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Pelodiaetodes n.gen. (type-species P. prominens n.sp.) and Hygranillus n.gen. (type-species H. kuscheli n.sp.) are described, and the following new synonymies are established: Nesamblyops oreobius (Broun, 1893) = N. coriaceus (Broun, 1908); Zeanillus pallidus (Broun, 1884) = Z. marginatus (Broun, 1914). Nine species of New Zealand Anillini are now recognised; they are distributed between five genera.  相似文献   


The cosmopolitan genus Bembidion is represented in New Zealand by 20 species, of which 19 are endemic; B. brullei appears to be a recent introduction. On phenetic characters the species fall into 7 subgenera, as follows: Zeplataphus n.subg.—maorinum Bates, dehiscens Broun, charile Bates, granuliferum n.sp., townsendi n.sp., tairuense Bates; Zeactedium Netolitzky—orbiferum Bates, musae Broun; Zeperyphodes n.subg.—callipeplum Bates; Zeperyphus n.subg.—actuarium Broun; Zemetal‐lina n.subg.—chalceipes Bates, solitarium n.sp., anchonoderum Bates, tekapoense Broun, wanakense n.sp., urewerense n.sp., hokitikense Bates, parviceps Bates; Ananotaphus Netolitzky—rotundicolle Bates; Notaphus Stephens—brullei Gemminger & Harold. The North Island population of maorinum is distinct from the typical South Island form in having reduced microscrulpture on the elytra, and is here separated as levatum n.ssp. An apparent geographic isolate of anchonoderum, represented by 2 females from Stewart Island, is provisionally recognised as stewartense n.ssp. The polymorphic complex within subg. Ananotaphus is here regarded as a single species, of which the North Island population is sufficiently distinct to warrant subspecific status as eustictum Bates; however, intergrades occur in the north‐west of the South Island. The following names fall into synonymy: latiusculum Broun (= maorinum); diaphanum Broun (= musae); nesophilum Broun (= callipeplum)’, tinctellum Broun (= chalceipes);antipodum Broun (= anchonoderum)’, tantillum Broun and probably attenuatum Broun (=hokitikense)’, clevedonense Broun and waikatoense Broun (= rotundicolle, ssp. eustictum)’, gameani Jeannel (= brullei). The relationships and aspects of the biology and ecology of the New Zealand Bembidion fauna are discussed.  相似文献   


Pselaphotumulus Owens and Carlton, gen. nov., is described as the sixth genus in the tribe Pselaphini known from New Zealand. Three new species are described: Pselaphotumulus aorerei, sp. nov., Pselaphotumulus dubius, sp. nov. and Pselaphotumulus unus, sp. nov.. Three species, Pselaphus cavelli (Broun 1893), Pselaphus oviceps (Broun 1917) and Pselaphus urquharti (Broun 1917) are transferred to Pselaphotumulus, nov. combs. Lectotypes from type series in the New Zealand Broun Collection (Natural History Museum, London) are designated for these three species. Habitus photographs, distributional maps and line drawings of diagnostic characters are provided for each species. A key to species is provided. Searches of museum collections have not yielded representatives outside of New Zealand, suggesting that this is the first endemic genus in the tribe Pselaphini described from the New Zealand’s main islands, specifically, the South Island. Pselaphotumulus species exhibit restricted distribution patterns that approximately coincide with the Pacific/Indo Australian Plate boundary.  相似文献   

We report 19 new species records for the faunal list of Coleoptera in New Brunswick, Canada, six of which are new records for the Maritime provinces, and one of which is new Canadian record. We also provide the first recent records for five additional species in New Brunswick. One new species of Stenotrachelidae, Cephaloon ungulare LeConte, is added to the New Brunswick faunal list. Additional records are provided for Cephaloon lepturides Newman, as well the first recent record of Nematoplus collaris LeConte. Two species of Oedemeridae, Asclera puncticollis (Say) and Asclera ruficollis (Say), are newly reported for New Brunswick, and additional locality and bionomic data are provided for Calopus angustus LeConte and Ditylus caeruleus (Randall). The records of Ditylus caerulus are the first recent records for the province. Three species of Meloidae, Epicauta pestifera Werner, Lytta sayi LeConte, and Meloe augustcollis Say are reported the first time for New Brunswick; Epicauta pestifera is newly recorded in Canada. Lacconotus punctatus LeConte and the family Mycteridaeis newly recorded for New Brunswick. The first recent records of Borus unicolor Say (Boridae) are reported from the province. One new species of Pythidae, Pytho siedlitzi Blair, and the first recent records of Pytho niger Kirby are added to the faunal list of New Brunswick. Three species of Pyrochroidae are newly reported for the province, including Pedilus canaliculatus (LeConte) and Pedilus elegans (Hentz), which are new for the Maritime provinces. Five species of Anthicidae and the first recent record of Anthicus cervinus LaFerté-Sénectére are newly reported for New Brunswick. Anthicus melancholicus LaFerté-Sénectère, Sapintus pubescens (LaFerté-Sénectère), Notoxus bifasciatus (LeConte), and Stereopalpus rufipes Casey are new to the Maritime provinces faunal list. Ambyderus granularis (LeConte) is removed from the faunal list of the province. Three species of Aderidae, Vanonus huronicus Casey, Zonantes fasciatus (Melsheimer), and Zonantes pallidusWerner, are newly recorded for New Brunswick; Zonantes fasciatus and Vanonus huronicus are new for the Maritime provinces' faunal list. Collection data, bionomic data, and distribution maps are presented for all these species.  相似文献   

C-banding patterns of 32 beetle species from the families Elateridae, Cantharidae, Oedemeridae, Cerambycidae, Anthicidae, Chrysomelidae, Attelabidae and Curculionidae were studied using the C-banding technique. Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes were previously described for 14 species. From among 18 species that had never been cytogenetically studied, we determined the diploid and haploid chromosome numbers and the sex determination system for 12 beetles. The karyotype for 6 species is not described because of a lack of mitotic and meiotic metaphases. Results confirm that most of the beetle species possess a small amount of heterochromatin and C-positive segments are weakly visible in pachytene stages and weakly or imperceptible in mitotic and meiotic metaphases. In some species with a large amount of heterochromatin, C-bands were observed in the centromeric region in all autosomes and the X chromosome. The Y chromosome does not show C-bands with the exception of Oedemera viridis in which it possesses a small band of heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Keys are provided to families of Hyadesioidea, to genera of Hyadesiidae, and to all species of this family known from the New Zealand subregion. A new species of Amhyadesia , two new species of Hyadesia sensu stricto , and four new species of a newly defined subgenus of Hyadesia (Parahyadesia) are described.  相似文献   

The genus Syrphetodes Broun is revised to include a total of 13 species. Most of the species are restricted in their distributions, are rarely collected and have been attributed conservation status in New Zealand. Eleven species are described as new: three from Northland (S. relictus sp.n ., Te Paki; S. insularis sp.n. , Three Kings Islands; S. magnus sp.n. , Hokianga), one from the central North Island (S. obtusus sp.n. ), one from Central Otago (S. nunni sp.n. , Waikaia Bush), and seven from the southern Alps (S. cirrhopogon sp.n. , Aspiring National Park; S. occiduus sp.n. , Westland; S. melanopogon sp.n. , Mt Dewar, Paparoa Range; S. defectus sp.n. , northern Paparoa Range; S. marrisi sp.n. , Mt Domett, Northwest Nelson; S. carinatus sp.n. , Victoria Range). Eleven synonymies are proposed: S. crenatus Broun (= S. dorsalis Broun, syn.n .), S. marginatus Pascoe (= S. bullatus Sharp, syn.n. ; S. sylvius Broun, syn.n. ; S. cordipennis Broun, syn.n. ; S. punctatus Broun, syn.n. ; S. simplex Broun, syn.n. ; S. nodosalis Broun, syn.n. ; S. truncatus Broun, syn.n. ; S. variegatus Broun, syn.n. ; S. pensus Broun, syn.n. ; S. thoracicus Broun, syn.n. ). The phylogenetic relationships among the species were reconstructed using morphological (25 adult characters) and DNA sequence (nuclear 28S rDNA and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) data. A morphological analysis rooted with Trachyderastes resulted in a split between lowland and high‐altitude species and a well‐supported group from Northland. Molecular trees rooted with representatives of Trachyderastes Kaszab (New Caledonia), Meryx Latrielle (Australia), Ulodes Erichson (Australia) and three New Zealand genera (Arthopus Sharp, Brouniphylax Strand, Exohadrus Broun) resulted in the following tree: ((Ulodes, Brouniphylax) (Exohadrus, Arthopus)) (Syrphetodes (Meryx, Trachyderastes)). Species relationships within Syrphetodes included a strongly supported northern North Island clade and an alpine clade either as sister taxon to S. crenatus and S. marginatus or sister remaining lowland lineages. Combined phylogenetic analyses also showed paritial congruence with separate partitions. The distributions of the lowland species, in particular those from the North Island, correspond to islands that existed in the Pliocene. The alpine, black‐coloured lineage, found above the treeline, is monophyletic based on several characters (e.g. lack of abdominal flanges and reduced scalation) and, in some reconstructions, the tan‐coloured S. cirrhopogon is sister taxon to the remaining black‐coloured species. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:697E68E8‐EE90‐46C1‐A009‐78A794E0EF4F .  相似文献   

Cantharidin is produced by beetles of only two families, the Meloidae and the Oedemeridae. This substance is a defensive terpenoid that is toxic to the enemies of the beetles. Cantharidin also attracts other groups of insects and has been used as a bait to trap them. Cantharidin‐baited traps deployed in central Japan captured coleopterans (Anthicidae, Endomychidae, Pyrochroidae, and Scarabaeidae), dipterans (Ceratopogonidae), hymenopterans (Formicidae), and harvestmen (Podoctidae). The seasonal occurrences of these arthropods, their sex ratios, known feeding choices, and mating habits suggest three possible underlying reasons for the attractancy of cantharidin: (i) it is accumulated as a defense against enemies and sometimes for transfer from males to females as a nuptial gift; (ii) it is used as a chemical cue in food searching; and (iii) it is used as an aggregation pheromone by mature arthropod individuals. The group of canthariphilous arthropods we describe represents a cryptic ecological assemblage with rare chemical networking among apparently unrelated species.  相似文献   

Drakensbergianella rudebecki, a new genus and new species of flea beetle (Chrysomelidae, Alticinae) found at high elevations from Southern Africa (Drakensberg mountains) is described. This new genus is closely related to the genus Gabonia Jacoby, 1893 but is easily distinguishable mainly by: the metasternum shorter than the length of the middle coxal cavities; the legs with femora and tibiae clearly elongate, especially the hind ones; the antennae generally longer than body in both sexes, especially in males; the metafemoral spring with inner side of the ventral lobe not angled; the metathoracic wings strongly reduced. Line drawings of male and female genitalia, metafemoral springs, and scanning electronic micrographs of particular morphological aspects of the taxa considered are provided. Finally, a brief discussion about Gabonia and related genera in the Afrotropical region with a key for the identification, is also reported. Moreover, the following new combination is proposed: Longitarsus ruandensis Weise, 1910 = Montiaphthona ruandensis Weise, 1910 n. comb.  相似文献   

Abstract. The pupal stage of ten Coelometopini species occurring in Australia, New Guinea, Southeast Asia and the Pacific region are described and a key for their identification is provided. The species are Chrysopeplus expolitus Broun, Derosphaerus hirtipes Kaszab, Hypaulax crenata (Boisduval), Leprocaulus borneensis Kaszab, Metisopus purpureipennis Bates, Promethis carteri Kaszab, P. nigra (Blessig), P. quadraticollis (Gebien), P. quadricollis Pascoe and P. sulcigera (Boisduval). The gin trap structures of D. hirtipes and P. quadraticollis are described in detail using scanning electron micrographs. A summary of antipredator structures of all known Coelometopini pupae is given. The phylogenetic value of pupal characters is assessed at intra‐ and intergeneric levels within the tribe.  相似文献   

The types of the parasitic wasps described in the families Proctotrupidae, Diapriidae, and Scelionidae (Hymenoptera) from the Upper Eocene Florissant locality (Colorado, United States) are revised. All the specimens are shown to belong to the family Proctotrupidae, representing the genera Oxyserphus, Mischoserphus, Nothoserphus, and Palaeoteleia. The known species are redescribed and two new species, Mischoserphus bruesi sp. nov. and Nothoserphus rasnitsyni sp. nov., are described. A new combination, Oxyserphus exhumatus (Brues, 1910), comb. nov., and a new synonymy, Paramesius defectus Brues, 1910, syn. nov. = Oxyserphus exhumatus (Brues, 1910), are established.  相似文献   

Aim Biogeographers have long been intrigued by New Zealand’s biota due to its unique combination of typical ‘continental’ and ‘island’ characteristics. The New Zealand plateau rifted from the former supercontinent Gondwana c. 80 Ma, and has been isolated from other land masses ever since. Therefore, the flora and fauna of New Zealand include lineages that are Gondwanan in origin, but also include a very large number of endemics. In this study, we analyse the evolutionary relationships of three genera of mite harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi) endemic to New Zealand, both to each other and to their temperate Gondwanan relatives found in Australia, Chile, Sri Lanka and South Africa. Location New Zealand (North Island, South Island and Stewart Island). Methods A total of 94 specimens of the family Pettalidae in the suborder Cyphophthalmi were studied, representing 31 species and subspecies belonging to three endemic genera from New Zealand (Aoraki, Neopurcellia and Rakaia) plus six other members of the family from Chile, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Australia. The phylogeny of these taxa was constructed using morphological and molecular data from five nuclear and mitochondrial genes (18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and histone H3, totalling c. 5 kb), which were analysed using dynamic as well as static homology under a variety of optimality criteria. Results The results showed that each of the three New Zealand cyphophthalmid genera is monophyletic, and occupies a distinct geographical region within the archipelago, grossly corresponding to palaeogeographical regions. All three genera of New Zealand mite harvestmen fall within the family Pettalidae with a classic temperate Gondwanan distribution, but they do not render any other genera paraphyletic. Main conclusions Our study shows that New Zealand’s three genera of mite harvestmen are unequivocally related to other members of the temperate Gondwanan family Pettalidae. Monophyly of each genus contradicts the idea of recent dispersal to New Zealand. Within New Zealand, striking biogeographical patterns are apparent in this group of short‐range endemics, particularly in the South Island. These patterns are interpreted in the light of New Zealand’s turbulent geological history and present‐day patterns of forest cover.  相似文献   

Hughes M  Weir A  Gillen B  Rossi W 《Mycologia》2004,96(4):834-844
Seven new records and three new species of Stigmatomyces (S. australis, S. baeopteri and S. clasiopellae), a genus of Laboulbeniales associated only with Diptera, are described from New Zealand and New Caledonia. Two new host families for Laboulbeniales are recorded, and a dichotomous key to Stigmatomyces species in New Zealand and New Caledonia is presented.  相似文献   


Three new genera—Austroclima, Mauiulus, and Cryophlebia—are established for species of Leptophlebiidae from New Zealand. The following new combinations are included: Austroclima sepia (Phillips) and Cryophlebia aucklandensis (Peters). Atalophlebioides sepia is redescribed as Austroclima sepia and a neotype is designated. Two new species, Austroclima jollyae and Mauiulus luma, are described. All life stages are described, and the relationships of each genus are discussed. Keys are given to male and female imagos, subimagos, and nymphs of each species, and to all New Zealand genera with species previously placed in Atalophlebioides.  相似文献   

Members of Leperina Erichson (Trogossitidae: Gymnochilini) from New Zealand, New Caledonia and Lord Howe Island are morphologically similar to members of the endemic Juan Fernandez Island genus Phanodesta Reitter, sharing at least one obvious character, elytral carinae that are beaded and contain well‐defined punctures. To test the monophyly of Leperina and Phanodesta, we reconstructed phylogenetic relationships of the genera of the tribe Gymnochilini by a cladistic analysis of 22 terminals and 47 adult characters rooted with one genus of trogossitine. Leperina is rendered paraphyletic by the placements of Seidlitzella Jakobson and Phanodesta. Kolibacia n.gen. (type species Leperina tibialis Reitter) is described for east Palaearctic species included formerly in Leperina (two new combinations); New Zealand Leperina and other species from New Caledonia and Lord Howe Island (Ostoma pudicum Olliff) are transferred to Phanodesta (six new combinations); and the remaining species are retained in Leperina. The following species are described as new: Phanodesta carinata n.sp., P. manawatawhi n.sp., P. oculata n.sp. and P. tepaki n.sp. Leperina ambiguum Broun is transferred to Grynoma Sharp resulting in a new combination and three new synonymies for New Zealand trogossitines: Leperina interrupta Brookes n.syn. and Leperina sobrina (White) n.syn. [= Phanodesta farinosa (Sharp)], and Trogosita affinis White n.syn. (= Tenebroides mauritanicus Linnaeus). A key to the New Zealand species and a checklist for the species of the Kolibacia, Leperina and Phanodesta are provided. The derived placement of Juan Fernandez Phanodesta in the phylogeny is evidence for long‐distance dispersal from Australasia. A tally of all Juan Fernandez Islands Coleoptera shows derivation mostly from Chile and South America, with few from the southern Pacific region, rarely from Australasia.  相似文献   

Calder  Dale R. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,530(1-3):13-25
Charles Cleveland Nutting (1858–1927) began his academic career at the University of Iowa, and at the Natural History Museum of the university, in 1886. A naturalist with a bent for ornithology, he became interested in cnidarians, and especially hydroids and alcyonarians, as an outcome of expeditions to the Bahamas in 1888 and 1893. Most noteworthy among his works on Cnidaria were three classic volumes on American hydroids, dealing respectively with Plumulariidae (1900), Sertulariidae (1904), and Campanulariidae and Bonneviellidae (1915). Other papers dealt with hydroids from Britain, Alaska and Puget Sound, Woods Hole and vicinity, Hawaii, and the Philippine region. He founded two new families, seven new genera, and 175 new species of Hydrozoa, ranking him among the top three authors of species names in the group. Nutting also described 206 new nominal species of Alcyonaria. Important among his works on alcyonarians were monographs on Indonesian material from the Siboga expedition, and on ’Albatross’ collections from Hawaii, Japan, and elsewhere in the northwest Pacific. While birds and later hydroids were Nutting’s primary research interests, much of his 41-year professional career was devoted to academic duties at the University of Iowa and to advancement of its Natural History Museum. As museum Director, he significantly expanded the collections, organized exhibits and public programs, and petitioned for satisfactory facilities and funding. Under his leadership, in whole or in part, expeditions to collect specimens for research, teaching, and exhibition were carried out to the Bay of Fundy (1890), Manitoba (1891), the Bahamas and vicinity (1893), Barbados and Antigua (1918), and Fiji and New Zealand (1922). In tribute to Nutting and his contributions to biology, one genus and more than 30 species are named in his honor.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the genera Hedypsilus Simon, 1893 and Modisimus Simon, 1893 are subjective synonyms. Precedence is given to Modisimus over Hedypsilus. The type species of both genera (M. glaucus Simon, 1893 and H. culicinus Simon, 1893) are redescribed. Hedypsilus lawrencei Lessert, 1938 is synonymized with Hedypsilus culicinus Simon, 1893. It appears to be a pantropical, synanthropic species. Preliminary notes on its natural history are presented. Two closely related new species are described, Modisimus simoni sp. n. (Venezuela) and Modisimus david sp. n. (Central America). Modisimus globosus Schmidt, 1956 (Colombia?) is redescribed and illustrated for the first time. Notes on the usefulness of the curvature of eye rows and of leg formulae for the systematics of pholcids are given.  相似文献   

Cover Caption     
《Insect Science》2015,22(6):ii-ii
To answer the question of whether phylogenetic relatedness can act as a proxy for insect response to Bacillus thuringiensis, the susceptibility of eleven colonies of lepidoptera representing different families, genera, species and colonies was compared. While species within genera had similar responses, genera within families did not. Two laboratory colonies of one species differed, suggesting a colony divergence. We conclude that caution is needed in using surrogate species to assess Bacillus thuringiensis effects on non‐target insects. (see pages 803‐812). Imaged by E. P. J. Burgess, Plant & Food Research, New Zealand  相似文献   

Cantharidin is a defense chemical produced by only two beetle families, Meloidae and Oedemeridae. This compound also functions as an attractant for certain groups of arthropods (canthariphilous arthropods). Cantharidin‐producing beetles and canthariphilous arthropods build a cantharidin‐mediated community, called cantharidin world. In this study, to clarify the canthariphilous arthropod community formed on small islands, the arthropods were collected by cantharidin‐baited traps and compared among the mainland, peninsula and 11 small islands of the Izu–Ogasawara Arc, Japan. Control traps without cantharidin were also used to collect non‐canthariphilous arthropods. Cantharidin‐producing beetles were distributed across the study area, but the number of species was reduced on islands. We identified 10 species of five families as canthariphilous arthropods in this study area: two species of Anthicidae and Pyrochroidae (Coleoptera), four species of Ceratopogonidae (Diptera), three species of Formicidae (Hymenoptera) and one species of Podoctidae (Opiliones). The number of canthariphilous species was not correlated with island size (area) but was negatively correlated with the distance of island from the mainland. These tendencies were also seen in non‐canthariphilous fauna. The canthariphilous arthropods increased with the number of cantharidin‐producing beetle species, but the non‐canthariphilous fauna did not. Thus, the cantharidin world on islands seems to be affected not only by the geographic characteristics of islands, particularly the degree of isolation from the mainland, but also by the diversity of cantharidin‐producing members within it.  相似文献   

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