, no differences were found between the number of egg masses produced on the resistant versus the susceptible tomato by the two natural virulent isolates. No clear general trends concerning the fecundity of the females could be inferred from the comparative analysis of the numbers of eggs per egg mass x tomato cultivar combination. These observations suggested that the genetic changes induced under environmentally controlled nematode growth might be different from those occurring in natural Mi-resistance breaking biotypes grown without environmental control.  相似文献   

The effects of chicken litter on Meloidogyne arenaria in tomato plants cv. Rutgers were determined in the greenhouse. Tomato seedlings were transplanted into a sandy soil amended with five rates of chicken litter and inoculated with 2,000 M. arenaria eggs. After 10 days, total numbers of nematodes in the roots decreased with increasing rates of chicken litter. After 46 days, egg numbers also decreased with increasing litter rates. In another experiment, soil was amended with two litter types, N-P-K fertilizer, and the two primary constituents of chicken litter (manure and pine-shaving bedding). After 10 days, numbers of nematodes in roots were smaller in chicken-excrement treatments as compared to nonexcrement treatments. At 46 days, there were fewer nematode eggs in chicken-excrement treatments compared to nonexcrement treatments. Egg numbers also were smaller for fertilizer and pine-shaving amendments as compared to nonamended controls. Chicken litter and manure amendments suppressed plant growth by 10 days after inoculation but enhanced root weights at 46 days after inoculation. Amendment of soil with chicken litter suppressed M. arenaria and may provide practical control of root-knot nematodes as part of an integrated management system.  相似文献   

Growth and yield of ''Veebrite'' tomato were studied in 20-cm (i.d.) clay-tile microplots containing initially 260, 1,840, 6,120, or 27,950 Meloidogyne hapla larvae/kg of soil. Low nematode numbers stimulated, and the highest nematode population suppressed, vegetative plant growth. More tomatoes, with a higher total weight, were harvested from plants infested with 260 and 1,840 nematode larvae at planting than from those with initial densities of 6,120 and 27,950 larvae. At the two highest densities, the cumulative fruit production (weight) was suppressed by 10% and 40%, respectively. The increase in growth and yield at the lower densities appeared to be due to an increase in the size of the root systent. However, at the higher densities, yield was no longer directly related to root weight. The reproduction factor of M. hapla was negatively correlated with initial density; for the lowest and highest initial densities, it was 96X and 7X at midseason, and 354X and 3X at harvest, respectively. The equilibrium density was 63,000 larvae/kg of soil; initial densities larger than 2,000 larvae/kg of soil may require control.  相似文献   

Laboratory and microplot experiments were conducted to determine the influence of carrier and storage of Paecilomyces lilacinus on its survival and related protection of tomato against Meloidogyne incognita. Spores of P. lilacinus were prepared in five formulations: alginate pellets (pellets), diatomaceous earth granules (granules), wheat grain, soil, and soil plus chitin. Fungal viability was high in wheat and granules, intermediate in pellets, and low in soil and chitin-amended soil stored at 25 ± 2 C. In 1985 P. lilacinus in field microplots resulted in about a 25% increase in tomato yield and 25% gall suppression, compared with nematodes alone. Greatest suppression of egg development occurred in plots treated with P. lilacinus in pellets, wheat grain, and granules. In 1986 carryover protection of tomato against M. incognita resulted in about a threefold increase in tomato fruit yield and 25% suppression of gall development, compared with plants treated with nematodes alone. Higher numbers of fungus-infected egg masses occurred in plots treated with pellets (32%) than in those treated with chitin-amended soil (24%), wheat (16%), granules (12%), or soil (7%). Numbers of fungal colony-forming units per gram of soil in plots treated with pellets were 10-fold greater than initial levels estimated at planting time in 1986.  相似文献   

A new aseptic culture system for studying interactions between tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and Meloidogyne incognita is described. Epidermal thin cell layer explants from peduncles of tomato produced up to 20 adventitious roots per culture in 4-9 days on Murashige &Scoog medium plus kinetin and indole acetic acid. Rooted cultures were transferred to Gamborg''s B-5 medium and inoculated with infective second-stage juveniles. Gall formation was apparent 5 days after inoculation and egg production by mature females occurred within 25 days at 25 C in the susceptible genotypes Rutgers and Red Alert. Resistant genotypes LA655, LA656, and LA1022 exhibited a characteristic hypersensitive response. This system provides large numbers of cultured root tips for studies on the molecular basis of the host-parasite relationship.  相似文献   

Microplot experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of inoculum level and time of application of Paecilomyces lilacinus on the protection of tomato against MeIoidogyne incognita. The best protection against M. incognita was attained with 10 and 20 g of fungus-infested wheat kernels per microplot which resulted in a threefold and fourfold increase in tomato yield, respectively, compared with tomato plants treated with this nematode alone. Greatest protection against this pathogen was attained when P. lilacinus was delivered into soil 10 days before planting and again at planting. Yield was increased twofold compared with yield in nematode-alone plots and plots with M. incognita plus the fungus. Percentages of P. lilacinus-infected egg masses were greatest in plots treated at midseason or at midseason plus an early application, compared with plots treated with the fungus 10 days before planting and (or) at planting time.  相似文献   

An in vitro root explant tissue culture technique is described for determining susceptibility of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) breeding lines and cultivars to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita. Root explants were taken from 2-day-old seedlings cultured for 30 days at 28 C on Gamborg''s B-5 medium with or without nematode inoculum. The remaining portion of the root and stem from the excised root explants was transferred to soil in pots and grown to maturity in the greenhouse. In vitro root explants were evaluated for growth and occurrence of juveniles, adults, and egg masses. The regenerated plants were used to produce more seed, The proposed technique is simple, reliable, and adapted to routine screening of large numbers of F₁ and F₂ samples, and it utilizes less space than tests performed on intact plants in the greenhouse or growth chamber. Evidence is presented also on the breakdown of resistance to M. incognita under high temperature stress using this in vitro root explant technique.  相似文献   

The influence of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices (Gi) and superphosphate (P) on penetration, development, and reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita (Mi) was studied on the Mi-susceptible cotton cultivar Stoneville 213 in an environmental chamber at 28 C. Plants were inoculated with Mi eggs at planting or after 28 days and destructively sampled 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after nematode inoculation. Mi penetration after 7 days was similar in all treatments at either inoculation interval. At 28 days, however, nematode numbers were least in mycorrhizal root systems and greatest in root systems grown with supplemental P. The rate of development of second-stage juveniles to ovipositing females was unaffected by Gi or P when Mi was added at planting, but was delayed in mycorrhizal root systems when Mi was added 28 days after planting. Nematode reproduction was lower in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal root systems at both Mi inoculation intervals. Nematode reproduction was stimulated by P when Mi was added at planting, but was similar to reproduction in the low P nonmycorrhizal treatment when Mi was added 28 days after planting. Eggs per female were increased by P fertility when Mi was added at planting.  相似文献   

Avermectins are macrocyclic lactones produced by Streptomyces avermitilis. Abamectin is a blend of B1a and B1b avermectins that is being used as a seed treatment to control plant-parasitic nematodes on cotton and some vegetable crops. No LD50 values, data on nematode recovery following brief exposure, or effects of sublethal concentrations on infectivity of the plant-parasitic nematodes Meloidogyne incognita or Rotylenchulus reniformis are available. Using an assay of nematode mobility, LD50 values of 1.56 μg/ml and 32.9 μg/ml were calculated based on 2 hr exposure for M. incognita and R. reniformis, respectively. There was no recovery of either nematode after exposure for 1 hr. Mortality of M. incognita continued to increase following a 1 hr exposure, whereas R. reniformis mortality remained unchanged at 24 hr after the nematodes were removed from the abamectin solution. Sublethal concentrations of 1.56 to 0.39 μg/ml for M. incognita and 32.9 to 8.2 μg/ml for R. reniformis reduced infectivity of each nematode on tomato roots. The toxicity of abamectin to these nematodes was comparable to that of aldicarb.  相似文献   

The effects of different-colored polyethylene mulches on the quantity and spectra of reflected light, earliness of fruit set, fruit yield and quality, and root-knot disease were studied in field-grown, staked tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). White mulch reflected more photosynthetic light and a lower far-red-to-red ratio than red mulch, whereas black mulch reflected less than 5 percent of any color. Soil temperatures and fruit yields were recorded for tomato plants inoculated with Meloidogyne incognita race 3 at initial populations of 0, 1,000, 10,000, 50,000, or 100,000 eggs/plant and grown over black, white, or red plastic mulch in both spring and fall. Soil temperatures were lower under white mulch than under red or black mulch. Tomato yields declined as inoculum level increased. Plants grown over red mulch in the spring and inoculated with 50,000 eggs of M. incognita had greater early marketable yields than similarly inoculated plants grown over black or white mulch. Tomato plants inoculated with 100,000 eggs and grown over white mulch or red mulch in the spring had greater total yields per plot than similar plants grown over black mulch (7.39 kg and 7.71 kg vs. 3.65 kg, respectively).  相似文献   

Advance inoculation of the tomato cv. Celebrity or the pyrethrum clone 223 with host-incompatible Meloidogyne incognita or M. javanica elicited induced resistance to host-compatible M. hapla in pot and field experiments. Induced resistance increased with the length of the time between inoculations and with the population density of the induction inoculum. Optimum interval before challenge inoculation, or population density of inoculum for inducing resistance, was 10 days, or 5,000 infective nematodes per 500-cm³ pot. The induced resistance suppressed population increase of M. hapla by 84% on potted tomato, 72% on potted pyrethrum, and 55% on field-grown pyrethrum seedlings, relative to unprotected treatments. Pyrethrum seedlings inoculated with M. javanica 10 days before infection with M. hapla were not stunted, whereas those that did not receive the advance inoculum were stunted 33% in pots and 36% in field plots. The results indicated that advance infection of plants with incompatible or mildly virulent nematode species induced resistance to normally compatible nematodes and that the induced resistance response may have potential as a biological control method for plant nematodes.  相似文献   

Oxamyl was coated on carrot (Daucus carota L. cv. Spartan Fancy-80) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Glamour) seeds with a polymer sticker for the control of Meloidogyne hapla. The sticker diluted in water 1:1 delayed carrot seedling emergence. Oxamyl at 40 mg/ml in a 1:5 dilution of sticker lowered the rate of carrot seedling emergence until day 13 and plant growth until day 28. Oxamyl at 20 or 40 mg/ml in a 1:5 dilution of sticker on carrot seeds planted in M. hapla-infested muck soil resulted in fewer galled tap roots and fewer galls per root system 4 weeks after planting. Tap root lengths were greater than those of the control. Tomato seedling emergence was delayed and top and root weights were reduced, relative to the control, at 25 days by the sticker diluted 1:1 to 1:3. Oxamyl at 20 or 40 mg/ml in a 1:5 diluted sticker delayed tomato seedling emergence. Top weights of tomato seedlings from seeds coated with 20 mg/ml of oxamyl in a 1:5 diluted sticker planted in a silt loam were greater than control top weights at 4 and 6 weeks. Root weights were greater than those of the control only at 4 weeks. There were fewer galls per gram of root on seedlings from oxamyl-coated seeds and fewer juveniles per pot of soil, relative to the controls, only at 4 weeks.  相似文献   

Penetration of second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne incognita into tomato root explants and in vitro propagated peach plantlet roots were compared. Five inoculum levels were used: 25, 50, 75, 100, and 200 J2 for tomato; and 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000J2 for peach. The greatest root penetration into tomato was 30% at the 75 J2 level, but the maximum penetration into peach roots was only 8% at the 200 J2 level. The difference (P = 0.05) in penetration of M. incognita at all inoculum levels into these two hosts indicates that penetration versus inoculum density for in vitro studies need to be determined for different plant species.  相似文献   

Root-knot nematode resistance of F₁ progeny of an intraspecific hybrid (Lycopersicon peruvianum var. glandulosum Acc. No. 126443 x L. peruvianum Acc. No. 270435), L. esculentum cv. Piersol (possessing resistance gene Mi), and L. esculentum cv. St. Pierre (susceptible) was compared. Resistance to 1) isolates of two Meloidogyne incognita populations artificially selected for parasitism on tomato plants possessing the Mi gene, 2) the wild type parent populations, 3) four naturally occurring resistance (Mi gene)-breaking populations of M. incognita, M. arenaria, and two undesignated Meloidogyne spp., and 4) a population of M. hapla was indexed by numbers of egg masses produced on root systems in a greenhouse experiment. Artificially selected M. incognita isolates reproduced abundantly on Piersol, but not (P = 0.01) on resistant F₁ hybrids. Thus, the gene(s) for resistance in the F₁ hybrid differs from the Mi gene in Piersol. Four naturally occurring resistance-breaking populations reproduced extensively on Piersol and on the F₁ hybrid, demonstrating ability to circumvent both types of resistance. Meloidogyne hapla reproduced on F₁ hybrid plants, but at significantly (P = 0.01) lower levels than on Piersol.  相似文献   

The genetic heterogeneity of two M. arenaria race 2 populations (designated Pelion and Govan) was examined using RFLP analysis of 12 clonal lines established from single egg masses (six distinct clonal lines from each population). These populations are essentially identical by traditional biochemical and race identification schemes; however, the Govan population is more aggressive than the Pelion population, producing larger galls and exhibiting greater reproductive capabilities on many soybean cultivars and experimental accessions. Variation at the genomic DNA level was examined using probes representative of expressed DNA sequences present in the eukaryotic genome. Ribosomal DNA, interspersed repeated sequences, and cDNA probes were tested for detection of polymorphism within and between single egg mass lines of each population. Cloned cDNAs and ribosomal intergenic spacer sequences detect polymorphism both within and between populations, demonstrating the usefulness of these sequence classes for molecular genetic analysis of population structure and genome evolution.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature (10, 20, 25, 30, and 35 C) on attachment and development of Pasteuria penetrans on Meloidogyne arenaria race 1 was elevated in growth chambers. The greatest attachment rate of endospores of P. penetrans occurred on second-stage juveniles at 30 C. The bacterium developed more quickly within its host at 30 and 35 C than at 25 C or below. The development of the bacterium within the nematode female was divided into nine recognizable life stages, which ranged from early vegetative thalli to mature sporangia. Mature sporangium was the predominant life stage observed after 35, 40, 81, and 116 days at 35, 30, 25, and 20 C, respectively. The body width and length of M. arenaria females infected with P. penetrans were smaller initially than the same dimensions in uninfected females, but became considerably larger over time at 25, 30, and 35 C. This isolate of P. penetrans also parasitized and completed its life cycle in males of M. arenaria.  相似文献   

The effects of combinations of organic amendments, phytochemicals, and plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) germination, transplant growth, and infectivity of Meloidogyne incognita were evaluated. Two phytochemicals (citral and benzaldehyde), three organic amendments (pine bark, chitin, and hemicellulose), and three bacteria (Serratia marcescens, Brevibacterium iodinum, and Pseudomonas fluorescens) were assessed. Increasing rates of benzaldehyde and citral reduced nematode egg viability in vitro. Benzaldehyde was 100% efficacious as a nematicide against juveniles, whereas citral reduced juvenile viability to less than 20% at all rates tested. Benzaldehyde increased tomato seed germination and root weight, whereas citral decreased both. High rates of pine bark or chitin reduced plant growth but not seed germination, whereas low rates of chitin increased shoot length, shoot weight, and root weight; improved root condition; and reduced galling. The combination of chitin and benzaldehyde significantly improved tomato transplant growth and reduced galling. While each of the bacterial isolates contributed to increased plant growth in combination treatments, only Brevibacterium iodinum applied alone significantly improved plant growth.  相似文献   

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