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The localization and the secretion of type IV collagen in synovial capillaries have been investigated by detecting the antigenic determinant of the major triple helix of human type IV collagen. Type IV collagen was indicated to be localized mainly in the lamina densa of basement membranes (BM) and to be secreted by both endothelial cells and pericytes. The pericytes secreted this collagen to both surfaces facing endothelial cells and the interstitial connective tissue. On the contrary, the direction of type IV collagen secretion by the endothelial cells was strictly confined to one side, namely towards the surface facing the BM. The absence of the antigenic determinant in rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus of the endothelial cells and pericytes indicated that the major triple helix of type IV collagen is mainly formed in the secretory vesicles after budding from the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody against a pepsin-soluble mammalian type I collagen has been produced. This antibody, subclass IgG1, kappa, was specific for type I collagen and did not cross-react with a range of other collagen types or connective tissue proteins. The epitope recognized by the antibody was dependent upon an intact triple-helical structure for the collagen, and was shown by rotary shadowing and by immunoblotting of collagenase-derived fragments to be near the C-terminal of the pepsin-soluble collagen. Although the antibody had a low affinity, with Kd = 4 x 10(-7) M, it could be used for immunohistology of tissue sections and for studies of collagen produced by cells in culture. The antibody, which was raised against human collagen, also recognized type I collagens from certain other species, including calf, pig, sheep, goat and dog.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, IV-IA8, generated against chicken type IV collagen has been characterized and shown to bind specifically to a conformational-dependent site within a major, triple helical domain of the type IV molecule. Immunohistochemical localization of the antigenic determinant with IV-IA8 revealed that the basement membranes of a variety of chick tissues were stained but that the basement membrane of the corneal epithelium showed little, if any, staining. Thus, basement membranes may differ in their content of type IV collagen, or in the way in which it is assembled. The specificity of the antibody was determined by inhibition ELISA using purified collagen types I-V and three purified molecular domains of chick type IV collagen ([F1]2F2, F3, and 7S) as inhibitors. Only unfractionated type IV collagen and the (F1)2F2 domain bound the antibody. Antibody binding was destroyed by thermal denaturation of the collagen, the loss occurring at a temperature similar to that at which previous optical rotatory dispersion studies had shown melting of the triple helical structure of (F1)2F2. Such domain-specific monoclonal antibodies should prove to be useful probes in studies involving immunological dissection of the type IV collagen molecule, its assembly within basement membranes, and changes in its distribution during normal development and in disease.  相似文献   

Our previous reports showed that cultured human cells secrete non-disulfide-bonded non-helical alpha1(IV) and alpha2(IV) chains under physiological conditions. In the present report we show that the alpha(IV) chains in non-helical form were reactive to lectin ABA (Agaricus bisporus agglutinin), whereas the alpha(IV) chains secreted in triple-helical form were not. These results indicate that ABA could be used to distinguish the two conformational isomers of type IV collagen polypeptides. An alpha1(IV) chain isolated from human placenta with an antibody-coupled column showed a positive reaction to ABA, indicating that gelatin form of the type IV collagen alpha1(IV) chain is produced and retained in the tissue in vivo. A possible significance of the gelatin form is discussed from the finding that the non-helical alpha1(IV) chain purified with EDTA-free buffer contained degraded polypeptides including NC1-size domain and showed an apparent inhibition against activated pro-MMP-9. This is the first report to show that a gelatin form of protein exists in vivo.  相似文献   

Matrix-bound monoclonal antibodies against urokinase have been used to purify this enzyme by affinity chromatography. In a single-step procedure, urokinase can be isolated from crude preparations with high yield and high purity, and without loss of enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

GFP has often been used as a marker of gene expression, protein localization in living and fixed tissues as well as for protein targeting in intact cells and organisms. Monitoring foreign protein expression via GFP fusion is also very appealing for bioprocess applications. Many cells, including bacterial, fungal, plant, insect and mammalian cells, can express recombinant GFP (rGFP) efficiently. Several methods and procedures have been developed to purify the rGFP or recombinant proteins fused with GFP tag. However, most current GFP purification methods are limited by poor yields and low purity. In the current study, we developed an improved purification method, utilizing a FMU-GFP.5 monoclonal antibody (mAb) to GFP together with a mAb-coupled affinity chromatography column. The method resulted in a sample that was highly pure (more than 97% homogeneity) and had a sample yield of about 90%. Moreover, the GFP epitope permitted the isolation of almost all the active recombinant target proteins fused with GFP, directly and easily, from the crude cellular sources. Our data suggests this method is more efficient than any currently available method for purification of GFP protein.  相似文献   

Human type III collagen from placenta was isolated and purified for use as an immunogen. A monoclonal antibody was produced which specifically recognizes epitopes unique to type III collagen. The specificity of the antibody was determined by inhibition ELISA, an immunoblot assay, and by immunoprecipitation. Results indicated that the monoclonal antibody recognized only the alpha 1(III) polypeptide chains and did not crossreact with type I, IV, or V collagen. The monoclonal antibody was also used for immunohistochemical localization of type III collagen in tissue sections of human placenta, bovine spleen, and lymph node. In placenta, both large and small blood vessels showed pronounced staining of the tunica media, which contains largely smooth muscle cells, known to synthesize type III collagen. In contrast, the intimal areas and endothelial cells showed no staining with the antibody. In the placental villi, staining was limited to the villous core, where fine fibrillar structures showed strong staining. In lymph nodes, the capsule and pericapsular adipose cells were surrounded by a covering of type III collagen. Within the parenchyma of the node, staining was localized to a branching, reticular array of fine fibers. In the spleen, staining was pronounced in the capsule, splenic trabeculae, and white pulp, where blood vessel staining was especially prominent. The red pulp and splenic sinuses contain little or no type III collagen. The fine network-like or reticular staining pattern found in the lymph node parenchyma is consistent with the staining pattern of the protein reticulin, and suggests that type III collagen may be closely associated with reticulin in certain tissues. Since the role of type III in tissues is unclear, this reagent will be useful in providing new information in this regard.  相似文献   

单克隆抗体亲和层析法纯化重组溶葡萄球菌酶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溶葡萄球菌酶能够特异性杀灭金黄色葡萄球菌且不易产生耐药性, 有望成为治疗葡萄球菌属细菌引发感染的特效药物。为获得高纯度的重组溶葡萄球菌酶以达到药用标准, 本研究构建了一种以重组溶葡萄球菌酶单克隆抗体为配体的亲和层析纯化方法。纯化后的重组溶葡萄球菌酶纯度大于95%, 得率大于90%, 即使重复使用30多次, 纯化效率不变。且经比色法鉴定纯化后的重组溶葡萄球菌酶仍具有良好的活性。该方法步骤简单, 纯化效果好, 为生产高纯度重组溶葡萄球菌酶奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A 165,000-dalton surface protein of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, designated protein P1, appears to be the major attachment ligand of the pathogen. We employed monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography to obtain purified protein P1.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes two new monoclonal antibodies reactive with human specific type IV collagen epitopes in frozen as well as routinely fixed and processed tissue sections. The antibodies (1042 and 1043) were raised against human placental type IV collagen and were shown by immunoblotting and ELISA tests to react exclusively with type IV collagen determinants. Extensive immunohistochemical survey studies on panels of tissues from various species, using unfixed cryosat sections, demonstrated that antibody 1042 reacted only with human type IV collagen whereas antibody 1043 in addition reacted with rabbit type IV collagen. All tissues showed homogeneous staining of the basement membrane, indicating that the detected epitopes did not show organ-specific distribution.Tissue processing protocols for using these monoclonal antibodies on routinely processed paraffin embedded tissues were developed. It was found that whereas polyclonal antitype IV collagen antisera required pepsin digestion, our monoclonal antibodies required pronase or papain digestion to restore type IV collagen immunoreactivity in paraffin sections.It is concluded that these monoclonal anti-type IV collagen antibodies detect species specific epitopes which can be detected in routinely processed paraffin embedded tissues after appropriate enzyme pretreatment.  相似文献   

Using the monoclonal antibody LICR-LON-Fib75.1 coupled to Sepharose as an affinity chromatography column, a membrane glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 18,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels has been purified from human red blood cells. The purified protein contained 25% carbohydrate by weight, the predominant sugars being galactose, mannose, and glucosamine. Amino acid analysis indicated that the protein was relatively rich in aspartate, glutamate, valine, and leucine and had a low proline and methionine content. The molecule could be removed from intact red blood cells by trypsin and could be labeled with iodine by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed cell surface iodination of red blood cells. The protein could also be labeled using the lipidsoluble photoactivatable reagent 3-(trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-[125I]iodophenyl) diazirine) and partitioned into the lower phase of the phase-separable detergent Triton X-114. During size-exclusion chromatography in different detergents alterations were observed in the apparent molecular weight of the protein. These results suggest that this Fib75.1-binding protein is an external red blood cell membrane glycoprotein which is capable of binding detergent. Proteins with a similar molecular weight have also been isolated from two human tumor cell lines by immunoprecipitation with this monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

Thin viable slices of normal or pathological human tissues were incubated in vitro with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Later, cryostatic sections and histological sections from the same samples embedded in paraffin were examined by an immunohistochemical method using a monoclonal antibody anti-bromodeoxyuridine (anti-BrdU-MAb): on both cryostatic and histological sections, the nuclei of the S-phase cells proved positive. The optimization of the technique depends on the concentration of bromodeoxyuridine in the culture medium (160 microM), the duration of incubation (not less than two h), the method of DNA denaturation (2N or 4N HCl) and the dilution of the anti-BrdU-MAb (1:50). In vitro, immunohistochemical application of the BrdU/anti-BrdU-MAb method permits a quantitative assessment of the proliferative activity of a tissue as well as the direct location of the actively replicating cells in histological sections.  相似文献   

We reported that rabbit anti-idiotypic antibody (Ab2) against mAb, termed 1-5 (Ab1) and reactive with human type II collagen (CII) induced antibody response to CII in DBA/1J mice susceptible to collagen-induced arthritis. In the present study, we further characterized the anti-CII antibody response elicited by Ab2 with respect to epitope specificity, putative genetic background, and IgG subclass. Most of anti-CII antibodies (polyclonal Ab3) derived from Ab2-immunized mice were of the IgG1 subclass. We purified polyclonal Ab3, using a CII-coupled immunoadsorbent column and we developed monoclonal Ab3 from Ab2-immunized mice. Both purified polyclonal Ab3 and two monoclonal Ab3s specifically reacted with a selected epitope on CII, recognized by Ab1. The anti-CII antibody response stimulated by Ab2 was observed in DBA/1J (H-2q, Igh-1c) and DBA/2 (H-2q, Igh-1c) mice, but not in the BALB/c (H-2d, Igh-1a) and C57BL/6 (H-2b, Igh-1b) strains, thereby suggesting that the anti-CII antibody response elicited by Ab2 is controlled by the Igh gene.  相似文献   

This paper describes two new monoclonal antibodies reactive with human specific type IV collagen epitopes in frozen as well as routinely fixed and processed tissue sections. The antibodies (1042 and 1043) were raised against human placental type IV collagen and were shown by immunoblotting and ELISA tests to react exclusively with type IV collagen determinants. Extensive immunohistochemical survey studies on panels of tissues from various species, using unfixed cryostat sections, demonstrated that antibody 1042 reacted only with human type IV collagen whereas antibody 1043 in addition reacted with rabbit type IV collagen. All tissues showed homogeneous staining of the basement membrane, indicating that the detected epitopes did not show organ-specific distribution. Tissue processing protocols for using these monoclonal antibodies on routinely processed paraffin embedded tissues were developed. It was found that whereas polyclonal anti-type IV collage antisera required pepsin digestion, our monoclonal antibodies required pronase or papain digestion to restore type IV collagen immunoreactivity in paraffin sections. It is concluded that these monoclonal anti-type IV collagen antibodies detect species specific epitopes which can be detected in routinely processed paraffin embedded tissues after appropriate enzyme pretreatment.  相似文献   

Our objective was to investigate the Escherichia coli localization (such as supernatant, cytoplasm and inclusion bodies) of an anti-alphaIIb-beta3 (alphaIIbbeta3) scFv fragment referred to as scFv[EBB3] produced in batch fermentation. Immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) purification was performed on supernatant using expanded bed absorbed technology (EBA) and on sonicated cells in native conditions over an immobilized copper-ion affinity column. Inclusion bodies were solubilized before IMAC purification and the refolding procedure was performed on the column. The majority of scFv[EBB3] were present as inclusion bodies (55%), whereas 36% were found in the cytoplasm and only 9% secreted in the supernatant. The scFv activity was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry analyses performed on a thrombus induced in vivo on an atherosclerotic rabbit model.  相似文献   

We developed a mouse monoclonal antibody against neurotensin (NT), termed NT8, for applications in immunohistochemistry and for ELISA analysis of NT. The antibody's paratope was determined by competitive ELISA using several peptide fragments of NT. That paratope requires intact peptide bonds between NT residues proline-7, arginine-8, and arginine-9. The antibody is of the IgG2B sub-isotype, having an IC50 for intact NT of approximately 3 nM when measured by competitive ELISA. Light microscopic immunohistochemical studies in the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and hypothalamus demonstrated staining patterns that agreed well with previous reports. Neuron perikarya were visualized even in the absence of colchicine pre-treatment, indicating that NT8 antibody is very sensitive in immunohistochemical applications. At the EM level, the antibody stained axon terminals, dendrites, and perikarya in the PAG. In lightly immunoreactive perikarya, rough endoplasmic reticula were visualized, suggesting that biosynthetic precursors to NT might be recognized by NT8.  相似文献   

To perform immunohistochemical study of the distribution of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase in human organs, a highly specific antibody against the human enzyme is required. We prepared monoclonal antibody against gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase from human kidney, using the hybridoma technique. The antibody was of the IgG1 type and the light chain belonged to the kappa class. The antibody reacted specifically with the 63 KD heavy subunit of the enzyme. Examination of the specificity of the antibody performed by immunohistochemical staining of human kidney sections revealed that the antigen was localized on the brush border and along the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells of both the convoluted and the straight portions of the proximal tubule. This antibody was also reactive in several human organs other than kidney, including epididymis, prostate, seminal vesicle, pancreas, and normal liver, and in human hepatoma. These findings indicate the existence of an antigenic determinant common to human kidney and other organs. The monoclonal antibody did not crossreact with mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, or pig kidney.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to the purified platelet type I collagen receptor were produced to study platelet receptor function. The antibody specifically reacted with the platelet receptor in immunoblot experiments. The IgG purified from the monoclonal antibodies and isolated Fab' fragments inhibited the binding of radiolabeled alpha 1(I) chain to washed platelets competitively. Soluble and fibrillar type I collagen-induced platelet aggregations were inhibited by purified IgG suggesting that soluble and fibrillar collagens shared a common receptor. The adhesion of platelets to an artificial collagen matrix was also inhibited by the monoclonal antibody. However, adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation was not inhibited by the same amount of IgG that inhibited collagen-induced platelet aggregation. The results suggest that collagen-induced platelet aggregation is mediated through the interaction of collagen with the platelet receptor.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were generated for the isolation of specific antigens from Trichinella spiralis. Two monoclonal antibodies (7G6-2 and 10B6-1) of class IgG2b and IgG1 were selected according to their reactivities in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and western blot. Clone 7G6-2 reacted with an antigen with molecular mass of approximately 60 kDa, and clone 10B6-1 bound to multiple antigens ranging from 49 to 62 kDa on western blot. Antibodies of each clone were purified partially from mouse ascites fluid by ammonium sulfate precipitation and were coupled to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B. Antigens with molecular masses of 49 kDa and 57 kDa (P49/57), 52-62 kDa (P52/62), and 60 kDa (P60) were isolated from larval excretory-secretory products and crude worm extract with column 10B6-1 and column 7G6-2, respectively, in part by changing the pH of elution buffers. These antigens were mostly glycoproteins, strongly immunogenic, and specific to the parasite.  相似文献   

Affinity purification of annexin V from human placenta on column with appropriate monospecific antibodies is developed. The procedure permits purification of the protein to a highly purified state by a two stage procedure. The yield of the protein is about 5 mg per 100 g of wet tissue. Because of high homologies between various annexins, it was supposed that this procedure can be also applied for purification of other annexins from other tissues.  相似文献   

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