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The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been used as a model system to study flagellar assembly, centriole assembly, and cell cycle events. These processes are dynamic. Therefore, protein targeting and protein-protein interactions should be evaluated in vivo. To be able to study dynamic processes in C. reinhardtii in vivo, we have explored the use of the green fluorescent protein (GFP). A construct containing a fusion of centrin and GFP was incorporated into the genome as a single copy. The selected clone shows expression in 25-50% of the cells. Centrin-GFP was targeted in vivo to the nuclear basal body connectors and the distal connecting fibers. At the electron microscopic level, it was also localized to the flagellar transitional regions. EM data of transformants indicate that there are some abnormalities in the centrin-containing structures. The transitional region consists of only the transverse septum or has lesions in the H-piece. The distal connecting fibers are thinner and their characteristic crossbands seem to be incomplete. Deflagellation is not affected since more than 95% of the cells deflagellate. Also basal body segregation is not affected since cells with an abnormal flagellar number were not detected. Functional studies of the centrin-GFP fusion show the characteristic calcium-induced mobility shift in SDS-PAGE. Immunofluorescence revealed that during cell division, centrin-GFP remains associated with the basal bodies. In vivo localization of the fusion protein during cell division shows that in metaphase centrin-GFP appears as two opposing spots located close to the spindle poles. The distance between the spots increases as the cells progress through anaphase and then decreases during telophase. GFP is a useful tool to study dynamic processes in the cytoskeleton of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

Interactions between photosynthesis, mitochondrial respiration (mitorespiration), and chlororespiration have been investigated in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using flash illumination and a bare platinum electrode. Depending on the physiological status of algae, flash illumination was found to induce either a fast (t(1/2) approximately 300 ms) or slow (t(1/2) approximately 3 s) transient inhibition of oxygen uptake. Based on the effects of the mitorespiratory inhibitors myxothiazol and salicyl hydroxamic acid (SHAM), and of propyl gallate, an inhibitor of the chlororespiratory oxidase, we conclude that the fast transient is due to the flash-induced inhibition of chlororespiration and that the slow transient is due to the flash-induced inhibition of mitorespiration. By measuring blue-green fluorescence changes, related to the redox status of the pyridine nucleotide pool, and chlorophyll fluorescence, related to the redox status of plastoquinones (PQs) in C. reinhardtii wild type and in a photosystem I-deficient mutant, we show that interactions between photosynthesis and chlororespiration are favored when PQ and pyridine nucleotide pools are reduced, whereas interactions between photosynthesis and mitorespiration are favored at more oxidized states. We conclude that the plastid oxidase, similar to the mitochondrial alternative oxidase, becomes significantly engaged when the PQ pool becomes highly reduced, and thereby prevents its over-reduction.  相似文献   

Recombinant proteins have become more and more important for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. Although various systems for protein expression have been developed, there is an increasing demand for inexpensive methods of large-scale production. Eukaryotic algae could serve as a novel option for the manufacturing of recombinant proteins, as they can be cultivated in a cheap and easy manner and grown to high cell densities. Being a model organism, the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been studied intensively over the last decades and offers now a complete toolset for genetic manipulation. Recently, the successful expression of several proteins with pharmaceutical relevance has been reported from the nuclear and the chloroplastic genome of this alga, demonstrating its ability for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

A variety of carotenoids have been incorporated in vivo intoa carotenoid mutant of the unicellular alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.The mutant can synthesize retinal from exogenous carotenoids.In this way the first step in biosynthesis of retinoids, namelyhow ß-carotene is converted into retinal, has beenstudied. Since retinal forms with opsin the photoreceptor forphototaxis in Chlamydomonas, the action-spectral peaks of thephototaxis restored by carotenoid incorporation were used topredict the products formed by the enzyme that cleaves thesecarotenoids. The data suggest that the physiologically relevantcleavage of ß-carotene into retinal is central ratherthan excentric. When apocarotenoids are substrates, the enzymetargets the double bond located a constant distance away fromthe carbonyl group on the acyclic end and, consequently, retinalis not produced. Interestingly, dehydro-analogues containinga triple bond are preferentially cleaved and oxidized at thetriple bond relative to the corresponding analogue with onlydouble bonds. Key words: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorophyceae, retinoid biosynthesis, carotenoid cleavage, action spectrum  相似文献   

A proteomic approach including two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF analysis has been developed to identify the soluble proteins of the unicellular photosynthetic algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We first described the partial 2D-picture of soluble proteome obtained from whole cells grown on acetate. Then we studied the effects of the exposure of these cells to 150 μM cadmium (Cd). The most drastic effect was the decrease in abundance of both large and small subunits of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, in correlation with several other enzymes involved in photosynthesis, Calvin cycle and chlorophyll biosynthesis. Other down-regulated processes were fatty acid biosynthesis, aminoacid and protein biosynthesis. On the other hand, proteins involved in glutathione synthesis, ATP metabolism, response to oxidative stress and protein folding were up-regulated in the presence of cadmium. In addition, we observed that most of the cadmium-sensitive proteins were also regulated via two major cellular thiol redox systems, thioredoxin and glutaredoxin.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - We report the application of NMR dynamic spectral editing for probing the structure and dynamics of molecular constituents in fresh, intact cells and in freshly prepared...  相似文献   

Chemoresponses of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii have been found to respond to chemicals in two ways: chemokinesis and chemotaxis. Several amino acids, fatty acids, and inorganic salts can stimulate these responses.  相似文献   

Moore TS  Du Z  Chen Z 《Plant physiology》2001,125(1):423-429
Diacylglyceryltrimethylhomo-Ser (DGTS) is an abundant lipid in the membranes of many algae, lower plants, and fungi. It commonly has an inverse concentration relationship with phosphatidylcholine, thus seemingly capable of replacing this phospholipid in these organisms. In some places this replacement is complete; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is such an organism, and was used for these investigations. We have assayed headgroup incorporation to form DGTS in vitro. The precursor for both the homo-Ser moiety and the methyl groups was found to be S-adenosyl-L-Met. DGTS formation was associated with microsomal fractions and is not in plastids. By analogy with phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis in higher plants, the microsomal activity probably is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. The pH optimum for the total reaction was between 7.5 and 8.0, and the best temperature was 30 degrees C. The apparent K(m) and V(max) for S-adenosyl-L-Met in the overall reaction were 74 and 250 microM, respectively.  相似文献   

Non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) of the light energy absorbed is one of the main photoprotective mechanisms evolved by oxygenic photosynthetic organisms to avoid photodamage, at a cost of reduced photosynthetic efficiency. Tuning of NPQ has been reported as a promising biotechnological strategy to increase productivity in both higher plants and unicellular microalgae. Engineering of NPQ induction requires the comprehension of its molecular mechanism(s), strongly debated in the last three decades with several different models proposed. In this work, the molecular details of NPQ induction was investigated at intramolecular level by in vitro and in vitro site‐specific mutagenesis on chlorophyll binding sites of the Light‐Harvesting Complex Stress‐Related 3 (LHCSR3) protein, the pigment binding complexes identified as the quencher during NPQ induction in the model organism for green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The results obtained demonstrate a correlation between the quenching activity of LHCSR3 variants in vitro and the NPQ phenotypes observed in vivo. In particular, multiple quenching sites in LHCSR3 cooperatively dissipating the excitation energy were revealed with a peculiar role of Chl 613, a chromophore located a close distance to carotenoid binding site L1.  相似文献   

In Chlorophycean algal cells, these organelles are generally called microbodies because they lack the enzymes found in the peroxisomes of higher plants. Microbodies in some algae contain fewer enzymes than the peroxisomes of higher plants, and some unicellular green algae in Chlorophyceae such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii do not possess catalase, an enzyme commonly found in peroxisomes. Thus, whether microbodies in Chlorophycean algae are similar to the peroxisomes of higher plants, and whether they use a similar transport mechanism for the peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS), remain unclear. To determine whether the PTS is present in the microbodies of Chlorophycean algae, and to visualize the microbodies in Chlamydomonas cells, we examined the sub-cellular localization of green fluorescent proteins (GFP) fused to several PTS-like sequences. We detected GFP compartments that were spherical with a diameter of 0.3-1.0?μm in transgenic Chlamydomonas. Comparative analysis of the character of GFP-compartments observed by fluorescence microscopy and that of microbodies by electron microscopy indicated that the compartments were one and the same. The result also showed that the microbodies in Chlorophycean cells have a similar transport mechanism to that of peroxisomes of higher plants.  相似文献   

The fatty acids of cardiolipin from the phototrophic green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 137+ have been quantitatively analysed. Comparison is made at the molecular level between the cardiolipin of Chlamydomonas and that of higher plant tissue.  相似文献   

Short-Flagella Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Kuchka MR  Jarvik JW 《Genetics》1987,115(4):685-691
Six short-flagella mutants were isolated by screening clones of mutagenized Chlamydomonas for slow swimmers. The six mutants identify three unlinked Mendelian genes, with three mutations in gene shf-1, two in shf-2 and one in shf-3. shf-1 and shf-2 have been mapped to chromosomes VI and I, respectively. Two of the shf-1 mutations have temperature-sensitive flagellar-assembly phenotypes, and one shf-2 mutant has a cold-sensitive phenotype. shf shf double mutants were constructed; depending on the alleles present they showed either flagellaless or short-flagella phenotypes. Phenotypic revertants of shf-1 and shf-2 mutants were isolated, and certain of them were found to carry extragenic suppressors, some dominant and some recessive. We suspect that the shf mutations affect components of a specific flagellar size-control system, the existence of which has been suggested by a variety of physiological experiments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Alcian blue acts as a secretagogue and chemorepellent in a variety of unicellular eukaryotes. We report that alcian blue stimulates flagellar excision and induction of RNA encoding flagellar proteins in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii . Flagellar excision by alcian blue is dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and is blocked by La3+, ruthenium red, and neomycin, and so is similar to flagellar excision by acid shock. However, the adf-l mutant excises its flagella following alcian blue treatment, but not following acid shock, thus genetically distinguishing alcian-blue-induced excision from acid-shock-induced excision. Wild-type, but not adf-1, cells regrow their flagella in the continued presence of alcian blue. Wild-type cells that regrow flagella in the presence of alcian blue fail to excise their flagella in response to either increased concentrations of alcian blue or to acid shock. Alcian blue treatment of cells also induces RNA encoding flagellar components, but in a manner distinct from other means of stimulation. These results suggest that treating Chlamydomonas with the secretagogue alcian blue initiates a Ca2+ influx pathway and that prolonged treatment with alcian blue desensitizes the acid-shock-activated Ca2+ influx pathway to acid treatment. Alcian blue will thus be a useful excitatory ligand in future studies of receptor-mediated Ca2+ signaling in the Chlamydomonas flagellar regeneration system.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a single-celled green alga that phototaxes toward light by means of a light-sensitive organelle, the eyespot. The eyespot is composed of photoreceptor and Ca(++)-channel signal transduction components in the plasma membrane of the cell and reflective carotenoid pigment layers in an underlying region of the large chloroplast. To identify components important for the positioning and assembly of a functional eyespot, a large collection of nonphototactic mutants was screened for those with aberrant pigment spots. Four loci were identified. eye2 and eye3 mutants have no pigmented eyespots. min1 mutants have smaller than wild-type eyespots. mlt1(ptx4) mutants have multiple eyespots. The MIN1, MLT1(PTX4), and EYE2 loci are closely linked to each other; EYE3 is unlinked to the other three loci. The eye2 and eye3 mutants are epistatic to min1 and mlt1 mutations; all double mutants are eyeless. min1 mlt1 double mutants have a synthetic phenotype; they are eyeless or have very small, misplaced eyespots. Ultrastructural studies revealed that the min1 mutants are defective in the physical connection between the plasma membrane and the chloroplast envelope membranes in the region of the pigment granules. Characterization of these four loci will provide a beginning for the understanding of eyespot assembly and localization in the cell.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that were found to fuse and divide in many different cell types. Mitochondrial fusion plays important roles in maintenance of respiratory capacity, dissipation of metabolic energy, and inheritance of mitochondrial DNA. While the molecular machinery of mitochondrial fusion has been characterized in great detail in yeast and mammals, only little is known about mitochondrial fusion in higher plants and algae. We asked whether mitochondrial fusion can be observed in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Mitochondria were stained with fluorescent dyes in gametes, and mixing of fluorescent markers was detected by fluorescence microscopy in zygotes indicating fusion. Mitochondrial fusion was observed in wild type zygotes, and also in respiratory mutants, albeit with less efficiency. We conclude that mitochondria readily fuse in green algae.  相似文献   

Acetamide, a nitrogen and carbon source for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, is hydrolyzed by acetamidase to ammonium and acetate. It also induces urea pathway activities. Fluoroacetamide (F-acetamide) is toxic to wild-type through conversion to F-citrate, a respiratory inhibitor. Resistant mutants were selected on plates of F-acetamide plus urea. When tested on acetamide plates two mutant classes were obtained, acm+ (utilized acetamide as sole N source) and acm-. All acm+ isolates had acetamidase activity and were obligate phototrophs (i.e. dark-diers). Acm- isolates had either normal urea assimilation (ure+) or lacked all urea pathway activities, namely transport, urea carboxylase and allophanate hydrolase (ure-). Inheritance patterns for both types indicated single nuclear gene mutations. The acm- ure+ type presumably resulted from a defective acetamidase gene, and the acm- ure- strains might be regulatory gene mutants. Temperature conditional F-acetamide tolerant mutants were also obtained. Acetamidase extracted from one such strain was more thermolabile than the wild-type enzyme, indicating a mutation in the coding region. The hypothesis that acetamidase is involved in urea assimilation was not supported by the genetic and biochemical evidence.Abbreviations F-acetamide fluoroacetamide - F-acetate fluoroacetate - TAP tris-acetate-phosphate medium - CDB Chlamydomonas dilution buffer - TCA trichloroacetic acid - AH allophanate hydrolase - UC urea carboxylase - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  相似文献   

Intracellular Carbon Partitioning in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Klein U 《Plant physiology》1987,85(4):892-897
Using enzymic and isotope techniques the intracellular partitioning of newly fixed carbon was studied in synchronized cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Starch and growth metabolism, i.e. the use of carbon in biosynthesis, were found to be the major sinks for photosynthetically fixed carbon in the alga. Sucrose does not accumulate in significant quantities. The amount of carbon partitioned either into starch or growth varies during the 12 hour light/12 hour dark cell cycle. Starch is accumulated at the beginning and at the end of the light period while a net breakdown is observed in the middle of the light period and in the dark. In contrast, nonsynchronized cells accumulate starch all the time in the light which suggests that carbon partitioning is controlled by the cell cycle. Labeled bicarbonate is incorporated into starch even at times when the total intracellular level of starch is decreasing. This indicates a turnover of the starch pool in the light with synthesis and degradation occurring simultaneously and at different rates.  相似文献   

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